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What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)? What makes SIDS a phenomenon?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is an unexplained phenomenon resulting in the

death of a healthy infant due to unknown causes, although it is believed to be due to issues with

the infant's breathing, sleeping position, or brain development. SIDS is considered a

phenomenon due to its sudden and unexpected occurrence in apparently healthy infants without

any clear or identifiable cause and the lack of understanding about the exact cause of death.

Ongoing research and investigation are being conducted to better understand this phenomenon

and identify ways to prevent it. (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS | Boston Children’s

Hospital, n.d.).

Explain how culture, personality and individual situations determine one's suicide risk


Culture, personality, and individual situations are considered suicide risk factors due to

several reasons. Cultural norms and beliefs can shape how individuals cope with stress and

trauma (National Academies Press (US), 2002), while certain personality traits like impulsivity

and hopelessness may increase the risk of suicide (Bi et al., 2017). , and lastly, personal

circumstances such as significant life changes or experiences of trauma and abuse can also

contribute to an individual's risk for suicidal thoughts or behaviors (Risk and Protective Factors |

Suicide | CDC, n.d.). Seeking professional help is important for anyone struggling with suicide

risk factors.

Choose one natural disaster. Explain how this natural disaster can result in mass traumatic


A landslide is a geological event that happens when rocks, earth, or debris slide down a

slope as a result of gravity due to causes such as extreme weather, earthquakes, or human activity.

Landslides can cause traumatic death by burying people or trapping them in collapsed buildings

or vehicles, as well as by creating fast-moving debris flows or mudslides that can engulf and

sweep away anything in their path, including people, homes, and infrastructure (World Health

Organization: WHO, 2019). The impact and force of the landslide itself can also cause fatal


Explain Hindu teachings about death and rebirth.

In Hinduism, death is not the end of life but merely the transition of the soul from one

body to another. The cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, known as Samsara, continues until the

soul achieves liberation, or moksha, through spiritual enlightenment and self-realization. The

karma accumulated in each life determines the nature of the next, as the soul moves through

various planes of existence towards ultimate union with the divine. (Cycle of Birth and Death -

the Nature of Human Life in Hinduism - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - AQA - BBC

Bitesize, n.d.).

What is considered a "good death?"

Although the Institute of Medicine defines a good death as "one that is free from

avoidable death and suffering for patients, families, and caregivers in general accordance with

the patients’ and families’ wishes," (Gustafson, 2007), there is no true description of a "good

death". Such a concept is relative and may differ depending on each individual’s circumstances

and beliefs. Rather, to have a good death is to accept that we all die in one way or another.


Bo, B., Liu, W., Zhou, D., Fu, X., Qin, X., & Wu, J. (2017). Personality traits and suicide

attempts with and without psychiatric disorders: analysis of impulsivity and neuroticism.

BMC Psychiatry, 17(1).

Cancer Council NSW. (2022, August 5). What is a ‘good death’? | Facing End-of-Life | Cancer

Council NSW.


Cycle of birth and death - The nature of human life in Hinduism - GCSE Religious Studies

Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize. (n.d.). BBC Bitesize.


Gustafson D. H. (2007). A good death. Journal of medical Internet research, 9(1), e6.

National Academies Press (US). (2002). Society and Culture. Reducing Suicide - NCBI


Risk and Protective Factors | Suicide | CDC. (n.d.).

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS | Boston Children’s Hospital. (n.d.).


World Health Organization: WHO. (2019). Landslides.

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