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SRU simulation: getting the

properties right
Reliable, predictive simulation software for SRUs requires recognition of many of
the unique properties and behaviours of sulphur


Optimized Gas Treating, Inc.

here are several commercially ammonia destruction. The Sulphur Molecular formula and molecular
available tools for simulating Converter model predicts profiles weight of sulphur vapour
the performance of sulphur of dew points and conversion The most fundamental property of
recovery units (SRUs). The general through converter beds as well as any compound is its molecular
basis for these simulators is often COS and CS2 destruction profiles. weight. Sulphur exists in several
regression to a collection of plant Sulphur condensers have rigorous forms under conditions prevalent
performance data. However, the sizing and rating integrated into in SRUs. In the temperature range
results are only as good as the data their simulation. The solubility of of interest in SRUs, sulphur vapour
on which they are based. H2S, H2SX and SO2 in all liquid exists predominantly in the allo-
Collecting accurate SRU perfor- sulphur streams is calculated, with tropic forms S2, S6, and S8 with
mance data is fraught with particular application to sulphur temperature dependent distribution
difficulty, much of it associated pits where air or another carrier amongst these forms. Thus, its
with the collection and analysis of can be used to sparge and sweep molecular weight is temperature
samples. For example, gas samples these volatile species from liquid dependent and can be expressed in
from the reaction furnace must be sulphur. The SRU model can be terms of the average number of
very rapidly quenched, otherwise fully integrated with upstream acid sulphur atoms per molecule of
hydrogen keeps reacting. Samples gas removal and enrichment sulphur. The enthalpy changes
containing water must have the processes, and with downstream associated with the conversion of
water quickly removed to prevent TGTU quench and tail gas amine one species form into another
further reaction. Careful attention treating. Through the use of makes the Claus reaction endother-
must be paid to the metallurgy of detailed, highly non-ideal aqueous mic in the reaction furnace where
sample containers because they can ionic chemistry, it includes the the S2 form dominates, but exother-
have catalytic activity — early cata- effects of SO2, heat stable salts, and mic in converter beds where the S6
lysts were iron based, and even monomethyl-monoethanolamine and S8 forms dominate. Conversion
stainless steel is reactive towards (MMEA, a degradation product of between forms also makes the
sulphur dioxide. Material balances MDEA) on the performance of molar flow rate of sulphur bearing
around SRUs require special tech- these units. streams variable because sulphur is
niques to work around analytical Developing reliable, predictive, not simply ‘elemental sulphur’ – it
data limitations. Even when the simulation software for SRUs is actually a mixture of the different
data are accurate, simulators that necessarily requires recognition of forms with variable molecular
depend on this kind of regression many of the unique properties and weight. This effect, however, is
have only limited reliability when behaviours of sulphur. To a large normally a minor one because
extrapolated to conditions outside extent, the uniqueness of these sulphur concentrations in gas
the range of the basic data. properties stems from the fact that streams usually are not high, with
We have recently completed sulphur occurs predominantly in vapour composition dominated by
development of a simulation three forms: S2, S6, and S8. In liquid water and nitrogen from the air
module for SRUs that has a more form, as temperature increases, the used in the combustion of H2S to
fundamentals oriented basis, S8 allotrope will polymerise to SO2 in the furnace.
including reaction kinetics of COS higher molecular weight forms. Its Figure 1 shows a comparison
and CS2 formation and ammonia, distribution amongst these allo- between the temperature depend-
BTEX, and hydrocarbon destruction tropes is temperature dependent, ence of the average number of
in the furnace. The furnace model and transition between forms atoms of elemental sulphur per
includes non-equilibrium conver- occurs spontaneously, accompanied mole of molecular sulphur as
sion of hydrocarbons to COS, CO, by substantial enthalpies of reac- reported in the GPSA Data Book,1
and other species as well as burner tion. This article addresses several the experimental data2,3 and the
mixing characteristics, which affect properties of sulphur. simulator model. The model is PTQ Q3 2016 93


Average number of sulphur


atoms per molecule


6 Here P is the total pressure and

the yi are mole fractions. The
temperature dependence of the
4 equilibrium constants obeys a van’t
3 Hoff type of equation with temper-
GPSA Databook
ature dependent Gibbs free
2 energies of formation regressed
Experimental data
1 from tabular data4.
150 250 350 450 550 650 750 Without looking at the original
Temperature, ºC references, it is not commonly
known that Figure 1 is at a pressure
Figure 1 Temperature dependence of number of sulphur atoms in average molecule equal to the vapour pressure of
sulphur at temperatures below its
normal boiling point, and equal to
one atmosphere at higher tempera-
tures. The points in Figure 1 have
Average number of sulphur

7 350ºC
400ºC been interpolated from the experi-
atoms per molecule

6 450ºC mental data of Figure 2. The data in

500ºC Figure 2 are from two sources2,3 and
550ºC are the result of P-V-T measure-
4 600ºC ments of a known mass of sulphur
650ºC to determine the average molecular
3 700ºC weight of the sample of gaseous
2 sulphur. These measurements were
not included in the original tabular
1 data4 that form the basis for the
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ProTreat model. Thus, the lines in
Pressure, mm Hg Figure 2 are model predictions and
have been made independently
Figure 2 Experimentally measured sulphur molecular composition. ProTreat simulation from the data plotted in the figure.
predictions are solid lines The simulation model is in reasona-
bly close agreement with the
measured data.

10000 Liquid sulphur

Vapour pressure, mmHg

Liquid sulphur is normally domi-

1000 nated by S6 and S8 rings, but at
higher temperatures (above ~160°C,
320°F) the rings open and the short
10 linear chains begin to polymerise.
As will become apparent, the open-
1 Ref. 5
ing of these rings and the
Ref. 6
Ref. 7
subsequent polymerisation of liquid
ProTreat sulphur has a significant effect on
0.01 H2S and H2SX solubility, viscosity,
0 200 400 600 800 1000 and heat capacity. Dissolved H2S
Temperature, ºC and H2SX also affect viscosity.

Figure 3 Experimentally measured vapour pressure of molten sulphur and the simulation Vapour pressure of liquid sulphur
model calculations An important property, and one
from which the latent heat of
based on the reaction equilibria: have the following form where, vaporisation can be derived, is
because pressures are low, vapour vapour pressure. Figure 3 shows
phase mole fractions rather than vapour pressure data from several
fugacities can be used with equal sources, together with calculations
The reaction equilibrium constants validity: from the simulator.

94 PTQ Q3 2016

Latent heat of vaporisation
Heat of vaporisation is an impor- 90

Latent heat, kcal/kg

tant property in sulphur condenser
calculations. Data have been taken5 80
and regressed for use in the simula-
tion model. The data (Figure 4) form 70
an unusual curve, first decreasing
and then increasing with tempera- 60 ProTreat
ture. This is the result of the Ref. 5
changing distribution of the S2, S6, 50
and S8 allotropes of sulphur with 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
temperature. In reality, what is Temperature, ºC
measured and presented as latent
heat of vaporisation also includes Figure 4 Latent heat of vaporisation of sulphur
the heats of reaction associated with
the chemical reactions that occur as 100000
the sulphur composition changes
between its allotropic forms.

Viscosity of pure liquid sulphur

Viscosity, cP

Pure liquid sulphur exists mostly in 1000

the forms of S6 and S8 rings, but

around 160°C the ring structure 100
opens and the sulphur polymerises.
This is reflected graphically in 10
Figure 5 where viscosity data5 are ProTreat
compared with simulation results. Ref. 5
In the vicinity of the transition 120 160 200 240 280
temperature, the viscosity under- Temperature, ºC
goes a three to four orders of
magnitude change, going from
being relatively easy to pump to Figure 5 Viscosity of pure liquid sulphur
almost non-pumpable. The simula-
tor accurately represents this
The basis of the solubility model 300
H2S or H2SX solubility, wtppm

is polymer chemistry coupled with 120ºC H2S data

vapour-liquid equilibrium. The 120ºC H2S ProTreat
model accounts for the anomalous 120ºC H2Sx data
behaviour of H2S in sulphur, which 120ºC H2Sx ProTreat
shows H2S becoming more soluble 150 150ºC H2S data
in sulphur as the temperature 150ºC H2S ProTreat
increases. In the region around 100
150ºC H2Sx data
160°C, the normal six- and 150ºC H2Sx ProTreat
eight-membered ring structures of 50
sulphur open, becoming linear
segments. These polymerise, with 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
the polymer chains being termi- H2S partial pressure, mmHg
nated by H2S molecules. The
polymeric sulphur chains are
apparently of maximum length at Figure 6 Solubility of H2S and H2SX liquid sulphur.11 Lines are model predictions
about 187°C (368°F) and they start
to shorten with further rises in H2S to sulphur. If solubility were the same model. As expected, the
temperature. As they shorten, the purely physical, it would tend to higher the H2S partial pressure, the
viscosity falls and the chains fall with increasing temperature. higher the solubility. The linearity of
become shorter but more numerous The model uses data from several Figure 6 might be interpreted as
and, because they all use H2S for sources.8-12 A sample of the solubil- adherence to Henry’s Law; however,
termination, the apparent solubility ity data11 is shown in Figure 6, while Figure 6 says otherwise. The solubil-
of H2S rises as temperature Figure 7 compares model predictions ity is not that simple. Increased H2S
increases. The reason for increasing with viscosity data.3,5 In both plots, partial pressure results in reduced
solubility is chemical bonding of the lines have been calculated from viscosity. One might argue that PTQ Q3 2016 95

known properties of the compo-
288ºC nents contained in the system. The
140 260ºC ProTreat simulator calculates prop-
120 232ºC erties that correspond to measured
Viscosity, cP 204ºC data and uses chemistry in model
100 177ºC
ProTreat is a mark of Optimized Gas Treating,
60 Inc.
40 References
20 1 GPSA Databook, 12th Ed., Gas Processors
Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
0 2 Braune H, Peter S, Neveling V, Die Dissoziation
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
des Schwefeldampfes, Z. Naturforschung, 6a,
H2S partial pressure, mmHg
32-37, 1951.
3 Klemm W, Kilian H, Z. physik.Chem., 49B,
Figure 7 Effect of dissolved H2S on the viscosity of liquid sulphur. Data3, 5 vs model heat 279, 1941, cited by [2].
capacity 4 NIST JANAF Thermochemical Tables, 4th
Edition., Am. Inst. Phys.,1998.
higher H2S concentrations reduce S8 rings and polymerisation, with 5 The Sulphur Data Book, Tuller W N (ed.),
the viscosity by diluting the poly- subsequent chain breakup and the Table 2-4, McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York, NY,
mer; however, a more likely attachment of H2S at both ends as 1964.
6 West, William A, Menzies A W C, The vapor
explanation is shorter polymer chain terminators. These are all
pressures of sulphur between 100 and 550
chains that use more H2S for chain reactions that act as additional
with related thermal data, J. Phys. Chem.,
termination. So the solubility is sinks or sources for any heat added 33(12) 1880-1892, 1929.
partially explained through a to the system, rather than having 7 Rau H, Kutty T R N, Guedes De Carvalho J R
Henry’s Law type of relationship, the added heat generate sensible F, High temperature saturated vapour pressure
and partially through chemical reac- heating alone. of sulphur and the estimation of its critical
tion of H2S as a sulphur chain quantities, J. Chem. Thermo., 5(2) 291-302,
terminator. Agreement between Summary 1973.
model and data is quite satisfactory. Sulphur is one of nature’s most 8 Tobolsky A, Polymeric sulfur and other
Above 232°C (450°F) liquid unusual elements. It exhibits what polysulfide polymers, American Scientist, 52,
sulphur is a sticky gum that cannot at first glance seems like bizarre 359-364, 1964.
9 Wiewiorowski T K, Touro F J, The sulfur-
be processed, and below 120–121°C behaviour with sudden changes in
hydrogen sulfide system, J. Phys. Chem., 70,
(248–250°F) it is a solid. Thus, it is viscosity and heat capacity, and
234-238, 1966.
only inside this range that the counter-intuitive solubility of H2S, 10 Touro F J, Wiewiorowski T K, Viscosity-chain
liquid heat capacity has any practi- all as functions of temperature and length relationship in molten sulfur systems, J.
cal significance. Figure 8 shows heat H2S partial pressure. When under- Phys. Chem., 1, 239-241, 1966.
capacity data1, an artist-drawn line stood in terms of transitions 11 Marriott R A, Fitzpatrick E, Lesage K L, The
from the GPSA Data Book,1 and the between multiple forms and solubility of H2S in liquid sulfur, Fluid Phase
current simulation model. sulphur’s ability to polymerise, the Equilibria, 26, 69-72, 2008.
The reason for the peak at 160°C behaviour of its properties can be 12 Rubero P A, Effect of hydrogen sulfide on
is the same as for the sudden jump understood. the viscosity of sulfur, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 9(4),
in viscosity at the same tempera- It is important that any simula- 481-484, 1964.
ture, namely the opening of S6 and tion tool at least reproduces the
Anand Govindarajan joined Optimized Gas
Treating, Inc as Development Engineer in 2014.
0.5 He holds a B.Tech degree from Anna University
ProTreat (India), MS and PhD from Oklahoma State
Data University, all in chemical engineering.
GPSA Databook Nathan (Nate) A Hatcher is Vice President,
0.4 technology development for OGT. He holds a
Cp, cal/g-ºC

BS in chemical engineering from the University

of Kansas. Email:
Clayton E Jones joined Optimized Gas Treating,
0.3 Inc as a Software Development Engineer in
2012.  He holds a BS in chemical engineering
from McNeese State University and a MS in
chemical engineering from the University of
0.2 New Mexico. 
120 140 160 180 200 250 G Simon Weiland recently joined Optimized
Temperature, ºC Gas Treating as a Software Development
Engineer. He holds a BS in chemical engineering
Figure 8 Heat capacity model (—) and data1 for liquid sulphur from the University of Oklahoma.

96 PTQ Q3 2016

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