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Adding a New Course

The addition of a new course is a simple process that should only take a few moments once
you have the appropriate information.

From the Management select Manage


Select the Green Add Course button:

Enter a course name – try to be as descriptive

as possible as this will be displayed on the
student’s certificates:

Enter the calendar year the course will run:

Select the course teacher – you are able to

multi select if more than one course teacher
is necessary:
Select the Target User Type. This is the type
of users that the course will allow access –
generally you will select Student Participant:

If Student Participant was selected, then the

intended group will display. Select the year level
for the course. You can multi select if the course
will attract a number of year levels:

Select the Training Units button:

This will display all of the training units that are available for the year level that you have
Select your students. This step is optional
as you are able to allow your students to
self-enrol into your course.

If you choose to
select your
students, a list
with all available
student in the year
level selected is

Once finished, select the green Submit button to save your new course.

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