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Behavior Intervention Plan: Overview

1. Target behavior:
● Must be defined in objective terms.
● Anyone reading your target behavior should be able to track it the same way.
○ POOR Example: Student is disrespectful when he doesn’t listen.
○ GOOD Example: Student is engaging in aggression when he hits, pushes, or
kicks another person, or hits, slams, throws, kicks, rips, or crumbles any
material or object.

*Function of Behavior: If a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) was

completed prior to implementing the BIP, indicate the determined function of the
target behavior (ex, escape, attention, sensory, tangible).

2. Antecedent Strategies:
● These are things you are going to put into place to PREVENT the target behavior
from occurring.

3. Reinforcement Based Strategies:

● These are things you are going to do after the ABSENCE of target behavior to
motivate your learner to engage in appropriate behavior.
● This could incorporate short and long term reinforcement (ex, deliver praise for
instance of positive behavior in the moment + deliver a token toward a long
term reward such as Ipad after 10 minutes).

4. Replacement Skills:
● These are things you are going to teach your learner to do INSTEAD of engaging
in the target behavior.
● The goal is to teach more appropriate skills that will still result in your learner
accessing the reinforcement they are seeking.
● These should be related to the function of behavior, as determined by FBA.

5. Consequences:
● This is the plan you will follow immediately following instances of target
● This could incorporate short and long term consequences.

6. Data Collection:
● Choose a data collection system for all adults involved in tracking this behavior.
● The effectiveness of the behavior intervention plan cannot be judged if there is
not accurate and consistent data collection in place.
● Choices include frequency, rate, interval, etc.

7. Parent Communication:
● State how and when you will be communicating with the student’s home team
to ensure consistency in treatment.
● Examples include daily emails home, a behavior log sent home weekly, etc.

8. IEP/ RTI/ I&RS Goals/ Objectives:

● This may not apply to everyone.
● If a student has an IEP, you may want to include behavioral goals if they have a
formal Behavior Intervention Plan in their IEP.
● If a student is in the RTI or I&RS referral process, objective goals can help staff
monitor progress and decide when changes need to be made.
● Goals should be objective and measurable.

Behavior Intervention Plan: Example
1. Target behavior:
● Student is engaging in aggression when he hits, pushes, or kicks another person,
or hits, slams, throws, kicks, rips, or crumbles any material or object.

*Function of Behavior: An FBA was completed and the function of the

target behaviors are: Escape from demands + Attention

2. Antecedent Strategies:
● Staff will provide squeeze balls or other “fidgets” to learner to hold and
manipulate at any time.
● Staff will remind student that they are working toward preferred reward for
positive behaviors by showing them visual cue of “Quiet Hands + Body for Ipad”.

3. Reinforcement Based Strategies:

● Staff will run a timer for 15 minutes. Upon timer sounding, if student has not
engaged in aggressions or disruptions, student may access chosen reward (ex, 2
minutes Ipad time).

4. Replacement Skills:
● Staff will teach student to raise hand to seek attention when needed.
● Staff will teach student to request “break” using a picture cue whenever student
becomes upset or frustrated.

5. Consequences:
● Upon any instance of aggressions/disruptions, staff will stop timer and say
“Keep quiet hands and body!” and reset the timer.
● Staff will show student picture cue and remind them what they are earning for
good behavior.

6. Data Collection:
● Staff will record a tally on data sheet for each instance of aggression or
disruption (frequency count).

7. Parent Communication:
● Teacher will send home a daily log sheet to inform the home team of the
frequency of target behaviors and of positive interactions.

8. IEP/ RTI/ I&RS Goals/ Objectives:

● Student will independently request a “break” by exchanging picture cue with
staff on 4 out of 5 consecutive opportunities (during periods of demands) with
absence of target behaviors.

Behavior Intervention Plan: Blank Template

1. Target behavior:

*Function of Behavior:

2. Antecedent Strategies:

3. Reinforcement Based Strategies:

4. Replacement Skills:

5. Consequences:

6. Data Collection:

7. Parent Communication:

8. IEP/ RTI/ I&RS Goals/ Objectives:

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management & IEP Data Collection.

Click the resource pictured above if you are looking for a template
to graph your data once your behavior plan is active!

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