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1 Country and people This is a book about Britain. But what exactly is Britain? And who are the British? The table below illuserates the problem. You might think that, in invernational sport, the situation would be simple ~ one country, one team, But you can see that this is definitely not the case with Britain. For each of the four sports or sporting events listed in the table, there ate a different number of national teams which might be described as ‘Why is Britain ‘Greau’? ‘British’, This chapter describes how this situation has come about and ae eS explains the many names that ate used wlien people calk about Britain grea i he nanne Great Bricain a SER See Geographically speaking en ee 7 US Deere Lying off the north-west coast of Europe, there are two large islands and Fe Seo hundreds of much smaller ones. The largest island is called Great Britain area in France which is called The other large one is called Ireland (Great Briain and Irelan). There is no "Brittany in modeen English agreement about what to call all of them together (Looking for ¢ nie). SE Politically speaking In this geographical area there are two states. One of these goveruis most of the island of Ireland. This state is usually called The Republic of Ireland. Ie is also called ‘Eire’ (its Irish language name). Informally, itis referced co as yusr ‘Ireland? or ‘the Republic’. The other stare has authority over the rest of the area (the whole of Grear Britain, the north-eastern area of Ireland and most of the smaller islande) ‘Vhis is the country that is the main subject of this book. Its official name is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but this is tao long for practical purposes, so it is usually known by a shorter name. Ar rhe Furovision Song Contest, at the United Nations and in the European parhamenr, for instance, itis, referred to as ‘the United Kingdom’ In everyday speech, this is often National teams in selected sports Great Britain tngland and wales England England POLITICALLY SPEAKING shortened to ‘the UK’ and in internet and email addresses it is uk’. In other contexts, itis referred to as ‘Great Britain’. This, for example, is the name you hear when a medal winner steps onto the rostrum at the Olympic Games. The ahbreviarion ‘GRP (Grear Brirain Ponnnds) in internarional hank drafts is anoher example of the vise of this name. In writing and speaking that 1s not especially formal or intormal, the name ‘Britain’ is used. The normal everyday adjective, when talking about something to do with the UK, 1s ‘British’ (Why is Britain 'Great’?) Great Britain and Ireland Looking fora name Is nov easy co keep geography ‘and polities apar. Geographically speaking, irieclear thar Great Britain, Ireland anc all chose chete iy in Britain and Ireland? How does this happen? 3 Think of the well-known symbols and tokens of nationality in your country. Ate they the sae uypes of real-life objects (e.g. plants and. clothes) that are used in Britain? 4 In the British government, chere are ministers wich special responsibility for Stoaud, Wales aud Nordhern Ireland, but there is no minister for England. Why do you think his is?

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