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Questionnaire Checklist on the research Factors that Affecting the consumers decisions

in terms of buying in Binangonan, Rizal.

I. Profile of the Respondents


Sex: Female Male

II. Directions: Put a check ( ) on each number and rate it honestly.

4 – Highly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Highly Disagree

A. Product 4 3 2 1

1. Buying strategy helps in the

creation of innovative products.
2. Buying strategy helps make the
products more attractive.
3. Different businesses use buying
strategies to establish their
4. Buying strategy makes the products
look good and presentable.
5. Buying strategy helps the product to
be known.

B. Price 4 3 2 1

1. Most of the products that use

buying strategies are expensive.
2. Products that have a case of buying
strategy have different price bases
depending on their manufacturer.
3. It is more convenient to purchase
products that have a case of buying
strategy than other unfamiliar
4. Most products that use buying
strategy are saleable when it is at a
low price.
5. Products that are made with buying
strategy are mostly discounted.
C. Popularity 4 3 2 1

1. Did customer choice get influenced

by how popular a product was?
2. Did the store's popularity influence
customers' choices?
3. Regardless of the product's quality,
did the store's popularity influence
consumers' choices?
4. Did the popularity of the product
influence consumer decisions
independent of price?
5. Did the product/store popularity
evoke consumer's (your) interest?

D. Promotion 4 3 2 1

1. Buying strategy makes the

promotion of the product easier.
2. Buying strategy helps products to
catch the attention of customers.
3. Buying strategy can cause brand
4. Buying strategy promotes
competition to the other brand.
5. Buying strategy gains loyalty by
creating advertisements.

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