Side by Side 4 Lesson 4

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Side by side 4 lesson 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

End of chapter 4
Chapter 5
Page 66
Sigue pag 69 ….
Sigue la 74
Sigue page 87wishes
Sigue pag 92
Chapter 7
Sigue page 95
Why didnt brenda take her umbrella to work today?
She didnt know it was going to rain, if she had known
it was going to rain she would have taken her umbrella
to work today.
Why werent you in class yesterday
I wasnt feeling well if i had been feeling welll i would
have been in class yesterday.
3. why didnt jason stop at traffic light –ç?
He didnt notice it if he had noticed it he would have
stopped at the traffic light .
Why didnt you go to the movies last night?
I wasnt in the mood to see a film, if i had been in the
mood to see a film i would have gone to the movies
last night
Page 97
3. why wasnt mark on time for work today.?
His alarm clock didnt cling if his alarm clock had clung
he would have been on time for work today.
4. why didnt you hand in your paper today?
My printer wasnt working last night, if my printer had
been working i would have handed in my paper today.
WHY DIDnt the kramers buy the house on pine Street
Their morgage wasnt approved, if their morgage had
been approved they would have bought the house on
pine Street.
Why didnt mr and mrs park enjoy their ski vacation?
There wasnt enough snow, if there had been enough
snow they would have enjoyed their ski vacation.
Why didnt you send us a postcard
We didnt remember your address if we had
remembered your address we would have sent you a
post card
Why didnt you go to the party last night
I wasnt invited if i had been invited i would have gone
to the party last night.
Why didnt mr and mrs sanchez enjoy the play last
night …. .they didnt have good seats …………………
If they had had good seats they would have enjoyed
the play last night.
Why wasnt senator harrington reelected. The people
didnt trust him. …. If the people had trusted him he
would have been reelected .

Why didnt mr. Kellys students give him a birth day

He didnt tell them it was his birthday, if he had told
them it was his bday they would have given him a

.. why wasnt sofia asked to sing an encore last night.

The audience wasnt pleased with her performance … if
they had been pleased with her performance…..she
would have been askedyo to sing an encore last night.
Continue Page 98
I wonder why….. charles ran by without saying
He must have been in a hurry
You re probably right if he hadnt been in a hurry he
wouldnt have run by without saying hello ……
If he hadnt been upset about something he wouldnt
have been irritable…
If she hadnt been feeling under the weather she
wouldnt have gone home early today.
….if he hadnt eaten something he shouldnt have he
wouldnt have gotten sick last night
… if she hadnt expected a lot of people to come to her
party she wouldnt have prepared so much food
------ if she hadnt had a hard day at the office she
wouldnt have gone to sleep so early…
If it hadnt been a hundred percent cotton it wouldnt
have shrunk so much….
I wonder why my computer shut down…. .
…if it hadnt run out of power it wouldnt have shut
down…. .
If she hadnt been driving too fast she woulnt have
gotten stopped by pólice officer.
If he hadnt set off the metal detector…. He wouldnt
have gotten searched by the security person…..
If he hadnt gotten lost he wouldnt have arrived late for
the wedding
Continue page 100
Continue page 105
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Page 120

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