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DRUNK RULES FOR 5E BENEFITS AND REPERCUSSIONS FOR AN EVENING OF REVELRY @uitp 5 DRUNK RULES ANicut CaP ‘After a day of adventuring, nothing beats a strong drink with fiends new and old to help unwind, settle in, and get. comfortable Before a long rest, a character may consume a number of drinks less than or equal to their Con modifier. Doing so calms and relaxes them, allowing a deeper and more restful night's sleep. Until morning, their Passive Perception is reduced by 5, but they wake feeling more rested and rejuvinated, gaining 146 temporary hit points, ‘Tirsy drink to make other people more interesting. When a character has consumed a number of drinks equal to their Con modifier +1, they are tipgy. + Iftheir charisma modifier is positive, they may make charisma checks with advantage. + Their passive perception is reduced by 5, and they have disadvantage on dexterity checks. Drunk Teel bad for people who dont drink When they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they're going to feel all day Once a character has consumed a number of drinks equal to twice their Con modifier, they are “drunk” = Allattacks they make become a straight coin lip. All modifiers are ignored. Their attacks are a critical success ‘on "heads" and a critical failure on “ails” + Their passive perception is reduced by 10, and they have disadvantage on dexterity checks. + Every hour they're drunk, rolla DC § Con save. On a failed save, you fall asleep wherever you are. The save difficulty increases by 5, every subsequent hour, until they fall asleep. + When they awaken, sufer 144-1 level of hang over ‘WasrED Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time. Consuming a number of drinks in excess of twice their Con modifier leaves a character “wasted” + Alltheir rolis are replaced either a critical success, on "ale Attack rolls against the character have advantage, and are replaced with coin flips. They result in aertical success ‘on heads, and fail on tails + The character's passive perception is reduced by 10, and they have disadvantage on dexterity checks. Deception, persuasion, and atealth checks they make automatically fail * Every hour they're drinking roll a DC 10 Con save. On a failed save, they fall asleep wherever they are. The save difficulty increases by 5 every subsequent hour, until they fall asleep. When they awaken, they suffer dé] level of hangover ith coin flips. They result in -ads" or critical failure on HANGOVER Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.” ‘Hangover levels are equivelent to levels of exhaustion, but resolve more quickly. From the time a ereautre wakes up, one level of hangover is reduced every 2 hours they are awake, so Jong as they are consuming water.

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