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Grade 12
Quarter 4- Week 5

Day & Time Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Monday Designs, tests and ACTIVITY 1:
May 29, 2023 revises survey Write your answer
questionnaires Which classroom activities do you learn from the most? Why did you in a yellow paper
find these activities useful? How these activities helped you learn in the then submit it
most effective way? during your Face-
to-Face class

Tuesday Activity 2: (This activity will be done during Face to face) or
May 30, 2023
Survey Questionnaires turn it in via
Google Classroom
No survey can achieve success without a well-designed
questionnaire. All the researcher has to guide him/her is a lengthy list
of do's and don'ts born out of the experience of other researchers past
and present. Hence, questionnaire design is more of an art than a Face to Face
science. discussion.

The design of a questionnaire will depend on whether the

researcher wishes to collect exploratory information (i.e. qualitative
information for the purposes of better understanding or the generation
of hypotheses on a subject) or quantitative information (to test specific
hypotheses that have previously been generated).
Design of Questionnaires

1. Exploratory questionnaires: If the information being

collected is qualitative and will not be statistically
analyzed, a standardized questionnaire may not be
required. A formal questionnaire, for example, may
limit the conversation and prevent a complete
exploration of the woman's views and process when
interviewing the female head of the household to
learn how decisions are made within the family when
purchasing breakfast foodstuffs. Instead one might
prepare a brief guide, listing perhaps ten major open-
ended questions, with appropriate probes/prompts
listed under each.
2. Formal standardized questionnaires: If the
researcher is looking to test and quantify hypotheses
and the data is to be analyzed statistically, a formal
standardized questionnaire is designed.
Questionnaires are difficult to design for several reasons:
● Each question must provide a valid and reliable measure.
● The questions must clearly communicate the research intention to the
survey respondent.
● The questions must be assembled into a logical, clear instrument that
flows naturally and will keep the respondent sufficiently interested to
continue to cooperate.
When preparing the questions, bear in mind that they can take
many forms. Questions might be:
1. Open-ended: Designed to prompt the respondent to provide you with
more than just one or two word responses. These are often "how" or
"why" questions.
2. Closed-ended (also sometimes referred to as forced choice questions):
Specific questions that prompt yes or no answers.
3. Multiple choice: Allow the respondent to select one answer from a few
possible choices.
4. Likert scale: Each respondent is asked to rate items on a response
scale. For instance, they could rate each item on a 1 to 5 response
Scale where: 1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree
3 = undecided 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
The objective is to gather data that is:
● Valid: measures the quantity or concept that is supposed to be
● Reliable: measures the quantity or concept in a consistent or
reproducible manner
● Unbiased: measures the quantity or concept in a way that does not
systematically under - or overestimates the true value
● Discriminating: can distinguish adequately between respondents for
whom the underlying level of the quantity or concept is different
Questionnaire testing and pilot surveys
Survey protocol, data collection and questionnaire testing are
fundamental components of the data production process. Testing
provides a means to check whether the questionnaire is valid in itself
(form; question formulation, including translation if relevant; overall
structure and transitions between questions and/or question sets), and
to validate the data collection protocol (the tasks of contacting
respondents and presenting the survey to them; tools used for follow-up
in the field, etc.).
Revise - Shorten the set of questions for the study. If a question does
not address one of your aims, discard it.
Refine the questions included and their wording by testing them with a
variety of respondents.

 Ensure the flow is natural.

 Verify that terms and concepts are familiar and easy to
understand for your target audience. Keep recall to a
minimum and focus on the recent past.

Wednesday Activity 3:
May 31, 2023 On the space provided put  in the survey question.
1. Where did you grow up?
[ ] Province [ ] Rented place [ ) City
2. Where did you grow up?
[ ]House in the province [ ]Rented place in the province [ ]City
3. Which one of the following do you think increases a person’s chance
of having a heart attack the most? (Check one.)
[ ] Smoking [ ] Obesity [ ] Stress
4. Which of the following increases the chance of having a heart attack?
Smoking: [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t know
Obesity: [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t know
Stress: [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t know
5. Are you against drug abuse? Submit the output
during your Face-
[ ] Yes [ ] No
to-Face class or
Turn in thru
Google Classroom.
Thursday Activity 4: (Continuation of discussion)
June 1, 2023 Face to Face
Sample survey questions and how to revise them: discussion.
Question: How many cups of coffee or tea do you drink in a day?
Principle: Ask for an answer in only one dimension.
Solution: Separate the question into two –
(1) How many cups of coffee do you drink during a typical day?
(2) How many cups of tea do you drink during a typical day?

Question: What brand of laptop do you own?
(A) Acer (B) Apple
Principle: Avoid hidden assumptions. Make sure to accommodate all
possible answers.

(1) Make each response a separate dichotomous item

Do you own an Acer laptop? (Circle: Yes or No)
Do you own an Apple laptop? (Circle: Yes or No)
(2) Add necessary response categories and allow for multiple
What brand of laptop do you own? (Circle all that apply)
Do not own computer Acer
Apple Other:
Question: Have you had pain in the last week?
[ ] Never [ ] Seldom [ ] Often [ ] Very often
Principle: Make sure question and answer options match.
Solution: Reword either question or answer to match.
How often have you had pain in the last week?
[ ] Never [ ] Seldom [ ] Often [ ] Very Often › workshop files
Remember: A questionnaire is a research tool that consists of a series
of questions or other forms of prompts designed to gather data from a
respondent. A standard research questionnaire contains a combination

of closed-ended and openended questions. Long-form, open-ended
questions enable the respondent to expand on their ideas.
It can be in the form of:
 Open-ended questions, Closed-ended questions
 Nominal questions
 Likert scale questions
 Rating scale (or ordinal) questions
 'Yes' or 'no' questions.
Friday Activity 5: Let us do this! Submit outputs via
June 2, 2023 PERFORMANCE TASK Google classroom
for those students
Instruction: Fill-out the given survey questionnaire. deployed in JDVP
and hard copy for
OBJECTIVE: This survey questionnaire aims to know whether the others who are bit
respondent wants face to face classes to resume. deployed.
Name (Optional): _____________________________________________________
Age: ____________________ School: _______________________
1. Would you like face to face classes to resume?
[ ] Yes [ ] No, because ___________________________
2. If your answer is No in question #1, which of the following conditions
will make you choose face to face classes over other learning modalities?
(Check all that applies)
[ ] Availability of vaccine in my area
[ ] High percentage of people already vaccinated for herd immunity
[ ] Availability of alcohol, face mask and face shield in schools
[ ] Daily disinfection of classrooms and the entire school premises

[ ] Financial assistance in case you contracted the virus

Analyze the survey questionnaire by answering the questions below:

1. Is the survey questionnaire easy to understand? Why? Why not?
2. Is the questionnaire aligned to its objective? Why? Why not?
3. Will you be able to gather the correct data by using the
abovementioned questionnaire? Why? Why not?
4. Modify and improve the survey questionnaire above. You may use a
separate sheet for this activity.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


LSB Teacher Master Teacher II Principal II

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