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NBE 3U1 Name: _____________________________

Only Drunks & Children Tell The Truth

Study Guide Questions
Act II Scene i (pp. 59-76)

1. Tonto has had a number of jobs throughout his life. List how many and for
how long he worked at them. What does this say about his personality?
(You may have to go back to Act one)

2. How does Barb describe Rodney’s serious side?

3. Why does Janice ask whether Barb has a drinking problem? What is Barb’s

4. Is Janice too rigid in her way of thinking? Is Barb too laid back? Explain your
views on both women.

5. How did Amelia Earheart get to Otter Lake?

Only Drunks & Children Tell The Truth

Study Guide Questions
Act II Scene ii (pp. 77-98)

6. What influence is the alcohol having on Barb and Janice?

7. How did Barb & Janice’s interaction with “Amy Hart” go?

8. What did Anne used to call “Grace” in Anishinabe Ojibway?

9. What identity issues does Janice have to contend with that seem to frustrate

10. Barb teaches Janice some words in Ojibway. What languages does Janice
teach Barb?

11. What versions of the ‘truth’ are being debated between Barb and Janice on
page 89?

12. Why does Barb blame Janice for Anne’s death? Why does Janice resent that?

13. Did “Barb’s plan” work?

NBE 3U1 Name: _____________________________

Only Drunks & Children Tell The Truth

Study Guide Questions
Act II Scene iii (pp. 99-103)

14. Review Janice’s monologue on page 101. How far has Janice come in the
matter of a few days?

15. Are you satisfied with the ending of the play? Why or why not?

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