Stress Management Course Outline

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Course Outline – Stress Management

Course Overview
In this course participants will learn about stress management. Learn why it is of utmost importance
to identify your stressors and utilise techniques that can help you to better manage yourself. You will
also learn about identifying and avoiding stressful situations, coping with setbacks, coping with stress
in certain situations.
 The goals/aims of this course are to prepare volunteers to:
 Manage stressful situations in the context of a disaster management environment
 Identify their triggers and those of others
 Find effective ways to manage themselves and incorporate healthy behaviors to reduce stress
This will be done by providing an environment that recognizes and respects learners’ differences
while enforcing objective performance standards and application of learning.
The course will be delivered over a 1-day period totaling 3 contact hours.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
o Learn different self and stress management techniques and strategies
o Understand and appropriate simple stress management tips
o Master the three "A's" of a stressful situation: Alter, Avoid, Accept
o Utilise effective environmental & physical relaxation techniques
o Create a plan to better management yourself
o Incorporate healthy behaviours in life

Course Outline
The following topics will be covered in this workshop:

 Getting Started
 Self-assessment; self-observation – your areas of stress; where you are
 Where do you want to be?

 Understanding Stress
 What is Stress?
 What is Eustress?
 Causes of stress – workplace and personal

 Typical Stressors for Disaster Response/Crisis Counseling Staff

 Warning Signs of Excessive Stress (signs that last for more than 2 to 4 weeks)

 Individual Approaches to Stress Management (Creating a Stress-Reducing Lifestyle)

 The Three A’s: Altering the Situation

 The First 'A'
 Identifying appropriate situations
 Creating effective actions

 Avoiding the Situation

 The Second 'A'
 Identifying appropriate situations
 Creating effective actions

 Accepting the Situation

 The Third 'A'
 Identifying appropriate situations
 Creating effective actions

 Using Routines to Reduce Stress

 Effective life activity planning
 Using a To-Do list


 Environmental Relaxation Techniques

 Physical Relaxation Techniques

 Coping with Major Events

Course Methodology
This workshop is geared towards active learning and participatory approaches as much as possible. A
variety of methodologies will be used which include:

 Lecture/Discussion
 Other Assignments that involve Students’ Participation

All participants are required to attend 100% of classes to successfully complete the workshop.
No summative assignments will be administered, but participants are encouraged to participate in all

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