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As an MP, you are patrolling the passport checkpoint, and you encounter a citizen crossing the

main red line. However, you also see a Trooper in the background who has just killed a citizen with
seemingly no reason. Considering the whole situation, how would you react?

In the citizen case, I would tase them and say "Behind the red line.", If he continues to cross the
line, I will arrest him.

Then i wil go to the Trooper and ask why did he kille the citizen and other questions like that,if i
find it with no reason i will arrest him, if i find it solid i will trust him.

As an MP, you are in combat with an armed citizen and he kills you. When you return to the scene,
he resets as you are about to punish him. What should you do when you see him again?

I will arrest him next time i see him, becouse the New Life Rule does not applicate due to he reset

While patrolling the Border Wall, you round a corner and see a Black Dagger chasing and shooting
a citizen. What should you do?

I will use common sense and ask him Why he was doing that.

You see an MP underperforming on the border. Give some examples of how this could be
happening, and explain what the MP should be doing instead.

He is seeing a ToS and is not doing anything, He is seeing a KoS and is not doing anything,

He is seeing a trooper randomly kill someone and is not doing anything.

1:he should be Tasing/Kill a ToS/KoS.

2:he should be arrest the trooper for killing someone randomly.

You're on patrol with two other MPs. One is patrolling at the main gate with low traffic, and
another is at the checkpoint dealing with a lot of traffic. The border wall does not have much
traffic. Where would you patrol?

I will Patrol in the checkpoint because it one of the top priotities and its mandatory.

What are the appropriate courses of action for when you find a citizen in the armory or find a
Trooper past the IPC enclave red line; when are you, as an MP, allowed to enter areas normally
restricted to you?

If i find a citizen at the armoury i'll tase them and warn him for trasspasing.

For the Trooper past the IPC enclave red line i will arrest him inmediatly without warning.

What would you do if a Lieutenant ordered you to arrest a citizen? He claims to have authority
over you and that his order is legitimate. What ranks have the authority to give you orders? Give
three examples of what those orders could be.

If he claims to have authority over me, i'll explain him the Border Hierarchy and every rank.

The ranks that have the authority to give me orders would be:

Captains, Colonels and Admirals.

They can give me the orders of:

-Arrest a citizen

-Leave the position i'm patrolling

-Go to spawn for any reasons (Mass Patrols).

While on duty a citizen is declared AOS by a Superintendent. You and several other MPs know
where the target is, but you and another MP are trying to keep the passport checkpoint under
control. The AOS citizen is with multiple rebels. What is the best way to handle this?

It depends on how we are trying to keep the checkpoint under control, if there is much traffic i will
go to the AOS citizen and try to arrest him with the other MPs, If there are armed citizens or any
combat situation, i will stay with the other MP at the checkpont to help him.

While on duty, you are stationed at the passport checkpoint, and a Combat Engineers Mass Patrol
starts. After a few minutes, one of them starts to create a minefield on the pathway to the
checkpoint. How would you handle this situation?

I would ask him whats the Mass Patrol host, then ask to the host what did he tell him to do and see
what i can do.

If he tells me that he did not command him to do that i will tell the Combat Engineer to take the
minefield to other place.

If he tells me the oppuest, i will say him ok.

While on patrol, one of your squadmates, an MP, dies and tells you to arrest or kill a citizen for
contraband. When you arrest the citizen, she begins threatening to misconduct you and report you
to higher ups; how should you react?

Firs, i will not believe him because of the Gold Parameter (If you didn't see it, it didn't happeneed)
but if for any reason i pay attention to him and i arrest/kill the citizen, i would use the Gold
parameter (You will not get in trouble for doing your job).

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