The Complete Solution IELTS Writing 142-339

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 Bước 3: Viết overview:

 Đặc điểm về giá trị lớn nhất:



 Đặc điểm về giá trị nhỏ nhât:



 Overview





 Bước 4: Nhóm thông tin vào 2 đoạn Detail

 Detail 1: ..........................................................................................................................



 Detail 2: ..........................................................................................................................



Toàn bộ bài viết:






















Ví dụ:

The table and chart below show the domestic water use and cost in 5 countries.








Cost of water
(US dollars/m3)
US 0.01
Canada 0.31
Italy 0.7
France 2.1
Germany 1.35

 Bước 1: Phân tích biểu đồ:

 Thời gian: Không có mốc cụ thể. Thì HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN sẽ được mặc định sử dụng.
 Lượng thông tin trong một bài Mixed Charts luôn rất lớn. Vì vậy người viết phải chọn lọc những
điểm thật sự nổi bật để đưa vào phần miêu tả:
 Số liệu lớn nhất/bé nhất.
 ĐIểm bắt đầu/kết thúc.
 Xu hướng chính.
 So sánh, tương quan (các đối tượng giống nhau thế nào, khác nhau ra sao, v.v)
 Bước 2: Viết Introduction:

The chart  describes  the household water consumption in the US,
graph  gives information about Canada, Italy, France and Germany,
 illustrates  how much water is used in households in 5
 compares various countries,

The table  (tương tự cột trên)  the water cost in these 5 countries.
 how much water costs in those countries.

Ví dụ: ‘The bar chart gives information about the household water consumption in the US, Canada,
Italy, France and Germany, and the table compares the water cost in these 5 countries.’

 Bước 3: Viết Overview:

 Như đã nói ở phần Phân tích, cách tiếp cận đơn giản nhất khi viết Overview cho dạng bài Mixed
Charts là chỉ ra điểm nổi bật nhất ở các biểu đồ. Người viết có thể tham khảo một số cách viết
 ‘Overall, the US experiences the highest domestic water consumption while water is most
expensive in France.’
 ‘In summary, households in Germany consume the smallest amount of water while water
price is lowest in the US.’
 ‘In general, water is cheapest in the US among the 5 countries and this country also
witnesses the highest domestic water use.’

 Bước 4: Nhóm thông tin đưa vào 2 đoạn Detail
 Cách tiếp cận đơn giản, hiệu quả nhất với một bài Mixed Charts là miêu tả lần lượt từng biểu
đồ, mỗi biểu đồ ứng với một đoạn thân bài.
 Đầu tiên, chúng ta cùng phân tích thông tin ở Bar chart:
 Khoảng 360 lít nước được sử dụng bởi các hộ gia đình ở Mỹ. Con số này ở Canada thấp hơn
một chút, khoảng 330 lít. Mức tiêu thụ nước ở Ý và Pháp lần lượt là 300 và 250 lít. Các hộ
gia đình ở Đức dùng ít nước nhất: chỉ khoảng 210 lít.
 Detail 1:

About 360 litres of water is used by households in the US. Water use in households in Canada
is slightly smaller, at roughly 330 litres. Domestic water use in Italy and France are 300 and 250
litres, respectively. German households consume the smallest amount of water at
approximately 210 litres.

 Tiếp tục miêu tả thông tin ở Table:

 Người dân Pháp phải trả $2.1 cho mỗi mét khối nước. Nước ở Đức thì rẻ hơn đáng kể,
khoảng $1.35/m3. Con số này cao gần gấp đôi so với giá nước ở Ý – $0.7/m3. Giá nước rẻ
nhất ở 2 quốc gia vùng Bắc Mỹ: lần lượt $0.31/m3 ở Canada và $0.01/m3 ở Mỹ.
 Detail 2:

French households spend 2.1 US Dollars for every m3 of water used. Water costs considerably
less in Germany at about $1.35 per m3. This figure is nearly twice as much as the water cost in
Italy, which is only $0.7 per m3. It is even cheaper to buy water in the Northern America region.
Water cost is $0.31 per m3 in Canada and just $0.01 per m3 in the US.

Hoàn thiện bài viết:

The bar chart gives information about the household water consumption in the US, Canada, Italy, France

and Germany, while the table compares the water cost in these 5 countries.

Overall, the US experiences the highest domestic water consumption while water is most expensive in


As can be seen from the chart, about 360 litres of water is used by households in the US while this figure

for Canada is slightly smaller, at roughly 330 litres. Domestic water use in Italy and France are 300 and 250

litres, respectively. In addition, German households consume the smallest amount of water, at

approximately 210 litres.

French households spend 2.1 US Dollars for every m3 of water used. Water costs considerably less in

Germany at about $1.35 per m3 and this figure is nearly twice as much as that of Italy, which is only $0.7

per m3. It is even cheaper to buy water in the Northern America region. Water cost is $0.31 per m 3 in

Canada and just $0.01 per m3 in the US.

Luyện tập:

Exercise 1:

The graph and table below show the average monthly temperatures and the average number of hours
of sunshine per year in three major cities.



London 1,180

New York 2,535

Sydney 2,473

 Bước 1: Phân tích biểu đồ






 Bước 2: Viết introduction:
 Introduction:




 Bước 3: Viết Overview

 Overview:




 Bước 4: Nhóm thông tin để viết 2 đoạn detail










Exercise 2:

The graph and bar chart below show the average monthly rainfall and temperature for one region of
East Africa.

300 30

250 25

200 20

150 15 Rainfall (mm)


100 10

50 5

0 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

 Bước 1: Phân tích biểu đồ






 Bước 2: Viết introduction:
 Introduction:




 Bước 3: Viết Overview

 Overview:




 Bước 4: Nhóm thông tin để viết 2 đoạn detail










Exercise 3

The line graph shows the number of video game discs that were bought in four months in 2014 from
four different game stores, and the pie chart shows the percentage of games that had highest sales
over this time.

January February March April

Games with highest sales

13% Bioshock Infinite

14% 30% Pokemon Platinum

Assassin's Creed Unity

15% Far Cry 3

28% Others

 Bước 1: Phân tích biểu đồ





 Bước 2: Viết introduction:

 Introduction:




 Bước 3: Viết Overview

 Overview:




 Bước 4: Nhóm thông tin để viết 2 đoạn detail












1. Miêu tả bản đồ đôi:

Đây là dạng bài thường xuất hiện hơn cả. Đề bài thường sẽ yêu cầu người viết miêu tả sự thay đổi của
một địa điểm giữa quá khứ và hiện tại hoặc giữa hiện tại và tương lai.
2. Miêu tả bản đồ đơn (có thể là trong quá khứ - hiện tại – tương lai):

Dạng bài này hiếm khi xuất hiện và nó chỉ thường yêu cầu người viết miêu tả một vài sự thay đổi CÓ THỂ
DIỄNRA trong một khu vực hơn là những thay đổi đã diễn ra.

A. Ngôn ngữ để miêu tả bản đồ:

Để miêu tả được các dạng bản đồ, có 2 loại ngôn ngữ mà người viết cần làm chủ: ngôn ngữ về VỊ
TRÍ và ngôn ngữ về sự THAY ĐỔI.

1. Ngôn ngữ VỊ TRÍ (Directional Languages):

NGÔN NGỮ VỊ TRÍ miêu tả vị trí trong KHÔNG GIAN của các thành phần trong bản đồ.
1.1. Các hướng cơ bản:

North-west North North-east

West East

South-west South South-east

Top left-hand corner Top Top right-hand corner

Left-hand side Middle/centre Right-hand side

Bottom left-hand corner Bottom Bottom right-hand corner

 Ví dụ cụ thể:

A B  A is to the west/left of B.
 B is to the east/right of A.

B  A is to the south-west of B.
 B is to the north-east of A.


A  B is in the east/on the left-hand side of A.


A  B is in the south-west/on the bottom

right-hand corner of A.


A  B is in the south/at the bottom of A.

Một số chú ý:

Chú { điểm khác nhau khi sử dụng các giới từ to và in/on/at. Dựa vào ví dụ minh họa ta thấy:
“B is to the west/left of A” có nghĩa là B ở phía Tây của A, nhưng KHÔNG NẰM TRONG A.
(Vietnam is to the west of Laos)
“B is in the south-west/on the bottom right-hand corner of A” có nghĩa là B ở phía Tây Nam của
A, nhưng NẰM TRONG A. (Vietnam is in the south-east of Asia)

1.2. Một số cách miêu tả vị trí khác:

A  B is directly opposite A.
 B is in front of A.


C  B is in close proximity to A. (B ở khá gần A)

 B is a long distance away from C. (B ở khá xa C)

C C  A is surrounded by C(s).
 C(s) surround A.


 A is (halfway/midway) between B and C



B  A is roughly in the middle of B.

B  C is exactly in the middle of B.


 A is at right angles to/perpendicular to B.

A C (A vuông góc với B)
 A is parallel to C. (A song song với C)

2. Ngôn ngữ về sự thay đổi:

NGÔN NGỮ THAY ĐỔI thể hiện sự thay đổi theo THỜI GIAN của các đối tượng trong bản đồ. Phép
so sánh để làm nổi bật ra sự thay đổi là điều cực kz quan trọng với dạng miêu tả bản đồ kép.

Thông thường những đối tượng quan trọng trên bản đồ sẽ được chú thích tên đầy đủ. Việc quan trọng
người viết phải làm đó là nêu ra được sự thay đổi của từng đối tượng đó.

Sau đây là một vài công cụ có thể sử dụng để miêu tả sự thay đổi của các đối tượng thường gặp trong
một bản đồ:

Đối tượng Sự thay đổi Nghĩa Ví dụ

Built, constructed, erected Được xây lên A power plant was
constructed to the east of the
Renovated, reconstructed, Được xây lại The university library was
modernized complete ly renovated.
converted, transformed Được biến đổi The playground was converted
(into something) thành ... into a large car park.
Buildings replaced (by something) Được thế chỗ bởi ... The garden was replaced by a
large car park.
relocated (to somewhere) Được di dời tới ... The student hall was relocated
to the east of the university.
extended, expanded Được mở rộng The hotel was greatly
extended to a total of 70
demolished, knocked Bị dỡ bỏ The warehouse was

down, flattened demolished and replaced by a
cut-down, chopped down Bị chặt hạ The forest on the western end
cleared (to make way for) Bị xóa sổ để dành of the island were chopped
chỗ cho.. down to make way for a
Trees/Forest hotel.
planted Được trồng Many palms were planted
around the villa.
constructed, built, erected Được xây lên A bridge across the river was
Bridge, port,
extended, expanded, Được mở rộng The main road was widen to
widen meet the increasing demand.
railway, etc.
reopened Được khôi phục The old railway alongside the
river has been reopened.
opened up, set up, Được xây dựng A new theme park was
established opened just opposite the
Amenities* shopping mall.
developed, expanded Được mở rộng The cinema was expanded
with the total cost of $80000.

*Amenities: something, such as a swimming pool or shopping centre, that is intended to make life
more pleasant or comfortable for people. (cơ sở vật chất, tiện nghi)


2 bản đồ sau miêu tả những thay đổi của 1 khu vực từ năm 2005 tới năm 2010.

2005 Farm





Main road station
Disused Railway Bus stop

Golf course

Bus stop

Warehouse Hotel


Car Station

Exercise 1:

Sử dụng các cụm từ trong bảng để miêu tả vị trí các đối tượng ở bản đồ đầu tiên (2005)

1. The farm was ....................... of the map.

A. perpendicular to
2. The port was ....................... the factory.
B. surrounded by
3. The restaurant was ....................... the bus
C. in close proximity to
D. directly opposite
4. The factory was ....................... a lot of trees.
E. on the top right-hand corner
5. The disused railway was ....................... the
F. to the south
main road.
G. halfway between
6. The filling station was ....................... of the
H. on the bottom right-hand
7. The restaurant was ....................... the filling
station and the hotel.
8. The church was located ....................... of the
Exercise 2:

Sử dụng các cụm từ trong bảng để miêu tả những thay đổi thể hiện ở bản đồ thứ hai (2010)

1. A warehouse was ....................... near the port

A. chopped down
2. The bus stop was ....................... a car park and
B. constructed
....................... a new place near the church.
C. built (x2)
3. The pine trees opposite the hotel were .....................
D. converted into
to ..................... a hospital.
E. reopened
4. The disused railway was ....................... and a new
F. relocated to
railway station was ....................... .
G. make way for
5. The farm was ....................... a golf course.
H. replaced by
6. A new road which leads to the golf course was


Ví dụ:

The maps below show the center of a small town called Islip from 2005 to 2010



 Bước 1: Phân tích bản đồ

 Phân tích THỜI GIAN:
+) Bản đồ đã cho đưa ra 2 MỐC THỜI GIAN là năm 2005 và 2010, vì vậy chúng ta sẽ sử dụng thì
 Phân tích KHÔNG GIAN:

 Tất cả các đối tượng đểu khá quen thuộc và đã được ghi tên. Tuy nhiên có 1 khái niệm tương
đối xa lạ là “Dual carriageway”. Đây là tuyến đường cao tốc có phần đất nhỏ hoặc giải phân cách ở
giữa để ngăn cách 2 làn đường ngược chiều nhau.
 Chúng ta có thể cải thiện tiêu chí từ vựng một cách đáng kể cho bài viết của mình bằng cách
PARAPHRASE lại những địa điểm đã cho trong bản đồ. Sau đây là một vài phương án PARAPHRASE
khả thi:

Countryside rural area

dual carriageway (UK) divided highway (US)
bus station bus stop
shopping centre shopping mall
Housing accommodation/residential area
pedestrians only pedestrian precinct

 Bước 2: VIết Introduction:

 Tương tự như những dạng bài Writing khác, cách đơn giản và trực tiếp nhất để viết 1 câu
Introduction rõ ràng là PARAPHRASE lại câu hỏi. Người viết có thể sử dụng một số cách viết sau:
The pictures  illustrate how a small town of Islip from 2005 to 2010.
maps  describe changed after some between 2005 and 2010
graphs  demonstrate developments during a 10-year period
plans  a number of changes which starting from 2005.
took place in Islip town
 a small town of Islip before and
after the constructions of
several facilities

 Introduction: The two maps describe a number of changes which took place in Islip town
during a 10-year period starting from 2005”

 Bước 3: Viết Overview
 Bước quan trọng tiếp theo là tìm ra điểm nổi bật của bản đồ để đưa vào miêu tả trong đoạn
 Có nhiều cách tiếp cận khác nhau cho bước này, tuy nhiên cách đơn giản nhất là đưa ra 1 nhận
xét chung về MỨC ĐỘ và XU HƯỚNG của sự thay đổi (Thay đổi có lớn không? Thay đổi đến từ
đâu? Thay đổi để phục vụ mục đích gì?). Người viết có thể tham khảo một số mẫu Overview như
 Overall, the town was totally transformed in a number of different ways.
 As can be seen from the pictures, the town witnessed dramatic changes.
 Overall, the town has been completely transformed after the constructions of several

Ví dụ: “Overall, the town has been completely transformed after the constructions of several facilities.”

 Bước 4: Lập dàn ý:

 Với dạng bài miêu tả bản đồ kép, người viết có thể dành 1 đoạn ngắn để nói về khu vực cần
miêu tả vào thời điểm trước khi có những sự thay đổi. (Trong trường hợp này là hình thứ nhất
vào năm 2005). Cách tiếp cận này đặc biệt hữu dụng với những bài chứa ít thông tin, bởi nó đảm
bảo độ dài cũng như sự đầy đủ về mặt nội dung của bài viết.
 Lấy tuyến đường chính làm mốc, chúng ta bắt đầu miêu tả thị trấn Islip:
 Tuyến đường chính chạy theo hướng Đông-Tây và được trải dài bởi cửa hàng.
 Phía Bắc của tuyến đường là một vùng đồng quê.
 Phía Nam của tuyến đường là hai khu nhà ở. Có một ngôi trường ở phía Tây và một
công viên ở phía Đông của hai khu nhà này. Ngôi trường và công viên đều được kết nối
với tuyến đường chính bằng các tuyến đường phụ.
 Detail 1:

A main road ran from east to west and was lined with shops. The northern side of the main road
was a rural area. There were two housing areas to the south of this road. A school was located
to the west of these areas. There was also a park to the east of the accommodations. Both the
school and the park were connected to the main road by minor roads.

 Bước tiếp theo, chúng ta sẽ miêu tả những sự thay đổi. Nếu không có 1 sự phân chia cụ thể, rất
khó có thể tìm ra thứ tự miêu tả các đối tượng 1 cách hợp lí. Vì vậy chúng ta nên dành ra 1 ít
thời gian để PHÂN LOẠI THÔNG TIN, qua đó triển khai bài viết 1 cách khoa học hơn
 Một mẹo nhỏ với những bản đồ có tuyến đường chính (main road): Chia bản đồ ra thành 2 phần
với ranh giới là tuyến đường đó và miêu tả lần lượt từng phần. Điều này đảm bảo sự sắp xếp
khoa học trong bài viết.
 Sự thay đổi đáng kể nhất là sự xuất hiện của tuyến đường cao tốc (dual carriage way) và tuyến
đường chính đã trở thành khu phố đi bộ (pedestrians only). Các công trình khác đều được xây
dựng xung quanh khu phố này:
 Ở phía Bắc của khu phố đi bộ, dãy cửa hàng đã được đập bỏ hoàn toàn.
 Một bến xe buýt và một bãi đỗ xe đã được xây dựng. Ở giữa hai khu này là một trung
tâm mua sắm.
 Một khu nhà ở mới cũng đã được xây. Cư dân có thể đi vào khu này nhờ một con
đường nhỏ nối với tuyến đường cao tốc.
 Ở phía Nam khu phố đi bộ, có thêm nhiều nhà được xây. Công viên được thu hẹp lại để
nhường chỗ cho điều này.
 Detail 2:

The most notable change was the construction of a dual carriageway surrounding the town.
The main road was converted into a pedestrian precinct and the shops on the north side of
the it were demolished. A bus stop and a car park were built and in the middle of these
areas, a shopping mall was established. There was also a new housing area which can be
accessed via a minor road connecting this area with the divided highway. More
accommodations were also built on the south side of the pedestrian zone and the park was
made smaller to make way for this development.

Hoàn thiện bài viết:

The two maps describe a number of changes which took place in Islip town during a 10-year period

starting from 2005.

Overall, the town has been completely transformed after the constructions of several facilities.

In 2005, the main road running from east to west was lined with shops. There were two housing areas to

the south of this road while the northern side remained a rural area. A school was located to the west of

the residential areas and there was a park to the east of the accommodations. Both the school and the

park were connected to the main road by minor roads.

As can be seen from the second picture, the most notable change that took place in Islip in 2010 was the

construction of a dual carriageway surrounding the town. Besides, the main road was converted into a

pedestrian precinct and the shops on the north side of it were demolished. A bus stop and a car park were

built and in the middle of these areas, a shopping mall was established. In addition, there was also a new

housing area which can be accessed via a minor road connecting with the divided highway. Finally, more

accommodations were also built on the south side of the pedestrian zone and the park was made smaller

to make way for this development.

Luyện tập:

Exercise 3:

Plan A below shows a health centre in 2005. Plan B shows the same place in the present day.

 Bước 1: Phân tích bản đồ:

 Thời gian:

 Bản đồ 1: 2005. Bản đồ 2: hiện tại => Thì được sử dụng chủ yếu là: Hiện tại hoàn thành.

 Không gian: (thường chia thành 2 nhóm để viết cho 2 đoạn thân bài)

 TRONG NHÀ: có thể miêu tả theo trình tự sau: Minor operation room => CR rooms => Office =>

Reception Area.

 NGOÀI NHÀ: Garden và Car parking.

 Bước 2: Viết introduction:

 Áp dụng một trong các cách viết Introduction đã nêu ở phần trước. Ví dụ:

“The two plans describe a health centre before and after some developments from 2005 to now.”

 Bước 3: Viết overview:
 Chúng ta có thể thấy: sự thay đổi diễn ra cả TRONG NHÀ (rooms) lẫn BÊN NGOÀI (car park, garden).

Viết ngay điểm nổi bật này thành 1 đoạn Overview:

“As can be seen from the plans, the health centre has witnessed dramatic changes both outdoors

and indoors over the given period.”

 Bước 4: Chọn thông tin đưa vào 2 đoạn detail

 Detail 1:

 Phòng tiểu phẫu (Minor operations room) được xây ngay cạnh phòng vật lí trị liệu

(physiotherapy room).

 Các phòng khám (CRs) thay đổi cả về kích thước lẫn số lượng. (nhỏ hơn, nhưng nhiều hơn)

 Văn phòng (office) bé hơn 1 chút để dành chỗ cho khu tiếp tân (Reception Area). Khu tiếp tân

rộng hơn, có thêm chỗ chơi cho trẻ em (children’s playground) đối diện lối vào (entrance) và

nhiều ghế (seats) hơn.

 Detail 2:

 Bãi đỗ xe (car parking) tăng sức chứa từ 12 thành 30 chỗ.

 Khu vườn đằng sau được thu hẹp lại để nhường chỗ cho bãi đỗ xe.

Bài viết hoàn chỉnh

























Exercise 4:

The maps below show the development of a particular area from 1965 to the present day.

 Bước 1: Phân tích bản đồ:

 Thời gian:
 Bản đồ 1: 2005. Bản đồ 2: hiện tại => Thì được sử dụng chủ yếu là: Hiện tại hoàn thành.
 Một điểm cần lưu {: Các khu sẽ được xây trong tương lai (planned by 2018) được đánh dấu bởi
nét vẽ đứt rời. Với những sự thay đổi này, người viết có thể sử dụng thì TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN,
TƯƠNG LAI GẦN hoặc cấu trúc “it is expected/planned to..”
Ví dụ:
o “A will be constructed in 2018”
o “B is going to be built in 2018”
o “C is expected to be opened in 2018”
 Không gian: Lấy cây cầu (road bridge) làm ranh giới, chia khu vực cần miêu tả thành 2 phần:
 PHÍA BẮC: có thể miêu tả theo trình tự từ trái sang phải: Large car park => housing => small
car park => apartment; hoặc theo đối tượng: Large car park => small car park => housing and
 PHÍA NAM: Ngoài một vài ngôi nhà đã được xây, còn có foot bridge, car park và yatch marina
được dự tính sẽ hoàn thành vào năm 2018.

 Bước 2: Viết introduction:
 Áp dụng một trong các cách viết Introduction đã nêu ở phần trước. Ví dụ:
“The two plans describe an area before and after some developments from 2005 to now.”
 Bước 3: Viết overview:
 Sự thay đổi đáng kể nhất là bến phà (ferry) đã được thay thế bởi một cây cầu (road bridge) Viết
ngay điểm nổi bật này thành 1 đoạn Overview:
“As can be seen from the plans, the most notable change taking place in the area is the
construction of a road bridge, which replaces the ferry.”
 Bước 4: Chọn thông tin đưa vào 2 đoạn Detail:
 Detail 1:
 Cây cối bên bờ sông phía Tây bị đốn hạ để nhường chỗ cho một bãi đỗ xe lớn.
 Có rất nhiều ngôi nhà mới được xây ở phía bờ bên kia của dòng sông. Bên cạnh đó còn có sự
xuất hiện của nhiều khu căn hộ.
 Ở trung tâm khu nhà ở là một bãi đỗ xe nhỏ. Bãi đỗ xe này được nối với tuyến đường chính bởi
một con đường phụ.
 Detail 2:
 Nhiều ngồi nhà đã được xây về hướng Đông Nam của cây cầu.
 Dự kiến tới năm 2018, một cây cầu cho người đi bộ (foot bridge) sẽ được xây song song với cây
cầu lớn. Một bãi đỗ xe và một bến tàu (yatch marina) cũng được lên kế hoạch xây dựng.

Bài viết hoàn chỉnh

























Ví dụ:

Below is a map of the city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for
the area, and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.

 Bước 1: Phân tích bản đồ

 Với đề bài này, chúng ta cần tập trung làm rõ điểm khác nhau giữa 2 vị trí đã được đề xuất để xây
dựng một trung tâm mua sắm.
 Mặc dù trên bản đồ không có mốc thời gian cụ thể, nhưng dựa vào câu hỏi chúng ta có thể xác định
được điều này: “...two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed” => Vậy tức là bản đồ này đưa ra kế
hoạch dự tính về việc xây dựng trung tâm mua sắm ở HIỆN TẠI. Do đó, thì được sử dụng sẽ là thì
 Số lượng các đối tượng trên một bản đồ đơn thường không nhiều. Do đó để có sự linh hoạt về cách
sử dụng ngôn ngữ trong bài viết, người viết có thể PARAPHRASE các đối tượng đó. Một số gợi ý về

cách PARAPHRASE với bài trên:
 site => spot/location.
 shopping mall => shopping center/shopping complex.
 housing estate => residential area.
 city centre => downtown.
 industrial estate => industrial zone.
 railway => train line.

 Bước 2: Viết Introduction

 Cách viết câu mở bài với dạng BẢN ĐỒ ĐƠN cũng tương tự như với các dạng Writing Task 1 khác:
PARAPHRASE lại câu hỏi. Điểm khác nhau nhỏ so với dạng BẢN ĐỒ KÉP là thường không có khoảng
thời gian cụ thể.

The picture  illustrates  two proposed locations for a new shopping complex in the
map  describes city of Brandfield.
graph  demonstrates  two possible spots/sites at which a new shopping center
plan would be constructed.

Ví dụ: The plan illustrates two possible locations for a new shopping complex in the city of Brandfield.
 Bước 3: Viết Overview
 Cách tiếp cận đơn giản nhất để viết phần Overview là nêu ra địa điểm của 2 khu vực:
 “It can be clearly seen that the two sites under consideration are in the north and the south
east of the town”
 Một phương pháp khác nên sử dụng là chỉ ra điểm khác nhau quan trọng và nổi bật nhất giữa 2 khu
 “The most notable difference between the two sites is that the first site (S1) is near the
residential area, while the second site (S2) is a short distance from the industrial zone.”
 “As can be seen from the plan, both sites are close to the train line and the main road.
However, S1 is the only site which is located near the river.”

 Bước 4: Nhóm thông tin và viết 2 đoạn Detail
 Cách chia đoạn với bài này tương đối rõ ràng và đơn giản. Chúng ta sẽ miêu tả Site 1 (S1) ở đoạn 1,
và Site 2 (S2) ở đoạn 2.
 Detail 1 – Site 1:
S1 nằm ở phía bắc trung tâm thành phố và phía đông nam khu dân cư. Do đó nếu trung tâm mua
sắm được xây ở đây, dân cư sống gần đó có thể dễ dàng tiếp cận với nó. Giữa S1 và trung tâm
thành phố là 1 tuyến đường sắt chạy theo hướng Tây Bắc – Đông Nam. S1 cũng rất gần với con sông
và tuyến đường bộ.

Detail 1:

S1 is to the north of the city centre and to the south east of the housing estate. This will provide
easy access for people who live in the residential area If the shopping mall is built there. There
is a railway line between S1 and the downtown which runs from the north west of the city to
the south east. S1 is also fairly close to the river and the main road, which run through the

 Detail 2 – Site 2:
S2 nằm ở phía đông nam trung tâm thành phố và ở phía nam khu công nghiệp. Nó cũng tương
đối gần đường ray và đường bộ nhưng lại cách khá xa con sông. Cả 2 khu vực S2 và S1 đều nằm
về phía Đông, cách khá xa sân gôn và công viên.

Detail 2:

S2 is located to the south east of the city centre and to the south of the industrial estate. It is
also in close proximity to the railway and the main road. However, there is a considerable
distance between S2 and the river. Both S2 and S1 are located quite far away to the east of the
golf course and park.

Hoàn thiện bài viết:

The plan illustrates two possible locations for a new shopping complex in the city of Brandfield.

In general, the most notable difference between the two sites is that the first site (S1) is near the

residential area, while the second site (S2) is a short distance from the industrial zone.

The first proposed location - S1 - is to the north of the city centre and to the south east of the housing

estate. This will provide easy access for people who live in the residential area If the shopping mall is built

here. There is a railway line between S1 and the downtown which runs from the north west of the city to

the south east. S1 is also fairly close to the river and the main road, which run through the town.

As for the second possible location: S2 is located to the south east of the city centre and to the south of the

industrial estate. It is also in close proximity to the railway and the main road. However, there is a

considerable distance between S2 and the river. Both S2 and S1 are located quite far away to the east of

the golf course and park.

Luyện tập:

Exercise 5:

The map below shows 2 possible sites (S1 and S2) of a new super market planned for the town of

Population: 65000

 Bước 1: Phân tích bản đồ:

 Thời gian:

Dựa vào đề bài dễ dàng suy ra được: Thì được sử dụng chủ yếu là: Hiện tại đơn.

 Không gian: (Tìm ra điểm khác nhau quan trọng nhất giữa 2 nơi)

 S1 nằm ở countryside, còn S2 nằm ở Town centre

 S1 gần Hindon, S2 gần Cransdon và Bransdon

 Bước 2: Viết introduction:
Áp dụng một trong các cách viết Introduction đã nêu ở phần trước. Ví dụ:

“The map illustrates 2 possible locations for the construction of a new supermarket for the town of


 Bước 3: Viết overview

Tương tự bài trên.

“The most striking difference between the two sites is that the first site is in the countryside, while the

second location is roughly in the middle of the Town centre”

 Bước 4: Nhóm thông tin đưa vào 2 đoạn Detail

 Detail 1 - Site 1:

 S1 nằm ở ngoài khu dân cư, và gần sát tuyến đường dẫn tới Hindon – cách 12 km về phía Tây Bắc.

S1 cũng rất gần tuyến đường sắt Hindon – Cransdon nên sẽ tiện cho việc di chuyển bằng tàu hỏa

cho cư dân 2 vùng này.

 Detail 2 – Site 2:

 S2 nằm ngay trung tâm thành phố, về phía bắc của khu công nghiệp phía nam. Khoảng cách từ đây

tới Cransdon và Bransdon lần lượt là 25km và 16km. Mặc dù khu này rất gần cả 2 tuyến đường bộ

và đường sắt nhưng chỉ có di chuyển bằng tàu hỏa là tiện nhất, bởi lẽ trung tâm thành phố là một

“no-traffic area” (xe cộ không đi vào được).

Bài viết hoàn chỉnh




















1. Natural Process – Quá trình diễn ra trong tự nhiên:
Với dạng bài này, người viết thường phải miêu tả vòng đời (life cycle) của động vật/thực vật hoặc
1 chu kz, hiện tượng thời tiết diễn ra trong tự nhiên (vòng tuần hoàn của nước, quá trình hình thành
một cơn bão, v.v.). Do tính chất trên nên các giai đoạn của một Natural Process sẽ được miêu tả bằng
ngôn ngữ CHỦ ĐỘNG.
2. Manufacturing Process - Quá trình sản xuất:
Dạng bài này thường yêu cầu người viết miêu tả quá trình sản xuất của một thứ nguyên liệu hoặc
một sản phẩm cụ thể nào đó. Vì vậy, các giai đoạn của một Manufacturing Process thường sẽ được
miêu tả bằng ngôn ngữ BỊ ĐỘNG.
 Thì HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN là thì sẽ được sử dụng chủ yếu cho cả hai dạng bài trên.

A. Ngôn ngữ miêu tả Process:

Một trong những điểm đặc trưng nhất của dạng bài Process là sự đa dạng về từ vựng. Mỗi một
Process sẽ yêu cầu một nhóm từ vựng riêng biệt và thường thì những khái niệm cụ thể, quan trọng và
‘lạ’ nhất sẽ được ưu tiên ghi vào biểu đồ.

Ngoài ra, việc sử dụng thành thạo các SEQUENCING LANGUAGE S – ngôn ngữ mô tả trình tự -
cũng cực kz quan trọng. Khả năng vận dụng tốt các công cụ này sẽ có tác dụng lớn trong việc cải thiện
không chỉ tiêu chí COHERENCE & COHESION mà còn với tiêu chí LEXICAL RESOURCES.

Các SEQUENCING LANGUAGES sử dụng với dạng Process được chia thành 2 loại chủ yếu:

1. Loại 1: Mô tả mối quan hệ Trước – Sau:

 First(ly) – Then – Next -....- Final(ly)
 At the first stage of the paper-recycling process, recycled paper is collected.
 Then, some water is added and the mixture is left for an hour.
 Finally, the new paper is left to dry in a warm place for at least 24 hours.
 After/Before
 Some water is added and the mixture is soaked for an hour. After that, the mixture is beaten
for about 45 seconds until a pulp is formed.
 After being soaked for an hour, the mixture is beaten for about 45 seconds until a pulp is
 Before being beaten for about 45 seconds to form a pulp, the mixture is left for an hour.
 The mixture is beaten for about 45 seconds and a pulp is formed afterwards.
Lưu ý: afterwards (adv) chỉ được dùng ở cuối câu và có nghĩa tương tự ‘after that’.
 Following/Followed by:
 The mixture is beaten for about 45 seconds and a pulp is formed afterwards. At the following
stage, the pulp is poured into a shallow tray and some water is also added. It is then mixed
by hand.
 At the following stage, the pulp is poured into a shallow tray and some water is also added.
This is followed by a hand-mixing process.
Lưu ý: ‘followed by’ chỉ được sử dụng cùng một danh từ ở sau. Cần cân nhắc cẩn thận trước
khi dùng.

 Once:
 The mixture is beaten for about 45 seconds and a pulp is formed afterwards. Once it is ready,
the pulp is poured into a shallow tray.
 Subsequent/Subsequently:
 The mixture is soaked for an hour. Subsequently, the mixture is beaten for about 45 seconds
until a pulp is formed.
 The mixture is soaked for an hour and is subsequently beaten for about 45 seconds until a
pulp is formed.
 At the subsequent stage of the process, the mixture is soaked for an hour.
 ‘Having + Verb participle’:
 Having mixed the pulp by hand, he uses a rolling pin to flatten the pulp. (chủ động)
 Having been poured into a shallow tray with some water, the pulp is then mixed by hand.
(bị động)
2. Loại 2: Mô tả mối quan hệ xảy ra đồng thời:
 During:
 During its entire life cycle, salmon have lived in both freshwater and saltwater.
 Thereby:
 The rolling pin is used to flatten the pulp, thereby forcing out any excessive water.
 While/at the same time:
 While the mixture of sand and soda is being heated, some other chemicals are added to
create various colors.
 The mixture of sand and soda is heated. At the same time, some other chemicals are added
to create various colors.
 Sand and soda are mixed and heated at the same time.

Exercise 1: Bài viết sau mô tả quá trình sản xuất các sản phẩm từ da thú. Sử dụng những
SEQUENCING LANGUAGE đã cho trong bảng để hoàn thành bài viết.


Animal skin Transported


Factory A
Drying By lorry

Tannin* Lime

Soaking Soaking

Rollers Flattening

Leather products

Factory B
tannin*: water + vegetable matter

1. after that
The diagram shows the main stages in the process of converting animal hide
into leather goods. 2. followed by
Overall, it can be seen that .......................... the process, the hide is
3. following
submerged in three different kinds of liquid.

At the .......................... stage of the process, the hide is hung in the open air 4. first
to dry. .......................... , it is transported by lorry to the factory for
5. during
processing. .......................... the hide arrives at the factory, it is washed with
soap and is .......................... soaked in lime. Having .......................... this way, 6. been cleaned
the hide is .......................... sent to a large rolling machine where it is
flattened. At the .......................... stage, it is soaked in a liquid called tannin, 7. finally
which is a mixture of vegetable matter and water. This is .......................... a
polishing stage where small rollers are used. 8. subsequently

.......................... , the leather is transported to a different factory where it is 9. then

manufactured into various products such as shoes, handbags and sports
equipment. 10. once

B. Quá trình diễn ra trong tự nhiên

Ví dụ:

The process below shows the life cycle of a species of large fish called the salmon.

upper river
5-6 months


small stones

‘fry’ salmon eggs

3-8 cm 1

‘adult salmon’
lower river
70-76 cm
4 years 3

12-15 cm open sea
2 5 years

 Bước 1: Phân tích

Điều đầu tiên người viết cần làm là xác định điểm bắt đầu và trình tự các giai đoạn của Process cần miêu
tả. Chúng ta có thể thấy “Life Cycle” – vòng đời của cá hồi là một chu kz khép kín bao gồm 3 giai đoạn
chính đã được đánh số 1-3. Một chu kz khép kín thì không có một điểm bắt đầu cụ thể nào, nhưng
chúng ta có thể dựa vào cách đánh số trong sơ đồ để xác định trình tự miêu tả các giai đoạn:

 Giai đoạn 1: Trứng cá hồi (ở thượng nguồn – upper river) nở thành cá con (fry) và những

con ‘fry’ này sẽ sống ở hạ nguồn (lower river)
 Giai đoạn 2: Cá con tăng kích thước (được gọi là ‘smolt’) và bơi ra biển. Ở đây chúng tiếp
tục quá trình trưởng thành.
 Giai đoạn 3: Những con ‘smolt’ trở thành ‘adult salmon’. ‘Adult salmon’ bơi trở về nơi
chúng được sinh ra, và chu kz lại tiếp diễn.
 Chúng ta có thể cải thiện tiêu chí từ vựng một cách đáng kể cho bài viết của mình bằng cách
PARAPHRASE lại những đối tượng xuất hiện trong vòng đời của cá hồi. Sau đây là một vài
phương án PARAPHRASE khả thi:

upper/lower river upper/lower reaches of a river

upstream/downstream river
small stones pebbles
fry baby salmon
adult salmon mature salmon
open sea ocean

 Bước 2: VIết Introduction:

 Tương tự như những dạng bài Writing khác, cách đơn giản và trực tiếp nhất để viết 1 câu
Introduction rõ ràng là PARAPHRASE lại câu hỏi. Người viết có thể sử dụng một số cách viết sau:
The process  illustrate the life cycle of salmon from eggsto adult fishes.
diagram  describe  how salmon grow from eggs to mature individuals.
drawing  demonstrate  the main stages which take place in the life cycle of salmon.

Ví dụ: “The diagram describes how salmon grow from eggs to mature individuals.”

 Bước 3: Viết Overview
 Bước quan trọng tiếp theo là tìm ra điểm nổi bật của quá trình để đưa vào miêu tả trong đoạn
 Có nhiều cách tiếp cận khác nhau cho bước này, tuy nhiên cách đơn giản nhất là: chỉ ra số
lượng các giai đoạn cùng với điểm bắt đầu/kết thúc của quá trình cần miêu tả.

Ví dụ: “Overall, there are three main stages in the life cycle of salmon starting with salmon
eggs in the upper river”

 Người viết cũng có thể sử dụng những cách tiếp cận khác:
 “In general, the complete life cycle lasts for approximately 10 years” (Chu kz đó kéo dài
trong bao lâu)
 “In summary, each of the three stages in the development of the salmon takes place in a
different aquatic location. (Chỉ ra sự khác nhau giữa các giai đoạn)
 “Overall, it can be seen that the first two stages of the salmon’s life cycle occur in
freshwater environment while the third stage takes place in saltwater (Chia ra các nhóm
giai đoạn)

 Bước 4: Lựa chọn thông tin để đưa vào 2 đoạn Detail

 Thay vì phải mất thời gian phân loại các nhóm thông tin hay sắp xếp trình tự miêu tả các đối
tượng (như những dạng bài khác), với dạng bài Process người viết chỉ cần xác định điểm bắt đầu
của Process rồi sau đó diễn tả theo thứ tự, từ giai đoạn đầu tới giai đoạn cuối.
 Có nhiều cách tiếp cận khác nhau, nhưng trong ví dụ này chúng ta sẽ chia phần thân bài ra 2
đoạn chính. Đoạn 1 sẽ miêu tả quá trình phát triển của cá hồi trong môi trường nước ngọt (‘fry’
và ‘smolt’) còn đoạn 2 tập trung vào giai đoạn cá hồi sống ở nước mặn (‘adult salmon’).
 Hãy phân tích xem trước khi bơi ra biển lớn, cá hồi phát triển như thế nào:
 Cá hồi thường đẻ trứng ở khúc thượng nguồn (upper river) nơi nước chảy chậm (slow
flowing). Trứng được bảo vệ bởi rặng cây lau (reeds) và các viên sỏi nhỏ (small stones)
trong khoảng 5-6 tháng trước khi nở. Những con cá hồi mới nở được gọi là ‘fry’ và chúng có
kích thước rất bé, khoảng 3-8 cm.

 Salmon begins life as eggs in the slow-moving upper reaches of a river. Eggs are
surrounded by reeds and pebbles for about five to six months before they hatch. The
newborn fish normally called “fry” are very small, which are only three to eight
centimeters long.

 Những con ‘fry’ sau đó xuôi theo dòng sông tới hạ nguồn (lower river). Chúng sống ở đây
trong khoảng 4 năm cho tới khi đạt kích thước 12-15 cm. Những con cá lớn này được gọi là
 The fry follows the fast flow to the lower river. They stay there for 4 years until they reach
the length of twelve to fifteen centimeters. Grown fish are known as ‘smolt’.

 Ở giai đoạn tiếp theo của vòng đời, cá hồi bơi ra biển và hoàn thành quá trưởng thành:
 Những con ‘smolt’ di cư ra biển và sống ở đó trong 5 năm. Sau 5 năm chúng tăng kích thước
lên thành 70-76 cm - kích thước của cá hồi trưởng thành. Cuối cùng, cá hồi bơi trở về nơi nó
được sinh ra, và chu kz lại bắt đầu.
 The ‘smolt’ migrate to the open sea and live there for about 5 years. After 5 years, these
‘smolt’ will have grown to adult size, which is about 70-76 centimeters. Their reproductive
stage then begins as the mature salmon swims back to their birthplace and lays eggs. The
salmon’s life cycle starts again at the same place where it begins.

Hoàn thiện bài viết:

The diagram describes how salmon grow from eggs to mature individuals.

Overall, there are three main stages in the life cycle of salmon starting with salmon eggs in the upper river

and the complete cycle lasts for about10 years.

Firstly, salmon begins life as eggs in the slow-moving upper reaches of a river, surrounded by reeds and

pebbles. This shelter usually keeps the eggs safe for about five to six months before they hatch. The

newborn fish normally called “fry” are very small, which are only three to eight centimeters long. The fry

then follows the fast flow to the lower river and stay there for 4 years until they reach the length of

twelve to fifteen centimeters. These grown fish are known as “smolt”.

At the next stage of the life cycle, the ‘smolt’ migrate to the open sea. After approximately 5 years living in

the ocean, these ‘smolt’ will have grown to adult size, which is about 70-76 centimeters. Their

reproductive stage then begins as the mature salmon swims back to their birthplace and lays eggs. The

salmon’s life cycle starts again at the same place where it begins.

Luyện tập:

Exercise 2: The diagram shows the life cycle of the honey bee.

Females lay 1 or 2 eggs

every three days

4 days to maturity

Life cycle takes

34-36 days
Eggs hatch
after 9-10 days

Young 5 days
emerges 9 days
7 days

Nymph moults 3 times as it grows

 Bước 1: Phân tích

 Vòng đời của ong mật là một chu kz khép kín bao gồm 4 giai đoạn chính đã được đánh số 1-4.
 Giai đoạn 1: Ong cái đẻ trứng.
 Giai đoạn 2: Trứng nở ra ong non.
 Giai đoạn 3: Ong non trải qua 3 lần lột xác (moult).
 Giai đoạn 4: Ong trưởng thành hoàn toàn.

 Bước 2: VIết Introduction:
 Áp dụng một trong các cách viết Introduction đã nêu ở phần trước. Ví dụ:

“The process illustrates the main stages which take place in the life cycle of a honey bee.”

 Bước 3: Viết Overview:

 Thông tin nổi bật nhất chúng ta thấy được từ sơ đồ là số lượng các giai đoạn (4) và thời gian của
một chu kz (34-36 ngày). Viết ngay thông tin này vào phần Overview.

“In general, there are four main stages in the development of the honey bee and the
completely life cycle lasts for about 34-36 days.”

 Bước 4: Lựa chọn thông tin để đưa vào 2 đoạn Detail

 Ở giai đoạn đầu của vòng đời, ong cái đẻ từ 1-2 trứng trong vòng 3 ngày. Trứng sẽ nở thành ong
non (nymph) sau 9-10 ngày.
 Ở giai đoạn thứ 3, ong non tăng dần kích thước và lột xác tổng cộng 3 lần trước khi trưởng
thành. Giai đoạn biến đổi này diễn ra lần lượt 5 ngày, 7 ngày rồi 9 ngày sau khi trứng nở.
 Sau khoảng 30-31 ngày từ khi bắt đầu vòng đời, “ong trẻ” (young adult bees) được hình thành.
Những con “ong trẻ” này cần 4 ngày để hoàn toàn trưởng thành. Vòng đời của ong sau đó được
lặp lại khi ong cái đẻ trứng.

Bài viết hoàn chỉnh




















C. Quy trình sản xuất

Ví dụ:

The diagram below shows how geothemal energy is used to produce electricity.

 Bước 1: Phân tích

 Tương tự với Natural Process, việc đầu tiên người viết cần làm là xác định số lượng các giai đoạn
và trình tự sắp xếp của các giai đoạn đó. Có thể dễ dàng nhận ra được điều này qua cách đánh
 Giai đoạn 1: Nước lạnh được trữ ở trong 1 bể chứa và được bơm xuống đất vào một cái
giếng bơm (injection well)
 Giai đoạn 2: Nước lạnh từ giếng bơm được truyền qua khu địa nhiệt (geothermal zone),
được đun nóng và dẫn vào một ‘giếng sản xuất’ (production well).
 Giai đoạn 3: Nước nóng từ ‘production well’ được bơm lên trên mặt đất vào một buồng

ngưng tụ (condenser).
 Giai đoạn 4: Hơi nước được tạo thành trong buồng ngưng tụ, và được dẫn vào trong một
buồng khác.
 Giai đoạn 5: Hơi nước làm quay tua-bin (turbine) và qua đó tạo ra năng lượng kích hoạt máy
kích điện (generator).
 Bước 2: VIết Introduction:
 Tương tự như những dạng bài Writing khác, cách đơn giản và trực tiếp nhất để viết 1 câu
Introduction rõ ràng là PARAPHRASE lại câu hỏi. Người viết có thể sử dụng một số cách viết sau:
The process  illustrate the production of electricity using geothermal energy
diagram  describe  how electricity is generated by using geothermal energy
drawing  demonstrate  the process by which geothermal energy is converted into

Ví dụ: “The diagram illustrates the process by which geothermal energy is converted into

 Bước 3: Viết Overview:

 Tương tự với Natural Process, cách đơn giản nhất để viết Overview với Manufacturing Process
là: chỉ ra số lượng các giai đoạn cùng với điểm bắt đầu/kết thúc của quá trình cần miêu tả.
Ví dụ: “Overall, it can be seen that there are five main stages of the process, starting from
storing cold water in a tank”
 Ngoài ra người viết có thể tham khảo một số cách tiếp cận khác:
 In general, it can be seen that there are five main stages of the process and these stages take
place both under and above the ground level. (Chỉ ra địa điểm nơi diễn ra các giai đoạn)
 In summary, the process involves five main stages and the main material used is water (Chỉ
ra nguyên liệu chính của quá trình sản xuất – một cách đặc biệt hữu dụng với Manufacturing
 Overall, it can be seen that while the second and third stage of the process take place
underground, the remaining stages occur above the ground level. (phân biệt các giai đoạn)

 Bước 4: Lựa chọn thông tin để đưa vào 2 đoạn Detail

 Có nhiều cách tiếp cận khác nhau, nhưng trong ví dụ này chúng ta sẽ chia phần thân bài ra 2
đoạn chính. Đoạn 1 sẽ miêu tả 3 giai đoạn (1), (2) và (3) (nước được bơm trong lòng đất) và

đoạn 2 tập trung vào các giai đoạn (4) và (5) (khi nước được bơm lên trên)
 Hãy phân tích 3 bước đầu tiên:
 Quá trình tạo ra điện từ năng lượng địa nhiệt bắt đầu bằng việc trữ nước lạnh trong một bồn
chứa. Nước lạnh được bơm xuống dưới lòng đất, qua một cái ống lớn dài 4.5 km, vào một
giếng bơm. Nước tiếp tục chảy qua khu địa nhiệt, nơi đá nóng được sử dụng để tăng nhiệt độ
của nước.
 Detail 1:

The process of generating electricity using geothermal energy starts by storing cold water in a
tank. The cold water is pumped down under the ground through a large pipe (4.5 kilometers)
into an injection well. It keeps flowing through the geothermal zone, where hot rocks are used
to raise the temperature.

 Tiếp tục miêu tả các bước sau:

 Nước đã đun nóng được bơm từ ‘production well’ lên một buồng ngưng tụ lớn. Nước nóng
được chuyển thành hơi nước. Hơi nước đóng vai trò xoay và tiếp năng lượng cho tua-bin.
Máy kích điện lại được kích hoạt bởi tua-bin và tạo ra điện.
 Detail 2:

Heated water is pumped up from the production well into a large condenser. Hot water is
transformed into steam. The steam serves a function of powering and rotating a turbine. A
generator is powered by this turbine and produces electricity.

Hoàn thiện bài viết:

The diagram illustrates the process by which geothermal energy is converted into electricity.

In general, it can be seen that there are five main stages of the process and these stages take place both

under and above the ground level.

The process of generating electricity using geothermal energy starts by storing cold water in a tank. The

cold water is then pumped down under the ground through a large pipe, which measures 4.5 kilometers

in length, into an injection well. Once cold water reaches the injection well, it keeps flowing through the

geothermal zone, where hot rocks are used to raise the temperature.

At the following stage of the process, heated water is pumped up from the production well into a large

condenser, where hot water is transformed into steam. Next, the steam serves a function of powering

and rotating a turbine. A generator is then powered by this turbine and subsequently produces electricity.

Finally, generated electricity is sent to the electricity tower.

Luyện tập:

Exercise 3:

The diagram shows how plate glass and bottle glass are made.

 Bước 1: Phân tích

 Một điểm đáng lưu { với đề bài này: Có 2 lộ trình để sản xuất ra 2 sản phẩm khác nhau (‘plate
glass’ và ‘bottle glass’).
 Cách tiếp cận tối ưu nhất với bài này là lần lượt miêu tả từng lộ trình và tách riêng chúng ra
thành 2 đoạn riêng biệt.
 Đoạn 1: Quá trình sản xuất ‘plate glass’
 Đoạn 2: Quá trình sản xuất ‘bottle glass’

 Bước 2: VIết Introduction:

 Áp dụng một trong các cách viết Introduction đã nêu ở phần trước.

 Bước 3: Viết Overview:

 Thông tin nổi bật nhất chúng ta thấy được từ sơ đồ là 2 lộ trình sản xuất 2 loại thủy tinh giống
hệt nhau ở giai đoạn 1 và chỉ khác nhau từ giai đoạn 2 trở đi.
 Bước 4: Lựa chọn thông tin để đưa vào 2 đoạn Detail
 Như đã nhắc tới ở trên, với bài này chúng ta sẽ chia phần thân bài ra 2 đoạn chính:
 Đoạn 1 miêu tả quá trình sản xuất ‘plate glass’:
 Bước đầu tiên trong quá trình sản xuất thủy tinh là trộn cát, soda và đá vôi trong một lò
luyện. Chúng được nung ở nhiệt độ 1700oC cho tới khi tan chảy và tạo thành thủy tinh nóng
chảy. Hỗn hợp này chảy qua đường ống tới một bồn chứa. Có một cái van ở dưới bồn chứa
này. Thủy tinh chảy ra từ cái van đó qua các con lăn. Những con lăn có chức năng làm phẳng
thủy tinh.
 Đoạn 2 phân tích quá trình sản xuất ‘bottle glass’:
 Thủy tinh lỏng chảy ra từ lò luyện được dẫn vào các khuôn. Khí nén cũng được bơm vào.
Chúng ép thủy tinh vào các lớp vách bên trong của cái khuôn, để phần còn lại của cái khuôn
hoàn toàn rỗng. Sau quá trình hạ nhiệt, cái khuôn có thể được tháo ra và chai thủy tinh được
lấy ra sử dụng.

Bài viết hoàn chỉnh






















2. e 3. a 4. b
1. f
6. h 7. g 8. c
5. d


1. The development of new products fell gradually over the period from 1990 to 2000.
The development of new products experienced a gradual fall between 1990 and 2000.
2. The research investment decreased significantly in 2005.
The year 2005 witnessed a significant decrease in the research development.
3. There was a slight fall in the sales of mangos in 2006.
The sales of mango fell slightly in 2006.
4. The quality of food in supermarkets has increased sharply.
There has been a sharp increase in the quality of food in supermarkets
5. There was a quick drop of $3 million in sugar imports in 1988.
1988 saw a quick drop of $3 million in sugar imports.
6. The price of laptop dropped quickly over the period.
A quick drop could be seen in the price of laptops over the period.
7. There was an upward trend in the number of visitors to the website.
The number of visitors to the website increased.
8. The growth rate fluctuated wildly throughout the years.
There was a wild fluctuation in the growth rate throughout the years.
9. The number of students applying to the university stabilized over the decade.
A stability could be seen in the number of students applying to the university over the decade.
10. The year 2000 recorded a gradual growth in the house price in London.
The house price in London grew gradually in 2000.


1. Số lượng người học tiếng Anh là 5,000 vào năm 2015 – Số lượng người học tiếng Trung Quốc là 2,500
vào năm 2015.

In 2015, the number of people studying English was 5,000, twice as much as that of Chinese learner.

2. Tỉ lệ thất nghiệp của thanh niên Việt Nam là 10%. Tỉ lệ thất nghiệp của thanh niên Mỹ là 12%. (Vào
năm 2015)

In 2015, the unemployment rate of young people in Vietnam was 10%, while the figure for American
counterparts was slightly higher, at 12%.

3. Lượng nước tiêu thụ trên đầu người ở thành phố là 750 m3. Lượng nước tiêu thụ trên đầu người ở
nông thôn là 1,250 m3 (Vào năm 2015)

The water consumption per person in the countryside was 1,250 m3, compared to only 750 m3 per
person in cities.



- Đối tượng (chủ ngữ):

“The percentage/proportion of people using the Internet in the USA/Canada/Mexico”

Hoặc “The percentage/proportion of Internet users in the USA/Canada/Mexico”

- Đơn vị: %

- Khoảng thời gian từ 1999 đến 2009 => chia quá khứ đơn


- Đối tượng (chủ ngữ):

“The number of Asian elephants in Vietnam/India/…”

Hoặc “The population of Asian elephants in Vietnam/India/…”

- Đơn vị: Thousand elephants

- Khoảng thời gian từ 1997 đến 2004 => chia quá khứ đơn


- Đối tượng (chủ ngữ):

“The share/proportion/percentage of expenditure for food/housing/… in the US/Canada…”

Hoặc “The share/proportion/percentage of spending on food/housing/… in the US/Canada…”

- Đơn vị: %

- Mốc thời gian năm 2009 => chia quá khứ đơn


- Đối tượng (chủ ngữ):

“The proportion/percentage of energy produced/generated by coal/gas/…”

- Đơn vị: %

- Mốc thời gian năm 1995 và 2005 => chia quá khứ đơn


- Đối tượng (chủ ngữ):

The proportion/percentage of consumer spending on Food, Drinks, Tobacco/Clothing, Footwear/… in


- Đơn vị: %

- Mốc thời gian: năm 2002 => chia quá khứ đơn


1. The chart illustrates the proportion of people using the Internet in the US,Canada and Mexico
between 1999 and 2009.

2. The bar chart describes how many elephants were living in some Asian countries over a period of 13
years, starting from 1994.

3. The graph illustrates the proportion of spending on different groups of products and services in four
countries in 2009.

4. The charts present the percentage of electricity produced by different sources in New Zealand in the
years 1980 and 2010.

5. The table illustrates the share of expenditure for three categories in five countries in the year 2002.



1. increased

2. peaked

3. decreasing to

4. a fluctuation

5. a decline

6. witnessed

7. decreased gradually


The amount of Dirham earned from selling Dubai gold began at 2.5 million in the first 2 years and then

increased slightly to just over 2.5 million in 2002. In the following 2 years, the figure declined to the

lowest point of nearly 1.7 million in 2004.There was a dramatic increase in the amount of Dubai Gold

Sales to 4 million Dirhams in 2005, which was followed by a significant decrease to just 3 million in 2006.

Between 2006 and 2008, Dubai gold sales experienced a slight decrease to about 2.7 million in 2008

before recovering back to approximately 3.5 million at the end of the period.


The graph below illustrates information about how many Vietnamese students studying in three

countries namely France, Russia and America over a period of 5 years starting from 2000.

It is clear that while the number of Vietnamese students enrolling in American and French schools

increased, the opposite was true for Russian schools. Also, the figure for America experienced the

biggest change over the period shown.

In 2000, the number of Vietnamese students learning in France was largest with over 3.5 million,

compared with nearly 3 million and 1.5 million students studying in Russia and America respectively.

Over the following five years, the number of Vietnamese students studying abroad in France and Russia

decreased by 1 million, whereas that in America saw a rise of 2 million students.

From 2005 onwards, the figure for America rose dramatically to 5 million students in 2015. Similarly, the

number of Vietnamese students in French schools remained unchanged at approximately 2.5 million

students until 2010, before increasing by over 2 million in 2015. Meanwhile, although decreasing to the

lowest point of under2 million students in 2010, the figure for Russia then rose gradually to 2.5 million

at the end of the period.

Wordcount: 198


The line graph illustrates changes in the number of cars per household in Great Britain over a period of

40 years.

It is clear that while the percentages of households with one car and two or more cars increase, despite

fluctuations, the opposite is true for no-car households. Also, no-car ownership in Britain experiences a

biggest change over the period shown.

In 1990, over half of all British households did not have regular use of a car, compared with well under

40% of households had one car and only about 12% had two or more cars. After that, the percentage of

one-car households increased significantly to nearly 55%, whereas that of no-car families dropped

rapidly to just over 30% in 2005. Meanwhile, the figure for two or more cars witnessed a minor

fluctuation between 1990 and 2005, at around 10%.

In 2030, the no-car household is expected to be the least common type, accounting for just nearly 15%

of British households. In contrast, the proportion of two or more cars is expected to increase

dramatically to just over 40% in 2030, which is as similar as the estimated figure for one-car ownership.

Wordcount: 194


The line graph illustrates the amount of electricity produced by four different sources in France over a

period of 32 years starting from 1980.

It is clear that Nuclear was by far the most popular source of electricity production over the period. Also,

while the amount of electricity generated by Nuclear and Renewables increased, the opposite was true

for Hydro and Thermal power.

As can be seen from the graph, the amount of electricity produced by Nuclear was70 Terawat hours

(Tw-h), as opposed to the negligible amount produced by Renewables. The amount of electricity

generated by Nuclear increased dramatically to nearly 430 Tw-h in 2005 before decreasing slightly to

just over 400 Tw-h in 2012. Meanwhile, although remaining unchanged until 1995, the figure for

Renewables increased slightly to approximately 25 Tw-h in the last year.

Of the other electricity sources, in 1980, Thermal was the most common electricity source, generating

nearly 120 Tw-h, compared with 70 tw-h of electricity produced by Hydro. Over the following 32 years,

the figures for both Hydro and Thermal witnessed many minor fluctuations, before ending at roundly 50

Tw-h at the end of the period.

Word count: 195


The line graph illustrates the amount of money invested in four different studies by the US government

over a period of 28 years starting from 1980

It is clear that US government expenditure for all researches increased over the period. It is also

noticeable that health was by far the most popular research field during the given period.

As can be seen from the graph, approximately 8 million dollars were disbursed on Health, as opposed to

about 2.5 million dollars on Energy sector in 1980. Since then, despite a considerable decrease in the

first 4 years, the US spending for Health then rose dramatically to over $20 million in 2004, before

decreasing slightly by $2 million in 2008. Meanwhile, although remaining unchanged until 1992, the

amount of money poured into Energy witnessed a significant growth to just over $5 million in the last


Of the other research fields, the US government spent an equal amount of about $7 million on Other

and Space study in 1980. Over the following 28 years, after decreasing to $5milion in 1984, the figures

for Space and Other experienced fluctuations before ending at nearly $10 million and $ 7 million at the

end of the period respectively.

Word count: 206



The chart illustrates the number of males and females registering for fitness centers in Thailand over a

period of 40 years starting from 1985.

It is clear that while the number of female fitness members increased, the opposite was true for that of

male ones over the period shown. Also, the year 2010 witnessed the largest membership. As can be

seen from the chart, in 1985, the male fitness membership was approximately 2200, compared with

1300 female members. Over the following 5 years, the number of male members, at nearly 3800, was

twice as much as that of female ones. By 2000, the male membership had decreased to about 1800

members, whereas that of females had increased to 2800 members.

Between 2005 and 2010, there was a significant increase in the number of males and females applying

for membership of gym clubs to reach a peak of 2950 and 5000 members respectively. In 2015, the

figure for females, with 2000 members, was twice as many as the male figure, with 1000 members.

Word count: 170


The line graph illustrates the quantity of Asian elephants in ten different countries over a period of 10

years starting from 2010.

It is clear that the number of Asian elephants in all nations, except for Cambodia and Laos, decreased

over the period shown. Also, while India had the largest number of Asian elephants in 2000, the same

was true for Myanmar in 2010.

As can be seen from the graph, in 2000, approximately 10 thousand elephants lived in India which was

the largest among the given countries. Myanmar was the second largest country for elephants inhabit

with about 5,500 elephants. This was followed by Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, China with 1000 elephants

while Malaysia, Sri Lanka Thailand had the noticeably higher quantities of roundly 3000 elephants. The

least number of elephants went on China with nearly 500 elephants in the year 2000.

After 10 years, in 2010, the number of elephants in India fell to 7500 in 2004 while this number

decreased to 4800 in Myanmar and only to 1200 in Thailand. Cambodia was the only country where the

total number of elephants increased while the figure for China was only less than 500 elephants in this


Word count: 198


The bar chart illustrates the proportion of males and females participating in the most popular sports in

Britain in the year 2008.

It is clear that Soccer was the most attractive sport for males, while the majority of males preferred

Netball in 2008. Also, there was a biggest difference between the proportion of males and females

playing netball.

As can be seen from the chart, approximately 25% of men playing football, compared with only 5% that

of females. Also, the percentage of males participating cricket, at nearly 10%, was significantly higher

than that of females, at only 2%. The figure for table tennis was slightly lower with about 8% of male

participants. Other sports, however, were the second popular choice among men with 20%, almost

twice as much as that of female members.

Of the other activities, the vast majority of Netball players were female, accounting for 25%, whereas

this figure for males made up insignificant of 2%. Similarly, significantly more females chose to go

swimming than males, accounting for 23% and 14% respectively. The figures for tennis and basketball

were relatively similar, at around 6% of both sexes. Jogging, however, was the least preferred sport

among both genders, at roundly 3%.

Word count: 200


The bar chart illustrates the estimated number of travellers from 3 different countries visiting four major

cities in the year 2018.

It is clear that Marid is predicted to become the most attractive tourist destination for all three nations

in 2018. Also, the largest number of visitors to all four cities in this year came from the USA.

As can be seen from the chart, approximately 100 thousand US travellers is expected to arrive in Marid,

compared with expected 80 thousand and 70 thousand travellers coming from Canada and Mexico

respectively. In contrast, the estimated number of tourists coming to Liverpool is significantly lower,

with about 50 thousand US people and 25 thousand Canadian people.

Looking at the chart in more detail, the estimated number of US tourists arriving in Roma is 80

thousand, followed by 50 thousand ones from Canada. In contrast, Mexico provided the lowest figure,

with only 20 thousand people visiting Roma. Additionally, the predicted figures for Paris are relatively

similar, with just over 60 thousand visitors from each country.

Word count: 173


The bar chart illustrates the consumer spending on five main items in four different countries in 2009.

It is clear that the largest proportion of consumer spending in all countries, except for Japan, went on

housing. On the other hand, the health care and clothing categories provided the lowest figures in 2009.

As can be seen from the chart, the US expenditure on housing was highest, at about 26%, and Health

care, at nearly 7%, and the same was true for Japan’s spending on Food with nearly 23%. Likewise, the

proportion of spending on transportation was significantly higher in Canada, at about 20%, than in any

of the other countries.

Out of the four nations, Canada had the lowest percentage of consumer expenditure on housing, at

nearly 14%, whereas the Japanese spent the lowest amount of money on transportation, at around

10%. However, US and UK had slightly higher figures for these categories, but the lowest figure for food,

at nearly 14%. Additionally, the figures for clothing in all nations were relatively similar, hovering at 5%.

Word count: 176



The charts illustrate the proportion of travellers to the US from different countries between 1988 and


Overall, it is clear that the percentage of Chinese visitors to the US increased, while that of visitors from

Canada and other countries rose. Also, a high proportion of travellers to the US were Canadian.

In 1988, over half of the visitors to the US were from Canada, while people from Mexico accounted for

exactly a quarter. The figures for China and other countries were low, at 10% and 12% respectively. Over

the next two years, there was a significant rise of 18% in the percentage of Chinese visitors. In contrast,

the figures for the other nations fell, most significantly in Canada (by 10%).

From 1990 to 1992, the proportion of tourists from Canada and other countries continued to fall by 4%

each. However, the percentage of Chinese visitors peaked at 30%, while that of Mexicans rose back to a

quarter in the last year.

Word count: 162


The pie charts compare the proportion of people in three age groups in Yemen and Italy in 2000 and

projections for 2050.

It is clear that the population of Italy was older in the year 2000, and the same is predicted for the year

2050. Also, the populations of both countries are projected to age over the 50-year period.

In 2000, about half of the population of Yemen was at the age of 14 or under, while only 14.3% of

population in Italy was children and the majority (over 60%) of Italians fell into the 15 to 59 age group.

People aged 60 or over accounted for almost a quarter of the Italian population, but only 3.6% of

Yemeni population.

By 2050, the proportion of children under 15 is predicted to drop by about 13% and 3% in Yemen and

Italy respectively. In contrast, the figures for elderly people are expected to rise, by just over 2% in

Yemen and 18% in Italy. Finally, it is predicted that the 15 to 59 age group will go up by around 10% in

Yemen, but fall by around 15% in Italy.

Word count: 189


The pie charts compare the proportion of female and male employees and self-employed working in

different manual and three non-manual jobs in the UK in the year 1992.

In general, a higher percentage of women chose white-collar occupations more, while blue-collar jobs

were more popular among British men.

Among the manual occupations, male employees were dominant in craft or similar jobs where there

were nearly a quarter of men choosing this job whereas just a minor proportion of female workers

worked as crafters (3%). General labourers accounted for the least percentage in both sexes, just 2% of

men and 1% of women. The figures for other manual jobs were relatively high and quite similar, at over

a quarter of each gender.

Regarding non-manual jobs, clerical or related jobs were chosen by a good proportion of women (31%)

while just a minority of men (6%) were employed in this field. In contrast, both genders preferred

managerial and professional jobs, which accounted for 36% of men and 29% of women. Other non-

manual jobs attracted just 6% of male employees and the figure for female counterparts was a little

higher, at 9%.

Word count: 189


The given pie charts compare the proportion of different kinds of food consumed in the world and two

countries namely China and India for the year 2008.

It is clear that processed food accounted for the highest percentage in all three charts. Also, Chinese

tended to have healthier diets with noticeably higher consumption of vegetable, fruits and nuts, seeds.

In 2008, the proportion of processed food consumed in the world was 41%, slightly higher than the

figures for India and China, which stood at 39% and 34% respectively. Regarding animal food, standing

at over a quarter of total food consumption, the percentage of this kind of food consumed in the world

and India was much higher than that of China (15%).

In contrast, vegetables and fruits made up a larger percentage of Chinese diet (32%) compared to 29%

of the world average and only 23% of Indian diet. Similarly, 19% of total food consumption in China was

for nuts and seeds, while the figures for India and the world were relatively lower, at 11% and 4%


Word count: 177



The table illustrates the proportion of students voting for five various fields of a Chinese college in the

year 2000, 2005 and 2010.

It is clear that while the percentage of students who chose Technical Quality, Prin Resources and

Electronic Resources increased, the opposite was true for Range of modules offered. Also, Print

resources were the most popular choice among students at the university

As can be seen from the table, in 2000, the vast majority of students selected Print Resources, at 87%,

compared with 63% and 45% of survey respondents to Technical Quality and Electronic Resources

respectively. From 2000 to 2010, the percentage of students choosing Technical quality remained

unchanged in the first 5 years, before rising to 69% in 2010. Likewise, the figure for Electronic Resources

was almost double after 10 years, at 89% in 2010, while the figure for Print Resources was still higher

than any other aspects, at 91% in 2010.

Out of the other aspects, starting at 33% in 2000, the percentage of students choosing Range of

modules decreased gradually to just over a quarter of the preferences. Of equal note is that the figure

for Building/ Teaching facilities was similar throughout the period, accounting for 77% of participants to

the survey selecting.

Word count: 208


The table illustrates the proportion of cell phone users using different functions in Vietnam in 2005,

2008 and 2010.

It is clear that making calls was by far the most used function over the period shown. Also, while the

proportion of people using mobile phones to make calls and send & receive text messages and record

audio decreased, the opposite was true for taking photos.

As can be seen from the table, starting at 65% in 2005, the proportion of people using cell phones to

take photos increased slightly to 77% in 2010. In contrast, although well over three quarters of mobile

phone owners made use of record audio in 2005, this function was least popular choice for people in

2010, at only 63%.

Out of the other features, 100% of cell phone users made calls in 2005 and 2008, though this figure then

decreased slightly by 3% in 2010. Of equal note is that Sending and Receiving text messages was the

second common function in 2005, at 82% before decreasing gradually to only 68% in the last year.

Word count: 179


The table illustrates percentages of consumer expenditure on three categories of products and services

in 4 countries in the year 2008.

It is clear that while consumers from 4 countries tended to spend the most money on Fast Food/Drinks,

the opposite was true for leisure activities/education figure in the given period. Also, the most

significant proportion of consumer spending on all items belonged to China

Among the four countries, it can be noted that the expenditure for Fast Food and Drinks was

significantly higher in China than that of the others, at nearly 29%. In the same category, Japan,

Thailand, and Vietnam all spent under 20% of their budget with Vietnam having the smallest percentage

at 15.77%.

Compared to fast food and drinks, consumer spending on Shoes/Watches was noticeably lower in all

countries. To illustrate, with the exception of China which spent the most money (16.23%) on these

products, the expenditures of the other countries on this category were relatively the same and below

6%. In leisure activities and education category, Vietnam had the highest percentage of national

consumer expenditure at 4.35% while the smallest figure belonged to Japan at only 1.98%.

Word count: 192


The table illustrates percentages of companies advertising spending on four various media fields in three

different nations in the year 2005.

It is clear that while the largest proportion of advertising spending in each country went on Television.

On the other hand, the Internet category has the lowest percentages in the table.

Among the three countries, it can be noted that the expenditure for the TV advertisements was highest

in Japan, at 61%, almost doubling that in Australia, at only 31%. Compared to this category, the

proportion of spending on the Newspaper adverts was noticeably lower in all countries with Vietnam

having the most significant percentage, at 29%, and the lowest rate in Japan, at 16%.

Out of the less popular media, Vietnam and Australia had the similar proportions of Radio advertising

expenditure, at 21%, while this figure for Japan was considerably lower, at 14%. In contrast, the figures

for the Internet were significantly lower than any other methods of advertising in each country, at

around 4%.

Word count: 167



The line graph gives information about the average temperature per month in three London, New York

and Sydney, while the table compares the total annual hours of sunshine in these metropolises.

Overall, while both New York and London experience gradual increase in temperature from April to July,

this figure for Sydney decreases steadily over the same period. In addition, New York has the longest hour

of sunshine per year.

As can be seen from the graph, the temperature patterns for London and New York are similar. Average

temperatures in these two cities reach their peaks in July, at roughly 29oC in New York, and about 23oC

in London. In contrast, July is the coldest month in Sydney when the average temperature reaches its

lowest point at approximately 16oC. Average temperatures in the three cities also witness opposite

trends in the final quarter. While the weather tends to be much colder in London and New York from

October to December, the average temperature in Sydney experiences a minimal increase during the

same period.

The figures for New York and Sydney differ slightly, at 2535 and 2473 hours respectively. London, on the

other hand, has a considerably lower average of 1180 hours. This number is even lower than half of the

total annual hours of sunshine in New York.

Word count: 224


The line chart gives information about the average monthly precipitation, while the bar graph illustrates

the average temperature per month in an Eastern Africa area.

In general, it is clear that April is the warmest month, while March experiences the highest average


During the first quarter of a typical year, average temperature quickly rises from 22oC and reaches a

peak at approximately 28oC. This number declines gradually in the following months and reaches its

lowest point at roughly 18oC in July. Then, the weather tends to get warmer as the average temperature

increases considerably to nearly 26oC in October, before falling steadily in the final months.

As can be seen from the bar graph, average rainfall in the first two months are relatively low – slightly

under 20 mm. This figure increases fivefold in March (95 mm) and reaches a peak at about 280 mm in

April. The weather tends to be drier in the following months as the average precipitation drops

remarkably and reaches it bottom at nearly 10 mm in July. Rainfall rises minimally during the third

quarter before experiencing a sixfold increase in October, and then exceeds 150 mm in the next month.

Finally, the average rainfall decreases to 50 mm in December.

Word count: 206


The line graph compares the number of video game copies purchased from 4 game retailers during the

first 4 months of 2014, and the pie chart illustrates the proportion of the 5 best-selling games over the

same period.

In general, Cyberium is the only store that experienced a steady increase in sales, while Bioshock Infinite

was the most popular video game.

The number of game copies sold by both Ubihard and GameStop witnessed steady decreases in 4

months. While Ubihard’s sales decreased from 2800 (January) to slightly above 1300 (April), that of

GameStop dropped from 2600 to 1100 over the same period. Cyberium’s sales, on the other hand,

showed a completely different trend. In January 2014, 1700 game copies were purchased from

Cyberium. This number rose dramatically to 3000 in March and kept increasing in the next month.

Meanwhile, IGN had the lowest sales which remained relatively stable at 1000.

As can be seen from the graph, Bioshock Infinite was the best-selling title, accounting for 30% of the

total sales. It was followed by Pokemon Platinum, whose sales made up 28%. The sales percentage of

Assassin’s Creed Unity and Far Cry 3 are only half of the two leading games, at 15% and 14%,

respectively. Other games occupied 13% of the total sales.

Word count: 211



1. E

2. C

3. D

4. B

5. A

6. H

7. G

8. F


1. C/B

2. H – F

3. A – G

4. E – B/C

5. D – H

6. B/C


The two plans describe a health centre before and after some developments from 2005 to now.

As can be seen from the pictures, the health centre has witnessed dramatic changes both outdoors and

indoors over the given period.

Firstly, a minor operation room has been added to the left-hand side of the physiotherapy room. The

consulting rooms and the office have been made smaller and the former also increased to four in

number. Another notable change is that the entrance has been relocated to the southern side of the

building. This leads to a waiting area, which has been expanded with more seats. The reception desk is

now placed in front of the office and a children’s play area has been added in the corner opposite the


A number of changes also took place outside. The car park has been expanded to a total of 30 parking

spaces. The garden behind the building is decreased in size to make way for this expansion.

Word count: 164


The two maps describe an area before and after some developments from 2005 to now.

As can be seen from the plans, the most notable change taking place in the area is the construction

of a road bridge, which replaces the ferry.

On the northern side of the road bridge, the forest on the left riverside has been cleared to make

way for a large new car park. There is also a small car park which was built on the other side of the

river and this car park can be accessed from the main road via a small path. Many houses and

apartments were constructed around the car park.

To the south of the bridge, more houses were also built along the main road. Apart from these

buildings, there are several changes which are expected to take place by 2018. These developments

include a foot bridge which runs parallel to the main road, a yatch marina and a small car park.

Word count: 162


The map illustrates 2 possible locations for the construction of a new supermarket for the town of


The most striking difference between the two sites is that the first site is in the countryside, while the

second location is roughly in the middle of the town centre.

The first potential location (S1) is outside the town itself, and is 12 km to the south-east of Hindon.

The site is also in close proximity to the main roads and the railway. If the supermarket is built there,

this would provide easy access to shoppers from both Hindon and Garlsdon who could travel either

by car or train.

In contrast, the second suggested location, S2, is right in the town centre and to the north of the

southern industrial zone. The distances from this site to Cransdon and Bransdon are 25km and 16km,

respectively. If the supermarket is constructed there, it could be accessed by road or rail from the

surrounding towns. However, because the central area is a no-traffic zone, cars would be unable to

park and access would be difficult.

Word count: 181



1. during 2. first 3. after that 4. once 5. subsequently

6. been 7. then 8. following 9. followed 10. finally

cleaned by

 Đáp án 3, 5, và 7 có thể đổi cho nhau.


The process illustrates the main stages which take place in the life cycle of a honey bee.

In general, there are four main stages in the development of the honey bee and the completely life cycle

lasts for about 34-36 days.

At the first stage of the process, it can be seen that a typical female honey bee usually lays one or two

eggs every 3 days. After 9 -10 days, these eggs hatch into immature insects called nymphs.

During the third stage of the life cycle, the nymphs grow larger in size and moult for a total of three times

before reaching their adult size. This metamorphosis stage first takes place 5 days after the egg hatches,

then 7 days later, and again another 9 days later. After approximately 30 to 31 days from the start of the

cycle, the young adult honey bee emerges from its final stage, and in the next 4 days it reaches full

maturity. The process then repeats itself when the female honey bees lay their eggs.

Word count: 173


The drawing illustrates the process by which plate glass and bottle glass are manufactured.

In general, the initial stages of glass production are the same for both two kinds of glass.

The first step in making plate glass is to combine sand, soda and limestone in a furnace. These raw

materials are heated at approximately 1700oC until they melt and form molten glass. From the furnace

this mixture flows through piping to a reservoir, at the bottom of which is a valve. The glass comes out of

this valve onto rollers, which perform the function of straightening the glass.

For producing bottles, the liquified glass coming out of the furnace flows into moulds. As the liquid goes

into each mould, compressed air is also introduced, thereby forcing the glass onto the inside walls of the

mould, leaving the rest of it empty. After a cooling process, the mould can be removed and the final

product – the bottle – can be taken out.

Word count: 161


IELTS Writing
Task 2


A. Giới thiệu chung
 Đây là phần thứ 2 của bài thi viết. Phần này yêu cầu thí sinh phải viết 1 bài luận với độ dài ngắn nhất
là 250 từ trong vòng 40 phút.
 Không có giới hạn dài nhất của bài luận.
 Phần này chiếm 2/3 tổng số điểm của bài thi viết.

Lưu ý quan trọng:

 Không được viết tắt.

 Không sử dụng ngôn ngữ quá xuồng xã.
 Không đươc chép lại đề bài.
 Không được đạo văn.
 Nên viết bài luận gồm 4 đoạn văn.
 Hạn chế sử dụng thành ngữ tục ngữ.
 Bài luận viết để cho khán giả không chuyên. Chính vì vậy ngôn ngữ sử dụng trong bài
luận không cần thiết phải quá chuyên sâu như bài luận ở đại học.
 Thí sinh trong hầu hết các trường hợp đều được yêu cầu phải đưa ra ý kiến. Thí sinh
hoàn toàn có thể đưa ra những trải nghiệm bản thân và những ví dụ liên quan để
chứng minh cho luận điểm của mình.
 Chủ đề của kì thi viết IETLS thường về những chủ đề chung chung, không cần thiết
phải sử dụng những kiến thức chuyên ngành. Ví dụ các chủ để có thể bao gồm du lịch,
ăn ở, dịch vụ, sức khỏe và an toàn, giải trí, vấn đề xã hội, vấn đề môi trường …
 Không chép lại cả câu chủ đề. Giám khảo sẽ không tính câu được chép lại là một phần
của bài viết.

Giải thích cách tính điểm

Một bài luận IELTS được chấm dựa vào 4 tiêu chí khác nhau, mỗi tiêu chí có giá trị như nhau khi tính
điểm tổng (25% mỗi tiêu chí)

Để được band điểm cao, một bài essay cần:

 TR: Task Response

 Trả lời hết tất cả các phần của đề bài.

 Có luận điểm rõ ràng.
 Đưa ra những ý và chi tiết liên quan và phát triển đầy đủ.

 CC: Coherence & Cohesion

 Sắp xếp thông tin một cách logic.

 Sử dụng từ nối chính xác và hiệu quả.
 Chia đoạn văn hợp lí.
 Đưa ra một ý trọng tâm trong mỗi đoạn, có sự tiến triển xuyên suốt.

 LR: Lexical Resource

 Sử dụng vốn từ vựng phong phú theo cách tự nhiên để truyền tải thông điệp chính xác.
 Sử dụng những từ ít thông dụng với ít lỗi sai.
 Có ít lỗi sai về chính tả và cấu tạo từ

 GRA: Grammatical Range & Accuracy

 Sử dụng cấu trúc ngữ pháp một cách đa dạng và chính xác
 Có ít lỗi sai về ngữ pháp và dấu câu, không gây ảnh hưởng đến việc đọc hiểu


Ví dụ 1:

The government should support local businesses.

 BƯỚC 1: Thay một số từ trong câu gốc bằng những từ đồng nghĩa.


The government should support local businesses.

The authorities local companies

CHÚ Ý: Nếu không thể thay tất cả các từ và cụm từ trong câu gốc, có thể giữ nguyên chúng.

 BƯỚC 2: Sử dụng những thủ thuật sau

 Passive – Active
 Word forms
 Dummy Subjects
 Definition

 Passive-active

Cấu trúc câu có thể được đổi từ dạng chủ động sang
bị động hoặc ngược lại:

 Local companies should be assisted by the


 Word forms

Dạng từ của nhiều từ trong câu gốc cũng có thể

được thay đổi.

Support (v) support (n)

Or you can change the form of the synonyms of the


The government Help/Aid/Assist (v) Help/Aid/Assistance (n)

should support
 The authorities should provide
local businesses.
support/aid/help/assistance for local

 Dummy subjects

Sử dụng chủ ngữ giả (it, there) để viết lại câu.

 It is necessary/important/vital for the

authorities to provide assistance for local

 Definition

Định nghĩa về một từ hoặc cụm từ cũng có thể được

đưa ra.

The government national leaders

 It is vital for national leaders to provide

assistance for local companies.

Ví dụ 2:

Many people say that exercise is key to health while others believe that a
balanced diet is more important.

 Vế câu đầu tiên: Many people say that exercise is key to health.
 Many people say that It is usually said that
 Exercise: Hãy thử đưa ra một định nghĩa nếu không tìm đươc từ đồng nghĩa của từ: Physical
training or physical activities.
 Key to: Có 2 cách để thay đổi cụm từ này. Đổi dạng từ: “adj to noun” để thành “the key to” hoặc
có thể giải thích nghĩa của cụm từ này “the most important/vital factor/element”.
 Health: Có thể giữ nguyên từ này hoặc đổi dạng danh từ sang tính từ healthy và thêm 1 danh từ
như là body hoặc life.

Câu trên có thể được viết lại như sau:

 It is usually said that physical training is the key to a healthy life.

 Physical training is usually said to be the most vital element in a healthy life.

 Vế câu thứ 2: others believe that a balanced diet is more important.

 Có thể sử dụng chủ ngữ giả (it) để viết lại phần này.
 It is more necessary to have a balanced diet.
 A balanced diet: Đưa ra định nghĩa: a proper eating habit
 It is more necessary to have a proper eating habit.

Câu viết lại hoàn chỉnh:

 Physical training is usually said to be the most vital element in a healthy life while others think it
is more necessary to have a proper eating habit.


Detailed description of crimes on TV is having a bad effect on society, so it should be restricted.

 Nhận dạng các từ và cụm từ có thể thay thế bằng từ đồng nghĩa:

Original words or phrases Synonyms

................................................................... ...................................................................

................................................................... ...................................................................

................................................................... ...................................................................

................................................................... ...................................................................

................................................................... ...................................................................

................................................................... ...................................................................

................................................................... ...................................................................

 Passive - Active:

 ............................................................................................................................................................



 Word forms:

Description (n) .......................... (v)

Crimes (n) .......................... (adj)

Effect (n) .......................... (v)

Restrict (v) .......................... (n)

 ............................................................................................................................................................




 Dummy-subjects (it, there)

It is necessary for ...

 ............................................................................................................................................................




There should be ...

 ............................................................................................................................................................




Câu viết lại hoàn chỉnh:

 ............................................................................................................................................................





1. The world’s most urgent problems can be solved by international collaboration.

 .................................................................................................................................................................



2. The government spends too much money on developing space exploration technology. There are

many other financial needs that the government should address instead.

 .................................................................................................................................................................



3. Some unpaid community services should be a compulsory part of high school programs.

 .................................................................................................................................................................



4. In order to improve educational quality, high school students are encouraged to make comments or

even criticism on their teachers.

 .................................................................................................................................................................



5. Governments should spend money on measures to save languages that are used by few speakers.

 .................................................................................................................................................................



6. In today's world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as

musicians, painters and writers.

 .................................................................................................................................................................



7. Public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and

works of art by using a computer.

 .................................................................................................................................................................



8. Too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds.

 .................................................................................................................................................................



9. Artists should receive funding from the government in order for them to continue with their work.

(*receive provide)

 .................................................................................................................................................................



10. The performance of staff can have significant impact on the success of a company.

 .................................................................................................................................................................



11. Professional workers like doctors, nurses and teachers make a greater contribution to society and

so, should be paid more than sports and entertainment celebrities.

 .................................................................................................................................................................



12. Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of money.

 .................................................................................................................................................................



Một đoạn văn tốt cần có 2 yếu tố sau:

1. Câu mở đoạn:
 Đây là câu đầu tiên của một đoạn.
 Câu mở đoạn khái quát ý chính và nội dung mà người viết muốn triển khai trong đoạn.
 Câu mở đoạn thường ngắn, đơn giản và đi thẳng vào vấn đề.

2. Câu triển khai ý

 Những câu triển khai { được dùng để phân tích và phát triển { đã được đưa ra ở câu mở đoạn.
 Những chi tiết được đưa vào những câu này cần liên quan, logic, và cụ thể.
 There are several things that can be given as details to analyze and develop the idea:
 Một số chi tiết có thể đươc dùng để phân tích và phát triển ý:
 Definition
 Reason & Result
 Example
 Comparison
 Hypothesis
 Fact

 Một đoạn thường có 4 đến 5 câu.

 Một đoạn không cần câu kết bài.

Advertising helps us shop

Definition: Advertising is a form of commercial communication that tells us what is

most suitable for our needs.

Reason & result: The reason is that advertisements on TV and in supermarkets are
the way to give us information about the product we are going to buy. Therefore, we
will know the product better and make wiser decisions.

Example: For example, whenever I want to buy any electric devices, I have to check
their adverts to know the choices I have before making any purchases.

Comparison: In the past, we could not know anything about what we were going to
buy and were more likely to make bad decisions. Meanwhile, in the modern world of
advertising, we are able to know exactly what we need to buy before going to
shopping malls or supermarkets.

Hypothesis: Unless we have advertising to keep us well-informed, we will be more

likely to buy things we do not really need.

Fact: In fact, we can see all kinds of adverts, from flyers to banners, in every shopping
mall and supermarket to give us information about the products that are being sold.

Luyện tập:

Viết 3-4 câu mở rộng câu mở đoạn sau:

1. Advertising helps businesses reach potential customers.

Useful vocabulary

 Target audience: people who are the target of advertising

 Prospective customers: people who are interested and likely to use a company’s products

or services.

 To be well-informed: to be given with a lot of information

Mở rộng đoạn văn .........................................................................................................................................







2. Advertising greatly contributes to the development of any economy.

Useful vocabulary:

 A multibillion-dollar industry: an industry that creates great wealth

 Job opportunities: employment

 To work in publicity: if a person works in publicity, it means that his/her job is to attract

attention from the public.

Mở rộng đoạn văn .........................................................................................................................................







3. Advertising sometimes can be very harmful to people in general.

Useful vocabulary

 Advertising techniques: techniques used to advertise a product

 To make impulsive purchases: to buy something without thinking carefully

 Commercials and promotion videos: adverts and videos that help selling a product

 Sexually explicit advertisements: adverts that deliberately contain erotic content and


Mở rộng đoạn văn .........................................................................................................................................








Cách viết bài sử dụng cấu trúc 4 đoạn văn này có thể áp dụng để viết hầu hết các đề bài luận task
2 của IELTS.
Có một số ngoại lệ khi đề bài yêu cầu cụ thể thí sinh phải viết hơn 2 đoạn thân bài.
Cấu trúc bài luận 4 đoạn:

MỞ BÀI • Giới thiệu chủ đề

• Trả lời câu hỏi/đưa ra định hướng bài viết
2-3 câu

• Đoạn 1
• Câu mở đoạn
THÂN BÀI • Câu triển khai { (giải thích và ví dụ)
• Đoạn 2
2 đoạn • Câu mở đoạn
• Câu triển khai { (giải thích và ví dụ)

• Nhắc lại câu trả lời
1-2 câu





Một mở bài tốt cần làm được 2 nhiệm vụ:

 Giới thiệu chủ đề (1-2 câu)

 Trả lời câu hỏi, đưa ra định hướng cho bài viết (1-2 câu)

Ví dụ:

Chủ đề:

Some people think that video games are advantageous while others believe video games are harmful to

the people who play them.

Yêu cầu:

Discuss both views and give your opinion

Mở bài:

 Cách 1: Some people think that playing video games is beneficial to their users while others say that

video games are more disadvantageous (Giới thiệu chủ đề). I will discuss both sides of this argument

in my essay below and give my personal view in the conclusion (Đưa ra định hướng bài viết).

 Cách 2: Some people think that playing video games is beneficial to their users while others say that

video games are more disadvantageous (Giới thiệu chủ đề). Personally I believe these players can

enjoy a lot of benefits from video games. (Trả lời câu hỏi)

So sánh 2 cách viết mở bài:

Cách 1: Dễ hơn, tiết kiệm thời gian để tập trung vào thân bài, tránh lặp từ lặp ý.

Cách 2: Mất nhiều thời gian hơn, có khả năng sẽ lặp từ lặp ý.

5 hiểu nhầm khi viết mở bài:

 Mở bài phải thú vị mới được điểm cao.

 Viết càng dài càng tốt.

 Chép lại đề bài.

 Thay hết các từ có trong đề bài.

 Trả lời câu hỏi một cách mơ hồ.

Luyện tập

1. Nowadays, there are more and more people who decide to live in cities.

What are the reasons and effects of this?

 ....................................................................................................................................................................




2. Students leave high schools without learning the way to manage their money.

What are the reasons and solutions?

 ....................................................................................................................................................................




3. Some people think it is more important to spend money on roads and motorways than on public

transport systems.

To what extend do you agree or disagree?

 ....................................................................................................................................................................




4. Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available through

the Internet, and they can study just as well at home.

To what extent do agree or disagree?

 ....................................................................................................................................................................





Một đoạn thân bài tốt thường phải thỏa mãn những yếu tố sau:

 Có một ý chủ đạo

 Ý chủ đạo được triển khai bằng những lời giải thích và ví dụ cụ thể.

Ví dụ:


Some people think that video games are advantageous while others believe video games are
harmful to the people who play them.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Đoạn 1:

On the one hand, playing video games has some advantages (Topic sentence). Firstly, games help their

players relax and therefore improve their work efficiency afterwards (Sub-idea 1). This is extremely

important for both working people and students who have to deal with increasing workload nowadays

(Supporting sentence). Secondly, playing games also has some educational purposes (Sub-idea 2). For

example, many modern games are designed with English instructions, and players around the world

can play together and communicate in English. This motivates players to learn English in order to play

the games well (Supporting sentences).

Lưu ý: Không cần thiết phải viết câu kết đoạn.

Đoạn 2:

On the other hand, playing video games frequently causes several problems for players (Topic

sentence). ......................................................................................................................................................







Đoạn mẫu:

On the other hand, playing video games frequently causes several problems for players (Topic

sentence). To begin with, such an activity is really addictive and sometimes takes away too much time,

which will make it extremely difficult for people to get out and do exercise (Sub-idea 1). Consequently,

these people are likely to suffer from a lot of diseases, such as back pain or maybe obesity, due to this

lack of physical exercise (Supporting sentence). The second disadvantage of playing games is that it can

distract players, especially young students, from their study or work (Sub-idea 2). For instance, my

younger brother used to spend hours playing games everyday, and now his scores at school are really

low (Supporting sentence).


Khẳng định lại quan điểm, và có thể tóm tắt các ý chính trong bài TRONG 1-2 CÂU.

Ví dụ:


Some people think that video games are advantageous, while others believe video games are harmful to
the people who play them.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Kết bài:

 In conclusion, playing video games is both advantageous and disadvantageous in many aspects.

And in my view, the extent to which each user of video games is affected is different and more

or less depends on how much time he or she spends on those games.

 In conclusion, it seems to me that the disadvantages of video games are more significant than

the advantages.

Chú ý: Không đề cập đến những gì đề bài không yêu cầu.


Some people think that playing video games is beneficial to their users while others say that video
games are more disadvantageous (Giới thiệu chủ đề). I will discuss both sides of this argument in my
essay below and give my personal view in the conclusion (Đưa ra định hướng bài viết).

On the one hand, playing video games has some advantages (Topic sentence). Firstly, games help their
players relax and therefore improve their work efficiency afterwards (Sub-idea 1). This is extremely
important for both working people and students who have to deal with increasing workload nowadays
(Supporting sentence). Secondly, playing games also has some educational purposes (Sub-idea 2). For
example, many modern games are designed with English instructions, and players around the world can
play together and communicate in English. This motivates players to learn English in order to play the
games well. (Supporting sentences)

On the other hand, playing video games frequently causes several problems for players (Topic
sentence). To begin with, such an activity is really addictive and sometimes takes away too much time,
which will make it extremely difficult for people to get out and do exercise (Sub-idea 1). Consequently,
these people are likely to suffer from a lot of diseases, such as back pain or maybe obesity, due to this
lack of physical exercise (Supporting sentence). The second disadvantage of playing games is that it can
distract players, especially young students, from their study or work (Sub-idea 2). For instance, my
younger brother used to spend hours playing games everyday, and now his scores at school are really
low (Supporting sentence).

In conclusion, playing video games is both advantageous and disadvantageous in many aspects. And in
my view, the extent to which each user of video games is affected is different and more or less depends
on how much time he or she spends on those games. (Đưa ra quan điểm)

282 words



Đề thi viết Task 2 trong kì thi IELTS thường là 1 trong các dạng bài sau:


Đề bài đưa ra 1 quan điểm cá nhân của ai đó về một vấn đề có sẵn và yêu cầu người viết thể hiện ý kiến
của mình về quan điểm kia. Cách đặt câu hỏi: “Do you/To what extent do you agree or disagree with
the statement?”


Đề bài đưa ra 2 quan điểm trái chiều nhau về một vấn đề có sẵn và yêu cầu người viết bàn luận về 2
quan điểm trái chiều đó và đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân của mình. Cách đặt câu hỏi: “Discuss both views
and give your opinion.”

Advantage and disadvantage

Đề bài đưa ra một vấn đề và yêu cầu người viết bàn luận về mặt lợi và hại của vấn đề đó. Cách đặt câu
hỏi: “Is it a positive or negative development?” hoặc “Do the advantages outweigh the

Cause and solution

Đề bài đưa ra 1 vấn đề và yêu cầu người viết đưa ra nguyên nhân và giải pháp hoặc nguyên nhân và
ảnh hưởng của vấn đề đó. Cách đặt câu hỏi: “What are the causes and solutions/effects?”

Direct question

Đề bài đưa ra 1 vấn đề và yêu cầu người viết trả lời 2 câu hỏi liên quan đến vấn đề dó.


Dạng bài Opinion

Đây là một dạng bài phổ biến nhất trong bài thi viết IELTS. Đề bài thường đưa ra 1 hoặc 2 ý kiến

nào đó và yêu cầu người viết cần đưa ra { kiến của mình về những vấn đề đó.

Ví dụ một số đề thuộc dạng Opinion

Topic 1:

Government should invest more money in science education rather than other subjects to develope
the country.
Do you agree or disagree?

Topic 2:

Everyone should stay at school until 18.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Topic 3:

Some people think it is more important to spend money on roads and motorways than on public
transport systems.
To what extend do you agree?

Topic 4:

The best way to reduce youth crimes is to educate their parents with parental skills.
To what extent you agree or disagree?

Ví dụ:

Topic 1:

Government should invest more money in science education rather than other subjects to develope
the country.
Do you agree or disagree?

Bài mẫu

It is said that government funding for education should give preference to science-based subjects over
others, in an attempt to help boost a countries future development and progress. Although an increase
in scientific developments can have many benefits to national progress, this essay disagrees that science
is the primary contributor.

There is no question that the advent of modern science has brought with it a number of
improvements to the way that countries and societies function. For example, increases in electrical and
computer based technologies have led to much more streamlined and efficient workplaces. Computers
and computerized machinery can now do the work of what would have previously been carried out by
humans, allowing greater efficiency and higher productivity output. Another benefit that modern
science has granted is the development of renewable energy. Sources of renewable energy, such as
solar and wind generated power, are beginning to help ease the planet’s reliance on fossil fuels.

That being said, an increase in scientific education and development must not be the main measure of
a country’s progress. It can be seen that the study of many other disciplines of education can also
attribute to a countries progress. Take for example, the Arts and Humanities. Subjects such as History
and Philosophy have allowed us to gain a better understanding of humanity and can help to gain more
insight into how we can move forward as a race. Other subjects such as the Arts, allow societies and
individuals to express themselves creatively through mediums such as music, film and other art forms. It
can be argued that this can also help to improve the quality of people’s lives and therefore help towards
a countries overall development.

In conclusion, although developments in science have led to many beneficial advantages for most
countries, science alone is not the key contributor to a country’s progress. In my opinion, most countries
would benefit greater from a more well-rounded education, with emphasis on all disciplines, not only
that of science.

Phân tích bài mẫu

Bài mẫu áp dụng cấu trúc bài viết 4 đoạn:

 Mở bài:

Giới thiệu chủ đề bằng 1 câu cũng như đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân về ý kiến được nêu lên ở phần đề bài:
“Although an increase in scientific developments can have many benefits to national progress, this
essay disagrees that science is the primary contributor.”

Như vậy người chấm sẽ hình dung được phần thân bài sẽ đề cập đến những ích lợi của việc đầu tư vào
giáo dục khoa học cũng như những lợi ích của việc đầu tư vào những môn khác.

 Thân bài
 Đoạn 1 nói về một số ích lợi của đầu tư vào giáo dục khoa học đối với sự phát triển của xã hội như
là: increase work efficiency và ease our reliance on fossil fuesl.
 Đoạn 2 đề cập đến những khía cạnh khác của giáo dục cũng cống hiến đến sự phát triển của đất
nước, như là: Arts and Humanities.
 Kết bài:

Khẳng định lại rằng giáo dục khoa học đem lại nhiều lợi ích nhưng chính phủ cần quan tâm toàn diện
đến nhiều khía cạnh khác nhau của giáo dục để đất nước có thể phát triển: “In conclusion, although
developments in science have led to many beneficial advantages for most countries, science alone is
not the key contributor to a country’s progress. In my opinion, most countries would benefit greater
from a more well-rounded education, with emphasis on all disciplines, not only that of science.”

Lưu ý: Điều quan trọng nhất khi viết bài luận về dạng đề này đó là quan điểm cá nhân phải được
thể hiện rất rõ xuyên suốt cả bài.

Topic 2:

Everyone should stay at school until 18.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Đại ý

 Những lợi ích mà việc học có thể đem lại nếu học đến năm 18 tuổi là gì?
 Help them develop their education and give them time to think about their future career path.
 Reduce social problems and unemployment rates
 Những bất lợi mà việc học có thể đem lại nếu học đến năm 18 tuổi là gì?
 We should not force all students to remain at school if they don’t want to.
 Some careers don’t require students to remain at school until 18.

Dàn bài

• Giới thiệu chủ đề

• Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân
Mở bài

• Đoạn 1: Lợi ích của việc học đến năm 18 tuổi

• Đoạn 2: Những hạn chế của việc học đến năm 18 tuổi
Thân bài

• Khẳng định lại quan điểm cá nhân

Kết bài

Thực hành:

(Giới thiệu chủ đề) .........................................................................................................................................


Although staying at school until adulthood can produce a number benefits, I personally disagree with

this idea for a number of reasons, which will be outlined in this essay.

On the one hand, the idea that children should continue to study at school until the age of 18 does have

a number of benefits. (Mở rộng đoạn văn)










On the other hand, there are also a number of drawbacks that this idea may bring with it. (Mở rộng

đoạn văn)










In conclusion, (Khẳng định lại quan điểm cá nhân)



Bài mẫu tham khảo

Some people think that all children should stay at school until the age of 18. Although staying at school
until adulthood can produce a number benefits, I personally disagree with this idea for a number of
reasons, which will be outlined in this essay.

On the one hand, the idea that children should continue to study at school until the age of 18 does have
a number of benefits. Firstly, most young people under the age of 18 have very little real-world
experience and have very little idea of what career they will pursue, and therefore staying at school until
the age of 18 will allow them further opportunity to develop their education and time to decide upon a
suitable career path. Furthermore, forcing children to stay at school until 18 will create a more educated
future generation of people, which may help to reduce some social and unemployment problems.

On the other hand, there are also a number of drawbacks that this idea may bring with it. For instance,
many children these days do not fit-in with the current education system and forcing them to
participate in school can cause many problems. For example, these kinds of students are usually very
disruptive in a classroom and this affects other students who are trying to learn. In addition to this,
many children choose to follow careers that do not require them to continue studying in school past the
age of 16. For example, for those who wish to pursue a career that requires more practical based
learning, such as a qualified builder, electrician or machinery operator, it is quite unnecessary to remain
at school until the age of 18.

In conclusion, although there would be a number of positive effects from children remaining at school
until a later age, I personally feel that the drawbacks outweigh the benefits mentioned above.

Lưu ý từ vựng:

 Adulthood (n): Tuổi trưởng thành

 Real-world experience (n): Kinh nghiệm thực tế

 Pursue (v): Theo đuổi

 Allow sb further opportunity: Cho ai có thêm cơ hội

 Reduce some social and unemployment problems: Giảm thiểu những vấn đề xã hội và thất


 Disruptive (adj): Phá quấy

 Practical based learning: Học dựa vào kinh nghiệm thực dụng

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp nổi bật:

 Firstly, most young people under the age of 18 have very little real-world experience and have

very little idea of what career they will pursue, and therefore staying at school until the age of 18

will allow them further opportunity to develop their education and time to decide upon a suitable

career path.

 Furthermore, forcing children to stay at school until 18 will create a more educated future

generation of people, which may help to reduce some social and unemployment problems.

 For example, for those who wish to pursue a career that requires more practical based learning,

such as a qualified builder, electrician or machinery operator, it is quite unnecessary to remain at

school until the age of 18

Topic 3:

Some people think it is more important to spend money on roads and motorways than on public
transport systems.
To what extend do you agree?

Đại ý

 Tầm quan trọng của hệ thống đường xá:



 Tầm quan trọng của hệ thống giao thông công cộng:



Dàn bài

• Giới thiệu chủ đề

• Quan điểm cá nhân
Mở bài

• Đoạn 1: Tầm quan trọng của hệ thống đường xá

• Đoạn 2: Tầm quan trọng của hệ thống giao thông công cộng
Thân bài

• Khẳng định lại quan điểm

Kết bài

Thực hành







































Bài mẫu tham khảo

It is argued that money should be spent on developing roads and motorways rather than on public
transport systems. Personally I think both road and public transport systems have vital roles to play in
modern society, and therefore should be equally invested in.

On the one hand, better road quality increases the level of safety and reduces traffic congestion. In
many cities and provinces in Vietnam for example, the number of road accidents is ever-increasing
because there are a lot of holes on the road’s surface. This is a clear evidence that the government
should spend money improving the quality of road systems in order to ensure the safety of people.
Additionally, building wider roads and more motorways in big cities like Ha Chi Minh, where traffic
congestion is still a major problem, will help to increase road capacity. It means that there will be more
space for a larger number of vehicles, hence reducing pressure on the city’s main roads as well as

On the other hand, better public transport systems are beneficial for the environment and people who
do not have a private vehicle. In fact, some modes of public transport like subways produce less
pollutants than cars and other private vehicles. Therefore, spending money providing people
with access to public transportwill improve air quality and reduce pollution. Furthermore, for those who
do not have a private vehicle, such as motorbike or car, buses and subways are a great choice if they
have to travel every day.

In conclusion, for the reasons above, I believe money should be well-spent on not only road but also
public transport systems.

Lưu ý từ vựng:

 The level of safety: Mức độ an toàn

 Traffic congestion: Tắc đường

 Ensure the safety of people: Đảm bảo an toàn cho mọi người

 Increase road capacity: Tăng trọng tải của đường

 Reduce the pressure on sth: Giảm áp lực lên cái gì đó

 Pollutants (n): Chất gây ô nhiễm

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp nổi bật:

 In many cities and provinces in Vietnam for example, the number of road accidents is ever-

increasing because there are a lot of holes on the road’s surface.

 It means that there will be more space for a larger number of vehicles, hence reducing pressure

on the city’s main roads as well as congestion.

 Furthermore, for those who do not have a private vehicle, such as motorbike or car, buses and

subways are a great choice if they have to travel every day.

Topic 4:

The best way to reduce youth crimes is to educate their parents with parental skills.
To what extent you agree or disagree?

Gợi ý: Tất cả các đề mà đưa ra những quan điểm như “cái gì là tốt nhất” thì có thể không đồng ý
và viết đoạn thân bài cân bằng. Nghĩa là 1 đoạn thân bài dùng để trình bài tại sao điều đó là tốt/không
tốt và 1 đoạn thân bài còn lại dùng để trình bày những biện pháp khác tốt hơn.

Đại ý

 Tại sao kĩ năng nuôi dạy con cái lại là một biện pháp tốt?



 Còn những biện pháp nào khác tốt hơn?



Dàn ý

•Giới thiệu chủ đề

•Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân
Mở bài

•Đoạn 1: Tại sao kĩ năng nuôi dạy con cái là một biện pháp tốt
•Đoạn 2: Những biện pháp khác tốt hơn
Thân bài

•Khẳng định lại quan điểm

Kết bài

Thực hành








































Bài mẫu tham khảo

It is true that more and more young people are getting involved in crimes, and how to best address this
critical issue is an ongoing debate. There are many ways to prevent youth crimes, one of which is better
parenting skills; however, those ways need to be carried out simultaneously if they are to be effective.

On the one hand, parents are the closest people to their children and more likely to have an impact on
their children’s behaviour. In fact, a vast number of youth crimes nowadays are the result of
inappropriate childrearing, lack of childcare and education about crime alike. Therefore, it is totally
reasonable to say that improving parenting skills will promise a decrease in juvenile offences.

However, education at home alone is not enough since there are a lot of kids who are not willing to
listen to their parents. And children in this day and age spend the largest amount of time at school, and
therefore are more likely to be influenced by their teachers or friends. For example, in my home country
Vietnam, many high school students are susceptible to negative peer pressure. This usually leads to the
increasing use of alcohol or drugs, all of which are primary contributors to crimes at this age. These facts
suggest that we should introduce education about the consequences one may face when committing an
offence in the school curriculum as well as help children manage negative peer pressure.

In conclusion, enhancing skills to educate children at home is a good way to curb juvenile
delinquencies; but I think there is no one best way to do this as different measures need to be taken at
the same time.

Lưu ý từ vựng:

 Get involved in crimes: Dính líu đến tội phạm

 Have an impact on children’s behavior: Có ảnh hưởng đến cách cư xử của trẻ em

 Inappropriate childrearing: Cách nuôi dạy con cái không hợp lý

 Juvenile offences: Tội phạm vị thành niên

 Susceptible to negative peer pressure: Dễ bị ảnh hưởng xấu từ bạn bè

 Commit an offence: Phạm tội

 Manage negative peer pressure: Kiểm soát ảnh hưởng xấu từ bạn bè

 Curb juvenile delinquencies: Giảm thiểu tội phạm vị thành niên

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp nổi bật:

 In fact, a vast number of youth crimes nowadays are the result of inappropriate childrearing, lack

of childcare and education about crime alike.

 And children in this day and age spend the largest amount of time at school, and therefore are

more likely to be influenced by their teachers or friends.

 This usually leads to the increasing use of alcohol or drugs, all of which are primary contributors

to crimes at this age.

Đề tự luyện

Topic 1: Nowadays young people spend too much of their free time in shopping malls. This has negative
effects on themselves and the society they live in.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Topic 2: It is better for college students to live in schools than live at home with their parents.

Do you agree or disagree?

Topic 3: The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuels. Do
you agree or disagree?

Topic 4: Solving environmental problems should be the responsibility of international organization

rather than each national government.

Do you agree or disagree?

Topic 5: Writing, reading and maths are the three recognized traditional subjects. Computer skill should
also be the fourth largest branch.

Do you agree or disagree?

Topic 6: There have been many inventions in human history (example: the wheel). Some people think
the most important thing is the internet.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Topic 7: Many people believe that the news media have become influential on people's lives.


Dạng bài Discussion

Dạng bài này luôn luôn đưa ra 2 quan điểm trái chiều nhau về 1 vấn đề và yêu cầu người viết phải
bàn luận 2 quan điểm đó và đưa ra { kiến cá nhân của mình

Một số ví dụ về dạng bài này:

Topic 1:

Some people think international car-free days are an effective way of reducing air pollution; however,
others think there are some other ways.

Discuss both views and give your opinion

Topic 2:

Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas
others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children.

Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.

Topic 3:

Some people are born to be leaders, while others believe leadership can be learnt.

Discuss both views and give opinion

Ví dụ:

Topic 1:

Some people think international car-free days are an effective way of reducing air pollution; however,
others think there are some other ways.

Discuss both views and give your opinion

Bài mẫu

While international car-free days are thought to effectively reduce the level of air pollution, some other
people believe there are alternatives that are also effective. I will discuss both of these views in my
essay below.

On the one hand, it is true that exhaust fumes from cars are majorly responsible for polluting the air as
they contain a relatively high proportion of pollutants such as CO2. By having some days without cars on
the road, no harmful smoke will be released into the atmosphere, and this will therefore improve air
quality. This policy is extremely effective in big cities around the world. Take Beijing, the city known for
its dirty air and its atmosphere covered with smog, for example. Since this car-free policy was strictly
operated, the air quality of the city has greatly improved.

On the other hand, local governments should encourage the use of public tranport like subways because
it produces a smaller quantity of pollutants and is less likely to damage the air. Also, the disposal of
waste, especially plastic waste that emits toxic fumes if burned carelessly, at landfills should be closely
monitored. The final and the most effective way is to use sustainable and environmentally energy
sources, for example solar or wind power, to replace fossil fuels in the long term.

In my view, those measures are all effective in addressing the problem of air pollution, but only to a
certain extent. Such a problem needs to be dealt with by different approaches and I always feel that if
there is only one way being implemented, it will not be enough.

Phân tích bài mẫu

Đề bài gồm có 2 yêu cầu:

 1: Discuss both views (Bàn luận 2 quan điểm: một là “Ngày không lái ô tô là biện pháp rất hiệu

quả để giảm thiểu ô nhiễm không khí” và hai là “Còn nhiều biện pháp khác”)

 2: Give your opinion (Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân, cá nhân mình cảm thấy ngày không lái ô tô hiệu

quả, hay những biện pháp khác hiệu quả hơn, hay { kiến của mình về việc giảm thiểu ô nhiễm

không khí là gì)

Như vậy cấu trúc của bài viết sẽ là:

•Giới thiệu chủ đề

•Định hướng người đọc những gì sẽ đươc bàn luận ở thân bài
Mở bài

•Đoạn 1: Bàn luận về quan điểm ngày không lái ô tô sẽ tốt cho bầu không khí.
•Đoạn 2: Bàn luận về một số biện pháp khác để cải thiện tình hình ô nhiễm
không khí.
Thân bài

•Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân rằng tất cả các biện pháp cần được thực hiện
cùng lúc để có thể đem lại kết quả tốt nhất.
Kết bài

Lưu ý: 2 Đoạn thân bài thường được mở đầu bằng cặp từ nối quen thuộc “On the one hand” và
“On the other hand”.

Topic 2:

Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas
others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children.

Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.

Đại ý

 Tại sao nhiều người lại nghĩ tiền thuế nên được tiêu vào chăm sóc sức khỏe?
 Ensure the safety of people
 Do research on finding new cures for diseases
 Tại sao nhiều người khác lại nghĩ có những mối ưu tiên khác cần đươc đầu tư?
 Education is important
 Technology is also important

Dàn ý

• Giới thiệu chủ đề

• Định hướng người đọc những gì sẽ đươc bàn luận ở thân bài
Mở bài

• Đoạn 1: Bàn luận về quan điểm tiền thuế nên dành vào chăm sóc
sức khỏe
• Đoạn 2: Bàn luận về một số mối ưu tiên khác
Thân bài

• Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân rằng tất cả các khía cạnh đều quan
trọng và cần đươc đầu tư như nhau.
Kết bài

Thực hành

(Giới thiệu chủ đề)



Both sides of this argument will be discussed in my essay below.

On the one hand, healthcare is essential for the well-being of people in a country as a whole. (Mở rộng

đoạn văn)









On the other hand, other sectors such as education and technology are also factored in boosting the

nationwide economy. (Mở rộng đoạn văn)









In conclusion, (Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân)



Bài mẫu tham khảo

Many people suggest governments should allocate their budget from taxes to healthcare services while
others believe some other important fields should be more well-funded. Both sides of this argument will
be discussed in my essay below.

On the one hand, healthcare is essential for the well-being of people in a country as a whole. In fact,
greater governments' funding in improving medical utilities would ensure the safety of the citizens of
that country in the event of traffic accidents or natural calamities. Furthermore, the threat from fatal
contagions, Ebola for example, puts a huge strain on medical systems. An enormous amount of state
money, therefore, is required for establishing research as well as experiment facilities to find new cures
for those diseases.

On the other hand, other sectors such as education and technology are also factored in boosting the
nationwide economy. Firstly, education is the key to having a better future generation. With more state
money for classroom modernization and teacher training, public schools and institutions can provide
practical knowledge to young people who will contribute back to the development of their country.
Secondly, governments should focus their investments on technological innovation as well. It is
apparent that modern technology is indispensable in this industrialized world since human labor is
incomparable with that of machinery in terms of efficiency. Thus, an emphasis should be placed on this
area to benefit the overall growth of the economy.

In conclusion, I would argue that not only healthcare but also other determinants like education and
technology should simultaneously receive the same government’s financial support.

Lưu ý từ vựng:

 The well-being of people: Sự ấm no của mọi người

 Natural calamities: Thiên tai

 Fatal contagions: Bệnh lây nhiễm chết người

 Put a huge strain on medical systems: Đặt gánh nặng lớn lên hệ thống y tế

 Contribute back to the development of their country: Cống hiến cho sự phát triển của cộng đồng

 Technological innovation: Tiến bộ công nghệ

 Financial support: Hỗ trợ tài chính

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp nổi bật:

 In fact, greater governments' funding in improving medical utilities would ensure the safety of the

citizens of that country in the event of traffic accidents or natural calamities.

 With more state money for classroom modernization and teacher training, public schools and

institutions can provide practical knowledge to young people who will contribute back to the

development of their country.

 It is apparent that modern technology is indispensable in this industrialized world since human

labor is incomparable with that of machinery in terms of efficiency.

Topic 3:

Some people are born to be leaders, while others believe leadership can be learnt.

Discuss both views and give opinion

Đại ý

 Tại sao nhiều người lại nghĩ kĩ năng lãnh đạo là bẩm sinh?



 Tại sao những người khác lại nghĩ kĩ năng lãnh đạo có thể học được?



Dàn ý

• Giới thiệu chủ đề

• Định hướng bài viết
Mở bài

• Đoạn 1: Bàn luận tại sao nhiều người lại nghĩ kĩ năng lãnh đạo là bẩm
• Đoạn 2: Bàn luận tại sao những người khác lại nghĩ kỹ năng lãnh đạo
Thân bài có thể học được

• Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân

Kết bài

Thực hành







































Bài mẫu tham khảo

Some people think that great leaders are born and not made. Others, however, feel that leadership skills
are developed over time through training, experience and mentoring. In my opinion, good leadership
is a combination of both natural abilities and persistent practice.

Those who feel that leadership is a characteristic that some people are born with might argue that good
leaders possess optimism and energy that will encourage others to work together effectively. In fact,
some studies have shown that these characteristics are genetic, as are certain individual talents that one
may be blessed with at birth. Furthermore, people such as Barack Obama, have certain charisma that
allows them to inspire passion and energy in others, and this particular trait is also believed to be

Nevertheless, many people consider leadership a skill that can be learnt. There are other elements that
make someone a great leader, such as discipline and resourcefulness, which can definitely be
developed through one’s childhood. Furthermore, the credibility of a true leader is built on his self-
confidence and mastery of his area of expertise which only emerge after a great deal of time and
experience. Without these qualities, a leader’s capability may be questioned, and as a result, people are
unlikely to heed the leader’s direction.

Personally, I think the skills and attributes of a good leader are both genetic and enhanced through
training, experience and a lot of persistent hard work. There are many people born without natural
leadership skills that can still become good leaders in the future.

Lưu ý từ vựng:

 A combination of both natural abilities and persistent practice: Sự kết hợp của khả năng bẩm

sinh và luyện tập không ngừng nghỉ

 Optimism (n): Sự lạc quan

 Charisma (n): Sức hút

 Inspire passion and energy in others: Truyền đam mê và năng lượng cho người khác

 Discipline and resourcefulness: Tính kỷ luật và sự tháo vát

 Heed the leader’s direction: Nghe theo sự chỉ dẫn của lãnh đạo

Cấu trúc câu nổi bật:

 Those who feel that leadership is a characteristic that some people are born with might argue that

good leaders possess optimism and energy that will encourage others to work together


 Furthermore, people such as Barack Obama, have certain charisma that allows them to inspire

passion and energy in others, and this particular trait is also believed to be innate.

 There are other elements that make someone a great leader, such as discipline and

resourcefulness, which can definitely be developed through one’s childhood.

 Furthermore, the credibility of a true leader is built on his self-confidence and mastery of his area

of expertise which only emerge after a great deal of time and experience.

Đề tự luyện

Topic 1: Some people think that developing countries need financial help from international
organizations. Others think that it is practical aid and advice that is needed.

Discuss these views and give your own opinion.

Topic 2: Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people
should have freedom to do any sports or activity.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Topic 3: Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a
positive development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities as a

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Topic 4: Some people believe government should spend money on building train and subway lines to
reduce traffic congestion. Others think that building more and wider roads is the better way to reduce
traffic congestion.

Discuss both views and give your opinion

Topic 5: Some people think that young people can learn useful skills by playing electronic and computer
games. Others argue that people who play electronic and computer games are wasting their time.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Topic 6: In developing countries, children in rural communities have less access to education. Some
people believe that the problem can be solved by providing more schools and teachers, while others
think that the problem can be solved by providing computers and Internet access.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Topic 7: Some believe that it is good for a country’s culture to import films and TV programmes, while
others think it is better for a country to have their own films and TV programmes.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion


Dạng bài Advantage or


Đây là dạng bài yêu cầu thí sinh bàn luận về mặt lợi và bất lợi của một vấn đề cho sẵn.

Một số ví dụ về dạng bài này:

Topic 1:

Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Topic 2:

Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language.

Do you think this is a positive or negative social development?

Topic 3:

It is becoming increasingly popular to have a year off between finishing school and going to university.

Do the advantages of having a year off outweigh the disadvantages?

Topic 4:

Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, are replacing face-to-face contact in this century.

Do you think the advantages of this way outweigh the disadvantages?

Cấu trúc bài viết

Dạng bài này có 2 cách hỏi:

1. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

2. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Với cả 2 cách hỏi này, bài viết đều có cấu trúc như nhau:

• Giới thiệu chủ đề

• Đưa ra { kiến cá nhân (Vấn đề này lợi nhiều hơn hay hại nhiều hơn)
Mở bài

• Đoạn 1: Mặt lợi

• Đoạn 2: Mặt hại
Thân bài

• Khẳng định lại { kiến cá nhân

Kết bài

Lưu ý: Việc đưa quan điểm cá nhân lợi nhiều hơn hại KHÔNG có nghĩa là người viết buộc phải
viết về lợi với nhiều { hơn. Bài viết hoàn toàn có thể cân bằng số lượng ý giữa lợi và hại mà không ảnh
hưởng đến ý kiến của người viết.

Ví dụ:

Topic 1:

Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Bài mẫu

Distance learning through an online platform is provided for students as an option to replace traditional
classroom at many universities. In my view, such a development, although detrimental at some point,
could be seen as an essential step forward.

On the one hand, this way of learning remotely without being in regular face-to-face contact with
teachers in the classroom is negative from two aspects. First, online students cannot develop
comprehensively like the way other students who attend classes at school do. During online courses,
students can barely make friends or even compete with their peers. This is often linked to the fact that
those learners seem to undervalue the significance of interaction and rivalry with classmates in an
educational environment which, actually, are great stimuli for scholastic success. Second, participants
of online learning programs tend to procrastinate and poorly allot appropriate amounts of time to
complete assignments. This form of studying requires tremendous self-discipline as well as organization
and time management skills while students usually struggle with balancing their coursework other
priorities and easily get demotivated without direct guidance from instructors.

On the other hand, online learning proves to be a great alternative although traditional universities are
still widely considered as the best way to acquire knowledge and a diploma. Access to all resources of a
traditional course is offered, which empowers learners to freely choose a wide range of different
subjects, from science to economics. Furthermore, lower costs and the widespread presence of the
Internet allow unlimited numbers of participants regardless of not only their financial background but
also current living places. For example, Coursera is a website that offers a variety of courses at
reasonable prices and presents legal degrees for participants upon completion of each course.

In conclusion, though there are some drawbacks of courses delivered on websites, I believe this online
studying method is revolutionary in contemporary tertiary education systems.

Phân tích bài mẫu

Chủ đề của bài viết là về những mặt lợi và hại của những khóa học trực tuyến ở các trường đại

 Mở bài:

Giới thiệu chủ đề và đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân: “In my view, such a development, although
detrimental at some point, could be seen as an essential step forward.”

 Thân bài:

Đoạn 1: Đưa ra 2 mặt hại của học trực tuyến: “No interaction and sense of rivalry” và “students tend to

Đoạn 2: Đưa ra 2 mặt lợi của học trực tuyến: “A wider range of subjects available” và “lower costs”

 Kết bài:

Khẳng định lại quan điểm cá nhân: “In conclusion, though there are some drawbacks of courses
delivered on websites, I believe this online studying method is revolutionary in contemporary tertiary
education systems.”

Lưu ý: Cặp từ nối “On the one hand” và “On the other hand” thường đươc sử dụng để bắt đầu 2
đoạn văn thân bài.

Topic 2:

Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language.

Do you think this is a positive or negative social development?

Đại ý

 Mặt lợi của việc tất cả mọi người trên thế giới đều nói cùng một ngôn ngữ:



 Mặt hại của việc tất cả mọi người trên thế giới đều nói cùng một ngôn ngữ:



Dàn ý

• Giới thiệu chủ đề

• Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân
Mở bài

• Đoạn 1: Mặt lợi của việc tất cả mọi người trên thế giới đều nói cùng
một ngôn ngữ.
• Đoạn 2: Mặt hại của việc tất cả mọi người trên thế giới đều nói cùng
Thân bài một ngôn ngữ.

• Khẳng định lại quan điểm

Kết bài

Thực hành







































Bài mẫu tham khảo

There are thousands of languages being spoken in many regions around the globe. However, perhaps in
a foreseeable future, only one common language will exist as a means of communication in the human
world. In my opinion, this development, despite being the facilitation of international communication,
is a detriment to our diversity as a species.

If we all spoke the same language, it would be the bridge to harmony and understanding between
different cultures and countries. It would eliminate the key hurdle that keeps a group of people away
from others because we all have a sense of familiarity in language. We can therefore comprehend more
profoundly different cultures that used to be somewhat misinterpreted due to a linguistic barrier.

Nevertheless, if there were one common language, a part of a country’s core identity would be
sacrificed. Language not only is the way people living in the same society communicate but
also symbolizes their origins and defining characters. Vietnamese people, for example, have been
known for their heroism and patriotism through words of their anthems. Or everyone thinks of France
as a land of romance because French is a language of love. Cultural diversity and historical values would
also be put at stake as a consequence of this trend. Dialects in any part of a country carries unique
stories and lessons of the past which are closely linked to religions, beliefs, and lifestyles. And a world
that uses only one language would be the ground for the likely sad disappearance of those precious
aspects of life.

In conclusion, I feel this global linguistic change is a major threat to human identity, culture and history
although, to some point, it does help ease language barriers.

Lưu ý từ vựng:

 A means of communication: Phương tiện giao tiếp

 The facilitation of international communication: Sự thúc đẩy giao tiếp toàn cầu

 The bridge to harmony and understanding between different cultures and countries: Cầu nối

đến sự hòa hợp và thấu hiểu giữa những nền văn hóa và quốc gia khác nhau

 A country’s core identity: Bản sắc cối lõi của một quốc gia

 Symbolize their origin and defining characters: Tượng trưng cho cội nguồn và những nét tính

cách của họ

 Heroism and patriotism: Chủ nghĩa anh hùng và lòng yêu nước

 Cultural diversity and historical values: Đa dạng văn hóa và giá trị lịch sử

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp nổi bật:

 It would eliminate the key hurdle that keeps a group of people away from others because we all

have a sense of familiarity in language.

 Language not only is the way people living in the same society communicate but also symbolizes

their origins and defining characters.

 Dialects in any part of a country carries unique stories and lessons of the past which are closely

linked to religions, beliefs, and lifestyles.

Topic 3:

It is becoming increasingly popular to have a year off between finishing school and going to university.

Do the advantages of having a year off outweigh the disadvantages?

Bài mẫu

Taking a gap year before attending college has recently gained enormous popularity amongst high
school graduates. Although the benefits of this are varied, the drawbacks, in my opinion, should be
paid more attention to.

On the one hand, having a year off after high school graduation is advantageous in some certain aspects.
First, students can use this period of time to travel to acquire knowledge of various fields such as foreign
languages and cultures. This would be more difficult during their years at university owing to their
intense study schedules. Second, many high school graduates benefit from taking a temporary job
before starting their college life. Due to the inadequate provision of career orientation in high school,
sparing another 12 months looking for a job or signing up for a vocational course is considered a
solution for students to figure out their future path.

On the other hand, the disadvantages of a gap year before college are more significant. Initially,
compared to the students having a year off, those who go straight to university after high school are
more likely to have a permanent job early. They finish their academic studies one year in advance,
hence better opportunities to get a job with stable incomes. More importantly, high school seniors
might lose their study habits as well as discipline. In other words, one year spent on travelling or
working can demotivate them from following tertiary education.

In conclusion, despite some benefits mentioned above, I believe taking a year off before college might
both prevent students’ occupational opportunities and result in study discouragement.

Phân tích bài mẫu

Với đề bài có câu hỏi “Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” thì cách cấu trúc bài viết
và cách viết cũng giống nhau.

 Mở bài:

Giới thiệu chủ đề và đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân: “Although the benefits of this are varied, the
drawbacks, in my opinion, should be paid more attention to.”

 Thân bài:
 Đoạn 1: Đưa ra 2 lợi ích của việc nghỉ một năm trước khi vào đại học: “Travelling” và “Having a
temporary job”
 Đoạn 2: Đưa ra 2 bất lợi của việc nghỉ một năm trước khi vào đại học: “Study discouragement” và
“Not likely to have a permanent job early”
 Kết bài:

Khẳng định lại quan điểm cá nhân: “In conclusion, despite some benefits mentioned above, I believe
taking a year off before college might both prevent students’ occupational opportunities and result in
study discouragement.”

Lưu ý: Một số cụm từ thay cho:

 Advantages and disadvantages: Benefits and drawbacks/Positive and negative aspects

 Outweigh: to be more significant

Topic 4:

Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, are replacing face-to-face contact in this century.

Do you think the advantages of this way outweigh the disadvantages?

Đại ý

 Mặt lợi của “International travel”:



 Mặt hại của “International travel”:



Dàn bài

• Giới thiệu chủ đề

• Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân
Mở bài

• Đoạn 1: Những mặt lợi của "International travel"

• Đoạn 2: Những mặt hại của "International travel"
Thân bài

• Khẳng định lại quan điểm cá nhân

Kết bài

Thực hành








































Bài mẫu tham khảo

Travelling abroad certainly exerts several positive influences on tourists as well as the host country.

Although there are still drawbacks of international travel, I think its values are more significant.

On the one hand, the downsides of welcoming foreign visitors are varied. Regarding tourists themselves,

travel expenses in famous tourist destinations, Venice for example, are expensive, and there are many

complicated and tedious prerequisite procedures such as visa application or plane ticket reservation. As

for the countries that play host to international tourists, the rise in costs of living may lay much pressure

on local people and be a detriment to domestic travel. This is because the growth in the number of

tourists from abroad would encourage costs of hotel rooms and other services to increase. People in

the neighborhood and domestic visitors would suffer in comparison.

On the other hand, I suppose the benefits of international travel would eclipse those analyzed

disadvantages. First, travelers can have numbers of fascinating experiences of exotic cuisine and

culture, and they get to see places they have not seen before. A typical example of this is when tourists

from other countries come to Vietnam, they would have the opportunity to use chopsticks, enjoy

traditional meals and go sightseeing in the countryside. Second, the increased number of foreign people

coming to visit another country would evidently enhance tourism industries, contributing greatly to the

wealth of that country. If tourists enjoy their trips, they will recommend the destination to their friends

or perhaps they will come back in the future.

In conclusion, it appears to me that the merits of international tourism are more notable than its


Lưu ý từ vựng:

 Travel expenses: Chi phí du lịch

 Famous tourist destinations: Điểm đến du lịch nổi tiếng

 Complicated and tedious prerequisite procedures: Công đoạn bắt buộc nhàm chán và phức tạp

 Lay much pressure on local people: Đặt nhiều áp lực lên người dân trong vùng

 A detriment to domestic travel: Ngăn cản du lịch trong nước

 Costs of hotel rooms and other services: Giá cả của phòng khách sạn và những loại dịch vụ khác

 Numbers of fascinating experiences of exotic cuisine and culture: Nhiều trải nghiệm thú vị về

thực phẩm và văn hóa xa lạ

 Enhance tourism industries: Phát triển ngành du lịch

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp nổi bật:

 Regarding tourists themselves, travel expenses in famous tourist destinations, Venice for

example, are expensive, and there are many complicated and tedious prerequisite procedures

such as visa application or plane ticket reservation.

 This is because the growth in the number of tourists from abroad would encourage costs of hotel

rooms and other services to increase.

 A typical example of this is when tourists from other countries come to Vietnam, they would have

the opportunity to use chopsticks, enjoy traditional meals and go sightseeing in the countryside.

 If tourists enjoy their trips, they will recommend the destination to their friends or perhaps they

will come back in the future.

Đề tự luyện

Topic 1: Space travel has been possible for some time and some people believe that space tourism could
be developed in the future.

Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Topic 2: Scientists predict in the near future cars will be driven by computers, not people.

Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Topic 3: Today, anybody can use a mobile phone to answer the work and personal calls at any time or 7
days a week.

Does this development have more positive or negative effects on both individuals and society?

Topic 4: The increase in people’s life expectancy means that they have to work older to pay for their
retirement. One alternative is that people start to work at a younger age.

Is this alternative a positive or negative development?

Topic 5: People in community now could buy cheaper consumer goods.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Topic 6: It is suggested that everyone should have a car, a TV and a fridge.

Do the advantages of this development for society outweigh the disadvantages?


Dạng bài Cause and Solution

Đây là dạng bài mà chủ đề sẽ đưa ra một vấn đề xã hội và yêu cầu thí sinh phân tích nguyên nhân

và giải pháp hoặc nguyên nhân và tác động của vấn đề đó.

Một số ví dụ về dạng bài:

Topic 1:

Students leave high school without learning how to manage their money.

What are the reasons and solutions for this issue?

Topic 2:

People in many countries are spending less time with their family.

What are the reasons, and effects of this?

Topic 3:

It is difficult for people in the cities to get enough physical exercise.

What are the causes and solutions?

Cấu trúc bài viết

Với các bài “Cause and Solution” thì cách viết khá đơn giản. Đoạn thân bài cần bàn luận 2 nguyên
nhân của vấn đề và 2 tác động hoặc 2 giải pháp cho vấn đề được nêu ở đề bài.

Cấu trúc bài viết:

• Giới thiệu chủ đề

• Định hướng bài viết
Mở bài

• Đoạn 1: Đưa ra 2 nguyên nhân của vấn đề được nêu lên ở đề bài
• Đoạn 2: Đưa ra 2 tác động hoặc 2 giải pháp cho vấn đề được nêu lên ở
Thân bài đề bài

• Tóm tắt lại các { chính của bài viết

Kết bài

Lưu ý: Không nên đưa dàn { chung của toàn bài viết ở phần mở bài vì như vậy sẽ dễ bị lặp từ lặp
ý ở các phần sau.

Người viết có thể sử dụng những câu mang { nghĩa chung và định hướng nội dung bài viết như: “This
essay will outline a number of reasons for this trend and a number of possible solutions to help tackle
the issue.”

Ví dụ:

Topic 1:

Students leave high school without learning how to manage their money.

What are the reasons and solutions for this issue?

Bài mẫu

There is a common problem amongst high school graduates these days where students are leaving
school without any knowledge or skills in personal money management. This essay will outline a
number of reasons for this trend and a number of possible solutions to help tackle the issue.

One of the main causes of this problem is that the majority of high school students live with their
parents and are completely financially dependent upon them. Most students do not need to work to
earn money while at high school, as their parents pay for all their needs, and therefore do not gain any
understanding of the realities of earning and saving money. Also, the only money that students receive
is from their parents and this is typically in the form of pocket-money, which is given with the intent on
it being spent. Therefore, young people only really learn how to spend money, and not how to earn,
save or manage it wisely.

However, there are a number of viable solutions to help students deal with this problem. Firstly, basic
money management skills could be included as a compulsory subject for students in their high school
years, which would help equip them with the knowledge and skills to manage their own personal
finances when they leave school, move out of home and enter employment. The second possible step
that could be taken to help curb this problem is through education at home. Parents need to take
responsibility to make sure that their children are adequately educated in such matters to ensure their
children maintain a successful and independent financial situation after graduating and leaving home.

In conclusion, although money management is a problem for a lot of school leavers, there are a number
of viable solutions to counteract this problem.

Phân tích bài mẫu:

 Mở bài:

Giới thiệu chủ đề và định hướng nội dung bài viết: “This essay will outline a number of reasons for this

trend and a number of possible solutions to help tackle the issue.”

Lưu ý: câu định hướng bài viết có thể dùng với tất cả các chủ đề với cùng dạng bài này.

 Thân bài:

 Đoạn 1: Bàn luận về 2 nguyên nhân dẫn đến việc học sinh cấp 3 ra trường nhưng không biết cách

kiếm soát tài chính: “Dependent on parents” và “Receive money in the form of pocket money”

 Đoạn 2: Bàn luận về 2 giải pháp giúp cải thiện tình hình: “Improve education at home and at


 Kết bài:

Tóm tắt lại đại ý toàn bài viết: “In conclusion, although money management is a problem for a lot of

school leavers, there are a number of viable solutions to counteract this problem.”

Lưu ý: Khi đưa ra 2 giải pháp thì cần đưa 2 giải pháp giải quyết 2 nguyên nhân đã được nêu đến

trong bài để đảm bảo tính mạch lạc và thống nhất của bài viết.

Gợi ý các giải pháp:

Trong nhiều trường hợp, thí sinh có thể ứng dụng những giải pháp đến từ chính phủ như sau:

 Ban hành luật lệ mới: “To introduce/implement/pass new regulations or policies” hoặc “to

enforce the law”.

 Cấm điều gì: “To introduce a ban/prohibition on sth”

 Đưa ra những hình phạt mới: “to introduce new punishments” (finance or imprisonment)

 Tăng thuế: “to increase taxes hoặc to impose taxes on sth”

 Đầu tư: “To invest money in”

 Chạy các chiến dịch tuyên truyền: “To run propagation campaigns to raise social awareness.”

 Khuyến khích người dân làm gì: “To encourage people to do sth”

Ví dụ chủ đề bảo vệ môi trường:

 The Government should introduce new regulations that monitor the dumping of toxic waste into

the ocean.

 There should be a ban on the use of cars in cities in order to keep the air clean.

 New punishments for poachers should be implemented immediately.

 The Government should impose heavier taxes on factories that release exhaust that harms the


 More state money should be invested in the protection of forests.

 The Government should run more propagation campaign on mass media to raise social

awareness of the importance of protecting the environment.

 The Government should encourage people to use public transport that is environmentally


Topic 2:

People in many countries are spending less time with their family.

What are the reasons, and effects of this?

Đại ý

 Nguyên nhân tại sao bây giờ người ta dành ít thời gian với gia đình?



 Tác động của điều này là gì?



Dàn ý

• Giới thiệu chủ đề

• Định hướng bài viết
Mở bài

• Đoạn 1: 2 nguyên nhân tại sao bây giờ người ta dành ít thời gian với
gia đình
• Đoạn 2: 2 tác động của việc bây giờ người ta dành ít thời gian với gia
Thân bài đình

• Tóm tắt đại { toàn bài viết

Kết bài

Thực hành

(Giới thiệu chủ đề)



My essay will outline a number of reasons for this trend and a number of its associated effects.

One of the main reasons is that adults are too occupied with their work and social relationships. (Mở
rộng đoạn văn)








There are several impacts from this trend, and they all tend to be detrimental. (Mở rộng đoạn văn)








In conclusion, (Tóm tắt đại ý toàn bài)



Bài mẫu tham khảo

In many parts of the world nowadays, family members are spending less time together. My essay will
outline a number of reasons for this trend and a number of its associated effects.

One of the main reasons is that adults are too occupied with their work and social relationships. In
countries like Japan where people spend the major proportion of their life working, many adults tend
to stay at work until late evening and hardly have enough time to have dinner or to watch TV with other
family members. Meanwhile, young children in this day and age are under great pressure from study;
and children typically in Asian countries usually spend 10 hours a day and 6 days a week at school, not to
mention extra classes in the evening. The amount of everyday homework those children have to do is
also excessive, and therefore they cannot think of anything else, let alone spending time with their

There are several impacts from this trend, and they all tend to be detrimental. Firstly, young children
who do not have time with their siblings or parents are often more vulnerable to social pressures, such
as bullying, because they do not receive enough affection and encouragement from their family. In
reality, those children may grow up with low self-esteem and sometimes depression. Secondly, family
relationships will greatly suffer because it will become more difficult to bridge the generation gap
between parents and children without family bonding time. This usually leads to conflicts and

In conclusion, people are having less and less time with family largely due to work and study pressures,
and the impacts of this on both individuals and families are severe.

Lưu ý từ vựng:

 Spend a major proportion of their life working: Dành phần lớn cuộc đời để làm việc

 Under great pressure from study: Chịu nhiều áp lực từ việc học

 Vulnerable to social pressures: Dễ bị ảnh hưởng xấu bởi xã hội

 Affection and encouragement: Sự yêu thương và sự động viên

 Low self-esteem and depression: Tự ti và phiền muộn

 Conflicts and unhappiness: Xung đột và không hạnh phúc

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp nổi bật:

 In countries like Japan where people spend the major proportion of their life working, many

adults tend to stay at work until late evening and hardly have enough time to have dinner or to

watch TV with other family members.

 The amount of everyday homework those children have to do is also excessive, and therefore

they cannot think of anything else, let alone spending time with their parents.

 Firstly, young children who do not have time with their siblings or parents are often more

vulnerable to social pressures, such as bullying, because they do not receive enough affection and

encouragement from their family.

 Secondly, family relationships will greatly suffer because it will become more difficult to bridge

the generation gap between parents and children without family bonding time

Topic 3:

It is difficult for people in the cities to get enough physical exercise.

What are the causes and solutions?

Đại ý

 Nguyên nhân tại sao người ta lại có xu hướng phí phạm thức ăn



 Giải pháp cho vấn đề trên



Dàn ý

• Giới thiệu chủ đề

• Định hướng bài viết
Mở bài

• Đoạn 1: 2 nguyên nhân tại sao người ta lại có xu hướng phí phạm thức
Thân bài • Đoạn 2: 2 giải pháp cho vấn đề trên

• Tóm tắt đại { toàn bài viết

Kết bài

Thực hành








































Bài mẫu tham khảo

These days, people are buying a lot of food which ends up being thrown away. The essay below will

analyze some major reasons for this situation, and measures to tackle this problem will be presented.

There are two main explanations why food is being wasted. One of the reasons food is thrown away is

because consumers fail to have a thorough plan of what they are going to buy before they shop.

Commonly, many people only have vague ideas of what meals or foodstuffs they might consume over

the next few days, and this often leads to their shopping carts full of products they might never use.

Secondly, food wastage can occur when people make poor choices for their diet. Huge quantities of

food remaining unused might be a sign that consumers’ diets are going undesirably.

Some measures are suggested to mitigate the situation. One effective solution is to make a list of

ingredients and foodstuffs that one is going to purchase before she goes shopping. This way helps

consumers to have time to prepare and decide wisely what products should be bought, which

eventually saves a lot of unnecessary food. Furthermore, people should do careful research on

reasonable diets in advance of going to food stores so that they can know what ingredients are best for

their state of health.

In conclusion, poor planning for meals and unwise choices of diet mainly contribute to the amount of

unused food at the moment, and thorough preparation is key to avoid further food wastage.

Lưu ý từ vựng:

 Have a thorough plan of what they are going to buy: Có kê hoạch cẩn thận về những gì họ định


 Vague ideas of what meals or foodstuffs they might consume: Ý tưởng mờ nhạt về bữa ăn hay

thức ăn mà họ định tiêu thụ

 Poor choices for their diet: Những lựa chọn tệ cho chế độ ăn của họ

 Saves a lot of unnecessary food: Tiết kiệm rất nhiều thực phẩm không cần thiết

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp nổi bật:

 One of the reasons food is thrown away is because consumers fail to have a thorough plan of

what they are going to buy before they shop.

 Commonly, many people only have vague ideas of what meals or foodstuffs they might consume

over the next few days, and this often leads to their shopping carts full of products they might

never use.

 Furthermore, people should do careful research on reasonable diets in advance of going to food

stores so that they can know what ingredients are best for their state of health.

 In conclusion, poor planning for meals and unwise choices of diet mainly contribute to the

amount of unused food at the moment, and thorough preparation is key to avoid further food


Đề tự luyện

Topic 1: More and more animal species are becoming extinct by human activities in land and sea. What
are the reasons and solutions?

Topic 2: Nowadays, more and more older people who need employment compete with the younger
people for the same jobs.

What problems this causes? What are solutions?

Topic 3: It is observed that in many countries not enough students are choosing to study science subject.

What are causes? And what will be effects on society?

Topic 4: Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport.

Why is it not popular in many places?

And how to increase its popularity?

Topic 5: Today people live in big cities tend to do less exercises.

What are the reasons & solutions?


Dạng bài Direct question

Đây là dạng bài mà chủ đề sẽ đưa ra một vấn đề xã hội và yêu cầu thí sinh trả lời 2 câu hỏi liên

quan đến vấn đề đó.

Một số ví dụ về dạng bài:

Topic 1:

In some parts of the world it is increasingly popular to research the history of one's own family.

Why do people want to do this?

Is it a positive or negative development?

Topic 2:

Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies.

To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements?

What measures can be taken to protect them?

Ví dụ:

Topic 1:

In some parts of the world it is increasingly popular to research the history of one's own family.

Why do people want to do this?

Is it a positive or negative development?

Bài mẫu tham khảo

People nowadays are becoming increasingly keen to learn about their family history. There are some
compelling reasons for this; and I strongly feel that this is a positive development.

Most people do research on their family history to find out whether their ancestors had the similar
personality traits and to have deeper understanding about their roots and heritages. Or some others
study their family historical background for less significant reasons, one of which is curiosity. For
example, my uncle used to spend a great deal of time and effort tracing my family tree back to the 18th
century just out of curiosity. Also, I think news media have a major part to play in this trend. There are
many news articles and advertisements that encourage genealogy and convince people that it is
necessary to know about their ancestry.

In my view, this is a good way to teach children about history and how their ancestors lived, which is
linked in part to family traditions. And it is even more important for children to carry on such valuable
and unique traditions, given that this fast changing world is somehow making young generations
ignore the spiritual legacy that their ancestors left. On top of that, family history can be a fascinating
discussion topic whenever there is a family meeting. How my grandparents struggled to bring up their
offspring during the Vietnam War, for example, has become my father’s favorite subject when all my
relatives gather for a traditional holiday feast.

In conclusion, people like to study their family history for a variety of reasons as I have discussed in my
essay, and personally I consider this a positive modern trend.

Phân tích bài mẫu

 Mở bài:

Giới thiệu chủ đề và đưa ra câu trả lời ngắn cho 2 câu hỏi của đề bài: “There are some compelling
reasons for this; and I strongly feel that this is a positive development.”

 Thân bài:
 Đoạn 1 trả lời câu hỏi thứ nhất: Tại sao người ta lại muốn nghiên cứu lịch sử gia đình mình.
 Đoạn 2 trả lời câu hỏi thứ hai: Xu hướng này tốt hay xấu.

 Kết bài:

Nhắc lại câu trả lời cho 2 câu hỏi của đề bài: “In conclusion, people like to study their family history for
a variety of reasons as I have discussed in my essay, and personally I consider this a positive modern

Topic 2:

Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies.

To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements?

What measures can be taken to protect them?

Đại ý

 Người tiêu dùng bị ảnh hưởng bởi quảng cáo tới mức độ như thế nào?



 Những biện pháp gì có thể thực hiện để bảo vệ người tiêu dùng?



Dàn ý

• Giới thiệu chủ đề

• Đưa ra câu trả lời ngắn cho 2 câu hỏi ở đề bài
Mở bài

• Đoạn 1: Trả lời câu hỏi Người tiêu dùng bị ảnh hưởng bởi quảng cáo
tới mức độ như thế nào?
• Đoạn 2: Trả lời câu hỏi Những biện pháp gì có thể thực hiện để bảo vệ
Thân bài người tiêu dùng?

• Nhắc lại ngắn gọn câu trả lời cho 2 câu hỏi của đề bài.
Kết bài

Thực hành








































Bài mẫu tham khảo

These days, due to a strong competitive commercial market, people are exposed to an ever increasing
amount of advertising. I believe that people are highly susceptible to modern day advertising and
marketing techniques, and that certain actions need to be taken to ensure the wellbeing of consumers.

Advertising has become a multibillion dollar industry, and much research has gone into its development
and effectiveness in order to help businesses sell more products and services. And although advertising
can provide many benefits to the consumer, it can also have quite a negative impact on individuals and
society as a whole. One of the negative effects advertising can have is that it can lead people to buy
things that they don’t actually need or even necessarily want. Advertising techniques can make us feel
as though we really need to have something and this can cause people to make impulsive purchases,
which they may not have made if they had made a more thorough decision.

Furthermore, in societies where advertising laws are more relaxed, people are faced with large amounts
of advertising containing many subliminal messages and explicit content. For instance, it is well known
in the advertising industry that sex sells. Creating sexual undertones within advertisements can
influence people’s thoughts about not only the product but ideas associated around it. This can have
many negative influences on the minds of people, and in particular children, potentially forming certain
negative beliefs and ideas about such topics.

In conclusion, for these, and many other reasons, I believe that Governments and other organisations
need to monitor how companies try to promote their products and services in order to protect
innocent consumers. This can be achieved through the regulation of the content of advertisements and
the regulation of the space where advertisements occur, such as billboards and posters. Individual
companies also must take responsibility regarding their advertisements to ensure that they do not
contain subliminal or explicit material that might negatively affect consumers.

Lưu ý từ vựng:

 Advertising and marketing techniques: Thủ thuật quảng cáo marketing

 A multibillion dollar industry: Ngành công nghiệp triệu đô

 Make impulsive purchases: Mua hàng vội mà chưa suy nghĩ kỹ

 Subliminal messages: Thông điệp ngầm

 Promote their products and services: Quảng cáo cho sản phẩm và dịch vụ

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp nổi bật:

 Advertising has become a multibillion dollar industry, and much research has gone into its

development and effectiveness in order to help businesses sell more products and services.

 Advertising techniques can make us feel as though we really need to have something and this can

cause people to make impulsive purchases, which they may not have made if they had made a

more thorough decision.

 This can have many negative influences on the minds of people, and in particular children,

potentially forming certain negative beliefs and ideas about such topics.

 In conclusion, for these, and many other reasons, I believe that Governments and other

organisations need to monitor how companies try to promote their products and services in order

to protect innocent consumers.

Đề tự luyện

Topic 1: Parents often give children everything they ask for and do what they like.

Is it good for children?

What are the consequences when they grow up?

Topic 2: In schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts while boys like science.

What are the reasons for this trend and do you think this tendency should be changed?

Topic 3: In many countries, people now wear Western clothes (suits, jeans) rather than traditional
clothing. Why?

Is this a positive or negative development?

Topic 4: In many countries, government spent a large amount of money on improving internet access.

Why is it happening and do you think it is the most appropriate use of government money?

Topic 5: Some people choose to have their first child at an older age.

What are the reasons?

Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

Topic 6: In recent years, the structure of a family and the role of its members are gradually changing.

What kinds of changes can occur?

Do you think these changes are positive and negative?

Topic 7: More and more young people from wealthy countries are spending a short time doing unpaid
work such as teaching or building houses for communities in poorer countries.

Why young people choose to do so?

Who will benefit more: young people or the communities?


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