Treasure Yourself With These Ways!

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Life Goals Ryza C. Magbanua

Career Goal Development Goal

Financial Goal
Mental Health Goal
Relationship Goal

I will pursue Architecture in college and hope to be successful in my chosen field.

Career goals help us stay focused on our desired career path; this goal will
provide structure and a path to success. Setting a career goal for myself is most
likely one of the most powerful tools I have for moving myself and making
significant advancement in my career.

Make more money or saving

I love personal development goals money is one of my 2023 priorities, since
having funds while you are young is necessary,
because they’re all about becoming a especially for future usage or emergencies. If I
We all experience difficulties
better person. And all the money in work hard and save diligently, I deserve to from time to time, but having
the world cannot help you achieve reward myself with my savings. Plus, working strong mental health enables
that. Some personal development towards something you truly want is a great us to overcome them and
way to practice self-discipline and goal setting. maintain control. In order to
goals that I want to achieve are

maintain healthy mental

having a better attitude, be more

health this year, I plan to

confident, embrace my fears and practice building social
stay fit and active. Personal connection, healthy diet,
development is a lifelong process we physical activity and
should all invest in. The first step in I’ve selected life goals that mainly relate to meditating.
growing as a person is to accept who being a good friend or family member,
something that you can’t take for granted. It
you are, your imperfections, and the
is important that we treat those closest to us
fact that you deserve to change. as the most important people in our lives. The
Knowing myself will enable me to first step to achieving this goal is to be
discover the areas that I need to realistic. I'll try to develop and really work at com%2Fpin%2Fsailorfailures576179346059215320%2F&psig=AOvVaw23IIo

my listening skills. A relationship is only as ubAPrJEXkVH2HzjuG&ust=1674498612375000&source=images&cd=vfe&v

improve. good as the communication it is based on. It

all comes down to understanding.

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