English Tenses

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PEROT Y PEI er SIMPLE PRESENT; Penggunagn o® Habits action 4 menyatakan suatu Keblasaan/ kejadian betuiang-ulang dan atau terus menerus &% contch J.U drints coefee every morning dime Signal 2. Shawn goe, to the peach vi vi on Sundays dime signal & facts G menydtakon fakta 4 wonton ' A. Cathy worlss as a seacher. 2. You cing very well 3. We Sudy at loten, of eternal ruth » menyaiokan kebenaran Umum ly conrDh 4. woter bolls at joorc 2. The SUN fises jin the ease 3.A doctor works na hospital @ StViasines tO @ rine sana e Cvery__, suite a doy/week, always often, usually ¢ “PRESENT “CONTINOUS penggunaan # actions harpening now 4 menyatokan suatu kegiatan yong sedang berlangsung sekarang (Mow) atou sktat waktu_pembicaraan (arround the time of tolking) &eonton 1._Lam crinking coggee ght now e time signal s 1. we ate faving preakfose ai iis time e Lime signa $ 3. Jb iS raining outside hows 4 e ume ngnal temporary routines and habits 4 menydtokan sadiu Kegioton yang akan tend! Segera_ d.Lam studying English a lot these GOYS because we are having a set neat week. 2.1 GM staying wah a guend tor a Few days 3. He is letking (6 credite this semester POLA 4 ~ St 1S am fare t V-ing + 0 asa a time signal: Now, dt ihe Moment a! Present + at this time RSP RE SE IT steer PPE REE Cl) ee penggunaan fecent actions ot events 4 Menyotokan | Ikegidtan Yang telah Selesai_ ditalsanakan Sekarong ‘ 2. The Power wont our LAPAST PERE ECT} e voile bhe children F-{ CONTINOUS po were saying } penggundan DF. 1 eas surging Fotan exam | Femohasize the duration of an action wonic mg mother wos that was Completed begore andiher e cooing | action fevent im Ahe past. oe ed | GCN @ (51+ Post cominous + while Sed } 4.She bad been walling gor two moves e + Past continous | FI POE CHAN Curation es as . When Ahe doctor finally aired @ While +514 Past continoust S24) Caen bre pase Past cominous | 2, When he duit hg job at the tactory, oe = | AMPH BAS | he had been working ther for ie year & | POS PREECLA CONN auranon @ DA Simpte past Eocusedon the ime PAST nines +) O€ the acon “IPERFECTS = * «Past pertect focused on Ane action: @ Raggqunaen | the time nor specie of The First Past action happened examnpres + begore che other (when there , He lost tis Key yesterday Gre two Jamore pasi actions ——-- HE hast suse lose his KeY- (ibe time @ SG cnn the KY is not specruc “4. The Thanic trad receued many | ss e@ Past perrect POLO: @ vei OEM Sthad+t been +V-ing @ 2.1 pod alteady eaten when my Pash porecet, | time pgnal @ friend stopped by to utsit — FOT___ before when $*Vz A | for yesterday /losk night @ 3.1 wen ovr aerer 1 nod sinimned j , : my worl . tuitiune- Se e near aosan amaaDaS | + ces a @ _ _—s Polo keterangan wokiu untuk I SIMPLE ; Past oertect jo FUTURE _ — e@ Pasa vergect octave swhen symple | Penggunadn Past ¢v2) Ban oction tevent will happen in she curwre @ | Sime vast vz) giier cost & conion Pertecs. 4.1 will do t© Bandung tomorrow, ® P Mime si3najl e 2, Next Weeks, We Util Work on PunctU- Aton, 3. Thomas will giaduate in Sepiemper U- He ip. doing toacs hs cor Lomercey P ume gna} 5.1 dm Going bo see the demise some HIMES Next wee le $+ Wilt Vi penggunaan « ‘ume signal ef ongoing action in the Future tomorrow, ___ lade; Mext_, In 2050 Hy CWith duration) } 4 conton =e —_—_— n=) 1,Bu August, Aaton Will nave === CONTINOUS ~~ — 4" oWire Time turare Penggunagn | been Saving money for ongoing actions in the future (sen eduled) we Cone Sune 5 SK_month 4. Ab tam tomorrow: (will be - AW Fa HON, Mins #9001 L.we will hove been Painting to Portland. he tiving room fer Len nours 2. "D0 You wont tocome wih us io by § om the movies on Saturday evening? ° “Tean'ts dl fut be workang at shat Ife vans Haves pens | in “St will t Have + been+ ey Ing i Stwill +Be + V-in ioe a Time ggna for — by 7020 at _o' clock tonight /tomotrow/aext ___ (OT___ by tomorrow at this sme tomorrow (next —FUTURE tlie ——PERFECT i % Penggunaan *Wilrimmedtate decision, off completed actions in the cuture | Predichion without evi- y Conioh dente, Future race 1, Sy August, Aaron yuilt nave saved —=Golng + Prior plan, Predie- LIME jgnar to HON With evidence, fisco Something about 2. By SP-y we will have panied the 40 happen , {ving room exameres 3. By ihe time she Arrives .we will have | + The couple is going to get Ginisned the works Martied next month (ror Pian) Pora “ie feeLS So cold. 1 will lend her my cook (inmedjal ¢ § tT willt Hove + Va{ been aeudieny, © ‘ime signa! i By this 4Ime next __ /+0morrow by ihe aime + Simple Present by 2080 » py 10MOTFoW / next —__ ai a eae on eae ak oe een y \ 4. Trove Unybcd my homeworls | _- Non- ; “coninays Verb, Teceotly ee jime signal sabstrack verbs 2. Velma tios jus\ sere bis apes Moe want cost need « 3. The poleman jis cireiecl @ young, Are contain owe: exist etc Man in connecion With the tobe, ty already Rosseston verbs Gown belong , posses etc HOLA | semotion. verbs Ske rloverhate + »_ dNsWee featretc § + Have fhas +V3 +O Lime signal alteady Just ry et (-) —PRESENT PERFECT- a CONTINOUS a ee8000880 = SIM PLE. penggundan PAST ~~ @f actions that started in the rast and — penyaunaan are still counting + of completed actions jn the past 4 menyatokan suaiu kegiaton yang dimulay ty conic Pada woktu lompou dan sekgtang moth = 4.1 Played’ soccer with my berlangsung Erlénds last saturday Y conten 2 .we recived the package 4. They (owe been (earning english | three days agg e 3-MY Grandfather duit the (or {wo Year ' iam TIME SiQhal showing duration OL 5 1 earning } Z| pave been 194 English C+ WtO Sine elementary school } ume signal = time Nanay | Yesterday , last Night 1 jn 2003, 3. She has Len teaming English 4wo days ago. Since she was a chyld PAST qune SQN —CONTINOUE venggunaan - ff happened ox specigic point OF time in the pase Gconton 4. We were walking inne § + Hove /hos + been + v-ing eme signal Pals around | po iasy (Or Smonths ssince 1908 rsince s+V2 Tight NOTE & oe | AWO evems ware gorng : | on Simultan eous) Since + Past time > 1% coriven, ‘ Since + Simple Past | } 2. twas having dinner LLL DELLE TIPU CTE with my family when ane doorbent yang

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