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: My name is Jenylou Tesoro. I am 21 years old. Grade 11- Torvalds.

: I do not have any job as of the moment. I am a stay-at-home mother and at the same time I am an ALS
student of Panabo City Senior High School

: Me and my partner settled on our own from our families and we are currently renting an apartment.

:I’m not quite sure but I can see myself teaching the in a class. I also like the idea of being a computer

:in college, BSED major in English.

Of course, I felt worried and disappointed

I was too young and wasted my youth. I did not savor the essence of childhood just because of my own

Of course, because I had no choice and I’m quite lucky because his father treats me well.

We payed respect to our parents and asked for permission from them to grant us the blessing of living
together independently. It even came to a thought about having to abort the child, we all know it’s a
sinful act. And so, we decided to keep our child.

No, we lived under their roof for almost 2 years. My parents know about my situation about living
together and entrusted my partner of my safety.

At first thought, they really did not approve of my baby. But as time went by, they accepted my son
because they wanted me to go home but I swore to myself that I don’t want to not until they would
accept my child because I can’t let my child feel neglected in the environment I put him in.

:Whenever I go to school, I entrust my siblings in taking care of my baby.

What changes have you seen in yourself the moment you bore your child?

:I learned a lot o things, especially in taking care of a baby. I became mature. I became hygienic when it
comes to taking care of my son.

what realizations did you have when you became a young parent?

:I realized that I was so young and have been so carefree about my own future. I was a headache to my
parents, and now, as some would say, karma hit me so hard and got a troublesome child of my own
although he is still a child.

How do you cope the challenges of being a mom?

I have always been praying to God that He would provide my needs.

How do you manage our time as a student and being a mother at the same time?

I take care of my child in the daytime and I do my modules in the evening since a child is energetic
during daytime and needs attention.

How do you feel the struggle of having to manage time?

For me, it really is hard to manage. But since I have dreams to reach I would always tell myself that
“Laban lang”

What can you advice to those parents like you that are both a student and a parent at the same time?

Patience, you need a lot of patience. Ask the Lord for guidance, a sign on how to settle a matter that is
as serious as this because being a parent is a lifetime job.

Do your parents guide you on how to become a good parent?

Yes, they do. They’ve been supportive and the give out advices on how to be a good parent. Reminding
me of what values to instill to my child.

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