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र ाँची अं चल

फिनेकल 10 – रोफित से पू छें

(सीरीज 1 से 5)

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जै सा कि आप सभी िो पता है कि 24 जनवरी 2022 िो Finacle 10 हमारे बैंि में पूर्णतः प्रक्षे पर् किया गया। इससे पहले
Finacle 7 था और हम सब उसपे िाम िरने में िाफ़ी कनपुर् हो चुिे थे । उसी बीच इस नई-नवेली, एि अलग ही रूप-रे खा और
अलग ही मे नू िे चादर ओढ़े इस सॉफ्टवेयर रूपी दु ल्हन िा हम चाहते हुए भी स्वागत नही िर पा रहे थे । बैंि ऑफ इं किया िे
सभी सदस्य समझ ही नही पा रहे थें कि आखखर ये क्या बला है । क्योंकि ये FINACLE 7 से कबल्कुल ही अलग थी। यहााँ ति कि
बहुत से सदस्य िई कदनों ति तो लॉकगन भी नही िर पाएं िी लॉकगन हो िर इससे जान-पहचान बना सिें। खथथकत िाफी गंभीर
थी। BMC हे ल्पिे स्क ने भी अपना टे लीफोन नं बर बंद िर कदया था कसफण पोटण ल चालू था और उसपे भी समाधान बहुत िम ही आ
पाता था।

चूंकि मैं एि शाखा में ही पदथथाकपत था और मे री शै क्षकर्ि योग्यता B.Tech (C.S) ही है , तो मु झे शुरू से ही IT में
िाफी रुकच है । मु झे तिनीिी चीज़े जल्द ही समझ भी आती थी तो मैं ने धीरे -धीरे समस्याओं िा समाधान ढू ं ढना, चीजों िो समझना
शु रू किया। इस िाम में मु झे आं चकलि और प्रधान IT िायाण लय दोनो तरफ से भी िाफी योगदान कमला। BMC से जब भी मुझे
िोई समाधान कमलता या मैं जब िुछ नया ढू ं ढ पाता था तो मैं उसे कलख ले ता था और इसी तरह मे रे पास िाफी समस्याओं िे
समाधान जमा हो चुिे थे। आं चकलि IT द्वारा बनाई गई व्हाट् सअप ग्रुप में मैं बहुत से समस्याओं िा समाधान दे ने लगा कजससे बहुत
से सदस्य लाभाखित होने लगे। और मे रे कलए ये िाफी खुशी िी बात है कि शाखा में िाम िरते हुए भी हमारे माननीय आं चकलि
प्रबंधि द्वारा मु झे FINACLE 10 िा नोिल ऑकफसर बनाया गया कि मैं दू सरे सदस्यों िी मदद िरू ाँ ।

फरवरी िे महीने में छु ट्टी िे कदन जब मैं घर मे बैठा था तो मे रे कदमाग मे आया कि क्यों ना मैं अपने समाधानों िो सुसखित
िर िे एि pdf प्रारूप में लोगों ति पहुं चाऊं ताकि सभी लोग लाभाखित हो सिें, और मैं ने ठीि वैसा ही किआ। और इसी िे साथ
फ़रवरी िे महीने में मैं ने इस नई-नवेली कवकचत्र सी दु ल्हन िे कवश्लेषर् िा प्रथम संस्करर् प्रिाकशत िी और व्हाट् सअप िे माध्यम
से कजतनी दू र ति हो सिे, फैलाने िी िोकशश िी। समय िे आभाव िो दे खते हुए मै ने अपना दू रभाष संख्या तो साझा नही किआ
ले किन अपनी E-Mail ID उस pdf में साझा किया था। ये मे रे कलए कवश्वास योग्य नही था ले किन मु झे भारत िे हर िोने से E-Mails
आने शू रू हो गए और कजतना हो सिे मैं समाधान दे ने लगा और अगर नही हो पाया तो सवाल कलखने लगा ताकि उसिा समाधन
ढू ं ढ सिूाँ। वक़्त आगे बढ़ता गया और मे रे पास समस्याएं , उनिे समाधान और साथ-ही-साथ मे रे प्रिाशन "FINACLE 10 िा
समाधान, रोकहत से पूछो" िा श्रं खला भी बढ़ता गया। और मु झे ये बताते हुए िाफी प्रसन्नता महसूस हो रही है कि जब मे रे इस
श्रं खला िा चौथा भाग आया तो मु झे HO STARSHAKTI से फ़ोन आया, बधाई दी गयी और मे रे श्रं खला िो उनिे तरफ से प्रिाकशत
भी िी गई।

अपने रााँ ची अंचल िे IT अकधिारी होनें िे नाते मैं अपने अंचल िे सभी िमण चाररयों/अकधिाररयों िो बधाई दे ना चाहता
हाँ क्योंकि हमारे अंचल िी सभी शाखाएं िाफी अच्छे से ग्राहि सेवा दे रहीं हैं और शाम िो सफलता पूवणि CSOLOP लगा रहीं हैं

अंत मे यही िहना चाहं गा कि मे रे कलए इतने प्यार और भरोसे िे कलए आप लोगों िो तहे -कदल से धन्यवाद, मैं सीखता
रहाँ गा और आप ति पहुं चाता रहाँ गा।
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BOI (Relationship Beyond Banking)
Finacle 10 Solutions By Rohit Kumar

Solutions of some common problems/Errors in Finacle 10.

Pre-Login Problems

1. Error: Permission Denied.

Solution: Anyone who is getting PERMISSION DENIED ERROR while logging into Finacle 10, can run the file
FinX IE SETTINGS V3 to fix all browser related settings to avoid this error.

Note: Always check whether Finacle 10 URL is added in trusted site or not, other sites automatically will be added
by FinX IE Setting bat file.


Solution: If on login page status of the page (on left bottom of browser) it is written as Java Applet Not Loaded
Properly then uninstall all java versions from your PC by " add or remove program" and install java 1.8.0_121 that
can be downloaded from "Stardesk- Downloads-Finacle 10 Jar" Folder on first page. After installation-
Visit control panel,
Click JAVA,- Go to security tab, Click edit site list-
Click add,
Paste the link in that table- Click ok, Close browser
and restart and login again.

3. Error: Automation Server Can’t Create Object.

Solution: Same as Solution number 2.

4. Error: User already logged in.

Solution: Click on Login button, user will be logged out and now can login Or use HSAC by another user.

5. Error: Already a session available for the browser, please logout, close this browser Solution: Close the
browser and start again. If problem still persists then clear history and cookies from browser. If problem still persists
close the browser then press Win+R button- Run will open- write %temp% and press Enter- Temporary files will
be displayed- select all files and delete- Now open browser and Login.

6. Error: User Id Locked.

Solution: To unlock user:
SELECT ENABLE- SUBMIT. Now get verified by another officer.

7. Error: After Login to Finacle 10- Invalid user id or password in Core Server.
Solution: After Login check whether correct SOL ID is showing or not. If SOL ID is correct then an officers of that
SOL should go to SSO ADMIN- Reset User Id details,
Modify- Enter user id- Reset type as Login Status (1st Option)- Submit- Get verified by another Officer.
Post-Login Problems

8. Error: Unable to view signature/Application blocked by JAVA security.

Solution: To visit signature page or to Solve Signature Blocked by Java Problem, first copy the link
Now visit control panel- Click JAVA- Go to security tab- Click edit site list- Click add- Paste the above link in table-
Click OK,
Close browser and restarted browser and login again

9. Error: There is no access for teller account.

Solution: Go to HEFM-Modify-Officer's PF (without initials)- select Yes on Access to teller posting radio
button. Now Re-Login.
Note: Maximum 10 users are allowed for teller posting. Therefore remove other users who are not posting teller
by same procedure but selection of NO option for them.

10. Error: Can't generate CTS report from MISREP or CTSDET.

Solution: In HPR don't select "CTS Download" file instead select "CTS Download NFS" file and then view details
on right hand side and then click on SEND TO PC. Now go to finaclefiles folder and rename the file extension. File
extension should be .imp not .impnfs. After renaming the file from impnfs to imp format, this file will work as RC
file on CTS portal. This method will also work for all reports like UIDMAP and HMSTRP.
Note: If file extension is not visible then click on the view button placed on the top of the file explorer and there
select on "File Name Extensions".

11. RTGS Error: Invalid sender receiver Line 1

Solution: While entering RTGS, in sender receiver info Line 1, put a single small word between two slashes.
Example /BOI/, it will work without any requirement of modification.

12. RTGS/NEFT Error: Transaction not balanced.

Solution: Please don’t wave off charges (unless required to) while entering NEFT or RTGS. Instead click on
View Charge Details button on first page and select all charges check boxes which are highlighted. Now
transaction not balanced error will not come.

13. Error: In HPORDM- Use ECPSMS menu for PPA transaction

Solution: Modify ACM and change charge level code from PPA to 00

14. Error: HSPTM Error: Unable to post Proxy Transaction.

Solution: If any Proxy posting transactions are pending, run menu HBTP, there just put transaction number and
mark all 3 radio buttons in the bottom as Yes then submit. Before running HBTP be assured that debit account has
sufficient balance, if not then provide TOD by menu HACTODM.

15. Error: HBTP Error: Transaction created by logged in user are in entry level: Solution: Please Use
HBTP by another officer with work class 600 and above, not by same officer who has run HSPTM.
Note: There should be sufficient balance in Debit account otherwise provide TOD by HACTODM

16. Error in CRM: Operation cannot be completed, Please retry after some time, contact your admin.
Solution: Go to general details tab- Primary Relationship manager details- Remove random number- put user
id of any officer. Done.
17. Error in CRM or HACM. “Either request is having malicious code or request is forged”.
Solution: Remove all special characters in CIF.

18. Error: Run time error while opening account for Corporate CIFs.
Solution: User has entered both Beneficiary and Beneficial owner for Corporate CIFs in CRM. Please note that for
certain corporate constitution codes, adding beneficial owner details is mandatory in CIF ID, which has to be added
in relationship tab->other relationship>beneficial owner and not in beneficiary.

19. Error: Unable to verify INDVMOB.

Solution: Firstly modify the CIF ID through “Edit Entity” option in CRM then Verify INDVMOB.
Note: SMS alert can be received only to mobile number which has been fed into Mobile Number 1 filed in CIF and
this field can be edited only by INDVMOB. May be DC ease this process very soon?

20. Run time error while SB/CD account opening.

Solution: Kindly note the CIF created should not have any special character.

21. Error: HACM error Deleted Record.

Solution: Generally deleted record is referred for Relationship manager in general tab. There remove random
number from that field and put Finacle user id of any officer. Also check MIS tab- Expand- Replace Freetext3
from 999 to 0.
22. Error: HLADISB Error Final Disbursement.
Solution: Click on Cancel button multiple times, popup will be gone and now Final Disbursement will be selected
as No.
Note: If mistakenly Final disbursement has been done for partial disbursement, then reverse the disbursement by
HLADISB menu and do fresh Disbursement.

23. Error: Excess amount credited to loan account through NPATM. Solution: Use
HLASPAY menu to reverse.

24. Error: HAFI error Unverified TDR/RD even after verification done.
Solution: It is a bug and will not stop from closing the SOL.

25. Error: While running HSCOD "Unverified Signature Exists.

Solution: Visit SVS- Maintain Signature- Put Branch code in Account number filed - now click on Search There all
unverified signature will be displayed starting with your branch code. If any signature has been uploaded for account
number starting with another branch code then you has to find out branch code otherwise generate report of pending
unverified signatures.
Note: AHB report doesn't reflect pending signature verification of account numbers starting with another branch code.

26. Process: Signature Uploading.

Steps: Go to SVS solution-Manage Signature And Photos-Add-Put Account Number-Go- Now put signature code
as 1 and select Upload from files-browse-now select the image file in jpeg format which was already save in your
PC-add remarks about operation mode in remarks box- submit.

Note: Use scanner app in smart phone like Google Lens to scan images. By the help of scanner app, you can rename
the files instantly and rename by account number, also this app generates very low size image, now send the file to
PC by email. Download all files on your PC in a folder and crop and resize by MS-Paint or Microsoft Office Picture
Manager. Size of Image should be below 50 kb.
27. Process: Passbook, Statement Printing.
Steps: Download All Pbk Driver kept in Finacle 10 folder on first page of Stardesk- Install. You can now change
font and font size from Internet explorer- Printing setting- Page setup.
Kindly refer to Installation Manual.

Solution Of Some Questions Frequently Asked By Customers

28. Scholarship is not being credited.

Solution: Firstly visit UIDMAP and inquire whether Aadhar is linked or not. Go to HPR to view report. Inspect the
report whether UIDMAP has been verified or not and also all data is correct or not. If mapping is correct and verified
still scholarship has not been received then there is NPCI linking problem. Therefore mail to ZO IT for deletion of
current record from UIDMAP and after that map freshly with Mandate=Yes in UIDMAP.
NOTE: HO must allow branch BM/ADMIN to delete the record from UIDMAP to solve this issue smoothly.

29. Mobile alert is not coming.

Solution: Mobile alert can be received only on the number which has been fed into Mobile Number 1 field of CIF.
Kindly check and change by INDVMOB if required.

30. NEFT/RTGS has not been credited Post-Migration.

Solution: Please check your branch proxy account PRXYINR001 whether pending NEFT/RTGS has been credited
in that account. Kindly refund the amount by reversing the amount by HSPTM menu.

31. Unable to find/add BOI account into UPI app.

Solution: Kindly change the operation mode of the account to SELF. NOTE: Cash Credit
account cannot be added into UPI non-business app.

32. SMS sending failed for BOI MOBILE APP or UPI APP.
Solution: Generally customer gets confused here and waits for receiving OTP instead of sending SMS from his
mobile number. Kindly ask customer whether his SIM card is active and recharged for sending SMS.

33. No account is present in Starconnect IB or BOI MOBILE.

Solution: Operation mode of the account should be SELF to get reflected into Retail Internet Banking else issue
Corporate Internet Banking to customer.

34. Green Pin Generation / Money Withdrawal Error: Transaction not allowed.
Solution: Mobile number may not be linked and account may be dormant.

35. Cash counted by CRM but returned.

Solution: Account number entered may not be fully KYC complied and PAN may not be linked.

36. Transaction Not Allowed in CRM.

Solution: Entered account number may have ineligible mode of operation/ constitution code.

37. PBK kiosk error “FAILURE”.

Solution: Barcode may not have been verified or account may be dormant.

38. PBK Error: No barcode found.

Solution: Barcode may be scratched and destroyed or Sensor of passbook printer may be black inked by friction with
barcodes. To clean sensor, open lid of printer, clean barcode scanning sensor
Some Technical Tips

39. To boost system speed.

A. Disable Graphics and Animation:

Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command. Type sysdm.cpl and
click OK to launch System Properties.
Under "Performance," click the Settings button.
On "Performance Options," under "Visual Effects," select the Adjust for best performance option to disable all the
effects and animations.

B. Run Commands:
1. Press Win+R in keyboard. Run Dialog box will open. Type “%temp%” and press ok. Select all and
press delete.
2. Press Win+R, Type “prefetch” and press ok. Select all
prefetch files and press delete.
3. Press Win+R, Type tree and press Enter.
4. Type Disk Cleanup in windows searcher and open disk cleanup. Select C: drive and press Ok. Select all
temporary files and press OK.

40. Ethernet is connected but “Can’t Reach This Page” Error on internet explorer. Solution: Please go to
task bar of system and open hidden icons on right hand side of task bar. There check whether CLEARPASS is
running and Green. If CLEARPASS is RED or not installed, contact to Zonal IT.

41. How to take screenshot of Desktop for specific area?

Solution: Go to searcher on taskbar and type Snipping Tool, Open and select the required area and save in desired

42. How to remember important tasks/points for today?

Solution: Go to searcher on taskbar and type Sticky Notes. Open Sticky Notes and write anything important which
will be continuously reflecting without get minimized.

43. How to configure Branch MMS in mobile phone to get continuous notifications? Solution: Download
Blue Mail app from Playstore/Appstore. Just enter branch mms user id, password and email id and configure.
Mail server should be “”. Similarly personal MMS can also be added in Blue Mail.
NOTE: This app may not be recommended by our bank. HO IT please guide in this regard.

44. How to reduce PDF size?

Solution: PDF file size very easily can be reduced using online platform like
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BOI (Relationship Beyond Banking)
Finacle 10 Solutions By Rohit Kumar Series-2


26. Not Google lens its Office lens

39 (A). To boost pc reduce graphics-go to Advance Tab then performance setting

FINACLE 10 PROBLEMS (Continued….)

45. Problem: "Already an active session exist, close the browser and re-login".
Solution: Many of us are shutting down the computer after facing this problem. No need to shut-down the PC. Just
close all the Tabs of browser and close the browser completely. Now open Finacle link and try to login.

46. Problem: How to generate statement in PDF format?

Solution: Use PDFSTMT in DR to generate statement. We can also use CACLI menu to generatestatement for any
period and even for loan and closed accounts, now press CTRL+P to print to Microsoft PDF printer (Best view in
Landscape mode).
Note: Never give statement in word format for security reason.

47. Problem: *Teller already Assigned

Solution: Run menu HTCPIAC to view all teller assignment list, note all PF number assigned tothat teller and then
delete one by one in HGECM menu. Now assign that teller to a new clerk.

48. Problem: CIF not showing for verification.

Solution: In Self Tray Officer to click on Bulk Get, new window will open. Now put CIF and lastname of customer to
search. That CIF will be searched in list. Now select that CIF and press ok. Now that CIF will move to your Self tray
for verification, verify that.

49. Problem: *Value is mandatory, please enter a valid value and try again.
Solution: In additional details tab, fill documents received and document date tab, despite theseare not mandatory
fields. In General Details tab, all the dates should be filled properly not ot past date.

50. Problem: How to know all accounts of a customer linked to a single CIF?
Solution: Use menu HCULAC to know all accounts linked to one CIF.

51. Problem: BC ac not verifying, showing customer master is not verified but it is notpending for
Solution: First do HCCFM then run HOAACVSB

52. Problem: While modifying HACM, Record deleted errors occurred.

Solution: In HACM, replace Free Text 03 from 999 se 0. Also check if Primary relationshipmanager has been assigned
or not.
53. Problem: We have to use HBTP after HSPTM.
Solution: In HSPTM select Batch mode instead of Manual mode, by this we neither have toverify HSPTM nor have
to run HBTP.
Note: Debit account should have sufficient balance otherwise provide TOD by HACTODM thenrun HSPTM in batch

54. Problem: Account dormant to activate done but still signature shows dormant/Notvisible to clerk.
Solution: Go to SVS, Mark Image access code to 01.

55. Problem: How to print a DD/PO?

Solution: Use menu HDDPRNT to print DD/PO. Keep DD number blank, put BI number and then part transaction,
date and Submit. Part Transaction id 1 for 1st DD, 2 for 2nd DD and so on.

56. Problem: UIDMAP error: “This CIF is already linked to another Aadhar number”. Solution: Use menu
CUSTINFO to find details of customer by knowing other details like Aadharfrom CIF, CIF from Aadhar, CIF by
mobile number Etc.

57. Problem: Unable to change last Passbook print date.

Solution: Use menu HPBPR passbook back dated entry.

58. Process: How to do passbook printing setup?

Solution: 1. Download All PBK Drivers from Stardesk.
2. Follow steps suggested by AMO ERODE in their pdf.

59. Problem: System is marking lien on savings account for overdue of loans but notcrediting to loan
accounts even though balance is available in the account.
Solution: Run HLADSP. Amount will be deducted and will be credited to loan account and lienwill be removed

60. Problem: Subsidy account LA788 is not being opened by HOAACLA.

SOL: Subsidy account LA778 Can be opened by HOAACSB not HOAACLA.

61. Process: How to generate interest certificate for Smart Home loan?
Solution: It can also be generated through DR by Misrpt- Letters.


62. Problem: Check if Morpho Service/Utility is running !!! Error Returned – 12029. Solution: 1. Check if
Morpho Agent Driver is installed in your PC or not. If not thendownload from KRISH and install.
2. Make this driver Automatic: Press Win+R from keyboard and open RUN- type services.mscand click on ok-
Find Morpho agent service in list- Right click on mouse- properties- Startup type- Automatic- Ok.
3. If above all 2 steps have been done already then right mouse click on Morpho Agent Service

63. Problem: PDF printer not showing or not working.

Solution: On Printers and Scanner page, click on Add printer, there click on "My Printer is not listed here". Now
select Local Port Prompt and select Microsoft Printer. Inside Microsoft Printer select Microsoft print to PDF and
install that. Done.
Note: By using CACLI we can generate pdf statement by using Microsoft PDF Printer.
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BOI (Relationship Beyond Banking)

Finacle 10 Solutions By Rohit Kumar Series-3


49. *Value is mandatory error: Solution given is not sufficient; another solution for this error is given in point
number 70.
52. *Record is deleted error: Read “To” instead of “Se”
FINACLE 10 PROBLEMS (Continued….)

64. While unblocking user in SSOADMIN- error is “Invalid parameter request, an active session exists”.
Solution: Go to SSOADMIN solution- Rest User login details- Modify- Login detail (1st option)- Submit and get
verified. Now Select Login Attempts (2nd option) and you will be able to unblock that user.

65. Problem: null has modified this record/Deleted record.

Solution: Run menu HMKCIF and assign the CIF to any user. That CIF will move to Self Tray of that user.
Note: Assigned user should not go to Edit Entity option to edit that CIF rather should go to Entity Queue- Self Tray.

66. CIF is not showing for verification in Business Center Group.

Solution: Checker should go to Entity Queue- Self Tray- Put CIF in Entity ID filed and click on Get button. Thus
that CIF will move to checker’s Self Tray and there they can verify that CIF.

67. Problem: How to remove Mobile Number from CIF?

Solution: Invoke menu INDVMOB and add new number as MNA.

68. CRM error: Server side validation error known years is required.
Solution: Go to relationship tab and choose introducer and delete/modify the record.

*69. Problem: How to verify suspended CIF ?

Solution: To verify suspended CIF, follow solution given in problem number 66.

70. While modifying CIF error is coming "Value is mandatory- Please enter a valid value and try again".
Solution: Go to Relationship tab- choose introducer- modify the record and enter CIFs of introducers.

71. Problem: Malicious code error in HACM.

Solution: Though malicious code error due to special characters in nominee registration number has been resolved by
our DC team, but this error comes again if CIF of that account or CIF or any related party contains any special
character in name or address etc, therefore modify those CIFs first.

72. Problem: DTREV is not working.

Solution: DTREV menu has been discontinued in FinX, use ATMREV and POSREV.

73. Problem: Name change menu HAALM is not working.

Solution: Firstly modify CRM and remove special characters in name and modify name which is required and get
CIF verified. Then only invoke menu HAALM.
Note: Now DC team has restricted HAALM verification by ZO authorized user only.
74. While closing an account error is “account is frozen” but while trying to unfreeze in HAFSM, error is
Account is not frozen.

Solution: If it is a deaf account then run menu BRDEAF or first freeze the account by HAFSM and then unfreeze,
problem will be solved.

75. While printing TDR, Error is “Background jobs cannot be printed on local printer”.
Solution: In HPR select NFS file and click on “Print Screen” not on “Print”.

76. Problem: NPCI linking problem.

Solution: -: Citation by HO needed for the following solution:-
Invoke menu UIDMAP- Modify Mandate- Select Mandate=Yes- Submit and get verified.
Note: If this solution works then it will be very convenient for branch users therefore HO is requested to make this
modification functional if not working currently.

77. Unable to post BI number in HTM which was generated by HDDMI/HDDC menu.
Solution: Post BI number in HDDMI/HDDC itself

78. How to link PPF account into StarConnect?

Solution: Menu PPFMNT has been discontinued. Go to GBM- PPF- Account Maintenance- Modify PPF and put
customer ID linked with internet banking in the Cust ID field.

79. How to exempt 2% TDS u/s 194N on cash withdrawal?

Solution: Can be done by ACCTDTL menu.

80. How to know cheque book issued to an account in FinX ?

Solution: Invoke menu HCHBM, leave the fields blank for beginning cheque number and number of leaves, click on

81. While closing SB104 accounts, error is “Account maintenance period not set for SB104”.
Solution: Change scheme code into sb101 then close.
Note: This is not an ethical solution therefore DC team should provide better solution.
*82. Problem: How to find signature and Mobile number from PF number of a staff.
Solution: Invoke menu HEFI- Find Name and Sol ID from this menu- Now invoke HACLI- click on account number
searcher- Put Sol Id- Account Ownership as Employee- Click on submit- Select account number of that staff- View
signature and Mobile Number.

Note: One can also view signature by PF number in SVS- Inquire on signature- Put bank code as 013 and Employee
ID- Go
Note: DC team should provide CIF of customer/staff while viewing signature in SVS, it will be very helpful for

83. Process of BC account opening:

1. Maker to run CUMMFI menu and select 1st option for TCS, put CIF and click on GO.
2. Go to HPR and noted down CIF created or read the error report.
3. Same maker should go to Entity Queue- Self Tray- Saved- Submit to generate list of all CIFs to be modified- right
click on CIF number and click on edit. After editing click on Submit (not on Save).
4. Now Checker should go to Entity Queue- Self Tray- Put CIF (one by one) in Entity ID filed and click on Get
button. Thus that CIF will move to checker’s Self Tray and there they can verify that CIFs.

84. Problem: “Script doesn't exist” error in INDVMOB.

Solution: Ignore that message and click on “Go” twice.
85. Problem: StarConnect Error: While generating OTP we get error as “Invalid Mobile Number”.
Solution: Edit CIF and remove all other mobile number fields and email id fields except Mobile Phone 1 and
Communication email id field.
Note: After doing this rectification, problem solves next day, which DC/IT team should make this prompt.

86. Problem: In CRM, city, state list opens very slow.

Solution: No need to click on searcher. Just put data into the field (which is present in the list) followed by star (*).
Eg.- Ranchi*

87. JANBIMAN runtime error:

Solution: Now Problem has been resolved.

88. UIDMAP error for new accounts opened in FinX "This account belongs to different customer id".
Solution: Now Problem has been resolved.

89. CGTMSE Runtime error:

Solution: Update CIF and Mobile number should start with +91 in CGTMSE menu.

90. Problem: How to reverse charges deducted through NPATM?

Solution: Use menu LNTM.

IT Development Suggestions:

*91. To provide an online Drive facility to staffs to take Backup of important files from PC and also backup of mails
from MMS. Currently while a staff got transferred to another branch, they need not to lodge call to allow USB pen
drive to take backup.

92. Unblocking of Internet banking by STCON should be prompt; currently it is working on next day.

93. CIF of customer/staff should be available while viewing signature in SVS, it will be very helpful for users.

94. Missed Call statement facility should be started as it is very helpful and time saving.

95. SMS Green Pin facility should be started so that customer should generate PIN in no ATM area.

96. INDVMOB menu should be available in DC for pdf statement generation for every accounts including loan
accounts and closed accounts as CACLI and HMSTRP or HPSP is very confusing and time consuming and also pdf
file should be coloured and beautiful including bank’s logo.

97. CC account holders are always getting bothered from statement and they also don’t want to use StarConnect
especially in semi urban or rural area. They reach branch very frequently for statement. Therefore allow CC holders
to access BOI MOBILE app, only for statement download, irrespective of their operation mode.

98. Many service requests could be embedded in BOI MOBILE and StarConnect like:

99. How to convert text to column in Excel sheet (Single column to multiple columns).
Solution: Sometimes we get report in .rpt file and in that file there may be a single column with multiple words
which are separated by space or comma or symbol like (|). To separate each word in each column, we have to open
that file in Microsoft Excel and then separate by
1. Select the cell or column that contains the text you want to split.
2. Select Data > Text to Columns.
3. In the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, select Delimited > Next.
4. Select the Delimiters for your data. For example, Comma (,) Space or (|). You can see a preview of your data in
the Data preview window.
5. Select Next.
6. Select the Destination in your worksheet which is where you want the split data to appear.
7. Select Finish.

100. Software/hardware corruption due to sudden power discontinuation.

Solution: Never shut down PC/Kisosk/CRM directly from power; rather use shutdown option available in them. By
pressing shutdown option, system saves required settings and files into hard disk to boot again properly.


Herewith I am listing the problems, solutions of which I need. Anyone having solution of any of these may inform
me by my email id
1. SSO ADMIN Error- User cannot be modified; Password expiry date should not be a past date.

2. CIF completely filled and no any special character is there, documents received details feeded in Other Details,
also Primary relationship manager id is added still Error comes as "Operation could not be completed, contact your
administrator to look at logs for additional details.

3. INDVMOB Error: Cust id is modified in CUMM please Verify/Cancel CUMM first before doing INDVMOB.

4. Unable to close account as signature verification pending in Finacle 7. How to verify/cancel that record which is
not pending in SVS in FinX?

5. How generate flexi deposit statement FFDPSP OR HFFDPSP menu is not working.

6. While doing HACXFSOL it is showing an error as “Account is in E/V status”.

7. Deposit account closure error: “Part closure cannot be done for matured deposit accounts”.

8. While doing HCCA into newly created CIF, error comes as "This CIF is Non-KYC compliant.

9. While enabling user in SSO ADMIN- Modify- Login Attempts, Error comes "Invalid request parameters- No
failed password attempts for this user".

10. While closing term loan account error “The account cannot be closed as it has partitioned amount”

11. When we closed SB account error showing “account is mention as charge account for a customer, closure cannot
proceed", but there is no any loan account linked to that CIF.
Kindly go through Series 1, 2 and 3 for previous solutions on Google Drive link

BOI (Relationship beyond Banking)

Finacle 10 Solutions by Rohit Kumar Series-4, Release date 17-07-2022


101. Problem: Unable to submit corporate CIF in CRM with relationship error. Solution: Add at least on
beneficiary owner in Corporate CRM- Edit Entity- Relationship- Other Relationship- Add CIF of BO and select
Relation field as Beneficial Owner.
Note: In SHG’s CIF, add at least 5 CIF as SHG member and at least 1 CIF as BO.

102. Problem: while modifying Relationship tab in Corporate CIF, error comes as “Last name is not same as CIF”
Solution: Go to Corporate CRM- Edit Entity- Relationship- Other Relationship- Modify the already added record-
Select entity type as Customer- Go to last name filed- Use searcher to add last name- Put CIF of BO/Member- now

103. Problem: Aadhar number deleted from one CIF still not able to add that Aadhar in another CIF with error
message “Another CIF is already linked with this Aadhar". Solution: Check UIDMAP and if linked with older CIF,
then firstly get UIDMAP deleted by ZO> verify UIDMAP at branch level.

104. Problem: District code has been added in CRM address filed, still in HAFSM says add district code. Solution:
Add mailing address in CRM Address Tab, if not added and if already added then add district code in mailing
Note: In corporate CIF, Mailing address in not mandatory therefore some time mailing address are not added and
branch user continuously keep trying to add district code in registered address only.

105. Problem: While unfreezing an account error comes as “Do Re-KYC”, user has modifies the CIF still problem
Solution: While modifying CIF, in Basic info tab select Re-KYC as Yes.

106. Problem: All special characters from name and address field removed from CIF still error comes as malicious
code in HACM/HACLHM. Solution: HAALM is also compulsory after removal of special characters from name


107. Problem: in SVS unable to verify signature pending in ABH1 report or account validation error in SVS while
adding a new signature.
Step 1: Go to SVS, put just first four digits of account number and use searcher to select the account number.
Step 2: In SVS change Normal account filed to Master Account and now click on Go
Step 3: Now verify or Undo the record.
Note: Selection of “Master account” also passes the account validation while adding a new signature.
108**. Problem: In ABH1 report, signature is showing pending for verification by customer id but in SVS it says no
record found.
Solution: If in ABH1 report, CIF is given for signature pending then in SVS write CIF ID in CIF ID field and keep
account number field blank, else it will give same error.

109. Problem: Unable to reverse proxy.

Step1: Run HSPTM where processing mode should be selected as manual, click on go.
Step 2: If account number is SB/CD/CC/OD (Standard account) the its ok, but if account number is office account,
FD account, term loan, NPA account, then change that account number with branch MBB account (902-33) and
balance it later from respective SB/CD/OD/CC account.
Step 3: Click (select) on check boxes corresponding to account number on left side and click on submit.
Step 4: BI number will be generated in posting state if sufficient balance is available in saving account else it will be
in entered state.
Step 5: If sufficient balance is not available then run HTM- Modify- put transaction id- before clicking on Go button
click on expand- put number 2 in start and end part transaction number field- click on go- select grant temporary
over draft-post by part transaction- post it.
Step 6: Now get first part transaction number posted by any another officer.

110. Problem: Proxy account has been debited/credited still not showing the record in HSPTM. Solution: Change
the SOL ID in HSPTM to which that account belongs to, for which proxy posting was done.

111. Problem: Unable to post BI number generated by HSPTM, error is “cheque already passed” or “Stale
instrument” error.
Solution: Invoke HTM>Modify> Put BI number> Click on expand> Put “2” in both From and To part transaction
number (exclude proxy account part transaction)> click on Submit> Now replace instrument type as VD> instrument
date as current date> click on post by part transaction> submit> now another officer can post another part transaction
by HTM> Post option.
Note: We can also grant overdraft using same method (by excluding proxy part transaction).


112. Problem: HCAAC Error: Account is mentioned as charge account of customer. Solution: First check if any
Loan or DBD account is present or not. If yes then remove that account from charge account then try. If problem
doesn't solve the Invoke menu HCCFM put option M then remove the A/C mentioned in field charge A/C I'd and
submit. Now try to close.

113. Problem: RD account cash deposit error: "Deposit amount cannot be greater than total deposit amount".
Solution: Deposit the amount in RD account by transfer from operative account.

114. Problem: While closing a TDR opened in Finacle 10 error comes as "Pending authorization exists for the TDR"
Solution: In Finacle 10, even after verification of TDR, it shows pending in HAFI. But it doesn't stop from HSCOD
but this problem occurs while closing the TDR. Lodge call in BMC to remove HAFI pendency.

115**. Problem: Which closing TDR, error: "Credit Interest slabs are not set" or get Fatal error. Solution: Get
interest slabs set by authorized user in ZO using menu HINTTM.

116. Problem: While closing the loan account: The account cannot be closed as it has partitioned amount. Solution:
After making outstanding zero, close the account next day.

117. Problem: HACM error “record is deleted” even after removing 999 in MIS tab free code 3. Solution: Check
Special charge code in General Details tab is now valid or not. Select special charge code using searcher.

118. Problem: In HTDSIP menu, error comes as "Date must be before 01-01-2010". Solution: Keep the end date as
blank, also SOL ID should be tax deducted SOL ID or use the SOL ID as ALL to generate report for all SOLs.
119. Problem: How to delete BI number generated by HDDMI ?
Solution: To delete BI number of HDDMI use menu HDET.
120. Problem: From an account whenever NEFT/RTGS has been initiated at branch, it gets returned immediately.
Solution: There may be following reasons for this:
a. The beneficiary account may be closed.
b. The beneficiary account may be credit freeze.
c. Branch user may have used special characters in the name and/or address filed in HPORDM menu.

121**. Problem: How to remove minimum balance lien? Solution: HALM>Modify >Acc no>Go>Modify the
amount and make it ZERO, select another row (if any) and make the amount zero for all rows> now click on Add
button (or press down arrow on keyboard) to go for a blank row> again there put the amount as zero and in “Lien
Reason” filed put dot and then Submit> Get it verified.

122. Problem: HCSE error: Record pending for verification Solution: Verification of HGECM may be pending for
that user, get it verified first.

123**. Problem: How to unfreeze a Government body account without PAN.

Solution: Modify CRM with constitution code 12/13/14 and remove Pan data (PAN/Form60 row) then it will allow
to unfreeze.

124. Problem: Unable to post S number generated by VNDRUNR in cash mode. Solution: Allot a teller to an
Officer and allow him/her teller posting in HEFM then he/she can post this transaction.
Note: To ease this process run VUDRUNR in transfer mode only and select credit account as your MBB (902-33).
Withdraw cash from your MBB account.

125. Problem**: How to debit NPA term loan account? Solution: Use menu LNTM to debit NPA term loan account
in which credit account should be MBB (902-33) account.

126. Problem: How to generate FFD statement?


127. Problem: How to know the status of ready kits?


128. Problem: How to generate interest certificate for a customer having accounts in multiple SOL IDs:
Solution: Use menu HINTCERT> Put the SOL ID as ALL> Enter the desired date range> enter CIF> Select
Duplicate as Yes> Submit> Use HPR to view or print NFS file.

129**. Problem: What is “Demo authorization failed” error at BC point?

Solution: Most of the Customers are not able to withdraw money at BC point, due to error "Invalid demo
authorization". For this branch can perform following steps to rectify this error:
Step 1: Modify CIF and put data as per Aadhar card like Name, DOB and Gender.
Step 2: Run menu HCREDEMO in Inquiry mode- Select Initiate Re-demo as Yes and then submit.
This error will be resolved next day.

130. Problem: How to convert SB+/CD+ to SB/CD?

Solution: Branch to ensure that there is a debit transaction in the SB A/c (operative Account) at the time of closure
(Even transfer entry i.e. *debiting and crediting the same a/c* may serve the purpose) then follow the steps as under:-
Step 1 :- *HACM* Modify “Scheme” change the amount “Sweep in Min. Bal” to Rs. 99999999999999.99/- . Now
visit Flexi tab and select Auto sweep as NO.
Step 2 :- Use Menu option *HSWOPS*. (a) Choose option 2nd ( *Sweeps Regularisation –Fund Transfer* ). A/c ID
should be Savings Bank Account (operative Account of the FFD) Press F4/F10. System will transfer the FFD
amount to SB A/c. (b) Choose option 3rd ( *Sweeps Regularisation – Closure* ). Give *customer Id* of operative
account. System will update the Account closure date of all FFD Accounts and also credit interest amount to
operative Account. Note: Run *HCUACC* to Show all FFD accounts in CIF ID.
Step 3 :- Run *HTDBATCH* menu option 3rd for all the FFD Accounts one by one, then F10
Step 4 :- Branch is to change the “Automatic Sweep”, “Linked to Operative A/c?” parameter to “N” in "FFD” and
change the Sweep in Min. Bal.” to Rs. 49999.99 in HACM Option “Scheme”.

131. Problem: Process for HSCOD/HSCOLD.

Step 1: Run HSCOD (without ticking the square checkbox and then select Yes in radio button), wait till Date at the
top of Finacle changes to next working date. Note: If in HSSI status of HSCOD comes to FAIL then there may be
something pending for verification, therefore before running HSCOD, generate ABH1 report (MISREP- OTHERS-
ABH1) and clear all pendency.
Step 2: When date at the top of the Finacle changes to next date, then only run HSCOLD and wait till LAST
SUCCESSFUL SOL CLOSURE DATE in HSSI comes to today's date (current date). If Last successful SOL Closure
date comes to current date, then only HSCOD/HSCOLD is complete.


132. Problem: In CKYC scanning portal, error comes as "You do not have any WIA device". Solution: Download
“HP Print and Scan doctor” driver from link below, install and follow the instructions, it will automatically install
WIA driver.

133. Problem: System has been quarantined therefore user is not able to use any web application. Solution: Lodge
call in BMC for Antivirus Updation/Upgradation/installation and you must mention you contact number so that they
could approach you while they take your system on remote.
Note: Contact number of Antivirus Team: 02267447084/7039/7014

 How to know the Aadhar number which has been mapped (UIDMAP) to a particular CIF? In Finacle 7 we
easily could get it by CUSTINFO menu but it is not providing data in Finacle 10.
Series-5. Previous Series- 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be downloaded by Google Drive Link:


134. Problem: “Invalid user id or password: error after successful biometric authentication
Solution: Modify HUPM and select virtual user as No.

135. Problem: "Session already exist' error in PasswordChange Module in Finacle while
changing the password.
Solution: Close the browser completely. Now run IE_Clear which is placed on desktop. Now try to
login and then change the password.

136. Problem: "Operation could not be completed" error in CRM.


First delete the existing record from tray and restart the process.
Points to remember:
1. Don't change or alter Region field in General tab (Which should be dot by default)
2. Re-KYC should be YES if KYC date is older than 2 years for High risk customers or there is
change in address and/or name.
3. No special character should be present in Name or Address.
4. Any entry in any Field should not be very long (try to keep free some space in each field)
5. Address Proof received details should be Y in each address.
6. In additional info tab try to put only father's or mother's name, prevent from filling all details like
Maiden name etc. Select Documents received details as certified copies or offline documents
whichever is applicable.
7. Now try to submit.

137. Problem: While verification of CIF, error “You need more privilege to perform current
Solution: CIF may be in draft of any user, check by menu HMKCIF or try to edit that CIF, it will
populate the error message with user id in whose try this CIF is lying.

138. For some CIF or a particular CIF verification, verification dialog box is white and
blank and not getting option to verify.
Solution: If verification dialog box form is unable to load, wait till the verification form loads, don't
close that dialog box. After some time, form will be loaded properly.

139. Problem: UIDMAP verification erro “Process Failed”.

Solution: Unsuspended the linked CIF first.

Note: If unpension of CIF provides error then edit that CIF first, get it verified then unsuspend.
140. Problem: In UIDMAP verification error: Branch can verify deleted record of only
primary Sol Customer.

Solution: Check which Primary SOL is mentioned in CIF CRM module. Ask that branch to verify
the UIDMAP or change the primary SOL in CRM to your SOL then verify.

141. Problem: How to know Aadhar number which is linked to CIF in UIDMAP?

Solution: Previously we were using menu CUSTINFO and put CIF ID only and Submit. It was
providing the Aadhar number which is linked by UIDMAP. But now there is some issue in FinX
CUSTINFO menu and it is providing Aadhar number which is attached in CRM not in UIDMAP.
Right now we have no option other than lodging in BMC.
Note: DC team kindly provide us menu to know linked Aadhar number in UIDMAP or let us
inquire in UIDMAP just by Account number or CIF or Aadhar number, it will save a lot of time at

142. Problem: Runtime error in INDVMOB or any other menu:

Step 1: Modify CRM and remove all special characters from name and address. If special
characters were present in name then modify HAALM also.

Step 2: If there are more than one address then address date in both addresses should not be
same and both address should not be of same type e.g. both are “Mailing” or both are
“Registered” address.

**143. Problem: HACM error- Unable to insert CIF in Related Party tab.

Solution: HACM- Modify- Related Party tab- Untick delete box (if ticked)- Click on background
menu (Can press Ctrl+B)- exit background menu (Can press Ctrl+B)- now insert CIF- Change
relation type from Joint Holder to Authorized signatory (if want to delete this record)- tick on
delete (If want to delete)- Submit

**144. Problem: How to run BRDEADF

Solution: Run HAFSM- Select Option R (Manual Refund Entry)- In reference number field type
only scheme code of SB/CD like 1010 or 1011 etc or you can also type 11th to 14th characters of
account number and use searcher to find account number. If account number is not listed there
then lodge in BMC for the same.
Example: If account number is 490010110001234 then in reference number filed we can type
1011 or 0123 then use searcher to find account number.
145. Problem: Buffman error in HACM for SB182/SB181

A. Go to general details tab- Put charge code as NOMIN, Statement=Passbook
B. Go to Nomination tab then remove CIF of nomination and put details of nominee manually.
Remove witness address. Tick on nominee delete square box.
C. Go to Scheme details and untick nominee.
D. Now untick nominee tab at the top of Nominee tab.
E. Now go to MIS tab, put No/Yes in Freetext 6 then submit.

146. Problem: Validation of BOI accounts on Income Tax portal

Sol: Login ITR portal through BOI Internet Banking. In StarConnect BOI Internet Banking go to
“Accounts” tab- eFile/eVerify and then login to your IT Return portal, your BOI accounts will get
validated automatically.

147. Problem: While closing a TDR error "Run HACINT".

Solution: Account may be freeze. Unfreeze it by menu HAFSM then close the FD.

148. Problem: While closing TDR error comes as "Account is freeze| but it is not freeze

Solution: Check if linked SB/CD account is freeze.

149. Problem: HDDSM DD error: No record found

Sol: Put DD number with starting with zero (if DD number starts with zero) and in branch code put
4 digit branch code only.

150. Problem: HTDISP and EODREP report doesn't generate

Solution: Wait for reports to get reflected in HPR. Sometimes it takes more than 15 minutes to
reflect in HPR in DC.

151. Problem: SB/CD account is not freeze but still error comes as freeze account

Solution: Freeze the account then unfreeze. It will work then.

152. How to verify Transaction in which some legs are deleted and others are posted.
Error in HTV is “All part transactions are not posted”

Solution: Use menu HTV to post such transactions.

153. Problem: Unable to verify S number created by FXDTRAN menu.

Solution: For verification of S numbers generated by FXDTRAN, we have to move to 2nd leg in
HTM while verification i.e. on GENSUS040 leg then click on Submit. It will work.

154. Problem: How to insert decimal value amount in FXDTRAN menu?

Solution: To insert FXDTRAN amount in decimals, write the amount in the field “value on the date
of purchase”, Unit price will be fetched automatically.

155. In ATM green pin error "Invalid Account" for all CD account debit cards.

Solution: Now issue has been resolved by CPD team.

156. VNDRINVC verification error "TDS on GST is not proper"

Solution: While entering VNDRINVC do not enter “Net credit amount”.

157. How to generate Statement of closed account in pdf format?

Solution: HPSP menu is working now. Select Event=Duplicate and Closed Account as “Yes”.

158. How to Update/Modify joint holder's name as HAALM does not work for joint account

Solution: Delete the joint holder name and add again after updation of name in CIF of joint holder.

159. Process: Mailbox is full issue but no many mails are present in Inbox/Draft/Sent

Step 1: Open Outlook app and check if any backup folder mistakenly has been created inside
Inbox or Sent Items or Deleted folders. If yes then move all those items in original backup folder
and delete those dummy backup folders.
Step 2: Click on triple dots on the bottom left of Outlook app.
Step 3: Click on Folder option.
Step 4: Expand Sync Issue folder and delete all mails inside Sync Issue folder and Conflicts
**160. Process: LEI code error in HPORDM

Step 1: In CRM modify the linked CIF- Go to Documents tab- Add new document- Select
document type LEI- add 20 digit LEI number- Get CRM verified.

Step 2:
(i) For Sender LEI details go to Sender to Receiver Info Line 1- Insert in this format SL/20 digit
sender LEI/
(ii) For beneficiary LEI details go to sender to receiver line 2- Insert in this format BL/ 20 digit
beneficiary LEI/
(i) For Sender LEI details go to Sender to Receiver Info Line 1- Insert in this format /SL/20 digit
sender LEI/
(ii) For beneficiary LEI details go to sender to receiver line 2- Insert in this format /BL/ 20 digit
beneficiary LEI/

**161. Process: How to run CCXLGST menu to refund charges with GST amount.

Step 1: Run CCXLGST- Modify- Type R Mark Adjustment- Put debited account number-
Transaction date Start and End date (Range for multiple charges from same account)- Select
invoice number from searcher- press on Go.
Step 2: Copy the charge amount and make this field zero then paste the same amount in Charge
Amount 1 field.
Step 3: Make CGST and SGST field zero.
Step 4: Put the office account number in Charge Account number 1 field (that office account in
which amount was credited).
Step 5: Put Remarks and Submit. Done

162. Process: Internet Explore Error "This action has been restricted" or Edge browser
error “Java Applet not loaded successfully”.

Solution: This is because Internet Explore has been restricted by HO. Now we have to work on
Edge browser. For this there are below steps.
Step 1. Edge zip file has been sent by HO/IT to all branches, extract that zip file, there you will
find 2 files (Sitestat.xml and Edge.bat). Create a new folder in C drive with name edge, Copy
sitestat.xml file and paste in C:/edge folder.
Step 2: Run edge.bat file by right clicking on this file and select Run as Administrator.
Step 3: Open edge browser and in URL box paste edge://compat/enterprise then press enter-
Click on Force Update.
Step 4: In edge browser go to 3 dots at top right corner - settings- Search by typing pop- click on
popups and redirect setting then disable popup blocker (button should be left hand side and
button color should be black) and then restart edge browser. Now we can use any bank website
using Edge browser.
Note: Step 4 can also be used to resolve the issue “unable to fetch menu” error in core server.
163. Process: How to Suspend Opened/Unsuspended Zones of previous dates.

Step 1: Generate report by MISREP-CLEARING-OWCGL02.

Step 2: Open zone of NGT01 for today's date by HMCLZOH.
Step 3: Transfer all sets (Cheque) from NGI01 (NGI01 for Northern Grid, WGI01 for western grid)
(as per report generated) to NGT01 (WGT01 for western grid) by menu TROFSETS.
Note: Date of NGI01 zone will be the zone on which entry was done in NGI01 zone (as per report
Step 4: Now delete all sets from NGT01 by HOCTM- Function D- Zone NGT01- Zone date will be
today's date.
Step 5: Now suspend both zones NGI01 (the date on which cheque entry was done) and NGT01
(today's date). Done.

**164. Problem: TDR amount is showing in effective available balance in linked operative
account/ Tdr closed by system automatically using it as FFD.

Solution: While opening a TDR in HOAACTD menu, if user has filled operative account number
in “Linked operative account Id” filed (Just below Repayment account id field in Scheme Details)
then this FD is attached in that operative account as FFD which may be closed automatically
when required balance is less in operative account. “Therefore Linked Operative Account ID”
filed should not be used in normal TDR.

**165. Problem: Cashier is unable to post teller leg due to error "Alpha code is no entered
in customer debit leg".

Solution: Any officer with work class 600 or above can post this leg by HTM- POST (P) option
subject to teller posting is allowed to officer in HEFM- MODIFY- PF NUMBER OF OFFICR- Teller
Posting= Yes. If teller posting is set as No then change it to Yes and get HEFM verified.

Note: If in HEFM error comes as "Only ten head tellers are allowed then do following steps:

Step 1: Run HTCPIAC menu- Currency INR- Note down all PF numbers who are no longer staff
in your SOL id then go to HGECM- Modify and delete their teller from your SOL.
Step 2: Check HEFM for all existing staffs (both clerks and officers) in your SOL and change their
teller posting status from Yes to No if they are not using teller or not posting vouchers. Now allow
Teller Posting Yes to required Officer.

**166. Problem: Bulk NEFT/RTGS generated lots of transaction ids: HTV menu trick.

Solution: In HTV menu (requires work class 700) transactions fetched are accounts that belong to
home SOL only. Therefore users in branch note down all transactions of accounts of other SOL
and verify it manually in HTM. But in HTV all transactions initiated from a SOL can be verified by
HTV (accounts belonging to other SOL also, but verifier should be very alert while verifying
another SOL transactions).
Step 1: Run HTV
Step 2: Remove account SOL and keep initiating SOL only i.e. your SOL.
Step 3: Now click on Go.
Step 4: System will fetch all posted transactions initiated by you SOL.
Step 5: Click on Submit.
Sometimes all bulk Neft/Rtgs transactions S numbers are generated in posted stage, in that case
verifying all S numbers in HTM is hectic. Then this trick of HTV is very helpful.

**167. Problem: While verifying VNDRINVC error “Not verified, try after 5 minutes”.
Solution: Debit account or credit account being used in VNDRINVC may be closed.

**168. Problem: Unable to fetch record in JETCL DV menu / Process of JETCL realization

Step 1: Generate report by Run menu JETCL- Function Code R- Report Code V.

Step 2: Mark return by JETCL- Function X- Put ticket number and serial number (date not
mandatory) as per report- Give “Rejection type” as “I” and appropriate Rejection code- Debit note
and DN date (anything suitable)- Submit

Step 3: Run DV in JETCL (DV option is allowed only for those ticket which having entry date
on/after 31-12-2018)- Enter the ticket number and serial number (date should not be entered)-
Click on GO

Step 4: Run VD in JETCL (Need work class 700)- Enter the ticket number and serial number
(date should not be entered)- Click on GO.

Note 1: DX (Cancel after Verification): (If wrongly DV option is used then only avail DX function)
Note 2: If JETCL was entered in another SOL then do HCCS to that SOL first then do all above

169. Problem: CKYC ID NOT GENERATED/ CIF is not showing for scanning in Cropping

Solution: Open CKYC portal on then go to “CKYC

REQUEST” tab- Application Status- Check the status. If it is CBS dump error then generate
report in “MIS” tab and find the issue, modify CIF again as per error report.

**170. Problem: HACM CC types account verification error: Common group: Fields must
be entered:

Sol: While verification visit Document tab lastly. There put Document due date (No any other
field) as 3 years from today or as applicable. Then go to General details tab and submit.
171. Problem: In HACMLA error “Invalid Data”

Solution: Restart the verification and try again, it will work.

172. Problem: NPATM debited account twice

Solution: Reverse through HLASPAY

173. Problem: Runtime error in verification of LNTM.

Solution: Try to verify multiple times, it will be done.

174. Problem: How to run HRPDA:

- Type Report to as BM
- Put CIF (or account number)
- Select type as Account
- Submit

175. Problem: NPATM verification gives Runtime error or Fatal error.

Solution: Despite this error comes, verification may be done in backend and multiple tries may
result in to create multiple transactions, therefore check the account before giving another try.

176. NPTM BI number posting by HTM error “Instrument already passed|.

Solution: Note down the instrument number being used in HTM menu (which is generally 1) then
Run HUCS to update cheque status from Passed to Unused then post by HTM.

177. eThics portal is not opening on some systems.

Solution: Control Panel- Internet Options- Advanced- Select all TLS versions like TLS 3.0, TLS
1.0, TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2, TLS 1.3- Click on Ok.
Now try eThics Portal.

178. HPAYOFF error: Account is already paid off.

Solution: Lodge in BMC to relax parameter to run HPAYOFF again.

179. To remove lien Due to Loan:

Simply run HLADSP menu- enter loan account number- select Recovery Mode: From Operative
Account Id- Submit

**180. Problem: “Collateral ID Exists” error in HCAACTD.

Solution: Follow these steps.

Step 1: Go to HCLM- Modify- Select collateral type ( For LATDR it will be DEPOSITS)- in
collateral id field use searcher- put deposit account id i.e. DBD account number- Click on Submit.
Step 2: All collateral ids linked with that DBD will be searched with status Withdrawal Yes or No.
Step 3: Note down all Collateral Ids with withdrawal status No.
Step 4: Modify those all collateral ids in HCLM and go to Particular tab.
Step 5: Select Withdraw= Yes and Reason= Withdrawal and press submit.
Step 6: Get HCLM verified and now you can close the DBD.


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