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PAS 37 7.

Where there is a continuous range of possible

outcomes, and each point in that range is as likely
1. Which is the definition of a provision? as any other, the range to be used is the
a. A possible obligation arising from past event
a. Minimum
b. A liability of uncertain timing or amount b. Maximum
c. A liability which cannot be easily measured c. Midpoint
d. An obligation to transfer funds to an entity d. Sum of the minimum and maximum

2. A provision shall be recognized as liability when 8. When the provision involves a large population of
a. An entity has present obligation as a result of a past items, the estimate of the amount
event. a. Reflects the weighting of all possible outcomes by
b. It is probable that an outflow of economic benefits their associated probabilities.
will be required to settle the obligation.
b. Is determined as the individual most likely outcome.
c. The amount of the obligation can be measured c. May be the individual most likely outcome.
reliably. d. Midpoint of the possible outcomes.
d. All are required for the recognition of a provision.

9. When the provision arises from a single obligation,

3. A legal obligation is derived from all of the the estimate of the amount
following, except a. Reflects the weighting of all possible outcomes by
a. Legislation their associated probabilities.
b. A contract
b. Is determined as the individual most likely outcome.
c. Other operation of law c. Is the individual most likely outcome adjusted for
d. An established pattern of past practice the effect of other possible outcomes.
d. Midpoint of the possible outcomes.
4. It is an event that creates a legal or constructive
obligation because the entity has no other realistic 10. Which statement is incorrect where the
alternative but to settle the obligation. expenditure required to settle a provision is
a. Obligating event expected to be reimbursed?
b. Past event a. The reimbursement shall be recognized only when
c. Subsequent event it is virtually certain.
d. Current event b. The amount of the reimbursement shall not exceed
the amount of the provision.
c. In the income statement, the expense relating to
5. Provisions are accrued because the likelihood of an the provision may be presented net of the
unfavorable outcome is reimbursement.
a. Virtually certain d. The reimbursement shall be “netted” against
b. Greater than 50% estimated liability for the provision.
c. At least 75%
d. Possible
11. The likelihood that the future event will or will not
occur can be expressed by a range of outcome.
6. An outflow of resources embodying economic Which range means that the future event occurring
benefits is regarded as probable when is very slight?
a. The probability that the event will occur is greater a. Probable
than the probability that the event will not occur. b. Reasonably possible
b. The probability that the event will not occur is c. Certain
greater than the probability that the event will d. Remote
c. The probability that the event will occur is the same
as the probability that the event will not occur.
d. The probability that the event will occur is 90%
12. Which statement is incorrect concerning a 18. Which is the proper treatment of contingent asset?
contingent liability? a. An accrued account
a. A contingent liability is not recognized in the b. Deferred income
financial statements. c. An account receivable
b. A contingent liability is disclosed only. d. A disclosure only
c. If the contingent liability is remote, no disclosure is
required. 19. Gain contingency that is remote and measurable
d. A contingent liability is both probable and a. Must be disclosed in a note to the financial
measurable. statements.
b. May be disclosed in a note to the financial
13. A contingent liability c. Must be reported in the body of the financial
a. Has a most probable value of zero but may require statements.
a payment if a given future event occurs. d. Should not be reported or disclosed.
b. Definitely exists as a liability but the amount or due
date is indeterminate. 20. At year-end, an entity was suing a competitor for
c. Is reported of current liability. patent infringement. The award from the probable
d. Is not disclosed in the financial statements. favorable outcome could be reliably measured.
How should the entity report the expected award?
a. Receivable and revenue
14. How should a contingent liability be reported in the b. Receivable and reduction of patent
financial statements when it is reasonably possible? c. Receivable and deferred revenue
a. As a deferred liability d. Disclosure only
b. As an accrued liability
c. As a disclosure only
d. As an account payable PAS 12
1. Accounting income is
15. General or unspecified contingencies should a. The income for a period before deducting tax
a. Be accrued and disclosed. expense.
b. Not be accrued and need not be disclosed. b. The income for a period determined in accordance
c. Not be accrued but should be disclosed. with tax law.
d. Be accrued but need not be disclosed. c. The income for a period after deducting tax
d. The income after current tax expense determined in
16. When the occurrence of a contingent asset is accordance with tax law.
probable and measurable, the contingent asset
should be 2. These are differences that will result in future
a. Recognized in the statement of financial position taxable amount in determining taxable income of
and disclosed. future periods.
b. Classified as an appropriation of retained earnings. a. Temporary differences
c. Disclosed but not recognized in the statement of b. Taxable temporary differences
financial position. c. Deductible temporary differences
d. Neither recognized in the statement of financial d. Permanent differences
position nor disclosed.
3. These are differences that result in future
deductible amount in determining taxable income
17. Contingent asset is usually recognized when in future periods.
a. Realized a. Taxable temporary differences
b. Occurrence is reasonably possible and the amount b. Deductible temporary differences
can be reliably measured c. Taxable temporary and permanent differences
c. Occurrence is probable and measurable d. Deductible temporary and permanent differences
d. The amount can be reliably measured
4. In computing the current tax asset or current tax 11. Justification for the method of determining periodic
liability, which tax rate is used? income tax expense is based on the concept of
a. Current tax rate a. Matching of periodic expense to periodic revenue
b. Future enacted tax rate b. Objectivity in the calculation of periodic expense.
c. Average tax rate c. Recognition of deferred tax asset and liability.
d. Effective tax rate d. Consistency of tax expense measurement with
actual tax planning strategies.
5. In computing the deferred tax asset or liability,
which tax rate is used?
a. Current tax rate 12.A deferred tax liability would result from
b. Estimated future tax rate a. Interest revenue on tax-exempt deposit
c. Enacted future tax rate b. Doubtful accounts expense
d. Prior tax rate c. Excess of tax depreciation over accounting
6. When temporary difference will result in taxable d. Subscription received in advance
amount in future years
a. A deferred tax liability is recognized in the current
year. 13.A deferred tax asset would result from
b. A deferred tax asset is recognized in the current a. Tax, penalty or surcharge.
year. b. Dividend received on share investment.
c. A deferred tax asset may be recognized in the c. Excess tax depreciation over accounting
current year if certain conditions are met. depreciation.
d. A deferred tax liability may be recognized in the d. Rent received in advance included in taxable
current year if certain conditions are met. income.

7. A deferred tax liability shall be recognized for all

a. Permanent differences 14. Which is true regarding deferred income taxes?
b. Temporary differences a. Deferred tax asset is always netted against deferred
c. Taxable temporary differences tax liability.
d. Deductible temporary differences b. Deferred taxes of one jurisdiction are offset against
another jurisdiction in the netting process.
8. It is the deferred tax consequence attributable to a c. Deferred tax asset and liability may only be
deductible temporary difference and operating loss classified as noncurrent.
carryforward. d. Deferred tax asset and liability are classified as
a. Deferred tax liability current and noncurrent based on expiration date.
b. Deferred tax asset
c. Current tax liability
d. Current tax asset 15. At the current year-end, an entity had a deferred tax
liability that exceeded a deferred tax asset. Which
9. It is the amount of income tax payable related to of the following should be reported in the current
taxable income. year-end?
a. Current tax expense a. The excess of the deferred tax liability over the
b. Total income tax expense deferred tax asset as a noncurrent liability.
c. Deferred tax expense b. The excess of the deferred tax liability over the
d. Deferred tax benefit deferred tax asset as a current liability.
c. The deferred tax liability as a noncurrent liability.
10. It is the sum of the amount of income tax payable d. The deferred tax liability as a current liability.
and deferred tax liability related to accounting
a. Tax expense reported in the income statement
b. Current tax expense
c. Deferred tax expense
d. Deferred tax benefit
PFRS 16 6. The cost of right of use asset comprises all, except
1. Under IFRS, a lessee is required to recognize The present value of lease payments
Right of use asset and lease liability Lease payment made to lessor on or before
commencement date
Right of use asset but not lease liability
Initial direct cost incurred by lessee
Lease liability but not right of use asset
Estimated cost of dismantling the underlying asset for
Neither right of use asset nor lease liability which the lessee has no present obligation

2. The lessee may apply the operating lease model 7. The right of use asset is reported as
under what condition?
Noncurrent as separate line stem
Short-term lease
Property, plant and equipment
Low value lease
Intangible asset
Both short-term lease and low value lease
Investment property
Under all circumstances

8. A lessee with a lease containing a purchase option

3. A short-term lease is defined as that is reasonably certain to be exercised should
Twelve months or less depreciate the right of use asset over

Six months or less Useful life of the asset

Twelve-month lease with a purchase option Lease term

Two-year lease with option to terminate Useful life of the asset or the lease term, whichever is
Useful life of the asset or the lease term, whichever is
4. Which statement is true about low value lease? longer
The value of an underlying asset is based on the value
of the asset when new regardless of the age of the
asset. 9. A lease liability is measured at

The term of a low value lease may be more than twelve The absolute amount of lease payments
months. The present value of lease payments
An underlying asset does not qualify as low value lease The present value of fixed lease payments
if the nature of the asset is such that the asset is
typically not of low value when new. The fair value of the underlying asset
All of these statements are true about low value lease.
10. The lease payments include all of the following,
5. A right of use asset is initially measured at
Fixed lease payments
Variable lease payments
Fair value
Leasehold improvement
Current cost
Residual value guarantee of the lessee
Present value of expected cash inflows
1. Rent received in advance by the lessor in an 6. Which statement is correct regarding the lease
operating lease should be recognized as revenue capitalization criteria?
When received The lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset
to the lessor.
At the lease inception
The-lease contains a purchase option.
At the lease expiration
The lease term is equal to at least 75% of the economic
In the period specified by the lease life of the underlying asset.
The lease payments are at least 90% of the fair value of
2. When should a lessor recognize in income a the underlying asset.
nonrefundable lease bonus paid by a lessee on signing
an operating lease?
7. Which of the following conditions would require
When received lease capitalization?
At the inception of the lease The lease does not transfer title of the underlying asset
At the lease expiration to the lessee.

Over the lease term There is purchase option that is not reasonably certain
to be exercised.
The present value of the lease payments is significantly
3. Lease payments under an operating lease shall be more than the fair value of the underlying asset.
recognized as rent income by the lessor on
The lease term is significantly below the useful life of
Straight line basis over the lease term unless another the underlying asset.
systematic basis is representative of the time pattern
of the user's benefit.
Diminishing balance basis 8. One criterion for a finance lease specifies that the
lease term be equal to or greater than
Sum of units basis
The estimated life of the underlying asset.
Cash basis
90% of the life of the underlying asset.
75% of the life of the underlying asset.
4. Which statement characterizes an operating lease?
50% of the life of the underlying asset.
The lessee records depreciation and interest.
The lessee records the lease liability related to the
underlying asset. 9. One criterion for a finance lease is that the present
value at the beginning of the lease term of the lease
The lessor transfers title of the underlying asset to the payments equals or exceeds
lessee for the duration of the lease term.
The fair value of the underlying asset
The lessor records depreciation and rent revenue.
90% of the fair value of the underlying asset
75% of the fair value of the underlying asset
5. The lessor should report the underlying asset in an
operating lease as which of the following? 50% of the fa1r value of the underlying asset

Off the statement of financial position

Disclosed only
Reported according to nature of the asset
Current asset
PAS 36 5. If the fair value less cost of disposal cannot be
1. Which statement best describes impairment loss?
The asset is not impaired.
The removal of an asset from the statement of financial
position. The recoverable amount is the value in use.
The amount by which the carrying amount of an asset The net realizable value is used.
exceeds the recoverable amount.
The carrying amount of the asset remains the same.
The systematic allocation of cost of an asset less
residual value over the useful life.
The amount by which the recoverable amount of an 6. If an asset is to be disposed of
asset exceeds the carrying amount. The recoverable amount is the fair value less cost of

2. What is the recoverable amount of an asset? The recoverable amount is the value in use.

Fair value less cost of disposal The asset is not impaired.

Value in use The recoverable amount is the carrying amount.

Fair value less cost of disposal or value in use,

whichever is higher 7. The estimates of future cash flows in calculating
Fair value less cost of disposal or value in use, value in use include all of the following, except
whichever is lower Cash inflows from the continuing use of the asset.
Cash outflows incurred to generate the cash inflows
3. What is fair value of an asset? from the continuing use of the asset.

The price that would be received to sell an asset in an Net cash flows from the disposal of the asset at the end
orderly transaction between market participants of useful life.

The price that would be paid to transfer a liability in an Income tax payment.
orderly transaction between market participants
The discounted value of future cash flows 8. Which of the following is NOT relevant in
The undiscounted value of future cash flows determining value in use?
The expected future cash flows from the asset

4. Which statement best describes value in use? The carrying amount of the asset

The present value of estimated future cash flows Expectation about possible variation in the amount and
expected to arise from the continuing use of an asset timing of future cash flows
and from the ultimate disposal The time value of money
The amount of cash that could currently be obtained
by selling an asset in an orderly disposal
9. An asset is reviewed for impairment
The amount which an entity expects to obtain for an
asset at the end of the useful life Every three years at the end of reporting period.

Undiscounted future net cash flows When the asset is fully depreciated.
When circumstances indicate that the carrying amount
of an asset might not be recoverable.
Every year at the end of reporting period.
10. Which of the following conditions must exist in 5. Which of the following is NOT relevant in
order for an impairment loss to be recognized? determining value in use?
The carrying amount is less than fair value. The expected future cash flows from the asset
The carrying amount of the asset is not recoverable. The carrying amount of the asset
The carrying amount is less than value in use. Expectation about possible variation in the amount and
timing of future cash flows
The carrying amount is less than recoverable amount.
The time value of money

1. Impairment loss is reported

PAS 19
As direct deduction from retained earnings
1. Employees are each entitled to 20 days of paid
As a component of discontinued operation. holiday leave per year. Unused holiday leave cannot be
As a component of income from continuing operations. carried forward and does not vest. What is the holiday
As a change in accounting estimate.
A short-term employee benefit
A postemployment benefit
2. What is a cash generating unit?
Other long-term employee benefit
The smallest business segment
A termination benefit
Any group of assets that generate cash flows
Any group of assets reported separately to
management 2. Employees are entitled to 10 days holiday leave per
year. Unused holiday leave may be carried forward
The smallest group of assets that generate until the employee leaves employment at which time
independent cash flows from continuing use the entity will pay the employee for all unused holiday
leave. What is the holiday leave?

3. What is the allocation of an impairment loss A short-term employee benefit

recognized for a cash generating unit? A postemployment benefit
Across the assets of the unit based on carrying amount. Other long-term employee benefit
Across the assets of the unit based on fair value. A termination benefit
First, to any goodwill and the balance to the other
assets prorata based fair value.
3. An entity made a public announcement of a
First, to any goodwill and the balance to the other commitment to a voluntary redundancy plan. The
assets prorata based on carrying amount. entity has an obligation to pay employees that choose
voluntary redundancy a lump sum equal to twice their
gross annual salary. What is the obligation to pay
4. Costs of disposal include all of the following, except employees that choose voluntary redundancy?
Legal cost A short-term employee benefit
Stamp and similar transaction tax A postemployment benefit
Cost of removing the asset Other long-term employee benefit
Finance cost A termination benefit
4. A profit-sharing plan requires an entity to pay a 4. In a defined contribution plan, a formula is used that
specified proportion of the cumulative profit for a five-
year period to employees who serve throughout the Defines the benefits that the employee shall receive
five-year period. What is the profit-sharing plan? Ensures that pension expense is funded
A short-term employee benefit Requires an employer to contribute a certain sum each
A postemployment benefit period based on the formula

Other long-term employee benefit Ensures that employers are at risk to make sure funds
are available at retirement
A termination benefit

5. In a defined benefit plan, a formula is used that

1. It is a benefit plan under which an entity pays a fixed
contribution into a separate fund and will have no legal Requires that gain or loss from the contribution to the
or constructive obligation to pay further contribution if plan be borne by the employee.
the fund becomes insufficient to pay employee Defines the benefits that the employee shall receive at
benefits. the time of retirement.
Postemployment benefit plan Requires cash funding for the plan.
Defined contribution plan Defines the contribution to be made by the employer.
Defined benefit plan
Employer plan 1. It is the increase in the present value of the defined
benefit obligation resulting from employee service in
the current period.
2. Which statement is true concerning the recognition
and measurement of a defined contribution plan? Current service cost

The contribution shall be recognized as expense in the Interest expense

period it is payable. Past service cost
Any unpaid contribution at the end of the period shall Remeasurement
be recognized as accrued liability.
Any excess contribution shall be recognized as prepaid
expense. 2. It is the increase in the present value of the defined
benefit obligation for employee service in prior periods
All of these statements are true about a defined resulting from a plan amendment or curtailment.
contribution plan.
Current service cost
Net interest
3. Which statement is incorrect concerning the
recognition and measurement of a defined benefit Past service cost
plan? Employee benefit cost
Actuarial assumptions are required to measure the
obligation and expense.
3. The interest on the projected benefit obligation
The obligation is measured on a discounted basis.
Reflects the incremental borrowing rate of the
The defined benefit plan must be fully funded. employer.
The expense recognized for a defined benefit plan is Reflects the rate at which pension benefits could be
not necessarily the amount of contribution. effectively settled.
Is the same as the expected return on plan assets.
May be stated implicitly or explicitly when reported.
4. A pension liability is reported when 4. These are employee benefits which are payable after
completion of employment.
PBO exceeds FVPA
Short-term employee benefits
Accumulated benefit obligation exceeds FVPA
Postemployment employee benefits
Pension expense is greater than funding
Other long-term employee benefits
FVPA exceeds PBO
Termination benefits

5. A pension asset is reported when

5. Postemployment employee benefits include all of
FVPA exceeds accumulated benefit obligation the following, except
FVPA exceeds PBO Long-term disability benefits
PBO exceeds FVPA Retirement benefits, such as pensions
FVPA exceeds remeasurements Postemployment life insurance
Postemployment medical care
1. These are all forms of consideration given by an
entity in exchange for services rendered by employees.
1. The components of employee benefit expense
Employee benefits include all of the following, except
Employee compensation Current service cost
Fringe benefits Net interest
Salaries and wages Past service cost
Contribution to the plan
2. Short-term employee benefits include all, except
Wages, salaries and social security contributions. 2. When an entity amends a pension plan, past service
Short-term compensated absences. cost should be

Profit-sharing and bonuses payable in more than Treated as a prior period error.
twelve months after the end of the reporting period. Amortized over the service period of employees.
Nonmonetary benefits, such as medical care, housing, Recorded in other comprehensive income.
car and free and subsidized goods.
Expensed in the period the plan is amended.

3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of

short-term employee benefits? 3. What is the meaning of “net interest” in relation to
employee benefit expense?
No actuarial assumptions are required to measure the
benefit obligation. Interest expense on defined benefit obligation
There is no possibility of any actuarial gain or loss. Interest income on the fair value of plan assets
Short-term employee benefits by definition are The difference between interest expense on defined
payable no later than twelve months after year-end. benefit obligation and interest income on the fair value
of plan assets
Short-term employee benefit obligations are measured
on a discounted basis. Interest expense on defined benefit obligation less tax
4. The return on plan assets 4. These are compensated absences that are carried
forward and can be used in future periods and the
Is equal to the change in the fair value of the plan assets employees are entitled to a cash payment for unused
during the year.
entitlement on leaving the entity.
Includes interest, dividends and change in the fair value Accumulating and vesting
of the plan assets during the year.
Accumulating and nonvesting
Is equal to the discount rate times the fair value of the
plan assets at the beginning of the period. Nonaccumulating and vesting
Is equal to the expected rate of return times the fair Nonaccumulating and nonvesting
value of plan assets at the beginning of the period.

5. Which is not required for the recognition of a liability

5. Vested benefits for compensated absences?
Usually require minimum number of years of service. The amount of the obligation must be estimable.
Are those that the employee is entitled to receive even Payment of the obligation must be probable.
if fired.
Payment of the obligation will require the use of
Are not contingent upon additional serve under the current assets.
The compensation is vested.
Are defined by all of these.

6. The vested benefits

1. What are compensated absences?
Are employee benefits that are not conditional on
Unpaid time off future employment.
A form of healthcare Are benefits to be paid to the retired employees in the
current period.
Payroll deduction
Are benefits to be paid to the retired employees to the
Paid time off
subsequent year.
Are benefits accumulated in the hands of a trustee.
2. The service cost of a defined benefit plan comprises
all, except
7. These are employee benefits that are payable as a
Current service cost result of an entity's decision to terminate an
Past service cost employee's employment before the normal retirement
date, or an employee's decision to accept an offer of
Gain or loss on settlement benefits in exchange for termination of employment.
Net interest Termination benefits
Short-term employee benefits
3. Which of the following components of defined Other long-term employee benefits
benefit cost shall be recognized through other
comprehensive income? Postemployment employee benefits

Current service cost

Past service cost
Net interest
8. The components of defined benefit cost include all
3. Interim financial reports shall include as a minimum
Service cost
A complete set of financial statements.
Net interest
A condensed set of financial statements and selected
Remeasurements notes.
Contribution to the plan A condensed statement of financial position and an
income statement.
A condensed statement of financial position, income
9. Which of the following should be included in plan statement and statement of cash flows.
Assets held by a long-term employee benefit fund
4. Which statement in relation to an interim report is
Qualifying insurance policy true?
Both assets held by a long-term employee benefit fund An interim financial report must consist of a complete
and qualifying insurance policy set of financial statements.
Neither assets held by a long-term employee benefit An interim financial report must consist of a condensed
fund nor qualifying insurance policy set of financial statements.
An interim financial report may consist of a condensed
10. It is an insurance policy the proceeds from which set or complete set of financial statements.
are used to pay only employee benefits. All of these statements are true.
Qualifying insurance policy
Unqualified insurance policy
5. Which statement is true regarding interim
Ordinary insurance policy reporting?

Inclusive insurance policy Interim reports are required on a quarterly basis.

Interim reports are not required.

PAS 34 Interim reports require the preparation of only an

income statement and a statement of financial
1. Interim financial reports shall be published position.
Once a year at any time during the year. All of these statements are true.
Within a month of the half year-end.
On a quarterly basis. 1. Interim financial statements are usually presented
Whenever the entity wishes. on a
Monthly basis

2. If an entity does not prepare interim financial reports Quarterly basis

The year-end financial statements are deemed not to Semiannual basis

comply with IFRS Nine-month basis
The year-end financial statements' compliance with
IFRS is not affected.
The year-end financial statements shall not be
acceptable under local jurisdiction.
Interim financial reports shall be included in the year-
end financial statements.
2. For interim reporting, an inventory loss from a 2. An interim financial report shall include as a
market decline in the second quarter shall be minimum all of the following components, except
Condensed statement of financial position and
In the fourth quarter statement of comprehensive income
Proportionately over the last quarters Condensed statement of cash flows
Proportionately in each of the four quarters Condensed statement of changes in equity
In the second quarter Accounting policies and explanatory notes

3. For interim financial reporting, a gain on disposal of 3. There is a presumption that anyone reading interim
property occurring in the second quarter shall be financial reports shall
Recognized ratably over the last three quarters Understand all International Financial Reporting
Recognized ratably over all tour quarters
Have access to the records of the entity.
Recognized in the second quarter
Have access to the most recent annual report.
Disclosed in the second quarter
Not make decisions based on the report.

4. Advertising costs incurred shall be deferred to

provide an appropriate expense in each period for 4. When the business is highly seasonal, what does the
standard suggest?
Interim reporting
Additional note about the seasonal nature
Year-end reporting
Disclosure of financial information for the latest and
Interim reporting and year-end reporting comparative 12-month period in addition to the
Neither interim reporting nor year-end reporting interim report
Additional disclosure in the accounting policy note

5. Which statement about interim reporting is true? No additional disclosure

All entities that issue an annual report must issue an

interim financial report. 5. Conceptually, interim financial statements can be
A complete set of financial statements must be described as emphasizing
presented for an interim period. Timeliness over reliability
The same accounting principles used for the annual Reliability over relevance
report should be employed for interim report.
Relevance over comparability
All of these statements are true.
Comparability over neutrality

1. Publicly traded entities are encouraged to provide

interim financial reports
At least at the end of the half year and within 60 days
of the end of the interim period.
Within a month of the half year-end.
On a quarterly basis.
Whenever the entity wishes.
6. How is income tax expense for the third quarter 10. Which basic financial statements are prepared as a
interim period computed? minimum for interim financial reporting?
The annual rate multiplied by the third quarter income statement of financial position and income statement
The estimated tax for the first three quarters based on statement of financial position, income statement and
an annual rate less a similar estimate for the first 2 statement of comprehensive income
statement of financial position, statement of
The rate applicable during the third quarter multiplied comprehensive income and statement of cash flows
by 3
statement of financial position, statement of
Cumulative income tax for 3 quarters comprehensive income, statement of cash flows and
statement of changes in equity.

7. Entities should disclose all of the following in interim

financial report, except PAS 33
basic and diluted earnings per share 1. Earnings per share shall be computed on the basis of
change in accounting policy Ordinary shares outstanding at the end of the year
events after the end of the reporting period Ordinary shares outstanding at the beginning of year
seasonal revenue, cost of expenses Ordinary shares outstanding at the middle of the year
Average ordinary shares outstanding during the year
8. Due to a decline in market price in the second
quarter, an entity incurred an inventory loss. The
2. In computing basic earnings per share, if the
market price is expected to return to previous level by
preference shares are cumulative, the amount that
the end of the year. At the end of the year, the decline
should be deducted as an adjustment to the net
had not reversed. When should the loss be reported in
income(numerator) is the
the interim income statement?
Preference dividends in arrears
ratably over the second, third and fourth quarters
Preference dividends paid during the year
ratably over the third and fourth quarters
Annual preference dividend
in the second quarter
Annual ordinary dividend
in the fourth quarter

3. In computing basic earnings per share, the amount

9. For external reporting, it is appropriate to use
of preference dividends on noncumulative preference
estimated gross profit rate to determine the cost of
shares should be
goods sold for
Deducted from net income whether declared or not.
interim reporting
Deducted from net income only when declared
year-end reporting
Added to net income only when declared
interim reporting and year-end reporting
neither interim reporting nor year-end reporting
4. In computing basic earnings per share, the annual 4. Undeclared preference dividends are deducted from
amount of the required preference dividends on net income in the EPS computation for which
cumulative preference shares for the period should be preference shares?
Ignored Noncumulative
Deducted from net income only when declared Cumulative
Deducted from net income whether declared or not Neither cumulative nor noncumulative
Added to net income whether declared or not Both cumulative and noncumulative

5. In computing basic loss per share, the annual 5. Earnings per share should always be reported for
preference dividend on cumulative preference shares
should be Gross income

Ignored Income before tax

Deducted from the net loss whether declared or not Income from continuing operations

Added to the net loss whether declared or not Prior period error

Added to the net loss only when declared

6. EPS disclosure are

1. Where in the financial statements should basic and Required for all public and nonpublic entities
diluted earnings per share be reported? Required for public entities and encouraged for
In the accompanying notes nonpublic entities

In management discussion and analysis Encouraged for public entities and required for
nonpublic entities
In the income statement
Encouraged for all entities
In the statement of cash flows

7. EPS disclosures are required for

2. An entity that reports a discontinued operation shall
present basic and diluted earnings per share for the Entities whose ordinary shares and potential ordinary
discontinued operation shares are publicly traded.

Only on the face of the income statement. Entities that are in the process of issuing ordinary
shares in the public market.
Only in the notes to financial statements.
All entities.
Either on the face of the income statement or in the
notes to financial statements. Entities whose ordinary shares and potential ordinary
shares are publicly traded and entities that are in the
Only if management chooses to do so. process of issuing ordinary shares in public market.

3. Earnings per share should be computed on the basis 8. When an entity issues both consolidated and
of separate financial statements, the EPS information is
Preference shares
For both sets of financial statements
Voting ordinary shares
In neither set of financial statements
Voting and nonvoting ordinary shares
Only for consolidated financial statements.
Voting ordinary shares and preference shares
Only for separate financial statements
9. An ordinary share
Is an equity instrument that is subordinate to all other 4. Compensation resulting from a share option plan is
classes of equity instrument.
Recognized in the period of exercise.
In a financial instrument that may entitle the holder to
ordinary shares. Recognized in the period of the grant.

Is a financial instrument that gives the holder the right Allocated to the periods benefited by the employee’s
to purchase ordinary shares. required service.

Is either a financial liability or an equity instrument. Allocated over the periods of the employee's service
life to retirement.

10. Earnings per share shall be reported for all of the

following except 5. In what circumstances is compensation expense
immediately recognized under a share option plan?
Income from continuing operations
In all circumstances.
Income from discontinued operations
In circumstances when the options are exercisable
Net income within two years.
Gross income In circumstances when the options granted for prior
service are immediately exercisable.
In no circumstances is compensation expense
immediately recognized.
1. Share options are what type of share-based payment 1. Share appreciation rights are what type of share-
based payment transaction?
Asset-settled share-based payment transaction Asset settled share-based payment transaction
Equity-settled share-based payment transaction Liability settled share-based payment transaction
Cash-settled share-based payment transaction Cash settled share-based payment transaction
Liability-settled share-based payment transaction Equity settled share-based payment transaction

2. The compensation in a share option plan is measured 2. A cash settled share-based payment transaction
at increases which of the following?
Fair value of share options on date of grant A current asset
Fair value of share options on date of exercise A noncurrent asset
Intrinsic value of share options on date of grant
Intrinsic value of share options on date of exercise A liability

3. The date on which total compensation expense is 3. What is the measurement date for a share-based
computed in a share option plan is the payment to employees that is classified as a liability?
Date of grant The service inception date
Date of exercise The grant date
Date when the market price coincides with the option The settlement date
The end of reporting period.
Date when the market price exceeds the option price
4. For share appreciation rights, the measurement date 9. When issuing share options to employees, which of
for computing compensation is the the following factors is most relevant in determining
the accounting treatment?
Date the rights mature
The par value of the shares issued
Date the share reaches a predetermined amount
The market value of the shares issued
Date of grant
The authorized number of shares
Date of exercise
Whether the share options are issued in lieu of salary

5. In accounting for share appreciation rights,

compensation expense is generally 10. For transactions with employees, the fair value of
the share options is measured on
Not recognized
Exercise date
Recognized on the date of grant
Grant date
Allocated over the service period of employees
End of reporting period
Recognized on the date of exercise
Beginning of the year of grant

6. The total compensation expense in a share option

plan is measured at 11. If there is an acceleration of vesting, any payment
made to the employees on the cancelation or
FV of share option on date of grant settlement of the grant shall be
FV of share option on date of exercise Accounted for as repurchase of equity interest
Intrinsic value of share options on date of grant Recognized in retained earnings
Intrinsic value of share options on date of exercise Recognized as component of other comprehensive

7. It is the contract that gives the employees the right, Accounted for as repurchase of equity interest and any
but not the obligation to subscribe to the entity’s share excess payment over the balance of share options
at a fixed or determinable price for a specified period outstanding shall be recognized as expense
of time.
Share option PFRS 5
Share warrant 1. An entity shall classify a noncurrent asset as held for
Share appreciation right sale when

Share split The carrying amount of the asset is recovered through

a sale transaction.
The carrying amount of the asset is recovered through
8. It is the difference between the fair value of the continuing use.
shares to which the counterparty has the right to
subscribe and the price the counterparty is required to The noncurrent asset is abandoned.
pay for those shares. The noncurrent asset is idle.
Fair value
Intrinsic value
Market value
Book value
2. Noncurrent asset held for sale is measured at
Carrying amount 7. For the sale of a noncurrent asset to be highly
probable, which of the following statements is
Fair value less cost of disposal incorrect?
Lower between carrying amount and fair value less Management must be committed to a plan to sell the
cost of disposal. asset.
Higher of carrying amount and fair value less cost of An active program to locate a buyer and complete the
disposal. plan must have been initiated.
The asset must be actively marketed for sale at a
3. Noncurrent asset held for sale is presented as reasonable price in relation to the current fair value.

Current asset The sale is expected to qualify for recognition as a

completed sale within two years from the date of
Other noncurrent asset classification of the asset as held for sale.
Noncurrent investment.
Property, plant and equipment 8. What is the treatment of any gain on a subsequent
increase in the fair value less cost of disposal of a
noncurrent asset classified as held for sale?
4. If the fair value less cost of disposal is lower than the
carrying amount of a noncurrent asset classified as held The gain shall be recognized in full
for sale, the difference is The gain shall not be recognized.
Not accounted for. The gain shall be recognized but not in excess of the
Accounted for as an impairment loss. cumulative impairment loss previously recognized.

Charged to depreciation. The gain shall be recognized but only in retained

Debited to retained earnings.

9. How should the assets and liabilities of a disposal

5. A noncurrent asset that is to be abandoned shall not group classified as held for sale be reported in the
be classified as held for sale because statement of financial position?
The carrying amount is recovered principally through The assets and liabilities shall be offset and presented
continuing use. as a single amount.
It is difficult to value. The assets of the disposal group shall be reported
separately under current assets and the liabilities of
It is unlikely that the noncurrent asset is sold within
the disposal group shall be reported separately under
twelve months.
current liabilities.
It is unlikely that there is an active market for the
The assets and liabilities shall be presented as a single
noncurrent asset.
amount and as a deduction from equity.
There should be no separate disclosure of assets and
6. It is group of assets to be disposed of by sale or liabilities that form part of a disposal group.
otherwise, together as a group in a single transaction,
and liabilities directly associated with those assets that
will be transferred in the transaction.
Disposal group
Discontinued operation
Noncurrent asset
Cash generating unit
10. An entity classified a noncurrent asset accounted
for under the cost model as held for sale at the current
year-end. Because no offers were received at an
acceptable price, the entity decided at the end of next
year not to sell the asset but to continue to use it. The
asset shall be measured at the end of next year at what
The lower of carrying amount and recoverable amount
The higher of carrying amount and recoverable amount
The lower of carrying amount on the basis that the
asset had never been classified as held for sale and
recoverable amount
The higher of carrying amount on the basis that the
asset had never been classified as held for sale and
recoverable amount

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