Form 5 - L2 - My Town - Additional Practice

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NAME/ SURNAME __________________________________________ Form _____ Teacher: Vasilache Elena

1. Check your vocabulary! How many public places can you find in the wordsearch? / Verifică-ți vocabularul!
Câte locuri publice poți găsi în Găsește-Cuvântul de mai jos.
2. Write the words in the notebook!/ Scrie cuvintele în

3. In your notebook, write 9 sentences with the

words/ În caiet scrie 9 propoziții cu cuvintele găsite:

a. 3 (+) b. 3 (-) c. 3 (?)

4. Choose is/ are/ isn’t/ aren’t. Translate into Romanian!/

Alege is/ are/ isn’t/ aren’t. Tradu în română!

This is my town. There is/are many nice places in it.

There is/are many 1)schools in it. There is/are a
2)cinema. There is/are two 3)hospitals and two 4)parks in
my town. There is/are many 5)supermarkets,
6)restaurants, 7)pet shops and 8)toy shops in my town.
There is/are a 9)police station near a 10)park. There
is/are many nice 11)houses in my town but there is/isn’t a
5. Write the places that suit the definition. See the example. / Scrie locurile ce se potrivesc definițiilor. Vezi

A) Complete the Word cloud with
other places from a town.

⚫ the square ( …………………………………. )

⚫ the cinema ( ………………………………)
⚫ the ……………………………… (
⚫ the ……………………………… (
⚫ the ……………………………… (
⚫ the ……………………………… (
⚫ the ……………………………… (
⚫ the ………………………………. (

⚫ the ……………………………… (

⚫ the ……………………………… ( B) How many places are there in

your town?
⚫ the ……………………………… (

⚫ the ……………………………… (

C) Complete the writing prompts

about your town.
In my town ….

There is a ……………………………….. There are ………………………………………………..

………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….

There isn´t a …………………….. There aren´t any ………………………………..

……………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………..

……………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………...

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