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Sta. Monica Academy – AR of Pinamungajan, Cebu, Inc.

Augustinian Recollect Sisters

Poblacion, Pinamungajan, Cebu
Telefax No. (032) 468 – 9446


Quarter: 2nd
Subject: Science 7
Teacher: Ms. Stiffany O. Jorolan
Year/Section: Gr. 7 – St. Joseph & St. Ezekiel Moreno
Week No. 1
Topic: Microscopy


LC. Identify parts of the Asking questions to the students:

microscope and their a. How do you think people study the smallest organism such as bacteria?
functions b. What do you think is the instrument they used?
c. What do you think is a microscope?
d. Who do you think invented the first microscope?

Activity 1
Take a look at the picture.

a. What do you see?

b. How can we see these tiny organisms?

Activity 2
Students will have a group activity.
Group 1: A Water Magnifier
Magnifying with water - Build a magnifying tool out of a drop of water!
 Improvised magnifying tool
 Water
 Plastic spoon
 Newspaper

1. Dip the tip of the spoon in the water.
2. Hold the spoon directly over the center of the hole, and let one drop of water
fall onto the plastic
3. Set a piece of newspaper with printing, on the table.
4. Carefully lift the magnifier and set it down on top of the paper.
5. Look straight down through the top of the water drop.
6. Examine the ink pattern found in figures shown on a newspaper page.

Vision: STA. MONICA ACADEMY – AR of Pinamungajan, Cebu, Inc., envisions a life-giving and
innovating educational institution committed to transformingMonicanians into
Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards
Sta. Monica Academy – AR of Pinamungajan, Cebu, Inc.
Augustinian Recollect Sisters
Poblacion, Pinamungajan, Cebu
Telefax No. (032) 468 – 9446

Guide Questions:
1. What happened to the image/text viewed?
2. Based on the activity, what is Microscope?
3. What is the function of Microscope?

Group 2: Gallery Walk

Gather as much information about each picture showing information on the walls of
the classroom.
1. Using the information posted on the walls of the classroom.
2. Fill in the graphic organizer about the timeline of microscope.

Guide Question:
1. How did the history on the invention and development of the microscope
come about?
2. How did the microscope changed history?


LC. identify parts of the Each group are presenting their outputs in front.
microscope and their
functions Group 1: A Water Magnifier
1. What happened to the image/text viewed? (possible answer: As we look
straight down through the top of the water drop the image/text in the
newspaper becomes bigger from its original size)
2. Based on the activity, what is Microscope? (possible answer: Based on the activity,
Microscope is an instrument use to enlarged small things.)
3. What is the function of Microscope? (possible answer: To magnify a small object
or to magnify the fine details of a larger object in order to examine minute
specimens that cannot be seen by the naked eye.)

Group 2: Gallery Walk

1. How did the history on the invention and development of the microscope
come about? (possible answer: The development of the microscope allowed
scientists to make new insights into the body and disease. It's not clear who
invented the first microscope, but the Dutch spectacle maker Zacharias Janssen (b.
1585) is credited with making one of the earliest compound microscopes
(ones that used two lenses) around 1600.)
2. How did the microscope change history? (possible answer: The development of
the microscope allowed scientists to make new insights into the body and disease.)


Vision: STA. MONICA ACADEMY – AR of Pinamungajan, Cebu, Inc., envisions a life-giving and
innovating educational institution committed to transformingMonicanians into
Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards
Sta. Monica Academy – AR of Pinamungajan, Cebu, Inc.
Augustinian Recollect Sisters
Poblacion, Pinamungajan, Cebu
Telefax No. (032) 468 – 9446

Science uses scientific method to give a conclusion to a problem and one part of
that method involves observation. It is very difficult to understand something that we
cannot see for ourselves, which is why we use different instruments in the laboratory
to aid us in observing things.
In 17th century, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek of Holland began to observe the world
around him with the use of a device that he made. This device is commonly known as
microscope. It can magnify very tiny objects with the use of lenses. Microscopy on
the other hand is the technical field of using microscopes to view samples and objects
that cannot be seen with the naked eye. In order for this to happen, we must
understand the components of a microscope and how to manipulate it.



LC. identify parts of the Activity 1

microscope and their Multiple Choice: DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter that corresponds the correct answer.
functions Write your answer on your paper.
1. A tool that can help you see tiny objects and single-celled organisms. It makes
them look bigger.
a. Telescope b. Magnifying Lens c. Microscope d. None of the Above
2. What is the first vison aid used in1st Century?
a. Reading stone b. Microscope c. Lens d. Glass
3. Who invented the first Microscope?
a. Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek b. Joseph Jackson Lister
c. Hans Lippershey d. Zaccharias Janssen
4-5. What is the two types of Electron Microscope?


LC. identify parts of the Activity 1

microscope and their On a ½ sheet of paper, students will answer this question:
List down 3 advantages of knowing how to use a microscope

Vision: STA. MONICA ACADEMY – AR of Pinamungajan, Cebu, Inc., envisions a life-giving and
innovating educational institution committed to transformingMonicanians into
Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards

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