Career Presentation Rubric ENG 3813

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Name: __________________ SID#: ______________ Class: ______________ Date: ______________

ENG3813 Career Presentation Rubric: Marking criteria and grades/marks for speaking assignments
Excellent 20-25 Good 17-19 Satisfactory 13-16 Marginal 12 Fail 0-11 Score

Content Content is relevant & well developed with Content is partially relevant & Content is achieved to a Content is hardly evident and Content is absent or
effective organization. developed with logical certain extent with unclear illogical organization. irrelevant with little organization
organization. organization.

Clear comprehensive outline, strong Clear outline, frequent transitions Unclear outline, some transitions Weak outline, infrequent transitions No outline, transitions and
transitions and signposts. and signposts. and signposts. and signposts. signposts.

Language Presentation is free of errors in grammar; Presentation is free of serious Isolated errors in Grammar, and/or word choice are Grammar and word choice
word choice aids clarity and vividness. errors in grammar and/or word grammar,and/or word choice severely deficient. seriously problematic.
(syntax, tenses, forms, pronouns, usage. reduce clarity and credibility. (syntax, tenses, forms, pronouns, (syntax, tenses, forms,
agreements) (syntax, tenses, forms, pronouns, (syntax, tenses, forms, agreements) pronouns, agreements)
agreements) pronouns, agreements)
Slides contain no errors Slides contain few errors Slides contain some errors Slides contain multiple errors Slides contain consistent errors
Pronunciation Clear and distinct pronunciation aids Minor misunderstanding due to Some confusion due to Difficult to understand due to Very difficult to understand due
& Fluency communication. Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation to Pronunciation
(stressing, intonation, (stressing, intonation, (stressing, intonation, (stressing, intonation, (stressing, intonation,
connecting, articulation) connecting, articulation) connecting, articulation) connecting, articulation) connecting, articulation)

High level of Fluency Moderate level of Acceptable level of fluency Poor level of Fluency Unacceptable level of Fluency
(hesitation, rate of speech, vocabulary, Fluency (hesitation, rate of speech, (hesitation, rate of speech,
coherence, emphasis) (hesitation, rate of speech, vocabulary, coherence, (hesitation, rate of speech, vocabulary, coherence,
vocabulary, coherence, emphasis) vocabulary, coherence, emphasis)
emphasis) emphasis)
Delivery Engaging Delivery Effective Delivery Slightly inappropriate Delivery Inappropriate Delivery Poor Delivery
Reading Vocal delivery is varied and dynamic and Vocal delivery is clear and distinct Vocal delivery is audible speech Vocal delivery is sometimes Vocal delivery often causes
enhances audience interest and facilitating audience disruptions occasionally distract difficult to understand and content to be unintelligible.
understanding.  comprehension from audience comprehension. frequently distracts audience
comprehension Eye contact, posture, gestures,
Most or all of the following apply: Eye Some but not all of the following Eye contact, posture, gestures, movement, and/or facial
contact, posture, gestures, movement or apply: Eye contact, posture, Eye contact, posture, gestures, expressions are often
movement, and facial movement, and/or facial
facial expressions enhance the inappropriate and significantly
gestures, movement or facial expressions neither enhance nor expressions are often
presentation. distracting.
expressions enhance the hinder effectiveness significantly. inappropriate and significantly
presentation. distracting. Far too much reading or
Extemporaneous. Little or no reading or
memorization Some reliance on reading or memorization
Occasional reading or memorization Too much reliance on reading or
memorization memorization

Letter grade: 100-85 = A; 84-80 = A-; 79-75 = B+; 74-70 = B; 69-65 = B-; 64-60 = C+; 59-55 = C; 54-50 = C-; 49-45 = D; 44-0 = F
Grade: _____/100, _____
Comments: All grades are provisional
Assessment Outline

Give a 3-4 minute informative presentation based one of the careers from the results of your self-analysis and career research done in the computer lab session.
Use the information gained from the research, select and organize it into a cohesive engaging presentation.
It is an individual presentation with visual aids.
There should be evidence of appropriate logical structure, professional presentation techniques and engaging delivery.

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