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Body ofArt

A Hot for Teacher Tale

By Bronwyn Green

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

Resplendence Publishing, LLC P.O. Box 992 Edgewater, Florida, 32132 Body of Art, A Hot for Teacher Tale Copyright 2009, Bronwyn Green Edited by Tiffany Mason Cover art by Rika Singh Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-030-9 Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Electronic release: May, 2009 This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and occurrences are a product of the authors imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places, or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

Table of Contents

Chapter One.................................................................................................................................... 6 Chapter Two.................................................................................................................................. 20 Chapter Three................................................................................................................................ 30 Chapter Four................................................................................................................................. 41 About the Author.......................................................................................................................... 49

For Chel and Kelthanks for talking me into this. I love you guys.

Chapter One

Are you high? Incredulous, Callie Sullivan stared at the man in front of her, barely able to keep her pottery wheel going at a steady speed. No. He held up a hand. And before you ask, yes, Im completely serious. The man was insane. Insane and breathtakingly gorgeous. And, as an adjunct professor, completely off limits. Absolutely not. She shook her head and sighed in annoyance when loose strands of hair drifted across her vision, catching on her glasses. Scowling at him, she shoved her hair from her face using the back of her hand and felt a cold, wet smear of clay streaking her forehead and temple. Cmon, Callie, I wouldnt ask unless I was desperate. Seths chocolate brown eyes were pleading as he pulled another chair around and straddled it, facing her. She couldnt help but notice the way the worn denim of his jeans pulled taut over his muscular thighs. He folded his arms across the back of the chair as he leaned toward her, a lock of nearly black hair falling into his eyes. Shaping the clay by feel, she watched as he looked like he was about to launch into another round of verbal coercion. No. No. And no. Seth shoved a hand through his hair and scooted closer. Close enough for her to smell his warm, male scent over the heavy odor of wet clay. Its like this, he began. My model went into early labor and Ive checked everywhere. I cant find anyone else willing to do it. Try harder. Theres got to be someone else. It wasnt as if she had a problem with nudityshe used nude models in her sculpting classes all the time. She had one coming in for tonights class, but she also knew the woman attended graduate level classes before coming to the art studio. She wouldnt be available to pose for Seths class too.

Callie frowned, feeling bad for him, but she couldnt imagine stripping down in front of an entire room full of peopleespecially if Seth Granger was one of those people. He was the firstwell, the only guy shed been interested in since her divorce from John two years ago. Unfortunately, Seth was a colleague and at least six or seven years too young. Besides, she knew firsthand what getting involved with a good-looking professor entailedscores of attractive co-eds all wanting to be teachers pet. With that kind of temptation, it didnt take long before the guy eventually gave in. Her ex hadnt even lasted a year. Too bad she hadnt found out about it until several years after that and at least a dozen students later. Pushing aside the memories, she focused on Seth. Im not about to get naked in front of a classroom of students. Its not gonna happen. She glanced at him through her lashes as she worked. Okay, how about if you get naked in front of just me? An image of Seth bending her over one of the sculpting tables and taking her from behind filled her mind. Her breath stalled in her throat and her pussy clenched. She closed her eyes as her hands convulsed on the barely formed pot, crushing it. Cold clay oozed between her fingers as she glared both at him and her overactive imagination. Not funny. He shrugged, his snug T-shirt pulling across his well-defined chest muscles. I wasnt trying to be. Uh-huh. Balling up the ruined pot, she dropped it into the bucket of watery clay at her side. Taking a freshly kneaded ball from the side of the tub surrounding the wheel, she centered it and started over, keeping her gaze on the clay where it belonged. Look, Ive been dying to sketch you, so Id prefer to have you model, but if you wont, do you know of anyone who might? She glanced up at him, expecting to see his one-dimpled grin and laughter in his eyes, but he was completely serious. Why? Umso I dont have to cancel a class for students who are likely already on their way not to mention I dont want to throw off my lesson plan. She shook her head, dropping her gaze back to the wheel before peering at him through her lashes. No. Not that.

Why do I want to draw you? he asked as understanding lit his eyes. She swallowed hard, unable to bring herself to respond. You fascinate me. She snorted. Its no secret I find you attractive, but youve kept me at arms lengthor farther since I started here. His firm lips had turned down and his eyes had taken on a solemn cast. She had no idea what to say. Sure hed flirted with her, but shed never taken him seriously. She wasnt the kind of woman men like Seth went for. She was average at bestbordering on boring. Not at all the kind of woman he typically dated. But looking at him now, he seemed completely sincere. Her stomach fluttered nervously as his gaze dropped to her mouth before traveling leisurely back to her eyes. Theres a certain vulnerability inherent in allowing another person to sketch you. He shrugged. I guess maybe Id hoped to get to know you better. She forced a smile. Theres not that much to know. Somehow, I sincerely doubt that. He reached out and wiped the now dried clay from her temple, his touch more of a caress than anything else. Callie felt her cheeks flush. Its true. Im boring as hell. He rolled his eyes. Right. Will you at least consider Her ringing cell phone cut him off. His hand drifted away from her face, skimming along her cheek and setting her belly to fluttering again. She missed his warmth already. Looking around for her phone, she gestured with her slurry covered hand toward the old couch she sometimes crashed on. Can you check the ID and see who it is? Sure. He leaned toward the couch, his T-shirt riding up and baring his tight abdominal muscles. Her mouth went dry at the sight. If anyone needed to be a nude model it was him. Scooping up the phone, he looked at the screen. It says Courtney Davis. Crap, thats my model for tonights class. Can you answer it, quick? Flipping open the phone with long nimble fingers, he brought it to his ear. Professor Sullivans phone, one moment please. He stood and walked to stand behind her, enveloping her

with his warmth. Carefully, he tucked her hair behind her ear and held the phone to her head so she could hear. Hello? Professor Sullivan? Yes, hi Courtney, whats up? Im so sorry, but I wont be able to make it to class tonight. My partner, Amber, just went into labor, and the midwife is going to be here any minute, so Stifling a sigh, she focused on what the other woman was saying. Shed forgotten that Courtneys partner was expecting. No worries. Ill figure something out. Good luck with the baby! Thanks. Ill keep you posted. As Courtney disconnected, Callie straightened and pulled away from Seth, who closed the phone and resumed his seat across from her. So? She sighed. My model canceled, too. As theatre grad students, both Courtney and Amber made extra money modeling for the art departmentin fact, they were the primary models for the university art department. It would be next to impossible to find someone at this point. Ill model for your class if youll model for mine, Seth offered. An image of him stripping off his clothes formed in her mind before she could stop it. She cleared her suddenly dry throat. Ive got a full nude session scheduled for tonight. He shrugged. Im good with that. Of course, you are. He grinned unrepentantly at her. How about if we make a deal? You come in, sit with your back bared for me, and Ill do starkers for you. Despite racking her brain, she hadnt been able to think of another model. She glanced at the clock. Canceling class wasnt really an option. They were behind as it was. If nothing else, Seth might give up his ridiculous flirting after seeing her naked. She tried to push away the nervousness. She was a professional, for Gods sake. She could do this.

Seth Granger watched Callies face intently. He could practically hear the thoughts rattling around her head. Her eyes closed, and she dropped her chin to her chest. Fine, she sighed. Ill do it. He fought the urge to whoop and holler like awell, like a drunken college student. Instead, he shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded. He wasnt lying when hed said he wanted to get to know her better. But yeah, he wasnt going to complain if he managed to get her naked, too. As staidly as possible he said, Excellent. Room two-eighteen at three-thirty. Ill be there. She stared at him, her pale green eyes wide. He watched as she worried her lower lip between her teeth. What he wouldnt give to taste the soft flesh. If nothing else, he wanted to break through the barriers she kept throwing up and get to know her better. What time is your class? he asked. Six oclock. Great. Lets grab supper between classes. She nodded, before a look of horror crossed her features. He stifled a laugh at her nearly transparent thoughts and guessed she was already regretting her decision. Deciding to leave before she changed her mind, he headed for the door. Grabbing the door handle, he turned to look at her one last time. Her head was bent, and she was ostensibly watching the pot growing under the guiding pressure of her hands. However, he suspected she was watching him through the wavy strands of honey-brown hair. Some of it had fallen free from the haphazard pile pinned to her head with what looked like chopsticks, decorated with dangling beads. It occurred to him that hed never once seen her with her hair down. That would change with tonights modeling session. His gaze dropped to the spinning wheel and the hypnotic way the clay rose and fell with the gentle force of her fingertips. It was impossible not to be entranced by the fluidity of her movements and the ever-changing shape of the clay. He suspected she could coax to life anything she wanted. Hell, the mere thought of her had coaxed him to life more times than he cared to admit. Hed lost track of the number of times hed come while thinking of her. A grin spread across his face as he continued to watch her work. Shed likely be horrified if she knew how

often hed imagined fucking her. How often hed imagined stripping those shapeless clothes from her body and baring her entirely. How often hed imagined sliding into the slick, welcoming heat of her body while she rocked and writhed against him. His cock stirred now as he pictured kneeling in front of her while he dragged her pants off and buried his face between her legs. His cock jerked against his zipper as he tried to imagine how shed taste. He scrubbed his hand over his face in frustration. Hed wanted her since hed met her and shed shot him down every single time. He wasnt even sure what it was about her that drew him. She wasnt a raving beauty by anyones standards, but she certainly wasnt homely, either. Her clear, guileless eyes were an odd shade of gray-green hed never before seen. Her gaze was often wary with a hint of sadnessparticularly when she looked at him, and he wondered what hed done to have her view him with such mistrust. One way or another, hed find out. Hed get to know herwhether she liked it or not. Apparently oblivious to him at this point, she rubbed her cheek with the heel of her hand, leaving behind another red smear that highlighted the dusting of freckles across her cheeks and nose. Hed bet they were on her arms, as well, but it was impossible to tell since they were almost always covered in varying stages of wet to dry clay. His gaze drifted to her mouth. How many times had he visualized sliding his cock between her full lips, fucking her mouth? Swallowing a groan, he studied her. Her lips were full, but her mouth was almost too wide to be considered pretty. And yet, perched above her adorably pointed chin, it was. Somehow her features came together perfectly to form the face of the woman he wanted more than any other woman hed over known. A gradual silence filled his awareness and he realized that the whir of the wheel was missing and Callie watched him expectantly. I didnt realize you were still here, she murmured as she grabbed a long wire with wooden handles at either end and sliced between the small, graceful vase and the flat, metal surface of the wheel. He shifted in the doorway. Sorry. Watching the clay go from a lump to a vase is kind of hypnotizing. She laughed, and the gentle sound kicked him in the gut. He realized hed never heard her laugh before. It seemed tonight would be a night of many firsts.

Yeah. It can have that effect on people, she said as she shifted her creation to some kind of plastic plate before wrapping the whole thing in a sheet of clear plastic. Her smile was more open and genuine than hed ever seen it, and right there he found himself vowing to make her smile at him like that as often as possible. He leaned against the door frame, watching as she carefully carried the vase to the drying shelves on the other side of the room. I guess I just find it amazing that you can turn a pile of mud into anything useful. I practically failed ceramics when I took it. Wiping her wheel down with a wet sponge, she glanced up at him. If you ever want to give it another try, let me know. Id be happy to tutor you. Rosy pink color crept across her cheeks and she looked away, ducking her head. Her smile faded and he immediately felt its loss. If you wanted to that is, she said, closely inspecting the wheel for traces of clay. If not, no big deal. Hed be more than happy to have her tutor him. They could certainly start out with clay, but he hoped they wouldnt stop there. Actually, Id like that. Cool. She nodded, her cheeks still flushed. Well, I should probably get cleaned up. Ill see you in a bit. He watched her for a moment more as she scrubbed the red-hued clay from her hands and forearms, wanting to prolong the moment of contact as long as possible. It was odd, he felt like hed made more progress with her in the last few minutes than he had the entire time hed known her. However, he didnt want to be perceived as a crazy stalker guy, so he returned to his room to prepare for the afternoon classand Callie. **** Despite the warmth radiating from the space heaters that were placed around her, Callies exposed skin was covered with goose bumps. What the hell had she been thinking? Every decision shed made today bordered on epic stupidity. Granted, agreeing to model was by far the most moronic decision, but offering to tutor Seth came in as a close second. It probably sounded like the lame come-on she desperately tried to convince herself it wasnt. She rolled her eyes, catching her breath when Seth raised his eyebrow at her in question. Removing her glasses so meaningful eye contact was impossible, she looked away, freezing in the pose shed chosen for the art class. She sighed. She just wasnt equipped to deal with men

like Seth Granger. She turned into a babbling idiot whenever he was aroundworse than any first-year student with a crush. Holding a soft white sheet over her breasts, she adjusted the drape, taking care to move as little as possible. Seth rose from his seat in front of the class and walked to stand behind her. Leaning over her shoulder, he whispered, Are you doing okay? She nodded stiffly and kept her gaze off the avid faces of the students who had pulled their chairs and easels closer. Fixing her gaze on a distant spot on the gray tiled floor, she tried to ignore the fact that she was completely naked and Seth was close enough to touch. Acutely aware of every move he made, she sat-stone still as he made his way around her. Okay, tonight we have a guest model who graciously agreed to fill in when our scheduled model canceled. Callie, here, will be doing a couple of poses for us. She glared at him. A couple? It was bad enough that she was sitting here mostly exposed, but she had to move? Shed kill him later. Slowly. But were beginning with this one, he continued. Pay special attention to the way the light hits her skin, highlighting her muscle structure. His fingertips swept down her spine, scarcely touching her, but she felt the heat of his body nonetheless. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and he winked at her. Jealousy she had no right to feel tightened her middle as she wondered if he touched his other models. Shed like to think that he wouldnt since most of the life art models were students, but she never would have thought that John would stoop to screwing students, and hed certainly proved her wrong. It hurt to think that if she hadnt showed up earlier than usual so they could have a long romantic lunch together, she might still be married to the bastard. Shed done something shed never done in the pastand hadnt sincecanceled her office hours a few minutes early. Shed gotten there just in time to see one of his poly-sci students down on her knees giving him an incredibly thorough blow job. Like a fool, shed just stood there. In shock. Watching. John finally noticed herafter the young woman registered her presence with a shriek, leaping to her feet and rebuttoning her blouse as she dashed from the room. In retrospect, Callie realized it was typical of him to be so focused on himself that the world around him ceased to exist.

Without a word, shed tossed her wedding ring on his desk and driven homecompletely numb. John followed, begging her forgiveness. He had, of course, been the victim. After all, hed said, how was he supposed to resist when his students came on to him day after day. He was only human. And besides, hed insisted, what else was he supposed to do when Callie didnt pay enough attention to his needs? Shed tried to point out that shed taken on extra classes so he could teach fewer in order to pursue his research and finish the book he always seemed to be working on but never managed to finish. In the end, hed decided that hed been a victim of his circumstances and she hadnt been the kind of wife hed needed. She supposed it was par for the course. Once again, her best hadnt been good enough. Callie? Shaking off the past, she glanced at Seth. Shed been so lost in her memories, shed completely forgotten where she was and what she was doing. He watched her closely, concern and what looked like a million questions shadowing his eyes. Im sorry. What? Were ready for the next pose. John, all but forgotten, Callie pushed down her rising discomfort, trying to figure out how to best shift without flashing the entire room. Scooting backwards on the table, she drew her legs to her chest and carefully removed the sheet, letting it slide to the floor. Leaning forward, she wrapped her arms around her calves and rested her face on her knees. A slow, sexy smile spread across Seths face and her breath caught in her chest at the sight of it. Perfect, he breathed. Wait. Will you let your hair down? Sure. She lifted her hand from her leg to reach back and pull the hair sticks from her hair, but he laid his hand over hers, pushing it back to her body. The sensation of his hand covering hers, and his fingers pressed against her bare leg sent shivers coursing through her. Her nipples tightened painfully against her thighs as she imagined his fingers sliding up her leg to find her pussy wet and pulsing for want of him. Stay where you are. The pose is perfect. He moved closer, his groin directly in front of her face. Did she detect a bulge there? Carefully, he removed the carved wooden sticks that had anchored the messy twist to the back of

her head. Slipping them in his back pocket, he slid his splayed fingers through her hair, spreading it over her back and absently stroking her skin as he arranged the bedraggled length. Her pussy clenched at the sensation of his work-roughened hands on her tender flesh. The bulge in his pants that shed detected earlier seemed larger than before. Perhaps the fleeting touches were more purposeful than she would have expected. It was startlingparticularly in front of a group of students. Callie closed her eyes and bit back a moan. His simple touch felt better than anything she could remember. It was so tempting to lay back and demand that he fuck her now. If they werent surrounded by an entire classroom of students, shed be hard pressed not to. If he kept up his teasing caresses, she might consider it anyway. Shed never been into voyeurism, but as she relaxed under his touch, she couldnt deny that the idea of Seth pounding into her while a group of people watched was seat-squirmingly hot. She sighed. If she wasnt careful, by the time class was over, her thighs would be slick with long-denied desire. God help her if heor anyone elsecaught sight of that. Feeling Seth straighten, she opened her eyes. Okay, people. This is the last pose of the session, so move your chairs if you want a different angle, but start drawing. He glanced at his wrist. Class ends in thirty-five minutes. Callie heard the screech of chairs scraping along the tile floor as students around her shifted position then the rasp of pencil and charcoal on paper. Seth glanced down at her, his eyes hooded and his expression unreadable. Had she imagined the attraction? Without a word, he began weaving though the room and she heard him murmuring quietly to various students about their drawings. After what seemed an eternity, he resumed his seat and picked up his pencil. Before, shed kept her focus off Seth, but that had only gotten her a head full of bad memories. Now she watched him work. His dark hair fell across his line of vision, but he ignored it as he studied her, his eyes bright with an intensity shed never before seen from him. Of course, shed never seen him work before. His gaze barely left her as his hand flew across the paper. It was unnerving to be the focal point of such formidable concentration, but it was also arousing. The tight, achy feeling in her breasts intensified and she couldnt help but wonder what it would feel like to have him touch her. Really touch her. What his lips would feel like on her breasts, her stomach, her pussy. She squeezed her thighs together, willing away the empty throb

that had settled there from the moment hed laid his hands on her body. Now, as he seemed to drink her in with his gaze, it was as if there were tendrils of energy arcing back and forth between them. She knew then that sex with him would be phenomenal. Hell, it would be better than phenomenal. And it would also be an exceptionally bad idea. An horrifically bad idea. What was she thinking? Had taking off her clothes addled her brain? Mentally, she recited all the reasons getting involved with Seth would be stupidthe most important being that she was smart enough to know that she wouldnt be able to keep her heart out of the situation. There was no way a man like Seth was going to fall in love with a woman like hernot in the permanent sense. She wasnt sure shed survive being betrayed again. Seths hand stopped moving and his eyes narrowed as he studied her face, not bothering to hide the questions in his gaze. Was she that easy to read? She fought the urge to look away from him while trying to will away the color she felt staining her cheeks. His watch beeped, drawing his attention from her as he checked the time. Okay guysfive minutes. Time to finish up. Setting aside his pencil, he rose and moved to squat in front of her, his face nearly level with hers. I feel like a broken record today, but are you sure youre all right? I am. Really. Its just been a weird day for me. He studied her a little longer as if weighing her words for truth. Finally, he nodded and got to his feet. He made another circuit of the room, discussing each students drawing. She listened as he balanced praise with encouragement. His teaching style was far different than Johns. Granted, the subject matter was also completely different, but John had always made a point of telling students why they were wrong whereas Seth offered suggestions for improvement. Coming up behind her, he laid a hand on her shoulder. The warmth of his palm sank into her skin and her belly fluttered nervously. Heres a robe for you. I thought you might want to see the sketches. Handing her the garment, he picked up the sheet from the floor and averting his gaze, shielded her from the rest of the room as she dressed. Sliding off the table, she hurriedly shoved her arms into the sleeves and wrapped the robe around herself. The well-washed terry cloth chafed her hypersensitive nipples and she fought the urge to squirm. As she secured the belt

around her waist, he handed her glasses to her and proceeded to lead her around the room to view the artwork. After shed seen all of the different renditions of herself, she excused herself to put on her clothes. When she returned, the students had gone and Seth sat alone at his easel, working on his drawing. As quietly as she could manage, she crept up behind him. Unfortunately, she couldnt contain her gasp as she viewed the rendering. Shed known he was good, but this was like looking in the mirror. Well, looking in a mirror that made her seem considerably prettier than she was in reality. Sadly, hed gotten the horny part down just fine. In the drawing, her lips were parted and her eyes looked liked she was begging him to fuck her right there. So much for hiding her thoughts from him while he worked. If he hadnt known she was completely aroused by him before, he had to know it now. She shifted uncomfortably as he turned to look at her. So? What do you think? She shoved her hand through her hair, wishing she had her hair sticks so she could keep it out of her face. Of course, the way her cheeks burned at his intense perusal and the image on the paper, maybe it was better to keep it down, masking her reaction. Its really good. Beautiful I hear a but. She cleared her throat. But, I How could she say it without looking like she was fishing for compliments? I didnt realize thats how I looked, she finished lamely. From the expression on his face, he obviously didnt believe her. Can I see the other one? she asked, desperate to change the subject. After studying her for a moment longer, he flipped over the sheet of paper and revealed the first drawing hed made. Her breath caught in her throat at the expression of pain hed captured in her eyes. The students drawings were good, but Seth had managed to depict her emotions perfectly. Unable to keep her gaze from the picture, she wrapped her arms around her middle, hating the feelings of vulnerability his drawing evoked. He turned his stool to face her. Who were you thinking about? When? she stalled, noticing that hed said who and not what. He snorted, clearly unimpressed by her attempt to play dumb. While you were posing. My ex-husband.

You were married? She couldnt help the laughter that bubbled out. You sound so surprised. I cant believe someone was stupid enough to let you go. She laughed harder, and he had the good grace to look embarrassed. I know it sounds like a line, but Im serious. How do you know it wasnt me who ended it? Was it? Yeah. But hed checked out long before I filed for divorce. She pushed her hair off her face. I was just too stupid to realize it. Before she could shove her hand in her pocket, he grabbed it, brushing his thumb back and forth across the sensitive skin of her inner wrist. Im sorry he hurt you. His gaze pulled at her and she wanted nothing more than to wrap herself in the comfort she knew shed find in his arms, but she pushed away the thought. Going down that road would only bring her to the same place shed ended up with John. She shrugged and pulled away. Thats what you get when you marry the hot prof. His expression hardened. He cheated with a student. It wasnt a question. Look, Im sure you get hit on by students all the time. It doesnt mean I act on it. Disappointment hollowed out her middle. Part of her wanted to hear him deny it so she could give in to her nearly out of control attraction for him. But that wasnt going to happen. She couldnt afford to give in to the temptation he presented. Besides, it was stupid to think students didnt fawn over him. He was gorgeous, talented, and genuinely nice. Who wouldnt want him? God knew, she did, but she couldnt risk getting attached to him. Who is this asshole? Seth demanded, rising to his feet, his eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed. Do I know him? It doesnt matter. Stepping closer, he rested his hands on her shoulders. It does to me. Its over and done with, she murmured, unable to look away from the heat in his eyes. Good. Her breath caught in her throat as his gazed centered on her mouth. Oh Godhe was going to kiss her. The intent in his expression was unmistakable. Seth was every bad idea shed

ever had all rolled into one tempting package. As much as she wanted to feel his lips on hers, to know what he tasted like, she couldnt let it happen. Not now. Not ever.

Chapter Two

I should go and get stuff set up for class, Callie muttered, not meeting his eyes. Seths fingers tightened on her shoulders, but he forced his grip to relax as she pulled away from him. I thought we were going to grab supper. She waved away the idea as if it was a bug. You go aheadIm not really hungry after all. Her belly rumbled loudly in protest, but he didnt call her on it. She clearly wanted to get away from him and hed let her gofor now. But hed seen the way shed looked at him. Whether shed own up to it or not, she wanted him too, and hed do whatever he needed to get her to admit to it. He let his hands fall to his sides and watched her rush from the classroom. As he made his way across the commons to the student union, he couldnt erase the memory of her desirefilled eyes from his brain. He wanted to beat the shit out of her ex. He couldnt imagine having a woman like Callie and cheating on her. Hell, he couldnt imagine fucking his students either. Well, he could. He was a guy, for chrissakes, and hed certainly been propositioned often enough, but that was a line he wouldnt cross. However, hed cross Callies line again and again, if shed let him. Shed let him, he decided. It was about time she found out not all men were like her asshole of an exhusband. After paying for a pizza and a couple of bottles of Coke from the caf, he headed back to Callies studio. Stepping inside the door, he glanced around. The tables had been rearranged to form a circle around a wooden pallet positioned in the center. Small space heaters were placed at even intervals around the pallet. He guessed thats was where he was supposed to do his thing. He hadnt modeled since he was in college, but it wasnt as if it was particularly challenging. The most difficult part would be keeping his erection at bay. Since hed approached Callie, earlier, hed spent the entire day in varying stages of arousal. Even now, the thought of

her had his cock straining against his flystraining toward her like some sort of carnal divining rod. Yeah, this was going to be a real interesting session. A bumping spinning noise pulled him further into the room. What the hell was she doing? He rounded the corner to find her at one of the standing wheels, operating the kick-pedal with her foot. He still had her hair thingies in his back pocket, so shed pinned up her hair with a couple pencils. He couldnt wait to pull them out and feel the silky length falling over his skin. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of him. Hey. He nodded toward the pizza box and soda. I brought you something to eat. He followed her gaze to her clay covered hands. No worries. He grinned. Ive got you covered. Didnt he just wish. His cock leapt happily at the images in his head. As if she knew he was envisioning, her eyes narrowed at him. Ignoring her pointed look, he opened the pizza box and set it on the closest table. I thought you came back here to set up the room. She shrugged. I did. He lifted a gooey slice from the box. He held it up to her lips, watching her war between wariness and hunger. Finally, hunger won. Her lips closed around it and she took a bite. Her eyes closed in obvious appreciation and she groaned. The sound went right to his cock. He had to clear his throat in order to speak. So whats with the old school wheel? Its a kick wheel. It wasnt working properly, and I have to give a presentation next week. I just made some adjustments, she said as she continued to pump the pedal with her foot. Now Im checking out the calibration. Her casual tone grated at him. It was as if she was indifferent to the fact that hed damn near kissed her a short while ago. Really? Cause from here it looks like you were trying to avoid the conversation we were having. She opened her mouth to respond and he put the pizza there instead. Glaring at him, she took another bite and swallowed. I wasnt avoiding anything. Pink stained her cheeks, but she didnt look away. She was such a liar. Unscrewing the cap of one of the Cokes, he held the bottle to her lips. Watching her throat convulse as she swallowed, it was impossible not to imagine her swallowing around his cock as he pumped it into her mouth.

After she finished, he set the bottle down. Actually, I dont think you were avoiding the conversation as much as you were avoiding what I was about to do. Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips and she kicked the wheel faster. I dont know what youre talking about, Seth. I like the way you say my name, he murmured as he stepped closer to her. Her eyes widened in alarm, but she didnt say anything. Sliding his hands into her hair, he angled her face upward. And I think you know exactly what Im talking about. She shook her head, frantic little movements between his hands. Leaning closer, his lips skimmed her cheek as they coasted toward her ear. A shiver worked through her body and her foot slipped from the pedal. You knew I was about to kiss you earlierand you wanted me to. A squeak that might have been the word no escaped her lips. Her breathing quickened and she held herself so tightly she trembled. I think youre mistaken, she choked out. If Im mistaken about that, am I also mistaken about the way your nipples tightened when you were posing for me? It was cold in there. I didnt know being chilly was a turn on, he whispered against her ear. What are you on about now? she demanded, her voice breathy, nervous. Im sure no one else noticed, but I could smell your arousal. That leads me to believe you either have an exhibitionist streak, oryou want me as badly as I want you. She gasped, the sound sharp against his ear. The clay shed been spinning slid off the wheel to thump loudly against the side of the tub that housed the wheel. Still holding her head between his palms, he pulled back and glanced down at her. Judging from the way your nipples are knotting against your shirt right now, I think its the latter. No, she mouthed, shaking her head, but no sound came out. Holding her gaze, he lowered his head until his lips hovered just above hers. Seth, I dont think Good. Dont think. He captured the velvet sweetness of her mouth as she stiffened in his embrace. Gently, he nipped and suckled until she opened beneath the pressure of his lips and

he deepened the kiss, tasting her fully. Mixed with the tanginess of the pizza and the sweetness of the Coke, he tasted something uniquely Calliedelicious and addicting. As if she was moving in slow motion, she began to respond, her lips sliding against his, parting further to accommodate the gentle probing of his tongue. The last thing he wanted with her was gentleness, but he also didnt want to scare her away. As it was, she still held herself rigidly in his embrace. She was strung so taut, it seemed like she might shatter at any moment. Keeping one hand anchored in the silk of her hair, and sliding the other down her back to rest at her waist, he urged her closer. It wasnt close enough. He pulled her flush against his body, flush against his aching cock. Her body jerked against his in response and she released a shuddering sigh into his mouth, suddenly melting against him. Her hands grasped his forearms, splotching his skin with cold, wet clay as she dug her fingers into his flesh. Doctor SulliUmyeahIll just come back later. The words registered in the back of Seths brain, as Callie flew from his arms, stumbling backward into the base of the standing wheel. He glanced toward the door, but whoever had been there was long gone. So was Callie. Shed already darted across the room and busied herself scrubbing the clay from her hands. Returning to his side with a wet washcloth, she studiously avoided his gaze she handed it to him. Sorry about getting you dirty, she muttered before attempting to retreat to the far side of the room again. He grabbed her arm, forcing her to stay. Sokay. I dont mind. She did meet his eyes then. He shrugged. Im not proud, Callie. Ill take your touch any way I can get it. Hed meant to comfort her, but as he spoke, he realized the words were true. He had it bad for this woman, and every moment spent in her company made it worse. She pushed her glasses up on her nose, watching silently as he wiped the clay residue from his skin. Students will be here any minute. Why dont I show you where to change? Her withdrawal was tangible. She might as well have slammed a door in his faceand dragged heavy furniture in front of it to barricade his way. Dont you think we should maybe talk? he asked. Nope. Skirting five large kilns and two smaller ones, she unlocked a heavy wood door and propped it open with a cinder block doorstop. We dont have a proper dressing room in

here, but the storage room locks and there are several robes hanging on a hook on the back of the door. She didnt want to talk? That was fine, but before the night was over she was damn well going to feel. Placing the wet rag in her hand as he crossed the room to enter the storage room, he looked her in the eye. Start thinking about how you want me.

Callie swallowed hard as Seth shut the door behind him. For the love of God, thats all shed been doingthinking about how she wanted him. On the table, the floor, up against a wall, from behind, on top, between her thighs, deep inside of her, hard and fastyeah, shed done far too much thinking about that already. Closing her eyes, she focused on the upcoming class period. At this point, she really didnt care how he posed. She just wanted to get this little slice of hell over with and get on with her lifesuch as it was. She sighed. Agreeing to this modeling exchange was the dumbest thing shed ever done outside of believing John when hed told her he loved her. No, she amended, the dumbest thing was responding to Seths kiss. She knew him well enough to know that he wouldnt be satisfied by just a kiss. Of course, she could hardly call it just a kiss. Her nipples were still tight and tingling and her panties were a damp reminder of what it felt like to be pressed against the hard, hot length of Seths body. That kiss had shifted the ground from beneath her feet. It was going to be hard enough to teach with his taste on her lips and the memory of his warmth against her. But now she was going to have to look at himnakedand know that no matter what he said, she was going to have to say no. She was doomed. Um, Doctor Sullivan? Are youbusy? Callie recognized the voice. It was Sarah, same young woman whod interrupted before. Willing her embarrassment away, she turned to face her. Hey Sarah, whats up? I am so sorry about earlier. I mean, I had no idea you and Professor Granger were involved and umI Callie shook her head. No, Im sorry. That was incredibly unprofessional of me and I apologize. Sarah shrugged and grinned. Its not like profs dont have lives, too.

This one doesnt. Callie smiled and hoped her face wasnt as red as it felt. You must have come here early for a reason, what can I help you with? she asked, trying to steer the conversation back on track. I just wanted to see if I can schedule some extra studio time next week. Absolutely. Thankfully, it was an easy request, because Seth chose that moment to exit the storage room and her brain turned to mush at the realization that he was naked under the robe. Turning back to Sarah, she pushed aside the papers that covered her desktop calendar. Lets see whats available. By the time shed finished scheduling Sarah for several sessions the following week, the rest of her class had filed in and the majority of the students were eyeing Seth with great interest. As if she needed more confirmation that getting involved with him was a bad idea, Lisa, one of her grad students, had sidled up to him and was now trailing her fingertips along his arm. She fought the urge to growl and throw the other woman out of the room. It was going to be a long class session. Warm hands settled on her hips and Seth stepped close to her back, breathing against her ear. So have you decided? The deep timbre of his voice settled low in her abdomen and her pussy clenched in need, goose bumps peppering her skin. She tried to remember what hed asked her, but his hands on her body chased away all thought. Hmm? Have you decided where you want me? If not, Ive got some great ideasof course, most of what I have in mind will have to wait until after class. She sighed. Seth, youre making it really hard He was so close, his depreciating chuckle vibrated through her. Sorry, darlin, but its the other way around. Youre the one making it hard. Not bothering to respond, she continued, Youre making it difficult to do what I need to do. What would that be? he asked. Teach this class or manufacture reasons to keep avoiding your attraction to me?

Ignoring him altogether, she glanced at her students who all watched expectantly. Okay, weve got a substitute model this week, so get the clay you wedged last week and whatever tools you want to use. Girding herself, she turned to Seth. Why dont you go ahead and get comfortable. She gestured loosely toward the pallet, unable to bring herself to look past his chest. I turned on the space heaters, so you should be warm enough. You want me sitting or standing? It was nearly impossible to have this conversation while pretending he didnt make her hotter than any guy she could remember. However youre most comfortable, she managed, trying not to choke as he stepped onto the pallet and loosened the robes belt. Her mouth went completely dry as he slipped the garment from his body and tossed it to her. Her imagination hadnt even come close to doing him justice. The strong column of his neck flowed into wide shoulders and a leanly muscled back that narrowed into the most perfect ass shed ever seen. His arms were beautifully sculpted. To think shed just been wrapped in those same armsshe was an idiot for pushing him away. He turned to face her, a dare in his eyes. Her gaze traveled across his broad chest following the sparse hair that thickened as it trailed over his tight abdominal muscles down to his groin. Pressing her lips together, she tried not to gasp at the sight of his cock. Semi-erect, it was a decent length, but it was the thickness that made her pussy weep. She could almost imagine how hed feel filling her mouth and throat. Shed never wanted to go down on a guy more than she did now. Turning away from the alluring sight before her, she retrieved her own slab of clay and tools from the shelf. She might not actually get to touch him, but she wasnt about to waste the opportunity to sculpt him. Setting her supplies at the spot Sarah had discreetly saved for her, she sank down onto the chair in front of him. She had to give him credit. He seemed very comfortable in a room full of people, most of whom were openly ogling him. Unable to keep her eyes from straying to his face, she was caught in the intensity of his stare. The desire shed felt before was backa hundred times worse. Drawing on inner reserves she didnt know she possessed, she looked away and stripped the plastic sheet from her slab of clay.

Make sure, she addressed the class, that you have enough air holes in your piece to keep it from exploding in the kiln. And if youre joining pieces as opposed to carving from a single piece, please be sure you use enough slip and cross hatching to get a strong attachment. She hazarded a glance at Seth. He continued to watch her with undisguised interest. Feigning indifference, she scanned the room. Id like these to be full sculptures as opposed to focusing on a specific body part. Remember to pay attention to the models musculature. Id like your work to reflect the natural flow and curve of the body. Sarah leaned over toward her. Is it weird to have your boyfriend modeling for class? Hes She had no idea how to even begin finishing that sentence. The whole day has been weird. Shutting out the distractions around her, she began to shape the slab into the rough form of a man. She molded the clay more by feel than sight. She loved working on the wheel, but hand building was her favorite. Shed always considered it thinking with her hands. Soft music drifted through the air. Apparently, someone had gotten up and put a CD in the player. Shed been so focused on her work, she hadnt noticed. The remainder of the class period passed in near silence until finally Sarah nudged her and murmured, Um, Doctor Sullivan? Class was up almost half an hour ago. Callie looked at the wall clock in surprise. Shed been so intent on Seth, shed completely lost track of the time. After telling the class to start their cleanup procedures, she hurried to the sink and washed the clay from her hands before handing the robe to him. He slipped it on, and Callie thought she heard a collective groan of displeasure from the rooms occupants as they went about gathering up their supplies. Do you want to take a look? she asked, half-hoping hed decline and put his clothes back on. Anything to make him less of a temptation. Yeah. He grabbed her hand, and pulled her close as they walked the perimeter of the room, checking out the various sculptures. Her students had done an amazing job. Hopefully, shed managed to get that across to them, but it was difficult to think with her hand nestled in Seths. Shed tried to pull free a couple of times, but he refused to let go, and she didnt want to cause a scene, so she remained where she was. Eventually, Seth disappeared into the storage room to get dressed and the rest of the class left for the night, except for Lisa. She didnt bother to hide the fact that she was waiting for Seth,

which was probably a good thing. She was a tangible reminder of what getting involved with him would entail. As soon as he exited the storage room, Lisa was at his side. Callie tamped down the jealousy she had no right to feel. It didnt matter what Seth did or with whom. Ignoring them both, she busied herself cleaning up her area and setting the room to rights. Well, she tried to ignore them anyway. It was impossible when he kept saying her name. Thanks, but Im involved with Doctor Sullivan. Callie didnt miss the look of incredulity on Lisas face. It was reminiscent of the look shed frequently received when she and John were together. The other woman finally left, an expression of annoyance twisting her lips while Seth followed her to the door, locking it behind her. The tumbling of the lock echoed in Callies stomach. What are you doing? Trying to prevent you from running off before we finish this conversation. She didnt think it was possible, but her stomach dropped further with every step he took toward her. Are you talking about an actual conversation or about the kiss? Her voice sounded remarkably calm, considering her knees were made of bubbling water. He cupped her cheek and traced her lips with the pad of his thumb. Why do you fight this when its obvious you want it as much as I do? Obvious? His laugh skated over her skin and trembled through her. The way you were looking at me, I could practically feel your lips wrapped around my cock. She opened her mouth to speak, but language had deserted her. His hand skimmed down, over her shoulder to rest on her waist, and he settled his other hand on the opposite side, dragging her against him. Her body rejoiced as it came into contact with his. Her muscles tightened and shivers raced across every square inch of skin. Can you actually tell me you dont want meand mean it? She found her voice. A little full of yourself, arent you, she laughed, not quite able to believe they were having this conversation. He shook his head. I can just read you, Callie. Why are you fighting it? She had no answer. Are you still in love with him? he prodded.

John? God, no! With purposeful movements, Seth lifted her glasses from her face and set them on the table behind him. The heat in his eyes singed her as he drew closer, giving her plenty of time to back away if she really wanted to. And that was the trouble. She didnt want to and they both knew it. Before she could talk herself out of it, she closed the distance between them and kissed him. His lips moved against hers, quickly dominating the exchange, demanding her acquiescence. She relaxed into his embrace, more than willing to give itfor now. As if he was afraid shed change her mind, he wrapped his arms around her and backed her against the kiln. The smooth, tight planes of his muscles shifted against her as his cock swelled, pressing into her stomach. Need tumbled endlessly through her belly while her pussy ached, desperate to be filled. Over a year of tamping down her desire for him welled up and she couldnt get him inside her fast enough. Longing clawed at her, heightening the sensation of his touch. She pulled at his shirt, slipping her hands beneath the fabric to stroke the warm, firm skin shed been dying to touch all night. Who was she kidding? Shed wanted her hands on him since shed met him. It was still just as bad of an idea as it had been then. That hadnt changed, but shed deal with that later. For tonight, shed give in to the urgency roiling through her. For tonight, shed have Seth filling the emptiness inside her. For tonight, shed have no regrets. There was time enough for that tomorrow.

Chapter Three

Seth had no idea what had changed for Callie, but it was like someone had flipped a switch. Shed gone from reluctant to trying to tear off his clothes in nothing flat. He wasnt about to question her change of heart or his stroke of luck. He splayed his hand over her belly, feeling it jump and flutter at his touch. Was she this responsive all over? Still tugging at his T-shirt, she squirmed against him, trying to get closer. Breaking the kiss, he pulled the shirt over his head and let it fall to the floor as he gazed at her. Her lips were red and puffy, and her eyes were nearly glazed as she trailed her hands over his body, reverently. The fleeting, almost tentative touch of her fingertips wasnt enough. He pressed her hand flat to his chest. Touch me, Callie, he demanded. Hed been waiting for so damn long, hoping shed come around. Now that she finally had, he wanted everything from her. Gripping his shoulders, she leaned forward and dragged open-mouthed kisses down the center of his chest before sinking her teeth into the meat of his pectoral muscle. Streaks of lightning shot along the length of his cock in response to her sharp nip. One by one, he pulled the pencils from her hair, freeing the honeyed brown waves to fall past her shoulders. Driving his fingers into the mass of silk, he yanked her head back and took her mouth again, delving between her parted lips and tasting her thoroughly. Her knuckles skimmed across his belly as she fumbled with the button on his waistband, but she freed it quickly enough and yanked at his zipper. He was so damn hard for her, it was nearly impossible to get the zipper open. Finally, she managed it, and slipping her fingers inside his boxers, cupped him in her small hand. Before he could stop her, she dropped to her knees and freed him completely, wrapping her mouth around the head of his dick. Sweet, wet warmth enveloped him as she drove herself up and down his length. Her cheeks hollowing as she sucked, she applied pressure to the underside of his head with her tongue. Fire licked at his balls as

pressure built. Hissing his pleasure, he tangled his fingers into her hair and tried to pull her off. If she kept up, hed never last. Wrapping her hair around his fist, he gently pulled. Uh-uh, darlin. Ive been waiting too damn long for you to have this over with in under five minutes. Her green-gray eyes fluttered open and she slowly let him slip from between her lips. His selfish cock protested the loss of her heat, but he ignored it. He planned on getting a whole lot more from Callie than a few kisses and a quick blow job. He wanted it all. He wanted all of her. Lowering himself to his floor in front of her, he yanked her loose fitting shirt off her body. No brathank you, Jesus! Her breasts rose and fell with each shuddering breath she took. Medium sized and perfecttipped with tight, pink nipples. Nipples he couldnt wait to taste. Reaching out, he brushed the backs of his fingers across a quivering peak, smiling as she arched toward him. Christ, she was beautiful. Her eyes were squeezed shut as though she couldnt stand the scrutiny as he looked his fill. Slowly, he leaned toward her and traced the curve of her collarbone with his tongue. She trembled at the passing caress. Wanting more contact than he was getting, he sat back on his knees and pulled her forward until she straddled his lap, his needy cock trapped between them. He captured a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, twisting and pulling, watching her reactions play out on her expressive face. Urging her closer, he bent his head and sucked a pebbled tip between his lips, flicking the distended flesh with his tongue. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, her short nails abrading his skin. Her nipple knotted further against his tongue as he sucked hard then scraped it with his teeth, drawing a strangled whimper from her lips. Thats it darlin, tell me how much you want this, he murmured against her skin. Her eyes snapped open. I want you to fuck me, Seth. Now. He shook his head. Weve got all night and I dont plan to let a single inch of your body go unexplored. Slipping his hand between their bodies, he worked at the button on her cargo pants. He was desperate to taste her and for all his pretty words, he wasnt sure how long hed last. Hed been on edge for this woman for over a year and now that he had herwell, it was a wonder he hadnt lost it already.

She braced her hands on his shoulders as she struggled to her feet and kicked off her shoes. He worked off the pants, one leg at a time, dragging his fingertips along the length of her sweetly freckled thighs. Free of her pants, she stood in front of him in nothing but pale pink, cotton panties, her feet on either side of his thighs. He hadnt figured her for pink. Gripping her hips, he nuzzled the front of her panties, inhaling the heady scent of her arousal. Youre mine, he growled against her pussy. For tonight. Her word niggled at him. What did she mean, for tonight? It she thought this was the end of it, she was sadly mistaken. Ignoring the troublesome thoughts for now, he breathed deeply of her scent. Her hips jerked as he took another pass across the damp fabric. Damp, with her juices, juices he was dying to taste. Resting the heel of his hand over her pussy, he pushed, grinding it against her. A quiet groan escaped her at the pressure, so he did it again. His fingertips brushed across her belly at the motion and her stomach muscles quivered at the faint touch. Seth dragged the panties down her thighs, baring her completely. Leaving her underwear around her knees, impeding her movement, he drew a single finger along her heated folds. Her breathing grew more rapid as she began to squirm. Just fuck me already, she demanded. Before I taste you? Not a chance. Parting her light brown curls with his thumbs, he bared her glistening pussy to his gaze. Pink and puffy and all his. She might not realize it yet, but this was just the beginning. Holding her steady, he dragged his tongue through her gathering juices. Her sweet, sharp flavor burst in his mouth and he wanted more. Carefully avoiding the swollen nub of her clit, he stroked her creamy flesh over and over. Though he tried to hold her immobile, Callie canted her hips toward his mouth, clearly wanting more than the controlled licking he was giving her. She grabbed his head, digging her fingers into his scalp as she tried to urge him closer. Seth, please, she gasped. His cock jerked at the desperation in her voice, but he wasnt ready to give her what she wanted, yet. Couch, he growled against her dripping flesh. Now.

Panties falling to her ankles, she backed toward the ugly green sofa against the far wall and he followed close behind. Giving her a gentle shove, he toppled her into a sitting position, her legs splayed. Perfect, he breathed as he pulled the underwear completely off her body. She tried to close her legs, but he stopped her with a hand on each knee. Never hide from me. He slid his hands beneath her ass and her legs fell open even farther. He lifted her slightly, watching as her eyes fluttered shut. Open your eyes, Callie. I want you to see how much I enjoy your body. How much I enjoy you. He lifted her a little higher and her eyes popped open. Holding her gaze, he nuzzled her inner thighs, his stubbled cheeks rasping against her tender skin. She caught her breath as he inched his way to her molten core. Hovering above her pussy, he flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue. She arched against his mouth on a keening sigh and without warning, gripped his head and shoved his mouth against her cunt. Chuckling against her warmth, he began lapping in earnest, occasionally worrying her swollen clit with teeth and tongue while his thumbs plied the flesh of her pussy. Circling her quivering opening, he slid his digits in and out while her hips lifted to meet the short strokes. More, she moaned. Please, I need more. He shifted a hand in order to slide a finger inside her velvet warmth. Her internal muscles clutched at it as he tried to withdraw. He could only imagine how tightly shed grip his cock. Carefully, he added a second finger and shoved harder into her dripping pussy, creating a driving rhythm her hips eagerly lifted to meet. Her cream flowed freely and he drank from her, not wanting to miss a single drop. Adding a third finger, he worked her harder still until she finally stiffened against him, nails biting into his scalp and his name on her lips. Seth nuzzled and licked until Callie finally came back to herself. Slowly, he removed his fingers and sucked her cream from each one as she lay limply against the couch. Wow. The whispered word burst from her on a sigh. He stripped the remainder of his clothes from his body, scarcely able to believe that he had Callie Sullivan right where he wanted her. Slipping his arm around her waist, he shifted her

to a laying position and quickly covered her with his body. She sighed contentedly as she pressed against him, pulling his face to hers and kissing him deeply.

Callie tasted herself in Seths mouth as he rocked against her, the thick head of his cock leaving a sticky trail of pre-cum on her belly. The satiation and post orgasmic bliss had begun to wear off. She wanted him inside her, stretching her, filling her, branding her with his thick heat. Stroking his broad back, she shifted, trying to urge him between her legs. Instead of complying with her wishes, he trailed open mouthed kisses along the side of her neck, driving her arousal higher still. Her pussy still clenched with the remembered sensation of the almost brutal release hed forced on her. Of course, there hadnt been a lot of force involved, shed begged for it before he was done. But hed pushed her far past her usual boundaries. Shed never come so hard and fast before, and never with a mans face buried between her legs. She was usually far too tense to relax enough to find release in that position. Not so with Seth. You should know, Im about to make you come again, he whispered into her ear. His voice, raspy and thick with desire, sent a fresh rush of cream to coat her thighs. Her response strangled in her throat as she thrust her hips against his, desperately seeking his cock. His restraint was killing her. A ragged groan escaped his lips as her wet pussy slid along the rigid length of his cock. Body shuddering, he mimicked her action, propelling himself through her slick folds. Christ, Callie, he groaned. I want to pound into to you until we both come screamingand then fuck you some more. If you dont do it soon, youre not going to get the opportunity, she gasped. His deep brown eyes sparkled as he stared down into her face. Oh really? Yeah, Im tired of being teased. If you dont get on with it, Ill throw you out. Her breath caught as the head of his cock brushed her clit. Liar. Shoving her breasts together, he moved back and forth between her nipples, sucking and biting until she thought shed go mad. He tugged and twisted the engorged tips with his fingers, drawing feverishly on them with his lips while she writhed beneath him. He dragged her

effortlessly along the sharp edge of release. It was as if she hadnt come a few moments earlier. If anything, she was more frantic than ever. Callie reached out and felt around on the floor, searching for his jeans. Finding them, she worked his wallet from the back pocket and flipped it open. Hed better have a damn condom on him, or shed kill him. Relief washed over her as soon as her fingertips brushed across a square foil packet. Pulling it free. She waved it in front of his face. Put it on, she ordered. Now. His single dimple dipped inward with his grin as he snatched the condom from her impatient fingers. Tearing it open with his teeth, he deftly sheathed himself before settling between her legs. Hooking his hands around her thighs, he urged them further apart. She almost wept with relief as the wide head of his cock nudged her opening. Hed better not think they were going to take this nice and slow. On a growl, she reached back and grabbed his shoulders, tugging him forward. Dont you dare, she snapped. Im not looking for gentle. I want the pounding you promised me earlier. He dropped his forehead to her chest as he tried to control his breathing. Finally, he raised his head and stared into her eyes, his own hard and hot with hunger. He nodded once before he grabbed her arms, pinning them easily above her head. He slipped his free hand under her ass and lifted, tilting her hips to take his cock, then rammed himself home. Callie cried out at the force of his thrust as it expelled the air from her lungs. Hed closed his eyes and his teeth were clenched in a grimace that rode the line between pleasure and pain. So. Fucking. Tight, he breathed. She barely had time to adjust to the exquisite fullness of his cock stretching her pussy before he pulled back. Her internal muscles convulsed, trying to keep him where he wasdeep inside her. She whimpered at the loss as he almost withdrew completely, whimpering harder as he hilted himself within her again. Still holding her captive, he suckled at her aching nipples while pounding into her as promised. He slipped his hand from beneath her ass and pushed her thigh back toward her chest. Releasing her nipple, he grunted, Wrap your legs around my waist, darlin. I need to be deeper inside you. I need to feel your sweet cunt gripping me harder.

A fresh rush of cream flooded her pussy at his words, and his balls slapped wetly against her ass. She locked her ankles at the small of his back, pleased when he groaned out his satisfaction. Arching her back and grinding her pussy against his groin, she tried to take more, to take him deeper. Oh God, she cried as he lunged faster. Harder. I need more, Seth, I need You need what? he asked. When she didnt answer right away, he slowed his thrusts, nearly stopping. She bucked against him, trying to goad him into finishing her. Fuck me, she demanded. He shook his head. What do you need, Callie? He flexed inside her, causing her to ripple around his cock. Tell me, he murmured. Tell me what you need. She closed her eyes, unable to bear his intensity, unable to bear the cliff he dangled her over. You, she whispered. I need you. With a roar, he reared back before slamming into her again. He shafted her so hard that spots drifted behind her closed eyelids. She thought she heard the couch legs scrape across the tile floor, but she didnt care. All that mattered was that Seth was giving her what she needed, filling her over and over, pushing her past her limits and she loved it. Come for me, darlin, he growled in her ear. Come now, Callie. Heat coalesced in her womb, spiraling inward in an ever tightening knot, but his hoarse words snapped through her like a whip and everything flew apart. Release rushed through her body, swamping her senses as her pussy rippled and spasmed around his cock and still he pounded into her. Christ, Callie, he groaned as he stiffened, his arm shaking with strain as his release poured through him. Finally, he loosened his hold on her wrists and slumped against her, pulling her into his arms. Her wrists ached slightly from his tight grip, but she didnt mind. It was a tangible reminder of the best sex shed ever had. She wrapped her arms around him and slowly sifted her fingers through his hair, content to stay where they were, safe in a bubble of silence. Sooner or later, someone would speak and shatter the incredible peace she felt with him. She was really hoping for later.

Content to simply lie in his arms, holding him close, Callie closed her eyes. It had never been this good with anyone else. The realization that it probably never would again surprised her with its stinging intensity. Blinking back sudden tears, she shifted. Seth pushed himself up on his elbow and lifted his weight from her. Smiling, he stroked her cheek. Im sorry. I didnt mean to squash you. Youre fine, she murmured, her hand falling away from his head. He pressed a slow, tender kiss to her lips and grinned down at her again. I could get used to this. Yeah. So could she. That was the problem. She pushed the thought aside. This was a once in a lifetime thing. She refused to get attached to someone like Seth. Her belly rumbled loudly, reminding her that shed never finished the supper hed brought. He kissed her again and slowly withdrew. The loss of his warmth inside her left an emptiness worse than the one before hed loved her. Fucked her, she corrected herself. Theyd had sex. Nothing more. Pushing himself into a standing position, he padded across the room to dispose of the condom, and she grabbed her shirt from the floor and tugged it over her head. She walked to the table where theyd left the pizza and pop and decided to finish eating. It was the perfect activity to put some emotional distance between what theyd just shared and the eventual awkwardness of saying goodbye and going their separate ways. Seth pulled on his boxers and leaned against the waist high table, snagging a piece of pizza and his Coke. He practically inhaled the slice of pizza and then laughed. What? she asked. He grinned, his impish dimple making an appearance. Youre a distracting woman, Callie Sullivan. Its rare that anything pulls me away from a meal. Unsure how to respond, she handed him another slice while he watched her through hooded eyes and fiddled with some of the tools that had been left on the table. Whats this? he asked, holding up a double-ended modeling tool with different shaped wire loops at each end. A carving tool.

He fitted one of the loops over the tip of his pinky and a slow, wicked smile appeared. Nervous anticipation spread through her, beating its wings like a wild bird in a cage. If possible, his eyes darkened to a deeper brown and his hand snaked out and pulled her against his body. Seth Callie he mimicked her tone. Glancing at her chest, his smile widened. This is what I wanted to see. She followed his gaze downward and saw her nipples peaking against the fabric of her shirt. With his free hand, he dragged the edge of the wire loop around her mouth, slowly tracing her lip line. What Hush, he murmured. A tingling path followed the wire around her mouth as he traced it again. Seethat wasnt so bad, was it? Her lips trembled at the barely-there caress. I Shh, he whispered against her neck as he trailed small, hot kisses along her neckline. The edge of the wire swept down her neck, along her sternum to loosely circle her breast, slowly spiraling inward toward her nipple. The already tight nub hardened further as he drew closer. Just as he was about to reach it, he reversed the direction of the tool. She bit back a groan of disappointment as he switched sides, repeating the process with the other breast. Her folds began to swell, growing slick again as he continued to torment her. She squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to bring some relief to her aching flesh. It didnt work. This time, as he neared her nipple, he didnt turn back. Instead, he slowed his rate of movement as he crept along toward his goal. His cock strained against the front of his shorts, pushing toward her, a little wet spot on the fabric near the head. She reached out to grasp him, but he lifted the wire from her breast. Uh-uh. Hands clasped behind your back, please. She scowled at him, but he simply laughed. And waited. Reluctantly, she did as he requested. Good girl, he whispered, his breath warm against her ear.

The sound of his praise shot through her body to center on her clit. What was the matter with her? Now, he mused, tapping the carving tool against her lips. Where were we? I was about to do you great bodily harm? she asked sweetly, thankful the tool was clean. His sharp bark of laughter contrasted with the scalding heat in his eyes. Both set her pussy to clenching. She shifted against him, trying to alleviate the pressure. Holding her gaze, he inched the tool closer to her aching nipple before finally encircling it with the snug fitting wire. This will never do, he murmured, removing the tool from her body. Oh? she asked feeling somewhat proud that she could manage a complete sentence at this point. Keep your hands clasped, he warned. She nodded, desperate to find out what he planned next. He gripped the hem of her T-shirt and lifted upward, pulling it over her head, baring her shoulders, but leaving her arms covered. She could wriggle out of it easily enough, but she didnt want to. Tracing intricate designs over her chest, he dragged the cool metal up the underside of her trembling breast. So beautiful, he murmured. Finally, he slid the wire loop around her nipple. Bending, he drew her nipple into his mouth, sucking hard. She cried out at the wet heat of his mouth and the slight pinch of the wire. The harder he sucked, the more engorged her flesh became, and the more constrictive the wire felt. His stubbled chin scraped at her sensitive skin and she cried out, feeling her pussy clench emptily and her juices leak onto her thighs. The combination of sensations were overwhelming. Still holding her hands behind her as hed insisted, she arched her back, pushing her breast harder against his mouth. More, Seth. Please more. He released her nipple with a near growl and nipped at her lower lip. Since you asked so prettily. Slowly, he dragged the wire carver through the valley between her breasts and her body shuddered, breasts jiggling. He continued his downward trek over her belly to circle her navel

with agonizingly deliberate strokes before carefully dipping inside ever so slightly. Callies sensitized nerve endings bought her to her toes and his rumbled laughter shot through her like a bottle of wine. She could become drunk on his voice alone. Seth trailed the tool over her abdomen, taking a roundabout path to her pussy. Callie had no doubt he was headed there. His intent shone brightly in his eyes. Sliding to his knees, he knelt before her as if in supplication, but she knew she was the only beggar in this scenario. He continued to tease her with the tool, drawing imaginary lines on her belly, connecting her freckles, bathing her pussy with his hot breath. Arms still securely behind her back, she slumped against the table as he skimmed the wire loop over her damp curls. She drew a shuddering breath at the sensation, so he did it again. Pressing the palm of one big hand above her mound, he spread her folds, bearing her to the cool air and his heated gaze. He leaned forward and traced a line with his tongue up and down the length of her slit, deftly avoiding her clit with every single stroke. She dug her fingers into the tabletop behind her, holding on through sheer will. He was going to kill her. Cause of death would be sexual overstimulation. Her legs trembled as he continued lapping at her tender flesh and she squeezed the edge of the table harder, willing her legs to continue holding her upright. Her clit throbbed with neglect. If he didnt give her the release she needed, she was going to lose her mind. Without warning, she felt the cool press of metal around the ignored flesh and her hips jerked violently toward his face. So pretty, he groaned. All pinkand swollen. Just for me. He sucked her clit between his lips and she screamed. The pressure of his lips combined with the stricture of the wire sent her tumbling into an abyss of pleasure so intense, black spots floated before her eyes. When she could focus again, Seth was still on his knees, his arms wrapped around her waist and his head resting against the pillow of her stomach. Gently, he unclenched her fingers from the table and tugged the shirt off. Her arms finally freed, she hugged him to her, wishing like hell she had more than this one night with him. As she combed her fingers through his hair, he tilted his head back to look at her. Her stomach flip-flopped at the fervor in his gaze. Turn around. Now, he ordered.

Chapter Four

Callies eyes widened. Wariness warred with arousal in their green depths. Seth had only come a short while ago, but she had him hard enough to hammer railroad spikes. He never would have guessed that she had a little submissive streak, but the way shed writhed and whimpered against him when hed held her down on the couch convinced him to push her a little furthera little harder. He could tell from the sheer force of her response and her willing compliance, she loved it. Turn. Around. Now. Teeth sunk into her full, lower lip, she turned around. Hands on the table in front of you. She lifted her trembling hands and placed them palms down on the tabletop. Rising, he glanced around for his wallet. Hed sure as fuck better have another condom in there. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her look over her shoulder. Face forward, Callie. She turned and he felt the shuddering breath she took all the way to his balls. Searching his wallet, he found one more condom. Thankfully, he had more at home. He had a feeling theyd need them before the night was over. Pushing his underwear to the floor, he walked back to her and tossed the foil packet on the table. He ran both hands up and down her back, reveling in the soft warmth of her flesh, the gentle play of muscles under her skin. Starting near the sweet dimpled indentations above her ass, he placed gentle kisses up her spine, drawing her back against his cock. He spread his hands over her back and pressed, pushing her forward until her belly rested against the table. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of Callie with her temptingly rounded ass up in the air. Someday, hed sketch her like this. However, today wasnt that day. Today he was going to be fucking lucky if he didnt come the moment he slid inside her tight, wet heat.

Snatching the condom, he quickly ripped it open and sheathed himself in record time. He grabbed the base of his cock and gently slid it through her gathering cream, taking special care to brush it across her clit the way she liked it. Rewarded with a strangled cry, he repeated the motion, before positioning himself at her opening. I wanted to take it slow this time, he gritted. But I just cant, darlin. Next time, he murmured on a groan as he sank into the tight fist of her pussy. Braced on her forearms, her head fell forward as he seated himself, balls deep. Her internal muscles rippled and clamped down on him and he thought he might lose it. Breathing slowly through his nose, he counted backwards from fifty, trying to get his need to plow her though the table under control. Unfortunately, she wiggled, arching her back and shoving her ass against him. Seth released the breath hed been holding and lightly slapped her ass. Naughty Callie, he murmured. Loving her needy little whimper, he did it again. Unable to keep still in the clasp of her body another second, he gripped her hips and pulled back, his entire body quivering with the effort. Pushing forward, he slid home again, his balls pulling up tight at the sensation. He drove into her again, jolting her body with every desperate thrust. Shed spread her hands on the table to support herself, and her fingers left little damp streaks on the matte black surface. Releasing a hip, he trailed his fingers through the faint sheen of sweat covering her back. She glanced at him over her shoulder, her eyes glazed with need. Every time he rammed into her, her hair would drift forward, covering her face. Snaking his fingers toward her head, he grabbed the tangled honey colored mass and wrapped it around his fist. She tried to turn away, but he held fast, tugging slightly on her hair. I want to see your face when you come, he gritted out. I want your eyes on me. I want you completely aware of whos fucking you. Whos making you come. His harsh words must have pushed her over the edge. Her entire body trembled and her pussy convulsed around him, gripping him so hard, he could barely move. Even as her eyes squeezed shut, and a primal scream ripped from her throat, she kept her face turned toward him. The sight of her pleasure was too much. He couldnt hold back any longer. One hand in her hair, the other digging into the curve of her hip, he pounded into her, powering through her

seizing muscles. A bright tingle of awareness bloomed at the base of his spine to shoot forward, twisting his balls until he spurted endlessly into her grasping body. Breathless, he slumped forward, draping himself over her back, kissing the damp skin between her shoulder blades. Come home with me. Callie stiffened beneath him. This was only for tonight, she said, her voice tight. He wanted to tell her that the walls shed tried to build between them were pointless, that today only proved that they belonged together. Instead, he shifted so she could see his watch. Tonights not over. The tension in her body ebbed slightly and she whispered, For a while. Seth released his pent up breath, relaxing somewhat. He had a little more time to convince her that they were meant to be together. Hell, even if she walked away right now he wouldnt stop trying to convince her. Slowly he withdrew from her body and disposed of the condom while she quickly yanked her shirt over her head. Ah shit, Callie, he said, wincing as he saw the fingerprint shaped bruises beginning to form on her hips. What? Crossing to her, he bent and brushed kisses across the marks marring her flesh. She glanced down at her hips and then into his eyes and shrugged. I dont knowI kind of think theyre hot. Her cheeks colored brightly at her admission. He pulled her close and trailed kisses from her shoulder to her ear. In that case, well have to do that more often. Her silence wasnt lost on him. She still thought this was a onetime thing. He sighed. Shed figure it out sooner or later. At this point, he wasnt planning on forever, either, but he knew that what they had was too good to simply walk away from it. As soon as theyd gotten to his place, he poured two glasses of wine. Hed talked her into leaving her car in the teachers lot, promising that theyd come back for it later. Hed been half afraid that shed turn around and go home if left alone to her own devices. Now, she was wandering around his loft, sipping wine and looking at his works in progress. This was the most relaxed hed seen her, this side of an orgasm.

Callie mentally slapped herself. Repeatedly. Every time she thought shed made the stupidest mistake yet, she compounded it by adding another even more ridiculous one to the list. Coming home with Seth was the winner of the stupidity contest. Hands down. Where was a time machine when she needed one? If she could do it over again, shed cancel her class and none of this would have happened. Catching sight of the clay carving tool Seth insisted on taking home with him, she shivered. Of course, if shed canceled, she never would have had the most amazing sexual experiences of her life. She shifted, feeling the delicious ache between her thighs. And not experiencing making love with Seth Sexit was just sex, she reminded herself, her heart breaking a little. And yeah, amazing sex aside, she was stupid. Now her heart was involved. It wouldnt take much more exposure to him until she was totally and irrevocably in love. Shed been planning to make her excuses and leave when Seth led her to the doorway of his bedroom and kissed her. Tenderly begging her without words to stay. He kissed the corners of her mouth, the line of her jaw, the space between her shoulder and neck and she was lost. One more time in his arms couldnt make her hurt any more than she already was, could it? **** Seth woke to cold sheets where he was sure there should have been a warm body. Callie. He knew without searching the apartment, that she was gone. It felt empty in a way that it hadnt last night with her here. His gut twisted. Hed been wrong. He might not have been planning on forever when he propositioned her yesterday, but waking without her warmth and light convinced him otherwise. Hed deluded himself thinking that anything temporary would be enough. She filled places inside him hed never realized were empty. Until now. He wanted Callie in his life. Every day. From here on in. He threw on his clothes and raced to the campus. Hopefully shed go there instead of going home, since he had no idea where home was. He relaxed slightly at the sight of her car where theyd left it last night. The art building was deserted. He checked his watch. No wonder. It was barely seven in the morningon a Saturday. Through dimly lit halls, he made his way to the ceramics studio to

find the light shining through the high-set window in the door. Relief washed through him when he pushed open the door and found her bent over her wheel. Callie glanced up at the sound of the door opening and the color drained from her face. She quickly looked back at the clay swirling through her fingers. Hey, she mumbled. Hey yourself. He pulled a chair behind where she sat on a stoolso close his legs bracketed hers and his chest pressed to her back. He felt her halting breath as if it was his own. Sliding his hands over the tops of her thighs, he wrapped his arms around her. Whyd you disappear this morning? he asked, nuzzling her neck. I was going to make you breakfast in bed. He loosely gripped her forearms and stroked down to her hands, ignoring the slimy clay that now covered his skin. It was more than worth it to be able to touch her again. She shrugged. We said it was just for the night. And the night was over. Shed said it was just for the night. Hed never agreed to that limitation. It doesnt have to be. She stiffened in his arms and he knew what was coming. It does, she whispered. It really does. He settled this fingers over the top of hers, feeling the motion of the clay through her hands. Why? Look, she sighed. Im not saying last night wasnt greatamazing, even, but we dont belong together. Not even for the short term. Who said anything about short term? Last night probably shouldnt have happened. She talked over him as if he hadnt spoken. Bullshit! Seth Frustration tightened his hands on hers. I refuse to believe you dont want me. Its not a matter of wanting you or not, she snapped. Then what the hell is it? Because I sure as fuck want you. From the corner of his eye, he saw her eyelids close and tears seep out between her lashes. His gut clenched. The last thing he wanted to do was cause her pain.

Heedless of the clay that covered him, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against his chest, burying his face in the softness of her neck. I would never treat you like your ex did. She shook her head, but at the same time she sank into his embrace, her arms clutching his. I cant do it. I cant go through that again. Releasing his death grip on her, he spun her stool around so she had to face himexcept that her eyes were firmly focused on the floor between them. Callie, look at me. I know youre scared, but Im not John. Youre the only woman I want. For the rest of my life. A sense of peace descended on him as soon as he uttered the words aloud, and he felt the truth in them. Callie was it for him. The peace turned to gut-twisting anxiety when she didnt respond. She just watched him through huge gray-green eyes, bright with tears. Are you telling me that youre willing to walk away from the best damn thing thats ever happened to you because youre scared of being hurt? he demanded. Hope flickered within him as her lips quirked and a watery laugh escaped. Youre the best thing thats ever happened to me, huh? He wiped his clay crusted hands on his jeans before trapping her face between his palms. He wanted to make sure he had her full attention. Im positive youre the best thing that ever happened to me. I was just hoping you felt the same way. The tears that had been trembling on her lashes slipped unimpeded down her cheeks, mixing with the clay dust there, leaving russet colored streaks. Holding her steady, he lowered his mouth to hers, capturing her quivering lips. He breathed her in, pouring everything he felt for her into the kiss. Callie leaned closer, her hands fisting in his shirt as she opened, inviting him in. He pulled her off her stool to straddle his lap as he deepened the kiss. Sweet coffee and Callie. There wasnt a better combination. He was sure of it. She rocked against him and his cock hardened, seeking her warmth. Hed never tire of losing himself in her passion, but right now he didnt want her blind hunger, he wanted her to believe him. He wanted her to trust him. He wanted her to feel for him what he felt for her. He had no fucking clue how it had happened, but he wanted her to love him. Lifting his head, he stared into her eyes. I would never hurt you. I love you.

His heart pounded wildly at the admissionat the words hed never said to another woman. She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything he laid his fingers across her lips.

Callie stared at him, trying to process his words, unable to make sense of what she thought shed heard. I know youre having a hard time believing me, so Ill repeat it until you do. I love you, Callie Sullivan. I love you. I love you. I Stop. She shut her eyes. The sincerity shining from his eyes made it impossible to think. John had never looked at her like she was the only woman who mattered. Hed never allowed her to see inside him as Seth was doing now. Seth had laid his emotions bare, made himself vulnerable in a way John never had. Looking into his eyes, she realized hed been open with her from the start. If she hadnt been so damn afraid of history repeating itself, she would have seen it months ago. A sense of peace settled over her, replacing the fear shed felt for so long. He wouldnt betray her. She couldnt believe she hadnt seen it before. I believe you. I think youre crazybut I believe you. Opening her eyes, she lost herself in his warm, brown gaze. And nervous as I am to admit itI love you, too. Her heart leapt in her chest at the brilliant smile that spread across his face and he pulled her closer. So close that if they were naked, he be inside her already. She wanted that again. As soon as possible. She was done running from the past. Done running from the pain. Her future was a beautiful lake of possibilities and she was jumping in with both feet. Come home with me, she whispered against his lips. Ive been waiting forever to hear you say that. Gripping her hips, Seth rocked against her, kindling her ever present need for him higher. She tightened her legs around his waist as he rose from the chair and pinned her against the wall. Thrusting against her fabric covered pussy, he briefly captured her mouth. You should know I plan to keep you in bed all weekend, he gritted out as he slipped his hand under her Tshirt and cupped her breast. Her nipple pebbled against his hand as he palmed circles around it. A ragged groan escaped her lips as he thrust again.

In fact, he continued. You should plan on spending all future weekends in bed. Im going to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much I love you. Lifting her shirt, he bent his head and sucked her aching nipple between his lips, scraping his teeth across the sensitized bud. Callie tangled both hands in his hair and arched away from the wall, shoving her breast deeper into his mouth as she rocked against his cock. When he finally lifted his head, he gazed into her eyes. How long does it take to get to your place? About ten minutes. He grinned as he freed the button on her waistband. Too long. Ill show you here, firstand again when we get to your place. Happiness soared within her as she made a few plans of her own.

About the Author

Bronwyn Green lives in Michigan with her wonderful husband, two amazing sons and four somewhat-psychotic cats. When not tormenting her characters, she can usually be found helping with reading and writing projects in her sons classrooms as well as providing child care and tutoring for several daycare children. Besides writing, she also enjoys reading, knitting, sewing, cross stitching, pottery, drawingbasically anything that helps her avoid cleaning and cooking.

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Three months is way too long to wait for some simple, low-down, straight forward sex. Its not like Officer Chrissie Hansen is asking for prince charming to offer her the love of a lifetime. All she wants is a good orgasm that she doesnt have to work for alone. At least with The Bull, she knows what to expect. But when Patrick MacKlick returns to her life and tempts her with new options, she discovers that lace can imprison a heart better than handcuffs can. $3.00

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Wren Thornberrys life isnt going according to plan. She let her father talk her out of marrying Bryan Stockard, the man she loves, and moved halfway around the world. Now shes back home in Texas, babysitting her grandmother while grandma and her boy-toy work through their list of sexual exploits, making themselves the talk of the town.

But what Wren doesnt know is that things in her hometown are about to heat up even more, and it will have nothing to do with her grandmother. It seems that Bryan Stockard is still around, he wants to get back into Wrens lifeby any means necessary, and now he has just the tools to do it: A police uniform, handcuffs, and the authority to make Wren... assume the position. $3.00

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