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Nicole Daiana Buitrago Moreno

Post your answers here following the instructions in the exam.
LISTENING 10 points
“You change the world by being yourself” -Yoko Ono
1. What are some of the negative and positive Asian American Stereotypes?
Stereotype: The stereotype is responsible for making generalizations about the members of a group.
Generalizations can be viewed from a positive or negative point.
Negative stereotypes:
During World War II, the US government tried to "Americanize" Asian American prisoners,
through English classes and patriotic exercises (according to the video), then preventing them from
returning to their natural national roots and customs. Here we can observe a clear loss of prestige
and a violent and discriminatory action against them, since, first, their rights were being violated
(right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, freedom of opinion and expression) and second,
a great stereotype of this group of people is denoted, but in a negative perspective, since they had to
be integrated into the white and American elite, since their culture and aesthetics "did not fit" into
the American ideal.
The government first saw them as "infiltrators" in its territory, as traitors and then decided on them,
to change all public opinion through the media; That is a sign of the great power that the
government exercised (in a bad way) over this population.
Positive stereotypes:
Starting from the initial survey carried out on the 180 teachers, an estimate was obtained about the
stereotypes. It was observed that teachers found Asian students to be shy and humble; and that the
general opinion about this says that they are more hard-working, intelligent and kind than the
others. At a generic point of view, this can be seen as something positive, but it is important to
understand that stereotypes can segregate these communities and cause a lot of damage to their
mental and cultural health, since it can cause them to be pressured to be perfect, and to firmly
represent that vision. ; it is harmful because they are not allowed to make mistakes, and because
they can still feel inferior to the "white American race."
2. What is the model minority stereotype? Explain in your own words.

The stereotype/myth of the model minority is used to refer to a minority group (in this case ethnic)
as highly successful both socially and economically, with better adaptability and skills. In this case,
in the context of the video, they refer to Asian people as humble and hard-working people, which
suggests a pigeonholing of this population into highly qualified standards that show that they are, in
a certain way, "better", and that they should always be that faithful image and reflection of what
others think they are (all in general for being of the same culture and the same traits); They judge
them above and do not realize that each individual is different and that not everyone meets or has to
meet and bear those expectations. This stereotype generates a lot of confusion and insecurities for
this same affected population, since it does not allow them to connect 100% with their identity, but
they are not allowed to disconnect from it either.

3. How could the model minority stereotype impact Asian Americans?

In the following decades, after the Second World War, the projection of the term "model minority"
took a further boom/growth and expanded. One of the biggest consequences of this, specifically for
Asian Americans, is that it greatly underplays their struggle, the struggle of people who have had to
work very hard every day living in a country outside their own; reduces to nothing, to something
"basic" all the work, and all the strength and character that are needed to face the discrimination
that still exists, to stop questioning one's own ability and capacity that this has left as a mark on the
entire nation and Worldwide.
This gives rise to a constant need to justify themselves and give explanations, these are things that
should not happen, but still happen.

4. How could the model minority stereotype affect other communities?

According to the video, this stereotype also affects many more communities and people around the
world, and more so those who are present in these contexts. It was observed that it was possible to
divide the forces of the Asian and African-American people, placing them in opposition; this is a
serious consequence of this model, since both are minorities, each being judged differently.
However, there is no need for them not to support each other, on the contrary, they should be united
to fight against this.
Black communities have also been affected by this, because they are invalidating their historical
fight for oppression, discrimination and violence that they have had to live at the beginning of
everything; They are deleting the two fight stories and that should not happen. In the same way,
with this model, a racial hierarchy is imposed that places them both at the bottom of the pyramid, at
the bottom, in what they step on, in the trash...
They somehow force them to "belong" and follow certain standards that distance them from their
own beautiful identities.

READING 10 points
Match the scientists’ conclusions (A-D) with the research topics (1 - 6) There are two topics that are
left out.
1. Topic: Results at the Olympic games.
Conclusion: The colour red can give some athletes an advantage.
2. Topic: Male and female zebra finches.
Conclusion: The colour red makes some male birds successful.
3. Topic: The colour of birds’ beaks.
Conclusion: Brightly vibrant ones are indicators of healthy specimens.
4. Topic: African mandrills’ success with the opposite sex.
Conclusion: The colour red gives some male apes an advantage.
Read Hill and Barton’s conclusion carefully. Which statement (a –c) means the same thing?
1. B. The colour red is only an important factor when there is very little difference between the skill of
the athletes.
2. Which species also mentioned in the text uses color for coupling? How does it work? To get the
full points you must support your answer.
According to Joanna Setchell, a primate researcher at the University of Cambridge, African great apes
(or mandrills.) are more successful with females if they have a brighter red nose than other males, since
bright things attract a lot of attention, and more if it is of that color a little more intense and striking.
Apart from primates, there are also birds, who use this more reddish tone in their beaks to be successful
with the female finches.

WRITING 10 points
OPTION 2: What types of leadership characteristics you prefer from somebody who is leading
you? Does this compare to the type of leader you are or would be?
I ashsdjd
SPEAKING: 10 points Copy the video link here:

SELF-ASSESSMENT: Answer the reflection questions here and grade your work over 10 points.
Your grade over 10 points= __9___
I felt very good taking this test, I really liked the layout of the test. The topic that I liked the most was
the video about stereotypes, that activity was the one that made me feel more secure, since I was
able to express my ideas on this topic that seems so important to me. The one that made me feel
more insecure was the reading, since I felt that suddenly my answer was not the correct one or that I
was making a mistake when reading and relating. I must improve in expanding my vocabulary in
English and I must be more sure of my ideas and what I think without doubting my abilities.

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