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New horizons

Why digital transformation and optimizing the customer

experience are increasingly essential for the energy
and utilities industry.

New horizons –

Executive Summary
The energy and utilities industry is in the middle of a hugely Driven by new technologies, from blockchain, artificial intel- Once you’ve read our whitepaper, you’ll see why getting your
disruptive time. The global pandemic has caused ongoing sup- ligence, and edge computing, it is set to enable the develop- digital journey right is so essential, and how it can enable you
ply chain issues which have seen high inflation grip the world, ment of exponentially more efficient processes and solutions, to better engage with your customers and build digital solu-
there are extreme weather events, the recent war in Ukraine, the creation of new business models and customer offerings, tions that can deliver a truly positive impact – for your custom-
and customers and regulators demanding cleaner energy and and help organizations to be more resilient and competitive. ers, your business, and our planet.
a stronger focus on sustainability and governance. They’ll also be better equipped to meet environmental, social,
and governance (ESG) initiatives, and more able to quickly
This will only increase as the impact of climate change is respond to ever-changing customer expectations.
increasingly felt1, and prices continue to climb – especially as
everyone looks to minimize their energy use. This includes the As with all industries, digital adoption will be transformative
European Union’s emergency gas plan, which aims to reduce for energy and utilities and will enable them to better tackle
consumption by 15% across member states2 amid fears that today’s (and tomorrow’s) disruptions. This is what our whitepa-
Russia could stop deliveries. Additionally, countries throughout per discusses.
Europe are turning off or dimming lights at public landmarks
while businesses are being encouraged to do the same.3 Why digital transformation and optimizing the custom-
er experience are essential for any business to meet clean
All of this is putting the industry under immense pressure to do energy and sustainability goals to develop an agile, change
its part, which includes reducing its impact on global warming, ready competitive advantage
maximizing efficiencies, being more sustainable, and providing The technologies to focus on,
a range of affordable and ever-greener alternatives. The ener- How to best prepare for the transformation, ensure your dig-
gy industry, in particular, is under scrutiny because it is the ital solutions are fully optimized, and most especially,
source of three-quarters of greenhouse gas emissions.5 Why the customer must be at the forefront of your digital
Challenges are coming from every direction. But ultimately, the GEORG HANSBAUER,
one thing that will impact the industry the most in the coming
years is digital transformation.

New horizons –

The digital transformation –

for growth and value
Digital transformation makes use of digital technologies to Develop high performance products Supply – predictive maintenance, effective field operations,
help create new (or modify) a wide range of business pro- Deliver high quality / reliable products comprehensive engineering data management, cybersecu-
cesses, experiences, and even the culture of an organization. rity, plant optimization, digital twins, and asset manage-
As noted by IBM, it “uses AI, automation, hybrid cloud and For energy and utilities, digital transformation can enable this, ment
other digital technologies to leverage data and drive intelli- and many other opportunities, across the entire value chain
gent workflows, faster and smarter decision-making, and re- – from generation (supply) to transmission and distribution Network – outage management, network performance
al-time response to market disruptions. And ultimately, it (network), and ultimately commercial and residential retail. monitoring, smart and digital grids, smart meters, crew pro-
changes customer expectations and creates new business ductivity analytics, supply and demand management, and
opportunities.”v In their extensive look at ‘value realization from digital trans- troubleshooting and maintenance
formation in utilities’, Infosys listed multiple potential opportu-
It‘s also being rapidly adopted by multiple industries. A recent nities that ‘industry 4.0’ offered along this value chain, which Retail – dynamic pricing and product development, cloud
report by IDC stated that global spending on digital transfor- included8: computing, smart homes, customer behavior and pattern
mation is forecast to reach US$2.8 trillion in 2025.6 It’s clear identification, seamless customer experience, intelligent
why. With a well-thought-out digital strategy, organizations apps based on user behavior
can become more flexible, more resilient, and more competi-
tive. This was reflected in a 2019 report by Tech-Clarity, Each section of the chain is enabled by its own specific tech-
which saw that top performers used digital innovation to nologies. Supply makes use of mobile, eCommerce, and active
achieve better ‘product innovation capabilities and business defense (using deception technology to detect attackers).
results’ with a 31% revenue improvement over 2 years (those Network utilizes the cloud, big data analytics, and the Inter-
without new digital strategies only saw 15%). Compared to net of Things. Retail turns to social media and other digital
their competitors, this enabled them to7: channels, with a mix of cloud and connected devices. When
connected, they can make a strong, yet highly flexible, omni-
 et new / improved products to market quickly
G channel solution.
 esign innovative products
 eet market cost requirements
M With digital transformation, the benefits to the energy and
utilities industry are immense.

New horizons –

The drivers of change often the most talked about9 in this regard, with each revolu- Woods Institute for the Environment, which noted over 65 ex-
tionizing their specific industry). isting and emerging blockchain use-cases for the environ-
None of this would have been possible without several fun- ment13. This included optimized distributed grid management
damental advances in technology and changing customer ex- For energy and utilities, several trends will dominate in the to tackle climate change, cryptocurrency-enabled smart me-
pectations over the past couple of decades. coming years: ters for water efficiency, decentralized mini-grids for weather
and disaster resilience, and many more.
Technology has ushered in a world of 24/7 always-on and Connected everything
connected convenience. The internet, email, the cloud, mo- The Internet of Things (IoT), smart grids, smart meters, smart Big data analytics
bile devices, social media, the Internet of Things, and artifi- cities, smart cars, and smart homes. Everything is becoming Smart digital technology (from IoT to social media) collects
cial intelligence. All provide new ways to streamline and connected, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down. vast amounts of data and often from multiple sources. As
personalize offerings, conduct business, and send and re- The global ‘IoT in energy’ market alone is expected to grow to noted in an HLCTech article, “a utility company, using smart
ceive information. Importantly, it has enabled businesses to US$35.2 billion by 202510. By collecting and transmitting data meters and power, can collect around three petabytes of data
disrupt the status quo (Netflix, Amazon, Uber, and Airbnb are via the internet, smart devices blend the digital and physical
worlds and enable the generation of vast amounts of data to
enable continuous monitoring in real-time, optimize efficien-
cies and asset maintenance, automate processes, identify
malfunctions, and much more.

An immutable, distributed, decentralized, and permanent led-
ger, blockchain is all about providing complete transaction
transparency. This is seeing the development of peer-to-peer
energy trading platforms11, secure records of electricity gen-
eration and consumption12, improving data management, and
dozens of other potential uses – as outlined in a joint report
from the World Economic Forum, PwC, and the Stanford

New horizons –

every 15 minutes for a year for about one million house- AI and intelligent automation
holds.”14 That would be the real-world equivalent of down- Big data is also being integrated into artificial intelligence to
loading 33,000 4K movies, every 15 minutes, for a year.15 By help make fast, accurate decisions in areas such as customer
analyzing this data it is possible to accurately anticipate and service and support, regulatory compliance, and to increase
manage energy needs, detect and prevent power outages, operational efficiencies while reducing expenses. As men-
conduct preventative asset management, boost operational tioned by IBM, “When combined with automation, AI can in-
efficiencies, simulate aquifer behavior, identify water contam- fuse intelligence and real-time decision-making into any
ination, and more.16 Big data analytics is all about quickly and workflow. It can drive everything from innovative smart prod-
efficiently turning data into insights. Its potential is limitless. ucts, from increasingly personalized customer and user expe-
riences to optimized workflows for supply chain management,
change management and more.”xvii

The coronavirus pandemic

If there was any one momentous change that has impacted
digital adoption, it has been the ongoing impact of COVID.
Lockdowns, remote working, and social distancing have seen
all manner of organizations embrace digital solutions and
have seen enterprise digital transformation, and e-commerce,
accelerate by three to five years.18,19

But it isn’t just technology that is driving change. It’s the cus-
New horizons –

Power to the consumer

The customer-driven transformation give customers more control over energy usage; to manage cation is as essential as providing the necessary tools that
What people expect, whether customers, partners, or employ- energy use from their smartphones (heating/cooling, lighting, empower them. However, as seen in a J.D. Power 2022 US
ees, has become arguably one of the biggest catalysts for dig- window blinds); to shop online for rooftop solar installations; to Utility Digital Experience Study, many utilities continue to offer
ital transformation. As Salesforce said, “Digital transformation view monthly bills and monitor energy use in real-time; to outdated websites and low adoption of mobile apps – and that
begins and ends with the customer.”20 receive alerts if bills are higher than normal; or to receive out- one-third of large utilities still do not offer an app.24
age alerts with estimates of restoration time, crew arrival time,
Being customer-centric is essential if you want to satisfy cus- and more.” As industries, businesses, cities, and consumers strive to
tomers, reduce churn, and build loyalty and advocacy. That become net-zero, there will be an ever-growing need for
means every business decision must place the customer front This is all about creating digital satisfaction. Between 2018 and energy and utilities to partner with everyone to meet renew-
and center. A recent Harvard Business School Survey21 asked 2020, utilities that maintained or improved that alone saw able energy goals, improve overall resilience and reliability, and
respondents to identify their organizations’ top two areas of overall customer satisfaction rise by an average of 2 percent, meet their own ESG goals. That means utilizing the right digital
focus in digital transformation. Customer experience came first while those who saw digital satisfaction fall, saw an overall solutions to better engage, empower, and provide highly per-
with 23% and technology infrastructure second at 17% (the decline of 1 percent.23 sonalized experiences for their customers at every step of
remainder were process efficiency, data management, com- their journey with you.
pany culture, and employee experience). As smart grids and sustainable initiatives grow and consumers
become increasingly focused on managing their energy and Digital transformation is the answer. The question is how to do
Getting it right means not only deeply understanding the cus- water use, the need for more open and transparent communi- it right.
tomer’s needs and expectations but providing fast, personal-
ized solutions (or services) that give them more choices. Peo-
ple want to feel their needs are heard and understood.

They also want higher engagement and more control, as was

discussed in Deloitte’s US Power Utilities Outlook 201922
report: “Utilities are listening, and many are beginning to
respond to what customers are saying by developing apps to

New horizons –

Developing the
digital strategy
Eine A successful digital transformation requires a clear cus- Before starting on such a transformation, however, it is essen- Importantly, it is also essential to take a detailed look at the
tomer focus alongside a data-driven mindset that places high tial to establish realistic business expectations. A BCG report26 level of digital transformation you want to achieve and what
importance on agility and being able to adapt to changing con- highlighted that 70% of digital transformation efforts fall short changes are required. If you only want to digitize some data,
ditions – whether from the customer, competitors, or any other of their business expectations, ‘often with profound conse- your strategy will be vastly different to whether you want to
external factor. quences’. digitize processes and platforms, enter new markets, develop
new products, or create new business models.
In a 2020 Deloitte Insights survey, the benefits arising from But with a well-thought-out strategy, you can maximize your
digital transformation, “…go well beyond, the bottom line. Many efforts and place yourself ahead of the competition. Your vision’s roadmap must then include all elements, from use
of these benefits, such as improved product quality and cus- cases, technology, people, and your organization’s capabilities.
tomer satisfaction, contribute to better financial performance. Top steps to energize your digital transformation It must also clearly define the actions required to progress
Others, such as reducing environmental impact and increasing One essential element throughout the following steps is the your digital adoption and revisit or create new key perfor-
workforce diversity, are increasingly seen as part of compa- need for consistency. Everything must be calculated, mea- mance indicators (KPIs).
nies’ broader social responsibility.”25 sured, tested, and revisited.
In many ways, this is the ideal of what you want your business
Know where you want to go to be, its purpose, and what it provides to its customers.
As with any major, long-term business decision, it’s imperative
to have a clear vision of what you want your digital transfor-
mation to achieve while ensuring it is supported by specific
and measurable business outcomes. Ideally, it will also intri-
cately link to your overall business strategy.

What is the experience you want to create? What are the steps
you need to take to realize that vision? What customer needs
do you want to meet? What digital solutions do you intend to
develop to address their needs? To do this, what needs to be
improved? Is your budget realistic?

New horizons –

Be agile and change-ready from the top down Invest in the right team, technology, and training than one-third of respondents had a chief digital officer to
This means leading with an agile mindset and readily commu- It can be easy to underestimate the difficulties involved in a support their transformations, however, those that did were 1.6
nicating the importance of the transformation. Ultimately, the digital transformation, especially when it comes to the team, times more likely to report a successful transformation.27 But, it
why, how, who, and overall alignment of what needs to be the solutions you use, and how much training (for all) is should be noted that only just over 40 percent28 of companies
done, are developed from the top. required. report they have a dedicated digital transformation team in
All factors are then aligned with key executives and middle Putting together the right team, with the right technology, and
management. Everyone should be on the same page and ensuring ongoing training is essential when it comes to a suc- Some key roles can include:
believe that such a transformation (no matter how big) is cessful transformation. From tech experts, data specialists,
required. Everything can then be condensed into a ‘change and process leaders, all must be able to communicate and The visionary (change leader), the planner, the financial guru,
story’, which is used to communicate with all employees why work well together – while being led by someone passionate the analyst, the architect, the UX/UI expert, and even the
the change is necessary, where the company is moving, and about bringing change. ‘Critic’ – someone who consistently asks the important whys
why it is important. and what ifs.
This is usually a CIO or CTO role, though it can be more spe-
Only then can this be driven throughout the entire organiza- cific, such as a Chief Digital Officer. The role is essential, as All of whom must, to varying degrees, work with the scalable
tion. pointed out by a McKinsey survey, which showed that less and fit-for-purpose technologies that best support their trans-
formation use case. This requires taking a close look at the
By being agile, all involved can better adjust priorities and adapt technologies, platforms, and software that are currently being
how the business is run as the business transforms. An import- used to not only see what may need updating, but to identify
ant consideration can be the appointment of specific roles to any gaps that can be filled with newer, more flexible, and scal-
drive and implement the digital transformation strategy. able solutions.

Can they adapt to changing business needs? Are they agile,

yet robust, enough for frequent updates? Do they deliver true
value? How well do they work, and how easy are they to test,
within your DevOps29 environment?

New horizons –

And importantly, is everyone up to speed with the new tech- number of them, isn’t always straightforward because the right metrics, such as Net Promoter Score (how likely they are to
nologies and processes? To achieve the desired outcomes, ones depend on a variety of factors, from your digital maturity, recommend your solutions to others), Customer Satisfaction
everyone must be trained, reskilled, and upskilled on the digital budget, and objectives. Score (how satisfied are they with a product or service), and
tools they will increasingly encounter in their day-to-day work Customer Churn Rate (those who stop using your solution),
(alongside new policies and workflows). Comprehensive train- They must be data-driven, highly relevant to your goals, spe- every change to improve digital performance, retention, and
ing can help develop engaged, confident, and empowered cific to your digital transformation team, and be able to clearly the experience, must be re-tested.
employees who are more able (and willing) to support your determine whether your new digital solution or process is pro-
digital transformation and work in new ways. viding the results you want – from customer experience and Are bugs negatively impacting performance? Exploratory Bug
satisfaction to operational efficiency, and much more. Testing can catch bugs in hard-to-find places.
No transformation, or product development, is done in isola-
tion. Especially when it will ultimately impact and affect every- The best metrics, according to Gartner31: Are customers struggling with your smart meter’s app? Usabil-
one. Without a strong focus on finding the right talent, using ity and UX Testing can help you meet their expectations.
the right tools, and ensuring everyone are skilled up, enthusi- 1. 
Have a clearly defined and defensible causal relationship
astic, and ready to go, any digital transformation will struggle to a business outcome This is no different when focusing on employee metrics. From
to succeed. As it also will if you don’t track your transformation 2. 
Work as a leading, not lagging, indicator Employee Engagement to Workforce Productivity, each KPI
and test at every step of the way. 3. 
Address a specific, defined audience must look at how the transformation is impacting their produc-
Can be understood by a non-IT audience tivity and morale. With Customer Journey Testing, you can
Monitor your progress and test, test, and test again 5. 
Drive action when they change from green to yellow to red. comprehensibly look at every aspect of your solution at every
Organizations that monitor their transformation with extensive touchpoint to see what works and what doesn’t.
metrics, see more success. Many, without proper monitoring, Additionally, if you’re using financial KPIs, can you quantify the
may see temporary improvements but cannot sustain them in return on investment of your digital transformation invest- Getting it 100% right, however, means taking your solutions out
the long term.30 ments? Are they, overall, actually achievable? And importantly, of the lab and using real people to test in real-world situations.
can outcomes be regularly tracked at all levels? Only then can you be certain it’s user-friendly, reliable, and
Importantly, the KPIs that are used must be flexible enough to works on any device or operating system.
shift with changing company needs, market conditions, and Ensuring this last point is why ongoing and regular testing is Your KPIs help you to see if your digital transformation is deliv-
other disruptions. Selecting the right KPIs, and the optimal essential. If you are using, for example, customer-focused ering value, but it is testing that helps ensure it does.

New horizons –

It’s a digital world after all

The energy and utilities industry is quickly joining other indus- 4. 
Establish a clear change story (description of and case for 9. 
Provide employees with opportunities to generate ideas of
tries in fully embracing the digital world. Having reliable and the changes being made) for the digital transformation. where digitization might support the business.
flexible digital tools and solutions, the right digitally-savvy 5. 
Add one or more people who are familiar or very familiar 10. 
Establish one or more practices related to new ways of
people, a change-ready attitude, and a customer-first with digital technologies to the top team. working (such as continuous learning, open physical and
approach, all provide an increasingly competitive advantage. 6. 
Leaders engaged in transformation-specific roles encour- virtual work environments, and role mobility).
age employees to challenge old ways of working (pro-
People now want solutions that give them convenient and cesses and procedures). Embracing new horizons. Building the right team who wel-
user-friendly control over their energy and water usage, and 7. 
Senior managers encourage employees to challenge old comes change. Using the right technologies and KPIs. All must
that are delivered by organizations striving to meet environ- ways of working (processes and procedures). combine seamlessly and proactively to push transformation
mental and sustainability goals. Those who can deliver such 8. 
Redefine individuals’ roles and responsibilities so they throughout the business and into every digital solution devel-
solutions will quickly outpace those who cannot. This is why align with the transformation’s goals. oped for your customers.
digital transformation is essential.
But you simply cannot ignore comprehensive and ongoing
Getting it right, however, is no easy task. But there are some testing to optimize your offerings.
areas to focus on that can help boost your chances. In their
report on Unlocking Success in Digital Transformation32, McK- Transformation isn’t a one-step process. It’s continual. When
insey listed 21 keys to success. The top 10 included: every change can improve or set back everything, you must be
ready for every contingency. Testing is the answer to a suc-
Implement digital tools to make information more accessi- cessful and continual transformation.
ble across the organization.
Engage initiative leaders (leaders of either digital or non-
digital initiatives that are part of the transformation) to
support the transformation.
Modify standard operating procedures to include new dig-
ital technologies.

New horizons –

1 14 26
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3 mation-could-it-actually-hold 27
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4 ics-for-transboundary-water-management/ cess-in-digital-transformations
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5 18 29
6 ed-enterprise-digital-transformation/ ing-dictionary/what-is-devops/
7 19 30
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ty-ebook-on-Digital-Innovation_tcm27-82322.pdf says/ Transformation%20Success-,A%20McKinsey%20
8 20 study,-of%20digital%20transformation
ments/value-realization-digital-transformation.pdf tal-transformation/ 31
9 21 sure-digital-transformation-progress
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10 22 Functions/Organization/Our%20Insights/Unlocking%20
ergy.asp ments/energy-resources/us-power-utilities-outlook-2019.pdf success%20in%20digital%20transformations/Unlocking-suc-
11 23 cess-in-digital-transformations.pdf
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12 perience-in-utilities
S1364032118307184 24
13 es/2022-us-utility-digital-experience-study
chains.pdf 25

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