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Year 11 DESIGN - Photography

Task 2: “Finding your Style”

Type of Assessment: Production   

Weighting: 17.5%

Time Allowed: 3 weeks 

Due Date: Summer Term, Week 3 (Tuesday 14th Feb)

Task Description: 

You are to plan and capture a portfolio of 5 of your best photographs that
encapsulates your own unique STYLE and demonstrates your ability to create
UNITY with your work. You will develop your understanding of the design
process by conducting Research (Inquiry), Ideation and Production. 

You may choose to photograph anything you like for this task; however you
might like to use your photos taken from the excursion from the end of last

You MUST carefully select images from your reels that work well together.
Select images that link somehow whether it is through subject matter, shapes,
textures, patterns etc. You could also develop your artistic style in the task by
carefully choosing subject matter, photography genre or editing techniques. 

Please refer to the marking key on SEQTA.

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