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Computer is one of the most brilliant inventions of mankind. It performs tasks or calculations according
to a set of instructions given to it. Computers were originally used by scientists for calculating numbers,
and have gradually become useful in offices and industries. In recent times, simplified and more
intelligent models of this machine are used by almost everybody. In this age of information technology
computers have become common in offices, business, educational institutions, trade, home etc. for
accomplishing many varied tasks and applications.

Features / Functions of Computer

It is an intelligent electronic device.

It responds to a specific set of instructions in well defined manner.

It executes a prerecorded list of instructions (programs).

It efficiently stores, process and retrieve massive amount of data.

It is a useful mean to a vast range of organized information.

It is a main facilitator and driving force of the globalization process.

It is an integral part of information and technology.

It proves to be an ideal assistant to humans in fields of research and science.

Computer Uses in General

Computers are now commonly put to: writing letters, and reports, printing books, newspapers, and
magazines, drawing charts and diagrams, doing statistics, mathematics and handling financial records,
controlling traffic lights, flying aeroplanes, making and playing music and video, sending messages
anywhere in the world.

Properties of Computer

Computers process data at a very high speed. It is much faster than human beings. It performs millions
of calculations in a second. The speed at which the processor of the computer executes instructions is
called clock speed. Processor Speed is measured in Mega Hertz or Giga Hertz.

Computer can store a large amount of data and information permanently. Hard drive is the main storing
device in the computer system. This stored data and information can be retrieved back and used at any
time by the user.


It produces results more accurately and quickly meaning, it provides results without any error in less
period of time. The results can be wrong only if the data given to the computer is not correct.


Computer works in a consistent way. It is consistent in deducting results for multiple tasks with equal
efficiency and effectiveness. It does not lose concentration due to heavy work.


Computer is a versatile machine it can perform different types of tasks. That is why it is being used in
every field of life. A computer user can play games, watch movies, process data, write document,
prepare presentations, using the internet and communicate with people using a computer.


Computer is a machine hence does not display human traits of tiredness, fatigue and boredom. Hence,
can be an effective assistant to humans. It can work tirelessly for hours without breaks.


Most computers today have an ability to communicate with other computers. These computers can
share data, instructions and information. It is also used by people to communicate with other people in
the world using network like internet.

Control Sequence

A computer works strictly according to the given instructions. It follows the order of a sequence in
executing commands that has been given to it in specific programs (software).

Retrieve Data

A computer can recall or retrieve back the stored data or information as and when required. The data
stored in the computer can be used at a later time. The computer can retrieve data in fraction of
Basic Components of Computer System
 Hardware
 Software

Hardware is the actual physical components that make up a computer system. Examples are: monitor,
keyboard, RAM, ROM, motherboard, modem, wireless chip etc. Software on the other hand is any
program that you load onto a computer or set of instructions for a computer to perform particular task.
Examples are: operating system (Windows, Linux), games, and other application software. They both
have symbiotic relationship. Meaning without software hardware is limited and without hardware
software won’t be able to run. They both need each other to fulfill their potential.

Some common differences between software and hardware are as follows:

Subject Hardware Software

Collection of instructions that

Hardware is a comprehensive term enables a user to interact with
for all of the physical parts of a the computer. The program
computer, as distinguished from that enables a computer to
the data it contains or operates on, perform a specific task, as
and the software that provides opposed to the physical
instructions for the hardware to components of the system
Definition: accomplish tasks. (hardware) is called Software.

Operating system, Adobe

CD-ROM, monitor, printer, Acrobat, Internet Explorer ,
graphics cards, scanners, Microsoft Word, Microsoft
Examples: projectors, routers, and modems. Excel

System software,
Input, storage, processing, control, Programming software, and
Types: and output devices. Application software.

To deliver its set of

Inter Hardware starts performing once instructions, Software is
dependency: software is loaded. installed on hardware.
Hardware serves as the delivery
system for software solutions. The
hardware of a computer is To perform the particular task
infrequently changed, in you need to complete.
comparison with software and Software is usually not needed
data, which are “soft” in the sense to for the hardware to perform
that they are readily created, its basic level tasks such as
modified, or erased on the turning on and responding to
Function: computer. input.

Hardware stays at balanced Software needs constant

Reliability: reliability level in practical life. testing after updates.

Software failure is systematic.

Hardware failure is accidental. It is It is affected by computer
Failure: not affected by computer viruses. viruses.

Software faults are not

Fault: Hardware faults are physical. physical.

Software does not wear out

Lifetime: Hardware wears out over time. over time.

Nature: It is physical in nature. It is logical in nature.

Duplicate User cannot make new duplicate User can make many new
Copy copy of it. duplicate copies of software.
It uses computer programs to enter data and summarize, analyze and convert data into usable
information for decision making.

The sequence of events in processing information

1. Input—entering data into the computer.
2. Processing—performing operations on the data.
3. Storage—saving data, programs, or output for future use.
4. Output—presenting the results.

The Four Step Processing Cycle of a Computer:


output processing -ing


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