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Speaking project (script)

Topic: Talking about habits

Students’ name:
1. Angye Cuervo
2. Dana Rodriguez
3. Nathalia Martinez Alvarez

Level: 4 (Pre-Intermediate)

● Use this script to organize the sections and topics of your video.
● Write what you are going to say in each section of the video.
● Consider time in each section.

Greeting;   Dana: Hi girls, How are you?
Say hello using a common expression. Angye: Good ,and you?
Nathalia: Hi Dana, I’m good
Dana: I’m good too
Introduce yourself (mention your name, Dana: My name is Dana Rodriguez.
last name and subject) Angye: My name is Angye Cuervo
Nathalia: And my name is Nathalia
Say what you are going to talk about in Dana: In this video, we are going to
the video. (“In this video, I’m going to talking about our habits.
talk about...”)
1. Introduce your topics, use some Dana: Let me talk to you about what I
simple sentences. (This is what I do on do on a normal day. I wake up at 5:40
a regular day…., Let me tell you am, I take a shower and get dressed.
about…) My mom prepares my breakfast, then i
go to the university and take my
Angye: Dana, is it very complicated to
get up or do you like to get up early?
My habits are always getting up at 7,
showering, getting dressed, taking my
pet out before preparing my breakfast,
after being ready and finishing my
duties, I go out to take transportation.
Nathalia: My habits every day is to get
up between 6-7 in the morning to get
ready and go to university, I spend a
large part of the day at my university,
when I don't go to university I generally
stay at home doing pending work or
running personal errands

2. Talk about your topics and Dana: I do this every day, and on the
examples. Make sure all the weekend I rest and sleep as much as I
participants speak. (I do….when it’s a can, I love to sleep, I am quite sleepy
sunny day… I do… because I’m but also happy.
really…) Angye:Those are my habits during the
week, on weekends I work, therefore
on Friday I try to leave all the work
ready, although on Fridays I only have
one class and I am free
Nathalia: I think that every week we are
too busy with our responsibilities
3. Express your opinions and ideas Dana: Thank you for the attention.
based on the topic of your video. Close Angye: Thanks for telling us about your
the topic. (and that was.... / thank you monotonous habits
for your attention...) Nathalia: Thanks

Farewell   Dana: Bye girls, see you later.
(Say goodbye using a common Angye: Bye girls
expression.)   Nathalia: Bye girls, see you tomorrow

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