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We, the students of Southbridges International School, in order to foster alma mater pride and loyalty; to
establish high standards of citizenship; promote harmonious relationship between the administration,
faculty and student body; and to give students the opportunity to exercise good student governance that
will promote the general welfare of the students, do ordain and establish this constitution for the Student
Council of Southbridges International School.

Article I. Name of Organization

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Southbridges International School Student Council.

Article II. Purpose

Section 1. The purpose of this organization shall be to:
1. Foster and develop the principles of responsibility, leadership, personal growth, self-discipline,
and good citizenship;
2. Assist in school management;
3. Promote harmonious relations throughout;
4. Promote mutual respect and communication;
5. Encourage student involvement and enthusiasm in all school activities;
6. Provide orderly direction of school activities; and
7. Promote the general welfare of the school.
Section 2. Activities
The organization in strict coordination with the Student Council Adviser and other relevant school
representatives shall be responsible for planning and conducting the following:
1. Assembly Programs
2. Annual School Dance
3. Fundraising activities
4. Christmas decorations as well as other decorations, if deemed necessary.
5. Other similar activities

Article III. Power and Authority

Section 1. The powers of the Southbridges International School Student Council are delegated to it by the
school administration. The school administration or its designated representative has the right
to veto or revoke any act power of the organization.

Section 2. The Principal or his/her designated representative shall have the power to veto any measure
adopted by the council, if he/she feels the measure unreasonable, unsafe, or in violation of the
SIS Code of Conduct, school policies, or law.
Section 3. If the veto is given, the school administration will meet with the council in open discussion
and justifiable reason for the veto will be given.

Article IV. Organization and Membership

Section 1. The student body of Southbridges International School shall consist of all the students from
grades three (3) to twelve (12).
Section 2. The Student Council shall be comprised of five (5) executive members plus seven (7) class
Section 3. The Executive Council shall consist of the following:

1. President 2. Vice President 3. Treasurer

4. Secretary 5. Communications & Information Officer


Section 1. Any student in good standing and enrolled at Southbridges International School for the entire
year is eligible for election to the SIS Student Council.

Section 2. The student must not have a grade of letter C grade in the previous school year at the time of
final selection of candidates.

Section 3. Selection of these officers will be decided on through a ballot process by the members of the
Student Body.

Section 4. All officer-candidate eligible for election will be from seventh to tenth grade. Only rising ninth
to tenth grade students may serve for the position of the President.

Nomination and Election

The following procedure will be followed in electing the Student Council Members of Southbridges
International School:

1. Any eligible student may run for the Student Council by submitting his/her name and letter of
intent for the position of President or Vice President to the Student Council Advisor. For the
positions of Secretary, Treasurer and Communication and Information Officer, the party
candidates will be nominated by the selected President and Vice President from both parties.

2. A primary screening shall be held for the purpose of selecting two executive candidates
(President and Vice President positions) to form the two-party system election and will run for
office in the general election.

3. Any eligible student may run for only one major position each year.

4. From the list of submitted names, a ballot will be developed. Each qualified voter will vote thru
secret balloting for the executive officers and class representatives. The ballots will be counted by
the SC Advisor and another school faculty or personnel designated by the Principal. Those
students with the highest percentage of votes will be named to the Student Council.

5. There shall be 7 representatives elected from the classes from Grades 3 to 9 each year.

6. The Council election shall follow a Two-Party system approach. Only 2 parties will be allowed
for the nomination of candidates and election.

7. The election process will be conducted every last week of March every school year.

8. Voting for the Council officers will be held on the day and time appointed by the Student Council

Term of Service and Attendance Requirement

1. The term of members of the Student Council of Southbridges International School will consist of
two (2) semesters. The first semester will last from the time elected until the end of the second
term. The second semester will begin upon the resumption of the third term and last until the
inauguration of the new members.
2. Council members are required to attend and arrive promptly to all meetings and scheduled
activities unless excused by the Student Council Code of Conduct or by the SC Advisor prior to
scheduled meeting by submitting an Absent Request Form. Absent Request Form may also be
accepted after a scheduled meeting when a member is absent from school or subject to emergency
3. If the student council member misses more than three (3) meetings and /or scheduled activities
during the semesters of the tenure, and the absences are unexcused, that council member will be
removed from Student Council of Southbridges International School.
4. Two (2) unexcused tardies will be considered the equivalent of one (1) unexcused absence.
Tardies may also be excused by means of the Absence Request Form and are subject to the same
requirements as excused absences.
5. Any student council member who drops in three or more grades shall be suspended from the
office or position.

Code of Conduct
Any Student Council member who is found to have used in campus alcoholic beverages, tobacco
products, illegal substances and narcotics, acts of vandalism, violence, theft, bullying, or academic
cheating during the school year will result in loss of all recognition and will not be allowed to participate
in Student Council during the remainder of their school career.

Rule of Succession

Section 1. In case of the President’s resignation, removal or school transfer, the Vice President succeeds.

Section 2. For the Vice President down to the Communications and Information Officer, the runner ups
during the last election shall fill in the vacant position.

Replacement of Representative or Vacancy

Section 1. Should a representative resign or be removed from office, he / she will be replaced by the
second nominee and will hold office for the remaining days of the term of office.
Section 2. In the event of permanent vacancies in offices:
a. New major officers will be appointed by Student Council.

b. Intermediate and minor officers will be re-elected by the group they represent.

Article 5. Officers, Council Members and Committees

Section 1. Officers
The officers of this organization shall consist of President, a Vice- President, a Secretary, A
Treasurer and a Communications and Information Officer.

Section 2. Eligibility of Student Council Officers

The following policies will be in effect in electing the executive officers of SIS Student Council:
1. All nominees for the student council positions must have good grades.
2. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications and Information Officer
must be bona fide senior, junior or in middle high school during the nomination period.
Section 3: Council Members
The Council members shall consist of the Class Representatives from Grade 3 to Grade 9.
Section 4. Standing Committees

Section 1. The President may hold one or two chairmanship position in the standing committees and
select officers or representatives to be his/her co-chairs.

Section 2. The chairpersons and members of the standing committees shall be appointed by the Council
President through a Council Resolution.

Section 3. The President may appoint chairpersons and members from within the council officers and
member and/or from the recognized club officers and members of Southbridges International School.
Article 6. Duties of Officers and Members
Duties of the Student Council President:
a. Presides over the meetings of the Student Council
b. Appoints committee chairs and monitor the progress of all committees
c. Executes correct parliamentary procedure.
d. Votes on any matter in which the Council is equally divided.
e. Meets with the Advisor one day prior to meetings of the Council to establish agenda

Duties of the Student Council Vice-President:

a. Performs the duties of the President during any absence of the President.
b. Keeps attendance records for meetings of the Council
c. Represents the President in all school related functions, in the president’s absence.
d. Fulfills the duties of the president in the president’s absence or in case of resignation or
incapacity of the president.

Duties of the Student Council Secretary:

a. Takes minutes of all official meetings of the Council
b. Supplies members with the agenda prior to meetings.
c. Keeps a written record of al proceeding of the Council.
d. Provides a written copy of the minutes of all meetings to each member of the Council.
e. Writes correspondence for the Council.

Duties of the Student Council Treasurer:

a. Works with the Council Advisor in maintaining records of all receipts and expenditures of the
Council, if any.
b. Makes monthly financial reports for the Student Council at the last meeting of each month,
when necessary.
c. Makes a financial report at the end of the school year of all business transactions during the
school year.
d. Coordinates fund raising projects for the student body.

Duties of the Student Council Communications and Information Officer:

a. Promotes the objectives and plans of the Council.
b. Takes charge of the promotion of the Council projects and activities.
c. Coordinates the Council’s information drive.
d. Provides updates to the Principal, staff and students on the Student Council’s activities and
e. Ensures update of the student notice-board in the school where information on the Council’s
activities is posted.
f. Announces upcoming events at student’s assembly.

Duties of the Class Representatives shall be to:

a. Attends all meetings of the Student Council
b. Attends meetings of committees of which they are members
c. Gives Student Council report to their classes and/or report on activities of the Student
Council as necessary.
d. Brings to the Council the suggestions of the members of their class for consideration.
e. Assists in student body activities.
f. Keeps an up-to-date notebook of all student council meetings and correspondence.

Article 7. Meetings and Council Voting

Section 1. The Student Council shall meet at least twice monthly during the school year. Scheduled
meeting will take place before or after school.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called as necessary by the President of the Student Council but with
prior consultation with the Council Advisor.

Section 3. The Executive Council will meet prior to every Student Council meeting to plan the agenda.
All Council members are entitled to request a place on the agenda during the meeting preparation.
Agenda will be given to all members at least two days prior to the meeting.

Section 4. Each member of the student council is allowed one vote.

Article 8. Advisor/s

Section 1. The Principal shall appoint member(s) of the school staff to serve as Advisor to the Student

Section 2. The term of office of the advisor/s is left to the discretion of the Principal.

Section 3. The responsibilities of the Student Council Advisor/s shall be to:

a. Attend all functions of the Student Council.
b. Develop monthly schedules of Student Council meetings and events.
c. Supervise the student council-related nomination and election activities.
d. Supervise the organization and guide the direct decisions made by the Student Council.
e. Make executive decisions, in consultation with the Principal, when he/she believes it is in the
interest of the Student Council.

Article 9. Removal of the Council

Section 1. Removal of Council

The Council will continue to operate until it is decided it is unnecessary for the Council to be active in
student body government by a two-thirds of the qualified voting students and the faculty.
Section 2. Reinstatement of the Council
If the Council is removed, reinstatement may come the following year upon approval through the school
administration, faculty and a vote of two-thirds of the qualified voting students from the student body.

Section 3. In the event the Student Council ceases to exist for any reason, (a) the council shall cease in
carrying out financial transactions in behalf of its account or to the credit of the organization,
and (b) the records of the Student Council shall be retained and disposed of in accordance with
applicable school policy regarding the retention and safekeeping of institutional records.
Section 4. The records of the Student Council and the Council’s Minutes shall be kept in perpetuity
(never to be destroyed) and can be made accessible in the school archives.

Article 10. Adoption and Amendment

Section 1. Ratification
This Constitution shall be ratified by two-thirds majority vote of the Student Council.

Section 2. Amendment Process

a. Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by any member of the Student Council, faculty
or administration and ratified by two-thirds vote of the Council.
b. Proposed amendments must be read to the Council at one regular meeting and be voted on by the
Council at the following meeting.
c. The amendment must be visibly posted for one week in the SC Bulletin Board.
d. The school administration of Southbridges International School has the right to veto any
amendment ratified by the Council if they believe it to be in the best interest of the Council and
the school.
e. If a veto is given, the school administration will meet with the members of the Student Council
and discuss the reasons for giving the veto.

Adopted and ratified on this 22nd day of April 21, 2023.

SIS Student Council Members:

President ______________________________________
Vice – President ______________________________________
Secretary ______________________________________
Treasurer ______________________________________
Communications and Information Officer _________________________________

Class Representatives:
Grade 3 ____________________________________
Grade 4 ____________________________________
Grade 5 ____________________________________
Grade 6 ____________________________________
Grade 7 ____________________________________
Grade 8 ____________________________________
Grade 9 ____________________________________

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