My Autobiograph-WPS Office

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My autobiography

About me: My name is Raylie and I'm 19 years old. My favorite food is the Curry. I really love
the opm music. I like to be really generous and friendly with the people. I enjoy being with my
friends and going with them to the movies.

Family: My mom is my life. I have a brother, he have a daughter that is my life too. I really love
my nise. My father is always there for me. I really love my family.

Friends: | have a lot of friends. I really love them. I know that I always can count with them. My
best friend's name is gelo.

School: In the school I really enjoy my friends and my teachers. I like going to the school for
them and I can learn more.

Goals: I'm going to finish the College and I want to go to the to my brother to recruit me in the
job, and I want to have family soon with my Gf.

Closing phrase: "Don't worry, be happy".

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