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Negotiation practices

Choose on of the topic. Find partner, decide what side you are going to take. Take some time to
gather necessary information to support your argument.

Scenario 1
A. You are Undip Representative

Undip received a bad news about the sexual harassment of new students joining the recruitment
program of one of the students’ organization. As the result, Undip decided to forbid the organization
to hold any activities.

B. You are students’ organization representative

You have many programs to be executed this year. You have worked hard to plan and get sponsorship
for the programs. So, it is really a disadvantage for your organization if Undip forbid all the planned
activities. So, negotiate with Undip representative to allow your organization to keep on executing its

Scenario 2
A. EDSA is planning to hold a seminar with the topic of Supporting LGBT in campus.
B. Undip is against any activities supporting LGBT

Scenario 3.
A. You are a catering company planning to open a cafeteria at Undip
B. Undip only opens cafeteria under his business plan designed by Undip Maju

Scenario 4
A. You are OIPA, an NGO working for animal protection. You have been protesting Unilever and
suggested it to use cruelty-free and non-animal approaches to test their product with
B. Unilever refuses to take their suggestion because they've been doing animal-testing for a lot of
their products for years and they weren't sure what they can test their products on or if their
products would still have same quality if they changed their approaches.

Scenario 5
A. You are in labor union of a company. You are protesting the company for not giving the minimum
wage for the salary. You are asking for the company to raise the wage in accordance with the
minimum wage set by the government
B. You are in the company management. You don’t have enough profit to let the labors have the
minimum wage as their salary.

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