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Journal of Statistics and Management Systems

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Pandemic COVID-19: An empirical analysis of

impact on Indian higher education system

Kalyan Kumar Sahoo, Kamala Kanta Muduli, Ashish Kr. Luhach & Ramesh
Chandra Poonia

To cite this article: Kalyan Kumar Sahoo, Kamala Kanta Muduli, Ashish Kr. Luhach & Ramesh
Chandra Poonia (2021) Pandemic COVID-19: An empirical analysis of impact on Indian
higher education system, Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 24:2, 341-355, DOI:

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Published online: 10 Feb 2021.

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Journal of Statistics & Management Systems
ISSN  0972-0510 (Print), ISSN  2169-0014 (Online)
Vol. 24 (2021), No. 2, pp. 341–355
DOI : 10.1080/09720510.2021.1875571

Pandemic COVID-19 : An empirical analysis of impact on Indian

higher education system

Kalyan Kumar Sahoo †

Department of Business Management
Arni University
Kathgar 176402
Himachal Pradesh

Kamala Kanta Muduli *

Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Papua New Guinea University of Technology
LAE, Morobe Province, PMB -411
Papua New Guinea

Ashish Kr. Luhach §

Department of Electrical Engineering
The Papua New Guinea University of Technology
LAE, Morobe Province, PMB -411
Papua New Guinea

Ramesh Chandra Poonia  ‡

Department of ICT and Natural Sciences
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

This research work confirms the effects of Covid-19 on Higher Education Institutions in
India. Analyzing the consequences of pandemic on teaching and learning system in different
states in India and the impact of the same on tertiary education as well. The illustrative and

*E-mail: (Corresponding Author)



informative structured surveys and library analysis are used to gather the data, analyzed
in this research. The gathered data analyzed through chi sq. measurable instrument at
five percentage level of significance that was bestowed within the style of frequency and
percentages. The examinees for this study are 1100 lecturers from different states of India.
The examination and analysis revealed that viral outbreak has significant effects on Higher
Education Institutions in India.

Subject Classification: 62G10 (Nonparametric hypothesis testing).

Keywords: Covid-19, Higher education institutions, Covid-19 effects, Chi sq., Structured surveys.

1. Introduction
The outbreak of COVID-19 from Wuhan, China has led several
countries to impose lockdown in the hopes of containing the spread of the
virus[1-2]. In most countries schools, businesses, and several industries
have been severely affected and this has created an atmosphere of
economical instability. Most countries are reviewing their initial budget
plans for the year to consider the impact of the virus spread[3]. After
the declaration of the situation as being a pandemic, the race to contain
it, as well as to develop technologies and vaccines for the same has
become fiercer. Two of the anti-contagion policies adopted worldwide
are lockdown and shutdown. This has eventually disrupted the physical
mode based on teaching and learning programs throughout the world. The
COVID-19 expansive pestilence the world has influenced students with the
closing down of schools/colleges/universities. The same resulted in loss
of classes for the majority of the students, while rest is relying e-learning.
E-learning based education systems are experiencing some issues such as
poor network connectivity, cyber security etc. These hitches highlighted
a perilous hole in university-based exigency game plan. The status of
Higher Education Institutions(HEIs) intends to shield understudies and
educationalists plan for ceaselessness of training and ensure instruction
fragment. Indian Health Service’s preparation and steerage arranged
to stop community contamination. University-based pandemics would
have conjointly increased with community contamination. Therefore,
planning and managing for these plagues is the method of defensive
not exclusively the prosperity of educators and understudies[4]. Serious
preventive measures has been taken by the educational institutions for the
safely of their stakeholders such as social distancing , hands sanitizations,
no to hand shake to reduce the impact[5].The main objective of this
research work to comprehend the connection of Covid-19 pandemic with

higher educational teaching and learning activities. This research work

investigation focus on effects of the outbreak on teaching and learning
at higher education and provides an outline regarding the impact on the
students or others at tertiary universities or colleges.

1.1  Statement of the Problem

The flare-up of the Covid-19 infection ailment has expanded strain
and nervousness around the world and Indian are not an exception.
The disease outbreak is astoundingly transferable with extraordinary
symptoms and reactions. The focus is to provide the techniques that
does not underpins just learning, yet additionally the psychosocial
prosperity of the faculty members and understudies is perilous to
dynamic preparation and reaction. The inadequacy of the examination on
direction for arranging instructive persistence is catastrophic, as training
is itself a sort of psychosocial backing that empowers comprehensive
prosperity during debacles. Arranged interest in training based psycho-
social care and enthusiastic societal learning for youngsters influenced by
fiascos will help them educate more excitedly. To be sure, psycho-social
prosperity is a significant harbinger to instruction, and has a noteworthy
bearing on the fast approaching projections of social orders. This corona
plague is unquestionably not the last scourge that will present danger to
class ceaselessness, especially given exploration on how environmental
change will affect irresistible ailment occurrence. Universities need crisis
preparation methodologies by creating possibility systems that not just
location school-based prevention and wellbeing activities for pestilences,
yet in addition perceive approaches to keep assisting and teaching-
learning instructors &understudies if higher educational institutes stay

2.  Literature review

Coronavirus is characterized as irresistible ailment brought about by
novel Coronavirus having a place with the SARS-COV family. A great many
people tainted with Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) will make respiratory
disease and may recuperate without exceptional therapy. More seasoned
individuals and those with fundamental medical issues like diabetes,
cardiovascular ailment, disease and incessant respiratory sickness are
bound to create grave ailment. People with major clinical issues like
diabetes, cardiovascular affliction, malady and unremitting respiratory

infection will undoubtedly make serious sickness. The noteworthy ways

to deal with hold and ease back the unfurl is to reinforce guidance on
reducing the risk of accidental exposure to the virus and the symptoms
of ailment. Sanitization of hands by an alcohol based disinfectant, or
frequent hand washing using soaps, avoiding touching one’s face will
help to safeguard oneself as well as others from the COVID19 infection[7].

2.2 Impact of the outbreak on Teaching and learning at Higher Education

TheSARS-CoV-2infection pestilence has influenced teaching and
learning of action all around, with absolute shutting of colleges, universities.
Almost 1725 million students are influenced attributable to class closings
because of the pandemic from27th April 2020. More than 186 nations are
terminated which affect about 98.5 percent of understudies’ populace
in world[8].The disturbing and extreme issue of corona pestilence has
shocked the world. Further, various Govt. agencies of the world have
immediately closed academic establishments. In India too, the Govt. has
shut down every scholarly activities, as an outcome of that, students
extending from faculty members to understudies are influenced[9]. These
Nationwide terminations are affecting more than ninety one percentage of
the students. Many countries have upheld confined suspensions affecting
additional students[10]. United Nations Agency is supporting countries in
their undertakings to direct the snappy impact of school terminations, very
for extra vulnerable and mistreated systems, and to energize the movement
of guidance for all through remote learning. The United Nation’s office
evaluates that 340million understudies are influenced in India[8].Along
these lines, the Govt. has come back by launching online courses. A couple
of Information Technology undertakings have endeavored to utilize the
occasion by giving free on-line classes or tricking limits on online learning
programs. These estimates are connected by overwhelming response
from understudies with 25% improvement in online education. Distance
learning looks a suitable goal to understudies all through this time as
they gracefully advantageous, in a hurry and sensible access to exercises.
E-adapting furthermore comes as a fascinating and intuitive when
contrasted with school room teaching[8].All things considered, Covid-19
has incited experts to reexamine the standard method of teaching and
learning. Advanced instruction is by all accounts a feasible goal to fill
at stretch. Going ahead, online training is drawing nearer to incorporate
into instruction. It can transform comprehensive education by facilitating

learning in different geographies of India. In addition, it is going to give

faculty a chance to come back with custom learning solutions for every

2.3 Higher Educational Institutions

It appears to be certain that all through the world the impermanent
suspension of the face-to-face exercises of HEIs has been a tremendous
disruptor of their working. The effect of this disturbance is profoundly
factor and depends right off the baton their capacity to stay dynamic
in their scholarly exercises and furthermore, on their money related
maintainability. The endeavors made to keep training courses in virtual
mode have been eminent all over the place and given the absence of
involvement in comparable circumstances previously, the exchange
has not been simple. HEIs likewise could possibly have adequately
experienced virtual training frameworks and, even in the most ideal
situation, it is hard to feel that they can be scaled-up to the important
measurements without the intercession of outer specialized backings,
for example, video workers, for instance. To put it plainly, it is one thing
to have the vital innovative and specialized foundation to help virtual
courses for a moderately noteworthy level of graduate understudies. It is
entirely different to give the specialized and mechanical requirements for
by and large all courses for all understudies in a time period that, by and
large, has been not exactly seven days. The exertion made is obviously

2.4 Evaluations
The shutting down of HEIs isn’t just upsetting the educating of
understudies far and wide; the end is likewise equivalent to with a lead
gauge period and numerous tests have been modified. The anatomy
of HEIs and educating, including learning and appraisal techniques,
were initially affected. Only a few private and Govt. set up institutes
or universities can adopt online teaching methods. Oppositely, the
underprivileged universities had been completely closed due to lack of
access to e-learning solutions. Some universities used various alternatives
like sending the assignments by email and responding on answer. Group
chat and discussion on e-forum are the techniques used by various
higher educational institutions. Physical examination is still challenge for
assessment. Many universities are scared of conducting the examination.
Online teaching and e-infrastructure are the key issues for stakeholders.

Few schools, universities are subbing customary tests bye-evaluation

devices. The zone for the two understudies and educators, and evaluations
will most likely have more noteworthy evaluation blunder than expected.
Exploration shows that owners utilize instructive qualifications, for
example, grade guide midpoints and degree groupings toward sort
candidates8. The upsurge in the clamor of the candidates’ signs will thusly
perhaps lessen the coordinating capability on the work advertise, who
may encounter profit and employment. Both are costly for general public
overall, and the person[12].

2.5 Action
This implies conditions of India as the different pieces of the world
which are organizing the wellbeing part to decrease disease and breaking
point mortality. They are likewise attempting to help the individuals who
are socially in reverse in their populace. Backing for financial recuperation
and different areas of the economy should come later. Every area needs
to mirror the effect of COVID-19 and survey its outcomes; in any case the
recuperation of this segment might be excessively moderate, past the point
of no return. This additionally applies to the advanced education part. The
strategy should be exhaustive and incorporate all partners, including the
private segment. Every nation should set up a team on higher education
under the authority of the pertinent service to look at the circumstance
and propose prompt and momentary measures and be prepared to impact
the arrangement as soon as the crisis finished.

2.6 Solutions
The closure of education organizations incites a major break in
understudy training; Interruptions in inner evaluations and end of open
appraisals for proof or for their help by unsatisfactory replacement. What
should be possible to improve these destructive impacts? HEIs require
wealth for restructuring of misfortune in learning, when they reopen. One
inquiry is the way these assets or resources are being utilized and how to
target understudies who are especially seriously influenced. HEIs ought to
consider delaying instead of avoiding interior appraisals, an indication of
the significance of evaluations for learning. For new alumni, procedures to
get away from the time of more prominent joblessness ought to legitimize
entering the labour market.

2.7  Ways of improving the HEIs and learning issues

Remote teaching and economical delivery technique
Arriving at weak populace of India shall need embracing different
taking in conveyance modalities extending from SMS based to application
based versatile stages that are more effectively accessible to poor people.
With more than 80 percent of the understudies’ populace approaching
cell phones, it is conceivable to arrive at most understudies deserted
with focused directions by means of these mediums. Online stages
offer customized learning, different modalities require an organizer,
coordination between everyone. The activity of the bureaucrats will
essentially connect for making techniques and rules. The Central Govt.
and Ministry of Education could help in the arrangement of resources
and utilization of these instruments inside nation by the assistance of
accreditation commissions like AICTE, UGC and others, while the State
Government organizes the state endeavors by stopping limit and holes.
Whatever procedure the Government decides to consolidate, they should
guarantee that it is financially savvy (at any rate accessible inside the
home) and simple to utilize (Students must have adequate information
on this).

Mentoring and Parenting

Mentors have a key role to play in ensuring that learning is not
counted regardless of their level of education. To guarantee that accessible
assets are appropriately used the guardians and mentors should be set
up to make an ideal learning condition and bolster understudies in this
new learning process. During this time, the guardians or mentors are
required to go about as mediators between the board/government and
understudies. The guardians are required as mentor for students’ school
even if they rely on guidance from the colleges. In addition, most learning
media are shared between members of the household and parents are
responsible for determining and allocating usage among family members.
Therefore, the government needs to support them in acknowledging and
implementing roles during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Movement of online projects and the educational needs of troubled
understudies can be met. Exercises and homework ought to be joined
by physical deliveries of extra instruction support. The cognizant and

dynamic association of stakeholders is a significant necessity. Many State

Governments suspended all education financing for students because
of health priority. Banks are reluctant to finance because of slowdown.
Faculty members are suffering from salary reduction and firing. Students
are disturbed of getting fee to pay. The risk of educating is high during
corona outbreak.

2.8 Finance
Finance in education sector during this outbreak is a big challenge.
Numerous things in Higher Education bill-2020 won’t be executed due to
the remarkable budgetary shortfall. All finances are required to prepare
for reinforcing programs. Diminishing disbursements re-prioritized
its courses of action and thinking about existence differently. Sincere
organizations will be improving stakeholders’ motivation, understudies’
status and growing minimal effort web office and accessibility of advanced
framework. This ought to be enhanced with imaginative sourcing of
learning system during this period. Furthermore noticeable commitment
of mentor altruists and propelled business visionaries can diminish the
cash related load of supporting higher education through the crisis[13].

2.9 International financing

Coming to tap global resources, various training resources created by
the World Bank, UNESCO and other associates can expeditiously pass on
to create nations. The EdTech business when in doubt is moreover giving
free online stages to interface direct with understudies and to help school
directors and governments to perceive creative courses of action that help
far away learning. For a greater degree, the countries should explore all
inclusive credits and grants workplaces for guidance as a significant part
of help and recovery plans in bearing the corona virus outbreak crisis.

2.10 Hypotheses

A hypothesis is educated guess. Based on the review of literature the

following Hypotheses were proposed.
H0: No significant association between corona virus outbreak and
instructive activities of Universities at India
H1: Significant association between corona virus outbreak and
instructive activities of Higher Education Institutions at India

H02: No significant impact of SAR-CoV2 pandemic on Higher education

in India
H2: Significant impact of SAR-CoV2 pandemic on Higher education in

3. Methodology
3.1  Research Design
Survey design is used to collect the samples. The decision of this study
was viewed as proper in view of its favorable samples of recognizing
qualities of a gathering of people from a huge populace. The structure
was reasonable for the examination as the investigation looked for the
effect of corona virus on instruction in India. Information was gathered
from principal and auxiliary sources.

3.2  Sampling Design

Populace is a gathering people or sample respondents which focused
on getting data about the effect of Corona virus outbreak on Higher
education in India. The number of inhabitants in the examination included
every single senior college understudies and faculty members and college
staffs. 1100 samples were chosen haphazardly by the researchers from the
various states of India.

3.3  Sampling plan and method

Sample is the arrangement of respondents which establish some
portion of a given populace. Yamane Sample calculation is a way to deal
with chooses the sample size for an assessment. It is the best methodology
to use when the primary concern you consider the essential samples you
are examining from is its size.
n = N / [1 + N (e) 2], Where
n = corrected sample size,
N = population size, and
e = Margin of error (MoE)
e = 0.05 based on the research condition.

Corrected Sample Size (n)

= 1100/[1 + 1100* {(0.05)*(0.05)}]
= 1100/[1 + 1100*(0.0025)]
= 1100 / 3.75 = 293.33

3.4  Instrument for Data Collection

Here, Survey is the critical tool which used for data collection. Outlines
were sifted through and expected to get adequate and pertinent data from
the interviewee. The principal information contained data separated
from the reviews. The respondents were required to offer unambiguous
response to address by marking before a fitting answer and composed the
proportionate on faculty members and understudies.

3.5  Statistical Design

Method of Data Analysis
The information collected was not an end in itself yet rather it filled in
as a significant task. The end being the utilization of the key information
to grasp the different conditions it is with a definitive target of making
perceived suggestions and obligations. To this end, the information
amassed must be dissected for any huge gratefulness to come out with
explicit outcomes. It is accordingly that the going with systems was
gotten a handle on in the appraisal experience for the assessment of the
information amassed. For a broad evaluation of information collected,
feature was laid on the utilization of full scale numbers frequencies of
reactions. Answers to the examination questions were given through the
assessment of the level of faculty member or faculty members’ reaction
to every assertion in the overview related with any predefined question
being thought of. Rehash in this assessment implies the methodology of
reactions sorted out by tremendousness or event while rate recommends
the diagrams of the reactions engineered by their degree. Basic technique
is acknowledged to be straight forward. The author picks the fundamental
method and the procedure to use.

The formula for percentage (%) is given below:

Percentage frequency = f ÷ n × 100 
f = Rate of occurrence(Interviewee’s response)
N = Sum total of interviewee(Number)
100 = Stability and Uniformity in the level of samples (Consistency)

4.  Data Analysis and Interpretation

A questionnaire based survey that targeted 1120 respondents returned
1100 responses. The respondent profile is shown in table-1 and table-2.
Information gathered through questionnaire is presented in table-3.

4.1  Sex allocation of the interviewees from different states of India

Sex Allocation from the interviewees

Feedback Freq. % Valid % Cum. freq.

Male 650 59.09 59 59
Female 450 40.91 41 100
Total 1100 100 100

Out of these, the 59% of interviewees were in to male category, the

rest 41% of the samples were female.

4.2  Designationsofinterviewees from different universities

Table 2
Designation of the interviewees

Feedback Freq. % Valid % Cum. freq.

Deans 38 13 13 13
Teaching staffs 108 37 37 50
PG Students 73 25 25 75
UG students 59 20 20 95
PhD Students 15 5 5 100
Total 293 100 100

It could be observed from table-2 that 38 respondents which speak

13% of the respondents are Deans, 108 respondents which speak to 37% are
showing staffs, 73 respondents which speak to 25% of the respondents are
PG understudies, 59 respondents which speak to 20% of the respondents
are UG understudies. The remainders of the respondents 5% speak to the
PhD understudies from various campuses.

4.3  Hypothesis Testing

There is a significance association between corona outbreak and
higher education exercises.
Resolution: Analyst dismissed null hypothesis that no association
between present outbreak and higher education exercises as the estimated
worth(44.41) is higher than Critical Value (7.82).Furthermore, alternative
hypothesis is accepted. Hence relationship between virus outbreak &
higher education exercises is proved.

Table 3
Association between present outbreak and higher education exercises

Expected Residuals
Responses Samples (O) (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E
(E) (O-E)
Strongly agreed 125 73.25 51.75 2678.06 9.14

Agreed 135 73.25 61.75 3813.06 13.01

Disagreed 23 73.25 -50.25 2525.06 8.61

Strongly disagreed 10 73.25 -63.25 4000.56 13.65

Total 293 0 44.41

Table 4
Association between corona virus disease and higher education exercises

Chi Square 44.41a

Degree of freedom 3
Asymp Significance 0.000
a.0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. Minimum expected cell
frequency is 73.25

Hypothesis Testing-2

This hypothesis examines whether the outbreak affects higher

education exercises or not.

Table 5
Effect of Corona outbreak regards to higher education exercises

Feedback (O) (E) (O-E) (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E

Yes 260 97.66 162.34 26354.27 89.94
No 23 97.66 -74.67 5574.11 19.02
Undecided 10 97.66 -87.66 7684.27 26.22
  293       135.18
O (Observed), E (Expected)

Table 6
Relationship between present virus pandemic and Teaching-learning exercises

Chi Square 135.18a

Degree of freedom 2
Asymp Significance 0
Cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell
frequency is 97.66

Decision rule: The researcher therefore rejects the null hypothesis,

“there is no relationship between
Test resolution: Analyst dismissed the null hypothesis. Here, no effect
of present pandemic on Teaching and learning at higher education. The
Chi square value obtained in this research, 135.18 is more prominent than
the critical value (5.99). In this way, the alternate hypothesis is accepted. So,
there is relationship between corona virus disease and higher educational
exercises in India.

5. Discussions
This research work presents the reflection on the Covid-19 effects
on HEIs(Teaching and Learning) in India. The research objectives are to
identify the relations between virus infection &HEIs, identifying curative
procedures for educational institutions, investigation of impact of corona
virus outbreak on higher education system in India. In accordance to
research objectives, two major hypotheses were established and both null
hypotheses were tested. The sample size for this research work is 1100 from
various universities in India. The instrument utilized for the information
assortment by the analyst is surveys and personal interviews. Descriptive
research design was formulated for this research work. An aggregate of
293 respondents comprised of Deans, Faculty individuals, Post Graduate
(PG), Under Graduate (UG) and PhD students were surveyed. The
data accumulated was introduced in tables and investigated utilizing
percentage, frequencies and Chi square. The research results clearly
concluded that the virus outbreak has affected the HEIs in India.

6. Conclusion
The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the teaching model that
has spoken for hundreds of years. This interruption urges policymakers

to figure out a more adjusted methodology for HEIs stakeholders. A

multi-pronged technique is essential to deal with this emergency and
manufacture a productive showing framework for India’s HEIs. E-learning
is the step forward to begin with, which also have significant training and
adoption issues.


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