Rupa Goswami Sri Padyavali

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Sn Padyavali

Grantharambhe mangalacaranam
Auspicious Introduction

Text I
padyavali viracita rasikair mukunda
sambandha ban-dhura pad-a pramadormi sin-dhuh
ramya samasta tama-sam damani kramena
sangrhyate krti kad-ambaka kau-tukaya

padya of verses; avali an t h o l o g y;viracita wr i t t e n ; ra s ikaih by t h o s e w ho are

expert a relishing the mellows of devotional service; mukunda w i t h L o r d
Mukunda; sambandha in r e l a t io n; bandhura be a u t i f u l;pramada o f d e l i g h t ;
urmi wi t h w a v e s;sindhuh oc e a n;ramya pl e a s i n g;samasta al l ; ta m asam o f
ignorance; damani th e d e stroyer;kramena wi t h a m e t h o d i c al arrangement;
sangrhyate co l l e cted;krti of d e v o t e e s;kadambaka o f t h e m u l t i t u d e ;
kautukaya fo r th e pleasure.

This Padyavah (Anthology of Poetry) was writ ten by devotees expert in the
mellows of devotional service. This book contains many beautiful verses, which
have been collected for the pleasure of the devotees. It illum i n ates the darkness
of ignorance, and it is an ocean of transcendental bliss.

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

namo nalina netraya-
venu vadya v-inodin-e
radhadhara sudha p-ana -

sa2ine vana ma2ine-

namah ob e isances;na2ina lo t u s flo we rs;netraya ey e s;venu flu t e ; va d ya

music; vinodine pa s t i mes;radha of S r i m a ti Radharani;adhara o f t h e l i p s ;
sudha ne c tar; pana dr i n k i n g ; sa2ine en g a ged;vana ma2ine -wearing a garland
of forest flowers.

To Srz Krsna, whose eyes are beautiful as lotus flowers, who delights in
playing the flute, who dri nks the nectar Radha s lips, and who is garlanded with
forest flowers, I offer respectful obeisances.

author unknown

bhakti pr-ahva vi-2okana pr-anayini ni2otpa2a sp-ardhini
dhyanalambanatam samadhi ni-ratair nite hita pr-aptaye
2avanyaika ma-ha ni-dhi rasikatam radha dr-sos tanvati
yusmakam kurutam bhavarti sa-manam netre tanur va hareh

bhakti wi t h d e v o t i o n; prahva bo w e d d o w n; vi l o kana w i t h t h e s ig h t ;

pranayini af f e c t ionate;ni2a bl u e ; utpa2a lo t u s flo w e rs;spardhini rivaling;
dhyana me d i t a tion; a2ambanatam su p p o r t; samadhi in m e d i t a t i o n;nirataih
by those who are engaged; nite at t a i n e d;hita of a u s p i c i o u s ness; praptaye f o r
the attainment; 2avanya of b e a uty;eka on e ; ma ha gr e a t ;ni d hi a b o d e ;
rasikatam lo v e ; radha of S r i m a ti Radharani;drsoh of t h e e yes;tanvati
expanding; yusmakam of y o u; ku r u tam ma y H e c r e a te;bhava of t he m a t e rial
world; arti of t h e d i s t r esses;samanam th e q ue lling; netre ey e s;tanuh f o r m ;
va or; hareh o f L o r d H a r i .

This verse may be interpreted for either Lord Krsna's eyes or form. The two
possible translations follow.

Translation 1

May Lord Hari's eyes, which lovingly gaze on the devotees, which rival the
splendor of blue lotuses, on which the yogis meditate to attain auspiciousness,
which are two great oceans of handsomeness, and which fill Radha's eyes with
the nectar of love, quell for you the sufferings of material life.

Translation 2

May Lord Hari's form, on which the devotees lovingly gaze, which rivals the
splendor of blue lotuses, on which the yogis meditate to attain auspiciousness,
which is a great ocean of handsomeness, and which fills Radha's eyes with the
nectar of love, quell for you the sufferings of material life.

Sri Saranga


ye govardhana mula kar-dama -rasa vyad-rsta -barhanga-da

ye vrndavana kuksisu v-raj
a vadhu ni2-opadha-nani ca
ye cabhyanga s-ugandhayah kuvalayapidasya danambhasa
te vo mangalam adisantu satatam kamsa dviso bahavah

ye which; govardhana of G o v a r d hana Hill;mula fr o m t h e b a se;kardama

rasa with mud;vyadrsta observed;barha peacock feather; angadah bracelets;
ye which; vrndavana of V r n d a v ana;
kuksisu in t h e d e p t h s;
vraja o f
Vrndavana; vadhu of t he wi v e s;nila da r k ; up a dhanani pi l l o w s ;ca an d ; y e
which; ca an d ; abhyanga wi t h a r o m a t ic substances; sugandhayah fr a g a nt;
kuvalayapidasya of K u v a l a ypida elephant;dana am-bhasa w i th t he liq u id whi c h
flows from the temples of a maddened elephant; te th e y ; vah t o y o u ;
mangalam au s p iciousness;adisantu ma y s ho w; satatam al w a y s;kamsa o f
Kamsa; dvisah of t he enemy (Sri Krsna);bahavah a r m s .

May Krsna's arms, their golden ornaments and peacock feathers anointed with
mud when He lifted Govardhana Hill, deep in Vr n d avana forest the gopzs' two
blue pillows, and anointed with Ku v alayapida s fragrant ichor, always grant
auspiciousness to you.


sayam vyavartamanakhi2a surab-hi ku2ah-vana sank-eta nama-ny
abhiri vrnda -ceto -hatha -haran-a kala -siddh-a mant-raksarani
saubhagyam vah samantad dadhatu madhu bhida-h ke2i gopa2a -murte-h
sanandakrsta vrnda-vana rasika -mrga -srenay-o venu nadah-

sayam at evening;vyavartamaha be c o m i ng separated;akhila al l ; su r abhi o f

surabhi cows; kula co m m u n i t y ; ah vana ca l l i n g ;sanketa hi n t s ; na mani
names; abhiri of go p is; vrnda of t h e m u l t i t u d e;cetah mi n d s ; ha tha f o r c i b l y ;
harana en c h a nting; kala tr i c k ; si d dha su c c e s sful;mantra ma n t r a ;aksarani
syllables; saubhagyam bl e s sedness;vah to y o u; samantat c o m p l e t e l y ;
dadhatu ma y grant; madhu of t h e M a d hu d emo n;bhidah of t h e d e s troyer (Sri
Krsna); ke2i pa s times;gopa2a co w h e rd boy; murteh fo r m ; sa wi t h ; a n a n d a
bliss; akrsta at t r a c ted;vrndavana of V r n d a v a na;rasika co n n o i s s eurs;mrga
deer; srenayah mu l t i t u d e s;venu of t h e f lu t e;nadah s o u n d s .

May playful Gopala's flute-music, which calls the faraway surabhi cows by
name, which is the mystic mantra that charms the gopzs' hearts, and which
delights and attracts the deer enjoying in Vr n d avana, bless you all.

Srz Hara
Sri Krsnasya mahima
The Glory of Krsna


ambhodhih stha2atam stha2am j a2adhitam dhu2i 2a-vah sai2atam

sailo mrt ka-natam trnam ku2isatam vajram trna ks-inatam
vahnih sttalatam himam dahanatam ayati yasyecchaya
2i2a du-r2a2itadbhuta vy-asanine krsnaya tasmai namah

ambhodhih oc e a n;stha2atam th e s tate ofbeing dryl a n d; stha2am d r y l a n d ;

ja2adhitam th e s tate ofbeing the ocean;dhu2i of d u s t; 2avah a p a r t i c l e ;
sailatam th e s tate of being a mountain;sailah a m o u n t a i n;mrt kan-atam t h e
state of being a particle of dust; trnam a b l a de of grass;kulisatam th e s t a te of
being a thunderbolt; vajram a t h u n d e r b o l t;trna as a b l a de of grass;ksinatam
the state of being insignificant; vahnih fi r e ; sitalatam th e s t a te of being cool;
himam sn o w; dahanatam th e s t a te of being able to burn;ayati go e s ;yasya o f
whom; icchaya wi t h t h e w i s h; 2i2a pa s t i mes;dur2a2ita mi s c h i e vous; adbhuta
wonderful; vyasanine at t a c hed to performing;krsnaya to K r s n a ; tasmai t o
Him; namah I o f f er respectful obeisances.

I offer my respectful obeisances to wonderful, playful, mischievous Krsna

who, if He desires, can make an ocean dry land, dry land an ocean, a blade of
grass a thunderbolt, a thunderbolt an insignificant blade of grass, fire cool, or
snow a blazing fire.

author unknown

vatsalyad abhaya pradah-a samaya-d artarti nirvapa-nad
audaryad agha sosanad -aganita sreyah p-ada pr-apana-t
sevyah sri patir ev-asarva jagatam eteyatah saksinah
prah2adas ca vibhisanas ca kari rat pan-ca2y aha2ya dhruvah

vatsalyat be c a use of paternal affection;abhaya of f e a r lessness; pradana g i f t ;

samayat be c ause of the promise;arta of t h e d i s t r essed;arti of t h e d i s t r ess;
nirvapanat be c a use of the negation;audaryat be c a u se of generosity;agha o f
sins; sosanat be c ause of the removal;aganita im m e a u s u rably;sreyah
auspicious; pada po s i t i o n; prapanat be c a u se of the gift;sevyah s h o u ld b e
served; sri of t he g oddess of fortune (Srimati Radharani);patih t h e L o r d ( S r i
Krsna); eva ce r tainly; sarva al l ;ja g a tam by t h e u n i v e r s es;ete th e s e;yatah
because; saksinah wi t n e s ses;prahladah Pr a h l a da;ca an d ; vi b h isanah
Vibhisana; ca an d; ka ri r at Ga j - e n dra, the king of the elephants; pancali
Draupadi; ahalya Ah a l y a; dhruvah Dhruva.

Because He is very affectionate, He promises to give fearlessness to His

devotees, He removes His devotees' sufferings, He is generous, He takes away
His devotees sins, and He bestows limit l ess auspiciousness, and because
Prahlada, Vibhisana, Gajendra, Draupadi, Ahalya, and Dhruva tesify to these
virtues, Lord Krsna, the husband of the goddess of fortune, should be served by
all the worlds.

author unknown

The Glory of Devotional Service

vyadhasyacaranam dhruvasya ca vayo vidya gajendrasya ka
kubjayah kim u nama rupam adhikam kim tat sudamno dhanam
vamsah ko vidurasyayadava pater -ugrasya kim paurusam
bhaktya tusyati kevalam na ca gunair bhakti-priyo madhavah

vyadhasya of t he hun t er named Dharma;acaranam pi o u s a ctivities;

dhruvasya of Dhruva Maharaja; ca and; vayah mature age;vidya knowledge;
gaj endrasya of Gajendra;ka what?; kubj ayah of K u b j a; kimu nama h o w
much more; rupam be a u t y;adhikam gr e a t ; kim w h a t ; t a t t h a t ;su d a mnah o f
Sudama Vipra; dhanam we a l t h; vamsah go o d f a m i l y; kah w h a t ; vi d u r asya o f
Vidura; yadava of t he Yadu dynasty;pateh of t he k i n g; ugrasya of U g r a s ena;
kim w h at; paurusam pr o w e s s s;bhaktya by d e v o t i o n al service;tusyati i s
pleased; kevalam only; na not; ca and; gunaih by m a t e r i al qualifications;
bhakti of d e v o ti onal; priyah fo n d ; ma d h avah Lo r d M a d h a v a .

Where were the hunter Dharma's piety, Dhruva's maturity, and Gajendra's
knowledge? Where was Kubja's beauty? Where was Sudama's wealth? Where
was Vidura's noble birth? Where was Ugrasena's chivalrous strength? Lord
Madhava is pleased only by devotional service and not by material

Srz Daksinatya

anucitam ucitam va karma ko yam vibhago
bhagavati param astam bhakti y-ogo dradhiyan
kirati visam ahindrah sandra p-iyusam indur
dvayam api sa maheso nirvisesam bibharti

anucitam im p r o p e r; ucitam pr o p e r ;va or ; ka r m a a c t i v i t i e s; kah w h a t ? ;

ayam th i s; vibhagah di f f e r e nc e;bhagavati to t h e S upreme Personality of
Godhead; param however;astam there may be; bhakti yo-gah devotional
service; dradhiyan fi r m ; ki r a ti em a n a t e s;
visam po i s o n;ahi o f s n a k e s ;
indrah ki n g ; sandra in t e n s e;piyusam ne c t a r;induh th e m o o n ; dv ayam
both; api ev e n; sah he ; ma h esah Lo r d S i v a;nivisesam w i t h o u t m a k i n g
distinction; bibharti c a r r i e s .

What is the difference between good and bad deeds? Let there be only firm
devotional service to the Supreme Lord. Although the king of snakes gives
poison and the moon gives sweet nectar, Lord Siva does not see any difference
betweeen them.

Srz Visnu Purz

yadi madhu math-ana tvad angh-ri sevam-
hrdi vidadhati j ahati va viveki
tad akhi2a-m api duskrtam tri 2oke-
krtam akrtam na krtam krtamca sarvam

yadi if; madhu of t he Ma d hu demon;mathana 0 ki l l e r ; tv at Yo u r ; an g h r i

feet; sevam se rvice;hrdi in t h e h e a r t;vidadhati pe r f o r m j; ahati a b a n d o n ;
va or; viveki di s c r i m i n a t i ng person;tat of h i m ; ak h i l am al l ; ap i e v e n ;
duskrtam si n f ul d eeds;tri loke -in the three worlds; krtam p e r f o r m e d ;
akrtam not performed; na not;krtam performed;krtam performed; ca and;
sarv am all.

0 Madhusudana, if a wise person in his heart serves Your lotus feet, then any
sins he may have done are all nullifi ed. If he rejects Your service he gets all
sinful reactions, even though he may not have done any sinful deed.

author unknown

kasayan naca bhoj anadi niyaman -no va vane vasato
vyakhyanad athavamuni vrata bha-rac ci-ttodbhavah ksiyate
kintu sphita ka2inda s-ai2a tana-ya ti-resu vik-ridato
govindasya padaravinda bhajanara-mbhasya lesad api
kasayat fr o m t he saffron color; na no t ; ca an d ; bh oj ana of e a t i n g;adi e t c . ;
niyamat fr o m r e s traint;na no t ; va or ; va n e in t h e f o r e s t;vasatah f r o m t h e
residence; vyakhyanat fr o m e x p l a nation of the scriptures;athava or ; m u n i
vrata fr o m t he vow of silence;bharat gr e a t;citta u-dbhavah cu p i d; ksiyate
becomes weakened; kintu bu t ; sp h ita br o a d ; ka 2inda of M o u n t K a l i n d a;sai2a
mountain; tanaya of t h e d a ughter (the Yamuna River);tiresu on t h e b a n k s ;
vikridatah pl a y i n g;govindasya of L o r d G o v i n d a;pada fe e t ;aravinda l o t u s
flowers; bhaj ana of t he devotional service;arambhasya of t he beginning;lesat
from a little particle; api e v e n .

Not by wearing saffron cloth, not by restricting food and other sense-activities,
not by living in the forest, not by discussing philosophy, and not by observing a
vow of silence, but only by even the slightest beginning of devotional service to
the lotus feet of Lord Govinda, who enjoys pastimes on the Yamuna's wide
banks, is Kamadeva stopped.

author unknown

a2am a2am iyam eva praninam patakanam
nirasana visay-e ya krsna krsneti vani
yadi bhavati mukunde bhaktir ananda sandr-a
vi2uthati caranabj e moksa samr-ajya 2aksm-ih

alam en o u g h; alam en o u g h ;iy am th i s ;eva ce r t a i n l y;praninam o f t h e l i v i n g

entities; patakanam of t he sins;nirasana visaye -in the matter ofb e coming free;
ya which; krsna 0 Kr s n a ;kr s na 0 Kr s n a ;it i th u s ;va n i wo r d s ;ya di i f;
bhavati th e re is;mukunde fo r L o r d M u k u n d a; bhaktih de v o t i o n al service;
ananda bl i s s; sandra ab u n d a n c e;viluthati ro l l s ; ca rana fe e t ;abj e l o t u s ;
moksa of lib e ration; samrajya 2aksmi-h ki n g ly opulence.

The words "Krsna!" "Krsna!" are sufficient to purify the people's sins. If they
have blissful service to Lord Mu k u n da, then the goddess of liberation bows
before their lotus feet.

Srz Sarvajna

nancopacara krta puj a-nam -arta bandhoh-
premnaiva bhakta hrdayam -sukha vidrutam -syat
yavat ksud astijatharejaratha pipasa
tavat sukhaya bhavato nanu bhaksya peye -
nana upacara by v a r i e ties of ingredients;krta pe r f o r m e d;puj anam
worshiping; arta b-andhoh of t he Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the
friend of all distressed persons; premna by e c s tatic love;eva in d e e d; bhakta
hrdayam th e h eart of a devotee;sukha vi-drutam me l t e d in tra nscendental bliss;
syat be c omes;yavat as l o ng as; ksut a p p e t i t e;asti th e r e i s; j athare i n t h e
stomach; j aratha st r o n g;pipasa th i r s t ; ta vat so l o n g ; sukhaya fo r h a p p i n e ss;
bhavatah are;nanu indeed;bhaksya eatables; peye and drinkables.

As long as there is hunger and thirst, eating and drinking make one feel very
happy. When the Lord is worshiped with pure love, transcendental bliss is
awakened in the heart of the devotee.'

Sri Ramananda Raya

krsna bha-kti rasa -bhav-ita matih
kriyatam yadi kuto 'pi 2abhyate
tatra 2au2yam api mu2yam eka2am
janma koti s-ukrt-air na 2abhyate

krsna bhak-ti rasa -bhavi-ta absorbed in the mellows of executing devotional

service to Krsna; matih in t e l l i g e nce;kriyatam le t i t be p u r c h ased;yadi i f ;
kutah api so m e w h e re;2abhyate is a vailable;tatra th e r e ; 2au2yam g r e e d;api
indeed; mu2yam pr i ce; ekalam o n l y ; j a n m a -koti o f m i l l i o n s o f b i r t h s ;
sukrtaih by p i o us activities;na no t ; 2abhyate is o b t a i ne d.

Pure devotional service in Krsna consciousness cannot be had even by pious

activity in hundreds and thousand of lives. It can be attained only by paying one
price that is, intense greed to obtain it. If it is available somewhere, one must
purchase it without delay.'

Sri Ramananda Raya

jnanam asti tu2itam ca tu2ayam
prema naiva tu2itam tu tu2ayam
siddhir eva tu2itatra tu2ayam
krsna nama tu2-itam na tu2ayam

j nanam kn o w l e d g e;asti is ; t u 2 itam e q u a l l e d; ca a n d ; t u 2 ayam i n t h e s c a le;

prema of love of God; na not; eva c e r t ainly; tu2itam e q u a l; tu b u t ;
tu2ayam in the scale; siddhih my s t i c p o w e rs;eva c e r t a i n l y; tu2ita e q u a l ;
atra he r e; tu2ayam in t h e s cale;krsna of S ri K r s n a;nama na m e ; tu 2itam
equal; na no t ; tu 2ayam in t h e s cale.

K nowledge is not equal to love of Krsna, and the ability to perform my s t i c

tricks is not equal to Krsna's holy name.

Srz Srzdhara Svamz

The Glory of the Holy Name

amhah samharad akhilam
sakrd udayad eva saka2a 2oka-sya
taranir iva timira ja2adhim
j ayati j agan man-galam harer nama

amhah the resultant action of sinful life, which causes material bondage;
samharat co m p l e t ely eradicating;akhilam al l ; sa k rt on c e o n l y ; ud ayat b y
rising; eva ce r t a inly; saka2a al l; 2okasya of t he p eople of the world; taranih
the sun; iva li k e ; ti m i ra of d a r k n e s s;
j a2a dhim -the ocean;j ayati a l l g l o r i e s
to;jagat mang-alam au s p icious for the whole world; hareh nama t h e h o l y n a m e
of the Lord.

As the rising sun immediately dissipates all the world's darkness, which is
deep like an ocean, so the holy name of the Lord, if chanted once without
offenses, can dissipate all the reactions of a living being s sinful li fe. All gl or i es
t o that holy name of the Lord, which is auspicious for the entire wor l d ! '

Srz Laksmzdhara

caturnam vedanam hrdayam idam akrsya harina
caturbhir yad varnaih sphutam aghati narayana padam-
tad etad gayanto vayam anisam atmanam adhuna
punimo j animo na hari paritosa-ya kim api

caturnam of t he fou r; vedanam V e d a s; hrdayam th e h e a r t;idam t h i s ;

akrsya ex t r a cted;harina by L o r d H a r i; caturbhih wi t h f o u r ; yat w hi c h ;
varnaih sy l l a b les;sphutam cl e a r l y;aghati ma n i f e s t s;narayana Na r a y a n a ;
padam the wo r d; tat th e r e f o r e;etat th i s ; ga yantah ch a n t i n g ;vayam w e ;
anisam day and night; atmanam ou r s e l v e s;adhuna no w ; pu n i m ah p u r i f y i n g ;
janimah we k n o w ; n a not; hari of L o r d K r s n a;paritosaya fo r t h e s atisfaction;
kim api something.

Extracting the four syllables that are the heart of the four Vedas, Lord Hari
makes the word Narayana. Day and night chanting this name, we become
purified. We do not know any other better way to please Lord Hari.

author unknown

yoga sru-ty up-apatti nirj -ana van-a dhy-anadhva sam-bhavita
svarajyam pratipadya nirbhayam ami mukta bhavantu dvijah
asmakam tu kadamba kun-j a kuh-ara pro-nmilad ind-ivara
sreni sya-ma2a dha-ma nam-a j usatam j anmastu 2aksavadhi

yoga ofyoga; sruti an d V e d ic study;upapatti at t a i n m e n t;nirjana i n a

solitary; vana fo r e s t;dhyana me d i t a t i o n;adhva pa t h ; sa mbhavita m a y b e ;
svarajyam ki n g d o m; pr atipadya en t e r i n g;nirbhayam f e a r l e s s; ami t h e y ;
muktah li b e r a ted;bhavantu ma y b e c o me;dvij ah th e t w i c e -born; asmakam o f
us;tu however; kadamba ofkadamba trees;kunj a of a grove;kuhara deep
within; pronmilat bl o o m i n g ;in d ivara of b l u e l o t us flowe rs;sreni of a s e ries;
syamala a dark; dhama sp l e n d o r;nama th e n a m e ;j usatam en g a g ed; j anma
birth; astu ma y b e; laksa avad-hi 10 0 , 0 0 0.

Let the twice-born enter the fearless kingdom of yoga, Vedic study, and
solitary meditation in the forest. Let them become liberated in that way. As for
us, we will spend hundreds of thousands of b i r th s chanting the holy name of
Lord Krsna, whose splendid dark complexion and yellow garments are like a
host of blue lotus flowers blooming in a grove of yellow-flower-bearing kadamba

Srz Isvara Purz

ka2yananam nidhanam ka2i ma2a ma-thana-m pavanam pavananam
patheyam yan mumuksoh sapadi para pada pra-ptaye -procyamanam
visrama sthanam -ekam kavi vara vac-asam
-jivanam saj jananam-
bijam dharma drumasy-a prabhavatu bhavatam bhutaye krsna nama -

ka2yananam of an abundance of happinesses;nidhanam th e r e servoir;ka2i o f

the Kali-yuga; mala of s i n s; mathanam ch a s i ng away;pavanam t h e p u r i f i e r ;
pavananam of p u r i f i e rs;patheyam the lunch; yat wh i c h ; mu m u ksoh o f o n e
aspiring for liberation; sapadi at o n c e;para pada th - e supreme abode; praptaye
for attaining; procyamanam de s c r ibed;visrama sthanam -the pleasure garden;
ekam so le; kavi of s a i n t s, philosophers, and poets; vara of t h e b est;vacasam
of the words; jivanam th e l i f e; sat jananam of t h e r i g h t e ous;bijam th e s e e d;
dharma of r e l i g io n; drumasya of t h e t r e e;prabhavatu ma y b e; bhavatam o f
you; bhutaye fo r t he auspiciousness;krsna of Lord Krsna; nama t h e n a m e .

May Krsna's holy name, which is a reservoir of all transcendental happiness,

the destruction of Kali-yuga s sins, the most purifying of all pu r i f y ing th i n gs, the
s aintly person's food as he traverses the path to the spiritual wo r ld, th e
pleasure-garden where the voices of the greatest saints, philosophers, and poets
play, the life of the righteous, and the seed of the tree of religion, bring
transcendental auspiciousness to you all.

author unknown

vepante duritani moha mah-ima sammoham alambate
satankam nakha ranj-anim kalayati sri citra-guptah krti
sanandam madhu park-a sam-bhrti vidh-au vedhah karoty udyamam
vaktum namni tavesvarabhilasite brumah kim anyat param

vepante tr e mb le; duritani si n s ; mo ha of i l l u s i o n;mahima t h e g l o r y ;

sammoham fa i n t i n g; alambate at t a i n s;sa wi t h ; at a n k am fe a r ;na k h a
ranj anim th e t oe nails;kalayati ob s e r v e s;sri citrag-uptah Ya m a raja s scribe
Citragupta; krti sa t i s f i e d;sa wi t h ; an a n dam bl i s s ;madhu parka -w a t er and
honey; sambhrti vidhau -in th e o ffering;vedhah Lo r d B r a h m a;karoti d o e s ;
udyamam re a d iness;vaktum to b e s po ke n;namni wh e n t h e n a m e;tava o f
You; isvara 0 Su p r e me Personality of Godhead;abhilasite is d e s ired;brumah
we may say; kim w h a t 7; anyat el s e ;param m o r e .

0 Supreme Personality of Godhead, when someone desires to chant Your holy

name, sins tremble in fear, the glory of material illu sion faints unconscious,
Yamaraja's scribe Citragupta becomes happy and gazes at the chanter's toenails
with awe and reverence, and Lord Brahma prepares madhu-parka to worship
him. 0 Lord, what more can we say than this>

author unknown

kah pareta nagari p-uranda-rah
ko bhaved atha tadiya kinkarah-
krsna namaj ag-ad eka mang-alam-
kantha pitham ur-ari karoti cet-
kah wh o ?; pareta nagari of t h e o t h er wor l d;purandarah th e k i n g ; kah w h o ? ;
bhavet is; atha th e n ; ta d iya of h i m ; ki n k a r ah th e s e r v a n t;krsna o f K r s n a ;
nama the holy name;j agat in t h e w o r l d; eka th e s o l e;mangalam
auspiciousness; kantha of t he t h r o a t;pitham in t h e s e at; urari k-aroti p l a c e s ;
cet i f .

Lord Krsna's holy name is the only auspiciousness in this world. If one keeps
i t in his throat, then what is Yamaraja, the king of the other wor ld, to hi m .
What are Yamaraja's sevants to him?

Sri Anandacarya

ceto dar-pana mar-j anam bhava mah-adavagni nirv-apanam
sreyah kair-ava can-drikavita-ranam vidya vad-hu jivanam
anandambudhi vard-hanam prati pad-am purnamrtasvadanam
sarvatma snap-anam param vij ayate sri krsn-a sank-irtanam

cetah of the heart; darpana the mirror; marj anam cleansing;bhava of

material existance; maha dava-gni the blazing forest fire;nirvapanam
extinguishing; sreyah of g o od f or t u n e; kairava th e w h i t e l o t u s;candrika t h e
moonshine; vitanam sp r e a ding;vidya of a l l e d u c a t i o n;v adhu w i f e ; j i v a n a m
the life; ananda of b l i s s ; ambudhi th e o c e a n;vardhanam in c r e a sing;prati
padam at every step;purna amrta -of the full nectar; asvadanam gi v i ng a taste;
sarva for everyone; atma snapan-am ba t h i ng of the self;param tr a n s c e ndental;
vij ayate let there be victory; sri krsna -sanki-rtanam fo r t he congregational
chanting of the holy name of Krsna.

Let there be all victory for the chanting of the holy name of Lord Kr sna, which
can cleanse the mirror of the heart and stop the miseries of the blazing fire of
material existence. That chanting is the waxing moon that spreads the white
lotus of good fortune for all liv ing entiti es. It is the life and soul of all education.
The chanting of the holy name of Krsna expands the blissful ocean of
transcendental life. It gives a cooling effect to everyone and enables one to taste
full nectar at every step.'

Bhagavan Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

brahmandanam koti sankhyad-hikanam
aisvaryam yac cetana va yad amsah -
avirbhutam tan mahah kr-sna nama -

tan me sadhyan sadhanam jivanam ca

brahmandanam of u n i v e r ses;koti of m i l l i o n s ;sankhya t h e n u m b e r ;
adhikanam ex c e eding;aisvaryam th e o p u l e n c e;yat wh i c h ; ce tana
knowledge; va or ; yat of w h i c h ; am s ah a p o r t i o n ;av irbhutam ma n i f e s t ed;
tat of t h a t; mahah th e g l o r y; kr sna of L o r d K r s n a;nama th e n a m e; tat t h a t ;
me of m e; sadhyam th e g o a l; sadhanam th e m e a ns ofa t t aining the goal;
jivanam t h e l i f e; ca a l s o .

If the opulence or knowledge of many mil l i ons of un i v erses were clustered

together, they would hardly equal a small fragment of the glory of Krsna's holy
n ame. Krsna s holy name is my life. It is the goal of my li fe. It is the means I wil l
e mploy to attain the goal of my li f e .

author unknown

visnor namaiva pumsah samalam apaharat punyam utpadayac ca
brahmadi stha-na bhog-ad viratim atha guroh sri pada -dvan-dva bhak-tim
tattva jnanam ca visnor iha mrti janan-a bhra-nti btj am -ca dagdhva
sampurnananda bodh-e mahati ca purusam sthapayitva nivrttam

visnoh of L o rd Vis nu; nama th e h o l y n a m e; eva c e r t a i n l y; pumsah o f a

person; samalam si n ; apaharat removes; punyam pi e t y; utpadayat
establishes; ca and; brahma wi t h L o r d B r a h m a;adi be g i n n i n g;sthana o f t h e
posts; bhogat to the enjoyment; viratim in d i f f e r e n ce;atha th e n ; gu r oh o f t h e
spiritual master; sri pada -of the feet; dvandva fo r t he pair;bhaktim d e v o t i o n ;
tattva of t he tru t h;j nanam kn o w l e d g e; ca a l s o ; visnoh of L o r d V i s n u; iha
here; mrti of d e a t h;j anana an d b i r t h; bh ranti th e w a n d e r i n g;bij am th e s e ed;
ca also; dagdhva burning;sampurna perfect and complete; ananda of
transcendental bliss; bodhe in a w a reness;mahati gr e a t; ca a l s o ;pu rusam a
person; sthapayitva pl a c i n g; nivrttam s a i n t l y .

Lord Visnu's holy name removes sin, establishes piety, makes one
disinterested in the attempt to gain an exalted post like that of Lord Brahma,
grants devotion for the lotus feet of the spiritual master, brings transcendental
knowledge of Lord Visnu, burns the seed of repeated birth and death, and
places the saintly devotee in complete awareness of perfect transcendental bliss.

Srz Vyasa

nama cintamanih krsnas
caitanya rasa vigra-hah-
purnah suddho nitya mukto
'bhinnatvan nama naminoh

namah the holy name; cintamanih tr a n s c e ndentally blissful giver of all spiritual
benedictions; krsnah no t d i f f e r e nt from Krsna;caitanya r-asa v-igrahah t h e f or m
of all transcendental mellows; purnah co m p l e t e;suddhah pu r e , w i t o ut ma terial
contamination; nitya et e r n a l;muktah li b e r a t e d;abhinna tv-at du e to not being
different; nama of t he h o ly name;naminoh an d o f t he person who has the

The holy name of Krsna is transcendentally blissful. It bestows all spiri t u al

benedictions, for it is Krsna Himself, the reservoir of all pleasure. Krsna s name
is complete, and it is the form of all tr anscendental mellows. It is not a material
name under any condition, and it is no less powerful than Kr sna Himself. Since
Krsna's name is not contaminated by the material qualities, there is no question
of its being involved with maya. Krsna's name is always liberated and spiritual ;
it is never conditioned by the laws of material nature. This is because the name
of Krsna and Krsna Himself are identical.'

— Sri Vyasa

madhura madh-uram etan manga2am manga2anam
saka2a nigam-a va22i s-at ph-a2a-m cit svarup-am
sakrd api parigitam sraddhaya helaya va
bhrgu vara n-ara matra-m tarayet krsna nama-

madhura of s we et things;madhuram th e s w e e test;etat th i s ; ma ngalam m o s t

auspicious; manga2anam of a uspicious things;saka2a of a ll; nigama t h e V e d i c
literatures; va22i of the vine; sat phalam -the best fruit; cit sp i r i t u a l;svarupam
in nature; sakrt on c e ;api ev e n ;pa r i g itam ch a n t e d;sraddhaya w i t h f a i t h ;
helaya with contempt;va or;bhrgu vara -0 best of the Bhrgus; nara matram-
a person; tarayet de l i v e rs;krsna of L o r d K r s n a;nama t h e n a m e .

Krsna's name is the sweetest of sweet things, the most auspicious of

auspicious things, the transcendental fruit of the vine of all Vedic lit erature. 0
best of the Bhrgus, chanted even once, either with faith or contempt, it delivers
the chanter.

Sri Vyasa

svargarthiya vyavasitir asau dmayaty eva 2okan
moksapeksa j anayati j anam keva2am k2esa bhaj am -
yogabhyasah parama virasas tadrsaih kim prayasaih
sarvam tyaktva mama tu rasana krsna krsneti rautu

svarga the heavenly material realms;arthiya to a t t a i n;vyavasitih t h e a t t e m p t ;

asau th i s; dmayati im p o v e r i s h es;eva ce r t a i n l y;/okan th e w o r l d s ; moksa f o r
liberation; apeksa th e d esire;j anayati ma k e s j; anam a p e r s o n;kevalam o n l y ;
klesa of sufferings;bhaj am the possessor;yoga of yoga; abhyasah the
endeavors; parama vi-rasah su p r e mely dry; tadrsaih li k e t h e s e;kim prayasaih
what is the use of such hard endeavors; sarvam al l of t h e m; tyaktva
abandoning; mama of m e ; tu in d e e d ;ra s ana th e t o n g u e; krsna K r s n a ;
krsna Kr s n a; iti th u s ; ra u tu m a y c h a n t .

The attempt to attain the heavenly svarga planets impoverishes the entire
world. The desire to attain impersonal liberation brings only trouble. The
regimen of yoga is dry and tasteless. What is the use of endeavors like these? I
will abandon them all, and simply make my tongue chant "Krsna, Krsna."

author unknown

sada sarvatraste nanu vimalam adyam tava padam
tathapy ekam stokam na hi bhava taroh -patram abhinat
ksanam jihva grast-am tava tu bhagavan nama nikhilam
sa mulam -samsaram kasati katarat sevyam anayoh

sada always; sarvatra ev e r y w h e re;aste is ; na nu it n o t ? ;vi m a lam s p l e n d i d ;

adyam sp i r i t u a l; tava Yo u r ; pa d am ef f u l g e n c e;tatha api st i l l ; ek am o n e ;
stokam sm a l l; na no t ; hi in d e e d ;bh a va of b i r t h a nd d eath;taroh f r o m t h e
tree; patram a l e a f;abhinat br e a k s;ksanam for a moment; jihva by the
tongue; grastham gr a s ped;tava Yo u r ; tu in d e e d ;bh agavan 0 Lo r d ; n a m a
name; nikhi2am co m p l e tely; sa wi t h ; mu 2 am th e r o o t ; samsaram th e c y c le of
repeated birth and death; kasati de s t r o y s;katarat wh i c h ? ;sevyam s h o u l d b e
accepted; anayoh o f t he t wo .

0 Lord, is Your impersonal spiritual effulgence not always present

everywhere? Even so, it has not been able to break even a single small leaf from
the tree of repeated birth and death. On the other hand, the moment Your holy
name is taken by the tongue it thoroughly shatters the tree of birth and death
down to it's roots. Of these two (the spiritual effulgence or the holy name),
which should be served?

Srz Srzdhara Svamz

akrstih krta c-etasam sumanasam uccatanam camhasam
acanda2am amuka-2oka-su2abho vasyas ca mukti-sriyah
no diksam na ca sat k-riyam na ca purascaryam manag iksate
mantro 'yam rasana s-prg eva pha2ati sri k-rsna n-amatmakah

akrstih at t r a c tion; krta ce-tasam of s aintly persons; su-manasam of t he m os t

liberal-minded; uccatanam an n i h i l a t o r; ca a l s o ; a mhasam o f s i n f ul r e actions;
a-canda2am even to the candalas; amuka except the dumb; 2oka-su2abhah very
e asy to achieve for all persons; vasyah f u l l c o n t r o l l er; ca a n d ; m u k t i -sriyah o f
the opulence of liberation; no no t ; di k s am in i t i a t i o n;na no t ; c a a l s o ;s a t
kriyam pi o u s activities;na no t ; ca a l s o ; pu r a scaryam re g u l a t i ve principles
before initiation; manak s l i g h t ly; ik sate d e p e n ds upon; mantrah m a n t r a ;
ayam th is; rasana to n g u e ;sprk to u c h i n g ; eva s i m p l y ; p h a2ati i s f r u i t f u l;sri
krsna nam-a atm-akah co n s isting of the holy name of Lord Krsna.

The holy name of Lord Krsna is an attractive feature for many saintly lib eral
people. It is the annihilator of all sinful reactions and is so powerful that save
for the dumb who cannot chant it, it is readily available to everyone, including
the lowest type of man, the candala. The holy name of Krsna is the controller of
the opulence of liberation, and it is identical with K r s na. Simply by tou ching the
holy name with one's tongue, immediately effects are produced. Chanting the
holy name does not depend on initi ati on, pious activities or the purascarya
regulative principles generally observed before initiation. The holy name does
not wait for all these activities. It is self-sufficient.'

Srz Laksmzdhara

viceyani vicaryani
vicintyani punah punah
krpanasya dhananiva
tvan-namani bhavantu nah

viceyani to be collected;vicaryani to b e c o u n t e d;vicintyani to b e c o me the

object of thoughts; punah a g a in; punah a n d a g a in;krpanasya o f a m i s e r ;
dhanani th e wealth; iva li k e ; tv at of Y o u ; n a m a ni t h e h o l y n a m e s; bhavantu
m ay become; nah fo r u s .

0 Lord, just as a miser continually collects, counts and remembers his money,
in the same way let us continually collect, count, and remember Your holy

Srz Bhavananda
namnam akari bahudha nija s-arva s-aktis
tatrarpita niyamitah smarane na kalah
etadrsi tava krpa bhagavan mamapi
durdaivam idrsam ihaj ani nanuragah

namnam of t he holy names of the Lord; akari ma n i f e s t e d;bahudha v a r i o u s

kinds; nij a sa-rva sa-ktih all k i n ds of personal potency; tatra in t h a t ;ar p it a
bestowed; niyamitah re s t r i c t e d;smarane in r e m e m b e ring;na no t ; k a l a h
consideration of time; etadrsi so m u c h; ta va Yo u r ; kr p a mer c y ; b h a gavan 0
Lord; mama My ; api al t h o u g h ;du r daivam mi s f o r t u n e;idrsam s u c h ; i ha i n
this (theholy n a m e); ajani wa s b o r n ;na no t ; an u r a g ah a t t a c h m e n t .

My Lord, 0 Supreme Personality of Godhead, in Your holy name there is all

good fortune for the living entity, and therefore You have many names, such as
Krsna and Govinda, by which You expand Yourself. You have invested all Your
potencies in those names, and there are no hard and fast rules for remembering
them. My dear Lord, although You bestow such mercy upon the fallen,
conditioned souls by liberally teaching Your holy names, I am so unfortunate
that I commit offenses while chanting the holy name, and therefore I do not
achieve attachment for chanting.'

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

¹m a - k i r t ana
Glorification of the Holy Names

trnad api sunicena
taror iva sahisnuna
amanina manadena
kirtaniyah sada harih

trnat th e n d o w n t r o d d en grass;sunicena be i ng lowe r; taroh th a n a t r e e;iva

like; sahisnuna wi t h t o l e r a nce;amanina wi t h o u t b e i ng puffed up by false pride;
manadena gi v i ng respect of all; kirtaniyah to b e c h a n t ed;sada al w a y s;harih
the holy name of the Lord.

One who thinks himself lower than the grass, who is more tolerant than a tree,
and who does not expect personal honor but is always prepared to give all
respect to others, can very easily always chant the holy name of the Lord .'
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

sri ra-meti j anardaneti j agatam natheti narayanety
anandeti dayapareti kamalakanteti krsneti ca
sriman na-ma m-ahamrtabdhi 2a-hari ka-22o2a m-agnam muhur
muhyantam galad as-ru ne-tram avasam mam natha nityam kuru

sri ra-ma 0 Sri R ama; iti t h u s ; j anardana 0 Ja n a r d a na; iti t h u s ;j agatam o f

the universes; natha 0 Lo r d ; i ti t h u s ;na r a y a na 0 N a r a y a n a; iti t h u s ;
ananda 0 bl i s s; iti t h u s ; da ya par-a 0 me r c i f u l o n e; iti t h u s ; ka m a la o f
Laksmi; kanta 0 hu s b a n d; iti t h u s ; kr s na 0 Kr s n a ;i ti t h u s ;ca a n d ;
srimat be a u t iful; nama of n a m e s;maha gr e a t;amrta o f n e c t a r; abdhi o f t h e
ocean; 2ahari ka2-2o2a in the waves; magnam p l u n g e d; muhuh c o n s t a n t l y ;
muhyantam ov e r w h e l med;galat flo w i n g ; as ru te a r s ;netram ey e s ;avasam
not free; mam me ; na tha 0 Lo r d ; ni t y am a l w a y s ; k uru m a k e .

Sri Rama, Janardana [rescuer of the devotees], Jagatam Natha [master of the
universes], Narayana, Ananda [personified transcendental bliss], Dayapara
[merciful one], Kamalakanta [husband of Laksmz], Krsna. Lord please make me
become overwhelmed with tears streaming from my eyes as I repeatedly plunge
into the waves of the great nectar ocean of these beautiful transcendental names.

Srz Laksmzdhara

sri kanta -krsnakarunamaya kanja nabha-
kaiva2ya va22abh-a mukunda murantaketi
namava2im vima2a maukti-ka hara 2a-ksmi-
lavanya vancan-a karim -karavani kanthe

sri of t he goddess of fortune;kanta 0 hu s b a n d ;kr s na 0 Kr s n a ;ka r u n a

maya me r c i f u l; kanj a lo t u s ; nabha na v e l ;ka iva2ya va22abh-a 0 li b e rator;
mukunda 0 Mu k u n d a ; mu ra of t h e M u r a d e m o n; antaka 0 d e a t h ; i ti t h u s ;
nama of h o ly names;ava2im th e s eries;vima2a sp l e ndid; mauktika o f p e a r l s ;
hara of a necklace;2aksmi 2avanya -the great beauty; vancana th e f t; ka rim
doing; karavani le t m e p l a c e ; kanthe o n t h e n e c k .

Calling out, "0 Srzkanta (husband of the goddess of fortune), 0 K r s na, (all-
attractive one ), 0 Karunamaya (merciful one), 0 Ka nj anabha (whose navel is
l ike a lotus flower), 0 K a i v alyavallabha (0 ma ster of lib eration), 0 M u k u n d a
(giver of liberation), 0 M u r a n t aka (ki l ler of the Mura demon)," I w il l p l ace upon
my neck the Lord's holy names, which eclipse the beauty of a splendid strand of

Srz Laksmzdhara

krsna rama mukunda vamana vasudeva agad j gu-ro
matsya kacchapa narasimha varaha raghava pahi mam
deva da-nava na-radadi mu-nindra va-ndya daya nid-he
devaki sut-a dehi me tava pada bha-ktim acancalam

krsna 0 Kr s n a ; rama 0 Ba l a r a m a;mukunda 0 Mu k u n d a ;va m ana 0 V a m a n a ;

vasudeva 0 Va s u d eva;jagat of t h e u n i v e r se;guro 0 ma s t e r;m atsya 0
Matsya; kacchapa 0 Ku r m a ; na r asimha 0 Nr s i m h a ;va r aha 0 V a r a h a ;
raghava 0 Ramacandra;pahi please protect; mam me; deva by the demigods;
danava de m o ns; narada wi t h N a r a d a;adi be g i n n i n g;muni of s a g e s;indra
by the leaders; vandya worshiped;daya of mercy;nidhe 0 ocean;devaki of
Devaki; suta 0 so n ; de hi pl e a s e grant;me to m e ; ta va of Y o u ; pa da f o r t h e
feet; bhaktim de v o t i o n; acancalam u n w a v e r i n g .

0 Krsna, 0 Balarama, 0 Mukunda, 0 Vamana, 0 Vasudeva, 0 master of the

universe, 0 Matsya, 0 Kurma, 0 Nr simha, 0 Varaha, 0 Ramacandra, please
protect me. 0 Lord worshiped by the demigods, demons, and great sages who
have Narada as their leader, 0 ocean of mercy, 0 son of Devaki, please grant me
unwavering devotion to Your feet,

author unknown

he gopa2aka he
krpa ja2a nidhe h-e sindhu kanya -pate -

he kamsantaka he gajendra karuna -parina -he madhava

he ramanuj a he j agat traya gu-ro he -pundarikaksa mam
he goptj ana natha p-alaya param j anami na tvam vina

he 0; gopa2aka transcendental cowherd boy; he 0; krpa of mercy;j a2a

nidhe 0 oc e a n;he 0 ; s i n d hu k anya -of Laksmi (the daughter of the ocean);
pate husband;he 0; kamsa of K a m s a;antaka ki l l e r ; he 0 ; g a j e n d ra t o
Gajendra;karuna parina -merciful; he 0; madhava Madhava; he 0; rama of
Balarama;anuj a younger brother;he 0; j agat worlds; traya three;guro
spiritual master; he 0; p u n d a r ika lo t u s ;ak sa ey e s ;mam me ; h e 0 ; g o p i
jana of t he g opis;natha 0 ma s t e r;palaya pl e a s e protect;param s u p e r i o r ;
janami I understand; na no t ; tv am Yo u ; vi n a e x c e p t f o r .
0 Gopalaka (cowherd boy), 0 Krpa-jala-nidhi (ocean of mercy), 0
Sindhukanya-pati (husband of Laksmi), 0 K a m s antaka (killer of Kamsa), 0
Gajendra-karuna-parina (merciful savior of Gajendra), 0 M a d h ava (husband of
Laksmi), 0 Ramanuja (younger brother of Balarama, 0 Jagat-traya-guru (master
of the three worlds), 0 Pund arik aksa (lotus-eyed), 0 Gop ij ana-natha (master of
the gopis), please protect me. I do not accept anyone as the Supreme, except for

Sri Vaisnava

sri nar-ayana pundarika nay-ana sri ram-a sita pate-
govindacyuta nandanandana mukundananda damodara
visno raghava vasudeva nrhare devendra cud-amane
samsararnava kar-nadharaka hare sri krsn-a tubhyam namah

sri nara-yana 0 Sr i N a r a yana;pundarika lo t u s ; na yana ey e s ;sri ram-a 0 S r i

Rama; sita of S ita;pate 0 hu s b a n d;govinda 0 Go v i n d a ;acyuta 0 i n f a l l i b l e
one;nanda of Nanda Maharaja; nandana 0 son;mukunda 0 Mukunda;
ananda 0 bl i s s; damodara 0 Da m o d a r a;visno 0 Vi s n u ; ra g h ava 0 R a g h a v a ;
vasudeva 0 Va s u d eva;nrhare 0 Nr s i m h a ;deva of t h e d e v as;indra of th-e king;
cuda mane -0 cr e stj e w e l; samsara of r e p e a t e db i r t h a n d d e a th;arnava i n t h e
ocean;karnadharaka 0 captain;hare 0 Hari;sri krsna -0 Sri Krsna;
tubhyam to Y o u; namah ob e i s a nces.

0 Sri ¹ r a y a n a , 0 P u n d a r i k a-nayana (lotus-eyed one), 0 Sri Rama, 0 Sita-pati

(husband of Sita), 0 Govin da, 0 A c y uta (i n f all i ble one), 0 N a n d anandana (son
of Nanda) 0 Mukunda (giver of liberation), 0 Ananda (personified
transcendental bliss), 0 Dam odara (whose waist Mother Yasoda bound with a
rope), 0 Visnu, 0 Raghava (descendant of
Raghu), 0 Vasudeva (son of
Vasudeva), 0 Nrhari (N r s i m h a), 0 D e v en dra-cudamani (crest jewel of the
demigods), 0 Samsararnava-karnadharaka (captain of the boat for crossing the
ocean of repeated birth and death), 0 H a ri , 0 Sr i K r s na, I offer my respectful
obeisances to You.

Sri Vaisnava

bhandiresa sikhanda mandana -vara srikhanda liptanga -he
vrndaranya purandar-a sphurad amanden-divara syamala-
kalindi priya nan-da nandana -paranandaravindeksana
sri govinda m-ukunda sundara tano mam -dinam anandaya
bhandira of B h a ndiravana;isa 0 Lo r d ; si k h a nda wi t h a p e a c ock feather;
mandana decorated; vara 0 Supreme Personality of Godhead;srikhanda with
sandalwood paste; lipta an o i n t e d;anga wh o s e l i m b s;he 0 ; v r n d a a -ranya o f
Vrndavana forest; purandara 0 ki n g ; sp h urat gl i s t e n i n g;amanda g r e a t ;
indivara bl u e l o t us flowe r; syama2a da r k; ka2indz of t he Yamuna River;priya
fond; nanda of N a n da Maharaja;nandana 0 so n ; pa ra tr a n s c e n d ental;
ananda wi t h b l i s s; aravinda lo t u s ;ik s ana wh o s e e yes;sri go-vinda 0 S r i
Govinda; mukunda 0 Mu k u n d a ; sundara ha n d s o m e;tano wh o s e f o r m; mam
me; dinam po o r; anandaya pl e a se delight.

0 Bhandiresa (master of Bhandiravana), 0 Sikhanda-mandana (decorated with

peacock feathers), 0 Vara (Supreme Personality of Godhead), 0 Sri k h a nda-
liptanga (whose limbs are anointed with sandalwood paste), 0 Vr n d a r anya-
purandara (king of Vrndavana), 0 Sphurad-amandendzvara-syamala (whose dark
complexion is like a splendid blue lotus flow er), 0 K a l i n d z-priya (fond of the
Y amuna), 0 Nandanandana (son of Nanda), 0 Parananda (filled wi t h
transcendental bliss), 0 Ar avi n d eksana (lotus-eyed), 0 Srz Govinda, 0
Mukunda, 0 Sundara-tanu (handsome one), to me, who am very poor and weak,
please give transcendental bliss.

Sri Gopala Bhatta

Srj Krsna-katha-mahatmya
The Glory of the Description of Srj. Krsna

srutam apy aupanisadam
dure hari katham-rtat
yan na santi dravac citta -


srutam th e k n o w l e dge;api ev e n ;aupanisadam of t h e U p a n isads;dure i s f a r

away; hari of L o r d H a r i; ka tha of t h e n a r r a tions;amrtat from the nectar; yat
because; na no t; santi ar e ;dr a v at me l t i n g ;ci t ta he a r t ;ka m pa t r e m b l i n g ;
asru te a rs;pulaka ha i r s s tanding up;adayah b e g i n n i ng wi t h .

The message of the Upanisads is far from the nectar topics of Lord Hari. For
this reason Upanisad study does not result in a heart melting with em o t i on, or
ecstatic symptoms, such as trembling, shedding tears, or standing of hairs on
the body.

Sri Bhagavan Vyasapada

naiva divya s-ukha b-hogam arthaye
napavargam api natha kamaye
yantu karna vi-varam dine dine
krsna k-eli ca-ritamrtani me

na no t; eva ce r t a i n l y;divya of t h e d e m i g o ds;sukha of t h e h a p p i ness;

bhogam the enjoyment; arthaye I p r a y ; na no t ; ap a v a rgam li b e r a t i o n;api
even; natha 0 Lo r d ; ka m a ye I d e s i r e;yantu ma y t r a v e l;karna viv-aram t o t h e
ears; dine da y; dine af t e r d a y;krsna of K r s n a ;keli ca-rita of t h e p astimes;
amrtani th e n e c tar;me m y .

0 Lord, I do not pray for heavenly happiness, I do not even aspire for
liberation. Simply let, day after day, the nectar of Krsna's transcendental
pastimes flood my ears,

Srz Kaviratna

aho ahobhir na kaler
sudha su dh-ara -madh-uram pade pade
dine dine candana candr-a sita2a-m
yaso yasoda tanaya-sya giyate

aho Oh .; ahobhir by t h e d a y s; na no t ; ka l eh of K a l i - y u g a;viduyate i s

troubled; sudha of n e c t a r; su a g r e a t;dhara to r r e n t ;ma dhuram sw e e t ;pade
step; pade af ter step;dine da y ; di ne af t e r d a y;candana of s a n d a lwood;
candra and camphor; sita2am co o l i n g;yasah th e g l o r y; yasoda of Y a s o da;
tanayasya of t he son;giyate i s s u n g .

One who daily sings the glories of Yasoda's son, Krsna, which are cooling as
sandalwood and camphor, is not troubled by the days of Kali-yuga. For him at
every step there is a torrential flood of the sweetest nectar.

Srz Kaviratna

nandanandana kaisora-
272amrta mahambu-dhau
nimagnanam kim asmakam
nirvana 2avanamb-hasa
nandanandana of L o rd K rs na, the son of Maharaja Nanda;kaisora y o u t h f u l ;
2i2a of pastimes; amrta of n e c t a r;maha gr e a t ;ambudhau in t h e o c e an;
nimagnanam im m e r s e d; kim w h a t i s t he use7;asmakam fo r u s; nir vana o f
impersonal liberation; /avana sa l t; ambhasa wi t h t h e w a t e r.

We have now plunged into the great nectar-ocean of the transcendental

youthful pastimes of Maharaja Nanda s son, Krsna. Of what use to us is the salt-
water of impersonal liberation?

Srz Yadavendra Purz

tvat kath-amrta path-odhau
viharanto maha mud-ah
kurvanti krtinah kecic
catur varg-am trnopanam

tvat of Y ou; katha of t h e t o p i c s;amrta of t h e n e c t ar;pathodhau in t h e o c ean;

viharantah pl a y i n g; maha wi t h g r e a t;mudah ha p p i n e s s;kurvanti m a k e ;
krtinah th e s aintly devotees;kecit so m e ; catuh varg-am th e f our goals of life;
trna a bla de of straw;upamam l i k e .

0 Lord, the saintly devotees, who happily play in the nectar ocean of the
narration of Your glories, think the four pu r u sarthas (material piety, economic
development, sense-gratification, and liberation) insignificant as a blade of

Srz Srzdhara Svamz

tatraiva gangayamuna ca tatra
godavari tatra sarasvati ca
sarvani tirthani vasanti tatra
yatracyutodara katha pr-asanga-h

tatra th e r e; eva c e r t a i n l y; ganga th e G a n g es River;yamuna t h e Y a m u n a

River; ca al s o; tatra th e r e ;godavari th e G o d a v a ri River;tatra t h e r e ;
sarasvati th e Sarasvati River;ca an d ; sarvani al l ; ti r t h a ni ho l y p l a c e s of
pilgrimage; vasanti re s i d e;tatra th e r e ;ya t ra wh e r e ;ac yuta o f t h e i n f a l l i b l e
Supreme Personality of Godhead; udara th e t r a n s cendental;katha t o p i c s ;
prasangah co n t a ct.
The Ganges, Yamuna, Godavari, Sarasvati, as well as all holy places of
pilgrimage, stay where the transcendental topics of the infallible Supreme
Personality of Godhead are narrated,

author Unknown

ya bhukti lak-smir bhuvi kamukanam
ya mukti lak-smir hrdi yoga bh-aj am
yananda 2ak-smi rasikendra ma-u2eh
sa kapi 2i2avatu madhavasya

ya which; bhukti of s e n s e-gratification;laksmih th e o p u l e n c e;bhuvi i n t h i s

world; kamukanam of h e d o n i s t;ya wh i c h ; mu k ti of l i b e r a t i o n;/aksmih t h e
opulence; hrdi in t h e h e a rts;yoga bhaj -am of the yogis;ya wh i c h ; an a nda o f
trancendental bliss; laksmih th e o p u l e n c e;rasika indr-a of t h o se expert at
relishing mellows; mau2eh of t he crown; sa th a t ; ka api a c e r t a i n;2i2a
transcendental pastimes; avatu ma y p r o t e c t;madhavasya o f L o rd K r s n a .

May Lord Madhava's pastimes, which bring a sense-pleasure stronger than that
experienced by the hedonists, a liberation more real than that felt by the yogis
in their hearts, and a bliss more intense than that tasted by the most experts
drinkers of nectar, protect you.

Sri Sankara

Srj Krsna-dhyana
M editation on Srj K r s n a

phullendhvara kantim -indu vadana-m barhavatamsa priyam-
srivatsankam udara kaustub-ha dharam -pitambaram sundaram
gopinam nayanotpalarcita tanum go -gopa sa-nghav-rtam
govindam kala venu va-dana -param d-ivyanga bhusam -bhaje

phu22a blossoming; indivara of a b l ue l ot us flower;kantim the splendor;

indu moon; vadanam wh ose face; barha peacock feather; avatamsa crown;
priyam fond; srivatsa of S ri vatsa;ankam wi t h m a r k ; ud a ra l a r g e ;
kaustubha Kau stubha gem; dharam we a r i n g;pita ye l l o w ;am b aram w i t h
garments; sundaram handsome; gopinam of t he gopls;nayana of t h e e yes;
utpala wi t h t he l o t us flowers;arcita wo r s h i p e d;tanum wh o s e t r a nscendental
form; go of s u r a bhi cows;gopa an d g o p a s;sangha wi t h t h e h o s ts;avrtam
accompanied; govindam Kr s n a; kala sw e e t ;venu of t h e f lu t e ;vadana o f
music; param fo n d ; di v ya gl i t t e r i n g;anga of t h e b o d y; bhusam w i t h
ornaments; bhaj e I wo r s hip.

I worship Lord Govinda, whose complexion is the color of a blooming blu e

lotus flower, whose face is like the moon, who is fond of wearing a peacock
feather crown, who bears the mark of Srzvatsa, who wears a great Kaustubha
gem, who is dressed in yellow garments, whose handsome form is worshiped
with offerings of the lotus flow ers that are the gopzs' glances, who is
accompanied by a host of surabhi cows and gopas, who is fond of sweetly
p laying the flute, and whose transcendental body is decorated with glit t eri n g

Sri Saradakara

amsa2ambi ta vam-a kund-a2a dhar-am mandonnata bhru -2atam-
kinci t kunc-i ta kom-a2adhara puta-m saci pras-areksanam
a2o2angu2i pa22a-vair mura2ikam apurayantam muda
mule kalpa taros -tri bhan-ga 2alita-m dhyayej j agan moha-nam

amsa to His shoulders; a2ambita re a c h ing;vama sp l e n d i d;ku nda2a ea r r i n g s;

dharam we a r i n g; manda ge n t l y ; unnata ra i s e d; bhru o f e y e b r o w s;2atam
vines; kincit s o m e w h at; kuncita c u r v e d ;ko mala de l i c a t e;a dhara putam -li p s ;
saci cr o o ked; prasara iksana-m gl a nces;a2o2a mo v i n g; angu2i of f i n g e rs;
pa22avaih by the blossoms; mura2ikam th e f lu t e ; apurayantam filling; muda
with happiness; mu2e at the root; ka2pa taroh -of a ka2pa vrksa -tree;t ri t h r e e ;
bhanga be n ding; 2a2itam ch a r m i n g; dhyayet ma y m e d i t a t e;j agat t h e
universe; mohanam en c h a nting.

His handsome form gracefully bending in th ree places, His beautiful earrings
reaching to His shoulders, the vines of His eyebrows slightly raised, His glance
crooked, His delicate lips slightly pursed, and His flower-blossom fingers
m oving restlessly, Krsna happily enchants the entire world as He fills His fl u t e
with music under a kalpa-vrksa tree. In this way one may meditate on Lord

author Unknown

adhare vinihitam vamsam
campaka kusumena ka/pitottamsam
vinatam dadhanam amsam
vamam satatam namami jita k-amsam

adhare on H is lip s; vinihitam pl a c e d;vamsam th e f lu t e ; campaka k-usumena

with campaka flowers; ka/pita fa s h i o n e d;uttamsam a g a r l a nd;vinatam
bending; dadhanam we a r i n g; amsam sh o u l d e r s;vamam gr a c e f u l;satatam
eternally; namami I o f f e r my respectful obeisances;jita w h o d e f e a ted;
kamsam Ka m s a.

A garland of campaka flowers resting on His gracefully sloping shoulders,

Krsna places the flute to His lips. I eternally offer my respectful obeisances to
Krsna, who was victorious over Kamsa.

Srz Purusottamadeva

vyatyasta pada -kama-2am 2a2ita tri b-han-gi
saubhagyam amsa vira/-i krta -kesa -pasa-m
pinchavatamsam urari krta -vams-a na/a-m
avyaj a moha-nam upaimi krpa vises-am

vyatyasta cr o s sed;pada fe e t; kama2am l o t u s ; 2a2ita g r a c e ful; tri t h r e e ;

bhangi be n d i n g; saubhagyam ha n d s o m e ness;amsa on t he s houlders;vira/i
krta di s v e heled;kesa pasam -hair; pincha pe a c o ck feather;avatamsam c r o w n ;
urari krta -t a k en; vamsa na/am -the flut e; avyaj a of s i m p l i c i t y; mohanam w i t h
charm; upaimi I w o r s h i p; kr pa visesa-m ve ry merciful.

His loosened hair crowned with a peacock-feather and flowing over His
shoulders, His handsome form bending in th ree places, and His feet crossing as
H e dances, merciful and charming Krsna plays His flute. Such is the Lord wh o m
I worship.

S ri ¹ r a d a

Love For the Devotees

atandrita camupati -prahita ha-stam as-vi krta -
pranita mani padukam kim iti vismrtantahpuram
avahana pariskriyam pataga r-aj am arohattah
kari p-ravara b-rmhite bhagavatas tvarayai namah

atandrita vi g i l a n t; camupati by t h e g e neral;prahita of f e r e d;hastam h a n d ;

asvi k-rta no t a ccepted;pranita ma d e ;mani of j e w e l s ;padukam sa n d a l;kim
why?; iti th u s ; vi s mrta fo r g o t t e n;antah pu-ram wi t h i n t he p alace;avahana
without a carrier; pariskriyam de c o r a t e d;pataga raj -am Ga r u d a, the king of
birds; arohatah cl i m b i n g; kari of e l e p h a n t s;pravara th e b e s t;brmhite i n t h e
expansive trumpeting; bhagavatah of t he Supreme Personality of Godhead;
tvarayai to t he s peed;namah ob e i s a nces.

Carrying Lord Krsna, undecorated, saying "Why?" as he rejects the jewel

sandals a military commander offers in his hand, and forgetting that they are
inside the palace, the bird-king Garuda suddenly leaves, making a sound like
the trumpeting of elephants. I offer my respectful obeisances to the Lord's swift

Srz Daksinatya

Draupadj-trane tad-vakyam
Draupadj's Appeal for Protection

tamasi ravir ivodyan majj atam aplavanam
plava iva trsitanam svadu varsiv-a meghah
nidhir iva nidhananam tivra duhkh-amayanam
bhisag iva kusalam no datum ayati saurih

tamasi in t he darkness;ravih th e s u n; iva li k e ; u d y a n rising; majj atam

drowing; ap2avanam wi t h o ut a boat;p2avah a b o a t;iva like; trsi tanam d y i n g
of thirst; svadu sw e e t;varsi wi t h r a i n ; iva li k e ;me g h ah a cloud; nidhih
wealth; iva li k e ; ni d hanam of t h e p o v e rty-stricken;tivra sharp; duhkha with
pain; amayanam of the diseased; bhisak a p h y s ician;iva like; kusalam
auspiciousness; nah to u s; datum to g i v e ;ayati c o m e s sauri ; h Kr s na.

Lord Krsna, who is like a sun rising in the darkness, like a boat to the
drowning, like a sweet raincloud to those dying of thir st, like fabulous wealth to
t he poverty-stricken, and like an infallible physician to those afflicted with th e
most painful disease, has come to grant auspiciousness to us.
Srz Vyasa

Bhaktanam mahatmyam
The Glory of the Devotees

prahlada na-rada pa-rasara pu-ndarika
vyasambarisa suk-a sau-naka bhi-sma dal-bhyan
rukmangadoddhava vib-hisana
punyan iman parama bha-gavatan namami

prahlada Prahlada; narada Na r a d a;parasara Pa r a s ara;pundarika P u n d a r i k a ;

vyasa Vy a sa;ambarisa Am b a r i s a;suka Su k a ;saunaka Sa u n a k a;bhisma
Bhisma;dalbhyan Dalbhya;rukmangada Rukmangada;uddhava Uddhava;
vibhisana Vi b h i s a na;phalguna Ar j u n a ; ad in be g i n n i n g w i t h;punyan s a i n t l y ;
iman to t h e se;parama tr a n s c e ndental;bhagavatan de v o t e es of the Lord;
namami I o f f er respectful obeisances.

To the saintly devotees of the Lord, headed by Prahlada, Narada, Parasara,

Pundarika, Vyasa, Ambarisa, Suka, Saunaka, Bhisma, Dalbhya, Rukmangada,
Uddhava, Vibhisana, and Arjuna, I offer my respectful obeisances.

Srz Daksinatya


sri visnoh -sravane pariksid abhavad vaiyasakih kirtane

prah2adah smarane tad anghri -bhajan-e 2aksmih prthuh pujane
akruras tv abhivandane kapi patir d-asye 'tha sakhye 'rjunah
sarvasvatma nivedan-e balir abhut krsnaptir esam para

sri visnoh -of Lord Sri Visnu; sravane in h e a r i n g;pariksit Ki n g P a r i k s i t, known

also as Visnurata, or one who is protected by Lord Visnu; abhavat w a s ;
vaiyasakih Su k a d eva Gosvami;kirtane in r e c i t i ng Srimad-Bhagavatam;
prahladah Maharaja Prahlada; smarane in remembering; tat anghri -of L o r d
Visnu's lotus feet; bhajane in s e r ving; 2aksmih th e g o d d ess of fortune;prthuh
Maharaja Prthu; pujane in w o r s h i p i ng the Deity of the Lord;akrurah A k r u r a ;
tu bu t; abhivandane in o f f e r i ng prayers;kapi patih H- a n u m a nji, or Vajragaji;
dasye in servitude to Lord Ramacandra;atha mo r e o v e r;sakhye i n f r i e n d s h i p ;
arj unah Ar j u n a; sarvasva atma niv-edane -in fully dedicating oneself; balih
Maharaja Bali; abhut wa s ; kr sna aptih th - e achievement of lotus feet of Lord
Krsna; esam of a l l of t h e m; para tr a n s c e n dental.

Maharaja Pariksit attained the highest perfection, shelter at Lord Krsna's lotus
feet, simply by hearing about Lord Vi snu. Sukadeva Gosvamz attained perfection
simply by reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam. Prahlada Maharaja attained perfection
by remembering the Lord. The goddess of fortune attained perfection by
massaging the transcendental legs of Maha-Visnu. Maharaja Prthu attained
perfection by worshiping the Deity, and Akr ura attained perfection by offering
prayers unto the Lord. Vajrangajz [Hanumanj attained perfection by rendering
service to Lord Ramacandra, and Arjuna attained perfection simply by being
Krsna's friend. Bali Maharaja attained perfection by dedicating everything to the
lotus feet of Krsna.'

author unknown

tebhyo namo stu bhava vari-dhi jirna -pan-ka
sammagna mok-sana vica-ksana padu-kebhyah
krsneti varna yuga-la srav-anena yesam
anandathur bhavati nartita roma -vrnd-ah

tebhyah to t h e m; namah ob e i s a nces; astu le t t h e re be;bhava of r e p e ated

birth and death; varidhi of t h e oc e an;ji r na in t h e f e s t e ring;panka m u d ;
sammagna st u c k; moksana re l e a sing;vicaksana ex p e r t;padukebhyah w i t h
their sandals; krsna Kr s n a; iti t h u s ; va r na of s y l l a b l e s;yugala t h e p a i r ;
sravanena by hearing; yesam of w h o m ; an andathuh in b l i s s ;bhavati b e c o m e ;
nartita da n c i n g; roma vrnda-h ha i rs standing up.

I offer my respectful obeisances to the devotees of the Lord. Simply by hearing

the two syllables "Krsna", their bodily hairs stand up in ecstasy and they
become moved to dance in ecstatic bliss. With th eir sandals they expertly
extricate the fallen souls deeply sunk in the fetid mud of the ocean of repeated
birth and death.

Sri Autkala

hari smrty ah-lada s-timita m-anaso y-asya krtinah
sa romanca-h kayah nayanam api sananda sa2$2am-
tam evacandrarkam vaha purusa dhaureya-m avane
kim anyais tair bharair yama sadana g-aty agat-i paraih -

hari of L o rd K r s n a;smrti by t h e m e m o r y; ahlada by b l i s s;stimita

overwhelmed; manasah he a r t; yasya wh o s e ;kr t i nah th e d e v o t e e;sa w i t h ;
romancah ha i rs standing up; kayah bo d y ; na ya nam ey e s ;api al s o ;sa w i t h ;
ananda of jo y; sa2i2am te a rs; tam hi m ; ev a ce r t a i n l y;acandra as l o ng as
there is a moon; arkam an d a s un;vaha pl e a s e carry;purusa o f m e n ;
dhaureyam th e b est;avane 0 ea r t h ; kim wh a t i s t he u se?;anyaih o f o t h e r s ;
taih th e m; bharaih bu r d e n s yama
; of Y a m a r a ja;sadana to t h e a bode;gati
going; agati coming; paraih i n t e n t l y .

By remembering Lord Hari, the devotees' hearts become overwhelmed with

bliss, their bodily hairs stand erect, and their eyes become filled with tears of
joy. 0 earth, these devotees are the best of men. Please carefully maintain them
for long as the sun and the moon shine in the sky. What is the use of your
carefully maintaining those other burdensome persons who are simply in t ent on
coming and going to and from the house of Yamaraja?

Srz Sarvananda

tvad bhak-tah saritam patim culukavat khadyotavad bhaskaram
merum pasyati 2ostravat kim aparam bhumeh patim bhrtyavat
cintaratna cayam -si2a saka-2a vat ka2pa drum-am kastavat
samsaram trna rasiva-t kim aparam deham nijam bharavat

tvat of Y ou; bhaktah th e d e v o t e e;saritam of r i v e r s;patim t h e k i n g ; c uluka a

handful of water; vat li k e ; kh a dyota a f i r e f ly;vat li k e ;bh a s karam t h e s u n ;
merum Mo u n t M e r u; pasyati se e s;2ostra a c l o d; vat li k e ; ki m w h at ? ;
aparam fu r t h e r; bhumeh of t h e e arth;patim th e e m p e r o r;bhrtya a s e r v a n t ;
vat li k e; cintaratna of p r e c i o us jewels;cayam a h o s t;si2a of a r o c k; saka2a a
portion; vat li k e ; ka l pa druma-m a k a l p a -druma tree;kasta wood; vat l i k e ;
samsaram th e wo r l d; trna rasi -straw; vat li k e ; kim wh a t ? ;ap a ram f u r t h e r ;
deham bo d y; nij am ow n ; bh a ra a b u r d e n ;vat l i k e .

0 Lord, Your devotee sees the king of rivers as a handful of water, the sun a
firefly, Mount Meru a clump of earth, the emperor of the world a servant, a
multitude of cintamani jewels simply pebbles, a valuable kalpa-druma tree a
mere stick, the entire world a bunch of straw, and his onw body a burden only.

Sri Sarvajna

mimamsa ragasam-a2imasa drsam ta-van nadhir isvare
garvodarka ku karka-sa d-hiyam d-ure 'pivarta hareh
j ananto pi na j anate sruti mukham s-ri rangi san-gad rt-e
su s-vadum parivesayanty api rasam gurvi na darvi sprset

mimamsa of t he karma-mimamsa philosophy; rajasa by t h e d u s t;malimasa

dirtied; drsam wh o s e eyes;tavat th e n ; na no t ; dh i h th e c o n s c i o u s ness;
isvare on t he Supreme Personality of Godhead;garva of p r i d e ; udarka t h e
conclusion; ku ba d ; ta r ka lo g i c ;ka r k a sa ha r d ; dh i yam wh o s em i n d s; dure
far away; api al s o;varta th e t o p i c s;hareh of L o r d K r s n a;j anantah
understanding; api al t h o u g h;na do n o t ;j anate un d e r s t a nd;sruti m-ukham
the Vedas; sri ra-ngi of L o rd K r s n a, who enjoys pastimes with the goddess of
fortune; sangat of t he contact;rte be r e f t;su ve r y ;sv adum s w e e t ;
parivesayanti di s t r i b u t i n g; api ev e n ;ra s am nectar; gurvi a g r e at ladle;na
not; darvi th e i r o wn s po o n;sprset t o u c h e s .

They whose eyes are blinded by the dust of the Karma-mimamsa philosophy
cannot fix their hearts on the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They whose
intelligence is atrophied by illogical conclusions dictated by pride stay far away
from the topics of Lord Hari. They who un d erstand the Vedas but cannot
become devotees of Lord Krsna do not actually understand the Vedas.
Distributing the sweetest nectar with a great ladle, these persons will not tou ch
it with their own spoon.

Sri Madhava Sarasvati

jnanavalambakah kecit
kecit karmavalambakah
vayam tu hari dasan-am
pada tranav-alambakah

j nana of knowledge;avalambakah taking shelter; kecit so m e ; kecit s o m e ;

karma of f r u i t i ve action; avalambakah ta k i n g s helter;vayam we ; tu b ut ;
hari of L o rd K r s n a;dasanam of t he servants;pada of t h e f eet;trana t h e
shelter; avalambakah ta k i ng shelter.

S ome are inclined to speculative knowledge and other are inclined to fru i t i v e
work. We, however, are inclined to take shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Hari's

Sri Madhava Sarasvati

namani pranayena te sukrtinam tanvanti tundotsavam
dhamani prathayanti hanta j alada syamani n-etranj anam
samani sruti s-asku2im mura2ika jatany a2ankurvate
kamanivrta c-etasam iha vibho nasapi nah sobhate

namani th e n a mes;pranayena wi t h l o v e; te of Y o u ; su k rtinam o f t h e s a i nt l y

devotees; tanvanti ma n i f e s t; tunda fo r t h e m o u t h; utsavam a j u b i l a nt festival;
dhamani th e b o d i ly s plendor;prathayanti ma n i f e s t s;hanta in d e e d;j alada o f
a raincloud; syamani th e d a rk c olo r; netra fo r t h e e yes;anjanam o i n t m e n t ;
samani th e m u s ic;sruti sa-sku2im the ears;mura2ika fr o m t he flu t e;j atani
produced;alankurvate decorates;kama in material sense-gratification; anivrta
not finding happiness; cetasam in o ur h e a rts; iha h e r e ; vibho 0 a l m i g h t y L o r d ;
na do es not; asa ma t e r i al desire;api al s o ;nah to u s ; so bhate a p p e a r

Now that we have become Your devotees, Your holy names have affectionately
created a jubilant festival in our mo u t hs. Your bodily splendor, like a dark
raincloud, has become the black ointment of our eyes, and the music of Your
flute has become the ornament of our ears. We no longer take pleasure in
material desires. 0 Alm i g hty Lo rd, material desires no longer appear beautiful
to uS.

Sri Rupa Gosvami

samsarambhasi sambhrta bhram-a bhare -gambhira tapa t-raya-
grahenabhigrhitam ugra gatin-a krosantam antar bhaya-t
diprenadya sudarsanena vibudha klanti -cchida-karina
cinta santat-ati ruddh-am uddhara hare mac citta d-antis-varam

samsara of r e peated birth and death;ambhasi in t h e w a t e rs;sambhrta h e l d ;

bhrama of i l l u s i o ns;bhare in t h e b e w i l d e rment;gambhira de e p ;tapa o f
miseries; traya th r e e f o ld;grahena by t h e c r o c odile;abhigrhitam gr a s p e d;ugra
gatina fe r o c ious; krosantam cr y i n g ; antah wi t h i n ; bh a yat o u t o f f e a r ;
diprena glowing;adya now; sudarsanena with the Sudarsana cakra; vibudha
of the demigods; klanti th e s u f f e rings;chidakarina cu t t i n g ; cinta of a n x i e t i e s ;
santatati by a h o s t;ruddham ov e r w h e l m e d;uddhara pl e a se rescue;hare 0
Krsna; mat of m e; citta of t h e m i n d ; da ntisvaram th e e l e p hant.

T he elephant of my mind is dr o w n in g in the waters of material illu si on .

Strongly held by the ferocious crocodile of the threefold miseries, it anxiously
c ries with fear in its heart. 0 L or d H a ri , pl ease rescue it with Your glow i n g
Sudarsana cakra, which cuts the sufferings of the demigods to pieces.

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

vivrta v-ividha b-adhebhranti v-egad agadhe
balavati bhava p-ure majj ato me vidure
asarana g-ana b-andho ha krpa k-aumudindo
sakrd akrta vi-2ambam dehi hastava2ambam

vivrta ma n i f e s ted;vividha va r i o u s;badhe su f f e r i n g s;bhranti o f t h e w h i r p o o l ;

vegat by t he force;agadhe fa t h o m l e ss;balavati po w e r f u l; bhava of r e p e a ted
birth and death; pure in t h e o c e an;majjatah dr o w n i n g ; me me ; vi d u re f a r ;
asarna ga-na of those who have no shelter;bandho 0 fr i e n d ; ha 0 ; k r p a of
mercy; kaumudi mo o n l i g h t; in do 0 mo o n ; sa k rt th i s o n e ; ak r ta w i t h o u t ;
vi2ambam de lay; dehi pl e a s e give;
hasta of Y o ur h a n d; ava2ambam t h e

I am drowning in the painful, fathomless whirl p ool of repeated birth and

death. 0 Lord, 0 f r i end of the shelterless, 0 effulgent moon of mercy, please,
this one time, quickly extend Your hand to save me.

Sri Rupa Gosvami

nrtyan vayu vighu-rnitaih sva vitapa-ir gayann alinam rutair
muncann asru maranda bindu-bhir alam romanca vanan-kuraih
makando pi mukunda murcchati tava smrtya nu vrndavane
bruhi prana saman-a cetasi katham namapi nayati te

nrtyan da n c i n g; vayu by t h e w i n d ; vi ghurnitaih ag i t a t e d;sva ow n ; vi t a p aih

by the branches; gayan si n g i n g;alinam of t h e b e e s;rutaih wi t h t h e s o u n d s ;
muncan re l e asing;asru te a r s;maranda of h o n e y; bindubhih w i t h d r o p s ;
alam gr e atly; romanca ha i r s s tanding erect;vana in t h e f o r e st;ankuraih b y
the new sprouts; makandah th e m a n go tree;api al s o ;mu kunda 0 K r s n a ;
murchati fa i n t s; tava of Y o u ; sm rtya by t h e m e m o r y; nu in d e e d ;vr n davane
in Vrndavana; bruhi pl e a se tell;prana as l i f e; samana wh o i s as dear;cetasi
in the heart; katham wh y ? ; na ma th e n a m e ;api ev e n ;na do e sn o t ; ayati
arrive; te Y o u r .

This mango tree in Vrndavana is now overwhelmed by remembering You. It

dances, moving it's branches in the breeze. It sings in the form of these
humming bees. It sheds tears in the form of these many drops of honey. Its
hairs stand erect in ecstasy in the form of these new sprouts. 0 M u k u n da , as
dear to me as my own life, why is this tree so filled with l ove for You? Who am I
so hard-hearted that even Your name will not enter my heart?

Sri Isvara Puri

ya draupadi p-aritrane
ya gaj endrasya moksane
mayy arte karuna m-urte
sa tvara kva gata hare

ya which; draupadi of D r a u p a d i;paritrane in t h e p r o t e c tion;ya w h i c h ;

gaj endrasya of Gajendra;moksane in the liberation; mayi to m e ; a r t e
suffering; karuna of m e r c y; murte 0 fo r m ; sa tha t ; tv a ra sp e e d k; v a
where?; gata go n e; hare 0 K r s n a .

0 Lord Hari, 0 form of mercy, You quickly rescued both Draupadi and
Gajendra. What has happened to that quick action now that I suffer so acutely?

Sri Autkala

dma band-hur iti nama te smaran
yadavendra patito 'ham utsahe
bhakta vatsala-taya tvayi srute
mamakam hrdayam asu kampate

dma of t he wretched;bandhuh th e f r i e n d; iti th u s ;na ma th e n a m e ;te o f

You; smaran re m e m b e ring;yadava of t h e Y adavas;indra 0 ki n g ; p a t i t a h
fallen; aham I; ut s ahe be c o me encouraged;bhakta to t h e d e votees;
vatsalataya wi t h a f f e ction;tvayi to Y o u ; sr u te he a r d ;ma makam m y ;
hrdayam heart; asu at once;kampate trembles.

0 Lord Yadavendra, I am fallen. When I remember Your name Dzna-bandhu

(the friend of the fallen) I become encouraged, and when I hear that You love
Your devotees my heart trembles.

Sri Jagannatha Sena

stavakas tava caturmukhadayo
bhavakas tu bhagavan bhavadayah
sevakah satamakhadayah surah
vasudeva yadi ke tada vayam
stavakah offering prayers; tava to You;caturmukha by Lord Brahma;adayah
those headed; bhavakah fi l l e d w i th l o v e;tu in d e e d ;bhagavan 0 Lo r d ; bh a v a
with Lord Siva; adayah th o s e headed;sevakah se r v a nts;satamakha b y L o r d
Indra; adayah th o s e h e a ded;surah de m i g o d s;vasudeva 0 K r s n a ; y a di i f ;
ke wh o 7; tada th e n ; va yam a r e w e .

0 Lord, Brahma and his associates offer prayers to You, Siva and his associates
are full of love for You, and Indra and the demigods are Your servants. Who are
we in comparison to them?

Srz Dhananjaya

parama kar-uniko na bhavat para-h
parama socy-atamo na ca mat para-h
iti vicintya hare mayi pamare
yad ucitam yadu nath-a tad acara

parama su p r e mely; karunikah merciful; na no t ; bh a vat th a n Y o u ; pa rah

more; parama su p r e m e ly;socyatamah la m e n t a ble;na no t ; ca an d ; ma t t han
me; parah mo r e ; iti th u s ;vi c i n t ya co n s i d e r i n g;hare 0 Kr s n a ;ma yi t o m e ;
pamare fa l l en and lowly; yat what; ucitam is p r o p e r; yadu of t h e Y a d us;
natha 0 Lo r d ; tat th a t ;ac a ra pl e a s e do.

0 Lord, no one is more merciful than You, and no one is more pathetic than I.
I am very lowly and fallen. 0 L or d Yadunatha, please reflect on my case and do
to me whatever is appropriate.

author unknown

bhavodbhava klesa ka-sa sat-ahata-h
paribhramann indriya kapatha-ntare
niyamyatam madhava me mano hayas -

tvad anghri s-ankau

-drdha bhakti b-andhan-e

bhava by ma terial nature; udbhava pr o d u c e d; klesa of s u f f e r ings;kasa b y t h e

whips; sata hu n d r e d s;ahatah st r u c k ;pa ribhraman wa n d e r i n g;indriya o f t h e
material senses; kapatha th e b ad road;antare on ; ni y a m yatam m a y b e
restrained; madhava 0 Kr s n a ; me of m e ; ma n ah of t h e m i n d ; ha yah t h e
horse; tvat of Y o u; anghri of t h e f e e t;sankau to t h e p o s t;drdha f i r m ;
bhakti of d e v o t io nal service;bandhane in t he r o p e .
B eaten by the hundred whips of material sufferings, the horse of my min d
runs wildly on the bad road of the senses. 0 Lord Ma dhava, please pull up the
r eins of devotional service. Stop the horse and tie it to the post of Your lotu s

author unknown

na dhyato 'si na kirtito 'si na manag aradhito 'si prabho
no j anmantara goc-are tava padambhoj e ca bhaktih krta
tenaham bahu duh-kha bha-janataya prapto dasam idrsim
tvam karunya nid-he vidhehi karunam sri krs-na dine mayi

na no t; dhyatah me d i t a t e d;asi Yo u h a v e been;na no t ; ki r t i t ah g l o r i f i e d ;

asi You have been;na no t ; ma n ak sl i g h t l y ;ar a dhitah wo r s h i p p e d;asi Y o u
have been;prabho 0 Lord;na not;u indeed;j anma birth;antara goca-re
within; tava of Y o u; pada fe e t ;am bhoj e fo r t he lot u s;ca al s o ;bhaktih
devotion; krta do n e ; te na by t h i s ;ah am I; ba h u man y ; du h k ha of s u f f e r i n g s ;
bhaj anataya by a tt aining; praptah at t a i n e d;dasam a c o n d i t i o n;id rsim l i k e
this;tvam You; karunya of mercy;nidhe 0 ocean;vidhehi please grant;
karunam me r c y; sri krsna -0 Sr i K r s n a;dme po o r ; ma yi t o m e .

0 Lord, in this birth I h ave not meditated on You, glorified You, even slightly
worshiped You, or developed any devotion for Your lotus feet. That is why I
suffer in this condition. I am very poor and fallen. 0 Srz Krsna, 0 ocean of
mercy, please be compassionate on me.

Srz Sankara

saranam asi hare prabho murare
jaya madhusudana vasudeva visno
niravadhi kalusaugha karinam -mam
gati rahitam j -agadisa raksa raksa

saranam th e shelter;asi Yo u a r e; hare 0 Ha r i ;pr a b ho 0 Lo r d ; m u r a re 0

enemy of the Mura demon; jaya al l g l o r i e s;madhusudana 0 ki l l e r of t he Madhu
demon; vasudeva 0 so n of Vasudeva;visno 0 al l - p e r v a ding Lord;niravadhi
boundless; kalusa of s i n s; augha a h o s t;ka rinam pe r f o r m i n g ;mam m e ;
gati a goal; rahitam wi t h o u t ;ja gadisa 0 ma s t e r of the universe; raksa p l e a s e
protect; raksa pl e a se protect.
I have no goal in life, and I have commited countless sins. 0 Lord H a ri, 0
Murari, You are my shelter. 0 M a d h u s udana, 0 Vasudeva. 0 Vi s nu, all glori es
to You. 0 Jagadisa, please protect me, please protect me.

author unknown

dinadau murare nisadau murare
dinardhe murare nisardhe murare
dinante murare nisante murare
tvam eko gatir nas tvam eko gatir nah

dina of t he day; adau in t h e b e g innin g; murare 0 Kr s n a ;ni sa o f t h e n i g h t ;

adau in t he beginning; murare 0 Kr s n a ;di na of t h e d a y; ardhe i n t h e
middle; murare 0 Kr s n a ;nisa of t h e n i g h t; ardhe in t h e m i d d l e ; m urare 0
Krsna; dina of t he day;ante at t he e nd;murare 0 Kr s n a ;ni sa o f t h e n i g h t ;
ante at the end; murare 0 Kr s n a ;tv am Yo u ; ek ah th e o n l y ; ga t ih g o a l o f
life; nah forus; tvam Yo u ; ek ah th e o n l y ; ga tih g o a lo f l i f e ; n ah f o r u s .

0 Lord Murari, during the beginning, middle and end of all our days and
nights, You always remain the only goal of our liv es.

Srz Daksinatya

ayi nanda tanuj a -kinkaram
patitam mam visame bhavambudhau
krpaya tava pada pankaj -a
sthita dhuli s-adrsam -vicintaya

ayi oh , My L o r d; nanda tanuja -t he son of Nanda Maharaja, Krsna;kinkaram

the servant; patitam fa l l e n; mam Me ; vi s a me ho r r i b l e ;bhava ambudh-au i n t h e
ocean of nescience; krpaya by causeless mercy;tava Your; pada pankaj a -lotus
feet; sthita si t u a t ed at;dhuli sadrsam -like a particle of dust; vicintaya k i n d l y

0 My Lord, 0 K r s na, son of Maharaja Nanda, I am Your eternal servant, but

because of My own fruit ive acts, I have fallen in this horr i ble ocean of nescience.
Now please be causelessly merciful to Me. Consider Me a particle of dust at
Your lotus feet.'

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Bhaktanam nistha
The Devotees' Faith

na vayam kavayo na tarkika
na ca vedanta nit-antapa-ragah
na ca vadi niv-arakah param
kapatabhira kis-ora kin-karah

na no t; vayam we ; ka v a yah po e t s ;na no t ; ta r k i t ah lo g i c i a n s;na n o t ; c a

and; vedanta of V e d anta;nitanta gr e a t l y;para to t h e f a r t h er shore;gah g o n e ;
na no t; ca a l s o ; va di niva-rakah ex p e rt in debate;param th e n ; ka p ata
cheating; abhira co w h e r d;kisora of a b o y; ki n k a rah th e s e r v a nts.

We are not poets. We are not logicians. We are not philosophers who have
crossed to the farther shore of Vedanta. We are not eloquent debaters. We are
the servants of a rascal cowherd boy.

Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya

parivadatu j ano yatha tathayam
nanu mukharo na vayam vicarayamah
hari rasa m-adi ra -madati -mat ta-
bhuvi viluthama natama nirvisama

parivadatu may rebuke; j anah th e p eople;yatha ju s t a s; tatha i n t h a t w a y ;

ayam th i s; nanu is i t n o t s o 7;mukharah ta l k a t i v e;na no t ; va y am w e ;
vicarayamah co n s i d er it; hari of L o r d H a r i; ra sa of t h e n e c t ar;m adira mada-
by the liquor; ati ex t r e m e l y;mattah in t o x i c a t e d;bhuvi o n t h e g r o u n d ;
viluthama I w i l l r o l l; na tama I w i l l d a n c e;nirvisama I w i l l e n j o y .

The talkative people will rebuke us. Is it not. We do not care. We will drink
the liquor of love for Lord Hari. We will become completely intoxicated. We
will roll about on the ground. We will dance. We will experience ecstasy.

Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya

naham vipro na ca nara p-atir napi vaisyo na sudro
naham varni na ca grha p-atir no vanastho yatir va
kintu prodyan n-ikhila p-aramananda p-urnamrtabdher
gopi b-hartuh pada k-amalayor dasa d-asanudasah

na no t; aham I; vi p r a h a b r a h m a n a;na no t ; c a a l s o ;na ra pa-tih a k i n g o r

ksatriya; na no t ; api al s o ;va isyah be l o n g i ng to the merchantile class; na n o t ;
sudrah be l o nging to the worker class;na no t ; ah am I; va r n i bel o n g i n g to a ny
caste, or brahmacari (A brahmacari may belong to any caste. Anyone can become a
brahmacari or lead a life of celibacy); na no t ; ca a l s o ; gr ha pat-ih ho u s e h o l der;
no no t; vana sth-ah va n a prastha, one who, after retirement from family life, goes
to the forest to learn how to be detached from family life; yatih me n d i c a nt or
renunciant; va ei t h e r; kintu bu t ; pr o d y an br i l l i a n t ;ni k h ila un i v e r s a l;parama
ananda wi t h t r a n scendental bliss;purna co m p l e t e;amrta abd-heh wh o is the
ocean of nectar; gopi bha-rtuh of t he Supreme Person, who is the maintainer of
the gopis; pada kam-alayoh of t he two lot us feet;dasa of t he servant;dasa
anudasah the servant of the servant.

I am not a brahmana, I am not a ksatriya, I am not a vaisya or a sudra. Nor am

I a brahmacari, a householder, a vanapratha or a sannyasi. I identify My self only
as the servant of the servant of the servant of the lotus feet of Lord Sri Kr sna,
the maintainer of the gopis. He is like an ocean of nectar, and He is the cause of
universal transcendental bliss. He is always existing with br i l l i a n ce.'

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

dhanyanam hrdi bhasatam girivara pratya-gra kunjau-kasam
satyananda rasam -vikara vibhav-a vyavrt-tam antar mahah-
asmakam ki2a ba22avi rati ra-so vr-ndatavi 2a2aso-
gopah ko 'pi mahendranila ruciras -citte muhuh kridatu

dhanyanam of t h o se who are fortunate;hrdi in t h e h e a r t;bhasatam m a n i f e s t ;

girivara of G o v a r d hana Hill;prati in each; agra kunj a -grove; aukasam
residing; satya tr a n s c endental;ananda of b l i s s; rasam ne c t a r;vikara vibhava-
vyavrta mt r a n s -cendental ecstasy; antah in t h e h e art;mahah f e s t i v a l;
asmakam of u s; ki2a in d e e d;ba22avi wi t h t he gopis;rati rasah - w i th t h e
nectar oflove; vrnda atavi i- n V r n d a vana forest;2a2asah eagerly enjoying
pastimes; gopah co w h e rd boy; kah api a c e r t a i n;maha gr e a t ;in dranila o f a
sapphire; rucirah wi t h t h e s plendor;citte in t h e h e a r t; muhuh re p e a t e dly;
kridatu ma y e njoy pastimes.
May the cowherd boy who is a festival of ecstatic bliss for the hearts of the
fortunate creatures residing in the groves of Govardhana Hill, who is the lover
of the gopzs, who eagerly enjoy pastimes in Vrndavana forest, and whose
complexion is as splendid as a great sapphire, eternally enjoy transcendental
pastimes in our hearts.

Srz Isvara Purz

rasam prasamsantu kavitva nis-tha
brahmamrtam veda sir-o niv-istah
vayam tu gunj a kali-tavatamsam
grhita vam-sam kam api srayamah

rasam the mellows of poetry; prasamsantu ma y g l o r i f y; kavitva t o p o e t r y ;

nisthah th o se devoted;brahma of B r a h m a n;amrtam th e n e c t a r;veda sira-h
nivistah th o se devoted to studying the Vedas;vayam we ; tu bu t ; gu n j a o f
gunja; ka2ita fa s hioned; avatamsam with -a gar2and; grhita taken; vamsam a
flute; kam api of a c e rtain person;srayamah we h a ve taken shelter.

Those devoted to poetry may praise the nectar of poetry and those devoted to
V edic study may praise the nectar of impersonal Brahman. We will p r a i s e
neither. We will sim ply take shelter of a flutist who wears a gunja-necklace.

Srz Yadavendra Purz

dhyanatitam kim api paramam ye tujananti tattvam
tesam astam hrdaya kuhare -suddha cin ma-tra -atma
asmakam tu prakrti madhur-ah smera vaktrar-avindo
megha syamah -kanaka paridhi-h pankaj akso yam atma

dhyana me d i t a tion; atitam be y o n d ; kim api so m e t h i n g ;paramam s u p r e m e ;

ye who; tu i n d e e d ; j a n a nti un d e r s t a n d;tattvam th e t r u t h ; te sam o f t h e m ;
astam may be; hrdaya kuhare -in the heart; suddha pu r e ; c it matra h -
transcendent; atma se l f; asmakam of u s ; tu bu t ; pr a k r t i b y n at u r e ;
madhurah sw e e tly charming; smera sm i l i n g ; vaktra fa c e ;ar avindah l o t u s ;
megha as a cloud; syamah da r k ; ka n aka wi t h g o l d e n;paridhih g a r m e n t s ;
pankaj a lo t u s; aksah wi t h e y e s;ayam this; atma p e r s o n.
They who understand the inconceivable, impersonal absolute will find that
pure transcendence in their hearts. That is not, however, what is in our hearts.
In our hearts resides a charming, lotus-faced, lotus-eyed person who wears
golden garments and whose complexion is the color of a dark raincloud.

Srz Kaviratna

jatu prarthayate na parthiva pa-dam naindre pade modate
sandhate na ca yoga sid-dhisu dhiyam moksam ca nakanksate
ka2indi van-a sim-ani sthira tad-in me-gha dyu-tau keva2am
suddhe brahmani ballavi bhu-j a 2ata -bad-dhe mano dhavati

jatu ever; prarthayate pr a y s; na no t ; pa r t h i va of a n e a r t h ly kin g;padam t h e

post; na not; aindre of I n d r a, the king of Svargaloka;pade th e p o s t;modate
pleases; sandhatte fixes; na no t ; ca a n d ; yo ga of t h e y o g a system;siddhisu
on the mystic perfections; dhiyam th e m i n d ; mo ksam li b e r a t i o n; ca a l s o ;n a
not; akansate de s ires;kalindi of t h e Y a m u na River;vana in t h e f o r e st;
simani on t he shore;sthira st a t i o n a r y;tadit li g h t n i n g f la sh;megha a c l o u d ;
dyutau th e splendor; kevalam on l y ; su ddhe pu r e ; br a hmani t h e B r a h m a n ;
ba22avz of a gopi; bhuja of t h e a r m; 2ata by t h e v i n e;baddhe bo u n d ; ma nah
the mind; dhavati r u n s .

My mind never prays for the post of an earthly king. The post of King Indra
does not appeal to it. It does not like the yogic perfections. It does not yearn
after liberation. It only runs after the pure supreme Brahman, who, bound by
the vine of a gopz's arm, appears like a dark raincloud and stationary lightning
flash in the forest by the Yamuna's shore.

Srz Kaviratna

sandhya vandana -bhadram astu bhavato bhoh snana tubhyam namo
bho devah pitaras ca tarpana vidhau n-aham ksamah ksamyatam
yatra kvapi nisadya yadava kulottam-asya kamsa dvisah-
smaram smaram agham harami tad alam manye kim anyena me

sandhya vandana -0 Sa ndhya-vadana;bhadram au s p i c i o usness;astu l e t t h e r e

be;bhavate to you;bhoh 0; snana bath;tubhyam to you; namah obeisances;
bhoh 0; devah de m i g o d s;pitarah fo r e f a t h e r; ca a l s o ; ta rpana vidhau -in the
offering of tarpana; na no t ; ah am I a m ; ks a m ah ab l e ;ks amyatam m a y b e
forgiven; yatra wh e r e ; kva api so m e w h e r e;nisadya si t t i n g ;yadava o f t h e
Yadu; kula of t he d yn a sty;uttamsasya of t he c ro wn; kamsa of K a m s a;dvisah
of the enemy; smaram re m e m b e ring;smaram an d r e m e m b e ring;agham s i n ;
harami I r e m o v e; tat t h a t ; al am su f f i c i e n t;manye I t h i n k ; ki m w h a t i s t h e
use?; anyena of s o m e t h i ng else; me for me.

0 my evening prayer, all good unto you. 0 my m o r n i n g b a th, I bid you good-
bye. 0 demigods and forefathers, please excuse me. I am unable to perform any
more offerings for your pleasure. Now I have decided to free myself from all
reactions to sins simply by remembering anywhere and everywhere the great
d escendant of Yadu and the great enemy of Kamsa [Lord Krsnaj. I th ink t h a t
this is sufficient for me. So what is the use of further endeavors?'

Srz Madhavendra Purz

snanam mlanam abhut kriya na ca kriya sandhya ca vandhyabhavad
vedah khedam avapasastra patal-i samputitantah sphu-ta
dharmo marma hato -hy adharma nicay-ah prayah ksayam praptavan
cittamcumbati yadavendra cara-nambhoj e mamahar nisam-

snanam ba t h i n g; mlanam wi t h e r e d;abhut wa s ; kr i ya Ve d i cs t u d i e s;na n o t ;

ca also; kriya to b e d o n e; sandhya ri t u a l s performed at sunrise, noon and
sunset; ca also;vandhya barren;abhavat were;vedah the Veda;khedam
unhappiness; avapa at t a i ned;sastra of s c r i p t u r e s;patali t h e m u l t i t u d e ;
smaputita bo x e d up; antah sphuta -in th e heart; dharmah pi e t y ;ma r ma a t t h e
core of life; hatah wo u n d e d; hi in d e e d ;ad harma of s i n f u l a c t s;nicayah t h e
host; prayah fo r t h e m o s t p a r t ; ks ayam de s t r u c t i o n;praptavan a t t a i n e d ;
cittam h e a rt; cumbati ki s s e s;yadava of t h e Y adu dynasty;indra o f t h e k i n g
(Krsna); carana of t he f eet;ambhoje th e t wo l o t us flowe rs;mama o f m e ;
ahah da y; nisam a n d n i g h t .

My ritual bath has wilted away, my religious duties are undone, my prayers at
sunrise, noon, and sunset are unsaid, the four Vedas are unhappy, the host of
other scriptures stay boxed in the heart, their orders unfoll ow ed, material piety
is wounded at the core of its life, and a multi t ude of sins are anihilated, for day
and night my heart kisses the two lotus feet of Lord Yadavendra.

author unknown

devaki tanaya se-vaki bh-avan -
yo bhavani sa bhavani kim tatah
utpathe kvacana sat p-athe 'pi va
manasam vraj atu daiva d-esikam

devaki of Devaki; tanaya of the son; sevaki a servant;bhavan become; yah

one who; bhavani be c o m e s;sah he ; bh a vani b e c o m e s; kim h o w 7 ; t a t a h
then; utpathe on a ro ugh path; kvacana so m e o n e;sat pa-the on a smooth path;
api even;va or;manasam the heart;
vrajatu may go; daiva of the Supreme
Lord; desitam to t he i ns tructions.

I will become a servant of the son of Devaki. Because of my past karma the
path may be rough or smooth. What is that to me?

author unknown

mugdham mam nigadantu niti-nipuna bhrantam muhur vaidikah
mandam bandhava sanc-ayajada dhiy-am muktadarah sodarah
unmattam viveka catur-ah kamam maha-dambhikam
moktum na ksamate manag api mano govinda pada -sprh-am

m ugdham il l u s i o n ed; mam m e ; n i g adantu m a y s ay; niti i n m o r a l i t y ;

nipunah th e experts; bhrantam m i s l ed ; muhuh c o n t i n u a l ly;vaidikah e x p e r t s
in Vedic activities; mandam a f o o l; bandhava of f r i e n ds and relatives;
sancayah ho s t s;j ada st u n t e d; dhiyam w h o s e i n t e l l igence; mukta w i t h o u t ;
adarah re s pect;sodarah b r o t h e r s; unmattam m a d ; d h a ninah t h e w e a l t h y ;
viveka catura-h le arned philosophers; kamam to t h e ir h e arts content;maha
dambhikam v ery pr o ud; moktum t o a b a n d on;na no t ; ks a m a te i s a b l e ;
manak sl i g h t l y; api ev e n ; m a nah m y m i n d ; go v inda of L o r d K r s n a;pada o f
the feet; sprham th e d esire.

Let the sharp moralist accuse me of being illusioned; I do not mi nd . Exp erts in
Vedic activities may slander me as being misled, friends and relatives may call
me frustrated, my brothers may call me a fool, the wealthy mammon i tes may
point me out as mad, and the learned philosophers may assert that I am much
too proud; still my min d d oes not budge an inch from the determination to
serve the lotus feet of Govinda, though I be unable to do it .'

Srz Madhavendra Purz

syamam eva param rupam
puri madhu puri vara
vayah kaisorakam dhyeyam
adya eva paro rasah

syamam th e form of Syamasundara;eva ce r t a inly;param su p r e m e ;rupam

form; puri th e p l a c e;madhu p-uri Ma t h u r a ; vara be s t ;va yah t h e a g e ;
kaisorakam fr e sh youth; dhyeyam al w a y s to be meditated on;adyah t h e
original transcendental mellow, or conjugal love; eva ce r t a i n l y;parah t h e
supreme; rasah m e l l o w .

The form of Syamasundara is the supreme form, the city of Mathura is the
supreme abode, Lord Krsna's fresh youth should always be meditated upon, and
the mellow of conjugal love is the supreme mellow.'

Sri Raghupati Upadhyaya

puratah sphuratu vimuktis
ciram iha rajyam karotu vairajyam
pasupa2a ba2ak-a pateh-
sevam evabhivanchami

puratah in the presence; sphuratu ma y b e c ome manifest;vimuktih l i b e r a t i o n ;

ciram en d u r i n g; iha he r e ; ra jy am ki n g d o m ; ka r o tu ma y b e ; va i rajyam o f
Lord Brahma; pasupa2a of the cowherd; ba2aka bo y s; pateh of t h e l e a der;
sevam the service;eva ce r t a i n ly;abhivanchami I d e s i r e .

Liberation may appear before me. The enduring kingdom of Lord Brahma may
also appear before me. I do not care for them. I simply desire to serve Lord
Krsna, the leader of the cowherd boys.

Srz Surottamacarya

ksauni patitvam -athavaikam akincanatvam
nityam dadasi bahu manam a-thapamanam
vaikuntha vasam ath-a va narake nivasam
ha vasudeva mama nasti gatis tvad anya -

ksauni patitvam -the post of a king; athava or ; ek am on e ; ak i n c anatvam a

poverty-stricken condition; nityam al w a y s ;dadasi You give; bahu v e r y ;
manam re s pectable;atha or ; ap a manam no t r e s p e cted;vaikuntha i n
Vaikuntha; vasam re s i d e nce;atha va or ; na r a ke in h e l l ; ni v a sam re s i d e n c e;
ha 0; vasudeva Kr s n a ;mama of m e ; na no t ; as t i is ; ga t i h go a l ;tv a t f o r
You; anya e x c e p t .

0 Vasudeva, You may make a king, or a poverty-stricken beggar. You may

make others respect me, or revile me. You may give residence in Vaikuntha, or
in hell. Whatever You do, You will alw ays remain the only goal of my li fe. No
one else will ever become my goal.

Srzgarbha Kavzndra

disatu svarajyam va
vitaratu tapa traya-m vapi
sukhitam duhkhitam api mam
na vimuncatu kesavah svami

disatu ma y show; svarajyam Yo u r o wn k i n g d o m; va or ; vi t a r a tu m a y g i v e ;

tapa mi s e ries;trayam th r e e - f o l d;va or ; ap i ev e n ;su k h it am h a p p y ;
duhkhitam di s t r e ssed;api ev e n ;mam me ; na no t ; vi m u n c a tu m a y a b a n d o n ;
kesavah Kr s n a; svami L o r d .

He may show His own kin gd om, or He may make me suffer the three-fold
miseries. Whether I suffer or enjoy, I pray that Lord Kesava never abandon me.

Srz Kaviraja Misra

Bhaktanam sautsukya-prarthana
The Devotees' Earnest Prayers

nandanandana padaravi-ndayoh
syandamana makaran-da bindavah-
sindhavah parama saukhya -sampada-m
nandayantu hrdayam mamanisam

nanda nandana -of Lord Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda; pada feet;
aravindayoh of t he t wo lot us flowers;syandamana flo w i n g ; ma karanda o f
honey; bindavah drops;sindhavah oceans;parama transcendental; saukhya
of happiness; sampadam th e o pu l e nce;nandayantu ma y d e l i g h t;hrdayam
heart; mama my ; an i sam d a y a nd n i g h t .

T he drops of honey trickling from the two l o tus fl ow ers of Lor d

Nandanandana's feet are so many oceans of transcendental bliss. I pray those
drops of honey may eternally delight my heart.


iha vatsan samacarayad
iha nah svami j agau vamsim
iti sasram gadato me
yamuna tire -dinam yayat

iha here; vatsan th e c a l ves;samacarayat he r d e d; iha h e r e ; nah ou r ; s v a m i

Lord; j agau pl a y e d; vamsim th e f lu t e ; iti t h u s ; sa wi t h ; as r a m t e a r s ;
gadatah sp e aking; me of m e ; ya m una of t h e Y a m u n a; tire o n t h e s h o r e ;
dinam th e day;yayat m a y p a s s .

"Here our Lord herded the calves, and here He played the flute." I pray that I
may pass my days shedding tears as I speak these words on the Yamuna's shore.

Sri Raghupati Upadhyaya

anusilita kunj a v-atikaya-m
j aghanalambita pita sati-kaya-m
mura2i ka2a kuj -i te ra-tay am
mama ceto 'stu kadamba devataya-m

anusilita st a y i n g; kunj a in t h e g r o v e;vatikayam in t h e g a r d e n;j aghana o n

the hips; a2ambita re s t i ng; pita ye l l o w ; sa tikayam ga r m e n t ;mu ra2i o f t h e
flute; kala th e s we et music; kujite s o u n d i n g ; ra tayam in t e n t ; ma ma o f m e ;
cetah the heart; astu ma y b e; kadamba of t h e k a d a mba flowers;devatayam
on the diety.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead is decorated with yellow kadamba
flowers. A yellow dhoti girds His waist, He enjoys playing sweet flute music in
t he forest garden. I pray that my heart may become fixed on Him .

Srz Govinda

arakta dir-gha na-yano nayanabhiramah
kandarpa ko-ti 2a2-itam vapur adadhanah
bhuyat sa me 'dya hrdayamburuhadhivarti
vrndatavi nag-ara nag-ara cak-ravarti

arakta re d d i s h;dirgha lo n g ; na yanah ey e s ;nayana of t h e e ye s;abhiramah

the delight; kandarpa of c u p i d s; koti of m i l l i o n s ;2a2itam m o r e c ha rmin g ;
vapuh a for m; adadhanah ma n i f e s ting;bhuyat ma y b e ; sah H e ; m e o f m e;
adya no w; hr daya of t h e h e a r t; amburuha of t h e l o t us flowe r;adhivarti i n t h e
middle; vrndatavi of V r n d a v a na;nagara of t h e t o w n; nagara of t h e r e s idents;
cakrav arti the ruler.

May Lord Krsna, who has long reddish eyes, whose transcendental form is
more charming than mill i ons of Kamadevas, who is very pleasing to the eyes,
and who is the king of Vrndavana village, appear on the lotus flower of my

Srz Bhavananda

2avanyamrta vanya-
madhurima 2ahari -paripak-ah
karunyanam hrdayam
kapata kisorah -parisphuratu

2avanya of beauty; amrta of t h e n e c t ar;vanya th e f lo o d ; ma dhurima o f

sweetness; 2ahari wi t h w a v e s;paripakah fi l l e d ; ka r unyaham o f m e r c y ;
hrdayam the heart; kapata rascal;kisorah a youth;parisphuratu may appear.

I pray that Lord Krsna, the mischievous youth who is a flood of

handsomeness, who is waves of sweet charm, and who is the heart of mercy,
may appear before me.
Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya

bhavantu tatrajanmani
yatra te mura2i ka-2ah
karna pe-yatvam ayati
kim me nirvana va-rtaya

bhavantu ma y be; tatra th e r e j; anmani bi r t h s ;ya t ra wh e r e ;te o f Y o u ;

mura2z of the flute; ka2ah th e s weet music;karna by t h e e ars;peyatvam t h e
state of being drunk; ayati at t a i n s;kim wh a t ? ;me fo r m e ; ni r v a na o f
impersonal liberation; vartaya is t h e u se of talking.

0 Lord, I pray that I may take birth again and again in a place where my ears
may drink the sweet music of Your flu te. What is the use of talking to me about
impersonal liberation?

Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya

asvadyam pramada radac-chadam iva sravyam navam j alpitam
ba2aya iva drsya uttama vadhu -2avany-a 2aksmi-r iva
prodghosyam cira vipray-ukta vanita -sande-sa vaniva -me
naivedyam caritam ca rupam anisam sri krsna -namastu te

asvadyam to be tasted;pramada of a w o m a n;radacchadam th e l i p s; iva l i k e ;

sravyam to be heard;navam ne w ;ja 2 pitam co n v e r s ation;ba2ayah o f a you n g
girl; iva li k e ; dr syam to be seen; uttama su p r e m e;vadhu of a w i f e ;2avanya
ofbeauty; /aksmih th e o p u l e n c e;iva li k e ; pr o d ghosyam to b e s po ken aloud;
cira fo r a long time;viprayukta se p a r a ted;vanita of a w o m a n;sandesa i n a
letter; vani th e s ta tement;iva li k e ; me fo r m e ; na i v edyam th e r e m n a n ts of
foodstuff; caritam pa s t i m e s;ca an d ; ru p am fo r m ; an i s am da y a nd n i g h t; sri
krsna 0 Sr i K r s n a;nama th e n a m e; astu ma y b e c o m e;te o f Y o u .

0 Lord Krsna, I pray that the remnants of Your foodstuff may become as
palatable for to me as a woman's lips are palatable for a materialist. I pray that
the narration of Your pastimes may become as sweet to my ears as the words of
a young girl are sweet for a materialist. I pray that the sight of Your
transcendental form may become as pleasing to my eyes as the beauty of a
young bride is pleasing to her husband. I pray that I may always chant Your
holy name in the same way a lover reads aloud a letter from his long-separated

author unknown

nayanam galad as-ru dh-araya
vadanam gadgada ru-ddhya gira
pulakair nicitam vapuh kada
tava nama gra-hane bhavisyati

nayanam th e e yes;galat asr-u dha-raya by s treams of tears running down;

vadanam mo u t h; gadgada fa l t e r i n g;ruddhaya ch o k e d u p;gira w i t h w o r d s ;
pulakaih wi t h e r e c tion of the hairs due to transcendental happiness;nicitam
covered;vapuh the body;kada when; tava Your; nama gra-hane in chanting
the name; bhavisyati w i l l b e .

My dear Lord, when will My eyes be beautified by fil l ing w it h t e ars that
constantly glide down as I chant Your holy name? When will My v o ice falter and
all the hairs on My body stand erect in transcendental happiness as I chant Your
holy name? '

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

na dhanam naj anam na sundarim
kavitam vaj agadisa kamaye
mama j anmani j amanisvare
bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi

na no t; dhanam ri c h e s ;na no t ;ja n am fo l l o w e r sna

; no t ; su n d arim a v e r y
beautiful woman; kavitam fr u i t i v e a ctivities described in flowery language; va
or; j agat isa 0 L- o rd of the universe;kamaye I d e s i r e;mama My ; j anmani i n
birth; j anmani af t er bir t h; isvare un t o t h e S upreme Personality of Godhead;
bhavatat le t t he re be;bhaktih de v o t i o n al service;ahaituki w i t h n o m o t i v e s ;
tvayi unto You.

0 Lord of the universe, I do not desire material wealth, materialistic followers,

a beautiful wife or fruitive activities described in flowery language. All I want,
life after life, is unmotivated devotional service to You.'
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

govardhana pr-astha na-vambuvahah
ka2inda ka-nya na-va ni-2a pa-dman
vrndavanodara ta-mala sa-khi
tapa tra-yasyabhibhavam karotu

govardhana on Govardhana Hill; prastha staying;nava a new; ambuvahah

raincloud; ka2inda ka-nya in t he Yamuna River; nava a f r e s h;ni2a b l u e ;
padmam lotus flower; vrndavana in V r n d a v a na forest;udara a g r e a t;tamala
tamala; sakhi tr e e; tapa mi s e r i e s;trayasya of t h e t h r e e-fold;abhibhavam t h e
defeat; karotu m a y d o .

May Lord Krsna, who is a fresh raincloud over Govardhana Hill, a new blue
lotus in the Yamuna River, and a great tamala tree in Vrndavana forest, protect
me from the three-fold miseries of material existance.

Sri Gaudiya

ananga rasa c-aturi -capa2-a caru n-etran-ca2as
calan makar-a kunda-la sphuri-ta kanti -ganda -sthalah-
vraj o22asita nagari -nikara -rasa 2a-syots-ukah
sa me sapadi manase sphuratu ko 'pi gopalakah

ananga of a m o r o us love; rasa in t h e m e l l o w s;caturi ex p e r t n e s s;capala

restless; caru be a u t iful; netra of t h e e ye s;anca2ah th e corners;ca2at m o v i n g ;
makara sh a r k; kunda2a ea r r i n g s;sphurita gl i s t e n i n g;kanti sp l e n d o r;ganda
stha2ah on the cheeks; vraja of V r a j a;u22asita sp l e n d id; nagari o f g i r l s ;
nikara wi t h a m u l t i t u d e; lasya da n c e ;rasa ra s a ;lasya da n c e ;utsukah
eager; sah He; me of m e ; sa p a di at o n c e ;manase in t h e h e a rt;sphuratu m a y
appear;kah api a certain;
gopalakah cowherd boy.

I pray that the cowherd boy who expertly casts amorous glances from the
corners of His restless eyes, whose cheeks are decorated with glistening,
beautiful, swinging shark-shaped earrings, and who is very eager to enjoy the
r asa dance with the beautiful girls of Vraja, may at once appear within my heart .

Srz Madhavendra Purz

Bhaktanam utkantha
The Devotees' Yearning

srutayah pa2a2a ka-pah
kim iha vayam sampratam cinumah
ahriyata puraiva nayanair
abhiribhihparam brahma

srutayah th e s ruti-sastras;pa2a2a a bunch of straw; ka2pah l i k e ; k im w h y ? ;

iha here; vayam we ; sa m pratam no w ; ci n u m ah co n s i d e r;ahriyata ha s b e e n
taken; pura be f o r e; eva c e r t a i n l y; nayanaih b y t h e e ye s; abhiribhih w i t h t h e
gopis; param the Supreme Brahman.

T he sruti-sastra is insignificant as a bunch of straw. Why do we now t h in k i n

this way? Our eyes have seen the Supreme Brahman enjoying pastimes with th e

Sri Raghupati Upadhyaya

kam prati kathayitum ise
samprati ko va pratitim ayatu
go pati tan-ay a -kunj e-
gopa vadhuti -vitam b-rahma

kam prati un t o w h o m ; ka t hayitum to s p e a k;ise am I a b l e;samprati n o w ;

kah who; va or ; pr a t i t im be l i e f ;ay a tu wo u l d d o ; go pati of-t he sun-god;
tanaya of t he daughter (the Yamuna);nje in t h e b u s h es on the bank;gopa
vadhuti of t he cowherd girls;vitam th e h u n t e r; brahma th e Su preme
Personality of Godhead

To whom can I speak who will b e l i eve me when I say that Krsna, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, is hunting the gopzs in the bushes by the banks of the
River Yamuna? In this way the Lord demonstrates His pastimes.'

Sri Raghupati Upadhyaya

TEXT 100
jnatam kanabhuj am matam paricitaivanviksiki siksita
mimamsa viditaiva sankhya sa-ranir yoge vitirna matih
vedantah parisilitah sa ra-bhasam kintu sphuran m-adhuri
dhara kacana nandasunu m-ura23 mac ci-ttam akarsati

j natam un d e r s tood; kanabhuj am of K a n a da Rsi;matam the philosophy;

paricita st u d i e d;eva ce r t a i n l y;anviksiki th e ny a ya ph i l o sophy of Gautama Rsi;
siksita st u d i e d; mimamsa th e K a r m a - mi ma msa philosophy of Jaimini;vidita
understood; eva ce r t a inly; sa nkhya th e sa n k h yaphilosophy of pseudo-Kapila;
saranih th e p at h; yoge in t h e y o ga philosophy of Patanjali Rsi;vitirna a p p l i e d ;
matih th e m i n d; vedantah th e V e d a nta philosophy of Vyasa;parisilitah
studied; sa wi t h ; ra b hasam ar d o r ; ki n tu ho w e v e r ;sphurat ma n i f e s t i n g ;
madhuri of sweetness; dhara stream;kacana a certain; nanda of Nanda
Maharaja; sunu of th e son; murali t h e fl u t e ; ma t m y ; ci t t a m hea r t ; ak a r sati

I have carefully understood Kanada's Paramanuvada philosophy. I have

studied Gautama s Nyaya philosophy. I know Jaimini s Karma-mimamsa
philosophy. I have already traveled on the path of pseudo-Kapila's Sankhya
philosophy. I have applied my mind to Patanjali s Yoga philosophy. I have
ardently studied Vyasa s Vedanta philosophy. None of these attracts me. It is the
flood of sweetness from Lord Nandasunu's flute that attracts my heart.

Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya

TEXT 101
amari mukha -sidhu m-adhu-rinam
2ahari kacana caturi ka2anam
tara2i kurute m-ano madiyam
murali nada pa-ramp-ara murareh

amari of d e m i g o ddesses;
mukha fr o m t he m o u t h s;sidhu o f n e c t a r ;
madhurinam o f s w eetness; 2ahari wa v e s;kacana a c e r t a in;caturi ex p e r t n e s s;
ka2anam of the arts; tara2i kurute -make tremble; manah he a r t; madiyam m y ;
mura2i of the flute; nada of s o u n d s;parampara th e s u c e ssion;mura areh o - f
Lord Krsna, the enemy of the Mura demon.

Eclipsing both the demigoddesses' artistry and the waves of sweetness flowing
from their mouths, the music of Lord M u r a r i's flute makes my heart tremble.
Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya

TEXT 102

apaharati mano me ko 'py ayam krsna-caurah

pranata du-rita ca-urah putana pr-ana ca-urah
va2aya va-sana ca-uro ba2a go-pi jananam
nay ana hr-day a ca-urah pasy atam saj jan-anam

apaharati st e a ls;manah he a r t; me my ; k a h api a c e r t a i n;ayam He ; k r s n a

Krsna; caurah th i e f; pranata of t h e s u r r e ndered devotees; durita of t h e s in s ;
caurah th e t h i e f;putana of P u t a n a;prana of t h e l i fe breath;caurah t h e t h i e f ;
va2aya of bracelets;vasana and g arments;caurah th e t h i e f; ba2a o f t h e
young; gopi jananam gopis;nayana of the eyes; hrdaya an d h e a rts;caurah
the thief; pasyatam ma y be seen;sat jananam of t h e s aintly devotees.

A dark-complexioned thief has stolen my heart. Look! He has already stolen

the sins of the surrendered devotees, the life-breath of Putana, the bracelets and
garments of the young gopzs, and the eyes and hearts of the saintly devotees.

author unknown

TEXT 103
alam tri diva va-rtay-a kim iti sarva bhaum-a sriya-
viduratara vartin-i bhavatumoksa 2aksmi-r api
kalinda giri na-ndin-i tata ni-kunj -a punj od-are
mano harati keva2am nava tama2a -mi2am m-ahah

alam en o u g h.; tri diva -of the heavenly planets; vartaya w ith talk; kim what
is the use?; iti th u s ; sarva bhauma -of so veriegnty over a great kingdom; sriya
with the opulence; viduratara fa r a w a y;vartini be i n g ;bh avatu m a y b e c o m e ;
moksa of lib e ration; 2aksmih th e o p u l e n ce;api al s o ;ka 2inda giri nan-dinz -of
the Yamuna River, the daughter of Mount Kalinda; tata on t h e s h o r e;nikunja
the groves; punja of t he m u l t i t u d e; udare wi t h i n ; ma n ah my h e a r t ;ha rati
steals; keva2am exclusively; nava a n e w; ta ma2a ta m a la tree;nz2am b l u e ;
mahah splendor.

Enough with this talk of celestial planets! What is the use of a great kingdom
o n earth? Even the opulence of liberation should go far away from me! In th e
groves by the Yamuna's shore a person whose dark complexion is like young a
tamala tree has now stolen my heart.

Sri Haridasa

TEXT 104
avalokitam anumoditam
alingitam anganabhir anuragaih
adhi vr-ndavana ku-nj am
marakata pu-nj am namasyamah

ava2okitam se en;anumoditam pl e a s ed;a2ingitam em b r a c e d;anganabhih b y

the gopis; anuragaih wi t h l o v e ; adhi vrn-davana kun-jam in t he g ro ves of
Vrndavana; marakata of s a p p hi res;punj am a m u l t i t u d e;namasyamah w e o f f e r
our respectful obeisances.

We offer our respecftul obeisances to the host of sapphires, gazed on, pleased,
and lovingly embraced by the gopis in the groves of Vrndavana forest.

Sri Sarvavidyavinoda

TEXT 105
kada draksyami nandasya
ba2akam Blpa ma2ak-am
palakam sarva sattvan-am
2asat ti 2aka -bha2ak-am

kada wh e n 7; draksyami wi l l I s e e;nandasya of M a h a r a ja Nanda;ba2akam t h e

son; nipa of k a d a mba flowers;ma2akam we a r i ng a garland;pa2akam t h e
protector; sarva of a l l; sattvanam th e s a i nt ly devotees;lasat gl i s t e ning;
ti2aka wi th t i l a ka decorations;bha2akam on H is f o re head.

When will I see Nanda's son? He is the protector of the devotees. He is

garlanded with kadamba flowers, and His forehead is decorated with glistening

Sri Madhavendra Puri

TEXT 106
kada vrndaranye mihira-duhituh sanga mahite
muhur bhramam bhramam carita 2-aharim goku2a p-ateh
2apann uccair nayana p-ayasam venibhir aham
karisye sotkantho nividam upasekam vitapinam

kada wh e n 7; vrnda a-ranye i n t he f o r est of Vrndavana; mihira-duhituh o f t h e

Yamuna River, the daughter of the sun-god; sanga by t he t o u c h; mahite
glorified; muhuh r e p e atedly; bhramam wa n d e r i n g;bhramam a n d w a n d e r i n g ;
carita of p a s times;2aharim th e w a v e s;goku2a of G o k u l a; pateh o f t h e k i n g ;
2apan speaking; uccaih lo u d l y ; uc caih gr e a t l y;nayana of t h e e yes;payasam
of water; venibhih w i t h s t r eams; aham I; ka r i s ye wi l l d o ; sa w i t h ;
utkanthah l o n g i n gs; nividam th i c k ; up a sekam sp r i n k l i n g ; vitapinam o f t h e

When, in Vrndavana forest, which is glorified by the Yamunas tou ch, will I
continually wander, filled with the lon gings of love, loudly chanting the
t ranscendental pastimes of Gokula's king, Krsna, and thickly spri n k l in g th e
trees with streams of tears from my eyes.

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

TEXT 107
durarohe 2aksmivati bhagavatinam api padam
dadhana dhammi22e natati kathineyopanisadam
rutir vamsi janma dhrta madh-urima sa madhu ripo-
akasmad asmakam sruti sikhar-am aroksyati kada

durarohe di f f i c u lt to reach;/aksmivati op u l e n t ; bh a g a v atinam o f t h e

goddesses; api ev e n;padam th e f o o t; dadhana pl a c i n g;dhami22e o n t he
braided hair; natati d a n c es; kathine ha r d ; ya wh i c h ; up a n isadam o f t h e
Upanisads; rutih t h e s o u nd; vamsi fr o m t h e flu t e ; j a n ma bo r n ; d h r t a
manifested; madhurima s w e e t ness; sa th a t ; madhu ripoh - of Lo rd K rs na, the
enemy of the Madhu demon; akasmat su d d e n l y;asmakam o f u s ; s r u ti o f t h e
ears; sikharam th e t o p; aroksyati ma y c l i m b ; ka da w h e n 7

When will Lord Madh u r i p u's (Kr sna's) sweet flute music, which dances with a
lotus foot on the anapproachable braided hair of the goddesses who are the
Upanisads, suddenly enter my ear?

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

TEXT 108
utphu22a t-apincha manorama s-rir
matuh stana n-yasta mukharavindah
sancalayan pada s-aroruhagram
krsnah kada yasyati drk pa-tham me

utphu22a spread out; tapincha pe a c o ck feather;manorama ch a r m i n g; srih

with beauty; matuh of H i s m o t h e r; stana on t h e b r e ast;nyasta p l a c e d ;
mukha mo u t h; ar a vindah lo t u s ; sancalayan mo v i n g ;pa da fe e t ;saroruha
lotus; agram ti p ; kr s n ah Kr s n a ;ka da wh e n ? ;ya syati wi l l g o ; drk o f t h e
eyes; patham t o t he path; me o f m e .

When will infant Krsna, charmingly decorated with a great peacock feather,
wriggling His lotus toes, and His lotus mouth pl aced on His mother's breast,
enter the pathway of my eyes?

author unknown

TEXT 109
rohini rama-na mand-a2a dyuti-
drohinim vadana kanti -santa-tim
krsna nutana tama2-a koma-2am
ko 'ma2am tava tanum ca vismaret

rohini raman-a of t he moon-god, the husband of Rohini; mandala of t h e p l a n e t;

dyuti of t he splendor;drohinim th e e n e m y; vadana of t h e f a c e;kanti o f
beauty; santatim th e a bu n d a nce;krsna 0 Kr s n a ;nu t ana fr e s h ;ta mala o f a
tamala leaf; koma2am de l i cate; kah wh o ? ; am a2am sp l e n d i d; tava Y o u r ;
tanum fo r m; ca al s o ;vi s maret m a y f o r g e t .

0 Krsna, who can forget Your face, which eclipses the beauty of the moon>
Who can forget Your splendid transcendental form delicate as a new tamala

author unknown

TEXT 110
barhapidam maulau bibhrad vamsi nadan at-anvan
nanaka2pa sri sampa-nn-o gopa stribhih s-amvitah
netranandam kurvan krsna tvam ced asman viksethah
sarve kamah sampadyerann asmakam hrdy asmah

barha a-pidam a peacock feather;maulau in t h e c r o w n;bibhrat w e a r i n g ;

vamsi of t he flute; nadan th e s o u n d s; atanvan ma k i n g ; na na v a r i o u s ;
akalpa of d e c orations;sri wi t h t h e b e a uty;sampannah en d o w e d;gopa
stribhih by th e gopis; samvitah ac c o m p a nied;netra of t h e e yes;nandam b l i s s ;
kurvan do i n g; kr sna 0 Kr s n a ;tv am Yo u ; ce t if ; as m an on u s ; vi k s e thah
glance; sarve al l; kamah the desires; sampadyeran wi l l b e c o me fulfilled;
asmakam of u s; hrdi in t h e h e a r t; asinah s i t t i n g .

0 Krsna, if, wearing a peacock-feather crown, playing the flute, Your form
beautifully decorated with various ornaments, and accompanied by the gopzs,
You glance on us and delight our eyes, then all the desires sitting in our hearts
become at once fulfilled.

Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya

Contempt for Liberation

TEXT ll l
bhaktih seva bhagavato
muktis tat pada l-angha-nam
ko mudho dasatam prapya
prabhavam padam icchati

bhaktih b h a k ti; seva se r v i c e;bhagavatah to t he S upreme Personality of

Godhead; muktih m u k t i ; ta t tha t ; pa da po s i t i o n ;la n ghanam j u m p i n g o v e r ;
kah wh a t?; mudhah f o o l ; da satam th e p o s i t i on of a servant;prapya h a v i n g
attained; prabhavam padam l i b e r a tion; icchati d e s i r e s .

Bhakti means devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Mukti means impersonal liberation, where there is no longer any devotional
service. Who is so foolish that, after attaining devotional service, would still
d esire to attain this mukt i ?

Srz Sivamauni

TEXT 112
bhava bandha cchide tasyai
sprhayami na muktaye
bhavan prabhur aham dasa
iti yatra vi 2upy ate

bhava of repeated birth and death;bandha th e b o n d s;chide br e a k i n g;tasyai

for that; sprhayami I d e s i r e;na no t ; mu k t a ye li b e r a t i o n;bhavan Y o u ;
prabhuh the master; aham I; da s ah th e s e r v ant;iti th u s ;ya t ra w h e r e ;
vi 2upy ate is broken.

0 Lord, You are the master, and I am Your servant. I do not desire any kind of
liberation from the bonds of repeated birth and death that will also break our

Srz Hanuman

TEXT 113
hanta citriyate mitra
smrtva tan mama mahasam
vivekino 'pi ye kuryu
trsnam atyantike 2aye

hanta in d e e d; citriyate be c o m es struck with wonde r;mitra 0 fr i e n d ;sm r t v a

remembering; tan th e m ; ma ma my ; ma n a s am he a r t ;vi v ekinah i n t e l l i g e n t ,
discriminating people; api ev e n ;ye wh o ; k u r y u h d o ; tr s n a m t h i r s t ;
atyantike gr e a t; 2aye im p e r s o nal liberation.

Many intelligent people thirst after impersonal liberation. 0 friend, when my

heart considers their folly it becomes struck with wonder.

author unknown

TEXT llk
ka tvam muktir upagatasmi bhavati kasmad akasmad iha
sri krsna sm-arane-na deva bhavato dasi padam p-rapita
dure tistha manag anagasi katham kuryad anaryam mayi
tvad gandhan -nij a nama can-dana -rasa2epas-ya 2opo bhavet
ka wh o ?; tvam ar e y o u; mu ktih im p e r s o n al liberation;upagata a r r i v e d ;
asmi I a m; bhavati yo u ; ka s m at wh y ? ; ak a s mat su d d e n l y; iha h e r ; s r i -
krsna Sri Krsna; smaranena by remembering;deva 0 Lord;bhavatah of you;
dasi of a maidservant;padam th e p o s t; prapita at t a i n e d;dure f a r a w a y ;
tistha st a y; manak sl i g h t l y;anagasi no t s i n f u l; ka tham wh y ? ; ku r y at m a y
do; anaryam im p i e t y; mayi to m e ; tv at of you ; ga n d h a t from the fragance;
nija ow n ; na ma of t h e n a m e; candana of s a n d a lwood;rasa of t h e n e c tar;
a2epasya of the ointment; 2opah b r e a k i n g; bhavet m a y h e .

"Who are you?"

"I am impersonal liberation."

"Why have you suddenly come here?"

"My lord, I have come because by constantly remembering Lord Kr sna you are
now qualified to become His maidservant."

"Stay away! Why do you tr ou ble a person like me? I have not done anything
wrong. Your smell alone will ruin th e sweet fragrance of the sandalwood paste
of my reputation as a devotee."

author unknown

Srj Bhagavad-dharma-tattvam
The Nature of Devotional Service

TEXT 115
arcye visnau sila dhir gu-rusu nara matir v-aisnave j ati buddhi-r
visnor va vaisnavanam ka2i ma2a m-athan-e pada tirthe m-bu buddhi-h
sri visnor -namni mantre sakala kalusa -he sabd-a samany-a buddhi-r
visnau sarvesvare tad itara sa-ma d-hir ya-sya va naraki sah

arcye wo r s h i ppable diety;visnau of L o r d V i s n u; sila a s s t o n e; dhih t h e

conception; gurusu to t he s pirit ual masters;nara of b e i n g an ord i n ary man;
matih th e c onception;vaisnave to t he vaisnavas;jati o f b i r t h ; bu d d hih t h e
conception; visnoh of L o rd V i s n u; va or ; va i s n avanam of t h e V a i s navas;kali
of Kali-yuga; mala of t h e i m p u r i t y; mathane in t h e d e s truction;pada o f t h e
feet; tirthe in t he p i l g r i m a ge place;ambu of w a t e r; buddhih th e c o n c e ption;sri
visnoh of L o rd Vis nu; namni in t h e n a m e; mantre a m a n t r a ;sakala a l l ;
kalusa im p u r i t i e s; he d e s t r o y i n g; sabda a s o u n d;samanya o r d i n a r y ;
buddhih th e c onception;visnau to L o r d V i s n u; sarva of a l l ; is vare th e m a s t e r;
tat th an Hi m; it a ra ot h e r s ;sama eq u a l ; d hih t h e c o n c e p t io n;yasya o f
whom; va or ; na r a ki a r e s i d e nt o f h e l l;sah h e .
One who thinks the worshipable Deity form of Lord V i snu is a stone, the
bona-fide spiritual master is an ordinary man, the Vaisnava belongs to a caste in
t he varnasrama system, the water that has washed the feet of Lord Visnu or th e
Vaisnavas, and that actually removes the sins of the Kali-yuga, is ordinary water,
the name of Lord Visnu, which is a sacred mantra that removes all sin, is an
ordinary sound, or the Supreme Lord Visnu is the same as other persons, is a
resident of hell.

Srz Daksinatya

TEXT 116
hatyam hanti yad ang-hri san-ga tula-si steyam ca toyam pador
naivedyam bahu mad-ya pan-a duri-tam gurv ang-ana san-gajam
srisadhina mat-ih sthitir hari jana-is tat sang-a jam kilbisam
sa2agrama si2a -nrsim-ha mah-ima ko 'py esa 2okottarah

hatyam th e s in of mur d e r; hanti ki l l s ;yat of w h o m ; an g h ri th e f e e t ;sanga

touching; tulasi a t u l a si leaf;steyam th e f t ; ca a l s o ; to yam th e w a t e r; padoh
of the feet; naivedyam th e r e m n a nts of foodstuff;bahu mu c h ; ma d ya l i q u o r ;
pana of drinking; duritam th e s i n; guru of t h e g u ru a nd other superiors;
angana wi t h w i f e; sanga fr o m i n t e r c o u rse;j am pr o d u c e d;sri isa -on Lord
Narayana, the master of the goddess of fortune; adhina de p e n d e nce;matih t h e
conception; sthitih si t u a t i o n;hari janaih -w i t h th e d e votees of Lord Hari;tat o f
them; sanga fr om t he contact;jam p r o d u c e d ; ki2bisam th e s i n; sa2agrama
sila of t he Salagrama-sila;nrsimha of L o r d N r s i m h a;mahima th e g l o r y; kah
api a certain; esah th i s ; lo ka uttarah -e x t r a o r dinary.

A tulasi leaf offered to the lotus feet of the Nrsimha Salagrama-sila destroys
the sin of murder. Water that has washed the lotus feet of the Nrsimha
S alagrama-sila destroys the sin of theft. Foodstuff offered to the Nrsimh a
Salagrama-sila destroys the sin of drink ing li q u or. Sincere surrender to the
Nrsimha Salagrama-sila destroys the sin of adultery with the w ife of th e
spiritual master. Association with the devotees of the Nrsimha Salagrama-sila
destroys the sin of offenses to the devotees. This is the extraordinary glory of
the Nrsimha Salagrama-sila.

Srz Agama

Naivedyarpane vijnaptih
Prayers for Offering Prasadam
TEXT 117
dvij a s-trinambhakte mrduni viduranne vraj ag-avam
dadhi k-sire sakhyuh sphuta ci-pita m-ustau mura ri-po
yasodayah stanye vraj a yu-vati da-tte madhuni te
yathasid amodas tam imam upahare pi kurutam

dvija of t he brahmanas;strinam of t h e w i v e s; bhakte in t h e f o o d s tuff;

mrduni p a l a table; vidura of f e r ed by Vidura;anne in t h e f o o d s tuff;vraj a o f
Vraja; gavam of t he cows;dadhi th e y o g u r t; ksire a n d m i l k ; s a khyuh o f Y o u r
friend Sudama Vipra; sphuta ma n i f e s ted;cipita of c h i p p e d ric e; mustau a
handful; mura of t h e M u r a demon;ripo 0 en e m y ;ya s odayah of Y a s o da;
stanye in t h e b r e a st-milk; v r a ja of V r a j a ; y u v a ti by t h e y o u n g g o p i s; datte
presented; madhuni p a l a t able foods; te to Y o u; ya tha ju s t a s; asit w a s ;
amodah ha p p i ness; tam t h i s ; i m am t h i s ; up a h are in t h e o f f e r i n g; api a l s o ;
kurutam ma y be done.

0 Lord Murari, as You enjoyed the palatable food presented by the wives of
the brahmanas, the meal offered by Vidura, the milk and yogurt of the cows in
Vraja, the handful of chipped rice from Your fr i end Sudama Brahmana, the
breast-milk of Mother Yasoda, and the delicious foods prepared by the young
girls of Vraja, I hope the offering I now pl ace before You, You will also enjoy in
the same way.

Srz Ramanuja

TEXT 118
ya pritir vidurarpite madhu ripo ku-nty arpite y-adrsi
ya govardhana murdh-ni ya ca prthuke stanyeyasodarpite
bharadvaj a samarp-ite sabarika datte dh-are yositam
ya va te muni-bhamini-vinihite nne trapi tam arpaya

ya which; pritih pl e a s u r e;visura by V i d u r a ; arpite o f f e r e d; madhu o f t h e

Madhu demon; ripo 0 en e m y ; k u n ti b y K u n t i - d e v i;arpite of f e r e d;yadrsi l i k e
which; ya wh i c h ; go vardhana o f G o v a r d h a na Hill; murdhni o n t h e s u m m i t ;
ya which; ca a l so; prthuke in t h e c h i p p ed rice;stanye in t h e b r e ast-milk;
yasoda by Yasoda-devi;arpite of f e r e d;savarika by S a b a rika;datte
presentede; adhare in the lips; yositam of t he g opis;ya wh i c h ; va or ; te of
You; muni o f th e sages; bhamini b y t h e w i v es;vinihite pr e s e n t ed;anne i n t h e
foods; atra he r e ; api al s o ; t am t h a t ; ar p a ya pl e a s e place.
0 Lord Madhusudana, as You enjoyed the meal offered by Vidura, the foods
presented by Kuntz, Your lunch on the peak of Govardhana Hill, the chipped
rice of Sudama Brahmana, the breast-milk offered by Mother Yasoda, the meal
offered by Bharadvaja Muni, the food offered by Sabarika, the many dishes
presented by the wives of the brahmanas, as well as the taste of the gopzs' lips, I
hope the offering of food I now pl ace before You, You will enjoy in the same

author unknown

TEXT 119
ksire syama2ayarpite kama2aya visranite phanite
datte 2adduni bhadraya madhu ras-e somabhaya 2ambhite
tustir ya bhavatas tatah sata gun-am radha nid-esan maya
nyaste 'smin puratas tvam arpaya hare ramyopahare ratim

ksire in t he mi l k; syama2aya by S yamala;arpite pr e s e n ted;kama2aya b y

Kamala; visranite pr e s e nted;phanite th e p h a n i t a; datte g i v e n; 2adduni t h e
laddus; bhadraya by Bhadra;madhu rase -the madhu-rasa; somabhaya by
Candravali; /ambhite pr e s e nted;tustih pl e a s u r e;ya wh i c h ; bh a vatah o f Y o u ;
tatah th e n; sata a h u n d r e d t i m e s; gunam m u l t i p l i e d;ra dha o f R a d h a ;
nidesat fr om t he instruction; maya by m e ; ny a ste pl a c e d;asmin i n t h i s ;
puratah in Your presence; tvam Yo u ; ar paya pl e a s e place; hare 0 L o r d H a r i ;
ramya de l i c i o us; upahare in t h e p r e sentation;ratim p l e a s u r e .

0 Lord Hari, You greatly enjoyed the kszra presented by Syamala, the phanita
presented by Kamala, the laddus given by Bhadra, and the madhurasa offered by
Candravah. I hope that the delicious food I have prepared under Radharani's
guidance, and I now place before You, You will enjoy a hun d red ti mes more that
what was offered by these other gopzs.

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

Srj Mathura-mahima
The Glory of Mathura

TEXT 120
he matar mathure tvam eva niyatam dhanyasi bhumi tale -

nirvyajam natayah satam sa vidhayas -tubhyam sada santu nah

hitva hanta nitantam adbhuta gunam vai-kuntham utkanthaya
tvayy ambhoj a vilocanah sa bhagavan yenavatirno harih

he 0; matah mo t h e r ; ma t h ure Ma t h u r a ;tv am yo u ; ev a ce r t a i n l y;niyatam

eternally; dhanya fo r t u n a te and glorious;asi ar e ; bhumi of t h e e a r t h; tale o n
the surface; nirvyaj am wi t h o u t d u p l i c i t y; natayah ob e i s a nces;satam h u n d r e d s
of times; sa vi-dhayah fa i l i ng down like a stick; tubhyam to y o u ; sada a l w a y s ;
santu may be; nah of u s ; hi t va le a v i n g ;sada al w a y s;santu ma y b e; nah o f
us; hitva le a v i n g; hanta in d e e d;nitantam th e e x t r a o rdinary;adbhuta w i t h
wonderful; gunam qu a l i t i e s;vaikuntham Va i k u n t h a w o r l d;utkanthaya e a g e r l y;
tvayi in y o u; ambhoj a lo t u s ; vilocanah wi t h e y e s;sah He ; bh a gavan t h e
Supreme Personality of Godhead;yena because;avatirnah descended;harih
Lord Hari.

0 Mother Mathura, lotus-eyed Lord Hari left His wo n d erful Vai k u n tha wo r l d
and eagerly appeared within your boundary. You are very fortunate and glorious
in this world. We repeatedly offer our respectful obeisances, bowing before you
hundreds of times.

author unknown

TEXT 121
atrasit kila nanda sadm-a sakatasyatrabhavad bhanj anam
bandha cched-a
karo -
'pi damabhir abhud baddho 'tradamodarah
ittham mathura vrddh-a vigala-t piyus-a dhara-m pibann
anandasru dhara-h kadamadhu purim -dhanyas carisyamy aham

atra he r e; astt wa s ; na nda of M a h a r a ja Nanda;sadma th e h o m e; sakatasya

of the cart;
atra here;abhavat ocurred;bhanjanam the breaking; bandha of
bondage;cheda karah -the breaker;api although; damabhih by ropes;
was; baddhah bo u n d; atra he r e ;da modarah Kr s n a ;it t h am i n t h i s w a y ;
mathura in M a t h u r a;vrdddha of t h e e ld erly guides;vaktra f r o m t h e m o u t h s ;
vigalat flo w i n g ; piyusa of n e c t a r;dharam th e s t r e a m;piban d r i n k i n g ;
ananda of b li s s;asru te a r s;dharah ma n i f e s t i ng;kada wh e n ; m a d hu purim-
the city of Mathura; dhanyah fo r t u n a t e;carisyami wi l l g o ; ah am I .

When will I become fortunate to visit Mathura Purz and shed tears of bliss as I
drink from the stream of nectar words flowing from the mou ths of the old
guides there who say, "Here was Nanda Maharaja's home. Here the cart was
broken. Here Lord Damodara, who breaks the bonds of birth and death for His
devotees, was Himself tied up with r o pes by Mo t her Yasoda"?

Srz Kavisekhara
TEXT 122
yatrakhiladi g-urur ambuj a s-ambhavo pi
stambatmanajanur anusprhayam babhuva
cakra dh-vaj ankusa la-sat pa-da ra-j i ra-mya
sa raj atedya mathura hari ra-j adhani

yatra wh e r e ; akhila of e v e r y o n e;adi th e o r i g i n a l;guruh gu r u ; am b uj a f r o m

the lotus flower; sambhavah bo r n ; api ev e n ;st a mba atm-ana as a bunch of
grass;januh a birth; anusprhayam babhuva desired; cakra with the cakra;
dhvaj a flag; ankusa el e p h a n t -goad;lasat sp l e n d i d;pada of f o o t p r i n t s;raji
series; ramya de l i g h t f u l; sa th a t ; raj ate is s p l e n d i d ly manifest;adya t o d a y ;
mathura Ma t h u r a; hari of L o r d K r s n a; raj adhani th e c a p i t al.

Mathura, Lord Krsna's capitol, beautifully decorated with footpr i nts mark ed
w ith a cakra, flag, and elephant-rod, where Brahma, who was born from a lotu s
flower and is the original guru of everyone, yearned to take birth as a blade of
grass, is splendidly manifest, even now.

author unknown

TEXT 123
bijam mukti taror a-nartha patali -nistara-kam tarakam
dhama prema rasasy-a vanchita dhura -sampa-rakam parakam
etad yatra nivasinam udayate cic chakti -vrtti dv-ayam-
mathnatu vyasanani mathura puri sa -vah sriyam ca kritat

bij am seed; mukti of l i b e r a t i o n;taroh of t h e t r e e; anartha of d i s t r e sses;

patali of t he m u l t i t u d e;nistarakam de l i v e r i n g;tarakam the Taraka energy;
dhama ab o de;prema rasanya -of pu re love of God; vanchita of d e s i r e s;dhura
of the multitude; samparakam fu l f i l l e d;parakam th e P a r a ka energy;etat t h i s ;
yatra wh e r e ; nivasinam of t h o s e who dwell;udayate ar i s e s;cit
transcendental; sakti en e r g y;vrtti ac t i v i t i e s;dvayam tw o ; ma t h n atu m a y
destroy; vyasanani si n s; mathura Ma t h u r a ;puri ci t y ;sa sh e ;va h t o y o u ;
sriyam tr e a sure ofpu r e l o ve of God; ca an d ; kr i y at m ay g r a n t .

May Mathura Puri, where two transcendental potencies, taraka, which is the
seed of the tree of liberation and the savior from a host of sufferings, and
paraka, which satisfies the thirst for the nectar of pure love of Krsna, arise
among the residents, crush all your sins and give you the treasure of pure love
for Lord Krsna.

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

TEXT 124
vitarati mura m-ardanah prabhus te
na hi bhajamana janayayam kadapi
vitarasi bata bhakti yog-am etam
tava mathure mahima giram abhumih

vitarati gi v e s;mura of t h e M u r a d e mo n; mardanah th e c r u s h e r;prabhuh t h e

Lord;te of you;na not;hi indeed;bhaj amana jan-aya to the devotees; yam
which; kada api at a ny t i m e;vitarasi yo u g i v e ;bata in d e e d ;bhakti yog-am
devotional service; etam th a t ; ta va o f y o u ; m a t h ure 0 M a t h u r a ; m a hima t h e
glory; giram by w o r d s ; abhumih i n e x p r e s sable.

0 Mathura, even your master, Lord Mur amardana, refuses to give the exalted
stage of devotional service you easily give to the devotees. 0 Mathura, words
have no power to properly describe your glories.

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

TEXT 125
sravanemathura nayane mathura
vadane mathura hrdaye mathura
purato mathura parato mathura
madhura madhura mathura mathura

sravane in t he ears; mathura M a t h u r a ; nayane i n t h e e ye s; mathura M a t h u r a ;

vadane in t he mout h; mathura M a t h u r a ; hr d aye in t h e h e a r t; mathura
Mathura; puratah in f r o n t ; m athura M a t h u r a ; pa ratah be h i n d ; m a t hura
Mathura; madhura sw e e t;madhura sw e e t; mathura M a t h u r a ; m athura

Mathura is in my ears. Mathura is in my eyes. Mathura is in my vo i ce. Mathura

is in my heart. Mathura is before me. Mathura is behind me. Mathura is sweet.
Mathura is sweet.

Srz Govinda Misra

Srl Vrndatavl-vandanam
Obeisances to Vrndavana

TEXT 126
tvam bhaj a hiranyagarbham
tvam api haram tvam ca tat param brahma
vinihita kr-snanandam
aham tu vrndatavim vande

tvam yo u; bhaj a wo r s h i p; hir anyagarbham Lo r d B r a h m a; tvam yo u ; a p i

also;haram Lord Siva; tvam you; ca also;tat param brahma the Supreme
Brahman; vinihita gi v e n ;kr s na to L o r d K r s n a;anandam bl i s s ;aham I; t u
but; vrndatavim th e f o r e st of Vrndavana;vande w o r s h i p .

Go ahead and worship Lord Brahma! Go ahead and worship Lord Siva! Go
a head and worship the Supreme Brahman! I will no t f o l low y ou . I w il l s i m p l y
worship Vrndavana forest, which brought transcendental delight to Lord Kr s n a.

author unknown

Srl Nanda-pranamah
Obeisances to Nanda Maharaja

TEXT 127
srutim apare smrtim itare
bharatam anye bhaj antubhava bhitah-
aham iha nandam vande
yasyalinde param brahma

srutim V e di c li t erature; smrtim co r o l l a ry to the Vedic lierature; itare o t h e s ;

bharatam Ma h a b h arata;anye st i l l o t h e r s;bhjantu le t t h e m w o r s h i p; bhava
bhitah th o se who are afraif of material existance;aham I; i ha h e r e ;na n d am
Maharaja Nanda; vande wo r s h i p; yasya wh o s e ;alinde in t h e c o u r t y a rd;param
brahma th e Supreme Brahman, Absolute Truth.

Those who are afraid of material existence worship Vedic literature. Some
worship smrti, the corollaries to Vedic literature, and others worship th e
Mahabharata. As far as I am concerned, I worship Maharaja Nanda, the father of
Krsna, in whose courtyard the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute
Truth, is playing.

Sri Raghupati Upadhyaya

TEXT 128
bandhukaruna va-sanam
sundara ku-rcam mukunda hr-ta na-yanam
nandam tundila va-pusam
candana ga-ura tvi-sam vande

bandhuka as a bandhuka flower;aruna re d ; va sanam we a r i ng garments;

sundara ha n d s ome; kurcam wh o s e f ace;mukunda by K r s n a; hrta t a k e n ;
nayanam wh o se eyes; nandam to Nanda Maharaja; tundila chubby; vapusam
whose form; candana of s a ndalwood;gaura ye l l o w ; tv i sam wh o s e c o m p l e xion;
vande I offer my respectful obeisances.

I offer my respectful obeisances to Nanda Maharaja. His garments are red as a

bandhuka flower. His face is handsome. His chubby form is the golden color of
s andalwood paste. His eyes are enchanted by the sight of Lord Mu k u n d a .

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

Sri Yasoda-vandanam
Obeisances to Mother Yasoda

TEXT 129
ankaga pankaj -anabham
navya ghanab-ham vicitra ruci sic-ayam-
vi raci ta jagat pramod-am
muhur yasodam namayami

anka on the lap; ga gone; pankaj a nabham -lotus-naveled Lord Krsna; navya
a fresh; ghana of a raincloud;abham th e c o l o r; vicitra wo n d e r f u l ;ru ci w i t h
beauty; sicayam ga r m e n t s;viracita cr e a t e d;
j agat of t h e w o r l d; pramodam
delight; muhuh re p e a tedly;yasodam to M o t h e r Yasoda;namasyami I o f f e r
respectful obeisances.

Mother Yasoda holds Lord Pankajanabha (Krsna) on her lap. Her garments are
wonderfully beautiful. Her complexion is the color of a fresh raincloud. She
delights the entire world. I repeatedly offer my respectful obeisances to her.
Srz Rupa Gosvamz

Srl Krsna-saisavam
Srz Krsna's Childhood

TEXT 130
ati loh-ita ka-ra ca-ranam
manj u2a go-rocana ti2-akam
hatha par-iv arti ta sak-atam
mura rip-um uttama say-inam vande

ati 2ohi-ta charmingly reddish; kara ha n d s ;caranam an d f e e t;manj u2a

beautiful; gorocana wi t h t he y ellow pigment gorocana;tilakam ti l a k a m a r k i n g s ;
hatha vi o l e ntly; paritvartita ov e r t u r n e d;sakatam th e c a r t; mura o f t h e M u r a
demon; ripum to t h e e ne my;uttana sayi-nam ly i n g on H is back; vande I o f f e r
my respectful obeisances.

Lying on His back, His hands and feet charmingly reddish, and His forehead
gracefully decorated with yellow gorocana tilaka markings, Lord Mu r ar i
violently overturned the cart. I offer my respectful obeisances to Him.

author unknown

TEXT 131
ardhonmi2ita 2ocana-sya pibatah paryaptam ekam stanam
sadyah prasnuta dugdh-am digdha-m aparam hastena sammarjatah
matra cangu2i 2a2itasy-a vadane smerayamane muhur
visnoh ksira kanora -dhma -dhaval-a danta dyutih -patu vah

a rdha h a lf; un m i l it a o p e n e d ; l o canasya w h o s e eyes; pibatah d r i n k i n g ;

paryaptam a t t a i n ed; ekam o n e ; a t anam b r e a st ; sadyah a t o n c e ; prasnuta
flowing; dugdha w i t h m i l k ; d i g d ha m a n o i n t e d ; aparam t h e o t h er ; hastena
with a hand; sammarjatah r u b b i n g ; matr a b y H i s m o t h er ; ca a l s o ; anguli
with her fingers; lalitasya b e in g fo n dl ed; vadane i n t h e m o u th ; smerayamane
s miling; muhuh c o n t i n u a l ly ; visnoh o f L o r d K r s na; ksira o f m i l k ; k an a w i t h
d rops; danta o f th e teeth; dyutih t h e b e a u ty; patu m a y p r o t e ct; vah y o u a l l .

His eyes half-opened, Lord Visnu dri nks the milk of Hi s m o t h e r's breast.
F inishing one breast, with His hand He rubs the other, from wh ich the milk h a s
already begun to flow. His mother fondles Him w it h her f i n g ers. He smiles. May
the white splendor of Lord Vi snu's teeth, which are anointed with dr ops of
milk, protect you all.

Srz Mangala

TEXT 132
gopesvari va-dana ph-utkrti 2o-2a ne-tram
j anu dv-ayena dharanim anu sancarantam
kancin nava sm-ita su-dha m-adhuradharabham
ba2am tama2a da-2a ni2-am aham bhajami

gopa of the gopas; isvari of t he q u e en;vadana th e f a c e;phutkrti i g n o r i n g ;

2o2a restless; netram wh o s e eyes; janu o f k n e e s ; dvayena w i t h t h e p a i r ;
dharanim the earth; anu on; sancarantam going;kancit someone; nava
new; smita of a s mi l e;sudha of t h e n e c tar;madhura wi t h t h e s we etness;
adhara of t he lips; abham ma n i f e s t ing;ba2am a c h i l d; tama2a of a t a mala
tree; dala le a f;ni2am wi t h t h e d a rk complexion;aham I; bh a ja mi w o r s h i p .

His restless eyes ignoring the face of the queen of the gopas, and His lips
a nointed with the sweet nectar of a smile, a infant crawls on the ground wi t h
His knees. I worship that infant, whose complexion is the dark color of a tamala

Sri Raghunatha dasa

TEXT 133
kvananam kva nayanam kva nasika
kva srutih kva ca sikheti desitah
tatra tatra nihitangu2i-da2o
ba22avi-ku2amanandayat prabhuh

kva where?;ananam face;nayanam eyes;kva where?;nasika nose;kva

where?; srutih ea r s;kva wh e r e ? ; ca a l s o ;sikha t o p o f t h e h e ad; iti t h u s ;
desitah fr om t he word s; tatra th e r e ;ta t ra an d t h e r e ;nihita pl a c e d ; anguli
finger; da2ah flo w er petal; ba22avi of gopis; ku2am t h e c o m m u n i t y ;
ananday at de lighted; prabhuh t h e L o r d .

The gopis asked: "Where is Your face? Wh ere are Your eyes? Wh ere is Your
nose? Where are Your ears? Wh ere is the top of Your head?" With each
question the Lord placed His flower-petal finger in the appropriate spot. In thi s
way the infant Lord delighted the gopzs.

Sri Kavi Sarvabhauma

TEXT 134
idanim angam aksali
racitam canulepanam
idanim eva te krsna
dhuli d-husaritam vapuh

idanim no w ; an g am bo d y ; ak s a li I w a s h ;ra c i t am do n e ; ca a l s o ;
anulepanam an o i n t i n g; idanim no w ; e va c e r t a i n l y te
; of Y o u ; k r s na 0
Krsna; dhuli wi t h d u s t; dhusaritam di r t i e d ;vapuh b o d y .

Krsna, one moment I carefully bathe and anoint You, and the next moment
You are again covered with dust!

Srz Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya

TEXT 135
panca vars-am ati 2o2am -angane
dhavamanam a2akaku2cksanam
kinkini valay-a hara -nupu-rai
ranjitam namata nanda nand-anam

panca f ive; varsam y e ars old; ati v e r y ; l o la m r e s t l e ss; angane i n t h e

c ourtyard; dhavamanam r u n n i n g ; alaka w i t h c u r l s o f h a ir ; akul a f i l l e d ;
iksanam w h o s e eyes; kinkini o f b e l l s ; valaya b r a c e l ets; hara n e c k l a ces;
nupuraih an d a n k l e ts; ranjitam t i n k l i n g s o u n ds; namata a l l o f yo u p l ease
o ffer respectful obeisances; nanda o f M a h a r aja Nanda; nandanam o f the son.

His hair getting in His eyes, and His bells, bracelets, necklaces, and anklets all
tinkling, the restless five-year old son of Maharaja Nanda runs in the courtyard.
All of you please bow down to offer respect to Him .

Srz Agama

Saisave 'pi tarunyam

Adolescence Manifested in Childhood

TEXT 136
adharam adhare kantham kanthe sa catu drsau -drsor
a2ikam a2ike krtva gopijanena sa sambhra-mam
sisur iti rudan krsno vaksah sthale nih-itam ciran
nibhrta pu2akah s-merah payat smara2asa vigrahah-
a dharam l i p s ; adhare t o l i p s ; k an tha m n e c k ;k a n th e t h e n e c k ; sa w i t h ;
c atu sw eet words; drsau e y es; drsoh t o e y es; alikam f o r e h e ad; alike t o
f orehead; krtva d o i n g ; gopijanena w i t h g o p i ; sa w i t h ; s a m b h r amam c a r e ;
s isuh ch i ld ; it i t h u s ;r u d a n c r y i n g ;k r s na h K r s n a ; v a ksah-sthale o n t h e
chest; nihitah p l a c ed; cirat f o r a l o n g t i me; nibhrt a m a n i f e s t ed; pulakah
h airs standing up; smerah s m i l i n g ; payat m a y p r o t e ct; smara a m o r o u s
f eelings; alasa slow; vigrahah w h ose form.

Child Krsna approached a gopi and carefully placed His lips against her lips,
His neck against her neck, His eyes against her eyes, and His forehead against
her forehead. Speaking sweetly, He explained that He was, after all, only a small
child, and then He pressed Himself against her breasts for a long time. He then
smiled and the hairs of His body stood up with ex ci t ement. May child Kr sn a,
whose body appeared to be too young to enjoy amorous pastimes, protect you

Sri Divakara

TEXT 137
brumah tvac carita-m tavabhi j ananim chadmati bala-krte
tvam yadrg giri kand-aresu nayanananda kurangi drsam-
ity uktah pari2ehana ccha2-ataya nyastangu2m anane
gopibhih puratah punatujagatim uttana supto -harih

brumah we w il l d escribe; tvat Yo u ; ca r i t am ac t i v i t i e s;tava Y o u r ; a b hi t o ;

j ananim mother; chadma di s g u i sed;ati bala - of a small child; akrte i n t h e
form; tvam Y o u ; y a d rk as ;gi r i of G o v a r d h a na Hil l;kandaresu in t h e c aves;
nayana of t he eyes;anandah th e b l i s s;kurangi drsam -of the doe-eyed gopis;
iti th u s ; uk tah sp o k e n ;pa ri2ehana su c k i n g; cha2ataya in H i s o w n; anane
mouth; gopibhih th e g o p i s;puratah be f o r e ; punatu m a y p u r i f y ;j agatim t h e
whole world; uttana suptah -a small child lying on His back; harih K r s n a .

The gopzs complained: "We will t ell Your m o t her what You have done, how,
even though You pretend to be only a small child, You enjoy amorous pastimes
with the doe-eyed girls, delighting their eyes in the caves of Govardhana Hill."
I n the view of all these gopzs, baby Krsna cleverly placed a finger in His mou t h
and began to suck on it to refute their arguments. May baby Krsna purify th e
entire world.

Srz Vanamah

TEXT 138
vane malini pit-ur anke
racayati balyocitam caritam
nava nava gopi vadhuti-
smita p-aripati parisphurati

vane ma2ini ga r l anded with forest-flowers;pituh of H i s f a t h e r;anke o n t h e l a p ;

racayati pe r f o r m s;ba2ya fo r a small child; ucitam su i t a b l e;caritam a c t i v i t i e s ;
nava n-ava yo ung; gopi v-adhuti wi t h t h e g opis;smita of a m o r o us smiles;
paripati se r i e s;parisphurati manifests.

While on His father s lap, Lord Vanamah acts as a small child, although when
He is alone with the young gopzs, He exchanges amorous smiles.

Sri Mukunda Bhattacarya

TEXT 139
nitam nava-navanitam
kiyad iti krsno yasodaya pratah
iyad iti guru jana savi-dhe
vidhrta dha-nistha payo-dharah payat

nitam ta k e n; nava fr e s h ;navanitam bu t t e r ; ki y at ho w m u h c h 7 ;iti t hu s ;

krsnah Kr s n a;yasodaya by Y a s oda;pratah wa s a sked;iyat th i s m u c h ; i t i
thus; garujana of t h e g r o wn u p s;savidhe in t h e p r e sence;vidhrta h e l d ;
dhanistha of D h a n i s ta;payodharah th e b r e ast;payat m a y p r o t e c t .

Mother Yasoda asked child Krsna: "How much bu t ter did You take?" In the
presence of all the grown-ups child Krsna grasped Dhanistha's breast and said:
"This much."

Srz Saranga

TEXT 100
kvayasi nanu caurike pramusitam sphutam drsyate
dvitiyam iha mamakam vahasi kancuke kandukam
tyaj ati nava gopika -yugam -nimathnan ba2a2
2asat pu2aka m-anda2e -j ayati goku2e kesavah

kva wh e r e 7;yasi ar e y ou going; nanu i s i t n o 7 ; caurike 0 t h i e f ;

pramusitam th e t h e f t;sphutam cl e a r l y;drsyate is seen; dvitiyam tw o ; i h a
here;mamakam My; vahasi you carry; kancuke in your bodice; kandukam
balls; tyaja gi v e t h em up;iti th u s ;na va of t h e y o u n g ; gopika go p i ; ku ca o f
breasts; yugam th e p air; nimathnan a t t a c k i n g; ba2at fo r c i b l y; 2asat
manifesting; pu2aka of h a i r s standing up in ecstasy;manda2ah t he mul t i t u d e ;
jayati all glories;goku2e in Gokula; kesavah to L o rd K r s n a .
Child Kesava said to a young gopz: "Thief, where are you going? Have I not
caught you stealing? Under your bodice you are hiding My two toy balls! Give
them up!" His bodily hairs standing erect with joy, He violently attacked that
young gopi's breasts to retrieve His toy balls. All glories to Lord Kesava, who
enjoyed these extraordinary pastimes in Gokula Village.

Srz Dzpaka

Stealing Milk-products

TEXT lkl
dura drs-ta nav-anita bhaj-anam
j anu can-kramana jata sam-bhramam
matr bhit-i pari-vartitananam
kaisavam kim api saisavam bhaje

dura fr o m f ar away;drsta se e n;navanita of b u t t e r ; bhajanam th e p o t ; j a n u

on His knees; cankramana g o i n g ; j a ta ma n i f e s t e d;smabhramam ha s t e;matr
of His mother; bhiti wi t h f e a r;parivartita tu r n i n g ; an a nam H i s f a c e ;
kaisavam of L o rd K r s na; kimapi so m e t h i n g;saisavam ch i l d h o o d; bhaj e I

Seeing a pot of butter in the distance, baby Kesava quickly crawled there,
anxiously turning His face out of fear of His mother. I worship these childhood
pastimes of the Lord.

author unknown

TEXT 142
sammusnan navanitam antika mani st-ambh-e sva bimbod-gamam
drstva mugdhataya kumaram aparam sancintayan sankaya
man mitram -hi bhavan mayatra bhavato bhagah samah ka/pito
ma mam sucaya sucayety anunayan ba/o harih patu vah

sammusnan st ealing; navanitam bu t t e r ; antika ne a r b y ;mani j e w e l l e d ;

stambhe in a pillar; sva ow n ; bi m ba in t h e r e f le c t io n;udgamam ma n i f e s ted;
drstva se eing;mugdhataya wi t h b e w i l d e r me nt; kumaram ch i l d ; ap a ram
another; sancintaya th i n k i n g ; sankaya wi t h a p p r e h e nsion;mat My ; m i t r a m
friend;hi indeed; bhavan You are;maya with Me; atra here;bhavatah of
You; bhagah a share;samah eq u a l; ka/pitah wi l l b e ; ma do n o t ; ma m M e;
sucaya re v eal;sucaya re v e a l; iti t h u s ; an u n ayan ap p e a s ing;ba/ah t h e c h i l d ;
harih Kr s n a; patu ma y p r o t e c t;vah y o u a l l .
As child Hari was stealing butter He noticed His own reflection in a nearby
jeweled column. Think ing this to be another boy, He became frightened and
begged: "You are My friend. I will sh are this butter with You. Please don't tell
on Me! Don't tell on Me!" May child H ari p r o t ect you all.

author unknown

TEXT 143
dadhi ma-thana nin-adais tyakta nid-rah prabhate
nibhrta pa-dam agaram ba22avmam pravistah
mukha kam-a2a sam-irair asu nirvapya dipan
kava2ita nav-anitah patu mam ba2a krs-nah

dadhi yo g u r t; mathana of c h u r n i n g ;ninadaih by t h e s o u n d s; tyakta

abandoned; nidrah sl e e p;prabhate at d a y b reak;nibhrta si l e n t ;padam w i t h
feet; agaram th e h o u s e;ba22avmam of t he gopis;pravistah en t e r e d;mukha
mouth; kamala of t h e l o t u s;samiraih wi t h t h e b r e e ze;asu at o n c e;nirvapya
extinguishing; dipan th e l a m p s; kavalita wi t h a h a n d f u l;navanitah o f b u t t e r ;
patu may protect; mam me ; ba la ch i l d ; kr s n ah K r s n a .

Awakened at daybreak by the sounds of yogurt-churning, on silent feet child

K rsna stealthily entered the gopis' home, extinguished the lamps with His lo t u s
breath, and stole a handful of butter. I pray child Kr sna may protect me.

author unknown

TEXT 100
savye panau niyamita ravam -kinkini dama d-hrtva
kubji bhuya p-rapada gatibhi-r manda manda-m vihasya
aksnor bhangye vihasita mukhir-varayan sammukhma
matuh pascad aharata harirjatu haiyangavinam

savye in H is left; panau ha n d ; ni y a mite ch e c k e d;ravam so u n d ; ki n k i ni of

bells; dama th e s tring;dhrtva ho l d i n g ; ku bji cr o o k e d ;bhuya b e c o m i n g ;
prapada on H is t oes;gatibhih by g o i n g; manda mandam - very gently; vihasya
smiling; akanoh of H is e yes;bhangya wi t h c r o o k ed glances;vihasita s m i l i n g ;
mukhih mo u t h s ; varayah wa r d i n g o f f;sammukhinah th e g o p is standing before
Him; matuh Hi s m o t h e r; pascat be h i n d ; ah arata st o l e ;harih K r s n a ; j a t u
one time; haiyangavinam b u t t e r .

S ilencing His belt of bells by holding it in Hi s l eft hand, gently smil i n g ,

arching His back, creeping up on His tip-toes, and with a crooked glance
warding off the smiling gopzs standing before Him, child Hari stole butter
behind His mother's back.

Srz Srzman

TEXT 105
pada ny-asan dvaranca2a bh-uvividhaya tri ca-turan
samantad a2o2am nayana yu-ga2am diksu vikiran
smitam bibhrad vyaktam dadhi ha-rana 2i2-a ca-tu2a dh-ih
sa sa-nkam gopinam madhu ripur agaram pravisati

pada nya-san footsteps; dvara anc-a2a bhu-vi in the doorway; vidhaya pl acing;
tri th r e e; caturan or f o u r ; sa mantat ev e r y w h e r e;a2o2am re stless;nayana o f
eyes; yugalam th e p air; diksu in a l l d i r e c t i o ns;vikiran ca s t i n g;smitam a
smile; bibhrat ma n i f e s ting;vyaktam ma n i f e s t ed;dadhi of y o g u r t ; ha rana
stealing; sa wi t h ; sankam fe a r ;gopmam of t h e g o p i s;madhu ripu-h L o r d
Krsna, the enemy of the Madhu demon; agaram th e h o u s e;pravisati e n t e r s .

Taking two or three steps in the doorway, turning His restless eyes in all
d irections, smiling, and intent on stealing yogurt, child Madh u r ipu ( K r s n a )
fearfully enters the house.

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

TEXT 106
mrdnan ksiradi caury-an masrna surab-hini srkkani pani ghars-air
aghrayaghraya hastam sapadi parusayan kinkini mekha-2ayam
varam varam visa2e disi disi vikira2 2ocane -2o2a tare -

mandam mandam j ananyah parisaram ayate kuta gopa2a -ba2ah-

mrdnan pr e s sing;ksira mi l k ; ad i beg i n n i n g w i t h ;sauryat f r o m t h e t h e f t ;

masrna on l y; surabhini an d f r a g a nt;srkkani th e c o r n e r of t he mout h;pani
of His hands; gharsaih by rubbing;aghraya smelling;aghraya and smelling;
hastam Hi s hand; sapadi im m e d i a t e ly;parusayan st r i k i n g ; ki n k ini o f b e l l s ;
mekha2ayam of t he belt; varam ag a i n;varam an d a g a i n;visa2e disi disi i n a l l
directions; vikirat ca s t i n g;2ocane Hi s e yes;2o2a re stless;tare w i t h p u p i l s ;
mandam mandam ve ry slowly;j ananyah of H i s m o t h e r;parisaram i n t h e
vicinity; ayate go e s;kutah th e t r i c k y; gopa2a co w h e r d; ba2ah c h i l d .

Rubbing His hand against the corner of His mouth, wh ich had become oily and
fragant from eating the stolen milk-products, repeatedly smelling His hand,
silencing His belt of b e l ls, and with restless eyes glancing in all directions, the
tricky child Gopala slowly approached His mother.
author unknown

Hareh svapnayitam
Lord Hari Speaks in His Sleep

TEXT 147
sambho svagatam asyatam ita ito vamena padmodbhava
krauncare kusalam sukham sura pa-te vittesa no drsyase
ittham avapna-gatasya kaitabha-ripoh srutva jananya girah
kim kim ba2akaj a2pasity anucitam thuthu krt-am patu vah

sambho 0 Si v a; svagatam we l c o m e;asyatam be s e a ted;itah he r e ;it ah h e r e ;

vamena on the left; padma udb-hava 0 Brahma; kraunca are -0 Karttikeya;
kusalam au s piciousness;sukham ha p p i n e ss;sura pate -0 In d r a ; v itta isa -0
Kuvera; na no t ; u in d e e d ;dr s yase yo u h a ve been seen;ittham i n t h i s w a y ;
svapna gata-sya dreaming; kaltabha ripo-h of L o rd K rs na, the enemy of Kaitabha;
srutva he a r ing;j ananyah of H i s m o t h e r;girah t h e w o r d s ; kim w h a t ? ; k i m
what?; balaka im p r o p e r; thuthu krtam ejected from the mouth; patu m a y
protect; vah y o u a l l .

Hearing sleeping Krsna say, "Siva, welcome. Sit down. Brahma, you sit at my
left. Kartikeya! Auspiciousness to you. Indra! Happiness to you. Kuvera! I did
not see you." Mother Yasoda said: "Child! W h at, what nonsense are You
saying?" I pray these words of Mother Yasoda will pr o tect you all.

Srz Mayura

TEXT 148
dhira dharitri bhava bharam avehi santam
nanv esa kamsa hatakam -vinipatayami
ity adbhuta stimita -gopa va-dhu -srutani-
svapnayitani vasudeva sisor j a-yanti

dhira ca l m; dharitri 0 ea r t h ;bh a va pl e a s e become;

bharam t h e b u r d e n ;
avehi pl e ase know; santam is r e m o v e d;nanu is i t n o t ? ; esah th i s ; ka m sa
Kamsa; hatakam th e d e m o n; vinipatayami I k i l l ; it i thu s ; ad b h u ta w i t h
wonder; stimita st u n n e d;gopa vadhu -of the gopis; srutani th e e a rs;
svapnayitani wo r d s s poken in sleep;vasudeva of M a h a raja Vasudeva;sisoh o f
the son; j ayanti al l g l o r i e s.

Hearing Vasudeva's son Krsna say in His sleep, "Mother Earth, please become
calm, Know that your burden will certainly be removed. Have I not already
p ractically killed the demon Kamsa?" the gopzs became stunned with wo n d er .
All glories to these words Lord Krsna spoke in His sleep.

Sri Vasudeva

Pitror vismaana-siksanai
Instructions and Other Pastimes That Fill Krsna's Parents With

TEXT 149
ka2indz pu2-ine maya na na maya sai2opasa2ye na na
nyagrodhasya tale maya na na maya radha pitu-h prangane
drstah krsna itirite sa niy-amam gopairyasoda pat-er
vismerasya puro hasan nija grh-an niryan harih patu vah

ka2indi of t he Yamuna;pu2ine on t he shore;maya by m e ; na not ; na n o t ;

maya by m e; sai2a on G o v a r d hana Hill;upasa2ye in t he o utskirts of Vraja
Village; na no t ; na no t ; ny a g r o dhasya of t h e B anyan tree;tale at t he base;
maya by m e; na no t ; na not ; ma y a by m e ; ra d h a of R a d h a r a n i;pituh o f
the father; prangane in t he c ourt yard; drstah ha s b e en seen;krsnah K r s n a ;
iti th u s ; ir i te sp o k e n ;sa wi t h ; ni y a m am ce r t a i n l y;gopaih by t h e g o p a s;
yasoda of Yasoda;pateh of t he h us band;vismeranya as t o n i s hed;purah
home; niryan go i n g ; harih Lo r d K r s n a ;patu ma y p r o t e c t;vah y o u a l l .

The gopas confidently said, "I did not see Krsna at the Yamuna's shore. I did
not see Him on Govardhana Hill or at the outskirts of Vr aja village. I did not see
Him at the base of the banyan tree. I did not see Him in the courtyard of Radha's
father Maharaja Vrsabhanu." As Nanda Maharaja became struck with w o n der to
hear all this, smiling Krsna slipped out of the house, from right un der Nanda's
nose. May Krsna protect you all.

Sri Umapatidhara

TEXT 150
vatsa sthavara kandare-suvicaran dura pracare -gavam
himsran viksya purah purana purusam -narayanam dhyasyani
ity uktasya yasodaya mura ripor va-vyaj j aganti sphurad
bimbostha dvaya ga-dha pi-dana v-asad avy-akta bhavam s-mitam

vatsa 0 ch i l d ; sthavara in t h e f o r e s ts;kandaresu in a nd t he caves of

Govardhana Hill; vicaran going;dura pracare -far away; gavam of the cows;
himsran wi l d b e a sts;viksya se e i n g;purah in t h e p r e s ence;purana th e o l d e s t;
purusam su p r e me person;narayanam on L o r d N a r a yana;dhyasyasi You
should meditate; iti th u s ; uk t a sya sp o k e n ;ya sodaya by M o t h e r Yasoda;mura-
ripoh of L o rd K r s na, the enemy of the Mura demon;avyat m a y p r o t e c t ;
jaganti al l t he u n i v e rses;sphurat manifesting; bimba bi m b a f r u i t; ostha l i p s ;
dvaya pa i r; gadha ha r d ; pi d ana pr e s s i n g;vasat fr o m t h e c o n t r o l;avyakta
notmanifested; bhavam na t u r e;smitam a s m i l e .

Mother Yasoda said, "Child, when You take care of the cows far away in the
forests or the caves of Govardhana Hill, and You see dangerous wild animals,
then You should meditate on the ancient Supreme Person, Lord Narayana, and
He will protect You." As Lord Kr sna heard these words it was only with gr eat
difficulty that He prevented a smile from appearing on His bimba-fruit li ps. May
t hat suppressed smile protect all the worl d s .

Sri Abhinanda

TEXT 151
ramo nama babhuva hum tad abal-a siteti hum tam pitur
vaca pancavati vane -nivasatas tasyaharad ravanah
krsnayeti puratanim nija kath-am akarnya matreritam
saumitre kva dhanur dhanur dhanur iti vyagra girah pantu vah-

ramah Ra m a; nama na m e d ; babhuva wa s ; h um y e s ; tat Hi s ; ab a la w i f e ;

sita wa s Sita;iti th u s ; h um y e s ; ta m her ; pi t u h of t h e f a t h e r;vaca b y t h e
words; pancavati vane -in Pancavati forest;nivasatah re s i d i n g; tasya o f H i m ;
aharat ki d n a p p e d;ravanah Ra v a n a;krsnasya of K r s n a;iti th u s ;pu r a t a nim
ancient; nij a of H i m s e lf; katham th e n a r r a t i ve;akarnya he a r i n g;matra b y
His mother; iritam sp o k e n;saumitre 0 La k s m a n a, son of Sumitra;kva w h e r e ;
dhanuh My b o w ; dh a n uh bo w ; dh a n uh bo w ; i t i - t h u s;vyagra al a r m e d;girah
words; pantu ma y p r o t e ct;vah y o u a l l .

"There once was a king named Rama."


"His wife was Sita."


"On the order of His father, Rama lived in the Pancavati forest. There Ravana
kidnapped Sita."

As Lord Krsna heard His mother narrate His own activities performed in
ancient times, He suddenly called out: "Laksmana! Where is My bow? Wh ere is
My bow? Where is my bow?" I pray these alarmed words of Lord Krsna may
protect you all.
author unknown

TEXT 152
syamoccandra svapisi na siso naiti mam adya nidra
nidra h-etoh srnu suta katham kam apurvam kurusva
vyaktah stambhan naraharir abhud danavam darayisyann
ity uktasya smitam udayate devaki na-ndanasya

syama da r k n e ss;uccandra th e r i s i ng moo n; svapisi Yo u s l e e p;na no t ; s i s o

0 child; na no t ; it i thu s ; m a m t o M e ; ad ya no w ; ni d r a sl e e p ni
; d ra o f
sleep; hetoh of t he cause;srnu pl e a se hear;suta 0 so n ; ka t h am a s t o r y ;
kam what?; apurvam unprecedented; kurusva you may do;vyaktah
appeared; abhut wa s ; danavam th e d e m o n; darayiyasan a b o u t to r ip i n t o
pieces; iti thus; uktasya sp o k e n; smitam a s m i l e ;udayate ar o s e;devaki
nandanasya of L o rd K rs na, the son of Devaki.

"0 my rising dark moon, my chil d, You are not asleep?"

"No. Sleep has not yet come to Me."

"Listen, my son. I will tell You a bedtime story that will m ake You fall asleep."

"What is this story I have never heard? Please tell it."

Mother Yasoda then told the story. When she came to the sentences, "Then
Lord Nrsimha appeared from the pill ar. Lord Nr s iha was very eager to rip the
demon to shreds." a smile suddenly arose on child Kr sna's lips.

Srz Sarvananda

Protecting the Cows and Other Pastimes

TEXT 153
deva tvam eka janghava2ayita 2agudi m-urdhn-i vinyasta bahur -

gayan go yuddha -gitir

upa-racita sirah se-khara-h pragrahena
darpa sphurj an -mahoksa -dvaya sa-mara k-alabadd-ha dirghanu-bandhah
krida gopa2a m-urtir m-ura ripur av-ata atta go raksa -2i2a-h -

devah Lo r d; tvam Yo u ; eka on e ;j angha le g ;av a layita st r a i g h t;la gudi o f

the stick; murdhni on t h e h e a d;vinyasta pl a c e d;bahuh an a r m ; ga yan
singing; go fo r a co w ; y u d d ha of t h e b a t t l e;gitih th e s o n g s;uparacita
fashioned;sirah on thehead; sekharah a crown;pragrahena byholding;
darpa ar r o gance;sphurj at ma n i f e s ting;mahoksa by g r e at bulls;dvaya o f a
pair; samara of battle; kala in t h e a rt s;abaddha en t a n g led;dirgha f o r a l o n g
time; anubandhah in r e l a t ionship; krida pa s t i m e ;gopala o f a c o w h e rd b o y ;
murtih in t h e f o r m; mu ra r-ipuh Lo r d K r s n a, the enemy of the Mura demon;
avatat ma y p ro t e ct; atta gr e a t ;go of t h e c o w s; raksa in p r o t e c t i n g;2i2ah
whose pastimes.

Wearing a crown, and His hand on the head of a cane, the Lord loudly sings
the song sung by bulls when they challenge each other for the sake of a cow.
Hearing the challenge, two large, arrogant bulls appear and for a long time
remain absorbed in the arts of battle. I pray Lord Mu r a ri, the playful cowherd
boy who enjoys pastimes of protecting the cows and bulls, will alw ays protect

Srz Yogesvara

TEXT 154
yavad gopa madhura mur-ali nada -matt-a mukundam
manda span-dair ahaha saka2air 2ocanair apibanti
gavas tavan masrna yava-sa gras-a lubd-ha viduram
yata govardhana giri -dari -dron-ikabhyantaresu

yavat wh e n; gopah th e c o w h e rd boys;madhura th e s w e e t;murali o f t h e

flute; nada by t he sounds;mattah in t o x i c a t e d;mukundam L o r d K r s n a ;
manda wi t h o u t; spandaih mo v e m e n t; ahaha ah a ! ;sakalaih w i t h a l l ;
locanaih ey e s;apibanti dr i n k ; ga v ah th e c o w s ; tavat th e n ; ma s rna s o f t ;
yavasa of grasses;grasa fo r m o u t h f u l s; lubdhah ea g e r;viduram far away;
yatah gone;govardhana giri -ofGovardhana Hill; dari dronk-ia abhyn-tarena in
the caves.

When the cowherd boys become intoxicated by the sweet sounds of the flute,
and with unblink ing eyes drink the sight of Lord M u k u n da, then the unattended
cows, eager for soft grasses to eat, wander far away and enter the caves of
Govardhana Hill.

Sri Kesavacchatri

Gopjnam premotkarsah
The Exalted Nature of the Gopjs' Love

TEXT 155
dhairyam mana parigrahe -pi j aghane yac camsukalambanam
gopinam ca vivecanam nidhuvanarambha raho marganam-
sadhvi s-ac c-aritam vilasa viratau patyur grhanvesanam
tat-tad-gaurava-raksanam mura-ripor vamsi-ravapeksanam

dhairyam peaceful composure; mana in pride; parigrahe in taking; api

a2though; jaghane on the gopis; yat which; ca a2so; amsuka o f garments;
a2ambanam resting; gopinam o f the gopis; ca a2so; vivecanam de cision;
nidhuvana o f amorous pastimes; arambhe in the action; rahah a s o 2itary p2ace;
marganam the search; sadhvi of pious girls; sat th e pious; caritam a c t i o ns;
vilasa o f amorous pastimes; viratau i n th e cessation; patyuh o f their husbands;
grha for the homes; anvesanam the search; tat ta-t various; gaurava o f
respectab2e e2ders; raksanam pr otection; mura rip-oh o f Lord Krsna, the enemy o f
the Mura demon; vamsi of the flute; rava for the sound; apeksanam hope

With an air of peaceful respectability the gopzs placed nice garments around
their hips and went to enjoy amorous pastimes with Kr sna in a solitary place.
The sound of Krsna's flute stunned their vow of chastity, their attachment to
their husbands' homes, and all the protections offered by their elders.

Srz Sarvavidyavinoda

TEXT 156
vilokya krsnam vraja vama -netra-h
sarvendriyanam nayanatvam eva
akarnya tad venu -ninad-a bhang-im
aicchan punas tah sravanatvam eva

vilokya se e ing;krsnam Kr s n a ;vraj a of V r a j a;vama netrah -the be autiful-eyed

girls; sarva of all; indriyanam th e s e nses;nayanatvam he a r i n g; tat o f H i m ;
venu of t he flute; ninada of t h e s ou n d s;bhangim th e w a v e s;aicchan d e s i r e d;
punah ag ain; tah th e y ;sr a vanatvam th e n a t u re of being ears;eva ce r t a inly.

When the beautiful-eyed girls of Vraja saw Lord Krsna they wished all their
senses were eyes, and when they heard the waves of music from His fl ute they
wished all their senses were ears.

author unknown

Gopjbhih saha hla

Pastimes With The Gopjs

TEXT 157
ka2indz ja2a ke2i 2o2a -tarun-ir av-ita cinamsuk-a
nirgatyanga jalani saritavatir alokya sarva disah
tiropanta milan nikunja bhavane gudham cirat pasyatah
saureh sambhramayann ima vij ayate sakuta v-enu d-hvanih

ka2indi of t he Yamuna;ja2a w a t e r; ke2i fo r p a s t i m e s;2o2a eager; tarunih t h e

young girls; avita ab a n d o n e d;cina th e i r s i l k;amsuka ga r m e n t s;nirgatya
emerging from the water; anga of t h e ir b od ies;jalani th e w a t e r; saritavatih
removing; alokya lo o k i n g ; sarvah in a l l ; di s ah di r e c t i o n s;tira t h e s h o r e ;
upanta ne a r; milat me e t i n g ;nik unja of t h e g r o v e; bhavane in t h e a bode;
gudham hidden; cirat fo r a l o ng t im e;pasyatah lo o k i n g ; saureh o f L o r d
Krsna; sambhramayan en c h a n t ing;imah th e g o p i s; vijayate al l g l o r i e s;sa
akuta tr i c k y; venu of t h e f lu t e ;dhvanih t o t h e s o u n d .

Removing their silk saris, the young gopzs eagerly sported in the waters of the
Yamuna. After some time they intently lo oked in all di r e ctions, and then, certain
that no one was watching, emerged from the water and carefully dried their
naked bodies. Meanwhile, hidden in a nearby forest grove, Lord Krsna had been
watching their every movement for a long time. At a certain moment He began
to play His flute. All glories to Lord Kr sna's tricky flut e-music, which
completely charms the girls of Vraja.

Srz Purusottamadeva

Tasu krsnasya bhavah

Lord Krsna's Love for the Gopjs)

TEXT 158
svedap2avita pani p-adma -muku2-a prakra-nta kampo-dayad
visrastam avijanato mura2ikam padaravindopari
2i2a ve22ita -ba22avi -kava2it-a svanta-sya vrndavane
j iyat kamsa ripos t-ri bhanga -vapusa-h sunyodaya phut krtih -

s veda with p erspiration; aplavita i n f a t u a t ed; pani h a n d s ; padm a l o t u s ;

mukula b u d s ; pr akranta b e g u n ; k a mp a o f t r e m b l i n g ; udayat f r o m t h e a r i sal;
v israstam f a l l en; avijanatah u n a w a re; muralikam t h e fl u t e ; p ad a f e e t ;
a vijanatah l o t u s ; upar i o n ; h l a w i t h p a s t i m es; vellita m o v i n g ; b allavi b y
t he gopis; kavalita d e v o u r ed; sva-antasya w h o s e heart; vrndavana i n
Vrndavana; jiyat al l g l o r i es; kamsa-ripoh o f L o r d K r s na, the enemy of Kamsa;
t ri t h r e e-fold; bhanga b e n d i ng ; vapusah w h o s e f o rm; sunyap n o t h i n g ;
u daya ari sing; phut-krti h blowing.

The gracefully moving gopis captured Lord Kr sna's heart. His hands perspired
and trembled. Lord Krsna, whose form was bent in th ree places, was unaware
that the flute had dropped from His lu t u s-bud hands and fallen to His lotus feet.
He began to blow into what He thought was His flu te, but no sound emerged.
All glories to that soundless blowing of Lord Kr s n a.

Srz Ciranjzva

Srj-Krsnasya prathama-darsane srj-radha-prasnah

Srjmatj. Radharanj.'s Inquiry on First Seeing Srj. Krsna )

TEXT 159
bhru va-22i tan-dava ka-2a ma-dhuranana sri-h
kanke22i kor-aka ka-rambi ta ka-rnapurah
ko 'yam navina-nikasopala-tulya-deho
vamsi rav-ena sakhi mam avasi kar-oti

bhru o f the eyebrows; va22i of the vines; tandava o f dancing; ka2a with the art;
madhura ch a r ming; anana o f the face; srih beauty; kanke22i asoka; koraka
buds; karambita m i x ed; karnapurah e a r r i n gs; kah w h o ; a y .a m i s t h i s; navina
new; nikasa upa-2a a b2ack stone; tu2ya with the sound; sakhi 0 friend; mam
Me; avasi karo-ti overwhelms

Friend, who is this person. Hi s b od y is l ik e a new black nikasa stone. He

wears earrings of asoka buds. The vines of eyebrows dance on His charming,
h andsome face. I am overcome by the sound of His flu t e .

author unknown

TEXT 160
indivarodara sahoda-ra medur-a srir -

vaso dravat kanak-a vrnda -nibham -dadhanah

amukta maukti-ka manoha-ra hara va-ksah-
ko 'yam yuva j agad anangamayam karoti

indivara of t he b lue lotus flowers;udara of t h e w h o r l d s;sahodara t h e b r o t h e r ;

medura gl i s t ening; srih be a u t y;vasah ga r m e n t s;dravat mo l t e n ; ka n aka o f
gold; vrnda of an abundance; nibham th e l i k e n e ss;dadhanah w e a r i n g ;
amukta we a r i n g; mauktika of p e a r l s;manohara ch a r m i n g ; hara n e c k l a c e ;
vaksah on H is chest;kah wh o ? ; ayam is t h i s ;yu va yo u t h ;j agat t h e e n t i r e
world; ananga wi t h a m o r o us desire;mayam fi l l e d ; ka r oti d o e s .

Who is this teen-age boy? A charming pearl-necklace decorates His chest. He

is dressed in garments the color of molten gold. The splendid complexion is the
brother of the blue lotus whorl. He fills the world w it h a m o r ous passion.

Srz Sarvavidyavinoda
Sakhya uttaram
The Reply of Radha's Gopj-friend

TEXT 161
asti ko 'pi timira st-anandhayah
kincid ancita pa-dam sa gayati
yan manag api nisamya ka vadhur
navadhuta hrd-ayopaj ayate

asti is; kah api th i s p e r s o n; timira da r k - c o m p l e x i o ned;stanandhayah b o y ;

kancit so m e t h in g; ancita be a u t i f u l;padam mu s i c ; sah He ; ga y a ti p l a y s ;
yat which; manak sl i g h t l y; api ev e n ;ni s amya he a r i n g ;ka wh a t ? ;va d huh
girl; na not; avadhuta tr e m b l i n g; hrdaya he a r t ;upaj ayate is m a n i f e sted.

H e is a dark-complexioned boy who plays very beautiful mu sic. What girl w i l l

not tremble at heart by hearing His music for even a moment?

author unknown

Srj-Radhayah purva-ragah
The Beginning of Radha's Love

TEXT 162
mano gatam manmatha bana b-adham-
avedayantiva tanor vikaraih
dinanana vacam uvaca radha
tada tad ali jana sa-mmu-khe sa

manah in t he heart; gatam go n e ;manmatha of c u p i d ; bana o f t h e a r r o w ;

badham the wou n d; avedayanti in f o r m i n g ;iva as i f ; ta n oh o f t h e b o d y ;
vikaraih wi t h e c s tatic symptoms;dina un h a p p y ; anana fa c e ;vacam w o r d s ;
uvaca spo ke; radha Ra d h a ;tada th e n ; ta t of H e r ; al i ja na o- ft he f ri e nds;
sammukhe in t he presence;sa S h e .

Unhappy-faced Radha said to Her friends: "My heart is wounded by Kama's

arrow. My body is now fi l led w it h th e sym p t oms of love."

Srz Purusottamadeva

TEXT 163
yad avadhi yamuna kunje
ghana r-ucir avalokitah ko 'pi
na2inz d-a2a iva sa2i2am
tad a-vadhi taralayate cetah

yat av-adhi wh e n; yamuna on t h e Y a m u na s shore;kunje in t h e g r o v e;ghana

of a raincloud; rucih th i s p e r s on whose splendid bodily complexion is like the
color; ava2okitah is s een;kah api th i s p e r s on; na2ini of a l o t us flowe r;da2e o n
the leaf; iva li k e ; sa2i2am a d rop of water; tat av-adhi th e n ; ta ralayate
trembles; cetah M y h e a r t .

Since, in the forest by the Yamuna, I saw this person whose complexion is the
color of a dark raincloud, My heart has been trembling like a drop of water on a
lotus leaf.

Srz Kavicandra

TEXT 164
akasmad ekasmin pathi sakhi mayayamuna tatam-
vraj antye drsto 'yam nava ja2adhara syam-a2a tanu-h
sa drg bhan-gya kim vakuruta na hi jane tata idam
mano me vya2o2am kvacana grha krtye -na ba2ate

akasmat by a ccident; ekasmin on o n e ; pathi pa t h ;sa k hi 0 fr i e n d ;ma ya b y

Me; yamuna of t he Yamuna;tatam to t h e b a n k;vrajantya go i n g ;dr s tah w a s
seen; ayam He ; nava fr e s h j; a2adhara ra i n c l o u d; syama2a bl a c k; tanuh
whose body;sah He; drk bhang-ya with a crooked glance;kim what?; va or;
akuruta di d ; na no t ; hi in dee d ;j ane I k n o w ; ta t ah si n c et h e n; idam t h i s ;
manah mi n d ; me my ; vy a 2 o2am re s t l ess;kvacana so m e t h i n g;g rha krtye -i n
household duties; na no t ; ba l a te i s a b l e .

Friend, one time, as I walked on the path to the Yamuna's bank I saw a boy
whose complexion was the color of a dark raincloud. What spell did He cast on
Me when He glanced at Me with those crooked eyes? I do not know. Since that
time My heart is always very agitated. It no longer allows Me to perform My
household duties.

Sri Jayanta

TEXT 165
puro ni2a jyotsna tad anu mrganabhi parima2a-s
tato 2i2a venu kvan-itam -anu kanci kala rava-h -

tato vidyud va22i va2a-yita -camatkar-a 2ahari -

tarangal lavanyam tad anu sahaj ananda udagat

purah in My presence; ni2a a dark; jyotana ef f u l g e n t;tat a nu t h e n ;
mrganabhi of m u s k; parima2ah th e f r a gance;tatah th e n ; 2z2a pla yful;venu
of the flute; kvanitam mu s i c ; anu t h e n ; ka n ci of a s a sh of bells;kala t h e
sweet; ravah so u n d; tatah th e n ; vi d y ut of l i g h t n i n g ;va22i of a vin e;va2ayita
encircled; camatkara of w o n d e r; 2ahari ta-rangat fr o m t he w aves;2avanyam
beauty; tat anu t h e n; sahaj a na t u r a l; anandah bl i s s ;udagat a r o s e .

First I saw a splendid blue effulgence. Then I smelled the fragance of musk.
Then I heard graceful flute music. Then I heard the sweet tinkl ing of a sash of
bells. Then I saw waves of wonderful handsomeness encircled by a vine that
w as a stationary lightning flash. Then I became filled with bl i s s .

author unknown

TEXT 166
adya sundari ka2inda nan-dini
tzra kunj -a bhuv-i ke2i 2amp-atah
vadayan mura2ikam muhur muhur
madhavo harati mamakam manah

adya no w; sundari 0 be a u t i f u l o n e;kalinda nand-ini of t he Yamuna River, the

daughter of Mount Kalinda; tira on t h e s h o r e;kunja bhuv-i in t he g ro ve; keli
playful; 2ampatah debauchee;vadayan playing; mura2ikam a flute; muhuh
muhuh repeatedly; madhavah Lo r d K r s n a;harati s t e a l s; mamakam M y ;
manah he a rt.

0 beautiful friend, as He played the flute for a long time on the Yamuna's
shore, the playful debauchee Madhava stole My heart.

author unknown

TEXT 167
yad avadhi -yamunayas tira vanire
muraripu pada 2i2-a 2oca-nabhyam a2oki
t ad avadhi m-ama cittam kutracit karya matre -
na hi 2agati muhurtam kim vidheyam naj ane

yat avadhi -since; yamunayah of t h e Y amuna River;tira on t h e s h o r e;vanira

of vanira trrees; kunje in the grove;muraripu pada o-f Lord Krsna, the enemy of
the Mura demon; 2z2a the pastimes; 2ocanabhyam wi t h t wo e yes;a2oki I s a w ;
tat avadhi s- ince then;karya matre i- n h o u sehold duties;na no t ; hi i nd e e d ;
2agati re sts; muhurtam f o r a m o m e n t; kim w h a t 7 ; vi d heyam sh o u l d be done ;
na do no t;jane I k n o w .
Since with My own eyes I saw Krsna's pastimes in the vamra grove on the
Yamuna's shore, My heart has not allowed Me to perform My household chores.
W hat should I do? I do not know w hat to do .

Sri Kavicandra

TEXT 168
yad av-adhi yadunandanananenduh
sahacari 2ocana go-cari ba-bhuva
tad av-adhi ma2ayani2e 'na2e va
sahaja vic-ara pa-ranmukham mano me

yat ava-dhi si n c e; yadu nan-dana of L o rd K rs na, the descendent of Maharaja

Yadu; anana of t he face;induh th e m o o n; sahacari 0 fr i e n d ; 2ocana o f t h e
eyes; gocari wi t h i n t he f ie ld ofp e r c eption; babhuva ha s c ome;tat avad-hi t h e n ;
ma2aya fr om the Malaya Hill; ani2e in t he b re eze;ana2e in a fire; va o r ;
sahaj a natural; vicara di s c r i m i n a t i o n;paranamukham tu r n e d a wa y;manah
m ind; me M y .

0 My friend, since the moon of Krsna's face has appeared within th e

perception of My eyes, My mind has lost all discrim i n ati on. It no lo n ger has the
power to distinguish between the cooling Malayan breeze and the blazing fire.

Sri Sanjaya Kavisekhara

TEXT 169
asamanj asam asamanj asam
asamanjasam etad apatitam
ba22ava kumar-a buddhy-a
hari hari harir iksitah kutukat

asamanj asam wr o n g; asamanj asam wr o n g; asamanj asam wr o n g ; etat t h i s ;

apatitam ha s ocurred; ba22ava co w h e rd; kumara bo y ; bu d dhya w i t h t h e
conception; hari al a s . ;hari al a s . ;ha r ih Lo r d H a r i ; ik s i t ah is s e e n;kutukat

It is wrong, wrong, wrong! Alas! Alas! I saw the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, Lord Hari, and I thought He was an ordinary cowherd boy!

Sri Sarana

TEXT 170
susyati mukham uru yugam
pusyati j adatam pravepate hrdayam
svidyati kapo2a p-a2i
sakhr vana ma2r krm a2okr

susyati dr i e s up; mukham My m o u t h ; ur u of t h i g h s yu

; gam th e p a i r; pusyati
j adatam be c o mes stunned;pravepate tr e m b l e s;hrdayam heart; svidyati
perspires; kapo2a pa-2i cheeks; sakhi 0 friend; vana m-a2i Lo rd Krs na, who
wears a garland of forest-flowers; kim w h y ? ; al o ki w h e n I s e e .

Friend, when I see Krsna, who wears a garland of forest-flowers, why does My
mouth become dry, My thighs become stunned, My heart tremble, and My
cheeks perspire?

Sri Mukunda Bhattacarya

TEXT 171
upari tama2a taroh -sakhi parinata sara-d indu -man-da2ah ko 'pi
tatra ca mura2i khur-a2i kula mary-adam adho nayati

upari a b o ve; tamala-taroh a t a m a l t r ee; sakhi 0 friend; parinata a f u l l ;

sarat aut u mn; in d u -m andalah m o o n ; ka h ap i a certain; tatra t h e r e; ca also;
murali fl u t e ; k h u r al i p l a y i n g ; k u l a - maryadam morality; adhah nayati

Friend, I have seen an autumn full moon shi n ing above a tamala tree. This
moon's flute music mocks My chastity.

Sri Sanjaya Kavisekhara

TEXT 172
hanta kantam api tam didrksate
manasam mama na sadhu yat krte -

indur indumukhi nanda maruta-s

candanam ca vitanoti vedanam

hanta in d e e d; kantam My l o v e r ;api ce r t a i n l y;tam Hi m ; di d r k s a te d e s i r e s

of see; manasam he a rt; mama My ; na not ; sa d hu h a p p i l y ; y at k r te fo r- H i s
sake; induh th e m o o n; indu mukhi -0 moon-faced girl; manda th e g e n t le ;
marutah br e e zes;vitanoti gi v e ;vedanam t o r m e n t .

0 moon-faced friend, the gentle breezes, the moon, and the scent of
sandalwood torment My heart. It is not happy. It yearns to see My lover, Krsna.

author unknown
TEXT 173
guru j-ana g-anjanam ayaso
grha p-ati c-aritam ca darunam kim api
vismarayati samastam
siva siva murali murarateh

guru-jana o f M y e l d ers; ganjanam t h e r e b u k es; ayasah M y i n f a my ; grha-pati

o f My husband; caritam t h e a c t i v i t i es; ca a l so ; darunam h a r s h ; ki m a p i
s omething; vismarayati c a u ses to forget; samastam e v e r y t h i ng; siva alas.;
siva alas!; murali t h e fl u t e ; m u r a -arateh o f L o r d K r s na, the enemy of the
Mura demon.

Alas! Alas! Krsna's flute makes Me completely forget the rebukes of My elders,
My own growing infamy, and the harsh actions of My husband.

Srz Sarvavidyavinoda

TEXT 174
dravinam bhavanam apatyam tavan
mitram tathabhij atyam ca
upayamunam vana mali-
yavan netre na nartayati

dravinam we a l t h; bhavanam ho m e ; apatyam ch i l d r e n ;ta vat th e n ; m i t r a m

friends; tatha in t h a t w a y;abhijatyam go o d f a m i l y; ca al s o ;upayamunam o n
the shore of the Yamuna; vana mali -L o rd Kr s n a, who wears a garland of forest
flowers; yavat as l o ng as;netre tw o e y e s;na do e s n o t;nartayati ca u s e to

My wealth, home, children, friends, and family all seen important only as long
as Vanamah Krsna does not glance on Me with dancing eyes on the Yamuna's

Srz Sarvavidyavinoda

TEXT 175
tusyantu me chidram avapya satravah
karotu me sasti bharam g-rhesvarah
manis tu vaksoruha madhya -bhusanam-
mamastu vrndavana krsna ca-ndram-ah

tusyantu ma y become pleased;me of M e; chidram fa u l t s ;avapya a t t a i n i n g ;

satravah en e m i es;karotu ma y d o ; me to M e ; sa s ti of p u n i s h m e n t;bharam a
host; grha i-svarah My h u s b a nd; manih th e j e w e l; tu in d e e d ;va ksoruha
breasts; madhya in t he m i d d l e; bhusanam th e o r n a m e nts;mama of M e ; as tu
may be; vrndavana in V r n d a v a na;krsna c-andramah th e d a rk moon of Lord

Let My enemies be pleased to find fault with Me. Let My husband punish Me
again and again. I do not care. Lord Krsnacandra, who enjoys transcendental
pastimes in Vrndavana forest, will always be the precious jewel that decorates My

author unknown

TEXT 176
svami nihantu vihasantu purah sapatnyo
bhartur bhaj antuguravah pitaras ca lajjam
etavatayadi ka2anki-ku2am tathastu
ramanuj e mama tanotu mano 'nuragam

svami My h u s b a nd; nihantu ma y b e at Me; vihasantu ma y l a u g h;purah i n M y

presence; sapatnyah en e m i e s;bhartuh of M y h u s b a n d;bhaj antu may create;
guravah el d e rs;pitarah pa r e n t s;ca an d ; la jjam sh a m e ;et avata in this way;
yadi if; ka2anki p o l l u t ed; ku2am fa m i l y ; ta t ha in t h a t w a y; astu l e t i t b e ;
rama anuj e -for Lord Krsna, the younger brother of Balarama; mama M y ;
tanotu w il l do; manah he a r t ;an uragam l o v e .

Let My husband beat Me! Let My enemies laugh in My face! Let My parents
a nd elderly relatives shame Me before My husband! Let My wh ole famil y
become polluted! I do not care. My heart will co n t i nue to love Balarama's
younger brother, Krsna.

author unknown

TEXT 177
svami kupyati kupyatam parijana nindanti nindantu mam
anyat kim prathatam ayam cajagati praudho mamopadravah
asasyam punar etad evayad idam caksus ciram vardhatam
yenedam paripiyate mura ripoh sa-undarya saram v-apuh

svami My h u s b and; kupyati i s a n g r y ; k u p y atam l e t h i m b e an gry; parijanah

f riends; nindati r e b u k e ; ni n d ant u l e t t h e m r e b u ke; mam M e ; a n y a t e l s e ;
k im w h a t 7 ; prathatam m a y b e ; ayam t h a t ; c a a l s o ; j a gati i n t h e w o r l d ;
praudhah g r e at; mama for Me; upadravah c a t a strophe; asasyam d e s i r ed;
punah a g a in; etat t his; eva certainly; yat w h i c h ; i da m t h a t ;c a k su h e y e s ;
c iram e t e r nally; vardhatam m a y i n c r e ase; yena b y w h i c h ; i da m t h i s ;
paripiyate may be drunk; mura-ripoh o f L o r d K r s na, the enemy of Mura;
s aundarya o f h a n d s o m eness; saram t h e n e c tar; vapuh the form.

My husband is angry? Let him be angry. My friends rebuke Me? Let them. Let
there fall upon Me whatever other catastrophe there may be in this world. I do
not care. I simply wish that My eyes may eternally drink the nectar of Krsna's
handsome form.

Sri Puskaraksa

TEXT 178
kim durmilena mama duti manorathena
tavanti hanta sukrtani kaya krtani
etavad eva mamajanma pha-lam murarir
yan netrayoh pathi bibharti gatagatani

kim w ha t is the use?; durmilena of t h i s d i f f i c ult to attain;mama My ; d u t i 0

messenger; manorathena de s i re;tavanti is t h a t w a y;hanta in d e e d ;sukrtani
pious deeds; kaya by w h o m ? ; kr t ani pe r f o r m e d;etavat in that way; eva
certainly; mama My ; j anma of t h e b i r t h; phalam th e f r u i t ; m u ra arih -L o r d
Krsna, the enemy of the Mura demon; yat wh i c h ; ne t rayoh of t h e e y e s;pathi
on the pathway; bibhati m a n i f e sts; gata go i n g ; agatani a n d c o m i n g .

0 messenger-friend, if Krsna would walk on the pathway of My eyes, then My

birth will become fruitful. What is the use of this impossible desire? Who is able to
perform the pious activities to obtain this?

author unknown

TEXT 179
sakhi mama niyati hatayas-
tad darsan-a bhagya-m astu va ma va
punar api sa venu nado -

yadi karna pathe pa-tet tad evalam

sakhi 0 fr i e n d ; ma ma of M e ; ni y a ti wh o s eg o od fort u n e;hatayah i s

destroyed; tat of H i m ; da r sana of t h e s i g h t;bhagyam th e g o od fort u n e;astu
may be; va or; ma no t ; v a o r ; pu n a h a pi ag a i n ;sah th a t ; ve nu o f t h e f lu t e ;
nadah the sound;yadi if ; ka r n a of t h e e a r s;pathe on t h e p a t h;patet m a y
fall; tat th e n ; eva c e r t a i n l y; alam g r e a t l y .

0 friend, I am very unfortun ate. If the sound of Krsna's flute fell once again on
t he pathway of My ears, I would not care even whether or not I had the fortun e
to see Him.
Sri Rupa Gosvami

TEXT 180
tarabhisaraka caturtha n-isa sa-sanka
kamamburasi pa-rivardhana deva tubhyam
ardho namo bhavatume saha tena yuna
mithyapavada va-casapy abhimana sid-dhih

tara wi t h t he stars;abhisaraka me e t i n g;catustha on t h e f o u r t h; nisa n i g h t ;

sasanka 0 mo o n ; ka ma of a o r o u s d esires;ambu ras-i th e o cean;
parivardhana ca u s ing tidal waves;deva 0 Lo r d ; tu b h yam un t o y o u ! ; ar g hah
arghya water; namah an d o b e isances;bhavatu le t t h e re be; me f o r m e ; saha
with; tena Hi m ; yu na th e y o u t h f u l K r s n a;mithya li e s ;apavada n e g a t i n g ;
vacana wi th w o r d s; api al s o ;ab himana of d e s i r e;siddhih th e p e r f e ction.

0 moon surrounded by stars on the fourth night on the month of Bhadra, 0

lord, 0 moon making tidal waves in the ocean of amorous desire, I respectfully
offer arghya water to you and I bow down b e f ore you. I pray (that by your
m ercy) my desire to become the beloved of youthful Kr sna will b ecome fulfi l l e d
in truth.

author unknown

The Guess of Another Expert Gopi-friend

TEXT 181
siddhantayati na kincid
bhramayati drsameva kevalam radhe
tad avagatam sakhi lagnam
kadamba taru dev-ata m-aruta-

siddhantayati a d e f i n ite conclusion; na n o t ; k i n c i t s o m e t h i n g ; bh r amayati

restlessly rolling about; drsam e y es; eva c e r t a i n ly; kevalam i n d e e d ; radha
Radha; tat t h i s ; avagatam u n d e r s t o od; sakhi 0 f r i e n d ;l a g nam t o u c h e d ;
kadamba-taru-of the kadamba tree; devata o f th e di ety; maruta b y t h e b r e eze.

Friend,I canot say for certain why Radha s eyes are rolling about in this way .
Perhaps the flute-music breeze blowing from the Supreme Personality of
Godhead under the kadamba tree touched her.

Sri Ranga
Radham prati sakhj-prasnah
A Gopj-friend s Qu e s t ion t o S r j m a t j R a d h a r a n j

TEXT 182
kamam yapuh pulakitam nayane dhrtasre
vacah sa ga-dgada pa-dahsakhl kampl vaksah
j natam mukunda mu-rali ra-va ma-dhuri te
cetah sudhamsu va-dane tarali ka-roti

kamam co m p l etely; vapuh bo d y ; pu l akitam ha i r s s t a nding erect;nayane e y e s ;

dhrta he l d; asre te a r s;vacah wo r d s ; sa wi t h ; ga d g ada pad-ah st u t t e ring with
a choked up voice; sakhi 0 fr i e n d ;ka m pi he a v i n g ;v aksah c h e s t ; j n a t a m
understood; mukunda of L o r d K r a n s;murali of t h e f lu t e ;ra va o f t h e s o u n d ;
madhuri th e s we etness;te of Y o u; cetah th e h e a r t; sudhamsu vad-ane 0
moon-faced girl; tarali karo-ti causes to tremble.

The hairs stand erect on Your body. Your eyes are full of tears. Your words are
c hoked-up. Your chest heaves with sighs. 0 mo o n -faced friend, I know it is t h e
sweetness of Mukunda's flute music that makes Your heart tremble.

Srz Ranga

TEXT 183
gatam kula vadhu -vratam -viditam eva tat tad vac-as-
tathapi taralasaye na viratasi ko durgrahah
karomi sakhi kim srute danuj a vairi v-amsi -rave-
manag api mano na me sumukhi dhairyam alambate

gatam go n e; kula of f a i t h f u l;vadhu wife; vratam th e v o w; viditam k n o w n ;

eva certainly; tat tat va - r i ous;vacah wo r d s ; ta tha api st i l l ; ta r a la asaye -0
fickle-hearted girl; na no t ; vi r a ta st o p p e d ;asi Y o u a r e ; kah w h a t ? ;
durgrahah is t he difficulty; karomi wi l l I d o ; sa k hi 0 f ri e n d ; k im w h a t ? ;
srute wh en heard; danuj a vairi -of Lord Krsna, the enemy of the demons;
vamsi of t he flute; rave th e s o u n d; manak sl i g h t l y ;api ev e n ;ma n ah h e a r t ;
na no t; me M y ; su m u k hi - 0 be a u t i f u l - f a ced friend;dhairyam p e a c e ;
alambate at t ains.

" 0 fickle-hearted girl, I know You br oke the vow of a faithful w i fe, and I kn o w
t he harsh words You exchanged with Your husband and relatives. Still You wil l
not give up this affair with Kr s na. Why is it so hard for You to give Him up ?"

"My beautiful-faced friend, what will I do? When i hear the sound of Krsna's
flute My heart cannot find a moment's peace."

author unknown

TEXT 180
astam tavad akirtir me
tvaya tathyam tu kathyatam
cittam katham ivasit te
hari va-msi ra-va sru-tau

astam let there be;tavat in t h a t w a y; akirtih i n f a m y ; me my ; tv a y a b y Y o u ;

tathyam th e t r u t h; tu in d e e d ;ka t hyatam sh o u l d be spoken;cittam h e a r t ;
katham ho w is it?; iva li k e ; as it be c a u s e;te of y o u ; ha ri o f L o r d K r s n a ;
vamsi of t he flute; rava of t h e s o u n d; srutau in t h e h e a i n g.

L et Me become infamous as Krsna's mistress! I don't care. Tell me the truth .

When it heard the sound of Krsna's flute, what happened to your heart?

author unknown

TEXT 185
satyam j a2pasi duhsaha kha2a girah -satyam ku2am nirma2am
satyam niskaruno 'py ayam sahacarah satyam sudure sarit
tat sarvam sakhi nismarami jhatiti srotratithirja ya te
ced unmada-mukunda-manju-murali-nisvan arago dgatih

satyam th e t ru t h;j a2pasi yo u s peak; duhsaha d i f f f i c u lt to bear; kha2 h a r s h ;

girah wo r d s ; satyam th e t r u t h ; k u2am family; nirma2am p ur e and spotless;
satyam th e t ru t h; niskarunah m e r c i l e s s;api al s o ;ayam th i s ; sa h acarah
friend; satyam th e t r u t h ; su v e r y ; du re fa r a w a y;sarit th e r i v e r; tat t h i s ;
sarvam al l; sakhi 0 f r i e n d ;vi s marami I f o r g e t ; jhatiti a t o n c e ;srotra o f t h e
ears; atithih a g u e st; j ayate be c o m es manifested;cet if ; un m ada i n t o x i c a t i n g ;
mukunda of L or d K r sna; manju t h e b e a u t i f ul; murali o f t h e fl u t e ;nisvana
sounds; raga mu s i c; udgatih ma n i f e s t ation.

You speak the truth. It is true that the harsh rebukes of My superiors are very
hard to bear. It is true that My family s reputation is spotless. It is true that this
friend Krsna is merciless. It is true that the Yamuna is very far away. Still, when
the beautiful, intoxicating sound of Krsna's flute music becomes a guest in My
ears, I immediately forget all of this.

Sri Govinda Bhatta

Srj-Radham prati sakhj-narmasvasah

A Gopj's Jokjng Words of Encouragement to Srjmatj Radharanj

TEXT 186
nisa j a2ada s-anku2a timira g-arbha 2i-nam j agad
vayas tava navam navam vapur apurva 2i-la m-ayam
alam sumukhi nidraya vraja gr-he pi naktancari
kadamba va-na de-vata nava ta-ma2a ni-2a dy-utih

nisa the night;j a2ada wi t h c l o u d s; sanku2a is f i l l e d; timira of d a r k n e s s ;

garbham in the opening; linam en t e r e d;j agat th e w o r l d ; vayah ag e ;ta va
Your;navam is young;navam fresh; vapuh body; apurva unprecedented;
2i2a of pastimes; mayam co n s i s t ing;a2am wh a t is the use?;su mu-khi 0
beautiful-faced girl; nidraya of t h i s s leeping;vraj a of V r a ja Vill ge;grhe i n a
house; api ev e n; naktam in t h e n i g h t; cari wa n d e r i n g ;kadamba o f t h e
kadamba trees; vana of t he forest;devata th e d i e t y; nava fr e s h ; ta mala o f a
tamala tree; nila wi t h t h e d a r k;dyutih s p l e n d o r .

The night is filled with cl ou ds. Darkness has swallwed the world. You are a
young girl and Your body is fil led with u n p r e cedented, ever-fresh, playful,
graceful, beauty. 0 beautiful-faced girl, what is the use of Your sleeping like this
in a house in Vraja village? Wake up! At this mom ent Kr sna, whose dark
complexion is the color of a young tamala tree, and who is the Deity of the
kadamba forest, wanders about in the night .

Sri Sarvavidyavinoda

Srj Krsnam prati srj-radhanuraga-kathanam

Srjmatj Radharam's Love is Described to Lord Krsna

TEXT 187
tvam anj aniyati pha2asu vi2okayanti
tvam srnvati kuvalayiyati karnapuram
tvam purnima vidhu m-ukhi h-rdi bhavayant
vakso ni2ma n-ava ni2-aman-im karoti

tvam Yo u; anj aniyati ma k e s b lack mascara; phalasu in a p i c t u r e;vi2okayanti

gazing; tvam You; srnvati he a r i n g;kuvalayiyati ma k e s i n to a blue lotus
flowers; karma puram -an earrings; tvam Yo u ; pu r n ima fu l l ; vi n d hu m o o n ;
mukhi wh o s e face;hrdi in t h e h e a r t;bhavayanti me d i t a t i o n;vaksah o n t h e
chest; ni2ina pl a c ed;nava ne w ; ni 2 amanim sa p p h i r e;karoti m a k e s .

When this girl, whose face is like the full moon, gazes at Your picture, She
transforms You into black mascara anointing Her eyes. When She hears about You,
She makes You into a blue lotus flower on Her ear. In Her heart She meditates on
You as a new sapphire decorating Her breast.

author unknown

TEXT 188
grhitam tambulam parijana va-cobhir na sumukhi
smaraty antah su-nya murahara gatayam api nisi
tathaivaste hastah ka2ita ph-ani va-22z ki-sa2ayam
tathaivasyam tasyah kramuka ph-a2a ph-a2i pa-ricitam

virahena wi t h s eparation;yatha ju s t a s; padyavalyam in P a d y a vali;grhitam

taken; tambulam be t e l - nut s;parij ana of t he associates;vacobhih b y t he w o r d s ;
na no t; su mu-khi th e b e a utiful-faced girl;smarati re m e m b e r s;antah w i t h i n ;
sunya em p t y; mura har-a 0 Kr s n a , k i l l er of the Mura demon;gatayam g o n e ;
api ev e n; nisayam th e n i g h t; ta tha in t h a t w a y; eva ce r t a i n l y;aste r e s t s ;
hastah the hand; ka2ita ma n i f e s ted;phani be t e l;va22i of t he vin e;kisa2ayah
sprouts; tatha in t h a t w a y;eva ce r t a i n l y;asyam mo u t h ; ta s yah o f h e r ;
kramu2a pha2-a pha2-i with betel nuts; pairicitam f i l l e d .

0 Krsna, 0 killer of the Mura demon, You absence has so stunned beautiful-
faced Radharani that as She talks at night with Her friends She cannot
remember whether She took any betelnuts, whether betelnuts are in Her hand,
or betelnuts in Her mouth.

Srz Harihara

TEXT 189
prema pavak-a 2idhan-gi
radha tava j agat pate -

sayyayah skhalita bhumau

punas tam gantum aksama

prema oflove; pavaka by the fire;2idha licked; angi whose limbs; radha
Radha; tava fo r Y o u;jagat of t h e u n i v e r s e;pate 0 Lo r d ; sa yyayah f r o m t h e
bed; skhalita fa l l e n; bhumau o n t h e g r o u n d;punah ag a i n;tam to i t ; g a n t u m
to go; aksama u n a b l e .

0 Lord of the universe, Her body licked by the flames of love for
You, Radha
fell from Her bed to the floor and could not rise again.

Srz Kavicandra

TEXT 190
murahare sahasa garima -
katham iva vacyah kuranga s-avaksyah
khedarnava p-atitap
prema d-huram te samudvahati

mura h-ara 0 ki l l e r of t he Mura demon;sahasa g-arima th e g reatness;matham

how?; iva li k e ; vacyah ma y b e d escribed;kuranga sa-va a-ksyah of fawn-eyed
Radharani; kheda of s u f f ering;arnava in t h e o c e an;patita fa l l e n;api
although; prema of l o v e; dhuram a g r e at abundance; te fo r Y o u; samudvahati

0 Krsna, how can I describe the greatness of fawn-eyed Radha's love for You?
Even though She has fallen into the ocean of suffering, She still loves You

Srz Kavicandra

TEXT 191
gayati gtte samsati
vamse vadayati sa vipancisu
pathayati panj ara suka-m
tava sandesaksaram radha

gayati as She sings;gite so n g s;samsati pl a y s ;vamse the flute; vadayati

plays; sa She; vipancisu th e v in a;pathayati ca u s es to recite;panj ara i n a
cage; sukam a parrot; tava Yo u r ; sa ndesa of t he l e t ter;aksaram t h e w o r d s ;
radha Radha.

Radha taught Her caged parrot to recite the words of Your letter. She turned
Your letter into a song She sings to the accompaniment of flute and vma.

Sri Govardhanacarya

Srj-Radham prati srj-krsnanuraga-kathanam

S rj Krsna's Love is Descr i bed to S r j m a t j R a d h a r a m

TEXT 192
ke2i ka2asu k-usa2a nagare murarer
abhira niraja d-rsah ka-ti vanasanti
radhe tvaya mahad akari tapo yad esa
damodaras tvayi param paramanuragah

ke2i of amorous pastimes;ka2asu in t he arts; kusa2ah ex p e rt; nagare i n t h e

village of Vraja; mura areh of -Lord Krsna, the enemy of the Mura demon;
abhira go p i s; niraja lo t u s ;dr s ah wi t h e y e s;kati ho w m a n y ? ;va or ; n a
not;santi are;radhe 0 Radha; tvaya by You;mahat great;akari performed;
tapah au s terity;yat wh i c h ; es ah th i s ;da m odarah Lo r d K r s n a; tv a y i f or
You; param th e n ; parama su p r e m e ;anuragah h a s l o v e .

0 Radha, in Vraja village are there not very many lotus-eyed gopis expert in
amorous pastimes and completely in love with M u r a ri? What great austerities
did You perform to make Damodara love You so much?

author unknown

TEXT 193
vatsan na carayati vadayate na venum
amodate na yamuna van-a ma-rutena
kunj e ni2iya sithi2am va2itottamangam
antas tvaya svasiti sundari nanda sunu-h

vatsan the calves;na do e s not;carayati he r d ; va d ayate pl a y s ;na n o t ;

venum the flut e; amodate is p l e a sed;na no t ; ya m u na f r o m t h e Y a m u n a ;
vana th r o u gh the forest; marutena by t he b re eze;kunje in t h e f o r e st grove;
ni2iya en t e red;sithi2am sl a c kened;va2ita be n t ; ut tamangam he a d ; antah
within; tvaya by Y o u ; svasiti si g h s ;sundari 0 be a u t i f u l g i r l;nanda o f N a n d a
Maharaja; sunuh th e s on.

He will not take care of the calves. He does not play the flute. He is not
pleased by the cooling breezes blowing into the forest from the Yamuna River.
H e sits in the forest grove with His head bowed down. 0 b e au t i ful gi rl , in H i s
heart the son of Nanda sighs for You.

Sri Daityari Pandita

TEXT 190
sarvadhikah saka2a ke2i ka2-a vid-agdh-ah
snigdhah sa esa mura satrur a-nargha rupah-
tvam yacate yadi bhaj a vraj a nagari t-vam
sadhyam kim anyad adhikam bhuvane bhavatyah

sarva of all; adhikah th e b e s t; saka2a in a l l; ke2i o f a m o r o us pastimes;ka2a

in the arts; vidagdhah ex p e r t; snigdhah af f e c t io nate;sah he ; esah He ; m u r a
of the Mura demon; satruh th e e n e m y; anargha rupah - t he most handsome;
tvam Yo u; yacate be g s ;yadi if ; bh aj a th e n w o r s h i p; vraj a of V r a j a; nagari
0 heroine; tvam Yo u ; sadhyam at t a i n a b l e; kim w h a t ; an y at ot h e r ;ad h i k am
greater; bhuvane in the entire world; bhavatyah f o r Y o u .
Krsna is the best of lovers. He is the most expert in all the arts of amorous
love. He is the most handsome. He loves You. 0 heroine of Vraja village, if He
begs You, You should respond to His advances. You should worship Him. What
g reater lover could You find in all the wo r l d ?

Srz Ranga

The Meeting With Radha

TEXT 195
mandam vidhehi caranau paridhehi nilam
vasah pidhehi va2ayava2im anca2ena
me j alpa sahasini sarada can-dra kan-ti
dantamsavas tava tamamsi samapayanti

mandam so f t l y; vidhehi p l a c e ; caranau Yo u r f e e t;paridhehi we a r ; n i l a m

blue; vasah ga r m e nts; pidhehi c o v e r; va2aya of b r a c e lets;ava2im t h e h o s t ;
ancalena wi t h t he edge of Your sari;ma do n ' t ; j a l p a t a l k ;sa h a sini 0 r e c k l e s s
girl; sarada autumn; candra of t h e m o o n; kanti th e e f f u l g e nce;danta o f t h e
teeth; amsavah th e rays of light; tava of Y o u ; ta m amsi th e d a r k n e s s;
samapayanti di s p e l ls.

Move Your feet softly. Wear these dark blue garments. Cover Your bracelets
with the edge of Your sari. Don't talk. 0 r e c k l ess girl, the autumn moon l i ght of
Your teeth dispels the darkness.

Srz Sanmasika

TEXT 196
kim uttirnah panthah kupita bhuj ati -bhoga v-isamo-
visodha bhuyasyah kim iti ku2a pa2i ka-tu gi-rah-
iti smaram smaram dara dalita s-itadyu-ti rucau-
sarojaksi sonam disi nayana konam -vikirati

k im w h y 7 ; u t t i r na h a r i s e n ; panthah a p a t h ; k u p it a a n g r y ; b h u j ag i o f a
s nake; bhoga th e co ils; visamah h e r d ; v i s odhah t o l e r a t ed; bhuyasyah m a n y ;
k im w h y 7 ; it i t h u s ;k u l a - p al i o f t h e g o p is; katu h a r s h ; g i ra h w o r d s ; i t i
thus; smaram r e m e m b ering; smaram a n d r e m e m b ering; dara s l i g h t ly ; dalita
broken; sitadyuti o f t h e m o on ; ru cau i n t h e e f f u l g ence; saroja-aksi l o t u s - eyes
R adha; sonam r ed ; dis i i n t h e d i r e c t i on; nayana o f t h e eyes; konam t h e
c orner; vikirati cast.
The gopzs said: "What kind of path is this? It turns like the wi n d ing coils of an
angry snake. Why must we tolerate this?" Repeatedly remembering the gopzs
harsh words and prayers that the moonlight would l i ght up th e dar k n ess, lotus
eyed Radha cast in the direction of the very faint moon an angry glance from the
reddish corner of Her eyes. She forbade the moon to shine.

Srz Sarvavidyavinoda

TEXT 197
citrokirnad api visadharad bhiti-bhajo rajanyam
kim va brumas tvad ab-hisarane sahasam madhavasyah
dhvante yantya yad ati nib-hrtam radhayatma pra-kasa
trasat panih pathi phani pha-na rat-na rod-hi vyadhayi

citra utki-rnat en g r a ved on a medallion;api ev e n ;vi sadharat fr o m a s erpent;

bhiti f e ar; bhaj ah po s s essing;raj anyam at n i g h t; kim w h a t ? ; va o r ;
brumah we m ay say;tvat wi t h Y o u ; ab hisarane at t he m e eting;sahasam
rashness; madhava 0 Ma d h a v a;asyah of H e r ; dh vante in t h e d a r k n e ss;
yantya go i n g; yat be c a u s e; ati very;nibhrtam secretly; radhaya by Radha;
atma of i t; prakasa fr o m t h e e ff ulgence;trasat ou t o f f e a r;panih a h a n d ;
pathi on t he path;phani of t h e s e rpent;phana the hood; ratna t h e j e w e l ;
rodhi co v e ring;vyadhayi w a s d o n e .

0 Madhava, how can we describe Radha's reckless fear of the serpent engraved
o n Her medallion? As She walked on the path to secretly meet You in the mi d d l e
of the night, She became so afraid the effulgence of the jewel on that serpent's
h ood would light up the darkness She covered it with Her hand .

author unknown

Sri-Radham prati sakhi-vakyam

A Gopi-friend s Statement to S r i m a t i R a d h a r a n i

TEXT 198
manmathonmathitam acyutam prati
bruhi kincana samu22asat smi tam-
kinca sinca mrgasava locane-
locanengita sudhaug-ha nirj ahar-aih

manmatha by a mo r o us desires;unmathitam ag i t a t e d;acyutam in f a l l i b le Krsna;

prati to ; br u hi pl e a s e speak;
kincana so m e t h i n g;sam22asat gl i s tening;
smitam sm i le; kinca th e r e f o r e;sinca pl e a se sprinkle;mrgasava f a w n ;
2ocane with eyes; 2ocana fr o m t he eyes;ingita of h i n t s ; su dha o f n e c t a r ;
augha flo o d i n g; nirj haraih wi t h s t r e a ms.

Say something to the splendidly smil ing in f al l i ble Personality of Godhead who
stands before You filled with am or ous desire. 0 fa w n -eyed girl, sprinkle Him
with the flooding nectar of Your amorous glance.

author unknown

TEXT 199
govinde svayam akaroh saroj ne-tre
emandha vara vap-ur arp-anam sakhi tvam
karpanyam na kuru daravaloka dan-e
vikrite karini kim ankuse vivadah

govinde to Lord Krsna;svayam personally;

akaroh do;saroj a netr-e0 lotus-
eyes girl; prema by love;andha blinded;vara be autiful;vapuh of the body;
arpanam of f e r i ng; sakhi 0 fr i e n d ;tv am Yo u ; ka r p a n yam mi s e r l i n e s s;na d o
not; kuru do ; da ra sl i g h t ;av a loka of a g l a n c e;dane in t h e g i f t;vikrite i n t h e
elephant-goad; vivadah an a rg u me nt.

My dear friend, You have already sold Yourself and all Your beauty to
Govinda. Now You should not be bashful. Please look upon Him cheerfully. One
who has sold an elephant to another person should not make a miserly quarrel
about selling the trident which contr ols the elephant.'

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

TEXT 200
paramanuraga paraya-tha radhaya
parirambha kausal-a vikasi -bhavay-a
sa taya saha smara sabhaj -anotsavam
niravahayac chikhi sikhand-a sekhara-h

parama su p r e mely; anuraga to l o v e ; paraya de v o t e d;atha th e n ; ra d h aya

with Radha; parirambha in e m b r a c ing;kausala ex p e r t i s e;vikasi bhavaya-
manifesting; sah He ; ta ya He r ; sa ha wi t h ; sm a ra of c u p i d ; sa bhaj ana
welcoming; utsavam a f e s tival;niravahayat pe r f o r m e d;sikhi sikhanda-
sekharah Lo r d K r s n a, who wears a peacock feather crown.

With affectionate Radharanz, who is very expert at the art of embracing,

peacock-feather crowned Krsna enjoyed a great festival to welcome the arrival of
Sri Kaviraja Misra

TEXT 201
asmin kunje vinapi pracalati pavanam vartate ko 'pi nunam
pasyamah kim na gatvety anusarati gane bhita bh-ite rbhakanam
tasmin radha sa-kho vah sukhayatu vilasan kridaya kaitabharir
vyatanvano mrgari pr-abala gh-uraghura ra-va ra-udrocca na-dah

asmin in t h i s; kunje f o r e s t g ro ve; vina wi t h o u t ; api ev e n ;pr a c alati

trembles; pavanam br e e ze;vartate is ; k ah api so m e o n e nunam ; ce rtainly;
pasyamah„w e se e; kim w h a t . ; n a not; gatva ha v i ng gone;iti t h u s ;
anusarati fo l l o w s; gane th e h o s t; bhita bhi-te te r r i f i e d; arbhakanam o f b o y s ;
tasmin in t h is pla ce;radha sak-hah„L o r d Kr s n a, the friend of Radha;vah u s ;
sukhayatu may delight;vilasan playing; kridaya pl a yfully;kaitabha arih-„ t h e
enemy of the Kaitabha demon; vyatanvanah„m a n i f e s t i n g; mrgari of a tiger;
prabala fe r o c ious;ghuraghura roaring; rava so u n d s;raudra f r i g h t e n i n g ;
ucca lo u d; nadan s o u n d s .

This forest grove trembles even though there is no wind. Someone must be
here. We don't see anyone. The cowherd boys have all fled from this place in
terror. In this place there is only Radha s friend Krsna, who enjoys pastimes of
loudly playfully, ferociously, and frighteningly roaring like a tiger. May Lord Krsna
delight you all.
author unknown

KrIdanantaram j anatmam sakhmam narmoktih

Joking Words of GopI-friends Aware of the Divine Couple s Intimate

TEXT 202
iha nicula nikunj e -madhyam adhyasya rantur
vij anam aj ani sayya kasya ba2a prava2a-ih
iti nigadati vrndeyositam pantuyusman
smita saba2ita -radha m-adhav-a2okitani

iha he r e; nicu2a of n i c u la trees;nikunj e in t he g ro ve;madhyam t h e

middle; adhyasya at t a i n e d;rantuh of t h e l o v e r; vij anam so l i t a r y;aj ani w a s
made; sayya a be d; kasya of w h o m 7 ; ba2a wi t h n e w; pr a va2aih flower petals;
iti th u s ; nigadati sp e a k i n g;vrnde to t h e h o s t;yositam of g o p i s;pantu m a y
protect; yusman yo u a l l; smita with smiles; sabalita mi x e d ; ra d ha o f R a d h a ;
madhava and Krsna; alokitani glances.

The gopis said: "What passionate lover made this couch of new flower-petals
here in the middle of this solitary grove of nicula trees7" I pray that Sri Radha-
Madhava's smiling glances at these joking gopis may protect you all.
Sri Rupadeva

The Words of an Innocent Child

TEXT 203
krsna tvad va-namalaya saha hrtam kenapi kunj odare
gopi ku-ntala ar-ha da-ma tad idam praptam maya grhyatam
ittham dugdha mu-khena gopa sis-unakhyate trapa na-mrayo
radha ma-dhavayor j ayanti va2ita sm-era2asa drstayah

krsna 0 Kr s n a ; tvat Yo u r ; va na of f o r e s t flo we rs;malaya th e g a r l a nd;

saha wi t h; hr t am ta k e n ;ke na api by s o m e o n e;kunj a of t h e f o r e st grove;
udare in t he mid d le gopi of t h e go p is; kuntala in t h e h a i r; barha of p e a c o c k
feathers; dama th e n ecklace;tat th i s ; id am th i s ;pr a p t am ob t a i n e d;maya b y
me; grhyatam it m a y be taken;ittham in t h i s w a y; dugdha muk-hena by a small
child; gopa of a cowherd; sisuna th e s o n; akhyate sp o k e n;tr a pa w i t h
embarrassment; namrayoh ws t h b o w ed heads;radha mad-havayoh of S ri Radha-
Krsna; j ayanti al l g l o r i e s;va2ita ma n i f e s ted;smera sm i l i n g ; a2asah g e n t l e ;
drstayah gl a n c es.

A very young gopa said: "Krsna, deep in the forest found

I Your forest flower
garland and peacock-feather necklace in this gopz's hair. Someone must have
taken them from You. Please take them back." Hearing these words, Radha and
Madhava glanced at each other. All glories to Their gently smiling, embarrassed

Srz Laksmana Sena

Srj-Radhaya saha dinantara-kelih. atra sakhj-vakyam

A Gopj-friend Alludes to Radha s Pastimes With Lord Krsna on the
Previous Day

TEXT 200
adhuna dadhi manthan-anubandham
kuruse kim guru vibhram-alasangi
ka2asa stani 2a2a-siti kunje
murali-komala-kakah murareh

adhuna no w; dadhi yo g u r t ; ma n thana ch u r n i n g ;an ubandham a c t i v i t y ;

kuruse You do; kim wh y 7 ; gu ru gr e a t ;vi b hrama wi t h f a t i g u e;alasa t i r e d ;
angi wh o se limbs; ka2asa stani wh - o se breasts are like waterpots;2a2asi o f the
flute; iti th u s ; k un je i n t h e f o r e s t;mura2z flu t e; koma2a th e s we et;kaka2z
spund; mura areh of L o r d K r s n a, the enemy of the Mura demon.

0 girl whose breasts are like waterpots, You are very tired. Why churn yo gur t
now? At this moment Lord M u r ari sw eetly plays His flute in the forest.

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

Tasyah sakuta-vakyam
Her Reply With a Hidden Meaning

TEXT 205
svasrur ingita claiv-atam nayanayor iha liho -yatarah
svami nihsvasite py asuyati mano jighrah sapatni janah
tacl durad ayam anjalih kim amuna drg bha-ngi bha-vena te
vaidagdhi vivi-dha prab-andha rasi-ke vyartho 'yam atra sramah

svasruh of My m o t h e r - in-law; ingita hi n t s ; claivatam di e t y ; na yanayoh o f

the eys; iha ac t i v i t i e s;lihah li c k i n g ;ya t arah si s t e r s -in-law;svami h u s b a n d ;
nihsvasite si g hs; api al s o ;asuyati is j e a l o u s;manah th e m i n d ; ji g h r a h
smelling; sapatni janah -ri v a l s; tat th e r e f o r e;clurat fr o m f ar a wa y;ayam t h i s ;
anjalih fo l d e d h a n d s; kim wh a t i s t h e u s e ?; amuna of t h e s e ;drk bhang-i
bhavena cr o o ked sidelong glances;te of Y o u; vaidagdhi in e x p e r t i z e;vividha
various; prabandha ac t i v i t i e s;rasike ex p e r t a t r e l i s h i ng transcendentalmellows;
vyarthah us e l ess;ayam th i s ; at ra he r e ;sr a mah e n d e a v o r .

My mother-in-law is suspicious. My sisters-in-law watch My every move,

licking Me with their eyes. My husband sighs with jealousy. My enemies sniff
about to discover My intentions. I cannot go with You now. From a distance
please accept My respects with folded hands. What is the use of these crooked
sidelong glances? 0 friend expert at relishing transcendental mellows, these
endeavors to convince Me to go with You are all useless.

author unknown

TEXT 206
sanketa krta kok-iladi -ninadam -kamsa dvisah k-urvato
dvaronmocana 2o2a san-khav-a2aya k-vanam -muhuh srnvatah
keyam keyam iti pragalbha jarati vakyena-dunatmano
radha prangana -kona kol-i vitap-i kr-ode ga-ta sarvari

sanketa krta me - eting;kokila cu c k o o s ;adi be g i n n i n g w i t h;ni nadam t h e

sound; kamsa dvisah o-f Lord Krsna, the enemy of Kamsa;kurvatah d o i n g ;
dvara th e d oo r; unmocana op e n i n g; 2o2a mo v i n g;sankha co n c h - s h ells;
valaya br a c e lets;kvanam so u n d ; mu huh re p e a t e dly;srnvatah he a r i n g;ka
who?; iyam is i t; ka wh o ? ;iy a m is i t ; i t i th u s ; pr a g a l bha ar r o g a n t;j arati
of Jarati; vakyena wi t h t he w o r d s;duna de p r e s sed and pained;atmanah a t
heart;radha of Srimati Radharani; prangana of the courtyard; kona m a
corner; koli vi-tapi of a t r e e;krode in t h e l a p;gata pa s s e d;sarvari t h e n i g h t .

When Lord Krsna arrived in Radha's courtyard for Their rendezvous, His
tinkling ornaments sounded as the cooing of cuckoos and other birds. He
suddenly heard the door open, and He also heard the continual jingl ing sounds
of conchshell bracelets. When He heard the arrogant Jarati call out, "Who's
there? Who's there?" He became pained at heart. He spent that entire night
hiding in a tree in a corner of the courtyard.

Sri Hara

TEXT 207
ahutadya mahotsave nisi grham sunyam vimucyagata
ksivah presya janah katham kula vadh-ur ekakiniyasyati
vatsa tvam tad imam nayalayam iti srutvayasoda giro-
radha mad-havayor j ayanti madhura smer-alasa drstyah

ahuta ca l led; adya no w ; ma ha to a g r e a t;utsave f e s t i v al; nisi a t n i g h t ;

grham house; sunyam em p t y; vimucya le a v i n g;agata ca m e ;ks ivah e x c i t e d ;
presya janah se r v a nts;katham ho w i s i t ?;kula vadhu-h a c haste wife; ekakini
alone; yasyati wi l l g o; va tsa 0 ch i l d ; tv am Yo u ; ta t th en ; im a m t o t h i s ;
naya br i n g; alayam ho m e ; i ti t h u s ;sr u t va he a r i n gya
; soda of Y a s o da;
girah th e w o r d s;radha madh-avayoh of S ri Radha-Krsna; j ayanti al l g l o r i e s ;
madhura sw e e t; smera sm i l i n g ; alasah ge n t l e ;drstayah to t h e g l a nces.

Mother Yasoda said to Krsna: "My child, I in v i ted Radha to a party at night.
Her husband wasn't at home. She left Her empty home and came here. When
She came the servants were very agitated and said: How can a chaste wife travel
a bout all alone? How can She return to Her home unaccompanied?' For th i s
reason, my child, I want You to escort Her home." When Radha and Madhava
heard Mother Yasoda's words, They glanced at each other. All glories to Their
sweetly smiling gentle glances.

Sri Laksmana Sena

TEXT 208
gacchamy acyuta darsanena bhavatah kim trptir utpadyate
kintv evam vij ana sthayor h-ata janah sambhavayaty anyatha
ity amantrana bhangi s-ucita vr-thavas-thana khedalas-am
as2isyan pu2akotkarancita tanur gopi-m harih patu vah

gacchami I am going; acyuta 0 in f a l l i b le Krsna;darsanena by t he sight;

bhavatah of Y o u; kim h o w ? ; tr p t ih ha p p i n e s s; utpadyate is m a n i f e sted;
kintu fu r t h e r m o r e; evam in t h i s w a y;vij ana s-thayoh in a solitary place;hata
ruined; j anah a pe rson;sambhavayati be c o m e s;anyatha o t h e r w i s e; iti t h u s ;
amantrana of a d v i c e; bhangi b y c r o o k ed wor d s;sucita in d i c a t e d;vrtha
useless; avasthana si t u a tion; kheda un h a p p y;a2asam im m o b i l e ; as2isyan
embracing; pulaka wi t h h a i rs standing up;utkara an-cita ma n i f e s ted;tanuh
whose form; gopim th e g o p i; harih L o r d K r s n a ;patu ma y p r o t e c t;vah y o u

One day Radha accidentally met Krsna in the forest. She said: "I am going. 0
Acyuta, what happiness will I get by seeing You? If a girl stays in a secluded
place with a man her reputation is ruin ed." Af ter saying these crooked hints,
Radha feigned unhappiness and remained motionless. Lord Krsna suddenly
e mbraced Her, making the hairs of His body stand up with j oy . I p ray L o r d
Krsna will protect you all.

author unknown

Joking Words of a Gopi-friend

TEXT 209
sakhi pulakini sa kamp-a
bahih stha2it-as tvam a2ayam prapta
viksobhitasi nunam
krsna bhuj an-gena kalyani

sakhi 0 f r i e n d ; pulakini hairs s t anding up;sa wi t h ; ka m pa t r e m b l i n g ;

bahih-stha2itah from o u t side; tvam Yo u ; a2 ayam th e h o u s e;prapta e n t e r e d ;
viksobhita ag i t ated; asi Yo u h a ve been;nunam ce r t a i n l y;krsna bhuj an-gena b y
the black snake of Krsna; kalyani 0 b e a u t i f ul g i r l .

0 friend, You are trembling. The hairs on Your body are standing up. You have
run into the house from outside. 0 beautiful gi rl, You must certainly have been
attacked by the black snake of Lord Krsna.

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

Punar anyedyur abhisarika tatra sakhi-vakyam

A Gopi-friend Encourages Srimati Radharani to Meet Lord Krsna
TEXT 210
ak2anta d-yutibhir vasanta k-usumair uttamsayan kunta2an
antah khe2ati khanj arita n-ayane kunj esu kanj eksanah
asman mandira k-armatas tava karau nadyapi visramyatah
kim brumo rasikagranir asi ghati neyam vilamba k-sama

aklanta gr e a t; dyutibhih wi t h s p l e n d o r;vasanta sp r i n g ;ku sumaih w i t h

flowers; uttamsayan de c o r ating;kunta2an ha i r; antah wi t h i n ; kh e 2ati e n j o y s
pastimes; khanj arita na-yane 0 k h a nj ana ey-ed girl; kunj esu in the forest groves;
kanj eksanah lo t u s -eyed Krsna;asmat th e r e f o re;mandira ka-rmatah f r o m t h i s
housework; tava Yo u r ; ka r au ha n d s ;na no t ; ad y a no w ; ap i e ve n ;
visramyatah ma y be rested;kim wh y ? ; br u m ah we s a y;ra sika o f a l l g i r l s
expert at enjoying transcendental pastimes; agranih th e l e a der; asi Y o u a r e ;
ghati time; na no t ; iy am th i s ;vi l a m ba ksa-ma to be delayed.

0 khanjana eye-d girl, at this moment in the forest groves lotus-eyed Krsna is
decorating the gopzs' hair with splendid sprin gt ime fl ow ers. For this reason we
say: You are the best of all girls expert at relishing transcendental pastimes.
Why do You not take Your hands from this housework and go to Him? There is
not a moment to lose.

Srz Rupa Gosvamz

Parjksana-karinjm sakhjm prati srj-radha-vakyam

Srjmatj Radharanj s Reply to a Questioning Gopj-friend

TEXT 211
2ajjaivodghatita kim atra ku2isodbaddha kapata sthitir-
maryadaiva vi2anghita pathi punah keyam kalindatmaj a
aksipta kha2a drstir e-vasahasa vya2ava2i kidrsi
prana eva samarpitah sakhi ciram tasmai kim esa tanuh

lajj a shame; eva c e r t a i n l y; udghatita ma n i f e s t ed;kim wh e t h e r ? ;atra

here; kulisa by a t h u n d e rbolt;udbaddha st r u c k; ka pata sthitih -t he d o o r ;
maryada th e b ou n d ary; eva c e r t a i n l y; vilanghita cr o s s e d;pathi o n t h e p a t h ;
punah ag ain; ka wh a t . ; iy a m thi s ; ka l i n da atmaj a -theYamuna River, the
daughter of Mount Kalinda; aksipta ca s t; khala an g r y ;dr s tih gl a n c e ; eva
certainly; sahasa vi o l e n t ly; vya2a of s n a ke s;ava2i th e m u l t i t u d e;kidrsi l i k e
what?; pranah li f e b re ath; eva c e r t a i n l y; samarpitah of f e r e d;sakhi 0 f r i e n d ;
ciram et e r nally; tasmai to H i m ; ki m wh et h e r . ; e sa t h i s ; ta n uh b o d y .

(One day, as Radha was hurrying to meet Krsna in the forest, a gopz-friend met
Her and asked why She was hurrying so quickly. Radha said:) "I'm embarrassed.
Has lightning struck My door? Does the Yamuna flood My house? Do snakes
stare at Me with angry eyes? Are these the reasons for My haste, or is the reason
that I have eternally offered My body and life to Lord Kr s na?"

author unknown

TEXT 212
dvi tr-aih ke2i sa-roruham tri ca-turair dhammi22a m-a22i sr-aj am
kanthan mauktika m-a2ika tad anu ca tyaktva padaih pancasaih
krsna pr-ema vig-hurnitantarataya durabhisaratura
tanv an-gi nirupayam adhvani param sroni bh-aram nindati

dvi wi t h t w o; tr a ih or t h r e e ;ke li pa s t i m e saroruham

; lo t u s f lo w e r;tr i
with three; caturaih or f o u r ; dh ammi22a in b r a i d ed hair; ma22i of ma 22iflowers;
sraj am garland; kanthat fr o m t h e n e c k;mauktika of p e a r l s;ma2ika a
necklace; tat th a t ; anu fol l o w i n g ;ca al s o ;ty a k t va le a v i n g ;padaih f e e t ;
pancasaih wi t h f i v e; krsna fo r L o r d K r s n a; pr e ma by l o v e ; vighurnita
agitated; antarataya in t h e h e a rt;dura fa r a w a y; abhisara re n d e z v o us;atura
weak; tanu sl e n d e r; angi bo d y ; ni r u p ayam wi t h o u t a r e m e dy;adhvani o n t h e
path; param gr e a t;sroni of Her hips; bharam we i g h t; nindati r e b u k e s .

After two or three steps, She thinks Her toy lotus flower a burden and sets it
down by the road. After three of four steps She sets down the garland of jasmine
flowers decorating Her braids, and after five steps She removes the pearl-
necklace from Her neck. Then slender Radha, unhappy that the meeting is so far
away, and Her heart trembling with l ove for Kr sna, rebukes Her hips for being
so heavy, but She cannot abandon them, and so She is forced to carry them.

author unknown

Srjmatj Radharanj Makes Careful Arrangements for the Rendezvous
With Lord Krsna

TEXT 213
ta2pam ka2paya duti pa22ava ku2air a-ntar 2ata mandap-e
nirbandham mama puspa mandan-a vidhau n-adyapi kim muncasi
pasya kridad amanda-m andha tamasam -vrndatavim tastare
tad gopendra kumaram -atra milita prayam -manah sankate

ta2pam the bed; ka2paya ma k e ; duti 0 mes s e n g e r;pa22ava of flo we rs ;

ku2aih wi th a mul t i t u d e; antah wi t h i n ; la ta of v i n e s ;mandape th e c o t t a ge;
nirbandham de v o t i o n; mama My ; pu s pa wi t h f lo w e r s ;mandana o f
decorating; vidhau in t h e a ctivity;na no t ; ad ya no w ; ap i eve n ; k i m
whether; muncasi Yo u a bandon;pasya lo o k ; kr i d at pl a y i n g ;am andam g r e a t ;
andha bl i n d i n g; tamasam da r k n e s s;vrnda atavim Vr n d a v a na forest;tastare
extends; tat th e n ; gopa of t h e g o p a s;indra of t h e k i n g ; ku maram t h e s o n ;
atra he r e; milita p-rayam th e m e e t ing; manah he a r t ; sankate h o p e s .

0 messenger friend, why don't you stop decorating Me with flowers, and
decorate the bed in this forest-cottage instead. Look! Playful, blind ing darkness
n ow covers Vrndavana forest. My heart hopes that here I will m eet Lord Kr s n a ,
the prince of the gopas.

Sri Raghunatha dasa

S rjmatj Radharanj L o ng s to M ee t K r s n a

TEXT 214
sakhi sa vijito vina vady-aih kayapy apara striy-a
panitam abhavat tabhyam tatra ksapa 2a2ita-m dhruvam
katham itaratha sephalisu skha2at kusu-masv api
prasarati nabho mad-hye 'pindau priyena vilambyate

sakhi 0 fr i e n d ; sah He ; vi j i t ah co n q u e r e d;vina of t h e vi n a; vadyaih b y

the music; kaya api by a c e r tain;apara ot h e r ; st riya wo m a n ;pa n i t am w o n i n
a gambling match; abhavat wa s ; tabhyam by t h e m ; ta t ra th e r e ;ks apa t h e
night; 2a2itam be a uty; dhruvam ce r t a i n l y;katham wh y ? ; it a r a t ha o t h e r w i s e ;
sephalisu se phali; skha2at fa l l i n g; kusumasu as t he flowe rs;api e v e n ;
prasarati travels; nabhah of t he sky; madhye in t h e m i d d l e;api ev e n ;in d a u
as the moon; priyena by M y l o v e r; vilambyate th e r e is delay.

My friend, perhaps some other women enticed Krsna with lu t e-music? Perhaps
she won Him in a gambling match? The night is very beautiful. The sephah
flowers are in bloom. The moon has already half traversed the sky. Some other
woman have lured My lover, Krsna. Otherwise, why is He so late in coming

author unknown

TEXT 215
aratir iyam upaiti mam na nidra
ganayati tasya gunan mano na dosan
viramati raj ani na sangamasa
vraj ati tanus tanutam na canuragah

aratih un h a p p y; iyam th i s ;up a i ti ap p r o a c h e s;

mam Me ; na no t ; n i d r a
sleep; ganayati co u n t s; tasya Hi m ; gu n an vi r t u e s ;manah he a r t ;na n o t ;
dosan fa ults; viramati en d s ; raj ani th e n i g h t ; na no t ; sa n g ama o f m e e t i n g ;
asa the hope; vraj ati at t a i n s;tanuh th e b o d y; ta nutam th i n n e s s;na n o t ;
ca also; anuragah l o v e .

Unhappy sleep does not come near Me. My heart counts His virtues but not
His faults. The night ends, but My desire to meet Him does not end. My body
has become weak and thin, but My l ove for Him has not become weak at all.

Srz Kanka

Srimati Radharani is Separated From Lord Krsna

TEXT 216
uttistha duti yamo
yamo y atas tathapi nay atah
yatah param api jivej
jivita natho -bhavet tasyah

uttistha ri s e; duti 0 me s s e n g er-friend; yamah le t u s g o;yamah t h e h o u r ;

yatah is p ast;tatha api st i l l ; n a not; ayatah ha s come;ya wh o ; at a h t h e n ;
param af t e r; ayatah ha s c o m e; ya wh o ; at a h th e n ;pa r am af t e r ;api e v e n ;
jivet li v e s;j ivita of l i f e ; na thah the Lord; bhavet mu s t b e; tasyah o f h e r .

Messenger friend, get up! Let us go. The hour is passed, and still He has not
come. A girl who can remain alive in this situation certainly has the god of life
in her control.
Srz Kanka

Srimati Radharani is Cheated by Lord Krsna

TEXT 217
2aksa 2aksma -2a2ata pattam abh-itah keyura mudra g-a2e
vaktre kajj ala kalima n-ayanayos tambula rago gha-nah
drstva kopa vidhayi -mandan-am idam pratas ciram preyaso
2i2a tamaras-odare mrga drsah sv-asah samaptim gatah

2aksa of red lac; 2aksma th e m a r k; 2a2ata of t he forehead;pattam t h e

surface; abhitah on ; ke yura of b r a c e l e ts and armlets;
mudra th e m a r k; ga2e
on the neck; vaktre on t h e m o u t h; kajj a2a of m a s cara;ka2ima th e b l a ckness;
nayanayoh on t he eyes;tambu2a of b e tel-nuts;ragah th e r e d n e ss;ghanah
intense; drstva se e ing;kopa an g e r;vidhayi do i n g ;ma n danam t h e o r n a m e n t ;
idam th i s ; pratah at d a y b r e ak;ciram fo r t h e o r n a m e nt;idam th i s ;pr a t ah a t
daybreak; ciram fo r a l o n g t i m e;preyasah of H e r l o v e r; 2i2a pa s t imes;
tamarasa a red lotus flower; udare wi t h i n ; mr ga d-rsah of t he d oe -eyed gopi;
svasah the sighs; samaptim an e n d; gatah a t t a i n e d .

At daybreak seeing marks of red lac on Krsna's forehead, the impression of

armlets on His neck, black mascara on His mouth, and the red betel stains
around His eyes, doe-eyed Radha suddenly stopped sighing. Decorated with
intense anger, She was like a red lotus flower.
Sri Autkala

Tasya vakyam
Her Words

TEXT 218
krtam mithya jalpair virama viditam kamuka cirat
priyam tam evoccair abhisarayadiyair nakha pada-ih
vi2asais ca praptam tava hrdi padam raga bahu-2air
maya kim te krtyam dhruvam akutilacara paray-a

krtam wh a t is the use?;mithya ja/paih of t h e s e lies;virama st o p ; vi d itam

known; kamuka 0 de b a u c h e e;cirat fo r a l o ng t i m e;priyam to t h e b e l o v e d;
tam he r; eva ce r t a i n l y;uccaih gr e a t l y;abhisara go ; ya d i yaih o f w h o m ;
nakha padai-h by the scratches;vilasaih gl i s t e n ing;ca al s o ;praptam a t t a i n e d ;
tava Yo u r; hrdi on t h e c h e s t;padam a p l a c e;raga wi t h r e d n e s s;bahulaih
abundant; maya wi t h M e ; k im w h a t ? ; te fo r Y o u ; kr t y am i s u s e f u l ;
dhruvam ce r t a inly; akutila no t c r o o k e d;acara to a c t i v i t i e s;paraya d e v o t e d .

What is the use of these lies> Stop! Stay, 0 debauchee, with the girl who p la ced
these glistening red scratch marks on Your chest. What do You want with an
honest girl like Me?
Sri Rudra

TEXT 219
sardham manoratha satais ta-va dhurta kanta
saiva sthita manasi krtrima bhava r-amya-
asmakam asti na hi kascid ihavakasas
tasmat krtam carana pata vid-amba-nabhih

sardham wi t h ; ma noratha of d e s i r e s;sataih hu n d r e d s;tava Y o u r ;

dhurta 0 ra s c a l;kanta mi s t r e s s;sa sh e ; eva ce r t a i n l y;sthita st a y s ;manasi
in the heart; krtrima pr e t e n d e d;bhava wi t h l o v e ; ramya be a u t i f u l;asmakam
of Us; asti is ; na no t ; hi in d ee d ; ka s cit th i s ;ih a her e ; av a k asah
opportunity; tasmat th e r e f o re;krtam wh a t i s t he use?;carana a t My f e e t ;
pata of falling; vidambanabhih of p r e t e nses.

Filled with hundreds of lusty desires, Your beautiful new mistress pretends she
loves You in her heart. I am not like her. What is the use of pretending to fall at
My feet7
Sri Rudra

TEXT 220
analankrto 'pi madhava
harasi mano me sada prasabham
kim punar alankrtas tvam
samprati nakha rak-satais tasyah

analankrtah no t d e v o r ated;apu ev e n ;madhava 0 Kr s n a ;ha r asi Y o u

enchant; manah mi n d ; me My ; sa d a al w a y spr ; asabham st r o n g l y; kim
punah how much more;alankrtah decorated;tvam You; samprati n o w ;
nakha rak-satais wi t h t he scratches;tasyah o f h e r .

0 Madhava, even when You do not wear ornaments You enchant My heart.
How much more enchanting You are decorated with the nice scratch-marks of this
other girl.
Sri Visvanatha

Khandanapta-nirvedayas tasya vakyam

The Statement of Srjmatj Radharanj Is Depressed Because She Was
Cheated by Lord Krsna, Who Failed to Appear at the Rendezvous

TEXT 221
vyatitah prarambhah pranaya bahu m-ano v-igalito
durasayata me parinatim iyam pranitum api
yathestam cestantam virahi vadha -vikhya-ta yasaso-
vibhava mayy ete pika madhu -sudham-su prabhr-tayah

vyatitah passed;prarambhah endeavors; pranaya of love; bahu manah-

respect; vigalitah go n e ; durasa ho p e a gainst hope;yata a t t a i n e d; me o f M e ;
parinatim tr a n s f o r mation;iyam th i s ;pr a n i t um to l i v e ; api ev e n ;ya t ha a s ;
istam de s ired;cestantam ac t i v i t i e s;virahi of l o v e rs separated from their
beloved; vadha ki l l i n g ; vikhyaata yasasah -celebrated; vibhavah a r o u s i n g
ecstatic love; mayi in M e ; ete th e n ;pi ka cu c k o o sma ; dhu sp r i n g s eason;
sudhamsu mo o n; prabhrtayah b e g i n n i ng w i t h .

Now all My endeavors have come to and end. Now My heart is crushed. Now
My last hopes have left and1 am on the verge of giving up this life. Now the
cuckoos, springtime, moon, and all the others famous for killing lovers separated
from their beloved, torment My heart.
Sri Purusottamadeva

TEXT 222
ma munca pancasara panca sa-rim sarire
ma sinca sandra m-akaranda ra-sena vayo
angani tat pr-anaya bh-anga vi-garhitani
nalambitum ksanam api ksamate dyejivah

ma do n ' t; munca re l e a s e;pancasara 0 cu p i d ; pa nca fi v e ;sa rim a r r o w s ;

sarire on t he body; ma do n ' t ;si n ca sp r i n k l e d ;sandra in t e n s e;makaranda
of honey; rasena wi t h n e c t ar; vayo 0 br e e z e;angani li m b s ; tat t h a t ;
pranaya of l o v e;bhanga br e a k i n g;vigarhitani po l l u t e d ;n a not; alambitum
to rest; ksanam fo r a mo m e n t; api ev e n ; ks amate is a b l e;adya no w ;j i v a h

Dear Mr. Cupid, please do not excite Me by throwing your arrows at My body.
Dear Mr. Air, please do not arouse Me with the fragance of flowers, I am now
bereft of Krsna's loving attitude, and so, under the circumstances, what is the use
of My sustaining this useless body7 There is no need for such a body by any living
Sri Purusottamadeva

Puanh sayam ayati madhave sakhj-siksa

When Lord Krsna Returned in the Evening, a Gopj.-friend
Spoke the Following Instructions

TEXT 223
kancana vancana cature-
prapancaya tvam murantake manam
bahu-va22abhehl puruse
daksinyam duhkham udvahati

kancana something;vancana at cheating; cature expert;prapancaya

manifest; tvam Yo u ; mu r a ntake to K r s n a ;manam an g e r;bahu va22abhe -who
has many girl-friends; hi in d e e d;puruse to a m a n; daksinyam ge n t l e l n e ss;
duhkham su f f e ring;udvahati b r i n g s .

Now You should be angry with this expert cheater Krsna. Being gentle to a
debauchee will bring only suffering.
Sri Rupa Gosvami

The Angry Gopj.
TEXT 224
bhavatu viditam cchadma2apair a2am priya gamyatam
tanur api na te doso smakam vidhis tu paranmukhah
tavayadi tathabhutam prema prapannam imam dasam
prakrti ca-pale ka na pida gate hata jivite

bhavatu le t it be; viditam kn o w n ; ch a d ma de c e p t i v e;alapaih w i t h t a l k i n g ;

alam en o u g h !; priye 0 be l o v e d ;gamyatam sh o u l d be gone;tanuh s l i g h t ;
api ev e n; na no t ; te of Y o u ; do s ah fa u l t ; as makam to u s ; vi d h ih fa t e ;t u
indeed; paramukhah is a ve rse;tava of Y o u; ya di if ; ta t h a b hu-tam is t h at way;
prema lo v e; prapannam at t a i n e d;imam th i s ;da sam co n d i t i o n ;pr a k rti b y
nature; capale fi c k l e; ka wh a t ? ;na no t ; pi d a su f f e r i n g gate
; go n e ;ha ta
w retched; jivite l i f e .

Say it! What is the use of these tricky lies> Beloved, go now. It is not Your
fault at all. Destiny is against us. If Your love me, do this. Alas. What suffering
have I not seen in this wretched, fickle life?
Srz Amaru

TEXT 225
kas tvam tasuyadrcchaya kitavayas tisthanti gopanganah
premanam na vidanti yas tava hare kim tasu te kaitavam
esa hanta hatasayayad abhavam tvayy ekatana param
tenasyah pranayo dhuna khalu mama pranaih samam yasyati

kah wh a t ?; tvam ar e Y o u; tasu to t h e m ;ya d rcchaya ac c i d e n t ally;kitava

0 cheater; yah wh o ; ti s t hanti st a n d ;gopa angan-ah go p i s; premanam l o v e ;
na do no t; vidanti fi n d ; ya h wh o ; ta v a fo r Y o u ; ha re 0 Kr s n a ;kim h ow ? ;
tasu to t he m; te of Y o u ; ka i t a vam ch e a t i n g;esa she; ha-nta al a s!; hata asaya-
without hope; yat be c a u s e;abhavam I h a v e been;tvayi fo r Y o u ; ek atana
intent; param gr e a t l y;tena by t h i s ; asyah of h e r ; pr a n a yah lo v e ;ad h una
now; khalu in d e e d;mama my ; pr a n a ih wi t h t h e l i f e - b reath;samam e q u a l l y ;
yasyati w i l l a t t a i n .

0 cheater, to the gopis who have accidentally come here, what are You? 0 Lord
Hari, these girls don't love You. How can You cheat them? I alone have fallen
hopelessly in love with You. You are dear to me as life.
Sri Purusottamadeva

Niskramati krsne sakhj-vakyam

A Gopj-friend's Words as Krsna's Departs

TEXT 226
saci kandharam amum kim iksase
yatu yatu sakhi putanardanah
vama r-iti c-aturam hi pamarim
sevatam parama d-evatam iva

saci wi th t i l t e d; kandharam ne c k ; am um on H i m ; k i m w hy? ; ik s a se d o

you gaze; yatu le t g o;yatu le t g o ; sakhi 0 fr i e n d ;pu t a na a-rdanah Krsna, the
killer of Putana; vama ri-ti at c r o o k e dness;caturam ex p e r t; hi i n d e e d ;
pamarim wr e t c h ed person;sevatam may serve; parama de-vatam the Supreme
P ersonality of Godhead; iva l i k e .

Why do you tilt your neck and stare at Him> Friend, let Krsna go. Let Him
go. Only a fool will tr eat this tri cky debauchee like the Supreme Personality of
Sri Rupa Gosvami

Srj Krsna-dutj-vakyam
Krsna's Message Sent Through a Gopj-messenger

TEXT 227
premavagahana krte-
manam ma kuru ciraya karambhoru
nakarnikim nu mugdhe
j atam piyusa manth-ane garalam

prema of l o v e; avagahana pl u n g i ng i n to the ocean;krte for the purpose;

manam anger; ma do not;kuru do; ciraya for a long time; karabhoru 0
beautiful girl; na no t ; ak a r ni be e nh e a r d; kim w h e t h e r ; nu in d e e d ;mu gdhe
0 charming girl; jatam pr o d u c e d;piyusa of n e c t a r; mathane i n t h e c h u r n i n g ;
garalam p o i s o n .

0 beutiful one, for plunging You into this ocean of love don't be eternally
angry with Me. 0 charming one, have You not heard how poison is produced by
churning nectar?
Sri Ranga

TEXT 228
vldhumukhl vlmukhl bhavam-
bhavini mad bhasane -ma gah
mudhe nigama nigudhah-
kati pay a ka2y anato -mi 2ati

vidhu mukhi 0 - m o o n - f aced girl; vimukhi bhavam -aversion; bhavini 0

affectionate one; mat of M e ; bhasane in t h i s w o r d s;ma do n o t ; gah a t t a i n ;
mudhe 0 ch a r m i ng girl; nigama to t h e V e d as;nigudhah hi d d e n ; ka tipaya
how many7; ka2yanatah fr o m p i o us activities;mi2ati me ets.

0 moon-faced girl, 0 affectionate one, don't turn from My w o r ds. 0 ch armi n g

one, how many pious activities must one perform in order to hear My words,
which are carefully kept secret from even the Personified Vedas7
Sri Ranga

Dutjm prati srj-radha-vakyam

Srjmatj Radharanj s Statement to th e G o p j - m e s s enger

TEXT 229
a2am a2am aghrtasya tasya namna
punar api saiva katha gatah sa ka2ah
kathaya kathaya va tathapi duti
prativ acanam dvisato pi mananiy am

a2am enough!; a2am en o u g h !; aghrtasya me r c i l e s s;tasya of t i s p e rson;

namna wi t h t he name; punah api ag a i n;sa th i s ;eva ce r t a i n l y;ka tha
statement; gatah go n e; sah th e ; ka l ah ti m e ; ka t h a ya te l l ; ka t h a ya te l l ;v a
or; tatha api st i l l ; du ti 0 mes s e n g e r;prativacanam th e r e p l y; dvisatah f r o m
the enemy; api al s o; mananiyam sh o u l d be carefully heard.

Enough! Stop saying the name of this merciless person! Again the time is
passed talking of Him! 0 go p i - m essenger, tell Me again what He said! Tell Me!
Careful attention should be given to the words of the enemy.
Sri Angada

Kalahantaritam tam prati daksina-sakhj-vakyam

A Gentle-hearted Friend's Statement to a Gopj Who has Quarreled
With Lord Krsna

TEXT 230
analocya premnah parinatim anadrtya suhrdas
tvayakande manah kim iti sarale preyasi krtah
samakrsta hy ete viraha dahanod-bhasura sikhah-
sva hastenan-garas tad alam adhunaranya ruditaih-

analocya no t s eeing;premnah of l o v e ;parinatim t h e s y m p t o m s ;

anadrstya no t r e s pecting;suhrdah fr i e n d s;tvaya by Y o u ; ak a nde s u d d e n l y ;
manah an g er; kim w h y 7 ; it i th us ; sa r a le 0 pi o u s g i r l ; pr e yasi t o Y o u r l o v e r ;
krtah is d o n e; samakrstah pu l l e d ; hi in d e e d ete
; th e y ; vi r a ha of s e p a r a tion;
dahana of t he fire;udbhasura gl i s t e n ing;sikhah fla m e s ;sva ow n ; ha s t ena
with the hand; agarah ch a r c o a l;tat th e r e f o r e;alam wh a t i s t he use;adhuna
now; aranya in t h e w i l d e r n ess;ruditaih wi th crying.

0 pious girl, first You refuse to see His love, then you insult your friends, and
now You are suddenly angry with Your lover. Still, I can see that you are burning
in the flames of separation from Krsna, and your anger at Him is like crying in the
Sri Amaru

Harsh Words From a Gopj-friend

TEXT 231
mana ban-dham abhitah slathayanti
gauravam na khalu haraya gauri
arjavam na bhajate danujarir
vancake saralata na hi sadhvi

mana of anger;bandhah th e k n o t; abhitah co m p l e t e l y;alathayanti

loosening;gauravam t i g h t n ess; na no t ; k h a lu i n d e e d ; ha raya Y o u s h o u l d
remove; gauri 0 fa i r - c o m p l e xio ned girl;arjavam ho n e s t y;na d o e sn o t ;
bhaj ate appreciate;danuj a arih -Lord Krsna, the enemy of the demons;
vancake for a cheater;saralata ho n e s t y;na no t ; hi in de e d ;sa dhvi i s
considered good.

0 fair-complexioned gopi, please do not loosen and untie the knot of Your
anger. Krsna does not like gentle saintliness. A cheater does not think honesty is a
Sri Rupa Gosvami

Tam prati srj-radha-vakyam

Srjmatj Radharanj's Reply

TEXT 232
bhru bhango -gunitas ciram nayanayor abhyastam amilanam
roddhum siksitam adarena hasitam maune 'bhiyogah krtah
dhairyam kartum api sthiri krtam id-am cetah kathancin maya
baddho mana parigrah-e parikarah siddhis tu daive sthite

bhru of t he eyebrows;bhangah kn i t t i n g ; gunitah pr a c t i c e d;ciram f o r a

lont time; nayanayoh of t he e yes;abhyastam pr a c t i c ed;smilanam c l o s i n g ;
roddhum to s to p; siksitam st u d i e d;adarena ca r e f u l l y;hasitam s m i l i n g ;
maune in s ilence;abhiyogah pr a c t i c e;krtah do n e ; dh a iryam c a l m
composure; kartum t o d o ; api al s o ;st h iri k r t am s- o m e h o w;maya b y M e ;
baddhah bo u n d; mana of p r i d e ;praigrahe in t h e t a k i n g;parikarah
preparation; siddhih su c c e s;tu bu t ; d a i v a in destiny; sthita stands.

I repeatedly practiced knitting My eyebrows. I studied how to stare without

blinking. Again and again I practiced remaining silent with a sarcastic smile. I
studied how to keep My heart steady and not lose My composure. I can practice
how to be angry with Krsna, but My final success still remains in the hands of fate.
Sri Amaru

TEXT 233
janami maunam alasangi vaco vib-hangir
bhangi sat-am nayanayor api caturim ca
vamsi rav-o yadi na mam avasi kar-oti

janami I understand; alasangi 0 Al a s a n g i;maunam si l e n c e;vacah o f

words; vibhangaih wi t h c r o o k e d ness;bhangi of c r o o k ed movements;satam
hundreds; nayanayoh of t he e yes;api al s o ;caturim ex p e r t n e s s; ca a l s o ;
abhira of a c o w h e r d; nandana of t h e s on;mukha of t h e m o u t h; ambuja t h e
lotus flower; sanga sam-si fr o m; vamsi of t h e f lu t e ;ra vah th e s o u n d;yadi i f ;
na no t; mam Me ; av a si karo-ti o v e r w h e l m s .

0 Alansangi, I know how to display an angry silence. I know how to speak

crooked sarcastic words, and I know how to angrily knit My eyebrows in hundreds
of ways. If I do not become overwhelmed by the sound of the flute on Lord Krsna's
lotus mouth, I know how to display all these angry features.
author unknown

TEXT 230
satyam srnomi sakhi nitya nava p-riyo -'asau
gopas tathapi hrdayam madano dunoti
yuktya kathancana samam gamite 'pi tasmin
mam tasyaka2a mura2z -kava2i karoti-

satyam tr u t h; srnomi I h e a r ;sakhi 0 fr i e n d ;ni t ya al w a y s nava

; new;
priyah lovers; asau He ; gopah th e c o w h e r d; tatha api st i l l ; hr d a ya M y h e a r t ;
madanah cu p i d; dunoti ca u s e s to tremble; yuktya wi t h l o g i c al arguments;
kathancana so m e ho w; samam pa c i f i e d;gamite ch a s ed away;api e v e n ;
tasmin wh e n he is; mam Me ; ta s ya Hi s ; ka 2a mura2i -the sweet sounds of the
flute; kavali karoti -devours.

Yes, My friend, I have heard that Krsna is a debauchee always searching for new
lovers. Still, My heart trembles with love for Him. I pacified My heart with many
logical arguments and was able to chase the love from it, but then, in the next
moment I found Myself devoured by the sweet sound of Krsna's flute.
Sriman Prabhupada
TEXT 235
na j ane sammukhayate
priyani vadati priye
prayanti mama gatrani
srotratam kim u netratam

na no t; j ane I k n o w ; sa m mukhayate co m e s before me;priyani s w e e t

words; vadati sp e a king;priye wh e n m y l o v er Krs na;prayanti at t a i n ;ma ma
my; gatrani se n s es and limbs;srotatam th e s t a tus ofb e ing ears; kimu
whether7; netratam of t he s tatus of being eyes.

When My lover, Krsna, stands before Me and speaks sweet words, do all My
senses become ears, or do they become eyes7 I do not know.
author unknown

TEXT 236
murarim pasyantyah sakhi sakalam angam na nayanam
krtam yac chrnvantya hari gun-a gana-m srotra nicit-am
saman tenalapam sapadi racayantya mukhamayam
vidhatur naivayam ghatana parip-ati mad-hurima

mura arim -L ord Kr s n a, the enemy of the Mura demon; pasyantyah s e e i n g ;

sakhi 0 fr i e n d ; sakalam en t i r e ;angam bo d y ; na no t ; na y a n am ey e ;k r t a m
done; yat wh i c h ; srnvantyah he a r i n g;hari of L o r d K r s n a;guna o f t h e
transcendental qualities; ganam th e m u l t i t u d e;srotra alapam - conversation;
sapadi at o nc e; racayantya do i n g ; mu k ha mayan fu l l o f m o u t h s;vidhatuh o f
the creator Brahma; na no t ; eva ce r t a i n l y;ayam th i s ;gh a tana paripa-ti
madhurima gr e at sweetness.

When I gaze at Krsna, the creator Brahma does not transform all My senses into
eyes. When I hear about Krsna's transcendental qualities, Brahma does not
transform all My senses into ears. When I speak with Krsna, Brahma does not
transform all My limbs into mouths. Brahma does not know anything about
drinking the nectar of Krsna.
Sri Sarana

Sakhyah sabhyasuya-vakyam
Jealous Words From a Gopj-friend

TEXT 237
tvam asi visuddha sarale
murali vaktras tr-idha vakrah
l7hanguraya kha2u.su2abham
tad urah sakhi -vaij ayantyeva
tvam Yo u; asi ar e ;vi s uddha pu r e ; sara2e 0 ho n e s t girl; mura2i-vaktrah
the flute-player Krsna; tridha in t h r e e places;vakrah is b e n t; bhanguraya
bending; kha2u i n d e ed; su-2abham easily attained; tat H i s ; ur ah c h e s t ;
sakhi 0 f r i e n d ; vaij ayantya by t h e v a i yanti garland;iva a s i f .

0 honest, upright friend, You are very pure in heart, and this flutist Krsna is
very crooked. Because He is so crooked, with His form bending in three places, the
crooked vaijayanti garland finds it very easy to rest on His chest.
Sri Rupa Gosvami

Words of Agitated Radharanj

TEXT 238
nihsvasa vadanam dahanti hrdayam nirmulam unmathyate
nidra naiti na drsyate priya-mukham ratrindivam rudyate
angam sosam upaiti pada-patitah preyams tathopeksitah
sakhyah kim gunam akalayya dayite manam vayam karitah

nihsvasah si g hs; vadanam mo u t h ; da h anti bu r n ; hr d a y am t h e h e a r t ;

nirmulam u p r o o t ed; unmathyate i s a g i t ated; nidra sl e e p;na do e sn o t; eti
come; na no t ; drsyate is s e e n;priya of M y l o v e r; mukham t h e f a c e;ratrim
night; divam an d d a y;rudyate cr y i n g ;angam bo d y ; so sam dr i e d u p; upati
attains; pada of t he feet; patitah f a l l i n g ; preyan l o v e r ; t at ha i n t h a t w a y ;
upeksitah aw ai ted; sakhyah 0 go p i - f r i e n d; kim w h a t 7 ;gu nam th e q u a l i t i e s ;
akalaya co n s i d ering;dayite to t h e l o v er Krsna;manam an g e r;vayam w e ;
k aritah ma y d o .

N ow that I can no longer see the face of My lover, Krsna, sighs burn My mouth ,
My heart is torn from His roots, sleep refuses to come to Me, I cry day and night,
My limbs have dried up, and I simply wait for the footsteps of My beloved Krsna.
0 friends, what quality of Krsna will I remember so I may become angry with
Sri Amaru

Manaja-virahena dhyayantjm tam prati kasyascid vakyam

A Gopj's Words to Srjmati Radharanj, Who Was Meditating on Lord
Krsna in Separation

TEXT 239
ahare viratih samasta visaya gr-ame niv-rttih para
nasagre nayanam yad etad aparam yac caikatanam manah
maunam cedam idam ca sunyam akhilam yad visvam abhati te
tad bruyah sakhi yogini kim asi bhoh kim va viyoginy asi

ahare in e ating; viratih ce s s a tion;samasta al l ; vi saya of s e n se objects;

grame in the host; nivrttih re n u n c i a t i o n;pura pr e v i o u s l y;nasa a-gre no s t r i l s ;
nayanam ey e s;yat wh i c h ; et at th i s ; ap a r am ot h e r ;yat wh i c h ; ca a l s o ;
ekatanam wi t h s i n g le-pointed concentration;manah th e m i n d ; ma unam
silence; ca al s o;idam th i s ;id am th i s ; ca al s o ;su n yam em p t i n e s s;akhilam
all; yat wh i c h ; visvam th e u n i v e r s e;abhati is m a n i f e s ted;te th e y ; tat t h a t ;
bruyah sa y; sakhi 0 fr i e n d ;yo g ini a m y s t i c y o g i n i; kim w h e t h e r 7 asi
; You
are; bhoh Oh; k im w h e t h e r . ; va or ; vi y o g i ni se p a r a t e d;
asi Y o u a r e .

You refuse to eat. You have stopped all activities of the senses. Your eyes are
fixed on the tip of Your nose, and Your mind is fixed on a single thought. You are
now silent, and You see the entire world as a void. Friend, please tell me, have You
become a mystic yogim, or are You rapt in meditation on Krsna7
author unknown

Tam prati srj-radha-vakhyam

Srjmatj Radharanj's Reply

TEXT 240
sangama virah-a vikal-pe
varam iha viraho na sangaman tasya
ekah sa eva sange
tri bhuva-nam api tan mayam -virahe

sangama me e ting; viraha an d s e p a ration;vikalpe in t h e c r e ation;varam

better; iha he r e ; virahah se p a r a tion;na no t ; sa n gamah me e t i n g;tasya o f
Him; ekah on e ; sah He ; eva ce r t a i n l y;sange in m e e t i n g; tri bhuvan-am t h e
three worlds; api ev e n;tat of H i m ; ma y am co n s i s t i n g;viraha in s e p a r a tion.

Separation from Krsna is better than meeting Him. When I meet Him there is
only one Krsna, but when I am separated from Him the three worlds become filled
with Krsnas.
author unknown

Krsna's Feelings of Separation

TEXT 241
sanjate viraha kayapi hrdaye sandanine cintaya
kalindi tata vetas-i van-a ghan-a cch-aya ni-sannatm-anah
payasuh ka2akantha kujita ka2-a gopa-sya kamsa dviso -
jihva varjita t-alu murcchita marud vispharita gitayah

sanj ate ma nifested; virahe in s e p a ration;kaya api fr o m a c e r t ain gopi;

hrdaye in H is heart; sandanine ag i t a t ed;cintaya wi t h a n x i e t y;kalindi o f t h e
Yamuna River; tata on t h e s ho re;vetasi of v e t a si trees;vana in t h e g r o v e ;
ghana de n se; chaya in the shade; nisanna si t t i n g; atmanah H i m s e l f ;
payasuh may protect; ka2akantha of t he cuckoos;kujita wa r b l i n g ;ka 2ah s o f t ;
gopasya of t he cowherd boy; kamsa of K a m s a;dvisah the enemy; jihva His
tongue; varj ita wi t h o u t ; ta lu pa l a t e ;murcchita du m b ; ma r ut a b r e e z e ;
vispharitah ex p a n d e d;gitayah m e l o d i e s .

His heart agitated in separation from a certain gopi, Lord Krsna sat down in the
dark shade of the vetasi trees by the Yamuna's shore. Without using His tongue or
palate, He played flute melodies as sweet as the warbling of the cuckoos. May
those melodies protect you all.
author unknown

Srj Krsnanunaya-radha-prasadanam
Radha and Krsna Become Pleased With Each Other

TEXT 202
siras chay-am krsnah svayam akrta radha caran-ayor
bhuj a va22i -cchay-am iyam api tadiya pratik-rtau
iti krida kope-nibhrtam ubhayor apy anunaya
prasadau jiyas tam api guru sama-ksam sthitavatoh

sirah of H is head;chayam th e s h a do w; krsnah Kr s n a ; sv a y am p e r s o n a l l y ;

akrta pl a c e d; radha of R a d h a;caranayoh at t he f eet;bhuja o f H e r a r m s ;
va22i of the vine; chayam th e s h a dow;iyam th i s ;api al s o ;ta d i ya t o H i m ;
pratikrtau in response; iti th u s ; kr i da pl a y f u l ;ko pe in a n g e r;nibhrtam
secretly; ubhayoh of T h em b o t h; api al s o ;an unaya prasad-au pl e ased;jiyah
all glories; tam th i s ; api ev e n ;gu ru of T h e i r e l d e r; samaksam be f o re the eyes;
sthitavatoh st a n d ing.

In the presence of His elders Krsna moved His head so it's shadow appeared at
Radha s feet. Radha responded by moving the vines of Her arms so their shadows
embraced Krsna. In this way Radha and Krsna ended Their playful lover's quarrel
and became again pleased with each other as Their unsuspecting elders looked on.
All glories to Radha and Krsna's again becoming pleased.
Sri Hara

Srj Krsnam prati srj-radha-sakhj-vakyam

Words of Radha's Gopj-friend to Lord Krsna
TEXT 243
sa sarvathaiva rakta
ragam gunjeva na tu mukhe vahati
vacana p-atos tava ragah
kevalam asye sukasyeva

sa She; sarvatha in a ll r e s pects;eva ce r t a i nly; rakta i s r e d w i t h l o v e ;

ragam red;gunj a a gunja berry; iva like;na not;tu indeed; mukhe only
on the mouth; vahati ca r r i e s;vacana pa-toh cl e ver-talking; tava o f Y o u ;
ragah the redness of love;kevalam is o n l y; asye on t h e m o u t h; sukasya o f a
parrot; iva l i k e .

Radha is completely red with love for You. Her love is not like the redness of a
gunja berry, which is red not only on the surface, but through and through. 0
clever-talking Krsna, the redness of Your love for Her is not in Your heart but only
in Your mouth, just as a parrot s mouth is red, but the rest of him is some other
Sri Govardhanacarya

TEXT 244
subhaga bhavata hrdye tasya j valat smar-a pava-ke 'py
abhinivisata premadhikyam cirat prakati krtam-
tava tu hrdaye site 'py evam sadaiva mukhaptaye
mama sahacari sa nihsneha manag api na sthita

subhaga 0 ha n d s o me Krsna;bhavata by Y o u; hr daye fr i e n d l y;tasyah o f

Her; j valat bu r n i n g; smara pa s s i o n;pavake in t h e f i r e;api e v e n ;
abhinivisata en t e r e d;prema of l o v e ; adhikyam gr e a t n e ss;cirat f o r a l o n g
time; prakati krtam -is ma n i f ested;tava of Y o u; tu bu t ; hr d a ya i n t h e h e a r t ;
site co o l; api ev e n ;evam in t h i s w a y; sada al w a y s;eva ce r t a i n l y;sukha o f
happiness; aptaye fo r t he attainment;mama my ; sa h a cari fr i e n d ;sa S h e ;
nihsneha un l o v e d; manak sl i g h t l y;api ev e n ;na no t ; st h i ta s t a y s .

0 handsome Krsna, Radha's heart burns with love for You. You eternally stay in
Her heart. On the other hand, Your heart is always very cool and cheerful. My
unloved friend Radha is never allowed to enter there even for a moment.
Sri Rudra

Narration of Another Day's Pastimes

TEXT 205
agatya pranipata santvita s-akhi datt-antare sagasi
svairam kurvati talpa parsva nib-hrte dh-urte 'nga samvaha-nam
jnatvasparsa vasat taya-kilasakhi bhranty ev-avaksahsanaih
khinnasity abhidhaya milita drsa sanandam aropitam

agatya ar r i v i n g; pranipata by o b e i s ances;santvita pa c i f i e d;sakhi t h e g o p i -

friend; datta pe r f o r m e d; antare wi t h i n ; sa a-gasi wi t h an o f f e nse;svairam
independently; kurvati do e s ;talpa of t h e b e d; parsva on t h e s i d e;nibhrta
secluded; dhurte wh e n t he rascal Krsna;anga of t he b od y; samvahanam
massage;j natva un d e rstanding; sparsa va-sat fr om t he touch; taya b y H e r ;
kila in d e e d; sakhi of b e i n g a gopi-friend;bhrantya by t h e i l l u s i o n;iva a s i f ;
vaksah ch e st;sanaih gr a d u a l l y;khinna un h a p p y ; asi Yo u a r e ;iti t hu s ;
abhidhaya sa y ing; miita me t ; dr s a ey e s ;sa wi t h ; an a n d am bl i s s ;aropitam

One time Lord Krsna offended Radha, and They quarreled. Afterwards, Krsna
disguised Himself as a gopi, fell down at the feet of one of Radha s gopi-friends,
pacified Her, and by her arrangement was able to enter Radha's house. When
Radha was alone on Her bed, disguised Krsna approached Her bedside and began
to massage Her body. The touch of His hand reminded Her of Krsna. Still thinking
Krsna to be a gopi, She said to Him: "Ah. You must be very unhappy. Krsna must
have forsaken You as He has Me." She looked into Krsna's eyes. After that She
slowly and very happily fell into His arms.
author unknown

TEXT 246
vastutas tu guru bhitay-a taya
vy anj i te kapata mana -kudma-le
pesala priya -sakhi -drsa h-arir
bodhitas tata lata grh-am y-ayau

vastutah ge n u i n esly;tu in d e e d ;guru of H e r s u p e r i o rs;bhitaya a f r a i d ;

taya by H e r; vyanj ite ma n i f e s ted;mana of a n g e r; kudma2e th e b ud; pesa2a
clever; priya de a r; sakhi of t h e g o p i - f r ie nd; drsa by t h e g l a nce;harih K r s n a ;
bodhitah un d e r t a nding; tata th e s h o re of the Yamuna;lata of v i n e s;grham t o
the cottage; yayau w e n t .

Radha became genuinely afraid of the possible intrusion of Her elders, and for
this reason the bud of Her feigned anger began to blossom. Her dear and
intelligent gopi-friend cast a meaningful glance at Krsna to apprize Him of the
situation. He undertood. He took His leave and went to the cottage of vines by the
Yamuna's shore, only to meet Radha again in that more secluded place.
author unknown

TEXT 207
madhavo madhura madhavi -2ata -
mandape patur atan madhuvrate
sanjagau sravana c-aru gopika-
mana mina b-adisenavenuna

madhavah Kr s n a; madhura ch a r m i n g ;madhavi of m a d h a v i;lata v i n e s ;

mandape in t he grove;patuh in t e l l i g e n t;atan go i n g ; ma dhuvrate w i t h
bumble-bees; sanj aj agau pl a yed; sravana ca-ru mu s ic very pleasing to the ears;
gopika of t he gopis;mana of t h e m i n d s;mina fo r t h e f i s h; badisena the
fishook; venuna w i t h t he flu t e .

Walking in the madhavi grove where there were many bumble-bees, intelligent
Madhava played very beautiful music on His flute, which was like a fishhook to
catch the fish of the gopis' hearts.
author unknown

Puspa-cchalena sri-krsnam anvesayantim sri-radham prati kasyascid uktih

Words of a Certain Gopi to Srimati Radharani, Who Was Searching for Lord Krsna
on the Pretext of Picking Flowers

TEXT 208
panthah ksemamayo 'stu te parihara pratyuha samb-havanam
etan matram adhari sundari mayanetra pran-ali pathe-
nire ni2a saroj -am ujj va2a guna-m tire tama2ankurah
kunje ko 'pi ka2inda sai2a -duhit-uh pums koki2-ah khe2ati

panthah pa t h; ksemamayah au s p i c i o us;astu may be;te of You;parihara

give up; pratuha of obstacles; sambhavanam th e c onsideration;etat matram-
here; adhari be d ; sundari 0 be a u t i f u l g i r l;maya by m e ; ne t ra of t h e e y e s;
prana2i of t he stream;pathe on t h e p at h;nire in the water; ni2a a blu e ;
saroj am lo t us flower; ujj vala sp l e n d i d;gunam wi t h q u a l i t i e s;tire o n t h e
shore; tamala ankura-h a tamala tree;kunje in t h e g r o v e; kahapi a c e r t a i n ;
ka2inda sai2a d-uhituh -of the Yamuna River, the daughter of Mount Kalinda;
pum male; koki2ah cuckoo; khe2ati plays.

This is a good path. Don't think there are obstacles here. I have seen this path
with my own eyes. It leads to the Yamuna's waters where there are splendid blue
lotus flowers. On the shore is a tamala tree, and in the grove nearby the male
cuckoo of the Supreme Personality of Godhead enjoys pastimes.
Sri Sarvavidyavinoda

Tatra yamuna-tire gataya sri-radhaya saha hareh sankatha

Conversation Between Radha and Krsna on the Yamuna's Shore

TEXT 249
ka tvam madhava dutika va-dasi kim manamjahihi priye
dhurtah so nyamana manag api sakhi tvayy adaram nojj hati
ity anyonya katha r-asaih pramuditam radham sakhi v-esavan
nitva kunja g-rham prakasita t-anuh smero harih patu vah

ka wh o 7; tvam ar e Y o u; madhava of K r s n a;dutika I a m t h e g o p i -

messenger; vadasi Yo u say; kim wh a t 7 ;ma nam an g e rj; ahihi pl e a s e give up;
priye 0 beloved; dhurtah ra s c a l;sah th i s ; an ya to a n o t h e r gir l;manah h a s
given His heart; manak sl i g h t l y; api ev e n ;sa khi 0 fri e n d ; tv a yi t o Y o u ;
adaram wo r s h i p; na do e s n o t; ujj hati ab a n d o n;iti th u s ;an y o nya b e t w e e n
each other; katha of c o n v e rsation;rasaih wi t h t h e n e c tar;pramuditam
delighted; radham Ra d h a;sakhi of a g o p i; vesavan in t h e d i s g uised;nitva
bringing; kunja in t h e g r o v e;grham to t h e c o t t a ge;prakasita re v e a led;tanuh
His actual form; smerah sm i l i n g ; harih Lo r d K r s n a ;patu ma y p r o t e c t;vah
you all.

"Who are You7"

"I am a gopi-messenger sent by Madhava."
"What is His message7"
"He says: 0 beloved, please don't be angry with Me.'"
"That rascal has given His heart to another girl!"
"0 friend, He never stopped worshiping You for a moment."
Radha was pleased by the nectar of this conversation. Disguised as a gopi, Krsna
brought Her to a cottage in the forest grove, and then revealed His real form. May
smiling Lord Krsna protect you all.
Sri Vasava

TEXT 250
vasantah sannaddho vipinam ajanam tvam ca taruni
sphurat kamav-ese vayasi vayam apy ahita padah-
vraja tvam va radhe ksanam atha vilambasvayadi va
sphutamjatas tavac catura vacana-nam avasarah

vasantah sp r i n g; sannaddhah is m a n i f e sted;vipinam th e f o r e s t;ajanam i s

secluded; tvam Yo u ; ca a l s o ; ta r u ni ar e a y o u ng girl;sphurat ma n i f e s t ed;
kama of a mo ro us desires;avese in t he entrance;vayasi in t h e a ge;vayam
We; api also;ahita padah -have entered;vrajam come here;tvam You; va
or; radhe 0 Ra d h a; ksanam fo r a m o m e n t;atha no w ; vi l a m b asva Y o u d e l a y;
yadi if; va or ; sphutam cl e a r l y;j atah ma n i f e s ted;tavat th e n ; ca t ura o f
clever;vacananam words;avasarah the opportunity.

It is spring. This forest is very secluded. You are a young girl, and I am an amorous
young boy. 0 Radha, come to Me. If You hesitate for a moment, You will simply
become the object of Your friends' clever teasing jokes.
author unknown

Tatra srj-radha-vakyam
Srjmatj Radharanj's Reply

TEXT 251
svami mugdhataro vanam ghanam idam balaham ekakini
ksaunim avrnute tama2a m-a2ina cc-haya ta-mah sa-ntatih
tan me sundara krsna munca sahasa vartmeti radha gi-rah
srutva tam parirabhya manmatha ka-lasakto harih patu vah

svami My L o r d; mugdhatarah is q u i t e m i s taken;vanam fo r e s t;ghanam i s

dense and dark; idam th i s ; ba la a y o u n g g i r l;aham I a m ; ek a k i ni a l l a l o n e ;
ksaunim a y o u ng girl; aham I; ek a k i ni al l a l o n e ;ksaunim t h e g r o u n d ;
avrnute co v e rs;tama2a of t he tamala trees;ma2ina cha-ya tam-ah of dark shade;
santatih th e a bundance; tat t h e r e f o r e;me of M e ; su ndara 0 h a n d s o m e ;
krsna Kr s n a; munca pl e a se leave; sahasa at o nc e;vartma t h e p a t h; iti t h u s ;
radha of Radha;girah the words;srutva hearing; tam Her; parirabhya
embracing;manmatha kala -asa-ktah amorous; harih Lord Krsna;patu may
protect; vah y o u a l l .

"My Lord, You are mistaken. This forest is dense and dark. I am a young girl all
alone. This place is completely covered by the shade of these tamala trees. 0
handsome Krsna, please leave Me at once." When Krsna heard Radha's words, He
at once embraced Her. May passionate Lord Krsna protect you all.
author unknown

The Gopj Who Controls Her Lover

TEXT 252
makari viraca-na bhangy-a
radha kuca k-alasa -marda-na vyasan-i
rjum api rekham lumpan
ba22ava veso ha-rir j ayati

makari do l p h i n s; viracana bhangy-a wi th d r a w i ng pictures; radha o f S r i m a t i

Radharani; kuca of t he b reasts;kalasa th e w a t e rpots;mardana pr e s s ing;
vyasani in t e n t; rj um st r a i g h t;api al s o ;re k h am li n e ; lu m p an b r e a k i n g ;
ba22ava vesah -the cowherd boy; harih Kr s n a j; ayati a l l g l o r i e s .

All glories to the gopa Krsna who as He was drawing pictures of dolphins on
Srimati Radharani s waterpotlike breasts became so agitated He was unable to draw
a single straight line.
author unknown

Krjdanantaram srj-krsnasya svapnayitam

After Enjoying Transcendental Pastimes, Lord Krsna Takes a Nap
and Speaks in His Sleep

TEXT 253
ete laksmanajanaki v-irahinam mam khedyayanty ambude
marmaniva ca ghattayanty a2am ami krurah kadambani2ah
ittham vyahrta pu-rva janma vi-raho yo radhaya viksitah
sersyam sankitaya sa vah sukhayatu svapnayamano harih

ete these; laksmana 0 La k s m a n a; j anaki fr o m J a n a ki; virahinam

separated; mam Me ; kh e dayanti to r t u r e ;ambudah cl o u d s ;marmani h e a r t ;
iva as if; ca a l s o ; ghattayanti st r i k e ;al am vi o l e n t l y ; ami t h e s e ;k r u r a h
cruel; kadamba bl o w i ng o ver the kadamba flowers;anilah br e e z e;ittham i n
this way; vyahrta de s c r i bed;purva pr e v i o u s;j anma of a b i r t h;vir ahah
separation from the beloved; yah wi t h ; ir s y am je a l o u s anger;sankitaya
frightened; sah He ; vah yo u a l l ; su k hayatu ma y g r a nt t ra nscendental bliss;
svapnayamanah sl e eping;harih L o r d K r s n a .

"0 Laksmana, now that I am separated from Janaki, these rainclouds torture
Me, and these cruel breezes blowing from the kadamba flowers violently strike My
heart." As Radha heard sleeping Krsna's description of His feelings of separation in
a previous birth, She became frightened and filled with jealous anger. May
dreaming Lord Krsna delight you all.
Sri Subhanka

Theft of the Flute

TEXT 254
nicair nyasad atha caranayor nupure mukayanti
dhrtva dhrtva kanaka valaya-ny utksipanti bhujante
mudram aksnos cakita cakitam -sasvad alokayanti
smitva smitva harati muralim ankato madhavasya

nicaih nyasat fr o m b e l o w; atha th e n ; ca r a nayoh of t h e f e e t;nupure t h e

two anklets; mukayanti si l e n c i n g;dhrtva dhrtva ma k i n g . ; ka n aka g o l d e n ;
vayalani ar m l e t s;utksipanti pl a c i n g;bhuj a ante o- n the arms;mudrem t h e
sign; aksoh of t he eyes;cakita cakitam -startled; sasvat c o n t i n u a l l y ;
alokayanti ob s e r ving;smitva smitva re p e a tedly smiling;harati s t e a l s ;
muralim th e f lu t e ; ankatah fr o m t h e l a p;madhavasya o f L o r d K r s n a .

Silencing Her anklets by placing them on Her arms as golden armlets, and
carefully observing Krsna s eyes for any sign of His becoming startled, smiling
Radha stole the flute from His lap.
Sri Daityari Pandita
Tam muralj.m prati srj.-radha-vakyam
Srjmatj Radharanj's Words to the Flute

TEXT 255
acchidram astu hrdayam paripurnam astu
maukharyam astu mitam astu gurutvam astu
krsna pr-iyesakhi disamsi sad as-isas te
yad vasare murali me karunam karoti

acchidram wi t h o u t f a u l t s;astu ma y b e; hrdayam in s i d e ;paripurnam f i l l e d ;

astu may be; maukharyam ta l k a t i v e ness;astu ma y b e; mitam sl e n d e r;astu
may be; gurutvam wo r s h i p p a bleness;astu ma y b e; krsna to K r s n a ;p riye 0
beloved; sakhi 0 fr i e n d ; di sami I w i l l g r a n t ;sat ni c e ; as isah be n e d i c t i o n;te
to you; yat wh i c h ; va sare on t h e d a y;murali 0 flu t e ; me to M e ; k a r u n a m
mercy; karosi y o u g r a n t .

0 flute who is so dear to Krsna, when you grant Me your mercy I will also give
you many benedictions in return. I will bless you, saying, "May you become
faultless. May your heart become filled with the nectar from Krsna's lips. May you
become very eloquent. May you become charmingly slender. May you become the
object of Lord's Krsna's worship."
Sri Govinda Misra

TEXT 256
sunyatvam hrdaye sa lagha-vam idam suskatvam angesu me
maukharyam vraj a natha -nama -katha-ne dattam bhavatya nij am
tat kim no murali prayacchasi punar govinda vaktra-savam
yam pitva bhuvanam vase vidadhati nirlajjam udgayasi

sunyatvam em p t i n e ss;hrdaye in t h e h e a rt;sa wi t h ; la g h avam li g h t n e s s ;

idam th i s ; suskatvam dr y n e s s;angesu in t he l i m b s; me My ; ma u k h a ryam
talkativeness; vraja of V r a j a;natha of t h e L o r d; nama of t h e n a m e; kathane
in chanting; dattam gi v e n; bhavatya by y o u ; nij am ow n q u a l i t i e s;tat t h e n ;
kim wh y 7 ; na no t ; u in de e d ;mu r a li 0 flu t e ;pr a y a c chasi yo u g i v e;punah
again; govinda of L o rd K r s n a;vaktra fr o m t h e m o u t h; asavam t h e h o n e y ;
yam which; pitva ha v i n g d r u n k; bhuvanam th e w o r l d ; vase in contr-ol;
vidadhati placing;nirlajj am shamelessly;udgayasi you sing.

0 flute, you have blessed Me by giving Me the emptiness in your heart, your
lightness, the dryness of your body, and your eloquence in constantly chanting the
holy name of Krsna, the king of Vraja. Why do you now not give to Me the nectar
of Krsna's lips, which you drink, turn into song, and shamelessly use to enchant
the entire world and bring it under your control.
Sri Govinda Misra
Sayam harer vrajagamanam
Lord Hari Returns to Vraja Village in the Evening

TEXT 257
mandra kv-anita ve-nur ahni sithi2evyavartayan goku2am
barhapidakam uttamanga ra-citam go dh-u2i dh-umram dadhat
m2ayantya vana m-a2aya parigatah sranto pi ramyakrtir
gopa str-i nay-anotsavo vitaratu sreyamsi vah kesavah

mandra sw e e tly; kvanita pl a y e d;venuh th e f lu t e ;ahni w h e n t h e d a y ;

sithi2e had ended; vyavartayan br i n g i n g back;go o f c o w s ; ku2am t h e h e r d ;
barha api-dakam a peacock feather; uttamanga head;racitam placed;go of the
cows; dhu2i wit h th e dust; dhumram da r k e n e d;dadhat we a r i n g;m2ayantya
with a wilting; vana of f o r e s t-flowers;malaya ga r l a n d;parigatah ac c o m p a n ied;
srantah ti r e d; api ev e n ;ra m ya ch a r m i n g ;ak r t ih wh o s ef o r m; g opa stri -o f
the gopis; nayana of t he eyes;utsavah a f e s tival;vitaratu m a y g r a n t ;
sreyamsi au s piciousness;vah to y ou a l l; kesavah L o r d K r s n a .

May Lord Kesava who, sweetly playing the flute, a peacock feather in His hair,
blackened with dust, decorated with a wilted forest-flower garland, tired,
handsome, and a festival of happiness for the gopis' eyes, returns with the surabhi
cows at the day's end, grant auspiciousness to you all.
author unknown

Tatra kasyascid uktih

A Certain Gopj's Words Then

TEXT 258
drstya kesava go paraga hrtaya -kincin na drstam maya
tenadya skha2itasmi natha patitam kim nama na2ambase
ekas tvam visamesu khinna manasa-m sarvabalanam gatir
gopyaivam gaditah sa lesam a-vatad gosthe harir vas ciram

drstya wi t h t he eyes;kesava 0 Kr s n a ;go of t h e c o w s;paraga b y t h e d u s t ;

hrtaya ta k e n; kincit s o m e w h a t; na no t ; dr s t am se e n ;ma ya by m e ; te na b y
this; adya no w ; sk halita st u m b l e d ;asmi I h a v e ;na tha 0 Lo r d ; pa t i t am t o
the fallen soul; kim w h y 7 ; na ma in d e e d ;na no t ; al a m b ase Yo u a re inc lined;
ekah al o ne; tvam Yo u ; vi s amesu am o n g c alamities;khinna u n h a p p y ;
manasam at heart; sarva of a22; ab-a2anam women; gatih th e s he lter;gopya b y
a gopi; evam in t h i s way; gaditah sp o k e n;sa pesam -completely; avatat may
protect; gosthe in Vrajabhumi; harih Lo r d K r s n a;vah yo u ; ci r am e t e r n a l l y .

"0 Kesava, my eyes are now filled with the dust raised by the cow's hooves and
I cannot see anything. I have stumbled and fallen to the ground. 0 Lo rd, are You
not kind to the fallen7 You are the only shelter for all women distressed at heart." I
pray Lord Hari, to whom a gopi spoke these words, will protect you always.
author unknown

TEXT 259

abhidesa vi-nivesita ve-nur

dhenu pu-ccha -h
itaika ka-rabj ah
anya pa-ni pa-rimandita da-ndah
pundarika na-yano vraj am apa

nabhidesa in H is waist; vinivesita pl a c e d;venuh th e f lu t e ; dhenu o f a c o w ;

puccha on the back; nihita placed;eka one; kara hand; abj ah lotus;anya
the other; pani ha n d ; pa rimandita de c o r a t e d;dandah a s t i c k ;pu ndarika
nayanah lo t u s -eyed Lord Krsna;vrajam to V r a ja V i l l a ge;apa w e n t .

His flute tucked into His belt, one lotus hand on a surabhi cow's back and the
other holding a stick, lotus-eyed Krsna entered the village of Vraja.
author unknown

Tatraiva srj-radhikayah saubhagyam

Srjmatj Radharanj's Good Fortune

TEXT 260
bhru va22i v-a2ana-ih kayapi nayanonmesaih kayapi smita
jyotsna vicchu-ritaih kayapi nibhrtam sambhavitasyadhvani
garvodbheda krtava-he2a 2a2ita -sri bh-aj i r-adhanane
satankanunayam j ayanti patitah kamsa dviso d-rstayah

bhru of t he eyebrows;va22i of t he vines;va2anaih wi t h t he m o v e ments;

kaya api by o ne gopi; nayana unmesa-ih wi t h g l a nces;kaya api b y o n e g op i ;
smita of s mi l e s;jyotsna vicchur-itaih wi t h t h e m o o n l i g h t; kaya api b y o n e g o p i ;
nibhrtam se c r etly;sambhavitasya wo r s h i p p e d;adhvani on t h e p a t h; garva
pride; udbheda br e a king; krta do n e ; av a he2a contempt; 2a2ita ch a rmi n g; sri
bhaji be a u t if ul; radha of S r i m a ti Radharani;anane on t h e f ace;sa w i t h ;
atanka fe a r; anunayam an d s u p p l i c ation;j ayanti al l g l o r i e s;patitah f a l l e n ;
kamsa dvisah -of Lord Krsna, the enemy of Kamsa; drstayah th e g l a nces.

As Krsna walked on the path one gopi secretly worshiped Him with the playful
movements of her vine eyebrows, another with her sidelong glances, and another
with the moonlitght of her smiles. However, it was on Radha s face, which was
filled with a graceful beauty that mocked the other gopis and broke their pride,
that His shy, amorous glances fell. All glories to those glances of Krsna, the enemy
of Kamsa.
Sri Umapatidhara

TEXT 261
tiryak k-andharam amsa d-esa m-ilita sr-otravatamsam sphurad
barhottambhita k-esa p-asam anrju b-hru v-a22ari vi-bhramam
gunj ad ve-nuni-vesitadhara pu-tam sakuta ra-dhanana
nyastami2ita dr-sti goku2a pa-ter vaktrambuj am patu vah

tiryak t i l t ed ; kandharam ne c k ; am sa de-sa sh o u l ders; mi2ita me e t i n g;srotra

avatamsam ea rrings;sphurat sp l e n d i d;barha pe a c o ck feather;uttambhita
held; kesa pa-sam in the hair; anrj u cr o o k e d;bhru of t h e e y e brows;va22ari
the vines; vibhramam re s t l e ss;gunjat so u n d i n g;venu flu t e ; ni v esita p l a c e d ;
adhara put-am to t he lips; sa wi t h ; ak u ta me a n i n g ;ra d ha o f S r i m a t i
Radharani; anana on t he f ace;nyasta pl a c e d;smilita drs-ti si d e l o ng glance;
gokula of G o k u l a; pateh of t h e k i n g; vaktra fa c e ;ambuj am lotus; patu m a y
protect; vah y o u a l l .

May Gokulapati Krsna s lotus face, with neck tilted, earrings touching His
shoulders, a splendid peacock feather decorating His hair, bending vines of His
eyebrows moving restlessly, a flute on His lips making sweet music, and an
amorous sidelong glance falling on Radha's face, protect you all.
Sri Laksmana Sena

TEXT 262
amsasakta kapola -vamsa -vadan-a vyasa-kta bimba-dhara
dvandvodirita mand-a
mand-a pavan-a prara-bdha mugd-ha dhvan-ih
isad vakrim-a 2o2ah-ara -nikar-ah pratyeka rokan-ana
nyanca canca-d udanc-ad anguli -cayas -tvam patu radha dhava-h

amsa on His shoulders; asakta re s t i n g; kapola on H i s c h e e ks;vamsa t h e

flute; vadana th e m o u t h; vyasakta re s t i n g;bimba bi m b a f r u i t; adhara o f l i p s ;
dvandva on the pair; udirita arisen;manda manda -very gentle;pavana breeze;
prarabdha be g u n; mugdha be a u t i f u l;dhvanih so u n d s ;isat sl i g h t l y ;va krima
crooked;2o2a moving; hara of necklaces; nikarah group;pratyeka each;
roka anana -hole; nyancat placing;candcat moving; udancat arched;angu2i
offingers; cayah gr o u p ; tv am yo u ; pa t u may p r o t e c t ;ra d ha o f S r i m a t i
Radharani; dhavah th e l o v e r.

May Radha's lover, Krsna, who, resting the flute on His cheek and shoulder,
placing the flute s mouth to His bimba-fruit lips and, gently blowing, makes a very
sweet sound, His necklaces slightly swaying as He moves His arched fingers over
the flute's holes, protect you.
S ri ¹t h o k a

Milking the Cows

TEXT 263
angusthagrima y-antritangulir asau padardha n-iruddha b-hur
ardri k-rtya payodharanca2am a2am dvi tr-aih payo bi-ndubhih
nyag janu dv-aya m-adhya ya-ntrita gh-ati va-ktrantarala sk-halad
dharadhvana m-anoharam sakhi
payo gam dogdhi damodarah

angustha of t he thum b; agrima by t h e t i p ; ya ntrita he l d ; an g u l i h f in g e r ;

asau He; pada fo ot; ardha by half;niruddha pr essed;bhuh the ground;
ardri kr-tya mo i s t e ning; payodhara mi l k ; an c a2am co r n e r;a2am gr e a t l y;dvi
with two; traih or t h r e e ;payah of m i l k ; b i n d ubhih d r o p s ; nyak t u r n e d d o w n ;
j anu of k n e e s;dvaya th e p a i r; madhya in the middle; yantrita he l d ; gh a ti
the pot; vaktra th e m o u t h; an tara2a wi t h i n ; sk h a2at fa l l i n g;dhara s t r e a m ;
adhvana pa t h; manoharam ch a r m i n g ; sakhi 0 fr i e n d ;pa yah mi l k ; g a m
from the cow; dogdhi mi l k s ; da modarah L o r d K r s n a .

Resting on half His feet, grasping the under between His thumb and finger,
spraying Himself with two or three stray drops, and making a charming stream of
milk pour into the pail balanced between His arched knees, Damodara milks a
surabhi cow.
Sri Sarana

Srj. Krsnam prati candravah-sakhj.-vakyam

Words of Candravah's Friend to Lord Krsna

TEXT 260
sathanyasyah kanci mani r-anitam- akarnya sahasa
yadas2istann eva prasithi2a bhuj a g-ranth-ir abhavah
tad etat kvacakse ghrta madhu -maya tv-ad bahu va-co -

visenaghurnanti kim api na sakhi me ganayati

satha 0 ch e a t er;anyasyah of a n o t h e r g ir l; kanci of t h e b e l t; mani o f t h e

jewels; ranitam th e t i n k l i n g; akarnya he a r i n g ;sahasa at o n c e;yada w h e n ;
as2istan embracing; eva ce r t a i n l y;prasithi2a sl a c kened;bhuja o f t h e a r m s ;
granthih th e k n o t; abhavah be c a m e;tat etat th i s ; kva wh e r e 7 ;acakse I
speak; ghrta of g h e e;madhu an d h o n e y; maya co n s i s t i n g;tvat Yo u r ; b a h u
many; vacah of t he wo r d s;visena by t h e p o i s on;aghurnanti ag i t a t e d; kim
api an y t h i n g; na no t ; me my ; sa k h i fr i e n d ;ga n a yati n o t i c e s .

0 cheater, even as You are embrace Candravah, when You hear the tinkling of
the jeweled belt of some other girl, Your attention turns to her and the knot of
Your arms around Candravali becomes loosened. How can I tell her7 My friend
Candravali has been poisened by Your eloquent words mixed with honey and
ghee, She can no longer see.
author unknown

Srj Govardhana-dharanam
Lifting Govardhana Hill

TEXT 265
sa tra-sarti yasodaya priya gu-na pr-iteksanam radhaya
nagnair ba22ava su-nubhih sa ra-bhasam sambhavitatmorjitaih
bhitanandita vis-mitena visamam nandena ca2okitah
payad vah kara pa-dmah su sth-ita ma-ha sai-2ah sa 2i2o -harih

sa wi t h; tr asa fe a r ;ar ti su f f e r i n gyasodaya

; by Y a s o da; pr i ya o f H e r
lover; guna th e t r a nscendental qualities;prita wi t h p l e a s ure;iksanam w i t h t h e
glance; radhaya by S rxmatx Radharanx;nagnazh na k e d; ba22ava of t he gopas;
sunubhih by th e sons; sa wi t h ; ra b h asam jo y ; sa m bhavita co n s i d e r e d;atma
to themselves; urjitaih e q u a l in stregnth; bhita fr i g h t e n e d;anandita d e l i g h t e d ;
vismitena and struck with wo n d e r; visamam gr e a t l y;nandena b y N a n d a
Maharaja; ca al s o; alokitah se e n;payat ma y p r o t e c t;vah yo u a l l ; k a r a
hand; padmah lo t u s; su sthit-a co m f o r t a bly placed;maha gr e a t;sailah h i l l ;
sa wi t h; 2i2ah p l a y f u l n e ss; hari h K r s n a .

May Krsna on whom, as He playfully lifted tall Govardhana Hill with His lotus
hand, Mother Yasoda gazed with fear and pain, Radha gazed with pleasure to see
the transcendental qualities of Her lover, the small naked gopa-boys happily gazed,
thinking they were as strong as He and could also lift the hill if they tried, and
Maharaja Nanda gazed with simultaneous terror, delight, and wonder, protect you
Sri Sohnoka

TEXT 266
ekenaiva ciraya krsna bhavata govardhano 'yam dhrtah
sranto 'si ksanam assva sampratam ami sarve vayam dadhmahe
ity u22asita dosni g-opa nivahe -kincid bhuj aku-ncana
nyancac chaila -bharard-ite viruvati smero harih patu vah

ekena alone; eva ce r t a i n l y;ciraya fo r a l o n g t i m e;krsna 0 K r s n a ;

bhavata by You;govardhana Govardhana Hill; ayam this;dhrtah has been
held; srantah ti r e d; asi Yo u a r e ; ksanam fo r a m o m e n t;assva s i t d o w n ;
sampratam no w ; a mi t h es e ;sa r ve al l ; va y am we ; da d h m ahe w i l l h o l d i t ;
iti t h u s; u22asita ra i s e d; dosni on t h e a r m s; gope of g o p a s;nivahe o n t h e
multitude; kincit a l i t t l e ; bhuja a r m s ; ak u ncana be n d i n g ;nyancat p l a c i n g ;
saila of t he hil l; bhara by t h e b u r d e n; ardite di s t r e s sed;viruvati s c r e a m i n g ;
smerah sm i l i n g; harih Lo r d K r s n a ;patu ma y p r o t e c t;vah y o u a l l .

"0 Krsna, for a long time You held up Govardhana Hill without any help. You
must be very tired now. Please sit down and rest. All of us will hold the hill in
Your place." Krsna then shifted a small portion of the hill's weight onto the raised
arms of the cowherd men. When they felt the pressure of the hill, their arms
became bent and they began to scream. May Krsna, who smiled to see all this,
protect you all.
Sri Sarana

TEXT 267
khinno 'si munca sailam
bibhrmo vayam iti vadatsu sithila bh-ujah
bhara bh-ugna vi t-ata ba-husu
gopesu hasan harir j ayati

khinnah d i s t r e ssed; asi Yo u a r e; munca g i v e u p; sailam th e h i l l ; bi b hrmah

hold; vayam we w i l l ; iti thu s ; va d a t su sp e a k i n g;sithila sl a c k e n e d; bhujah
arm; bhara by t he we ight; bhugna b e n d i n g; vitata e x t e n d e d; bahusu a r m s ;
gopesu among the cowherd men; hasan sm i l i n g ; harih Lo r d K r s n aj; ayati a l l

"You must be exhausted by now. Let go of the hill and we will hold it for You."
When He shifted a little of the hill's weight, and the arms of the cowherd men
began to become crushed, Krsna began to smile. All glories to Krsna.
Sri Subandhu

TEXT 268
duram drsti pathat -tirobhava harer govardhanam bibhratas
tvayy asakta drsah -krsodari kara srasto -'sya ma bhud ayam
gopinam iti j a2pitam ka2ayato radha nirodh-asrayam
svasah saila bhara -srama -bhram-akarah kamsa dvisah -pantu vah

duram fa r away; drsti of t h e g l a n c e;pathat fr o m t h e p a t h; tirobhava Y o u

should disappear;hareh of Lord Krsna;govardhanam Govardhana Hill;
bibhratah ho l d i n g; tvayi to Y o u ; as a kta at t a c h e d;drsah gl a n c e s;krsa udari-
0 slender girl; karah of t h e h a n d;srastah sl i p p i n g ;asya of H i m ; ma n ot ;
bhut may be; ayam th i s ; go pmam of t h e g o p i s; iti th u s ;ja l p i t am t h e w o r d s ;
kalayatah he a r i n g; radha of R a d h a;nirodha asrayam -the re straint; svasah
sighs; saila of t he hil l; bhara th e w e i g h t;srama fr o m f a t i g u e;bhramarakah
slipping; kamsa dvisah -of Lord Krsna, the enemy of Kamsa; pantu ma y p r o t e c t;
vah you all.

"Please go far away from the path of Krsna's eyes. 0 slender girl, don't make
Govardhana Hill fall from His hand because He is absorbed in gazing on You."
When Krsna heard the gopis' words to stop Radha, He sighed and the hill began to
slip from His hand. May those sighs of Lord Krsna protect you all.
Sri Subhanka
Boating Pastimes

TEXT 269
kuru param yamunaya
muhur iti gopibhir utkarahutah
tari tat-a ka-pata say-alur
dvi gu-nalasyo harir j ayati

kuru ca rry us; param to t h e o t h er shore;yamunayah of t h e Y amuna;

muhuh re p e atedly; iti t h u s ; go pibhih by t h e g o p i s; utkara m a n y t i m e s ;
ahutah ca l l e d; tari of t h e b o a t; tata on t h e s i d e; kapata pr e t e n d e d;sayaluh
sleepy; dvi gun-a do u b l e d; alasyah la z i n e ss;harih to L o r d K r s n a;j ayati a l l

"Take us to the other side of the Yamuna!" Repeatedly ca l led by the gopis,
Krsna pretended to nap by His boat. All glories to doubly indolent Lord Krsna.
Sri Sanjaya Kavisekhara

TEXT 270
uttistharat tarau me taruni mama taroh saktir arohane ka
saksad akhyami mugdhe taranim iha raver akhyaya ka ratir me
vateyam nau prasa-nge katham api bhavita navayoh sangamartha
vartapiti smitasyam jita giram -ajitam radhayaradhayami

yatha ju s t as;padyavalyam in Padyavali; uttistha st a n d; arat n e a r b y ;

tarau on t he boat; me My ; ta r u ni o yo u n g g i r l ; ma ma of M e ; ta r oh o f t h e
tree; saktih th e p o w e r; arohane in c l i m b i n g; ka wh a t 7 ;sa ksat d i r e c t l y ;
akhyami I s a y; mugdhe 0 ch a r m i n g a nd b e w i l d e red girl;taranim b o a t ; i ha i n
this connection; raveh of t he s un; akhyaya by n a m e ; ka wh a t 7 ; r a t i h
happiness; me of M e; varta wo r d s ; iy am th e s e ; nau t o t h e b o a t; prasange i n
relation; katham api so m e h o w;bhavita wi l l b e ; na no t ; av a y oh o f U s t w o ;
sangama association; artha fo r t h e p u r p o s e;varta wo r d s ; api a l s o ;i ti i n
this way; smita sm i l i n g ; asyam wh o s e f ace; jita d e f e a t e d;giram i n w o r d s ;
ajitam un d e f e ateable Lord Krsna;radhaya wi t h S r i m a ti Radharani;
aradhayami I worship.

Krsna: My dear young girl, please step into My tari (boat, which become tarau
in the locative case).
Radha: What power do I have to climb trees7 (Here Radha interprets tarau to be
the locative of taru, which means tree.)
Krsna: My dear, charming, bewildered girl, I do not mean tree, I mean tarani
Radha: Why would I want to go to the sun7 (Here She interprets the word
tarani to mean sun. )
Krsna: All these words I have used mean nau (boat).
Radha: All these words are meant to bring Us together. (Here She interprets the
word nau to mean Us.)

I worship unconquerable Lord Krsna, who happily smiled as Sri Radha defeated
Him in this playful verbal-duel.
Sri Rupa Gosvami

TEXT 271
mukta taranga niv-ahena patanga pu-tri
navya ca naur iti vacas tava tathyam eva
sanka nid-anam idam eva mamati ma-tram
tvam cancalo yad iha madhava naviko si

mukta fr e e; taranga of w a v e s;nivahena of t he m u l t i t u d e;patanga putr-i

the Yamuna River, the daughter of the sun-god; navya ne w ; ca al s o ;n a u h
boat; iti th u s ; va cah st a t e m e nt;tava of Y o u ; ta t h yam t r u e ;e va c e r t a i n l y ;
sanka of anxiety; nidanam th e c a u s e;idam th i s ; e va c e r t a i n l y;mama o f m e ;
ati matr-am bo u n d l e ss;tvam Yo u ; ca ncalah re s t l e s s; yat be c a u s e;iha h e r e ;
madhava 0 Kr s n a ; navikah th e n a v i g a tor;asi a r e .

What You say is true. There are no waves on the Yamuna, and this is a new,
sturdy boat. I am so afraid because You, 0 Madhava, are the reckless captain of the
Sri Rupa Gosvami

TEXT 272
jirna tari sarid ativa gabhi-ra nira-
ba2a vayam saka2am ittham anartha hetuh-
nistara btjam -idam eva krsodarinam
yan madhava tvam asi samprati karnadharah

jirna ol d ; ta ri boa t ; sa r it th e r i v e r ; at iva ve r y ; ga b hira de e p ;n i r a

water; ba2ah yo u ng girls; vayam we ; sa k a2am co m p l e t e ly;ittham i n t h i s w a y ;
anartha of d a n ger;hetuh th e s o u r c e;nistara fo r c r o s s ing;bij am t h e m e t h o d ;
idam th i s ; eva c e r t a i n l y; krsa udarina-m of s le nder girls;yat be c a u s e;
madhava 0 Kr s n a ; tvam Yo u ; asi ar e ;sa m prati no w ; ka r n a d h arah c a p t a i n
of the boat.

The river is very deep, this is an old boat, and we are simply helpless girls. It is
very dangerous for us. Nevertheless, 0 Madhava, at the present moment You are
the only boat-captain who can take us slender girls across the Yamuna.
Sri Jagadananda Raya

TEXT 273
ambhasi tarani sutayah -
stambhita t-aranih sa devaki s-utah
atura v-irahita g-opyah
katara mukham iksate smerah

ambhasi in t he water; tarani of t h e Y a m u na River, the daughter of the sun-

god; stambhita motinless; taranih bo a t ; sah He ; de v aki su-tah Lo r d K r s n a, the
son of Devaki; atara th e b o a t - fare;virahita wi t h o u t ; go pyah o f t h e g o p i ;
katara di s t r e ssed;mukha fa c e ;iksate ga z e s;smerah s m i l i n g .

Krsna suddenly stopped the boat in the middle of the Yamuna and demanded
immediate payment of the fare. He smiled as He gazed at the frightened face of the
gopi, who had no money to give.
Sri Suryadasa

TEXT 274
vaca tavaiva yadunandana gavya bha-ro
haro pi varini maya sahasa vikirnah
duri krta-m ca kucayor anayor dukulam
ku2am ka2inda duhi-tur na tathapy aduram

vaca by the statement; tava of Y o u ; eva ce r t a i n l y;yadu nand-ana 0 K r s n a ,

descendent of Maharaja Yadu; gavya of m i l k - p r o d u c t s;bharah th e g r e at load;
harah th e necklace;api al s o ; varini in t h e w a t e r; maya by M e ; sa h asa a t
once; vikirnah in t h e w a t e r ;ma ya by M e ; sa h asa at o n c e;vikirnah c a s t ;
duri krtam -thrown far away;ca also;kucayoh on the breasts; anayoh on
them; duku2am the garment; ku2am t he s ho re; ka2inda Ka l i n d a; na no t ; t a t h a
api st i l l; aduram i s n e a r .

0 Yadunandana, by Your order I have cast into the water these milk-products
as well as My own necklace. I have thrown My bodice far away. Still, the shore of
the Yamuna has not come any closer.
author unknown

TEXT 275
payah puraih -purna sapadi gata ghurna -ca pavanair
gabhire kalindi payasi -tarir esa pravisati
aho me durdaivam parama kutukak-ranta hrdayo-
harir varam varam tad api kara talim racayati

payah of water; puraih wi t h f lo o d s ;purna fi l l e d ;sapadi at o n c e ;gata

gone; ghurna tossed; ca al s o; pavanaih by t h e w i n d s;gabhire in t o t h e d e ep;
kalindi of t he Yamuna;payasi in t h e w a t e r;tarih bo a t ; es ah th i s ;pr a v isati
enters; aho al a s.; me m y ; du r d a ivam mi s f o r t u n e ;parama su p r e m e ;kutuka
by eagerness;akranta overwhelmed; hrdayah whose heart; harih Krsna;
varam ag a in; varam an d a g a i n; tat api st i l l ; -kara of t h e h a n d s; talim t h e
surface; racay ati d o e s .
The boat is violently tossed by the wind. Filling with water, it is now sinking
into the Yamuna. Alas. Destiny has become my enemy. Even in this calamity,
lusty-hearted Krsna again and again puts His hand on me!
Sri Manohara

TEXT 276
paniya se-cana vi-dhau mama naiva pant
visramyatas tad api te parihana va-ni
jivami cet punar aham na tada kadapi
krsna tvadiya tar-anau caranau dadami

paniya of w a t e r;secana vid-hau is splashing; mama my ; na no t ; e v a

certainly; pani ha n d s ;visramyatah ex h a u s t e d;tat api si t l l ; te o f Y o u ;
parihasa jo k i n g; vani words;jivami I l i v e ;cet if ; pu n a h ag a i n ;ah am I ;
na no t; tada th e n ; ka da api at a n y t i m e ;kr sna 0 Kr s n a ;tv a diya i n Y o u r ;
taranau bo a t; caranau tw o f e e t;dadami I w i l l p l a c e .

My hands are exhausted. They can no longer push the water out. All You do is
speak joking words. 0 Krsna, if I live through this, never again will I place my feet
in Your boat.
Sri Manohara

TEXT 277
ld amuddlsya vayasyah
sva samih-ita daivat-am namata
yamunaiva j anu daghn-i
bhavatu na va naviko 'stv aparah

idam t o t h is; uddisya in r e l a t i o n;vayasyah 0 go p i - f r i e n d s;sva o w n ;

samihita de s i r e d;daivatam to t h e d e i t y;namata ev e r y o ne bow down;
yamuna the Yamuna River; j anu the knees;daghni as deep as;bhavatu may
be;na not;va or;navikah a boat-captain; astu maybe; aparah someone

0 gopi-friends, all of you please bow down before your chosen deity and pray
that either the Yamuna River will not be deep as our knees, or we get a boat-
captain other than Krsna.
Sri Mukunda Bhattacarya

TEXT 278
tarir uttarala sarid gabhira
taralo nanda sutas ca k-arnadharah
abalaham upaiti bhanur astam
sakhi dure nagariha kim karomi

tarih th e b o a t;uttarala ro c k t o a nd f r o;sarit th e r i v e r; gabhira is deep;

taralah re c k l e ss;nanda of M a h a r a ja Nanda;sutah t h e s o n; ca a l s o ;
karnadharah is t he boat-captain;abala a h e l p l e ss girl;aham I a m ; u p a i t i
attains; bhanuh th e s un; astam th e w e s t e rn horizon;sakhi 0 f r i e n d ; k i m
what7; karomi w i l l I d o .

The boat rocks to and fro. The river is deep. The reckless son of Maharaja
Nanda is the captain. I am a helpless girl. The sun is setting in the west, and the
v illage of Vraja is still far away. 0 gopi-friend, what will I do now 7
author unknown

TEXT 279
napeksate stuti kat-ham na srnoti kakum
sasvat krt-am na manute pranipata jatam
ha kim vidheyam adhuna sakhi nanda sun-ur
madhye tarangini tarim taralo dhunoti

na do es not; apeksate pa y attention; stuti kath-am to My p r a y e rs;na d o e s

not; srnoti he a r; kakum M y b e g g i ng wi th a broken voice; sasvat re p e a tedly;
krtam do n e ; na do e sn o t; manuta co n s i d e r;pranipata jatam M y b o w i n g
down before Him; ha al a s !; kim w h a t 7 ; vi d hayam ca n I d o;ad huna n o w ;
sakti 0 go p i - f r i e n d;nanda of M a h a r a ja Nanda;sunuh th e s o n; madhye i n t h e
middle; tarangini of t h e w a v e -filled river;tarim th e b o a t; ta ralah re c k l e s s ;
dhunoti sh a k e s.

He pays no attention to My prayers. He does not hear My begging in a broken

voice. He does not consider My repeatedly bowing down before Him. 0 gopi -
friend, what will I do now7 In the middle of this wave-filled river, the reckless son
of Maharaja Nanda violently shakes the boat.
Sri Rupa Gosvami

TEXT 280
esottunga taranga -langhita -tatosang-a patangatmaj a
purneyam tarirambubhir na hi hareh sanka kalankad api
kathinyam bhaja nadya sundari vayam radhe prasadena te
jivamahsphutamatari kuru gi-ri droni v-inodot-savam

esa this; uttanga wi t h t a l l; ta r anga wa v e s ;langhita cr o s s e c;tata utsanga-

the surface and shore; patanga atmaja -the Yamuna River, the daughter of the
sun-god; purna fi l l e d; iyam th i s ; ta r ih bo a t ;a m b ubhih w i t h w a t e r;na n o t ;
hi in d e e d; hareh of K r s n a;sanka fe a r ;ka l ankat fr o m t h e c a lamity;api e v e n ;
kathiyam ha r s h n ess;bhaj a do ; na no t ; ad ya now ; su n d a ri 0 b ea u t i f u l g i r l ;
vayam we; radhe 0 Radha;prasadena by the mercy;ta of You;jivanah will
live; sphutam cl e a rly; atari-kuru p a y t h e f a re;giri of G o v a r d h a na Hill;droni
in the cave; vinoda of p a s t i m e s;utsavam a f e s t ival.

"The Yamuna is filled with huge waves, and the boat is filling with water. Still,
Krsna is not afraid."
"0 beautiful Radha, don't be so harsh. By Your mercy We will live through this.
All You need do is pay the boat-fare of a promise to enjoy with Me a festival of
amorous pastimes in the cave of Govardhana Hill."
Sri Rupa Gosvami

TEXT 281
kakum karosi grha ko-na ka-risa pu-nja
gudhanga kim nanu vrtha kitava prayahi
kutradyaj irna ta-rani bh-ramanati bh-iti
gopangana ga-na vid-ambana ca-turi te

kakum an em o t i onal appeal; karosi Yo u d o; gr ha of t h e h o u s e;kona i n a

corner;karosi You do; grha of the house;kona in a corner;karisa of dried
cow-dung;punj a in a heap;gudha hidden; anga whose body; kim why7;
nanu is it not 7; vrtha us e l e s s;kitava 0 che a t e r ;pr a y a hi go a w a y ;k u t r a
where7;adya now; jirna old;tarani in a boat; bhramana by the rocking
motion; ati gr e a t ;bh iti be c a u s e of fear;
gopa ang-ana of gopis; gana t h e
multitude; vidambana at t r i c k i ng caturi e x p e r t i z e;te o f Y o u .

0 Krsna, 0 cheater hiding behind this heap of dried cow-dung, why do you
uselessly beg me in this way7 Go away! (This is a foolish trick.) You used to be
very expert at tricking the gopis. You expertly tricked them when You frightened
them in an old boat. Where is that expertise now7
Sri Rupa Gosvami

Note: One time Lord Krsna took the gopis for a ride in an old boat. When the
boat began to rock dangerously in a storm, Krsna extorted various amorous favors
from the frightened gopis in return for their rescue.

Radhaya saha harer vako-vakyam

Conversation Between Krsna and Radha

TEXT 282
angu2ya kah kavatam praharati kuti2e madhavah kim vasanto
no cakri kim ku2a2ona hi dharani dharah -kim dvi jihvah p-hanindrah
naham ghora mardi k-im asi khaga patir no -harih kim kapiso
r adha vanibhir -ittham prahasita vadanah-„patu vas cakra panih -

angulya wi t h a single finger; kah„w h o ; ka v a t am on t h e d o o r ; pr a harati

taps; kutila 0 cr o o k e d g ir l;madhavah„ It i s K r s n a; kim w h e t h e r . ; va santah„
springtime; na no t ; u i n d e e d ; ca k ri Kr s n aw h o w e i l ds the cakra; kim
whether.; ku2a2ah„a p o t t er; na no t ; hi cer t a i n l y ;dh a rani d harah„- K r s n a ,
who maintains the earth; kim w h e t h er ;dvi wi t h tw o ; j i h v a h „ ton g u e s phani
indrah„ A n a n t a Sesa, the king of the snakes; na no t ; ah am I a m ; g h o r a
terrible; ahi of s n a k e s;mardi th e c r u s h e r; kim w h e t h e r ; asi Yo u a r e ;kh aga
patih„ Garuda, the king of the birds; na no t ; u i nd e e d ;h a r i h„ I a m H a r i ;
kim w h e t h er; kapi i-sah„ H a n u m a n , the king of the monkeys; radha o f S r i m a t i
Radharani; vanibhih„ b y t h e w o r d s ; ittham i n t h i s w ay;prahasita s m i l i n g ;
vadanah„wh ose face;patu may protect; vah„you all; cakrap-anih„Lord
Krsna, who wields the Sudarsana cakra.

"Who taps on My door with one finger7"

"0 crooked girl, it is Madhava."
"Madhava is a name of spring. Has springtime come knocking on My door7
"Certainly not. It is the holder of the Sudarsana wheel."
"Potters hold wheels. Are You a potter7"
"I am not. I am the person who holds up the entire world."
"The forked-tongued serpent king Ananta holds up the world. Are You He7"
"No. I am a person who crushes serpents."
"The bird-king Garuda crushes serpents. Are You he7
"No. I am Lord Hari."
"Hari is a name of the monkey-king Hanuman. Are You he7

May Lord Krsna, who holds the Sudarsana cakra, and who smiled to hear these
clever words from Srimati Radharani, protect you all.
author unknown

TEXT 283
kas tvam bho nisi kesavah sirasijaih kim nama garvayase
bhadre saurir aham gunaih pitr gataih -putrasya kim syad iha
cakri candramukhi prayacchasi nu me kundim ghatim dohanim
ittham gopa vadhu -jitottarataya hrino harih patu vah

kah who; tvam ar e Y o u; bhoh 0 ; n i s i i n t h e n i g h t ; ke s a v ah I a m K e s a v a ;

sirasij aih wi t h h a i r; kim w h a t i s t he u se7;nama in d e e d;garvayase Y o u a re
proud; bhadre 0 beautiful girl; saurih th e d e s cendent of Maharaja Surasena;
aham I a m; gunaih w i t h v i r t u e s;pitr to t h e a n c e stor;gataih go n e ;putrasya
of the descendant; kim w h a t 7 ; syat is t o b e d o n e; iha h e r e ; ca kri I a m t h e
holder of the Sudarsana wheel; candra-mukhi 0 moon-faced girl; prayacchasi
You give; nu wi 1 17; dohanim a m i l k - b u c k e t; ittham i n t h i s w a y; gopa vadhu-
the gopi; jita de f e a t ed;uttarataya b y r e p l i e s; hrinah e m b a r r a ssed; harih L o r d
Krsna; patu m a y p r o t e c t; vah y o u a l l .

"Who is there in the darkness of night7"

"It is Kesava."
"Kesa means hair. Why should hair approach Me7 You are awfully proud,
"0 beautiful girl, I am the grandson of Maharaja Surasena."
"Of what use is the worthless son of a virtuous grandfather7"
"0 moon-faced girl, I am the holder of the Sudarsana wheel."
"Ah, You are a potter who spins a potter's wheel. Will You give Me a bowl, a
pot, and a milk-bucket7"
May Lord Krsna, who was embarrassed by these clever replies of the gopi
Radha, protect you all.
Sri Cakrapani

TEXT 280
vasah samprati kesava kva bhavato mugdheksane nanv idam
vasam bruhi satha prakama su-bhage tvad ga-tra sa-msargatah
yaminyam usitah kva dhurta vitanur musnati kimyamini
saurir gopa va-dhum chalaih parihasann evam vi-dhaih patu vah

vasah ga rment (or residence); samprati at p r e s e nt;kesava 0 Kr s n a ; k v a

where7; bhavatah of Y o u; mugdha be a u t i f u l;ik sane in t h e e ye s;nanu i s i t
not7; idam th i s ; vasam ga r m e nt ( or f ragance);bruhi sp e a k;satha 0 c h e a t e r ;
prakama sub-hage 0 be a utiful girl; tvat Your; gatra bo d y ; samsargatah t o b e
associated; yaminyam du r i n g t he nig ht;usitah re s i d e d;kva wh e r e 7 ;d hurta 0
rascal; vitanuh sl e n d e r;musnati st e a l s;kim wh e t h e r ;ya mini ni g h t ; s a u r ih
Lord Krsna, the descendent of Maharaja Surasena; gopa vad-hum the gopi;
chalaih wi t h c l e ver words;parihasan sm i l i n g ; evam vidh-aih in t h i s w a y;patu
may protect; vah y o u a l l .

One morning, when Krsna came to Radha, Radha asked Him, "My dear Kesava,
where is Your vasa at present7" The Sanskrit word "vasa: has three meanings: one
meaning is residence, one meaning is fragance, and another meaning is dress.
Actually Radharani inquired from Krsna "Where is Your dress7" But Krsna took
the meaning as residence, and He replied to Radharani, "My dear captivated one, at
the present moment My residence is in Your beautiful eyes."
To this Radharani replied, "My dear cunning boy, I did not ask You about Your
residence, I inquired about Your dress."
Krsna then took the meaning of "vasa" as fragance and said, "My dear fortunate
one, I have just assumed this fragance in or der to be associated with Your body."
Srimati Radharani again inquired from Krsna, "Where did You pass Your
night7" The exact Sanskrit word used in this connection was "yaminyamusitah".
"Yaminyam" means "at night", and usitah means "pass." Krsna, however, divided
the word "yaminyamusitah into two separate words, namely "yaminya" and
"musitah". By dividing this word into two, it came out to mean that He was
kidnapped by Yamini, or night, Krsna therefore replied to Radharani, "My dear
Radharani, is it possible that night can kidnap Me7" In this way He was answering
all of the questions of Radharani so cunningly that He gladdened this dearest of
the gopis.* May smiling Lord Krsna protect you all.
author unknown

TEXT 285
radhe tvam kupita tvam eva ku pita srast-asi bhumer yato
mata tvam j agatam tvam evaj agatam mata na vij no parah
devi tvam parihasa ke2i ka2a-he 'n-anta tvam evety asau
smero ballava sundarim -avanaman chaurih sriyam vah kriyat

radhe 0 Ra d h a; tvam Yo u ; ku p i ta ar e a n g r y; tvam Yo u ; eva ce r tainly;

ku of t he earth;pita th e f a t h e r; srasta th e c r e a tor;asi Yo u a r e; bhumeh o f
the earth; yatah be c a use;mata th e m o t h e r; tvam Yo u a r e ;j agatam o f t h e
universes; tvam Yo u; eva ce r t a i n l y;j agatam of t h e u n i v e rses;mata t h e
mother; na no t ; vi jn ah in t e l l i g e n t;aparah an o t h e r;devi 0 go d d e s s;tvam
You; parihasa jo k i n g ; ke2i of p a s t i m e s;kaha2e in t he lover s quarrel;ananta
boundless; tvam Yo u a re;eva ce r t a i n l y;iti th u s ;as au He ; sm e r ah s m i l i n g ;
ba22ava su-ndarim to t he beautiful gopi; avanaman bo w i n g d o w n; saurih L o r d
Krsna; sriyam au s p i c i o usness;vah to y ou a l l; kr i yat m a y d o .

"Radha, You have become kupita (angry)."

"Ku means earth, and pita means father. It is You who are father of the earth."
"And You are the mother of all the universes."
"You are the actual mother of the universes. You are omniscient. No one is
Your equal."
"0 Goddess, Your skill in joking lover's quarrels is ananta (unlimited)."
"Nan means bowing down, ta means the state of being, and a means without. It
is You whom possess this quality of ananta (refusing to bow down)."
May Lord Krsna, who smiled as He then bowed down before the beautiful gopi
Radha, grant auspiciousness to you all.
Sri Harihara

The Rasa-dance

TEXT 286

rndarany e pramada sadan-e ma22i ka puspa -mode-

sri subhra-msoh kirana rucire -kokiladyair manojne
ratrau ci tre pasupa vani ta -ci t ta d-ehapa-hari
kamsarater madhura murali -vadya -raj o ra-raj a

vrnda aranye -in the forest of Vrndavana;pramada of p l e a sure;sadane t h e

abode; ma22ika puspa -of jasmine flowers; mode wi t h t he f ra gance;sri
subhramsoh of t he beautiful moon; kirana wi t h t h e s h i n i n g; rucire s p l e n d i d ;
kokila adyaih -with the cuckoos and other birds; manojne ch a r m i n g; ra trau i n
the night; citrau wo n d e r f u l;pasupa vanita -of the gopis; citta th e h e a r t s;
deha and bodies; apahari st e a l i n g;madhura sw e e t;murali o f t h e f lu t e ;
vadya of t he music; raj ah th e k i n g ; ra raj a wa s s pl e ndidly manifest.

On a wonderful night, in delightful Vrndavana forest filled with the fragance of

jasmine flowers, illuminated by beautiful moonlight, and made charming by the
singing of the cuckoos and other birds, Krsna s sweet, regal flute music, which
stole away the gopis hearts and bodies, was splendidly manifest.
author unknown
TEXT 287
adharamrta madhuri d-hurmo
hari-2z2a-mura2z-ninada esah
pratatana manah p-ramodam uccair
harininam harini d-rsam muninam

adhara of t he lips; amrta of t h e n e c t ar;madhuri wi t h t h e s w e etness;

dhurinah fi l l e d; hari of L o r d K r s n a; 2i2a o f p a s t i m e s; mura2i of t he flu t e ;
ninadah so u n d; esah th i s ; pr a t atana ga v e ;manah of t h e h e a rt; harini dr-sam
of the doe-eyed gopis; muninam o f th e sages.

Filled with the sweet nectar of Krsna's lips, the playful sound of the flute
delighted the does, the doe-eyed gopis, and the sages.
Sri Madhavendra Puri

TEXT 288
tarali krta -gopa -bhav-ini niva-hah
tad adha-ra mad-huni sa trsna-h
krsnah payad apayato bhavatah

2I2a playfully; mukharita ta l k a t i v e; mura2i by t h e flu t e;tara2i krta -m a de t o

tremble; gopa bhavi-ni of t he gopis;nivahah th e m u l t i t u d e; tat o f t h e m ;
adhara of t he lips; madhuni f o r t h e h o n e y;sa wi t h ; tr s n ah th i r s t ;kr s n ah
Lord Krsna; payat ma y p r o t e c t; apayatah fr o m c a l a m i t y;bhavatah y o u a l l .

May Krsna, who thirsted after the honey of the gopis' lips, and whose playful,
talkative flute made the gopis tremble, protect you from all dangers.
Sri Madhava Cakravarti

TEXT 289
karaya namba vilambam
munca karam me harim yasi
na sahe sthatum yad asau
garjati mura2i praga2bha dutiva-

karaya ma k e ; na do n ' t ; am ba 0 mo t h e r ;vi 2 amba d e l a y; munca l e t g o ;

karam of t he hand; me m y ; ha r im to K r s n a ya ; mi I a m g o i n g ;na n o t ;
sahe I am able; sthatum to s t a y;yat be c a u s e;asau th i s ; garj ati s o u n d s ;
mura2i the flute; praga2bha an a udacious; duti m e s s e nger;iva l i k e .

Mother, don't stop me! Let go of my hand! I am going to Krsna. Because

Krsna's bold messenger, the flute, calls me, I cannot stay here.
Sri Rupa Gosvami
TEXT 290
cuda c-umbita c-aru c-andraka c-ayam camikarabhambaram
karnottamsita k-arnikara k-usumam kandarpa k-a22o2inam
vamsi v-adana v-avaduka v-adanam vakri b-havad ik-sanam
bhagyam bhangura m-adhyamah parinatam kunj antare bhejire

cuda cr o w n; cumbita ki s s e d;caru be a u t i f u l;candraka of p e a c o ck feathers;

cayam wi t h a hos t; camikara of g o l d ; ab ha wi t h t h e c o l o r; ambaram w h o s e
garments;karna ut-tamsita earrings;karnikara karnikara flowers; kandarpa of
cupid; ka22o2inam to ssed by the waves;vamsi of t he flu t e; vadana i n t h e m u s i c ;
vavaduka eloquent; vadanam whose mouth;vakri bh-avat crooked; iksanam
whose glance; bhagyam tr a n s cendental bliss;bhangura ma-dhyamah th e s lender-
waisted gopis; parinatam fu l l y m a n i f e sted;kunja th e f o r e s t-grove;antare
within; bhejire w o r s h i p e d .

The top of His head kissed by a crown of peacock feathers, His garments the
color of gold, a karnikara flower in His ear, His heart swept away by waves of
amorous desire, the flute placed to His expert-musician lips, and His eyes
decorated with crooked sidelong glances, Lord Krsna, whose form is the full
development of all transcendental bliss, was worshiped by the slender-waisted
gopis in the forest of Vrndavana.
Sri Jivadasa Vahimpati

Srj Krsna's Words

TEXT 291

ustah ko 'pi karoti vah paribhavam sanke muhur gokule

dhavantyah skhalad ambar-am nisi vaneyuyam yad abhyagatah
ah ka bhitir amanda danava -vadhu -sindura -mudra -hare -

dor dande -mama bhati divyata pati krode k-urangi drsah-

dustah de m o n; kah api so m e ; ka r o ti do e s ;vah to y o u ; pa r i b havan h a r m ;

sanke I thi n k; mu huh re p e a t e dly;gokule in G o k u l a ; dhavantyah r u n n i n g ;
skhalat fa l l i n g; ambaram ga r m e n t s;nisi in t h e n i g h t ; vane in t h e f o r e s t;
yuyam you;yat because;abhyagatah come here;ah aha!;ka what7;
bhitih fe a r; amanda sw i f t ; da nava of t h e d e m o n s;vadhu o f t h e w i v e s ;
sindura of red sindura; mudra the mark;hare removing; doh dande -arms;
mama My ; bh ati wh e n m a n i f e s ted;divyata al l o f y ou e njoy pastimes;pati o f
your husband; krode on t he c he st;kurangi drsah 0 -doe-eyes girls.

All your garments became disarrayed as you ran here through the forest at
night. I think you must have been repeatedly attacked by some demon. Aha! What
fear can remain as long as My arms, which swiftly turn the demon s wives into
widows, are present. 0 doe-eyed girls, all of you go home and enjoy pastimes on
the chest of your husbands. I will take care of this demon.
Sri Rupa Gosvami

TEXT 292
dhutottape vahati gahane dharma pu-re vrajantah
ka vas trsna balati hrdaye durmadeyam satinam
simantinyah sprhayata grhan ma viruddham kurudhvam
nayam drstau mama vighatate hanta punyasya panthah

dhuta sh a ken off; uttape su f f e r i n g s;vahati is m a n i f e s ted;gahane i n t h e

forest;dharma pu-re sacred;vraj a Vraja;antah within;ka what;vah of you;
trsna th i r s t; balati is ; hr d a ye in t h e h e a r t; durmada im p o s s i b l e;iyam t h i s ;
satinam of p i o u s, chaste girls;simantinyah 0 gi r l s ;sprhayata pl e a s e desire;
grhan homes; ma do n ' t; viruddham si n ; ku r u d hvam do ; na no t ; ay a m t hi s ;
drstau in t he sight; mama of M e ; vi g h atate is b r o k e n; hanta i n d e e d ;
punyasya of p i e t y; panthah t h e p a t h .

What is the overwhelming thirst that troubles your hearts in this pleasent,
sacred forest of Vraja7 0 pious girls, please return to your homes. Do not sin.
Within My sight the path of religion will never be broken.
Sri Rupa Gosvami

Note: These ambiguous words may also be translated:

"What is the overwhelming thirst that troubles your hearts in this pleasent,
sacred forest of Vraja7 0 pious girls, please do not return to your homes. Stay here.
Within My sight the path of religion is never broken."

Uraj a-devInam uttaram

The Reply of the Goddesses of Uraj a

TEXT 293
katham vithim asman upadisasi dharma pranay-inim
prasida svam sisyam ati kha2a m-ukhim -sadhi mura2zm
haranti maryadam siva siva pare pumsi hrdayam
nayanti dhrsteyam yaduvara yatha nahvayati nah

katham wh y 7 ; vithim th e p a t h ; asman to u s ; up adisasi Yo u t e a c h;dharma

pranayinim of r e l i g i o n; praside be k i n d ; svam to Your own; sisyam d i s c i p l e ;
ati kha2a mu-khim -bad-mouthed; sadhi or d e r ;mu r a2im th e f lu t e ;ha ranti
removing; maryadam mo d e s t y;siva al a s . ;siva al a s ;apre to t h e S up re me;
pumsi Personality of Godhead; hrdayah th e h e a rt; nayanti br i n g i n g ;dh rsta
bold; ayam it ; ya du of t h e Y a du dynasty;vara 0 be s t ;ya t ha as ; na n ot ;
ahv ay ati calls; nah u s .
Why do You teach us the path of religion7 Be kind. Teach Your bad-mouthed
disciple, the flute. Alas! Alas! Your bold flute robs our modesty and carries our
hearts to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Teach it not to call us here.
Sri Rupa Gosvami

TEXT 290
gopijanalingita m-adhya bh-agam
venum dhamantam bhrsa 2o-2a ne-tram
kalevare prasphuta ro-ma vr-ndam
namami krsnam j agad ek-aka-ndam

gopij ana by the gopis;alingita embraced;madhya bh-agam whose waist;

venum the flut e; dhamantam pl a y i n g;bhrsa ve r y ; 2o2a r e s t less;netram
whose eyes; kalevare on t he body;prasphuta st a n d i ng up; roma o f h a i r s ;
vrndam th e m u l t i t u d e; namami I o f f e r my r e s pectful obeisances;
krsnam t o
Lord Krsna; j agat fo r t he entire world; eka t h e o n l y ; va ndam w o r s h i p p a b l e

The gopis arms around His waist, the hairs on His body standing up in joy, and
His eyes restlessly moving, Krsna plays the flute. I bow down to offer my respects
to Sri Krsna, the only worshipable Lord for the entire world.
Sri Purusottamadeva

TEXT 295
kalindyah pulinesu ke2i kupit-am utsrjya rase rasam
gacchantim anugacchato 'sru kalus-am kamsa dviso -radhikam
tat pada -pratim-a nivesita padas-yodbhuta romod-gatair
aksunno 'nunayah prasanna dayita -drstas-ya pusnatu vah

ka2indyah of t he Yamuna; pu2inesu of t he shores; ke2i pa s times; kupitam

angry; utsrjya ab a n d o n i n g;rase in t h e r a sa dance;rasam ne c t a r;gacchantim
going; anugacchatah following; asru by t e a r s;kalusam po l l u t e d; kamsa
dvisah of L o rd K rs na, t h e e ne my of Kamsa;radhikam Sr i m a ti Radharani;tat
of Her; pada pratima -the fo o tprints; nivesita en t e r e d;padasya wh o s e feet;
udbhuta roma u-dgatai-h wi th hairs standing up; aksunnah su c c e ssful;
anunayah en t r e aty;prasanna pl e a s ed;dayita of t h e b e l o ved;drstasya s e e n ;
pusnatu may bless; vah you all.

With tears in Her eyes, angry Radharani left the nectarean pastimes of the rasa
dance and fled to the Yamuna's shore. His bodily hairs standing up, Krsna followed
Her footprints. He eventually caught up with Her and obtained Her merciful
glance. May Lord Krsna's successful appeal to Her bless you all.
S ri Bhatta ¹ r a y a n a

Srj Krsnantardhane tasam prasnah

Questions of the Gopjs During Srj Krsna's Disappearance

TEXT 296
tu2asi vi2asasi tvam ma22ijatasi phu22a
stha2a k-ama2ini bhrngaih sangatangi vibhasi
kathayata bata sakhyah ksipram asmasu kasmin
vasati kapata ka-ndah kandare nanda su-nuh

tu2asi 0 T u l a si; tvam yo u ; vi 2 asasi ar e v e ry beautiful;tvam yo u ; m a 22i 0

jasmine flower;jata manifested; asi yo u a r e; phulla b l o s s o m i n g; sthala
kamalini 0 la n d - g r o w in l o t u s;bhrngaih wi t h b e e s;sangata ac c o m p a nied;
angi bo d y; vibhasi yo u a re very splendid;kathayata pl e a se tell;bata a h ;
sakhyah fr i e n d s; ksipram qu i c k l y ; as masu am o n g y ou all;kasmin i n w h i c h ;
vasati st a ys; kapata of c h e a t ers;kandah th e c r e st-jewel;kandare ca v e;nanda
sunuh Kr s n a, the son of Maharaja Nanda.

0 Tulasi, you are very beautiful. 0 jasmine vine, you are filled with splendid
blossoms. 0 land-growing lotus flower, you are very lovely with all these bumble-
bees. 0 friends, please tell me at once: In which cave did Nandanandana, the king
of cheaters, go7
Sri Rupa Gosvami

TEXT 297
drstah kvapi sa madhavo vraja vadhu-m adaya kancid gatah
sarva eva hi vancitah sakhi vayam so nvesaniyo yadi
dve dve gacchatam ity udirya sahasa radham grhitva kare
gopi vesa d-haro-nikunja kuhar-am prapto harih patu vah

drstah se en; kva wh e r e 7 ;api wh e t h e r 7 sah ; He ; ma d h avah K r s n a ;

vraj a of Vraja; vadhum a g i r l ; adaya ta k i n g ; ka n cit a c e r t a i n;gatah g o n e ;
sarvah al l; eva ce r t a i n l y;hi in d e e d ;va ncitah ar e c h e a ted;sakhi 0 f r i e n d ;
vayam us ; sah He ; an v esaniyah to b e f o u n d;yadi if ; dv e dve t w o b y t w o ;
gacchatam sh o u ld go; iti t h u s ; ud i r ya sp e a k i n g ;sahasa at o n c e;radham
Radha; grhitva ta k i n g; ka re in h a n d ; go pi of a g o p i ; vesa th e d i s g u i se;
dharah we a r i ng nikun ja i n t o t h e f o r e s t;kuharam in a c a v e;praptah a t t a i n e d ;
harih Lo r d K r s n a;patu ma y p r o t e c t; vah y o u a l l .

"Did You see where Madhava went7 He took one vraja-girl and left. 0 friend,
we are all cheated."
"If you want to find Krsna, then divide into groups of two and go everywhere
searching for Him."
Saying these words, Krsna, disguised as a gopi, at once took Radha's hand and
went with Her deep into the forest. May Lord Krsna protect you all.
Author Unkown
Sri Radha-sakhi-vakyam
The Words of Srimati Radharani's Friend

TEXT 298
adosad dosad va tyajati vipine tam yadi bhavan
abhadram bhadram va vraja ku-la pa-te tvam vadatu kah
idam tu kruram me smarati hrdayam yat kila taya
tvad ar-tham kantare ku2a ti2-aka natmapi ganitah

nayake the thehero; yukta proper;vadini speech;yatha just as;

padyava2yam in -Padyava2i; adosat without any fault; dosat wi t h a f a u l t; va o r ;
tyaj ati ab a ndons;vipine in t h e f o r e st;tam He r ; ya di if ; bh a v an Y o u ;
abhadram inauspiciousness; bhadram auspiciousness; va or;vraj akul-apat-e
0 Prince of Vraja; tvam Yo u ; va datu ma y d e s c ribe; kah w h o 7 ; ida th i s ; t u
indeed; kruram cr u e l ; me of m e ; sm a rati re m e m b e r s;hrdayam he a r t ;y a t
which; kila in d e e d; taya by H e r ; tv at Yo u r ; ar t h am fo r t h e s a k e; kantare i n
the dangerous forest; ku2a of Your family; ti2aka 0 ti l a k a m a r k i n g;na n o t ;
atma He r o wn self; api ev e n ;ganitah wa s c o n s i dered.

0 prince of Vraja, who can say whether You are at fault or not at fault for
abandoning this gir17 Who can say whether Your actions are auspicious or
inauspicious7 Still, 0 tilaka-marking of Your family, my cruel heart remembers
how this girl entered the dangerous forest for Your sake, without caring for Her
own self.
Sri Ramacandra dasa

TEXT 299
2aksmim madhya gatena -rasa va2aye -vistarayann atmano
kasturi surabh-ir vilasa murali -vinyas-ta vaktre-nduna
krida tandav-a manda-lena parito drstena tusyad drsa -

tvam ha22isaka sanku -sanku2-a pada p-ayad vihari harih

2aksmin sp l endor; madhya in t h e m i d d l e; gatena go n e ; ra sa o f t h e r a s a

dance; valaye in t he c ircle;vistarayan di s p l a y i n g;atmana pe r s o n a lly;kasturi
with musk; surabhih fr a g a n t;vi2asa wi t h p a s t imes;mura2i th e f lu t e;vinyasta
placed; vaktra mouth; induna wi t h t h e m o o n; kr i da pa s t i m e s;tandava o f
enthusiastic dancing; mandalena wi t h t he c ir c le;paritah co m p l e t e l y;drstena
seen; tusyat pl e a sed;drsa by t h e g la nce;tvam y o u ; h a 22iksaka of t h e
hallaksaka dance; sanku sankula -f o l l o w i ng the movements;pada wh o s e feet;
payat may protect; vihari en j o y i n g t ra nscendental pastimes; harih L o r d K r s n a .

Displaying His own splendor, Lord Krsna appeared in the middle of the rasa-
dance circle. He was fragant with musk, and the flute was placed to the moon of
His lips. The dancing gopis gazed at Him and He glanced at them with pleasure.
May Lord Krsna, who moved His feet in the rasa-dance, protect you.
author unknown

Tatra khecaranam uktih

Words of the Demigods Observing the Rasa Dance from Their
Airplanes in the Sky

TEXT 300

mukta-munmam mrgyam
kim api pha2amdevaki pha2ati
tat palayati yasoda
nikamam upabhunjate

mukta-liberated; muninam-by the sages; mrgyam-sought; kim api ace-rtain; phalam

fruit; devaki-Devaki; pha2ati-bore fruit; tat-that fruit; pa2ayati-protects; yasoda
Yasoda; nikamam-to their hearts' content; upabhunjate-eat; gopyah the -gopis.

Devaki bore a precious fruit sought by the libearated sages, Yasoda protected that
fruit, and now the gopis taste that fruit to their hearts' content.
-Sri Daksinatya

TEXT 301

taptam tapobhir anyaih

pha2itam tad gopa ba2an-am
asam yat kuca-kumbhe
ni2a nico2a-yati brahma

taptam-performed austerities; tapobhih-with austerities; anyaih-other; pha2itam-

borne fruit; tat-therefore; gopa balana-m of the -young gopis; asam-of them; yat
because; kuca-of the breasts; kumbha-on the waterpot; nz2a-nico2ayati-has become a
blue bodice; brahma-the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

The young gopis must have performed many austerities and pious deeds in their
previous births so that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has now become a
blue garment covering their waterpotlike breasts.
-Sri Raghupati Upadhyaya

Water Pastimes

TEXT 302
ja2a ke2i t-ara2a kara t-a2a-
mukta p-unah pihita r-adhika v-adanah
jagad avatu koka y-unor
vighatana s-anghatana k-autuki krsnah

ja2a in -the water; ke2i-pastimes; tara2a-trembling; kara o-f the hand; ta2a-from the
surface; mukta-released; punah-again; pihita- covered; radhika o-f Radharani;
vadana fa-ce; j agat th-e universe; avatu ma-y protect; koka of -cakravaka birds; yunoh
of the youthful pair; vighatana-separating; sanghatana an-duniting; kautuki-eager;
krsnoh Lo-rd Krsna.

As a young cakravaka couple separates and then meets again, Krsna, His palms
trembling in His water-pastimes, delights in covering and uncovering Radha s face.
May Lord Krsna protect the entire world.
-author unknown

Note: The male and female cakravaka birds associate during the day, but separate
again at night.

Srj Radha-sakhjm pratj candravah-sakhyah sasuya-vakyam

Jealous Words From Candravah's Friend to Radharanj's Friend

TEXT 303

ma garvam udvaha kapo2a ta2e cak-asti

krsna sva h-asta -2ikhit-a nava manja-riti
anyapi kim na sakhi bhaj anam idrsinam
vairi na ced bhavati vepathur antarayah

ma don't; -garvam proud-; udvaha be; ka-po2a of the -cheek; ta2e on the s-urface;
cakasti-is manifested; krsna by Krs-na; s v a - w i t h H is o wn; hasta-hand; 2ikhita-
drawn; nava anew; -manjari flower -blossoms; iti-thus; anya-another; api-even; kim-
whether; na-not; sakhi Of r i en-d; bhajanam obj ect; -idrsinam of thos-e like this; vairi
the enemy; na-not; cet-if; bhavati-is; vepathah-trembling; antarayah-obstacle.

My friend, please do not be too puffed up because Krsna has decorated Your
forehead with His own hand. It many be that Krsna is yet attracted by some other
beautiful girl. I see that the decoration on Your forehead is very nicely made, and
so it appears that Krsna was not too disturbed in painting it. Otherwise, He could
not have painted such exact lines! *
-Sri Damodara

Srj Radha-sakhyah sakuta-vakyam

Srjmatj Radharanj's Friend's Words, Which Contain a Hidden
TEXT 300

yad a-vadhi gokulam abhitah

samaj ani kusuma ci-tasana sr-eni
pitamsuka pr-iyeyam
tad av-adhi candravali j ata

yat av-adhi wh-en; gokulam-in Gokula; abhitah-everywhere; samaj ani is -born;

kusuma-with flowers; cita-filled; asana of -priyara trees; sreni ah-ost; pita-of yellow;
amsuka-garments; priya fon-d; iyam-this; tat-avadhi-then; candra of -moons; avali a-
multitude; j ata is b-orn

When the priyara trees bloom everywhere in Gokula, their flowers are like a host
of moons decked in yellow garments.
-Sri Govardhanacarya

Note: The second meaning hidden in these ambiguous words is:

"When the priyara trees bloom everywhere in Gokula, then Candravali becomes
dear to Lord Krsna, who wears yellow garments."
The second meaning implies that Candravah is not beautiful by herself, but only is
beautiful when surrounded by beautiful things, such as priyara flowers.

Gandharvam prati sakhi-vakyam

A Gopi-friend s Words to Srimati Radharani

TEXT 305

saujanyena vasi krto va-yam atas tvam kincid acaksmahe

kalindim yadi yasi sundari punar ma gah kadambatavim
kascit tatra nitanta nirmala-tama stomo '-sti yasmin manag
2agne 2ocana szmni n-otpa2a drsah p-asyanti patyur grham

saujanyena byfrien-dship; vasi-conquered; krtah-are;vayam we; ata-h-therefore;

tvam to you; k-incit-something; acaksmahe we will -say; kalindam-to the Yamuna
River;yadi-if;yasi You go-;sundari Obeau-tiful girl; punah-again; ma don t; a-gah
go; kadamba of kada-mba trees; atavim to the fo-rest; kascit-a person; tatra-there;
nitanta-great; nirmala-splendid; tama-darkness; stomah-an abundance; asti-is;
yasmin in which-; manak-slightly; 2agne-touching; 2ocana of the ey-es; simni-in the
corner; na-not; utpa2a drsah lo-tus ey-edgir-ls; pasyanti-see; patyuh of their h-usband;
grham the hom-e.

We are conquered by Your friendship. For this reason we will tell You something.
0 beautiful one, if You go again to the Yamuna, don't go to the kadamba forest. In
that place is a great splendid darkness. When that darkness even lightly touches
the corner of a young girls lotus eyes, she is never again able to see her husband's
-Sri Govinda Bhatta

TEXT 306

syamo 'yam divasah payoda pa-talaih sayam tathapy utsuka

puspartham sakhi yasi yamuna ta-tam yahi vyatha ka mama
kintv ekam khara ka-nthaka ks-atamurasy alokyasadyo'nyatha
sankam yat kuti2ah karisyati j ano j atasmi tenaku2a

syamah da-rk; ayam-this; divasah day-; payoda of -clouds; pata2aih-with a host;

sayam at -sunset; tatha api-still; utsuka-eager; puspa of -flowers; artham for -the
purpose; sakhi Of-riend; yasi You -are going; yamuna of t-he Yamuna; tatam-to the
shore;yahi go; -vyatha-distress; ka-what7; mama my-; kintu-however; ekam-one;
khara-deep; kanthaka-ksatam-scratches; urasi on -thebreast; alokya-seeing; sadyah
at once; anyatha-otherwise; sankam-fear; yat-because; kutilah acr-ooked; karisyati
will do; janah-man; jata-manifested; asmi Iam-; tena for t-his reason; akula-agitated.

The whole day has been dark with clouds. And now, at sunset, You are eager to go
to the Yamuna's shore for flowers. Go ahead. What is my distress7 When I see the
deep thorn-scratches on Your breast I become afraid some crooked man will attack
-Sri Karnapura

TEXT 307

gantavya te manasi yamuna vartate cet tadanim

kunj am ma gah sahaj a sara2e -vanj u2am mad vacob-hih
gacches tatrapy ahahayadi va ma murarer udare
kutrapy eka rahasi murali nadam -akarnayethah

gantavya-to be gone; te-by you; manasi-in the heart; yamuna-the Yamuna; vartate-
is; cet-if; tadanim-then; kunjam-the grove; ma-don't; gah-go; sahaja-sarala-0
honest girl; vanjulam-of asoka trees; mat-my; vacobhih-by the words; gaccheh-You
go; tatra-there; api-even; ahaha-aha!; yadi-if; va-or; ma-don't; murareh-of Krsna;
udare-0 noble girl; kutra api-somewhere; eka-alone; rahasi-in a secluded place;
murali-of the flute; nadam-the sound; akarnayethah-hear.

0 pious girl, if in Your heart You wish to go to the Yamuna, then please follow my
advice and don't go to the asoka grove, or if You go there, don't go alone and listen
to the sound of Krsna's flute in that secluded place.
-Sri Tairabhukta Kavi

TEXT 308
tara2e na kuru vi2ambam
kumbham sambhrtya mandiram yahi
yavan na mohana mantram
samsati kamsa d-viso vamsi

tara2e O-restless girl; na-don't; kuru-do; vi2ambam-delay; kumbham-jar; sambhrtya

taking; mandiram-home; yahi go-; yavat wh-en; na-not; mohana-charming; mantram
spell; samsati-speaks; kamsa dv-isah of -Lord Krsna, the enemy of Kamsa; vamsi th-e

0 restless girl, don't delay. Fill Your jar and go home while Krsna's flute does not
recite it's mantra charm.
-Sri Rupa Gosvami

TEXT 309

prsthena nipam ava2ambya ka2indaj ayah

ku2e vi2asa mur-a2im kvanayan mukundah
prak puranat ka2asam ambhasi 2o2ayantya
vaktram vivartayati gopa kula-nganayah

prsthena-behind; nipam-a kadamba tree; avalambya-staying; kalindajayah-of the

Yamuna; kule-on the shore; vilasa-pastime; muralim-flute; kvanayan-playing;
mukundah-Krsna; prak-before; puranat-filling; kalasam-the jar; ambhasi-in the
water; lolayantya-moving; vaktram-face; vivartayati-causes to turn; gopa-kula-
anganayah-of the gopi.

Hiding behind a kadamba tree to the Yamuna s shore, and suddenly beginning to
play His pastime-flute, Lord Mukunda made the gopi dipping her jar in the water
turn her face.
-author unknown

TEXT 310

sakhyo yayur grham aham kalasim vahanti

purnam ativa mahatim -anulambitasmi
ekakinim sprsasi mamyadi nanda suno -

moksyami jivanam idam sahasa puras te

sakhyah-gopi-friends; yayuh-have gone; grham-home; aham-I; kalasim-far;

vahanti-carrying; purnam-full; ativa-very; mahatim-big; anulambita-left behind;
asmi-I am; ekakinim-all alone; sprsasi-You touch; mam-Me; yadi-if; nanda-suno-0
son of Nanda Maharaja; moksyami-I will give up; jivanam-life; idam-this; sahasa-at
once; purah-inthe presence; te-of You.

My gopi-friends have already gone home and I am left behind carrying this big, full
jar. 0 son of Nanda, if You touch Me now that I am all alone, I will imm ediately
give up this life in Your presence.
-Sri Rupa Gosvami

Tam prati kasyascid uktih

One Gopj's Words to Her

TEXT 311

va2gantya vana ma-2aya tava hrtam vaksojayos candanam

ganda sth-a makari gh-ata ca makarandolena vidhvamsita
k2anta svaira tar-anga ke2-ibhir iyam tanvi ca dhurte tanuh
satyam j a2pasi bhanuj am abhi rase magnadya harsad abhuh

valgantya-moving; vana-malaya-by the garland of forest-flowers; tava-of You;

hrtam-removed; vaksojayoh-on the breasts; candanam-sandalwood paste; ganda-
stha-on the cheeks; makari-ghata-tilaka pictures of sharks; ca-also; makara-of the
shark-shaped earrings; andolena-by the swinging; vidhvamsita-destroyed; klanta-
fatigued; svaira-independent; taranga-waves; kelibhih-by pastimes; iyam-this;
tanvi-slender; ca-also; dhurte-0 rascal gopi; tanuh-body; satyam-the truth; jalpasi-
You say; bhanujam-the Yamuna; abhi-in; rase-the nectar water; magna-plunged;
adya-now; harsat-out of joy; abhuh-You are.

"The moving forest-flower garland must wave wiped the sandalwood paste from
Your breasts and the movements of the shark-shaped earrings must have destroyed
the pictures of sharks drawn on Your cheeks."
"0 rascal gopi, this slender body was washed of these things by the water's playful
"You speak the truth. Even now You are jubilantly submerged in the nectar waters
of the Yamuna."
-Sri Rupa Gosvami

Note: In this verse a gopi-friend accuses Srimati Radharani of enjoying pastimes

wsth Krsna. The gopi says that the sandalwood paste on Radharani s breasts must
have been wiped away by Lord Krsna's flower garland when He embraced Her, and
the picture of the sharks drawn on Radharani s cheeks must have become
destroyed by Krsna s shark-shaped earrings when He kissed Her. Radharani then
defends Herself, saying that the sandalwood paste and shark-pictures were washed
away when She bathed in the Yamuna. The gopi is reluctant to believe it.

Candravaljm prati tasya vakyam

This Gopj's Words to Candravah

TEXT 312
katyayani kusuma kamanaya kim artham
kantara k-uksi k-uharam kutukad gatasi
pasya stana s-tabakayos tava kantakankam
gopah sukanthi bata pasyati j ata k-opah

katyayani-for goddess Katyayani; kusuma-for flowers; kamanaya-with a desire; kim

artham-why7; kantara-kuksi-kuharam-deep into the forest; kutukat-eagerly; gata
asi-you are going; pasya-look; stana-stabakayoh-on the breasts; tava-your; kantaka-
ankam-the scratches; gopah-the cowherd man; su-kanthi-0 girl with the beautiful
neck; bata-indeed; pasyati-stares; jata-manifested; kopah-anger.

Why are you eagerly going into the deep, dark forest to pick flowers for goddess
Katyayam7 Look! 0 beautiful-necked girl, your gopa-husband is angrily staring at
the scratches on your breasts.
-Sri Rupa Gosvami

Tad-bhartaram prati sakhj-vakyam

That Gopj Friend's Words to Candravah's Husband

TEXT 313

subhaga mama priya sakhy-ah

kim iva sa sanka-m muhur vilokayasi
yamuna pavan-a vikirn-a
priyaka raj ah
-pinj a-ram prstham

subhaga Ohan-dsome one; mama my; p-riya sakhy-ah of the-dear friend; kim-why7;
iva-like; sa-with; sankam-fear; muhuh-continually; vilokayasi you st-are;yamuna
from the Yamuna;pavana by the-breeze; vikirna-spread; priyaka from t-he priyanga
vines; rajah-from the pollen; pinjaram yellow-; prstham back. -

0 handsome one, why do you suspiciously stare at my dear friend's back, now
yellow from the priyangu flower pollen blown by the Yamuna breeze7
-Sri Rupa Gosvami

Note: Candravali's back is yellow because she enjoyed pastimes with Lord Krsna
on a bed of flowers.

Eternal Pastimes

TEXT 310

v rndavane mukundasy a
nitya 2-I2a viraj ate
spastam esa rahasyatvaj
janadbhi rapi nocy ate

vrndavane in -Vrndavana; mukundasya o-f Lord Krsna; nitya-eternal; 2I2a-pastimes;

virajate ar-e manifested; spastam cl-early; esa-these pastimes; rahasyatvat-because of
being confidential; janadbhih-by those who know; api-even; na-not; ucyate ar-e

Lord Mukunda's eternal pastimes are manifested even now in Vrndavana. Because
these pastimes are very confidential, they are not clearly described by they who
know of them.
Note: The authorship of texts 314-316 is not given in the original.

TEXT 315

tabhir nitya viha-ram eva tanute vrndavane madhavo

gosthambhoja muk-hIbhir ity abhi manak proce priyayai harah
2I2a ratn-a raha-syata vraj a pate-r bhuyasy aho pasya yat
tattva jno pi purantare ca gamanam vyacasta vaiyasakih

tabhih-with them; nitya-eternal; viharam-pastimes; eva-certainly; tanute-performs;

vrndavane in Vr-ndavana; madhavah-Krsna; gostha of Vra-ja; ambhoja-mukhih-with
the lotus-faced girls; iti-thus; abhi-in this matter; manak-slightly; proce-explained;
priyayai to hi-s dear wife; harah-Lord Siva; 2I2a of pa-stimes; ratna of the-jewel;
rahasyata the se-cretness;vraj a pateh -of Lor-d Krsna, the king of Vraja; bhuyani
great; aho-ah!; pasya look; -yat-because; tattva the tr-uth; jnah-understanding; api
although; pura-Mathura City; antare-within; ca-also; gamanam going-; vyacasta
described;vaiyasakih Vyasa-'sson Sukadeva Gosvami.

Lord Siva hinted to his wife Parvati that Lord Madhava eternally enjoys pastimes
with the lotus-faced gopis in Vrndavana. Because these jewel-pastimes are a very
great secret, Vyasa's son Sukadeva Gosvami, who knows the actual truth, described
Lord Krsna's entrance into Mathura City.

TEXT 316

tatha hi padme parvatyai

vyaj ahara haro rahah
g o gopa go-pi ka s-ange -

yatra krIdati kamsaha

tatha hi-furthermore; padme in Padm-a Purana; parvatyai to Parvati-;vyajahara said; -

harah-Lord Siva; rahah-privately; go-of the cows; gopa-gopas; gopIka and gopi-s;
sange in the ass-ociation; yatra where; krI-dati-enjoys pastimes; kamsaha Lord -

Krsna, the killer of Kamsa.

In the Padma Purana Lord Siva privately said to Parvati: "Lord Krsna, the killer of
Kamsa, eternally enjoys pastimes in Vrndavana with the cows, gopas, and gopis.

Prakata-hlanusarena bhavini harer mathura-prasthane radha-sakhj-

Words of Srjmatj Radharanj's Gopj Friend As In His Manifest
Pastimes Krsna Is About To Leave for Mathura City

TEXT 317

adyaiva yat pratipad udg-ata can-dralekha

sakhyam tvaya vapur idam gamitam varakyah
krsne gate kusuma say-aka tat prabhate
banavalim kathaya kutra vimoksyasi tvam

adya now-; eva-certainly; yat-which; pratipat on th-e first day; udgata-risen; candra
lekha-with the crescent moon; sakhyam-friendship; tvaya by yo-u; vapuh bod-y;
idam-this; gamitam-made to go; varakhyah of th-e insignificant girl; krsne-when
Krsna; gate-has gone; kusuma saya-ka 0cu-pid, who shoots flower-arrows; avalim a -

host; kathaya tell; -kutra-where7; vimoksyasi will -release; tvam you-

0 Kamadeva, you have given this lowly girl s body friendship with the new moon.
Tell me, after Krsna leaves at sunrise, where will you shoot your arrows7
-Sri Rudra

Note: Anxious because of Krsna's imminent departure, Radha has become thin and
pale as the new moon.

Srj Radha-vakyam
W ords of Srjm atj R a d h a r a n j

TEXT 318

prasthanam valayaih krtam priya sakhair -asrair ajasram gatam

dhrtya na ksanam asitam vyavasitam cittena gantum purah
gantum niscita cetasi pri-yatame sarve samam prasthite
gantavye sati jivita priya suhrt sa-rtham katham tyajyate

prasthana going; va-layaih by the b-racelets; krtam-down done; priya dear; sak-haih
with friends; asraih-tears; ajasram-continually; gatam-gone; dhrtya with -

peacefulness; na-not; ksanam-for a moment; asitam-seated; vayasitam is; cittena-

with the heart; gantum-to go; purah in the pre-sence; gantum-to go; niscita
determined; cetasi in heart; p-riyatame beloved; s-arve all; sama-m-with; prathitah set -

own; gantavye about to go-; sati-when He is; jivita 01 i f e; priy-a dear; suh-rt-friend;
sa-artham-genuinely; katham how is it possible7; tyajyate i-s abandoned.

The bracelets repeatedly slide from My wrists. My tears fall without interruption.
Peacefulness will not sit in My heart for even a moment. In His heart My beloved
has decided to go. Everyone has come. Now He is about to go. 0 My li fe, how can
My dear friend be abandoned7
-Sri Amaru

Harer mathura-pravese tatrayanam autsukyam

The Eagerness of the Citizens When Lord Krsna Entered Mathura

TEXT 319

chayapi locana path-am najagamayasyah

seyam vadhur nagara mad-hyam alankaroti
kim cakalayya mathura naga-re mukundam
andho 'pi bandhukara datt-a kara-h prayati

chaya-shadow; api-even; locana-of the eyes; patham-the path; na-not; jagama-went;

yasyah-of whom; sa-iyam-vadhuh-a girl; nagara-of the city; madhyam-the middle;
alankaroti-decorates; kim ca-furthermore; akalayya-learning; mathure-of Mathura;
nagare-in the city; mukundam-Lord Muk u n da; andhah-blind; api-although;
bandhukara-a bandhukara flower; datta-placed; karah-in the hand; prayati-goes.

A blind girl, on the path of whose eyes even the shadow of a form never entered,
decorated the city of Mathura. When she heard that Mukunda had entered the
city, she at once took a bandhukara flower offering in her hand, and went to meet
-Sri Vanivilasa

Tatra pura-strmam vakyam

Words of the Women of Mathura When Lord Krsna Entered the City

TEXT 320

asram ajasram moktum

dhin nah karnayate nayane
drastavyam paridrstam
tat kaisoram vraja-stribhih

asram-tears; ajasram-continually; moktum to shed; d-hik-fie!; nah on our; k-arna to -

the ears; ayate-reaching; nayane eyes; dra-stavyam to be seen-;paridrstam seen; tat-

that; kaisoram ;vraj a -of Vraja; -stribhih by the gir-ls.
Fie on our large beautiful eyes reaching to our ears. By continually shedding
tears they interrupt our vision of the young man the girls of Vraja saw.
-Sr1 Tairabhukta Kavi

TEXT 321

sandranandam anantam avyayam aj am yad yogino pi ksanam

saksat kartum upasate pratidinam dhyanaika ta-nah param
dhanyas ta vraja va-sinam yuvatayas tad brahmayah kautukad
a2inganti sama2apanti satadha karsanti cumbanti ca

sandra-intense; anandam-bliss; anantam-limitless; avyayam-imperishable; ajam-

unborn; yat-which; yoginah-the yogis; api-even; ksanam-for a moment; saksat-
kartum-to directly see; upasate-worship; pratidinam-every day; dhyana-ekatanah-
fortunate; tah-they; vraja-of Vraja; vasinam-of the residents; yuvatayah-the young
girls; tat-that; brahma-Brahman; yah-who; kautukat-happily; alinganti-embrace;
samlapanti-speak with; satadha-hundreds of times; karsanti-pull; cumbanti-kiss;

The same intensely blissful, limitless, eternal, unborn Supreme Brahman, whom
the yog1s worship in a trance of meditation in order to directly see for a moment,
was completely conquered by the fortunate young girls of Vraja. Hundreds of
times they happily spoke with Him, kissed Him, and embraced Him.
-Sr1 Vahin1pati

TEXT 322

priya sakhi -na j agama vama s12ah-

sphutam amuna nagare na nanda sunuh-
ada2ita na2in1 -da2aiv-a vapi
yad ahata pa22ava e-va kananantah

priya 0d e ar-; sakhi-friend; na did no-t;j agama go; vam-a-handsome; silah by natu-re;
sphutam-clearly; amuna-with him; nagare in the t-own; na-not; nanda of Nan-da
Maharaja; sunuh-the son; ada2ita-unblossomed; na2ini-lotus; da2a-petals; eva
certainly; vapi the lake-;yat-because; ahata-unblossomed; pa22avah flower; -eva
certainly; kanana-the forest; antah in. -

0 dear friend, the lotus flowers in the lake remain with petals unopened, and the
flowers in the forest refuse to blossom. From this I can understand that the
handsome son of Maharaja Nanda has not yet returned to Vraja Village.
-Sr1 Kumara

Srj Radhaya vilapah

Srjmatj Radharanj's Lament

TEXT 323

yasyamiti samudyatasya vacanam visrabdham akarnitam

gacchan duram upeksito muhur asau vyavrtya pasyann api
tac chunye punar agatasmi bhavane pranas ta eva sthitah
sakhyah pasyatajivita pr-anayini dambhad aham rodimi

yasyami-I will go; iti-thus; samudyatasya-about to go; vacanam-the statement;

visrabdham-peacefully; akarnitam-heard; gacchan-going; duram-far away;
upeksitah-ignored; asau-He; vyavrtya-hiding; pasyan-looking; api-although; tat-
then; sunye-in the empty; punah-again; agata asmi-I went; pranah-life-breathing;
tah-they; eva-certainly; sthitah-staying; sakhyah-0 friends; pasyata-look!; jivita-of
life; pranayini-fond; dambhat-bypocritically; aham-I; rodimi-cry.

When Krsna was about to leave, and I heard Him say, "Now I will go." I remained
peaceful. As He was leaving He continually fixed His eyes on Me, even from a
distance, and I responded by ignoring Him and turning from Him. W hen I
returned to My empty house, the breath was still present in My body. 0 fr i ends,
look! I, who love only My own li fe, am pretending to cry.
-Sri Rudra

TEXT 320

gato yamo gatau yamau

gatayama gatam dinam
ha hanta kim karisyami
na pasyami harer mukham

gatah-gone;yamah one ya-ma (a period to three hours); gatau-gone;yamau two -

yamas; gatah-gone;yamah morey-amas; gatam-gone; dinam the day-; ha-alas!;

hanta-alas!; kim-what7; karisyami will I d-o; na-not; pasyami Isee; h-areh of Krsn-a;
mukham-the face.

Three hours have passed. Six hours have passed. Nine hours have passed. The day
has passed. Alas! Alas! What will I do7 I do not see Krsna's face!
-Sri Sankara

TEXT 325

yamuna puline sam-utksipan

nata vesah kusu-masy a kandukam
na punah sakhi lokayisyate
kapatabhira kisora can-drama-h
yamuna of the Yamuna River; puline-on the shore; samutksipan-tossing; nata o-f a
dancer; vesah with the appearance; kusumasya o-f a flower; kandukam-the bell; na-
not; punah-again; sakhi 0 friend; lokayisyate will be seen; kapata-treacherous;
abhora c-owherd; kisora y-outh; candramah th-e moon.

0 friend, the moon who pretends to be a young gopa will never again be seen
dancing and playing ball with a flower on the Yamuna's shore.
-Sri Sasthi dasa

TEXT 326

yah pasyanti priyam svapne

dhanyas tah sakhi yositah
asmakan tu gate krsne
gata nidrapi vairini

atha now-; j agarah inso-mnia; yatha-just as; padyavalyam in P-adyavali; yah-those

girls who; pasyanti-see; priyam-their beloved svapne-in dream; dhanyah-fortunate;
tah-they; sakhi Ofr-iend; yositah wom-en; asmakam of U-s; tu-indeed; gate gone-
away; krsne-since Lord Krsna has; gata gone a-way; nidra-sleep; api-also; vairini-

0 My friend, girls who can see their lover in dreams are very fortunate. As for Me,
since Krsna left, My enemy sleep has left Me for good.
-Sri Dhanya

TEXT 327

so 'yam vasanta samayo -vipinam tat etat

so yam nikunja-vitapi nikhilam tadaste
ha hantakintu nava nirada -komala-ngo
naloki puspa dhanus-ah prathamavatarah

sah ayam-this; vasanta-spring; samayah-time; vipinam-forest; tat etat-this; sah

ayam-this; nikunja-of the forest; vitapi-the tree; nikhilam-everything; tada-then;
aste-is; ha-alas!; hanta-alas!; kintu-however; nava-a fresh; nirade-raincloud;
komala-delicate; angah-whose body; na-not; aloki-is seen; puspa-dhanusah-of
cupid, who carries a bow of flowers; prathama-the first; avatarah-incarnation.

It is the same springtime. It is the same forest. It is the same tree. Everything is the
same as it was then, but, alas! Alas! That person whose delicate body is splendid as
a fresh raincloud, that person who is the first incarnation of Kamadeva, is nowhere
to be seen.
-Sri Sanjaya Kavisekhara
TEXT 328

yugayitam nimesena
caksusa pravrsayitam
sunyayitam j agat sarvam
govinda vi-rahea me

yugayitam-appearing like a great millennium; nimesena by -amoment; caksusa-from

the eyes; pravrsayitam tea-rs falling like torrents of rain; sunyayitam-appearing void;
j agat the -world; sarvam all-; govinda fro-m Lord Govinda, Krsna; virahena me by -My

My Lord Govinda, because of separation from You, I consider even a moment a

great millennium. Tears flow from My eyes like torrents of rain, and I see the
entire world as void.*
-Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

TEXT 329

dalati hrdayam gadhodvegam dvidha na tu bhidyate

vahati vikalah kayo murcham na muncati cetanam
jvalayati tanum antar dahah karoti na bhasmasat
praharati vidhir marma cched-i na krntati jivitam

dalati-breaks; hrdayah heart-; gadha viole-ntly; udvegam-trebling; dvidha in tw-o;na

not; tu-but; bhidyate is bro-ken; vahati-carries; vikalah-wretched; kayah body-;
murcham-the state of being stunned; na-does not; muncati-abandon; cetanam
consciousness; jvalayati burns-; tanum-the body; antah-within; dahah fire; k-aroti
does; na-not; bhasmasat0 into as-hes; praharati-attacks; vidhih fate; m-arma the vit-al
part; chedi-cutting; na-does not; krntati-cut; jivitam-the life.

My trembling heart is torn, but will not break in two. My wr etched body is
stunned, but will not lose consciousness. A fire burns in My body, but does not
turn it to ash. Fate wounds My heart, but will not destroy My life.
-Sri Bhavabhuti

TEXT 330

bhramayajaladan ambho garbhan -pramodaya catakan

kalaya sikhinah kekotkanthan kathoraya ketakan
virahini j ane murcham labdhva vinodayati vyatham
akaruna punah samjna vyadhim -vidhaya kim ihase

bhramaya move; j a-ladan the cloud-s; ambhah garbhan f-illed wit-h water; pramodaya
delight; catakan-the cataka birds; kalaya-cause to sing; sikhinah the peaco-cks;
keka-utkanthan-calling out "keka"; kathoraya-make blossom; ketakan-the ketaka
flowers; virabhini-separated from the beloved; jane-in the person; murdham-
unconsciousness; labdhva-attaining; vinodayati-relieves; vyatham-the pain;
akaruna-0 merciless one; punah-again; samjna-of consciousness; vyadhim-the
disease; vidhaya-giving; kim-why7; ihase-you endeavor.

0 fate, go move the raincloud! Please the cataka birds! Make the peacocks cry
"keka"! Make the ketaki flowers bloom! When a lover separated from his beloved
faints and loses consciousness, that drives away the pain. 0 merciless fate, why do
you again afllict him with the disese of consciouness7
-Sri Bhavabhuti

TEXT 331

drstam ketaki-dhuli-dhusaram idam vyoma kramad viksitah

kacchantas ca si2mdhra-kanda2a-bhrtah sodhah„kadambani2ah
sakhyah samvrnutasru muncata bhayam kasman mudhaivaku2a
etan apy adhunasmi vajra-ghatita nunam sahisye ghanan

drstam-seen; ketaki-of jetaki flowers; dhuli-with the pollen; dhusaram-grey; idam-

this; vyoma-sky; kramat-one after another; viksitah-seen; kaccha-antah-the shores
of the Yamuna; ca-also; si2indrhra-kanda2a-plaintain flowers; bhrtah-holding;
sodhah-tolerated; kadamba-from the kadamba flowers; ani2ah-the breezes; sakhyah-
0 friends; samvrnuta-supress; asru-tears; muncata-give up; bhayam-fear; kasmat-
why7; mudha-without reason; eva-certainly; akulah-you are suffering; etan-these;
api-even; adhuna-now; asmi-I am; vajra-of thunderbolt; ghatita-made; nunam-is it
not7; sahisye Iwill -tolerate; ghanan-these hard things.

I have already seen the sky gray with ketaki pollen. I have seen the river's shore
filled with new banana flowers. I have already tolerated the breeze blowing from
the kadamba flowers. 0 friends, wipe your tears. Give up your anxiety. Why are
you unnecessarily pained7 I am made of thunderbolts, I will be able to withstand
the ferocious attack of all these things.
-Sri Rudra

TEXT 332

seyam nadi kumudabandhu-karas ta eva

yad yamunam tatam idam vipinam tad etat
te ma22ika-surabhayo marutas tvam eva
he prana-vallabha sudur2abhatam gato 'si

sa iyam-this; nadi-the river; kumukabandhu-of the moon; karah-the shining; te-this;

eva-certainly; yat-which; yamunam-of the Yamuna River; tatam-the shore; idam-
this; vipinam-forest; tat etat-this; te-they; ma22ika-of mallika flowers; surabhayah-
with the scent; marutah-breezes; tvam-You; eva-certainly; ha-0; prana-than life;
va22abha-more dear; su-dur2abhatam-the state of being very hard to reach; gatah-
attained; asi-You have.
This is the same river. This is the same moonlight. This is the same shore of the
Yamuna. This is the same forest. These are the same jasmine-scented breezes. 0
love more dear to Me than life, You have now become unattainable for Me.
-Sri Hari Bhatta

TEXT 333

yadhunatha bhavantam agatam

kathayisyanti kada mad ala-yah
yugapat paritah pradhavitah
vikasadbhir vadanendu ma-ndalaih

yadu of t-he Yadu dynasty; bhavantam You-; agatam hav-earrived; kathayisyanti wil-l
tell; kada wh-en?; mat My-; alayah-gopi-friends; yugapat-simultaneously; pari tah
from all directions; pradhavitah-running; vikasadbhih-with expanded; vadana face-s;
indu of t-he moon; mandalaih with -the circles.

0 Yadunatha, when will My friends come running from all directions with full-
moon faces to tell Me that You have come7
-Sri Tairabhukta Kavi

TEXT 330

ayi dma daya-rdra natha he

mathura natha -kadavalokyate
hrdayam tvad aloka -katara-m
dayita bhramyati kim karomy aham

ayi Omy -Lord; dina on the-poor; daya ardra -comp-assionate; natha Omas-ter; he
0; mathura natha -the ma-ster of Mathura; kada when; -avalokyase Ishall -see You;
hrdayam my he-art; tvat of You; a-loka-without seeing; kataram very m-uch
aggrieved; dayita Omost -beloved; bhramyati-becomes overwhelmed; kim-what7;
karomi-shall do; aham I. -

0 my Lord! 0 most merciful master! 0 master of Mathura! When shall I see You
again7 Because of not seeing You, my agitated heart has become unsteady. 0 most
beloved one, what shall I do now7*
-Sri Madhavendra Puri

TEXT 335

asaika tantum av-a2ambya vi2ambamana

raksami jivam avadhir niyato yadi syat
no ced vidhih saka2a 2oka hita-ika k-ari -

yat ka2akutam asrjat tad idam kim artham

asa of hope; eka on a single; tantum-rope; ava2ambya-resting; vi2ambamana-waiting;
raksasi I-protect; jivan-this life; avadhih-time; niyatah-eternal; yadi-if; syat-must be;
na-not; u-indeed; vidhih-the creator; saka2a-all; 2oka t-opeople; hita-welfare; eka-
sole; kari-doer; yat-which; ka2akutam-deadly poison; asrjat-created; tat-that; idam
this; kim artham w-hy?

If I must remain alive in this way, eternally hanging by a single thread of hope,
then why did the supremely benign creator Brahma not create a deadly poison (to
save Me)?
-Raghunatha dasa

TEXT 336

cutankure sphurati hanta nave nave 'smin

j Ivo pi yasyatitaram tarala sva-bhavah
kintvekam eva mama duhkham abhud analpam
pranesvarena sahito yad ayam nayatah

cuta-mango; ankure-when the sprouts; sphurati-appear; hanta-indeed; nave-new;

nave-new; asmin-in this; jivah-life; api-even; yasyatitaram-about to depart; tarala-
fickle; svabhavah-by nature; kintu-however; ekam-sole; eva-certainly; mama-My;
duhkham-suffering; abhut-has been; analpam-great; prana-of My life; isvarena-the
Lord; sahitah-with; yat-because; ayam-this; na-not; yatah-gone.

When the mango trees begin to bloom, this fickle life becomes eager to depart. The
Lord of My life is not here. That alone is the intense pain that afflicts Me.
-Sri Ranga

TEXT 337

prathayati na tatha mamartim uccaih

sahacari ba22ava candra -viprayo-gah
katubhir asura manda-laih parite
danuj a pater n-agare yathasya vasah

prathayati-manifests; na-not; tatha-in that way; mama-of Me; artim-suffering;

uccaih-greatly; sahacari 0g o p x --friend; ba22ava of the g-opas; candra f r o m t h e
moon; viprayogah separati-on; katubhih-cruel; asura of demo-ns; manda2aih-by the
hosts; parite-filled; danuja of the d-emons; pateh of the kin-g; nagare in the c-ity;
yatha-just as; asya of Him; -vasah the resid-ence.

0 friend, I don't suffer because I am separated from Krsna, the moon of the gopas.
I suffer because Krsna is now in Kamsa s city, which is filled with cruel demons.
-Sri Raghunatha dasa

TEXT 338
prasara sisiramodam kaundam samira samiraya
prakataya sasinn asah kamam manoja samu22asa
avadhi d-ivasah purnah sakhyo vimuncata tat-katham
hrdayam adhuna kincit kartum mamanyad ihecchati

prasara sp-read; sisira 0 -cool season; amodam th-e fragance; kaundam o-f the jasmine
flowers; samira O-breeze; samiraya bl-ow; prakataya-illuminate; sasin O-moon;
asah-the directions; kamam-desire; manoja O-cupid; samu22asa-arouse;avadhi
these; divasah da-ys; purnah-are over; sakhyah 0-gopi-friends; vimuncata-give up;
tat-of Him; katham-talk; hrdayam-heart; adhuna-now; kincit-something; kartum-to
do; mama My-; anyat-else; iha-here; icchati-wishes.

"0 Sisira season, please spread the fragance of these jasmine flowers. 0 breeze
please blow nicely. 0 moon, please illuminate the directions. 0 Kamadeva, now
you may arouse desire." Those days have passed. Friends, please give up talking of
Him. Now My heart wishes to do something else in this place.
-Sri Rudra

TEXT 339

nayati ced yadu patih -sakhi naitu kamam

pranam tadiya virah-ad yadi yantu
ekah param hri mahan mama vaj ra pato-
bhuyo yad indu vadan-am na vilokitam tat

na-not; ayati-comes; cet-if; yadu of the-Yadus; patih-the king; sakhi- 0 friend; na

not; etu-let Him come; kamam of His-own wish; pranah-life-breath; t adiya from-
Him; virahat from t-he separation; yadi-if; yanti-goes; yantu-let it go; ekah-one;
param-afterwards; hrdi-in the heart; mahan-great; mama My; va-jra patah-
thunderbolt; bhuyah-again; yat-which; indu-vadanam-the moon of the face; na-not;
vilokitam-seen; tat-that.

0 friend, if Yadupati Krsna will not come here, let Him not come. If, out of
separation from Him, My life-breath goes away, let it go. The fact that I will never
again see the moonlike face of Krsna is a great thunderbolt striking My heart.
-Sri Hari Bhatta

TEXT 340

pancatvam tanur etu bhuta-nivahah svamse visantu sphutam

dhataram pranipatya hanta sirasa tatrapi yace varam
tad vapisu pa-yas tadiya mukurej-yotis tadiyangana
vyomni vyoma tadiya vartmani -dhara tat ta2a vrnte -ni2ah-

pancatvam to death; t-anuh-this body; etu-let go; bhuta-of elements; nivahah-the

group; sva amse into -their-parts; visantu-mayenter; sphutam-clearly; dhataram to -
the creator Brahma; pranipatya bowind down; hanta-indeed; sirasa with My head;
tatra api-still; tace I-beg; varam-for a benediction; tat-vapisu-in His lake; payah t-he
water; tadiya in -His; mukure-mirror; jyotih-the fire; tadiya in -His; angana-
courtyard; vyomni in -the space; vyoma t-he space; tadiya o-n His; vartmani-pathway;
dhara th-e earth; tat-in His; ta2a-vrnte-palm-leaf fan; ani2ah-the air.

Let this body die. Let it's elements merge with the other elements. I bow My head
before the creator Brahma and beg from Him the benediction that the water of My
body may enter the waters of Krsna's lake, Syama-kunda, the fire of My body may
enter Krsna's mirror, the ether of My body may enter His courtyard, the earth in
My body may be placed before His path, and the air in My body may join the
breeze created by His palm-leaf fan.
-Sri Sanmasika

TEXT 341

aslisya va pada rata-m pinastu mam

adarsanan marma hata-m karotu va
yatha tatha va vidadhatu lampato
mat pran-a nath-as tu sa eva naparah

asisya-embracing with great pleasure; va-or; pada ratam -who -is fallen at the lotus
feet; pinastu let H-im trample; mam Me; a-darsanat by no-t being visible; marma
hatam-brokenhearted; karotu-let Him make; va-or; yatha as (H-e likes); tatha-so; va-
or; vidadhatu let Hi-m do; 2ampatah„adeb-auchee who mixed with other women;
mat prana -natha-h„the Lo-rd of My life; tu-but; sah„He; ev-a-only; na aparah„not -

anyone else.

Let Krsna embrace this maidservant, who has fallen at His lotus feet. Let Him
trample Me or break My heart by never being visible to Me. He is a debauchee,
after all, and can do whatever He likes, but He is still no one other than the
worshipable Lord of My heart.*
-Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Mathurayam yasodam smrtva srj-krsna-vakyam

Remembering Mother Yasoda, Srj Krsna Spoke the Following Words
in Mathura City

TEXT 342

tambulam sva mukhard-ha carcitam -itah ko me mukhe niksiped

unmarga prasrtam -ca catu vacanaih -ko mam vase sthapayet
ehy ehiti vidura sarita bh-uj ah sv-anke nidhayadhuna
keli srasta sik-handa-kam mama punar vyadhuya badhnatu kah
tambulam-betel-nuts; sva-own; mukha-by the mouth; ardha-half; carcitam-
chewed; itah-then; kah-who7; me-My; mukhe-in the mouth; niksipet-will place;
unmarga-from the right path; prasrtam-gone; ca-and; catu-with sweet; sthapayet-
wil bring; ehi-come; ehi-come; iti-thus; vidura-from far away; sarita-waving;
bhujah-his arms; sva-own; anke-on the lap; nidhaya-placing; adhuna-now; keli-by
pastimes; srasta-slipped; sikhandakam-peacock feather; mama-My; punah-again;
vyadhuya-loosening; badhnata-will tie; kah-who7

Now who will take half-chewed betelnuts from his own mouth and place them in
Mine7 Now who will subdue Me with sweet words when I depart from the path of
righteousness7 Now who will call: "Come! Come!" wave his arm, and place Me on
his lap7 Now who will re-tie My peacock-feather when it falls because of My
-Sri Tairabhukta Kavi

Srj Radha-smrtya harer vakyam

Remembering Srjmatj. Radharanj., Lord Krsna Spoke the Following

TEXT 303

yadi nibhrtam aranyam prantaram vapy apantham

katham api cira-kalam punya-pakena lapsye
avira2a ga2ad -asrai-r gharghara dhvan-a misra-ih
sasimukhi tava sokaih plavayisyej aganti

yadi if; nib-hrtam-solitary; sranyam afore-st; prantaram lonely -path; va-or; api-even;
apantham-without a path; katham api-somehow; cira for a l-ong; kalam-time; punya
ofpiousreactions; pakena by the-maturity; 2apsyeIwilla -ttain; avira2a-ceaseless;
galat-flowing; asraih with t-ears;gharghara dhvan-a with m-oans; misraih-mixed;
sasi mukhi -Omoo-n-faced girl; tava of You; s-okaih-with lamentation; plavayisye I -

will flood; j aganti the uni-verses.

0 moon-faced girl, because the reactions of My past deeds have become mature, I
walk on a solitary forest path, or away from the path, and I flood the universes
with My lamentations filled with loud moans and ceaselessly flowing tears for You.
-Sri Tairabhukta Kavi

Uddhavam prati harer vakyam

Lord Krsna's Words to Uddhava

TEXT 344

visayesu tavad abalas

tasv api gopyah svabhava mrdu vacah
madhye tasam api sa
tasyam api saci v-iksitam kim api

visayesu a-mong the resident of Vraja; tavat-then; abalah th-e women; tasu-among
them; api-also; gopyah th-e gopis; svabhava-naturally; mrdu o-f them; api-also; sa
She; tasyam in -whom; api-also; saci cr-ooked; viksitam-glances; kim api-something.

Among the vrajavasis the gopis are the best, and their best quality is their sweet
words. Among the gopis there is one who is the best, and Her best quality is Her
crooked sidelong glance.
-author unknown

Uddhavena radhayam hareh sandesah

Lord Krsna's Message to Srjmatj Radharanj Dehvered by Uddhava

TEXT 305

avirbhava dine -nayena ganito hetus taniyan api

ksiyetapi na caparadha vidh-ina natya na yo vardhate
piyusa prati-veditam tri jagat-i duhk-ha druh-ah sampratam
premnas tasya guroh katham nu karavai van nistha-ta lagha-vam

avirbhava-of appearance; dine-on the day; na-not; yena-by which; ganitah-counted;

hetuh-cause; taniyan-the slightest; api-even; ksiyeta-is diminished; na-not; ca-also;
aparadha-vidhina-by offense; nytya-by prayers; na-not; yah-which; vardhate-
increases; piyusa-nectar; prativeditah-giving; tri-three; jagati-of the worlds;
duhkha-of the sufferings; druhah-the enemy; sampratam-now; premnah-of love;
tasya-of that; guroh-intense; katham-how is it possible7; nu-indeed; karavai-I will
do; nak-of words; nisthata-faith; laghavam-lightness.

On the day We met Your love suddenly appeared without the slightest cause. Your
love is not diminished by My offenses, nor increased by My prayers. It is full of
nectar and it destroys the sufferings of the three worlds. How can I easily describe
Your intense love for Me7
-author unknown

TEXT 346

astam tavad vacana racanab-haj anatvam vidure

dure castam tava tanu pariramb-ha sambhav-anapi
bhuyo bhuyah pranatibhir
idam kintu yace vidhaya
smaram smaram svajana ganane k-api rekha mamapi

astam-let be; tavat-then; vacana-racana-bhajanatvam-conversation; vidure-far away;

dure-far away; va-or; astam-let be; tava-of You; tanu-of the body; parirambha-of
embraces; smabhavana-the possibility; api-also; bhuyat-again; bhuyah-and again;
pranatibhih-with obeisances; idam-this; kintu-however; yace-I beg; vidheya-may
be done; smaram smaram-remembering again and again; svajana-among friends;
ganane-in the counting; ka api-some; rekha-line; mama-of Me; api-also.

The possibility of Our conversing is very distant. So be it. The possibility of My

embracing Your transcendental body is also distant. So be it. However, again and
again I bow down before You and beg: Please always count Me among Your
friends, and please write a line to Me.
-Sri Kesava Bhattacarya

Vrndavanam gacchata uddhavasya vakyam

Uddhava's Words on Arriving in Vrndavana

TEXT 347

iyam sa ka2indi kuva2aya da2a -snig-ha mad-hura

madandha vyak-uj at tara-la jalaranku pran-ayini
pura yasyas tire sa rabh-asa sa tr-sna-m mura bhido-
gatah prayo gopi nidh-uvana vinod-ena divasah

iyam-this; sa-this; ka2indh-the Yamuna River; kuva2aya-lotus; da2a-petals; snigdha

glistening; madhura-charming; mada with -joy; andha-blinded; vyakujat-warbling;
tara2a-restless; ja2aranku-of jalaranku birds; pranayini the fa-vorite place;pura
formerly; yasyah of wh-ich; tire on the-shore; sa-with; rabhasa joy; s-a-with; trsnam
thirst; mura bhida-h of Lor-d Krsna, the killer of Mura; gatah-spent; prayah for th-e
most part; gopi-with the gopis; nidhuvana-amorous; vinodena with p-astimes;
divasah the da-ys.

This is the Yamuna, very beautiful with many blue lotus petals, and the favorite
place of restless, warbling jalaranku birds blinded with happiness. On this shore
Lord Krsna's days were mostly spent in passionate and blissful amorous pastimes
with the gopis.
-Sri Dasaratha

TEXT 308

pureyam kalindi vraj a jana vadhuna-m stana tati -

tanu ragair b-hinnasaba2a sa2i2abhu-d anudinam

aho tasam nityam rudita ga2itaih k-ajj ala jalair
idanim yate smin dvi guna mal-inabh-un mura ripau -

pura-formerly; iyam-this; kalindi-Yamuna River; vraj a jana vadhunam -of the vr-aja-
gopis; stana of the brea-sts;tati of the surfa-ce; tanu of the bod-ies; ragaih with the-
musk ointment; bhinna-broken; saba2a-spotted; sa2i2a-the water; abhut-became;
anudinam-every day; aho-ah!; tasam o-f them; nityam-always; rudita-from crying;
ga2itah-fallen; kajja2a o-fmascara; ja2aih-by the water; idanim-now; yate-has gone;
asmin-now that; dvi-guna-doubled; ma2ina-dark; abhut-has become; mura r-ipau
Lord Krsna, the enemy of the Mura demon.

In the past the Yamuna would every day become muddied with the black musk
anointing the vraja-gopis bodies and breasts. Now that Krsna has left the water is
twice as muddy, but this time with the mascara washed away by the gopis'
constant tears.
-Sri Sarvananda

TEXT 349

idam tat ka2indi-pu2inam iha kamsasura bhi-do

yasah srnv-ad vak-tra skha-lita kav-alam goku2am abhut
bhramad venu -kva-na srav-ana mas-rnottara mad-hura
svarabhir gopibhir disi disi samudghurnam anisam

idam-this; tat-that; ka2indz-of the Yamuna River; pu2inam-the shore; iha-here;

kamsasura of K-amsasura; bhidah-thekiller;yasah theg-lories; srnvat-hearing;
vaktra from -the mouths; skha2ita-fallen; kava2am-morsel; go-of cows; ku2am-the
herd; abhut-became; bhramat-wandering; venu-of the flute; kvana-the sound;
sravana by he-aring; masrna-glistening; uttara-wide open eyes; madhura-sweet;
svarabhih-with the sounds; gopibhih by th-e gopis; disi disi-in all directions;
samudghurnam-trembling; anisam-day and night.

This is the shore of the Yamuna. In this place, when the cows heard the glories of
Krsna, the grass fell from their mouths. When the gopis in different places heard
the sweet sounds of Krsna's flute, their beautiful eyes opened wide and they
trembled continually.
-Sri Motaka

TEXT 350

tabhyo namo ba22ava va22abh-abhyo

yasam gunais tair abhicintyamanaih
vaksah sthale nihs-vasitaih kad usnair-
2aksmi pater m-2ayati vaij ayanti

tabhyah-to them; namah-respectful obeisances; ba22ava va22abhy-ah to the g-opxs;

yasam-of whom; gunaih-by the transcendental qualities; taih-by them;
abhicintyamanaih-meditated; vaksah sthale on -the ch-est; nihsvasitaih-by the sighs;
kat-usnaih-warm; 2aksmi pateh of L-ord K-rsna, the husband of the goddess of
fortune; mlayati-wilts; vaijayanti-the vaijayanti garland.

I offer my respectful obeisances to the gopis. When Krsna, the husband of the
goddess of fortune, remembers their transcendental qualities, His warm sighs wilt
the vaijayanti garland on His chest.
-author unknown

Uraja-devi-kulam praty uddhava-vakyam

Uddhava's Words to the Goddesses of Uraj a

TEXT 351

viyogininam api paddhatim vo

na yogino gantum api ksamante
yad dhyeya rup-asya parasya pumso
yuyam gata dhyeya pad-am durapam

viyogininam-separated from Lord Krsna; api-even; paddhatim the -path; vah of y-ou;
na-not; yoginah the -yogis; gantum to tr-avel; api-even; ksamante are -able; tat by-
them; dhyeya-meditated upon; rupasya who-seform; parasya pumsah of th-e
Supreme Personality of Godhead; yuyam you; -gatah-have attained; dhyeya of th-e
object of meditation; padam the p-osition; durapam-difficult to be achieved.

0 gopis separated from Lord Krsna, even the great yogis are not able to travel your
path. They meditate on the transcendental form of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, but the Supreme Person meditates on you. This is your rare good
-author unknown

Uddhave drste sakhim prati sri-radha-vakyam

Srimati Radharani s Words to Her Gopi-friend On Seeing Uddhava

TEXT 352

kalyanam kathayami kim sahacari svairesu sasvat pura

yasya nama samiritam mura ripoh p-ranesvariti tvaya
saham prema bhida b-hayat priyatamam drstvapi dutam prabhoh
sandistasmi na veti samsayavati prcchami no kincana

kalyana-auspiciousness; kathayami Iwi ll t el-l; kim-what7; sahacari 0f r i e nd-;

svairesu among M-y rivals; sasvat always; pur-a-previously; yasyah of whom-; nama
the name; samiritam spoken; -mura ripoh of -Lord -Krsna, the enemy of the Mura
demon; prana of the lif-e;isvari the quee-n; iti-thus; tvaya by you; sa--She;aham I; -

prema oflove; b-heda-breaking; bhayat-because of fear; priyatamam most dea-r;

drstva-seeing; api-although; dutam the messe-nger;prabhoh of the Lo-rd; sandista
the message spoken to; asmi Iam; na-n-ot; va-or; iti-thus; samsayavati full of -

doubts and fears; prcchami Iask; na--not; u-indeed; kincana-anything.

0 friend, what good thing will I tell you7 You used to approach My rivals, speak
My name, and affirm that I was the queen of Lord Krsna's life. Now when I see this
messenger I become afraid he will tell Me that Krsna's love for Me has broken. I
refuse to hear his message. I will not ask him any question.
-Sri Ramacandra dasa

Sri Radham praty uddhava-vakyam

Uddhava's Statement to Srimati Radharani

TEXT 353

malinam nayanambu dha-raya

mukha can-dram karabhoru ma kuru
karuna varunalayo haris
tvayi bhuyah karunam vidhasyati

malinam-polluted; nayana from -Your eyes; ambu of w-ater; dharaya-with a stream;

mukha of Y-our face; candram the -moon; karabha uru -0gi-rl with beautiful thighs;
ma do n-ot; kuru do; k-aruna of m-ercy; varunalayah an o-cean;harih Lord -Krsna;
tvayi to Yo-u; bhuyah-again; karunam merc-y; vidhasyati will -give.

0 beautiful-thighed Radharani, don t stain Your moonlike face with these tears
from Your eyes. Lord Hari, who is an ocean of mercy, will be merciful to You
-Sri Sasthivara dasa

Uddhavam prati radha-sakhi-vakyam

The Words of Srimati Radharani s Gopi-friend to Uddhava

TEXT 354

hastodare vinihitaika kapola -paner-

asranta 2ocana j-a2a snapitan-anayah
prasthana mangal-a dinavad-hi madhavasya
nidra lavo 'pi -kuta eva saroruhaksyah

hasta of Her ha-nd; udare-in the middle; vinihita placed; e-ka-one; kapola of the-

cheek; paneh-the middle; asranta-ceaseless; 2ocana from the-eyes; ja2a-water;

snapita-bathed; ananayah whose fa-ce;prasthana of the de-parture; mangala
auspicious; dina day; ava-dhi-since; madhavasya of Krsna-;nidra of sleep;-lavah a -

moment; api-even; kutah-where7; eva-certainly; saroruha aksyah o-f this lo-tus-eyed

She rests a cheek on Her hand and bathes her face in continaul tears. Since the
auspicious day of Krsna's departure, how what method could this lotus-eyed girl
employ to obtain even a moment's sleep7
-Sri Harihara

TEXT 355

niscandanani vanijam api mandirani

nispa22avani ca dig an-tara ka-nanani
nispankaj any api sarit sa-rasi ku-lani
j atani tad vir-aha ved-anaya na santam

nih can-danasi wit-out sandalwood; vanij am of -the vaisyas; api-even; mandirani the-
homes; nih pa2-2avani wit-hout flowers; ca-also; dik ant-ara in a-ll directions;
kananani the -forests; nih pan-kaj ani wit-hout lotus flowers; api-also; sarit of t-he
streams; sarasi kula-ni the -waters; jatani-manifested; tat from -Him; viraha of-
separation; vedanaya by t-he torment; na-not; santam-peaceful.

There is no sandalwood incense in the homes of the vaisyas. There are no flower in
any forest. There are no lotuses in the waters of the rivers and streams. Because of
the torture of separation from Krsna, no one is peaceful.
-Sri Harihara

TEXT 356

pranas tvamjagatam harer api purasanketa venu -svana-n

adaya vraja subhr-uvam iha bhavan margopadese guruh
hamho mathura niskut-anila sakhe sampraty api sri pater-
anga sparsa -pavitra -sitala t-anus t-rata tvam eko 'si nah

pranah the life--breath; tvam you; j ag-atam of the u-niverses; hareh of Lor-d Krsna;
api-also; pura-formerly; sanketa of the r-endezvous; venu of the -flute; svanan the -

sounds; adaya-taking; vraja subhru-vam of the -beautiful-eyebrowed girls of Vraja;

iha-here; bhavan you; m-arga of the -path; upadesa in the -teaching; guruh the -

teacher; hamho 0; mat-hura of Math-ura; niskuta of the g-arndens; anila Obree-ze;

sakhe Ofrien-d; samprati now; ap-i-also; sri pateh of -Lord -Krsna, the husband of the
goddess offortune; anga of theb-ody; sparsa by the t-ouch; pavitra pure; sit-ala cool; -

tanuh-whose form; trata theprot-ector; tvam you; eka-h-alone; api-even; nah ofus. -

0 breeze, you are the life-breath of all the universes. By picking up the sound of
Krsna's flute and revealing the path to Him, you formerly became the leader of the
beautiful-eyebrowed girls of Vraja. 0 breeze from the gardens of Mathura, by
touching the transcendental body of Lord Krsna you have become very pure and
cool. At this moment you are our only protector.
-Sri Ramacandra dasa
Radha-sakhya eva krsna-sandesah
A Letter to Krsna From Radha's Gopj-friend

TEXT 357

tvad de-sagata m-arutena mrduna sanj ata ro-mancaya

tvad ru-pankita ca-ru ci-tra ph-alake santarpayantya drsam
tvan na-mamrta sik-ta ka-rna pu-taya tvan ma-rga va-tayane
tanvya pancama git-a ga-rbhita gir-a ratran divam sthiyate

tvat You-r desa-from the courtyard; agata-arrived; marutena by -the breeze; mrduna
gentle; sanjata-manifested; rimancaya hai-rs standing up; tvat You-r; rupa-form;
ankita-drawn; caru-beautiful; citra pha-lake in t-he picture; santarpayantya
satisfying; drsam Her -eyes; tvat Your-; nama of t-he name; amrta by t-he nectar; sikta
sprinkled; karna put-aya ears-; tvat Your-;marga-path; vatayane at th-e window;
tanvya by th-e slender girl; pancama in th-e fifth raga;fita-with songs; garbhita
filled; gira who-se words; ratram-night; divam and -day; sthiyate is st-ood.

The gentle breeze blowing from the place where You stay makes the hairs of Her
body stand up. She satisfies Her eyes by showing them the beautiful picture of
Your transcendental form. Her ears are sprinkled with the nectar of Your name.
Her words filled with songs in the fifth raga, day and night this slender girl stays
by the window overlooking the path where You might return.
-Sri Trivikama

TEXT 358

ange 'nanga jvara huta v-ahas -caksusi dhyana mudra-

kanthejivah kara kisa2ay-e dirgha sayi k-apo2ah
amse veni kusa parisa-re candanam vaci maunam
tasyah sarvam sthitam iti na ca tvam vina kvapi cetah

ange on the-body; ananga of cupi-d;jvara of the f-ever; hutavahah the fire-; caksusi
on the eyes; dhyana of med-itation; mudra the mar-k; kanthe on the t-hroat; jivah-the
life; kara of the h-and; kisalaye the flow-er bud; dirgha for a lo-ng time; sayi-resting;
kapolah the chee-k; amse on the -shoulders; veni-braids; kuca of the b-reasts;
parisare in the a-erea;candanam sandalw-ood paste; vaci on the w-ords; maunam
silence; tasya of Her; sar-vam-everything; sthitam-situated; iti-thus; na-not; ca-and;
tvam You; vina-- without; kva api-anywhere; cetah the hear-t.

Flames of amorous yearning burn in Her body. The mark of rapt meditation rests
in Her eyes. Her life rests in Her throat. Her cheek rests for a long time on Her
flower-bud hand. Her braid rests on Her shoulder. Sandalwood paste rests on Her
breasts. Silence rests in Her words. These things rest firmly in their places, but Her
heart and mind cannot rest anywhere without You.
-Sri Ksemendra

TEXT 359

drste candramasi pralupta ta-masi vyomangana st-heyasi

sphurj an ni-rmala tej -asi tvayi gate duram nij a p-reyasi
svasah kairava ko-rakiyati mukham tasyah sarojiyati
ksirodiyati manmatho drg api ca drak candrakantiyati

drste wh-en seen; candramasi th-e moon; pralupta rem-oved; tamasi th-e darkness;
vyoma of -the sky; angana in -the courtyard; stheyasi-staying; sphurjat-manifesting;
nirmala-splendid; tejasi-effulgence; tvayi You-; gate ate -gone; duram far -away; nija
own; preyasi bel-oved; svasah-sighs; kairava kor-akiyati bec-omelikea l o t us flowe r
with its petals closed; ksirodiyati bec-omes like an ocean of milk; manmathah
amorous desire; drk-eyes; api-also; drak at o-
nce; candrakantiyati bec-ome
candrakanta jewels.

When She sees that You, Her beloved, the splendid moon that dispells the
darkness in the courtyard of the sky, have gone far away, Her sighs become like
lotus buds, Her face becomes like a lotus flower with petals closed, Her love for
You becomes like a churning ocean of milk with great waves, and Her eyes become
like two melting candrakanta jewels.
-Sri Bhima Bhatta

TEXT 360

asyah sada viraha vahni -sikha -kalap-a

tapte sthito si hrdaye tvam iha priyayah
praleya sikara -same -hrdi te murare
radha ksanam vasati naiva kadapi dhurte

asyah of Her-; sada always-; viraha of sepa-ration; vahni of fire-;sikha of flam-es;

kalapa by the -multitude; tapte-heated; sthitah-situated; asi are; hr-daye in the h-eart;
tvam You; iha--here; priyayah of theb-eloved; praleya sikara -to snow-; same-equal;
hrdi in the h-eart; te of You; m-ura are 0K-rsn-a, the enemy of the Mura demon;
radha Radha; -ksanam for a mo-ment; vasati-resides; na-not; eva-certainly; kada api
ever; dhurta Ocheat-er.

0 cheater Krsna, You eternally stay in Your lover Radha's heart, which burns with
flames of separation from You. Still, Radha cannot stay for even a moment in Your
heart, which is as cool as ice and snow.
-Sri Sankara

TEXT 361

asyas tapam aham mukunda kathayamy eni drsas te k-atham

padminyah sa rasam dalam vinihitam yasyah sa t-ape hrdi
adau susyati sankucaty anu tatas curnatvam apadyate
pascan murmuratam dadhad dahati ca svasavadhutah sikhi

asyah-of Her; tapam-the suffering; aham-I; mukunda-0 Kr sna; kathayami-will

describe; eni-drsah-of the doe-eyes girl; te-to You; katham-how?; padminyah-of a
lotus flower; sa-rasam-beautiful; dalam-petal; vinihitam-placed; yasyah-of whom;
sa-tape-burning; hrdi-on the heart; adau-at first; susyati-dries up; sankucati-
shrivels; anu-then; tatah-then; curnatvam-the state of being powder; apadyate-
attains; pascat-then; murmuratam-a fire made from burning chaff; dadhat-places;
dahati-burns; ca-also; svasa-by sighs; avadhutah-fanned; sikhi-the flame.

0 Mukunda, how will I describe the sufferings of this doe-eyed girl? Her sighs
constantly fan the flames of Her suffering. When a beautiful lotus petal is placed
on Her burning breast it first become dried, then shriveled, then turns to powder,
and then becomes a blazing dust-fire.
-Sri Santikara

TEXT 362

uddhyeta tanu 2ateti -na2ini patre-na nodvtjyate

sphotah syad iti nangakam malayaja ksod-ambhasa sicyate
syad asyati bhara-t parabhava iti prayo na va pa22ava
ropo vaksasi tat katham krsa tanor -adhih samadhiyatam

uddhuyeta may -tremble; tanu of the-body; 2ata-the vine; iti-thus; na2ini-lotus;

patrena with a-petal; na-not; udvijyate is fan-ned; sphotah burst; -syat may be-come;
iti-thus; na-not; angakam thebo-dy; malayaja sanda-lwood; ksoda powd-er; ambhasa
with water; sicyate is sprin-kled; syat may be;-asya of tha-t; ati-great; bharat from-
the burden; parabhavah defeat-;iti-thus; prayah for the-most part; na-not; va-or;
pa22ava of a fl-ower; aropah-placing; vaksasi on the-breast; tat-that; k atham how?;-
krsa tanoh -of the -slender girl; adhih-the disesase of the heart; s amadhiyatam may-
be cured.

Because the vine of Her body may violently tremble, we do not fan Her even with a
single lotus petal. Because She may become overwhelmed we do not sprinkle Her
body with sandalwood powder and water. Because She may become crushed by the
great burden, we generally do not place even a flower on Her breast. How may the
disease of this slender girl's heart become cured?
-Sri Ananda

TEXT 363

nivasati yadi tava hrdaye

sa radha vaj ra ghatite sm-in
tat kha2u kusa2am tasyah
smara visikhais -tadyamanayah
nivasati-resides; yadi-if; tava Y-our; hrdaye i-n the heart; sa-She; radha Radha; vajra-
of thunderbolts; ghatite-constructed; asmin-in this; tat-then; khalu-certainly;
kusalam-well-being; tasyah o-f Her; smara o-f cupid; visikhaih-by the sharpened
arrows; tadyamanayah st-ruck

Radha is again and again attacked by the sharpened arrows of c u p id . If She may
live in the protection of Your thunderbolt-heart, that will be very good for Her.
-author unknown

TEXT 364

unmi2anti nakhair 2unihi vahati ksaumanca2enavrnu

krida kan-anam avisanti valaya kva-naih samutrasaya
ittham pa22ava dak-sinani2a kuh-ukanthisu sanketika-
vyaharah subhaga tvadiya vira-he radha sak-hinam mithah

unmilanti-they are opening; nakhaih-with fingernails; lunihi-cut them; vahati-it

blows; ksauma-of cloth; ancalena-with the corners; avrnu-cover; krida-of pastimes;
kananam-the forest; avisanti-enters; valaya-of bracelets; kvanaih-with the sounds;
samutrasaya-frighten; ittham-in this way; pallava-to the flowers; daksina-southern;
anila-breeze; kuhukanthisu-and cuckoos; sanketika-meeting; vyaharah-words;
subhaga-0 handsome one; tvadiya-from You; virahe-in separation; radha-of Radha;
sakhinam-of the gopi-friends; mithah-mutual.

"They are blooming."

"Cut them with fingernails."
"It is blowing."
"Stop it with the edge of your sari."
"They are now entering the pastime-forest."
"Frighten them away with the tinkling of your bracelets."
0 handsome Krsna, afflicted by separation from You. Radha's friends spoke about
the blooming flowers, pleasent southern breeze, and cooing cuckoos in this way.
-Sri Sambhu

TEXT 365

galaty eka murcha bhavati punar anyayad anayoh

kim apy asin madhyam subhaganikhilayam api nisi
2ikhantyas tatrasyah kusumasara 2ekham -tava krte
samaptim svasttti prathama pada bh-ago p-i na gatah

galati-falls; eka-one gopi; murcha-unconscious; bhavati-is; punah-again; anya

another; yat-which; anayoh of the tw-o gopis; kim api-something; asit-was;
madhyam the midd-le; subhaga 0hands-ome one; nikhilayam-in all; api-also; nisi-at
night; 2ikhantyah-writing; tatra-there; asyah of her; ku-sumasara alove; 2e-kham
letter; tava-for Your; krte-sake; samaptim-completion; svasti-greetings; iti-thus;
prathama f-irst; pada bhagah word; api-even; na-not; gatah-gone.

One evening one of the gopis fainted, and then a second, and gradually all the
gopis fainted. 0 handsome Krsna, one gopi tried to write a love letter to You, but
she became overwhelmed and was unable to complete the fist word "svasti"
-Sri Sacipati

TEXT 366

citraya tvayi cintite tanu bh-uva cakre tatajyam dhanur

vartim dhartum upagate nguli-yuge bano gune yojitah
prarabdhe tava citra kar-mani dhanur mu-ktastra bhi-nne bhrsam
bhittim drag avalambya kesava ciram ca tatra citrayate

citraya for -drawing a picture; tvayi You-; cintite wer-emeditated upon; tanu bhu-va
by cupid; cakre was -done; tatajyam-stretched; dhanuh-the bow; vartim the-
paintbrush; dhartum to h-old; upagate-approached; anguli of fi-ngers; yuge-the pair;
banah thea-rrow; gune-on the bowstring;yojitah was -placed; prarabdhe was -begun;
tava of You-; citra of th-e picture; karmani the a-ctivity; dhanuh-from the bow;
mukta-was released; astra by th-e weapon; bhinna-wounded; bhrsam sore-ly; bhitim
breaking; drak at on-ce; avalambya-attaining; kesava OKr-sna; ciram for a-long
time; sa-She; tatra-there; citrayate becam- e like a picture.

When She meditated on You in order to draw Your picture, Kamadeva drew his
bow. When Her two fingers moved to grasp the paintbrush, Kamadeva placed an
arrow on the bowstring. When She began to draw, Kamadeva shot an arrow. She
was severely wounded. 0 Kesava, She fainted and for a long time She was
motionless as a painted picture.
-Sri Bana

TEXT 367

tvam antah sthira -bhavan-a parinat-am matva puro vasthitam

yavad dor va2ayam -karoti rabhasad agre sama2ingitum
tavat tam nijam eva deham acirad alingya romancitam
drstva vrsti ja2a cch-a2en-a ruditam manye payodair api

tvam You; anta-h in Her h-eart; sthira-constant; bhavana by med-itation; parinatam

transformed; matva-considerating; purah in Her p-resence; avasthitam-standing;
yavat when; doh -of arms;-valayam the brac-elets; karoti does; rab-hasat-passionately;
agre-in the presence; samalingitum to embra-ce; tavat-then; tam-that; nijam own; -

eva-certainly; deham body; ac-irat for a long-time; alingya-embracing; romancitam

hairs standing up; drstva-seeing; vrsti ja2a of ra-in; ch-a2ena on the p-retext; ruditam
crying; manye Ithink; p-ayodaih by raincl-ouds; api-even.

Constantly meditating on You in Her heart, and imagining that You had appeared
before Her, She made Her arms like a bracelet around You. Her hairs standing up,
She passionately embraced Her own body for a long time. When I saw Her, I
thought Her tears were a monsoon rain is disguise.
-author unknown

TEXT 368

acchinnam nayanambu bandhusu krtam tapah sakhisv ahito

dainyam nyastam asesatah parijane cinta gurubhyo 'rpite
adya svah kila nirvrtim vraj ati sa svasaih param khidyate
visrabdho bhava viprayoga janitam duhkham vibhaktam taya

acchinnam-unbroken; nayana-ambu-tears; bandhusu-among friends; krtam-done;

tapah-suffering; sakhisu-among other friends; ahitah-placed; dainyam-humble
supplication; nyastam-placed; asesatah-completely; parijane-to other friends; cinta-
anxiety; gurubhyah-to elderly relatives and superiors; arpita-to given; adya-today;
svah-tomorrow; kila-indeed; nirvrtim-happiness; vrajati-attains; sa-She; svasaih-by
sighs; param-greatly; khidyate-troubled; visrabdhah-peaceful; bhava-please
become; virpayoga-from separation; janitam-born; duhkham-suffering; vibhaktam-
in different ways; taya-by Her.

In the presence of some friends She sheds continual tears, to other friends She
narrates Her grief, to other friends She humbly begs mercy, and because of Her
superiors and elderly relatives She is anxious. These are the ways She suffers in
separation from You. Please become peaceful. She will become happy today or
tomorrow. She is only really tortured by the constant sighing.
-Sri Rudra

Asya eva sa-pranayersyam jalpitam

Her Words Mixed With Love and Anger

TEXT 369

mukha madhu-rya samrdd-hya

para hrdaya-sya grahitari prasabham
krsnatmani para puruse-
sauhrda kamasy-a ka sarirasa

mukha-of the face; madhurya of the sw -eetness; samrddhya with the-opulence; para
of others; hrdayadya of the h-eart; grahitari the thief-;prasabham violentl-y; krsna
atmani-with the dark-complexioned; para puruse S-uprem-ePersonality of Godhead;
sauhrda-friendship; kamasya of one w-ho desires; ka-what; sarira of the bo-dy;asa

The dark-complexioned Supreme Personality of Godhead is expert at capturing the

hearts of others with the sweet handsomeness of His face. What hope is left for a
p erson who desires friendship with Him ?
-Sri jagannatha Sena

Vraja-devjnam sotprasah sandesah

A Joking Message From the Goddesses of Uraj a

TEXT 370

vaca trtiya jana san-kata du-hsthaya kim

kim va nimesa vir-asena vilokitena
he natha nanda sut-a gokula sun-darmam
antas car-i sahacari tvayi bhaktir eva

vaca wit-h words; trtiya ath-ird; jana-person; sankata duh-sthaya wit-hout; kim-what
is the use?; kim-what is the use?; va-or; nimesa-blinking; virasena wit-hout;
vi2okitena-with seeing; he 0; n-atha-Lord; nanda of N-anda; suta Oso-n; goku2a of-
Gokula; sundarinam of th-e beautiful girls; antah-cari-within the heart; sahacari the-
friend; tvayi for Y-ou; bhaktih-devotion.

What is the use of talking with You in a solitary place? What is the use of gazing
at You with unblinking eyes. 0 Lo r d, 0 son of Nanda, it is the love they bear for
You in their hearts that is the only real friend of the beautiful girls in Gokula.
-author unknown

A Very Appropriate Letter

TEXT 371

mura2i ka2a ni-kvana-ir na ya

guru 2ajj a bh-aram -apy aj iganan
virahe tava gopikah katham
samayam ta gamayantu madhava

mura2i of the fl-ute; ka2a-by the sweet; nikvanaih-sounds; na-not; yah who; gu-ru of -

their superiors; 2ajjam-embarrasment; api-even; ajiganan conside-red; viraha in -

separation; tava of You; gop-ikah 0gopis-; katham why?; sam-ayan an oppo-rtunity;

tah-they; gamayantu may caus-e to go; madhava 0Kr s na-.

When they heard the sweet sounds of Your flute they were not shy of their
superiors. Why should the gopis become shy now that they are separated from
-Sri Sasthi dasa
TEXT 372

mathura p-athika murarer

upageyam dvarl ba22avl v-acanam
punar api yamuna sa-lile
ka2iya ga-ra2ana2o j va2ati

mathura to -Mathura; pathika O-travellers; mura ar-eh to -Lord Krsna, the enemy of
the Mura demon; upageyam sh-ould be spoken; dvari at -the door; ba22avi of -the
gopis; vacanam th-e statement; punah-again; api-also; yamuna of -the Yamuna; salile
in the water; ka2iya of -Kaliya; gara2a of -the poison; ana2ah th-e fire;jva2ati bu-rns.

0 traveler to Mathura, at Lord Krsna's door please speak this message from the
gopis: "The fire of Kaliya's poison again burns in the Yamuna's water."
-Sri Vira Sarasvati

Dvaravatj-sthasya harer virahah

Lord Krsna's Feelings of Separation in Dvaraka

TEXT 373

ka2indzm anuku2a koma-2arayam indivara syam-a2ah

sailopanta bhuva-h kadamba kusum-air amodinah kandaran
radham ca prathamabhisara madh-uram j atanutapah smarann
astu dvaravati patis t-ri bhuva-namodaya damodarah

ka2indim-the Yamuna; anuku2a koma2-arayam gently -flowing; indivara with l-otus

flowers; syamalah dark; -saila of Gov-ardhana Hill; upanta bhuvah -the ae-rea around;
kadamba-kadamba; kusumaih with fl-owers; amodinah-fragant; kandaran the cav-es;
radhan-Radha; ca-also; prathama first; ab-hisara in the -meeting; madhuram sweet;-
jata-born; anutapah-suffering; smaran-remembering; astu may be-;dvaravati of -

Dvaraka; patih the kin-g; tri-the three; bhuvana worlds-; amodaya for the-delight;
damodarah Lord K-rsna.

Remembering the gently flowing Yamuna River, the area around Govardhana Hill,
dark with blue lotuses, and the valleys fragrant with many kadamba flowers, and
also remembering sweetly beautiful Radha during Their first meeting, He became
filled with pain. May Lord Damodara, the king of Dvaraka, delight the three
-Sri Sarana

TEXT 370
kamam kamayate na ke2i na2inim namodate kaumudz-
nisyandair na samihate mrga drsam alapa 2-ilam api
sidann esa nisasu nihsaha t-anur bhogabhi2asa2asair
angais tamyati cetasi vraja v-adhum adhaya mugdho harih

kamam-voluntarily; kamayate-desired; na-not; ke2i-the pastime; na2inim-lotus; na

not; amodate is -pleased; kaumudi-of the moonlight; nisyandaih by -the flowing; na
not; samihate-endeavor; mrga dr-sam of -the doe-eyed girls; alapa of -conversation;
2i2am-the pastime; api-even; sidan-sitting down; esah H-e;nisasu-during the nights;
nihsaha-desponded; tanuh-and thin; bhoga-pleasures; abhi2asa-desire; alasaih
without; angaih wi-th limbs; tamyati-pale and wilting; cetasi in -His heart; vraja of-
Vraja; vadhum ag-irl; adhaya-taking; mugdhah-fainted; harih Lo-rd Krsna.

He does not wish the pastime lotus flower. The moonlight does not please Him. He
does not try to playfully talk with His doe-eyed queens. He spends the evenings
sitting down, pale, wan, and languid, without desiring to enjoy anything. A vraja-
gopi staying in His heart, Lord Hari is stunned.
-Sri Sarana

TEXT 375

ratna ccha-ya cchu-rita

jaladhau mandire dvarakaya
rukminyapi praba2a pu2ak-odbhedam a2ingitasya
visvam payan masrna yamu-na tirav-anir-akunj e
radha ke2i b-hara
-parim-a2a dhya-na murc-ha murareh

tatra-in this matter; kanta-with the lover; as2iste-in contact; api-even; harau-Lord
Krsna; murcha-fainting; karitvam-the cause; yatha-just as; padyavalyam in -

Padyavali; ratna of jew-els; chaya in the-shadow; churita cover-ed; j aladhau in the-

ocean; mandire in the-palace; dvarakaya of Dva-raka; rukminya by Ru-kmini; api
even; praba2a strong-ly; pu2akodbhedam-hairs standing up; a2ingitasya-embraced;
visvam the un-iverse; payat-protects; marsna-charming; yamuna of the -Yamuna;
tira on the -shore; vanira of van-ira plants; kunje-in the grove; radha of Srim-ati
Radharani; ke2i of past-imes; bhara of the -abundance; parima2a on the-fragance;
dhyana by med-itation; murcha-fainting; mura reh of L-ord-Krsna, the enemy of the
Mura demon.

Even though tighly embraced by Rukmini-devi in a jeweled palace in Dvaraka by

the sea, Lord Krsna, remembermg the fragance of Srimati Radharani s
transcendental pastimes in the vanira grove by the lovely shore of the Yamuna,
suddenly fainted.
-Sri Umapatidhara

TEXT 376

nirmagnena mayambhasi pranayatah pa2i sama2ingita

kena2ikam idam tavadya kathitam radhe mudha tamyasi
ity utsvapna paramparasu sayane srutva vacah sarngino
rukminyah sithili k-rtah sa k-apatam kantha grahah patu vah

nirmagnena-plunged; maya-by Me; ambhasi-in the water; pranayatah-out of love;

pali-Pali; samalingita-is embraced; kena-why7; alikam-harsh words; idam-this;
tava-of You; adya-now; kathitam-is spoken; radhe-0 Radha; mudha-in vain;
tamyasi-You pine; iti-thus; utsvapna-paramparasu-in sleep; sayane-on the bed;
srutva-hearing; vacah-the words; sarnginah-of Lord Krsna, who holds the Sarnga
bow; rukminyah-of Rukmini; sithili-krtah-loosened; sa-with; kapatam-cheating;
kantha-of the neck; grahah-the hold; patu-may protect; vah-you all.

"Now I am passionately embracing Pah in the water. Why do You speak angry
words7 0 Radha, You pine for Me in vain!" Hearing these crooked words from
Krsna as He slept on the bed, Rukmini stopped embracing His neck. May Lord
Krsna protect you all.
-Sri Umapatidhara

The Queen of Vrndavana's Words of Separation

TEXT 377

yate dvaravati puram - madhu ripau -tad vastra -samvy-anaya

ka2indi tata k-unj a -vanj u-2a 2atam -a2ambya sotkanthaya
udgitam guru baspa -gadga-da galat -tara s-varam -radhaya
yenantar j a2a caribh-ir j a2a carair -apy utkam utkujitam

tiracam-like a bird; api-even; rodanam crying-;yatha-just as; padyavalyam in -

Padyavali; yate-hasd gone; dvaravati Dvarak-a; puram to the-city; madhu-ripau-when

Lord Krsna, the enemy of the Mura demon; tat of Him; -vastra of the Y-amuna; tata
on the shore; kunja-in the grove; vanju2a avanju-la; 2atam-vine; a2ambya-resting; sa
with; utkanthaya-yearning; udgitam sung; g-uru-intense; baspa tears; g-adgada
choked up voice; galat-falling; tara-shrill; svaram-notes; radhaya by Srim-ati
Radharani; yena by whi-ch;j ala caraih -by the -fish; api-also; utkam-anxious;

When Krsna left for Dvaraka, Radha wrapped Herself in His garments and sat
down by a charming vine in a grove on the Yamuna s shore. Filled with longing,
She shed tears and sang in a shrill, choked up voice. When the fish in the water
heard Her they became anxious, thinking the singing the warbling of a predator
crane or pelican.
-Sri Aparajita

Vraja-devInam sandesah
A Letter From the Goddesses of Uraj a
TEXT 378

pantha dvaravatim prayasi yadi he tad devakinandano

vaktavyah smara m-oha m-antra vi-vasa gopyo pi namojj hitah
etah ke2i ka-damba dh-u2i pa-ta2air a2oka su-nyo disah
ka2indi ta-ta bh-umayo pi bhavato nayanti cittaspadam

pantha O-traveller; dvaravatim to -Dvaraka; prayasi yo-u go; yadi if; -he 0-; tat-this;
devaki na-ndanah Kr-sna, the son of Devaki; vaktavyah sh-ould be told; smara of-
cupid; moha-enchanted; mantra by -the mantra; vivasah ov-erwhelmed; gopyah th-e
gopis; api-even; nama-indeed; ujjhitah-are rejected; etah-they; keli of -Your
pastimes; kadamba of -the kadamba flower; dhu2i-of pollen; pata2aih by -the
multitude; a2oka-seeing; sunyah-without; disah the -directions; ka2indi of t-he
Yamuna; tata of th-e shore; bhumayah the -ground; api-even; bhavatah of Y-our na-
does not; ayanti go; -citta of th-e heart; aspadam to t-he abode.

0 traveler, if you go to Dvaraka, tell this to the son of Devaki: "Now that You have
rejected them, the gopis are overwhelmed by Kamadeva's mantra-charm, and their
eyes are blinded by the kadamba pollen of Your pastimes. In spite of all this, the
shore of the Yamuna still does not enter Your heart.
-Sri Govardhanacarya

TEXT 379

tegovardhana kanda-rahsayamuna kacch-ahsacestovato

bhandirah sa vanaspatih sahacaras te tac ca gosthanganam
kim te dvaravati bhuja-nga hrdayam nayati dosair apity
avyad vo hrdi duhsaham vraj vadhu
a -sandes-a salyam-hareh

te-they; govardhana-of Govardhana Hill; kandarah-the caves; sah-that; yamuna-of

the Yamuna; kacchah-shore; sah-that; ca-also; istah-favorite; vatah-vata trees;
bhandirah-named Bhandira; sa-that; vanaspatih-kadamba tree by Kaliya lake;
sahacarah-friends; te-they; tat-that; ca-also; gostha-anganam-the Village of Vraja;
kim-whether7; te-they; dvaravati-of Dvaraka; bhujanga-0 debauchee; hrdayam-to
the heart; na-not; ayati-go; dosaih-with faults; api-even; iti-thus; avyat-may
protect; vah-you all; hrdi-in the heart; duhsaham-unbearable; vraja-of Vraja;
vadhu-of the girls; sandesa-of the message; sakyam-the javelin; hareh-of Krsna.

"Why do Govardhana's caves, the Yamuna's shore, Your favorite vata tree named
Bhandira, the kadamba tree at Kaliya Lake, Your friends, and Vraja village, not
enter Your heart, even to be criticized, 0 debauchee of Dvaraka". These words of
the vraja-gopis were an unbearable javelin wounding Lord Hari s heart. May that
javelin protect you all.
-Sri Nila
TEXT 380

ka2indyah pu2inam pradosa maruto ramyah sasankamsavah

santapam na harantu nama nitaram kurvanti kasmat punah
sandistam vraja y-ositam iti hareh samsrnvato 'ntah p-ure
nihsvasah prasrtajayanti ramani sa-ubhagya ga-rva cc-hidah

kalindyah-of the Yamuna river; pulinam-the shore; pradosa-at sunset; marutah-the

breezes; ramyah-charming; sasanka-of the moon; amsavah-the rays oflight;
santapam-burning suffering; na-do not; harantu-remove; nama-indeed; nitaram-
continually; kurvanti-doing; kasmat-for what reason7; punah-again; sandistam-the
instructions of a letter; vraja-of Vraja; yositam-of the girls; iti-thus; hareh-of Lord
Krsna; samsrvatah-listening; antah-pure-in the women s quarters in the middle of
the house; nihvasah-sighs; prasrtah-manifested; jayanti-all glories; ramani-of all
beautiful girls; saubhagya-of the good fortune; garva-the pride; chidah-breaking.

The girls of Vraja wrote Lord Krsna a letter, that said: "(0 Krsna) why is it that
the constantly shining charming moonlight and the constant breezes on the shore
of the Yamuna are not able to cool the burning sufferings we fee17' When He
heard these words within His palace, Krsna began to sigh. Those sighs broke into
pieces the pride of His beautiful queens.
-Sri Pancatantrakrt

Sudamanam vipram prati dvarakesvara-vakyam

Words of Dvaraka's King to Sudamaa Vipra

TEXT 381

ma ga ity apamangalam vraj a sakhe snehena sunyam vacas

tistheti prabhuta yathabhilasitam kurv ity udasinata
brumo hanta sudama mitra v-acana-m naivopacarad idam
smartavya vayam adarena bhavata yavad bhavad darsan-am

ma-don t; gah-go; iti-thus; apamangalam-inasuspiciousness; vraja-attain; sakhe-0

friend; snehena-of affection; sunyam-devoid; vacah-words; tistha-stay; iti-thus;
prabhuta-independence; yatha-just as; abhilasitam-desired; kuru-you may do; iti-
thus; udasinata-aloofness; brumah-we say; hanta-indeed; sudama-0 Sudama;
mitra-friend; vacanam-words; idam-this; smartavyah-may be remembered; vayam-
wer; adarena-with respect; bhavata-by you; yavat-as long as; bhavat-of you;
darsanam-the sight.

Please don t go. Friend, it is not auspicious for you to speak these unloving words.
Stay here. You can be completely independent. You can do whatever you like. You
can remain completely aloof. 0 friend Sudama, I tell you until I see you again I
will always remember you with reverence and love.
-Sri Hari

Sva-grhadikam drstva tasya vacanam

Sudama's Words on Seeing His Home, Possessions and Family

TEXT 382

tad geham nata-bhitti mandiram idam labdhavakasam divah

sa dhenur j arati caranti karinam eta ghanabha ghatah
sa ksudro musa2a dh-vanih ka2am idam sangitakam yositam
citram hanta katham dvijo yam iyatim bhumim samaropitah

tat-that; geham-home; nata-with slanting; bhitti-walls; manidaram-a palace; idam-

this; labdha-attained; avakasam-a place; divah-of the heavenly planets; sa-that;
dhenuh-cow; jarati-old; caranti-move; karinam-of elephants; etah-they; ghana-of a
cloud; abhah-the appearance; ghatah-multitude; sah„-that; ksudrah-little; musala-
of a pestle; dhvanih-sound; kalam-sweet; idam-this; sangitakam-singing; yositam-
of women; citram-a great wonder; hanta-indeed; katham-how is it7; dvijah-
brahmana; ayam-this; iyatim-like this; bhumim-place; aropitah-attained.

Before my home was a small shack with slanted walls, and now it is a heavenly
palace. Before I had only one old cow, and now there are many elephants moving
like a great cloud. Before there was only the occasional sound of the grinding
mortar, and now there is the sweet singing of many women. This is very
wonderful. How has this brahmana obtained a place like this7
-author unknown

Kuruksetre srj-vrndavanadhjsvarj-cestitam
The Queen of Vrndavana's Activities at Kuruksetra

TEXT 383

yenaiva sucita navabh-yudaya prasang-a

anyan nimilya nayanam muditaiva radha
vamena tena nayanena dadarsa krsnam

yena by whic-h; eva-certainly; sucita-indicated; nava hew; ab-hyudaya good for-tune;

prasanga touchin-g; mine of a fish-; ahata-struck; sphurita-glistening; tamarasa ared -

lotus flower; upamena-like; anyat-the other; nimilya-closing; nayanam eye; mud-ita-

jubilant; eva-certainly; radha Radha; v-amena with the -left; tena-with that;
nayanena eye; dada-rsa saw; krsn-am-Krsna.

Jubilant, fortunate Radha closed Her right eye, and with Her left eye, which was
like a glistening red lotus flower pushed by a fish, gazed at Lord Krsna.
-Sri Hara

TEXT 380

anandodgata ba-spa pu-ra pi-hitam caksuh ksamam neksitum

bahu sidata eva kampa vi-dhurau saktau na kantha gr-ahe
vani sambhrama ga-dgadaksara pa-da sanksobha 2o-2am manah
satyam vallabha sa-ngamo pi su cir-aj j ato viyogayate

ananda-from bliss; udgate-arisen; baspa-of tears; pura-a flood; pihitam-placed;

caksuh-eyes; ksamam-able; na-not; iksitum-to see; bahu-arms; sidata-remained;
eva-certainly; kampa-vidhurau-trembling; saktau-able; na-not; kantha-the neck;
grahe-in holding; vani-words; sambhrama-being overwhelmed; gadgada-choked
up; aksara-pade-in words; sankobha-lolam-restless; manah-heart; satyam-in truth;
vallabha-with Her beloved; sangamah-association; api-even; su-cirat-after a long
time; jatah-was manifested; viyogayate-as separation.

Her eyes flooded with tears and could no longer see. Her arms were overwhelmed
with trembling and could not wrap themselves around His neck. Her choked voice
could speak no words, and Her heart was restless. After such a long time, the
meeting with Her lover was just like Her separation from Him.
-Sri Subhra

Rahasy anunayantam krsnam prati radha-vakyam

Lord Krsna Tries to Console Srjmatj Radharanj With Sweet Words
in a Solitary Place, and She Replies in the Following Way

TEXT 385

kim padante luthasi vimanah svamino hi svatantrah

kincit kalam kvacid abhiratas tatra kas te paradhah
agas kariny -aham ihayayajivitam tvad viyoge-
bhartr pranah -striya iti nanu tvam mamaivanuneyah

kim-why; pada of the f-eet;ante at the en-d; luthasi You hav-e fallen; vimanah
unhappy at heart; svaminah the husb-and; hi-indeed; svatantrah are indep-endent;
kincit-somewhat; kalam-time; kvacit-somewhere; abhiratah devoted-; tatra-there;
kah-what7; te of You; apa-radhah offense; -agah sin; karin-i-doing; aham Iam; iha-
here; yaya by whom-;jivitam lived; tv-at of You; viy-oge in separa-tion; bhartr for -

whom the husband; pranah is the ve-ry life and soul; striyah wives; iti--thus; nanu is -

it not7; tvam You; mama -by Me; a-nuneyah should be-apologized to.

Why have You fallen disconsolate at My feet7 The husband is always independent.
He may stay for some time, and then He may also go away. What fault is there on
Your part7 It is I who am the sinner, for I remained alive even when separated
from You. The wife should always consider her husband to be her very life and
soul. It is I who should apologize to You.
-author unknown

Tatraiva sakhim prati sri-radha-vacanam

Srimati Radharani s Words to a Gopi-friend at Kuruksetra

TEXT 386

yah kaumara ha-rah sa eva hi varas ta eva caitra ksa-pas

te conmi2ita-ma2ati-surabhayah praudhah kadambani2ah
sa caivasmi tathapi tatra surata vya-para 2ila -vid-hau
reva rod-hasi vetasi-tanu-tale cetah samutkanthate

yah„-that same person who; kaumara-harah„-the thief of my heart during youth;

sah„-he; eva hi-certainly; varah„-lover; tah„-these; eva-certainly; caitra ksap-ah„
moonlit nights of the month of Caitra; te-those; ca-and; unmi2ita-fructified; ma2ati-
of malati flowers; surabhayah„fraga-nce; praudhah„full; -kadamba-with the fragance
of the kadamba flower; anilah„-the breezes; sa-that one; ca-also; eva-certainly;
asmi-I am; tathapi-still; tatra-there; surata vyap-ara in in-timate transaction; 2I2a-of
pastimes; vidhau-in the manner; reva-of the river named Reva; rodhasi on th-e bank;
vetasi of the -name Vetasi; taru-tale-underneath the tree; cetah„my mi-nd;
samutkanthate-is very eager to go.

That very personality who stole away my heart during my youth is now again my
master. These are the same moonlit nights of the month of Caitra. The same
fragance of malati flowers is there, and the same sweet breezes are blowing from
the kadamba forest. In our intimate relationship, I am also the same lover, yet still
my mind is not happy here. I am eager to go back to that place on the bank of the
Reva under the Vetasi tree. That is my desire.*
-author unknown

TEXT 387

priyah so 'yam krsnah sahacari kuru-ksetra-militas

tathaham sa radha tad idam ubhayoh sangama sukham-
tathapy antah khe2an m-adhur-a mura2i p-acama -juse
mano me ka2indi-pu2ina-vipinaya sprhayati

priyah very dea-r; sah„-He; ayam-this; krsnah„Lord Kr-sna;saha cari OM-y de-ar
friend; kuru-ksetra-militah„-who is met on the field of Kurusetra; tatha-also; aham
I; sa-that; radha-Radharani; tad-that; idam-this; ubhayoh„of both o-f Us;sangama
sukham-the happiness of meeting; tathapi-still; antah„-within; khelan-playing;
madhura-sweet; murali of the flu-te; pancama-the fith note; juse-which delights in;
manah„t-he mind; me-My; ka2indz-of the River Yamuna; pu2ina-on the bank;
vipinaya-the trees; sprhayati-desires.

My dear friend, now I have met My very old and dear friend Krsna on this field of
Kuruksetra. I am the same Radharani, and now We are meeting together. It is very
pleasent, but still I would like to go to the bank of the Yamuna beneath the trees of
the forest there. I wish to hear the vibration of His sweet flute playing the fifth
note within that forest of Vrndavana.*
-Sri Rupa Gosvami

Samaptau mangalacaranam
Auspicious Conclusion

TEXT 388

mugdhe munca visadam atra balabhit kampo gurus tyajyatam

sad bha-vam bhaj pundarika
a nay-ane manyan iman manaya
2aksmim siksayatah svayamvara vidh-au dhanvantarer vak cha2-ad
ity anya prat-isedham atmani vidhim srnvan harih patu vah

mugdhe-0 beautiful girl; munca-abandon; visadam-Siva; atra-here; balabhit-Indra;

kampah-Varuna; guruh-Brhaspati; tajyatam-should be rejected; sat-bhavam-the
transcendental Supreme Person; bhaja-you should worship; pundarika-nayane-0
lotus-eyed girl; ma-don't; anyan-others; iman-these; manaya-accept; laksmin-the
goddess of fortune; siksayatah-instructions; svayamvara-vidhau-in the matter of
selecting a husband; dhanvantareh-of Dhanvantari; vak-chalat-from the clever
words; iti-thus; anya-of the others; pratisedhau-rejection; atmani-in Himself;
vidhim-acceptance; srnvan-hearing; harih-May Lord Hari; patu-protect; vah-you

"0 beautiful girl, reject Siva. Reject Indra, Varuna, and Brhaspati. 0 lotus-eyed
girl, worship the transcendental Personality of Godhead, and reject all the others."
May Lord Hari, who overheard Dhanvantari as he was instructing Laksmi-devi to
select the Lord as her husband, protect you all."
-author unknown

TEXT 389

yadu vamsavat-amsaya
vrndavana viharine-
samsara sagarottar-a
taraye haraye namah

yadu of the Ya-du; vamsa dynasty; -avatamsaye the crown; v-rndavana in Vrnda-vana;
vilasine who enjo-ys transcendental pastimes; samsara of repeat-ed birth and death;
sagara t-he ocean; uttara f-or crossing; taraye t-he boat; haraye t-o Lord Krsna;

To Krsna, the crown of the Yadu dynasty, the Lord who enjoys transcendental
pastimes in Vrndavana, and the boat for crossing the ocean of repeated birth and
death, I offer my respectful obeisances.
-Sri Avilamba Sarasvati

TEXT 390

bhramyad bh-asvara ma-ndaradri sik-hara vy-aghattanad visphurat

keyurah puruhuta ku-nj ara ka-ra pra-g bh-ara sam-vardhinah
daityendra pra-mada kap-o2a vi2-asat pat-rankura cch-edino
dor dan-dah ka2i ka2-a ka2-masa mu-sah kamsa dvi-sah pantu vah

bhramyat-wandering; bhasvara-splendid; mandara-adri-Mandara Mountain; sikh

ara-the summit; vyaghattanat-from striking; visphurat-glistening; keyurah-with
armlets; puruhuta-kunjara-of the elephant Airavata; kara-of the trunk; prak-bhara-
the front; sammardinah-eclipsing; daitya-of the demons; indra-of the kings;
pramada-of the wives; kapola-on the cheeks; vilasat-the splendid; patra-ankura-
decorations; chedinah-breaking; doh-dandah-the arms; kali-of Kali; kala-of the
time; kalmusa-the sins; musah-removing; kamsa-dvisah-of Lord Krsna, the enemy
of Kamsa; pantu-may protect; vah-you all.

May Lord Krsna's arms, which are decorated with armlets glistening because of
striking the splendid summit of Mount Mandara, which eclipse the beauty of the
forepart of Airavata Elephant's trunk, which break the decoration on the cheeks of
the great demons wives by turning them into widows, and which remove the sins
of the age of Kali, protect you all.
-Sri Yogesvara

TEXT 391

Jayadeva bl2vam-anga2a
mukhaih krta ye 'tra santi sandarbhah
tesam padyani vina
samahrtanitarany atra

j ayadeva by Jayad-eva Gosvami; bi2bamanga2a and Bilv-amangala Thakura; mukhaih

headed; krtah-written; ye-which; atra hers; sant-i-have been; s andarbhah many-
books; tesam of them; p-adyani the vers-es; vina-without; samahrtani-collected;
itarani-others; atra here -

Jayadeva Gosvami, Bilvamangala Thakura, and other famous authors have written
many books. Without referring to their verses, the work of other, less-famous
authors has been assembled in this book.
-Sri Rupa Gosvami
TEXT 392

2asad H-gva2a r-asa s-umana

mad ab-hipsitam abhidadyat
taruna ta-ma2a ka-2pa pa-dapahko 'pi

lasat-splendid; ujjvla-rasa-in the mellows of conjugal love; sumanah-very expert;

gokula-of Gokula; kula-palika-of the pious girls; ali-by the multitudes; kalitah-
worshiped; mat-my; abhipsitam-desire; abhidadyat-may grant; taruna-young;
tamala-tamala; kalpa-padapah-desire trees; kah api-a certain.

I pray that the young tamala kalpa-vrksa tree expert at enjoying splendid amorous
pastimes and worshiped by the pious girls of Gokula will grant my desire.
-Sri Rupa Gosvami

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