Movie Review

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Movie Review: The Impossible

Jhov Joshua Galvan 12 STEM-1

What are the learnings you got from the video along the Eight Aspects of self?
- The most important message for me is that nothing in this world is permanent.
Everything around us, dreams, ambitions, and mainly people. The qualities of self can be
tied to all of the events in the film because it demonstrated the characters' perseverance.

What is the movie asking you to do now?

- What I believe the film is now asking of me is to put into practice the lesson I gained
from watching it by realizing that we don't have unlimited time and that anything may
happen in the blink of an eye. Because time is of the essence, I must complete all of my
tasks. One of my goals is to take care of and appreciate my family by showing how much
I care, love, and appreciate them.

Your greatest realization.

- What I realized from the film is that trials will come, but it will all come down to one's
ability to withstand them all. What distinguishes a person is not how many times they
fall; rather, it is how many times they get back up. Sometimes you just have to be strong
to protect the people you care about and love. This limits our ability to aid not only
people we care about, but also strangers we encounter. It has something to do with the
spiritual self, often known as life force. Finally, by helping others, we tend to improve
ourselves while also helping others.

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