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Division of City Schools - Manila


Jesus Street, Pandacan, Manila



Learning Area: TLE- ICT (CSS) Teaching Date: April 28, 2022

I. General Competency: Basic Parts of a Computer System Servicing

II. Specific Competency: Components of Computer System

A. References:

 Unified Supplementary Learning Materials (USLeM)

Grade 7 Quarter 3 page 4-7
 DepEd TV Official in Youtube

III. Target: At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with 85% proficiency should be
able to:

a. Define the composition of computer system.

b. Identify the different parts and functions of a computer system
c. Sustain the interest of the learners in learning about computer system

IV. Implementing Strategies

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Routine Activities In the name of the Father …
I. Prayer We offer you, Oh God
Good Morning Everyone. Our studies and prayers
Please all stand up and let us feel the presence And we beg you to enlighten our minds
of the Lord before we start our day, Mr. And make us ever pleasing to you.
President Jessie lead the prayer. Amen.
II. Greeting
Again, Good Morning! Good Morning Teacher
You may now take your seats. Arrange your
chairs and sit properly.
III. Checking of Attendance I am happy to tell you teacher that no one is
Are all present today? Ms. Secretary Julia? absent today
Thank you Julia, Very Good Class, always
maintain your perfect attendance so that you
will not miss any of our lessons.
B. Review of the Past Lesson The 2 types of computer are Computer based
Yesterday we discuss about different types of a on the Principle of Operations and Computer
computer. What are the 2 types of computer based on Functionalities.
Very Good Julia. So can you give me an The example of Computer based on the
example of computer based on the principle of principle of Operations are Analog, Digital and
operations, Yes Isabela? Hybrid Computer.
Very Good Isabela, how about the example of a Computer based on Functionalities are
Computer based on Functionalities?James you Mainframe Computers, Minicomputers, Server
have any idea? Computers, and Micro Computers.
C. Motivation
Very Good James. I believe that you fully
understand the lesson yesterday, let us now
move to our new lesson this morning, but
before that I have here prepare a simple game
that can reveal our next lesson ,its called
Jumbled Words. (the teacher will call 5
students to arranged the jumbled letters flash
on the screen.)
Jumbled Words Answer
Do you have any idea what will be our lesson I guess our topic for today is Basic Parts of a
for today, Yes Justine? Computer System
A. Discussion
That’s right Justine.
Our lesson for today is all about Basic Parts of
a Computer System. But before we proceed to
our main topic let us first define what is
Computer System
Computer System – it is a combination of
components working together to perform a
specific task
1. Hardware – is the physical or tangible Some example of Computer Hardware are
part of a computer. Can you give some Monitor
example of Computer Hardware Mouse
Sophie? Keyboard
Very Good Sophie!
2. Software – is also known as a program
or application runs on a computer. It
also enables a computer to perform a
specific task. There are
2 Types of Software:
 System Software – perform all the System Software
operations the computer needs to run.  Windows for Microsoft
Can you give me an example of System  MAC OS for Apple
Software Cris?
Very Good! Application Software
 Application Software –perform specific  Spreadsheet software
functions like word processing, video  Graphic software
editing and internet browsing.
How about Application Software, Justine?  Word processors
3. Peopleware – is simply the user of the Peopleware are
computer.  Programmer
Can you give me an example of Peopleware  Teacher
Angeline? Very Good!  Student
Now that we discussed the 3 Components of
Computer System, Let’s have a closer look at
the Basic Parts of a Computer System.
 System Unit
- Also known as a computer chassis. It
houses the internal parts of a computer
includes Motherboard, microprocessor,
memory chips, ports and cards.
 Monitor
- Also known as computer screen that
display image, video and text on the
 Mouse
- A computer mouse is a pointing device
that lets you point to objects on the
screen, select, open a program, click
on the folder, scroll, and moves file
 Keyboard
- is the most commonly used input
 Mother Board
- the most essential part of the computer
that allows other computer parts to be
connected to one another
 Central Processing Unit
- It is also known as the brain of a
computer. It controls the operation of all
parts of a computer.
 Random Access Memory
- It is also called the main memory. It is a
type of volatile memory that once the
V. Assessment

Direction: Identify and name of the following images listed below. Write your answer beside the number.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

Key to Corrections:
1. Mouse 6. Motherboard
2. Monitor 7. Central Processing Unit/CPU
3. Keyboard 8. Power Supply
4. Hard Disk Drive 9. Memory
5. System Unit 10.Cooling Fan

VI. Assignment:

A. Follow Up Assignment:
Study and Research about Different Input and Output devices of a Computer System may refer to your
Grade 7 Unified Supplementary Learning Materials (USLeM) Module – TLE - ICT pages 5-7.

B. Advance Assignment:
Study the parts of the keyboard and practice your typing skills.

Prepared by:
Crisalyn O. Ballenas

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