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Name: James Vincent S. Ibuos Date: 12/13/22

Year & Course: BSEd-Science 4

a) Intellectual property rights

The article explores current issues of intellectual property rights. Issues of copyright protection,
including plagiarism, piracy, inheritance, the commercialization of science, patenting and
intellectual property insurance issues are analyzed. Additional difficulties associated with the
Internet environment are discussed. Solving these problems is one of the priorities in the state
policies of Azerbaijan. Proposals are suggested to ensure the development of innovative, reliable
protection of intellectual property rights in Azerbaijan.

Protecting intellectual property rights has become increasingly crucial with the development of
the Internet, which has undermined the traditional concept of the copyright. Internet tools can be
used to copy materials and globally disseminate them at a low cost. There is a delicate balance
between the interests of the creators of intellectual property objects and the interest in promoting
the creative activity of society and increasing public knowledge. The prevention of the
unlimited copying of materials and the preservation of opportunities to use those materials is one of
the most highly discussed topics in Internet regulation. On the Internet, when intellectual property
rights are not protected, scientists and researchers may not materially gain from their work, resulting
in a potential decrease in scientific creativity [4]. Considering the global nature of the Internet, it is
essential to unify national legislative frameworks for the digital rights of authors. The most effective
tool to unify legislative frameworks on intellectual property rights is the international convention.

One example of a copyright violation is plagiarism. The development of the Internet, the
digitalization of texts, and the ease of copying have escalated this issue. Plagiarism is widespread
among students, scientific researchers and journalists, and this problem is clearly manifested in the
field of scientific activity. Another copyright violation is piracy, and researchers engaged in
scientific and technical. Another copyright violation is piracy, and researchers engaged in scientific
and technical activity are especially affected by it because books and software can be easily copied
and sold with the help of modern ICT tools. In a legal sense, piracy is the production
(manufacturing) and dissemination of a pirated product including copies of audio-visual work,
phonograms, computer software, databases and books. According to the literature, the largest
amount of piracy occurs in book publishing and the audio-visual sphere.

For sustainable and innovative development, the principal issue is the creation of an
appropriate ecosystem. One of the main aspects of this ecosystem is the creation of a legal
framework and its flexible improvement in accordance with its development features. Without the
secure maintenance of protection of intellectual property rights, it is not possible to achieve
competitive innovative development in the global economy. In “Azerbaijan 2020: The Vision of
the Future” Development Concept, the national strategy concerning intellectual property and the goal of
adopting programs to manage intellectual property issues are addressed. Ideas and knowledge
constitute the basis of innovative development, and scientists and experts create that knowledge. Hence, in
the national strategy and corresponding programs to be adopted, it is
important to safeguard scientists’ interests at a higher level to increase productivity. Considering the global
and virtual features of the Internet, which is a driving force of innovative development, several
legal issues need to be resolved concerning the commercialisation of science, patents, copyright
ownership, plagiarism, patenting, inheritance and the insurance of intellectual property.
the Future” Development Concept, the
national strategy concerning
intellectual property and the
goal of adopting programs to manage intellectual property issues are addressed. Ideas and
knowledge constitute the basis of innovative development, and scientists and experts create that
knowledge. Hence, in the national strategy and corresponding programs to be adopted, it is
important to safeguard scientists’ interests at a higher level to increase productivity. Considering
the global and virtual features of the Internet, which is a driving force of innovative
development, several legal issues need to be resolved concerning the commercialization of
science, patents, copyright ownership, plagiarism, patenting, inheritance and the insurance of
intellectual property.

b) Pornography using the internet

As the Internet gains increasing prominence in the lives of young people. Researchers have begun
investigating the influence that the Internet environment may be having on child and adolescent
development. Of particular interest is exposure to sexual material. Child and adolescent exposure to
pornography is a controversial issue. Questions about the contribution of pornography to deviant sexual
behavior, including sexual assault, negative attitudes towards women, and the acceptance of deviant or
aggressive sexual behavior among peers, have been studied for decades. Results are mixed, with some
investigators arguing for clear and consistent effects of exposure to pornography and subsequent sexually
aggressive attitudes and behaviors, while others describe null or inconclusive findings. With specific
relevance to young people, there is the additional concern of negative effects on facets of sexual

development, such as sexual callousness, for those who are exposed to pornography.

Adolescent sexual development is complex and dynamic. As children get older, they gain a greater
sense of their sexual self, enhanced by an interplay of biological and social changes as the individual
matures through childhood into adolescence. Although puberty begins at different ages, virtually all
boys and girls have started the process by 14 years of age. Sexual interest increases with age and bio-
logical changes, with the average age of first sex experience in the United States being 15.8 years.
Expression of sexual curiosity spans a continuum of behaviors, from talking about sex, looking at
sexual materials, to actually engaging in sexual activity. Al- though sexual activity can represent
risks in and of itself (e.g., sexually transmitted diseases), re- searchers and other adolescent health
professionals have posited that exposure to pornography may be harm-promoting in other domains as

Results from the current study suggest that among young, regular Internet users, those who report
intentionally seeking pornography may be facing multiple challenges, including delinquent
behavior and substance use. Further, there is an in- creased trend for youth who report clinical
features of depression to be more likely to report online-seeking versus offline-only seeking
behavior. Thus, intentional exposure to pornography may be one behavior among many for young
people struggling in their adolescence. Child and adolescent health professionals, and others
interacting with youth should be sensitive to the possibility that at least for some young people,
seeking out pornography either online or offline, has implications beyond their sexual

c) Pyramiding scam using the internet

A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent system of making money based on recruiting an ever-increasing

number of  "investors."  The initial promoters recruit  investors, who in turn recruit more investors,
and so on. The scheme is called a "pyramid" because at each level, the number of investors increases.
The small group of initial promotors at the top require a large base of later investors to support the
scheme by providing profits to the earlier investors.

Pyramid schemes are illegal in New York State, as well as in many other states. Article 23A of the
General Business Law of the State of New York §359-fff sets forth the criminality of initiating and
participating in pyramid schemes (also known as chain distributor schemes).

Pyramid schemes may or may not involve the sale of products or distributorships. The trend is to
involve sales of products or distributorships in an attempt to show legitimacy. This is done solely to
sidestep the regulatory agencies, as most state laws prohibit marketing practices where the potential
for profit stems primarily from recruiting other investors and not from the sale of products. The
bottom line, however, is that in all pyramid schemes, the selling of a product itself is much less
important than the recruiting of new investors.

d) Gaming of lottery
Over 200 American lotteries were recorded between 1744 and the American Revolution. They
played a significant part of US history for building roads, libraries, churches, bridges, colleges and
other public works. But by 1900 all lotteries were ceased by Congress due to corruption and
fraudulent activity. It wasn’t until the 1960’s that the lottery was legal again in an effort to raise
money for stage governments and taxes. Examples are: Casino, bingo, lotto, Swertres, Majong, and

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