Electricity PCK KEY 2022

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31) Electricity is the energy of charged particles.

The human body and technology use electrical

32) Mechanical energy: The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy
Kinetic energy: Energy of motion
Potential energy: Stored energy that a system has due to its position or condition
Chemical energy: Energy stored in chemical bonds, and released when a chemical reaction occurs
Solar energy: Energy carried by electromagnetic radiation given off by the Sun
Nuclear energy: Energy generated by forming new atoms
Nuclear fusion: New atoms are made as smaller atoms collide and fuse (occur in the Sun and stars)
Nuclear fission: New atoms are made by splitting larger atoms (carried out in reactors on Earth)
Thermal energy: Energy due to the rapid motion of particles that make up an object; detected as heat
radiant energy, energy that is transferred by electromagnetic radiation- such as light

33) Generator system: A system that transforms kinetic energy to electrical energy
Turbine: Steam, water, or wind cause the turbine to spin
Shaft: As the turbine spins, the shaft spins
Generator: Kinetic energy of the spinning shaft is transformed into electrical energy inside the

British Columbia uses river flow and fossil fuels

River flow is the main source (hydroelectric energy)
Thermal energy from burning coal (fossil fuels) is used to boil water into steam
No nuclear reactors

34) Dam station (shown below)

Water stored behind dam has potential energy
As water flows downhill, it gains kinetic energy, which turns a turbine connected to a generator
Run-of-river station
Water flowing freely in a river turns a turbine

Thermal energy from burning coal is used to boil water into steam
Pressure associated with moving steam turns the blades of turbines connected to generators

Kinetic energy of wind is transformed into electrical energy as the moving air turns the turbine of a
generator system
Photovoltaic cells transform the energy of visible light to electrical energy
Where Earth’s crust is thin and molten rock comes close to the surface, hot steam can be used to turn
turbines to generate electrical energy
Tides and the rise and fall of waves can turn turbines to generate electrical energy

36) A phantom load is any electricity that an appliance or device consumes even when it's turned
37) 250W
38) 15V
39) Nonrenewable energy source: An energy source that is non-replaceable in a human lifetime
Examples: Coal, natural gas, uranium (nuclear reactions)

Renewable energy sources: An energy source that is available on a continuous basis

40) Examples: Sunlight, wind, river flow, tides and waves, geothermal sources, biomass

41) Respect and Responsibility (making decisions that respect the natural world; responsible use of
Intergenerational Knowledge (listening to Elders and sharing knowledge between generations)
Balance and Interconnectedness (balance makes sure future generations are considered;
interconnectedness takes many relationships with an ecosystem into consideration)
Giving and Receiving (giving thanks for natural resources recognizes their value; benefits of resources
are shared in a community)

42) R2.2 =10.9mA, R4.7= 5.1mA

43) I1=24A, I2=12A, I3=8A, P1=576W, P2=288W, P3=192W
44) R1=30V, 3A, 10ohms, 90W
R2=30V, 9.1A, 3.3 ohms, 272.7W
Total = 30V, 12.1A, omit, 362.7W

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