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Jackylyn B. Dibaratun
Master's in Public Administration - 1
PA 262 – Public Administration and Public Service
(Odd Sunday 2 PM-8 PM)


March 19, 2022

Jackylyn Basman Dibaratun is a 25-year old full-time police officer, a part-time private
instructor, and a student, all at the same time. In her attitude to life and work, she likes to think of
herself as quite motivated. She was involved in different clubs throughout college, was a student
leader, and yet managed to graduate with flying colors. As a beginner to her job, her colleagues
frequently stated that her presence enhanced team spirit. They also praised her ability to develop
innovative solutions to handle challenges. As a student, she prefers to seek new learning
experiences, and she is not afraid to fail and struggle as part of the learning process. Her family,
like any other, has a distinct culture. Her principles sprang to her as she contemplated making
this activity. One thing is certain: her family's cultural heritage affected the ideals she has today.
First and foremost, pious. Throughout her life, it has been instilled in her to always put God first
in all she does. She will never go wrong if she does it this way. Second, be passionate. Her
family has demonstrated their commitment to their jobs and the people around them, making her
committed as well to any work she does. Finally, express gratitude. Her parents often tell her to
be grateful in every manner she can because gratitude helps her recognize and appreciate the
little things in life.

Having the chance to get her master's degree despite her schedule, she opted to be a part of a
learning environment that is entirely out of her field of expertise. She chose to pursue a master's
degree in public administration to challenge herself and grow in an atmosphere outside of her
comfort zone. Aside from that, she sees how studying public administration would provide her
with the information and abilities she needs to become a great public servant. Growing up, she
has always had a desire to serve the public and strives to have an influence on her community
through her principles. She feels that taking this course will help her build a sense of
responsibility and enhance her decision-making skills, especially when confronted with the
issues that multicultural societies encounter.

Studying public administration will be highly beneficial both in her professional and personal
life. It will help her in serving the community with intentions of good governance, guaranteeing
that the public interest is her top priority. An MPA degree can provide a comprehensive grasp of
what a public administrator does and can assist her in developing the skills she will need to
succeed. It will aid in the development of her leadership qualities as well as critical abilities such
as communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal relationships. With these qualities and
abilities, she is confident that she will be able to thrive in a world where she must coordinate
complex plans that affect the larger population. Finally, if given the opportunity to complete this
course, she will be able to participate in the management of policies that improve a community's
and as well as its residents' quality of life. Personally, she believes it will enable her to grow as
an individual and help her become a better public servant. Studying public administration will
open up many doors for her to reform and create change, starting with herself. It will also help
her acquire essential leadership abilities that will benefit her throughout her life. She will also be
able to develop a set of goals and promote positivism in her environment and at work. With the
abilities she can learn in this program, she will be able to do anything she wants, she can
motivate people to accomplish long-term outcomes and make the world a better place to live.
However, she does acknowledge that she is having difficulty keeping up with all of the
discussions and topics right now, and she has doubts if she is capable of finishing the program.
However, she understands that this is all part of the process of becoming an outstanding public

She anticipates that this course will assist her in gaining knowledge and abilities in leadership
and management. Knowledge about the roles that competing values play in government
administration and hoping to have a better understanding of the many functions played by the
government in a democratic society. She hopes to improve her ability to engage people from a
variety of backgrounds and interests in order to support culturally sensitive, universal, fair, and
ethical government service. Having said that, she anticipates that her professor will give a public
service viewpoint that is simple to understand and comprehend, making this semester a one-of-a-
kind learning experience.

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