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This note is to highlight Vidhya Skill School course content for a DevOps

List of content

1. Tooling and Technique to visualize the concept and problem statement

2. My tools for DevOps i.e. AWS, Google Cloud, Azure etc. and create your 1st instance
3. Learn and implement SSH and File server with in your instance
4. Learn and implement Linux commands to execute applications
5. Configure Instance Level 1
6. Configure Instance Level 2
7. Learn and implement shell scripts to automate process
8. Learn and implement GIT like a pro
9. Learn and implement SSL within your instance using Lets Encrypt
10. Learn and implement NGinx to implement reverse proxy and to enable SSL only for
all request and calls
11. Learn and implement PM2 (Process management for NodeJS)
12. Learn and implement ELK Stack in your instance to enable logging and monitoring
13. Docker Level 1
14. Docker Level 2
15. Jenkins Level 1
16. Jenkins Level 2
17. Jenkins Level 3
18. AWS Level 1
19. AWS Level 2 (Lambda, SNS, Route53, S3, Beanstalk, Light sail)
20. Learn and implement Chef or alternatives in your instance
21. Monitor your instance Nagios or alternatives with and keep learning

1: Tooling and Technique to visualize your problem statement

It involves understanding your problem statement and enable yourself to get a clear picture
and keeps an eye to track like a pro.
You need following tools to visualize your problem statement before jumping into code.
Always keep that in mind, getting a clear picture of your problem statement will help you to
write a great scalable and maintainable solution.

It also involves breaking your problem statement into modules also in sub-modules.

Work Tracking : Trello (Kanban Board)

Problem Notes Tracking : Evernote
Visualization :
Wire-framing :
Review your Design : With Experts

Powered by Vidhya Skill School | | DevOps Program


2: My tools for DevOps i.e. AWS, Google Cloud, Azure etc. and create your 1st

We need to familiar ourselves with the development ecosystem and keep our self-updated
with the knowledge stack we are going to follow. We are going to drill down all necessary
tools to enable ourselves as a Pro DevOps engineer.

Note: In this course we'll be covering using AWS (Amazon web services) using Linux

OS: Linux (Ubuntu)

Cloud Account: AWS (Amazon web services - Free Tier)
Scripting: Shell
Logging: ELK Stack
Version Control: Git (GitHub/Bit bucket)
CI-CD: Jenkins
Code Quality: SonarQube
Container: Docker with Kubernetes
Reverse Proxy: NGinx
HTTPS (SSL): Let's Encrypt with NGinx

3: Learn and implement SSH and File server with in your instance
In this session we will covering and understanding policies and protocol for implementing
SSH and transfer of files within your server. It also involves security implementation to
protect our server from attack.

4: Learn and implement Linux commands to execute applications

Let's comfortable yourself with Linux commands and ecosystem to work like a pro.

5: Configure Instance Level 1

Basic configuration of your instance to setup prerequisite for your environment

6: Configure Instance Level 2

Application installation and advance configuration for your instance to strengthen your

7: Learn and implement shell scripts to automate process

Let's learn and implement to automate your process using shell scripts.

Powered by Vidhya Skill School | | DevOps Program


8: Learn and implement GIT like a pro

Learn and start playing with any version control system using GIT

9: Learn and implement SSL within your instance using Lets Encrypt
Leverage free resources to secure your instance and network with Lets Encrypt

10: Learn and implement NGinx to implement reverse proxy and to enable SSL
Handle all your network calls using NGinx reverse proxy with SSL

11: Learn and implement PM2 (Process management for NodeJS)

Manage and update your application with 0 downtime with load PM2 load balancing and
process management

12: Learn and implement ELK Stack in your instance to enable logging and
Learn and setup your ELK Stack to monitor all application level logging like a pro

13: Docker Level 1

Learn and implement Docker with configuration

14: Docker Level 2

Advance implementation using Docker

15: Jenkins Level 1

Configure Jenkins in your instance and setup a complete build, test and deployment
automation process

16: Jenkins Level 2

Additional configuration and implementation with Jenkins

17: Jenkins Level 3

Advance configuration and implementation with Jenkins

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18: AWS Level 1

Learn and implement AWS services with your application like Light-sail, ALB, ELB, S3, RDS, Cloud-front,
Beanstalk, and ECS

19: AWS Level 2

Advance learning of AWS services

20: Learn and implement Chef in your instance

Automate your process with chef

21: Monitor your instance Nagios with and keep learning

Monitor your infrastructure with Nagios and other monitoring tools

Powered by Vidhya Skill School | | DevOps Program

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