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Final Examination
Prepared For USSH – Dr. Lam Nguyen DUL037,
Spring 2023
The University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNUHCM Date:
Class: Tourism K13 CLC (Class A)


1.Do you think it’s a good idea to have a president for the Canadian division and for the
other international divisions? What are the advantages of such an arrangement ?
Disadvanteges ?

Yes, it would be a great idea to have a president for the Canadian department and for the other
international divisions.
The reasons I believe there should be a single chairman for Starbucks in Canada can be
explained as follows:
Efficient management: Having a single chairman can create centralized and efficient
management of Starbucks operations in Canada. Having one person at the helm helps provide
strategic direction and enables swift and effective decision-making.
Improved coordination: A single chairman enhances coordination among departments within
Starbucks in Canada. Having one person in overall charge helps create a cohesive work
environment, minimizing conflicts or divergent viewpoints among departments.
Task allocation: A single chairman can decide and allocate tasks efficiently, ensuring that
Starbucks Canada's operations are organized logically and free from overlap or deficiencies.
Difficult to track large standards: With two chairmen, ensuring adherence to large-scale
standards such as company controls can become challenging. This requires strong coordination
between the chairmen and a high level of management to ensure consistent standards are
Conflicts in perception: With multiple chairmen, the likelihood of conflicts and differences in
perception and evaluation of issues increases. This can affect the decision-making process and
managerial effectiveness.
Diminished company standards: Lack of coordination and alignment between departments can
lead to a decline in company standards. Insufficient coordination can result in decreased
efficiency and failure to meet the requirements and standards set by Starbucks in Canada.
In conclusion, having a single chairman for Starbucks Canada can bring numerous benefits in
terms of management and coordination of company operations. However, strong coordination
and high-level management are necessary to maintain standards and achieve effective outcomes.


2.Considering the expense associated with having more managers, what are some reasons
why you think Starbucks decided to decrease the number of stores each district manager
was responsible for, thus increasing the number of managers needed? Other than the
expense, can you think of any disadvantages to this decision?

The strategic decision of Starbucks to enhance management effectiveness by reducing the

number of stores assigned to each regional manager brings several potential benefits. This
approach allows regional managers to exercise better control. With reduced workload at
individual stores, managers can devote more attention to improving the quality of each location.
Furthermore, they will have more time for careful planning of store maintenance, closely
monitoring employee workflows, and prioritizing personal needs such as health care and family
concerns. The overall goal is to drive revenue growth at the store level in line with Starbucks'
corporate objectives.
However, this strategy still has its drawbacks, including:
Firstly, having more regional managers may decrease employee morale and increase work-
related stress. The presence of multiple regional managers suggests inadequate management of
the respective stores.
Secondly, having numerous regional managers seems contradictory to the streamlined
organizational structure, which is one of Starbucks' organizational policies.
Moreover, reducing the number of stores can lead to a decrease in overall revenue. It is
undeniable that closing specific locations will result in reduced monthly income and potentially
impact Starbucks as a whole. Simply put, selectively closing some stores may diminish customer
shopping demand.
Another consideration is the potential for customers to opt for alternative brands. Customer
preferences play a significant role, and the abrupt closure of certain Starbucks stores may
surprise customers, prompting them to seek out more conveniently located coffee shops.
However, it should be noted that the presence of multiple Starbucks stores in different locations
tends to attract attention and draw people to experience their services.
If Starbucks proceeds with closing some stores to enhance management quality, the price of a
cup of coffee may increase. This is because the company will require higher revenue to cover the


losses incurred from closing the stores. However, such a move could potentially erode certain
segments of the customer base.
3. Starbucks has said that it wants people who are “adapt-able, self- motivated, passionate,
and creative team players.” How does the company ensure that its hiring and selection
process identifies those kinds of people?

Firstly, Starbucks employs diverse strategies to attract new partners, including maintaining an
online career center on its website for global job seekers to submit applications. Additionally,
they can recruit at store locations, regional offices, and more. Secondly, through the interview
process, applicants are made aware that they can be supported by Starbucks in developing from
one level to another if they demonstrate potential. Employees have opportunities for job training,
learning new skills, and enhancing existing ones, paving the way for career advancement in the
4.Select one of the job openings posted on the company’s website. Do you think the job
description and job specification for this job are adequate? Why or why not? What
changes might you suggest?

After reviewing the job description for the position of "Manager and Non-Retail Opportunities"
at Starbucks. Reading through this description, I found that it provided a very clear and complete
summary of the job and duties. Such detailed job descriptions are an important element in the
hiring process, helping candidates understand the activities and responsibilities that a store
manager must undertake. In addition, they also have sections that require applicants such as:
other skills and abilities that should be in that position, data on capacity to meet that position, .....
I want to emphasize that the job description for the "Manager and Non-Retail Opportunities"
position at Starbucks adequately meets all the necessary criteria and qualifications. It provides
potential candidates with a clear and detailed understanding of the job, enabling them to make
informed decisions and prepare effectively for the application process. I do not see a need to
change any aspect of this job description as it has presented all the requirements and
responsibilities in a comprehensive and clear manner, while providing potential candidates with
transparent information to make their decisions.


5.Pretend that you’re a local Starbucks store manager. You have three new hourly
partners (baristas) joining your team. Describe the orientation you would provide these
new hires.

To facilitate a smooth transition and help new baristas understand and integrate quickly, I will
proceed as follows:
Firstly, after the new employees report on their first day of work, I will organize a meeting to
introduce them to the entire store team, creating a welcoming environment and fostering a spirit
of collaboration among everyone. During this meeting, I will also explain the company's
principles and core values, including customer service, equal treatment, and inclusivity. This will
help the new employees understand the importance of building a positive and supportive work
Next, we will conduct a detailed orientation session on the services provided by Starbucks and
their operational procedures. I will guide the new employees through each step to ensure they
have a clear understanding of the preparation and brewing processes for various beverages.
Additionally, I will introduce them to product placement and inventory management to ensure
smooth production processes and maintain high quality. Throughout this process, the new
employees will receive guidance and supervision from supervisors, helping them apply the
learned knowledge to real-life scenarios and become more confident in serving customers.
Furthermore, I will ensure that the new employees understand their roles and responsibilities in
the job. I will provide them with detailed information about daily tasks, including aspects such as
working hours, problem-solving approaches, and reporting procedures. It is important for the
new employees to familiarize themselves with Starbucks' quality standards and perform their job
efficiently. This will enable them to become integral members of the team and ensure customer
If there are any contracts that need to be signed, I will discuss and reach an agreement with the
new employees to ensure that all necessary terms are met. I will address any questions or
concerns they may have, ensuring that they have a clear understanding and agreement with the
working conditions.
Finally, before the new employees commence their duties, I will ensure that they are prepared
and confident to begin. I will emphasize the support and willingness to assist from myself and


other supervisors throughout the entire work process. By creating a comfortable and reliable
environment, we can ensure that the new employees feel at ease and supported in their work.
6.Which of the company’s principles affect the organizing function of management?
Explain how the one(s) you chose would affect how Starbucks managers deal with (a)
structural issues; (b) HRM issues; and (c) issues in managing teams. (Hint: The principles
can be found on the company’s website)

One of the important principles of Starbucks is the integration of everyone. This ensures that
both Starbucks employees and customers feel like they are a part of the organization or
(a) Structural issues: Starbucks management takes responsibility for building a hierarchical
system where all employees and customers can provide feedback when they have complaints or
suggestions. Upon receiving the feedback, managers listen, respond, and meet the needs of those
individuals. This can be achieved by creating an internal environment that is friendly,
cooperative, and encourages sharing among everyone.
(b) HRM issues: Managers need to organize team-building activities, teamwork competitions,
and collaborative work to foster a sense of teamwork at all levels of employees within the
organization, thus promoting harmony in working together. Additionally, employees should be
educated to possess effective communication and collaboration skills, always feeling that they
are a part of the organization. Therefore, an internal culture should be built that values all
employees, regardless of their roles.
(c) Managing teams: It is important to organize activities in a way that no one is isolated or
working alone in a specific area for too long, while other employees participate and rotate among
activities. All activities should focus on teamwork, helping each other at the store. This can be
achieved by designing a clear workflow where each person is assigned specific tasks and
supported by others.


Diversity at Starbucks | Starbucks Coffee Company. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2023, from


Nghề nghiệp của Starbucks: Công ty cà phê Starbucks. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2023, from
Starbucks Jobs. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2023, from https://www.starbucksemeacareers.com/en
Starbucks Lean Operations and Transformation. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2023, from

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