63 GB50150-2006 Han Over of Electrical Equipment

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Standard for Hand-Over Test of Electric Equipment

Electric Equipmelit Xiistallation Engi~ieeriiig
GB 50150-2006

Chief Editorial Departinellt: China Electricity Council

Approving Department: Ministrj of Construction of the People's Republic of China
Date of implementation: November 1, 2006

2006 Beijing

This code is written in Chinese and English. The Cl~inesetext shall be taken as the ruling one
in the event of any inconsistency between the Chinese text and the English text.
Bulletin of Ministry of Construction of

the People's Republic of China

No. 438
Notice on Prolnulgation of the national standard "Standard for

Hand-Over Test of Electric Equipment-Electric Equipment Installation

Engineering" by Ministry of Construction.

Hence "Standard for Hand-Over Test of Electric Equipment-Electric Equip~nentInstallation

Engineering" has been approved as the national standard wit11 a serial number of GB 501 50-2006,
which shall come into force upon November I"', 2006. Herein, Clauses 3.0.1 (1, 4, 5 and 18), 4.0.1
(1, 8 a n d 9 ) , 6.0.1 (1),7.0.1 (2, 3 , 4 and 8), 8.0.1 (2),9.0.1 (1,7 and 8), 12.0.1 (2and3), 13.0.1 (2,
12 and 13), 14.0.1 (1, 2, 3 and 4), 18.0.1 (1 and 5), 21.0.1 (I), 25.0.1 (1 and 3) and 26.0.1 (2) are
mandatory clauses, which must be forced strictly. At the same time, tlie former Standard for
Hand-Over Test of Electric Equipment-Electric Equipment Installation Engineering GB 501 50-91
is superseded.
This Standard is published and issued by China Planning Press under the organization of tlie
Institute of Norm and Ration of the Ministry of Construction of the People's Repr~blicof China.

Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China

June 20,2006

According to the requirement of "Notice on Promulgation of "Plan for Preparation and

Modification of National Standards for Project Construction 2002-2003" Document JB [2003]
No. 102 the Ministry of Constr~~ction of PRC, this Standard is revised by Beijing Electric Power
Constr~~ction Research Institute of State Grid Corporation of China. jointly by other relevant units,
based on the former Standard for Hand-Over Test of' Electric Equipment-Electric Equipment
Installation Engineering GB 50 150-9 1 .
This Standard consists of 27 chapters and 7 appendixes, in which the main contents are:
general, terms, synchronous generator and phase modifier, direct-current machine (DC),
intermediate-frequency generator, alternate-current (AC) motor, power transformer, reactor and
arc-s~~ppression coil, instrument transformer, oil circuit breaker, air and magnetic blow-out circuit
breaker, vacuum circuit breaker, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) circuit breaker, SF6 enclosed switchgear,
the disconnecting and load switches and high-voltage fuse, bushing, the suspension and post
insulators, power cable lines, capacitor, the insulation oil and SF6 gas, lightning arrester. electrical
precipitator, secondary circuit, the distribution equipment and feeder circuits with voltage not
above I kV, overhead power lines above 1 kV, grounding connection and the low-voltage electrical
Compared with the former standard, the standard is added wit11 following contents:
(1) Terms;
(2) Imple~nentationprinciples for the standard of hand-over test about imported equipment;
(3) Natural-vibration frequency test and modal analysis on stator-end winding of generator;
Note: "Measurement and Evaluation on Dynamic Characters of Stator End Winding of Large
Turbo-Generator-Natural Frequency Test on Winding End and Its Modal Analysis" DLlT735-2000.
(4) Test items of gas insulated transformer and the inspection and test items about on-load
tap changers (OLTC) of transformer;
( 5 ) Partial items and standards of test about instrument transformer, circuit breaker, and
electrical precipitator;
(6) AC voltage withstanding test and cross interconnected test of power cable lines;
( 7 ) Test items about ground connection and provisions on ground-impedance value;
(8) Four appendixes are added: neth hods of partial discharge test of transformer; measuring
methods of protective-level excitation curve of current transformer; methods and requirements of
cross interconnected system tests of power cable lines: special test items.
Those clauses in block are mandatory clauses, which must be forced strictly.
The Ministry of Construction will be responsible for the management and explanation on the
mandatory clauses, Beijing Electric Power Construction Research Institute of State Grid
Corporation of China will be responsible for the explanation on the detailed technical contents.
During the implementation, the users of this Standard are kindly required to combine
engineering practice, carefully sulnlnarize experience and send any suggestion and comment in
case of ~.evisionor coinple~nentationto Beijing Electric Power Construction Research Instit~iteof
State Grid Corporation of China (Address: No.33 South Binhe Road, Xuan Wu District, Beijing.
Tel: 0 10-63424285).
Chief editorial units, participating editorial units and major drafters of this Standard:
Chief editorial units: Beijing Electric Power Construction Research lnstitute of State Grid
Corporation of China
Participating editorial units: Anhui Electric Power Research Institute
Northeast China Power Administration No.2 Company
China Electric Power Research Institute
Wuhan High Voltage Research Institute
North China Electric Power Research Institute
Liaoning Electric Power Research lnstitute
Guangdong Electric Translnission & Transformation Company
Guangdong Electric Power Test Research Institute
Jiangsu Power Transmission & Transformation Corporation
Tianjin Electric Power Construction Company
Shangdong Electric Power Construction No. 1 Company
Guangxi Transmission & Substation Construction Company
Major drafter: Guo Shouxian, Sun Guanfu, Chen Fayu, Yao Senjing, Bai Yamin, Yang
Rongkai, Wang Xuan, Han Honggang, Xu Bin, Zhang Cheng, Wang Xiaoqi, G e Zhanyu, Liu
Zhiliang, Yin Zhimin

1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Terms ..........................................................................................................................................4
3 Synchronous Generator and Phase Modifier ...................... . ....................................................6
4 DC Machine ............................................................................................................................. 1 1
5 Intermediate-Frequency Generator ...........................................................................................13
6 AC Motor ................................................................................................................................. 14
7 Power Transfor~ner...................................................................................................................16
8 Reactor and Arc-Suppression Coil ..................... . . . .............................................................23
9 Instrument Transformer ........................................................................................................ 25
10 Oil Circuit Breaker .............................................................................................................. 30
11 Air and Magnetic Blow-out Circuit Breaker .................... . . . .........................................35
12 Vacuum Circuit Breaker ....................................................................................................... 37
13 Sulfur Hexafluoride Circuit Breaker ......................................................................................38
14 S~llfurHexafluoride Enclosed Switchgear ........................................................................... 40
15 Disconnecting and Load Switches and High-Voltage Fuse ................................................. 41
16 Bushing ................................................................................................................................. 42
17 Suspension and Post Insulators ................. .
.. ...................................................................44
18 Power Cable Lines ...................... ....... ...............................................................................45
19 Capacitor .................... .........................................................................................................48
20 Insulation Oil and SF6 Gas .................... . .................................................................... 49
21 Lightning Arrester ...................................................................................................................
22 Electrical Precipitator ........................................................................................................ 54
23 Secondary Circuit ........................... . .................................................................................. 56
24 Distribution Equipment and Feeder Circuits with Voltage not above I kV ................. ....... 57
25 Overhead Power Lines above I kV ......................................................................................... 58
26 Grounding Connection ....................................................................................................... 59
27 Low-Voltage Apparatus ....................................................................................................... 61
Appendix A Power-Frequency Voltage-Withstanding Test Voltage Standard on High-Voltage
Electric Equipment Insulation .................................................................................................. 62
Appendix B Conversion Coefficients of Insulation Resistance Converted into the Ones at
Operating Temperature about Stator's Winding of Generator ........................................................ 63
Appendix C Partial Discharge Test Methods of Transformer ...................................................... 64
AppendixD DC Leakage Current Reference Value of Oil-Immersed Power Transformer Winding
AppendixE Measuring Metliods for Protection-Level Excitation Curve about Current

Transformer ............................................................................................................................. 67
Appendix F Test Methods and Requirements on Cross-interconnecting Systems of Power Cable
Lines ............................... .
Appendix 6 Table of Special Test Items ........................... ................................................... 74
Word Diction of the Standard ...................................................................................................... 76
1 General

1.0.1 This Standard has been worked out for tlie purpose of meeting demands of hand-over test
of electric equipment-electric equipment installation engineering and promoting tlie extension and
application on new technologies of Iiand-over test of electric equipment.
1.0.2 The standard applies to hand-over tests of electric equipment newly installed as 500 1<V
voltage grade and the below and qualified through tests according to national relevant standards of
routine test. The standard does not apply to electric equipment installed under coal mine or in
other places with explosive hazards.
1.0.3 Hand-over tests about the devices of relay protection, automation, telemechanics,
communication, measurement, and rectification and the mechanical part of electric equipment,
shall be carried out respectively according relevant standards or criteria.
1.0.4 AC voltage withstanding tests shall be done for electric equipment according to the
standard, but as to electric equipment with 110 kV voltage level and the above, tlie AC voltage
withstanding test rnay not be e~nployedin case of no provisions in clauses of the standard.
Upon AC voltage withstanding test, the duration after the increase of the voltage of test
standard shall be 1 min in case of no special instruction.
Voltage value of withstanding test is calculated according the multiples of rated voltage, the
one for generator and electric motor according to rated voltage of nameplate. The one for cable
lnay be calculated by methods stipulated in Chapter 18 of the standard.
The voltage value of AC withstanding test of electric equipment with non-standard voltage
level can be calculated by interpolation method according to proportions based on adjacent
voltage levels stipulated in the standard, if with no stipulations.
Upon insulation test, except the whole sets of equipment assembled by manufacturers. all
equipment connected may be separated for single test. Equipment with the same test standard can
be connected to be tested. For the convenience to the in-situ test, electric equipment at the same
voltage level with different test standards and routine test records can also be connected for tests,
if single test u4ll have difficulty. The test standard shall be the lowest standard among all
connected equipment.
Insulating tests of Oil-immersed transformer and reactor can be started after they are filled
with qualified oil and allowed to stand for a certain period of time to eliminate bubbles. The
standing time shall be implemented according to requirements of manufacturer. In case of no
regulations by manufacturer, the time must be over 72 h if the voltage level is 500 kV, over 4811 if
the voltage level is 220-330 kV and over 2411 if the voltage level is 1 1 0 kV and the below.
1.0.5 Upon the measurelnent and test about electric insulation, if only a few items cannot
satisfy provisions of the standard, comprehensive judgment shall be made based on the all-round
test records. Those which are judged that they can be operated can be put into operation.
1.0.6 If the rated voltage of electric equipment is different from the rated working voltage in
actual uses, the standards of test voltage shall be determined according to following provisions:
I Li'l~enthe insulation is enhanced on electric equipment writ11 higher rated voltage, it shall
be done according to test standards of rated voltage;
2 When electric equipment with higher voltage level meets the generality of products and
requirements on mechanical strength, it can be done according to test standards of rated working
voltage in actual uses of equipment;
3 When electric equipment with higher voltage level meets the requirements of areas at
high altitudes above sea levels
1.0.7 Under all test related to temperature and humidity, the temperature and humidity around
tested substances shall be measured at the same time. Insulating test shall be carried out in good
weather and under the conditions that the temperature around tested substances and instrument
may not be lower than 5" and the air relative humidity may not be higher than 80%. Test data
measured under the conditions of temperature and humidity mentioned above shall be analyzed
comprehensively to judge whether electric equipment can be put into operation or not.
Under test, attentions shall be attached to the influence by environmental temperature. As to
oil-immersed transformer, reactor and arc-suppression coil, the oil temperature at upper level of
tested substances shall be considered as testing temperature.
The range of normal temperature stipulated in the standard is 10-40 T.
1.0.8 Measurement on insulation resistance listed in the standard, the value of insulation
resistance of 60s shall be used; the ratio between values of 60s and 15s insulation resistances shall
be applied for the measurement on absorptance; polarization indexes shall be the ratio between
values of insulation resistances of 10 min and 1 min.
1.0.9 When insulating test is done for multiple-winding equipment, short-circuit grounding
shall be given to non-tested winding.
1.0.10 Under the measurement about insulation resistance, voltage levels in megohmmeter
shall be applied. In case of no special provisions in the standard, following provisions shall be
1 For electric equipment or circuit below IOOV, megohmmeter of 250V 50MR and the
2 For electric equipment or circuit from 100V to 500V, megohmmeter of 500V 100MR and
the above;
3 For electric equipment or circuit from 500V to 3000V, megohmmeter of 1000V 2000MR
and the above;
4 For electric equipment or circuit from 3000V to 10000V, megohmmeter of 2500V
10000MR and the above;
5 For electric equipment or circuit with 10000V and the above, megohmmeter of 2500V or
5000V 10000MR and the above;
6 For measurement on polarization indexes, the short-circuit current of megohmmeter shall
not be lower than 2 mA.
1.0.11 High-voltage test methods in the standard shall be in compliance with national current
standards "The First Part Measuring System-High-Voltage Test Technology" GBIT 16927.1,
"The Second Part Measuring System-High-Voltage Test Technology" GBIT 16927.2, and
"Guideline for Implementation of In-Situ Insulating Test" DLIT 474.1-5 and provisions of
relevant equipment standards.
1.0.12 Hand-over test on imported equipment shall be executed based on standards stipulated
in contract. However, under the signing of contract of imported equipment, attention shall be
attached to that the test standards of the same test items shall not be lower than the provisions of
the standard.
1.0.13 For test eq~~iprnent with niucli technical difficulty and special demands, test items.
whicl shall be done by units with corresponding qualifications and test capabilities, are listed as
special test items. Special test items are seen in appendix G.
2 Terms

2.0.1 Power transformer

In order to transmit power energy, under the same frequency, the static equipment with two
or more than two windings, shall convert the AC voltage and current of one system into the
voltage and current of another system. Usually values of these voltages and currents are different.
2.0.2 Oil-immersed type transformer
Transformer where the iron core and winding are all immersed into oil.
2.0.3 Dry-type transformer
Transformer where neither iron core nor winding is immersed into insulating liquid.
2.0.4 Neutral terminal
For three-phase transformer or the three-phase unit consisting of single-phase transformer, it
refers to the terminals connecting the common points (neutral points) of star or zigzag connection.
For single-phase transformer, it is the terminal connecting neutral points of network.
2.0.5 Winding
A turn of electric lines corresponding to one voltage value marked on transformer.
2.0.6 Tapping
In transformer with tapping winding, every tapping connecting of this winding all indicates
this winding of tapping. Effective number of turns with some determined value also indicate ratio
of turns between this tapping winding and any other winding with unchanged turns.
2.0.7 Non-uniform insulation of a transformer winding
If the neutral terminal of transformer winding is grounded directly or indirectly, the
insulation level of the neutral terminal is lower than the one stipulated for line terminal.
2.0.8 Uniform insulation of a transformer winding
Outgoing line terminals connected between all winding and terminals of transformers are of
the same rated insulation level.
2.0.9 Shunt inductor
Reactor connected in parallel on the system is mainly used for compensating the current of
2.0.10 Arc-suppression coil
Single-phase connected between neutral point of system and the ground is used to the
currents of grounded capacitor rising from the failure of single-phase grounding of system.
2.0.11 Instrument transformer
It is the general name for current transformer, electromagnetic voltage transformer,
capacitor-type voltage transformer and combined transformers (including single-phase and
three-phase compound instrument transformers). As the combined transformers consist of current
transformer and electromagnetic voltage transformer, relevant tests are referred to items of current
transformer and voltage transformer.
2.0.12 Voltage transformer
It includes electromagnetic and capacitor-type voltage transformers. If with no special
instructions, generally voltage transformer refers to electromagnetic voltage transformer.
2.0.13 Grounding electrode
The metallic-conductor embedded into ground and contacted with ground directly.
2.0.14 Groi~ndingconductor
Metallic electric part connected between grounding terminals and grounding electrodes of
electric equipment and facilities.
2.0.15 Gro~lndingconnection
The total of grounding conductor and electrodes.
2.0.16 Grounding grid
Larger horizontal grid grounding connection consisting of vertical and horizontal electrodes
and holding both roles of discharge and voltage equalization. provided for uses of power plant and
2.0.17 Large-scale grounding connection
Substations with 1 1 0 kV voltage and the above, fossil-fuel and hydraulic power plants where
the installed capacity reach 200 MW and the above, or the grounding connection with the
equivalent flat area as 5000 m' and the above.
3 Synchronous Generator and Phase Modifier

3.0.1 Test items of synchronous generator and phase modifier with the capacity as 6000 kW
and the above shall include following contents:
1 Measurement on insulation resistance and the absorptance or polarization index of
stator's winding;
2 Measurement on direct-current (DC) resistance of stator's winding;
3 DC voltage-withstanding test and leakage-current measurement on stator's winding;
4 AC voltage-withstanding tests on stator are winding;
5 Measurement on insulation resistance of rotator's winding;
6 Measurement on DC resistance on rotator's winding;
7 AC voltage-withstanding test on rotator's winding;
8 Measurement on excitation circuit of generator or exciter together with the insulation
resistance of the connected equipment, not including the rotators of generator and the armature of
9 AC voltage-withstanding test on excitation circuit of generator or exciter together with
the connected equipment;
10 Measurement on insulation bearing of generator and exciter and the insulation resistance
of feed-water seat of rotator;
11 Inspection on embedded thermometer;
12 Measurement on DC resistance of excitation cut-off and auto-synchronization resistors
13 Measurement on AC impedance and power losses of rotator's winding (brushless exciter
units may not be measured with no measuring conditions);
14 Measurement and record on characteristic curve of three-phase short circuit;
15 Measurement and record on unloaded characteristic curve;
16 Measurement on time constant of excitation and the times of rotor over-voltage upon the
open circuit of generator's stator;
17 Measurement on residual voltage of stator after the breaking brake of automatic
excitation cut-off device;
18 Measurement on phase sequence;
19 Measurement on shaft voltage;
20 Natural frequency test on stator's winding end and its modal analysis;
21 Measurement about DC voltage applied wire-covering insulation of stator's winding end.
Note: 1 As to all synchronous generators with 1kV voltage and the below level, whatever the capacity is,
test shall be launched according to Terms 1, 2, 4, 5, 6: 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, and 19 of the Clause;
2 If only the short-time operation is allowed for synchronous phase modifier of non-start motor the
start motor of synchronous phase modifier, tests in Terms 14 and 15 may not be carried out.
3.0.2 Measurement on insulation resistance and absorptance or polarization index of stator's
winding shall co~nplywith following provisions:
1 Unbalance coefficient of insulation resistance of each phase shall not be larger than 2;
2 Absorptance shall not be lower than 1.3 for insulation of asphalt immersed gum and
drying mica, no less than 1.6 for insulation of epoxy mica. For machine units with the capacity as
200 M W and the above, the polarization shall be measured and no less than 2.0.
Note: 1 Before the AC voltage-withstandi~~g
test. insulation of machine \\#inding shall satisfy requirements
of this Clause:
2 Measurement on i~lsulationresistance of internal-water-cooling generator shall be started under the
condition that the influence ol'the residual water is eliminated;
3 For electric machine where the dead grounding of catchments pipe is. the measurement shall be
done under circumstances o f no water; for electric machine where grounding of catchments pipe is not dead. the
insulation resistances of windilig and catchments pipe shall be measured respectivel),. Upon the former
measurement, the water influence shall be eliminated b) screen methods. The nieasuring results shall comply with
provisions o f man~~facturers.
4 For electric machine passing AC voltage-withstanding tests, when its insulation resistance after the
conversion into operating temperature (electric machine of epoxy mica insulation under the normal temperature) is
not lower than the ratecl voltage IMRIkV, it ma), not e operated through being dried. However, before the
operation, the end cover shall not be opened to start the internal working.
3.0.3 Measurement on DC resistance of stator's winding shall colnply with following
1 DC resistance shall be measured under the cold state. Under the measurement, the
temperature difference between winding surface and the surrounding air shall lie within the range of i3"C ;
2 For D C resistance of each phase or each branch, after the deviation rising from
differences between lengths of lead wires is calibrated, the rnutual difference shall not b e lower
than 2% of its ~ninimi~rn value; Through colnparison between the value and the routine measured
one, which has been converted into the one at the same temperature, its relative changes shall not
be larger than 2%.
3.0.4 DC voltage-withstanding test and leakage current measurement about stator's winding
shall cornply with following provisions:
1 Test voltage is three times of the rated voltage of electric machine.
2 Test voltage is increased at stages according to half rated voltage at each level, staying for
1 min at each stage with leakage current recorded; under the stipulated test voltage, leakage
currents shall colnply with following provisions:
1) Differences between leakage currents of each phase shall not be larger than 100% of the
inaxilnuln value. If the leakage current is below 20pA, values of differences between each phase
may not be considered when the co~nprehensivejudgment is good based on the results of DC
voltage-withstanding test and leakage current measurement;
2) Leakage current shall not be increased with the time extension.
In case of no colnpliance with one of the provisions of 1) and 2), reasons shall be found out
for elimination.
3) If leakage current is remarkably increased not in proportion, tilnely analysisshall be given.
3 Hydrogen cooling generator must be tested before the filling or after the exhaustion of
hydrogen with hydrogen content below 3%. Test is forbidden during the hydrogen replacement.
4 Upon internal-cooling-water test, low-voltage screen methods inay be applied; for
electric machine where grounding of the catchments pipe is dead, test ofthis itern may not be done at site.
3.0.5 Voltage applied for AC voltage-withstanding test of stator's winding shall cornply with
Table 3.0.5. Insulation AC voltage-withstanding test during technical process of stator's winding
of in-situ assernbled hydrogenerator shall be worked out according to national current standard
"Specification Installation of Hydraulic Turbine Generator Units" GB/T 8564.
Internal-cooling-water generator is tested under the circumstance of water availability and the
water quality shall be qualified; hydrogen-cooling generator must be tested before the filling or
exhaustion of hydrogen with the hydrogen content below 3% and the test is forbidden during the
hydrogen replacement. AC voltage-withstanding test on generator of large capacity can be
replaced by the one of resonant voitage withstanding.
Table 3.0.5 Voltage about AC voltage-withstanding test of stator's winding
Capacity (kW) Rated voltage (V) Test voltage (V)
I Below 10000 1 Above 36 1 (l000+2L',,)x0.8 1
10000 and the above Below 24000 (1000+21i,,)xO.8
10000 and the above 24000 and the above Negotiation with manufacturer
Note: b',, is the rated voitage of generator.
3.0.6 Measurement on insulation resistance of rotator's winding shall comply with following
1 Value of insulation resistance of rotator's winding may not be lower than 0.5MR;
2 For internal-cooling-water rotator's winding, megohmmeter of 500V and the below is
applied or other instruments are used for measurement. The value of insulation resistance shall not
be lower than 5000R;
3 When insulation resistance of stator's winding of generator has met the requirements on
start up and the value of insulation resistance of rotator's winding is not lower than 2000R,
operation can be allowed;
4 Insulation resistance of rotator's winding is measured before and after the overspeed test
upon the rated speed of generator;
5 Under measurement on insulation resistance, the voltage level in applied megohmmeter:
when rated voltage of rotator's winding is more than 200V, the megohmmeter of 2500V is used; if
the rated voltage is 200V and the below, the one of 1000V is used.
3.0.7 Measurement on DC resistance of rotator's winding shall comply with following
1 It shall be done under cold state. Under measurement, the temperature difference between
winding surface and the surrounding air shall lie within the range of 13". When the measured
value is compared with the routine one, which has been converted into the one at the same
temperature, its difference shall not exceed 2%;
2 For salient-pole rotator's winding, all magnetic-pole windings shall be measured; if the
deviation exceeds the stipulations, connecting points between each magnetic-pole winding shall be
3.0.8 AC voltage-withstanding test of rotator's winding shall comply with following
1 For salient-pole rotator's winding with the arrival of the whole, test voltage shall be 7.5
times of rated voltage and n o less than 1200V.
2 For salient-pole rotator assembled at work site, the single magnetic-pole
voltage-withstanding test shall be done according to provisions of manufacturer. AC
voltage-withstanding test after assembling shall comply with following provisions:
1) If rated excitation voltage is 500V and the below, it shall be 10 times of rated excitation
voltage and shall not be lower than 1500V;
2 ) If rated excitation voltage is 5OOV and the below, it shall be 2 times of rated excitation
voltage plus 4000V.
3 AC voltage-withstanding test may not be done for non-salient-polar rotator's winding. It
can be replaced by measurement of 2500V megohinmeter on insulation resistance.
3.0.9 Value of insulation resistance about measurement on excitation circuits of generator and
exciter and the connected equipment shall not be lower than 0.5M.Q. In case of electronic parts
and components in the c i r c ~ ~ iupon
t , test plug-in parts shall be pulled out or its two ends are in
short circuit.
Note: The measurement on insulation resistallces of generator's rotator. antl exciter's armature are is not
3.0.10 For AC voltage-withstanding test on excitation circuits of generator and exciter together
with the connected equipment, the test voltage shall be lOOOV or it is replaced by the
measurement of 2500 V megohmmeter on insulation resistance. Test voltage about static silicon
controlled excitation of hydrogenerator shall be in accordance with Term 2 of Clause 3.0.8 in the
standard; In case of electronic parts and components in circuits, upon test plug-in parts shall be
pulled out or its two ends are in short circuit.
Note: AC voltage-withstanding test on generator's rotator and exciter's armature are is not included.
3.0.11 Measurement on insulation bearing of generator and exciter and insulation resistance of
feed-water seat of rotator shall comply with following provisions:
1 After the oil pipe is installed, 1000 V megohmmeter is applied for the measurement and
the value insulation resistance shall not be lower than 0.5 MQ.
2 For hydrogen-cooling generator, insulation resistances of both internal and external oil
deflectors shall be measured. The value shall satisfy the provisions of manufacturer.
3.0.12 Inspection on embedded thermodetector shall meet following provisions:
1 Megohlnlneter of 250V is applied to measure whether the insulation resistance of
embedded thermodetector is sound or not;
2 Indicated value of thermodetector, which shall be checked, shall be of no abnormality.
3.0.13 Measurement on DC resistance of excitation cut-off and auto-synchronous resistors shall
be compared with the value of nameplates. Its difference sl~allnot be over 10%.
3.0.14 Measurement on AC impedance and power losses shall comply with following
1 Measurement shall be respectively made both inside and outside bores of stator under the
static states and before and after the overspeed test;
2 For salient-pole electric machine, ~neasurernent can be done on each magnetic-pole
winding outside the bore. Measured values shall be of no obvious differences under mutual
3 Upon test, peak value of applied voltage shall not exceed the value of rated excitation
Note: Brushless exciter unit ma); not be measured if there are no conditions of measurement.
3.0.15 Measurement on characteristic curve of three-phase short circuit shall be in colnpliance
wit11 following provisions:
1 Measured value, compared with the routine test value of products, sllall lie within the
range of measurement deviation.
2 For transformer unit of generator, if there is routine test report of manufacturer on
short-circuit characteristics of generator itself, short-circuit characteristics of transformer unit of
generator can only be entered. Its short-circuit points shall be set on the high-voltage side of
3.0.16 Measurement on unloaded characteristic curve shall meet following provisions:
1 The measured value, which is compared with the routine test one, shall lie within the
range of measurement deviation;
2 The highest value of test voltage at rated speed shall be 120% of stator's rated voltage for
steam turbo-generator and phase modifier, 130% for hydrogenerator, but all shall not exceed the
rated excitation current.
3 In case of turn-to-turn insulation for generator, turn-to-turn voltage-withstanding test
shall be done and lasted for 51nin at 130% of stator's rated voltage (no greater than the highest
voltage of stator);
4 For transformer unit of generator, when there is routine test report of manufacturer on
unloaded characteristics and turn-to-turn voltage withstanding about generator itself, generator
may not be dismantled from machine units to make the unloaded characteristics, but only make
the unloaded characteristics of the whole unit of generator's transformer unit with the voltage
increased to 105% of rated voltage.
3.0.17 At the unloaded rated voltage about generator, time constants about excitation cut-off of
generator's stator on open circuit are logged. For transformer unit of generator, it can be done at
the same time together with unloaded transformer.
3.0.18 After breaking brake of automatic excitation cut-off device at the unloaded rated voltage
of generator, residual voltage of stators is measured.
3.0.19 Measurement on phase sequence of generator must be consistent with the phase
sequence of power grid.
3.0.20 Measurement on shaft voltage shall be in accordance with following provisions:
1 It is made respectively at the unloaded rated voltage and after addition of loads;
2 When oil film of bearing of steam turbo-generator is in short circuit, the voltage value
between bearing and engine stand shall be close to the one on two end axles of rotators;
3 Voltage of shaft stand shall be measured for hydrogenerator.
3.0.21 Natural frequency test on stator's winding end and its modal analysis shall meet
following provisions:
1 It is employed for steam turbo-generator with 200MW and the above;
2 Natural frequency and mode of vibration about stator's winding ends under cold state of
generator: it is unqualified in case of elliptic mode of vibration with the natural frequency ranging
from 94 to 1 15Hz;
3 When manufacturer has worked out the test with the routine test report, test may not be
3.0.22 Measurement on DC voltage applied for in-situ cover insulation at stator's winding ends
shall satisfy following provisions:
1 For those of which the lead wires at ends of generator are assembled at site, DC voltage
shall be applied for measurement after insulation wrapping materials are dried;
2 Applied DC voltage on stator's winding is the rated voltage U,, of generator;
3 The measured surface DC electric potential shall not be larger than the stipulated value of
4 DC Machine

4.0.1 Test items of DC machine shall include following contents:

1 Measurement on insulation resistance of excitation winding and armature;
2 Measurement on DC resistance of excitation winding;
3 Measurement on DC resistance between rectiblocks of armature;
4 AC voltage-withstanding test about excitation winding and armature;
5 Measurement on DC resistance of excitation variable resistor;
6 Measurement on insulation ~+esistancesof excitation circiiits together wit11 their all
connected equipment;
7 AC voltage-withstanding test on excitation circuits together with all connected
8 Inspection on polarity of generator's winding and the correctness of its connection;
9 Brush of electric machine is measured and adjusted so that it lies at the neutral
position in magnetic field;
10 Logging about unloaded characteristics of generators and the load characteristic curve
of exciter with the rotator's winding as load;
11 Idle running inspection and measurement on unloaded current about DC generator.
Note: Exciter of synchronous generator and phase modifier above 6000 kW shall be tested according to all
items in this Clause. Other DC electric machines are tested according to Terms 1, 2, 5. 6, 8, 9 and 11.
4.0.2 Measured values of insulation resistance of excitation winding and armature shall not be
lower than 0.5 MR.
4.0.3 For the value of DC resistance of excitation winding compared with the one of
manufacturer, its difference shall not be larger than 2%.
4.0.4 Measurement on DC resistance between rectiblocks of armature shall comply with
following provisions:
1 For lap winding, it can be measured between rectiblocks; for wave winding, the distance
between two rectiblocks equals the pitch of commutator, under measurement; for frog winding,
DC resistance between rectiblocks of lap and wave windings shall be measured according to
actual situations of its connecting wire;
2 The mutual difference shall not be larger than 10% of the ~ninilnumvalue. When regular
changes take place because of average-voltage wire or winding structures, judginent through
comparison can be made between corresponding rectiblocks.
4.0.5 AC voltage-withstanding test voltages about excitation winding to shell and armature
winding to shaft shall be 1.5 times of rated voltage plus 750V and no less than 1200V.
4.0.6 For the measured value of DC resistance about excitation variable resistor compared with
the routine one, its difference shall not be larger than 10%. During the adjustment, the contact
shall be sound with no open circuit. Changes on values of resistances sl~allbe regular.
4.0.7 The measured value of insulation resistance about excitation circuits together with all
their connec~edeqiiipme-nl shall not be l o \ ~ e than
r 0.5 \4Q.
Note: Measurement on insulation resistance about circuits of excitation control devices is not included.
4.0.8 Voltage of A C voltage-withstanding test on insulation resistance about excitation circuits
together with all their connected equipment shall be 1000V, or the test can be replaced by the
measurement of 2500V tnegoh~nmeteron insulation resistance.
Note: AC voltage-withstanding tests about circuits of excitation control devices are not included
4.0.9 Inspection is given on polarity and the connection of electric machine's winding, which
shall be correct.
4.0.10 Adjusted is the neutral position of brush of generator, which shall be correct and satisfy
requirements on sound commutating.
4.0.11 Logged are the unloaded characteristics of DC generator and load characteristic curves
of exciter with rotator's winding as load, for which compared with data of routine test there shall
be no remarkable differences. Load characteristics of exciter [nay be logged at the same time
under the unloaded and short-circuit tests of synchronous generator.
4.0.12 Idle-running inspection and unloaded current measurement about DC generator shall
meet following provisions:
1 Unloaded running time is no less than 30 min generally. Contact face between brush and
commutator shall be of no apparent sparks;
2 Recorded are the idle-running currents of DC machine.
5 Intermediate-Frequency Generator

5.0.1 Test items of intermediate-frequency generator shall include following contents:

1 Measurement on insulation resistance of winding;
2 Measurement on DC resistance of winding;
3 AC voltage-withstanding test of winding:
4 Logging about unloaded characteristic curve;
5 Measurement on phase sequence;
6 Measurement on insulation resistance of temperature detector and inspection on whether
it is intact or not.
5.0.2 The measured value of insulation resistance of winding shall not be lower than 0.5 MR.
5.0.3 Measurement on DC resistance of winding shall comply with following provisions:
1 For DC resistance value of winding at each phase or each branch compared with the
routine value, the mutual difference shall not be more than 2%;
2 For DC resistance value of excitation winding compared with the routine value, there
shall be no remarkable differences.
5.0.4 Voltage of AC voltage-withstanding test on winding shall be 75% of the voltage of
routine test.
5.0.5 Logging about unloaded characteristic curve shall meet following provisions:
1 Test voltage is raised to the routine-test value as the tnaximu~none. For measured value
compared with the routine one, there shall be no remarkable differences;
2 For permanent-magnetic intermediate-frequency generator, logged is only the relation
curve between voltage and speed of generator. There shall be no remarkable differences for the
measured curve coinpared with the routine value of manufacturer.
5.0.6 Phase sequence is measured. Label numbers about terminals of outgoing wire of electric
machine shall be consistent with phase sequence.
5.0.7 Measurement on insulation resistance of temperature detector and calibration on
temperature deviation shall comply with following provisions:
1 Megohmmeter of 250V is applied to measure insulation resistance of temperature
2 Deviation of temperature detector shall not exceed stipulations of manufacturer.
6 AC Motor

6.0.1 Test items of AC motor shall involve following contents:

1 Measurement on insulation resistance and absorptance of winding;
2 Measurement on DC resistance of winding;
3 DC voltage-withstanding test and measurement on leakage current of stator's winding;
4 AC voltage-withstanding test on stator's winding;
5 AC voltage-withstanding test on rotator's winding of wound motor;
6 AC voltage-withstanding test on rotator's winding of synchronous generator;
7 Measurement on insulation resistances of variable, starting, and excitation-cut-off
8 Measurement on DC resistances of variable, starting, and excitation-cut-off resistors;
9 Measurement on insulation resistance of motor's bearing;
10 Inspection on polarity of stator's winding and correctness of its connection;
11 Unloaded-running inspection and unloaded-current measurement about motor.
Note: Motors with voltage below 1000V and capacity below 100kW can be tested according Terms 1, 7, 10.
and 11 of this Clause.
6.0.2 Measurement on insulation resistance and absorptance of winding shall comply with
following provisions:
1 With rated voltage below 1000V, the value of insulation resistance at normal temperature
shall not be less than 0.5 MR; with rated voltage not below 1000V, the value of insulation
resistance converted into the one at operating temperature shall not be lower than 1 MRIkV for
stator's winding, no less than 0.5 MRIkV for rotator's winding. Conversion about temperature of
insulation resistance can be made according Appendix B of the standard;
2 Absorptance shall be measured for motors of the voltage not below 1000V. The
absorptance shall not be less than 1.2. Measurement at each phase shall be done for those neutral
points of which can be opened.
Note: 1 Under AC voltage-withstanding test, insulation of winding shall meet requirements in this Clause;
2 For motor passing AC voltage-withstanding test, when its insulation resistance after converted into
the one at operation temperature (motor of epoxy-mica insulation at the normal temperature) shall not be lower
than its rated voltage 1 MRIkV. It can be put into operation without being dried. However before operation. the
end cover can not be opened for internal working.
6.0.3 Measurement on DC resistance of winding shall meet following provisions:
The mutual difference between winding DC resistance of each phase about motors with the
voltage above lOOOV or the capacity above 100 kW shall not be more than 2% of its minimum
value. For DC resistances between measurable wires of motor not lead from neutral points, the
mutual difference shall not be over 1% of its minimum value.
6.0.4 DC voltage-withstanding test and leakage-current measurement on stator's winding shall
comply with following provisions:
DC voltage-withstanding test shall be carried out at each phase for stator's winding, which
has been lead from connecting wire of neutral points to the terminal board of outgoing wire, with
voltage above lOOOV and capacity above 1000 kW. Test voltage is three times of rated voltage of
stator's winding. Under the stipulated test voltage, differences between leakage currents at each
phase sl~allnot be larger than 100% of the lninilnuln value; when the maximum leakage current is
below 20pA, there shall be no remarkable differences between each phase. Precautions upon test
shall colnplp with Clause 3.0.4; Test of this item is not worked out for those which are not lead
from connecting wire of neutral point.
6.0.5 Voltage ofAC voltage-withstanding test on stator's winding shall satisfy Table 6.0.5
Table 6.0.5 Voltage of AC voltage-withstanding test on stator's winding of motor
Rated voltage (kV) 3 6 10
Test voltage (kV) 5 10 16
6.0.6 Voltage of AC voltage-withstanding test on rotator's winding of wound motor shall
colnply with Table 6.0.6
Table 6.0.6 Voltage of AC voltage-withstanding test on rotator's winding of wound motor
Operating condition of rotator Test voltage (V)

Reversible 1.5Uk+750
Irreversible 3.0uk+750
Note: U L is the voltage measured in case of open circuit of rotator's winding, when rotator is static and rated
voltage is applied on rotator's winding
6.0.7 AC voltage-withstanding test voltage about rotator's winding of synchronous motor is 7.5
times of rated excitation voltage and shall be no less than 1200V, but no higher than 75% of the
routine-test value.
6.0.8 For insulation resistances of variable, starting, and excitation-cut-off resistors measured
together with circuit, the value shall not be lower than 0.5 MQ.
6.0.9 For value of measured DC resistance of variable, starting, and excitation-cut-off resistors
compared with the routine-test value, the difference shall not be over 10%; during adjustment, the
contact shall be sound with no open circuit. Changes on resistance values shall be regular.
6.0.10 As to measurement on insulation resistance of motor's bearing, in case of connection of
oil-pipe circuit, lOOOV megohinmeter shall be applied for measurement after installation of oil
pipe. The value of insulation resistance shall not be lower than 0.5 MR.
6.0.11 Inspection is given on polarity of stator's winding and its connection shall be correct.
For those which are not lead from neutral point, polarity may not be inspected.
6.0.12 Operating time for inspection on unloaded running of motor is 2h with records on
unloaded currents of motor. When the connection between motor and its mechanical part is not
torn easily, it can be connected together for inspection and test about i~nloadedrunning.
7 Power Transformer

7.0.1 Test items of power transformer shall include following contents:

1 Insulating-oil or SF6 gas test;
2 Measurement on DC resistance of winding together with bushing;
3 Inspection on voltage ratio of all taps;
4 Inspection on groups of three-phase connecting wire about transformer and polarity
of lead wire of single-phase transformer;
5 Measurement on all fasteners insulated from iron core (connectors which can be torn) and
the insulation resistance of iron core (with grounding wire lead from outside);
6 Non-pure porcelain bushing test;
7 Inspection and test about on-load tap changers;
8 Measurement on insulation resistance, absorptance or polarization index of winding
together with bushing;
9 Measurement on loss tangent tans of winding together with bushing;
10 Measurement on DC leakage current of winding together with bushing;
11 Deformation test on transformer winding;
12 AC voltage-withstanding test on winding together with bushing
13 Long-time induced voltage test with partial discharge test about winding together with
14 Impact close-brake test;
15 Inspection on phase position;
16 Measurement on noise.
Note: Besides reasons stipulated in clauses, test items of each kind of transformer shall be launched according
to following provisions:
I Test about oil-immersed power transformer with capacity not above 1600 kV.A can be in
compliance with Terms 1, 2, 3 , 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14 and 15 in this clause.
2 Test on dry transformer can be in accordance with Terms 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14 and 15 in this clause;
3 Test about converter and rectifier transformers can be in conformation to Terms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 7, 8, 12,
14 and 15 in this clause;
4 Test on fbrnace transformer can be done according to Terms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14 and 15 in
this clause;
5 Core-through current transformer and capacitor-type bushing shall be tested according to test items
of Chapters 9 and 16 in the standard respectively;
6 All routine-test items shall be witnessed by the ordering customer for total-transportation-separation
and in-situ assembled transformers. In-situ tests are implemented according to the standard.
7.0.2 Tests on insulation oil in oil-immersed transformer and SF6 gas in SF6 gas insulated
transformer shall satisfy following provisions:
1 Test categories of insulation oil shall comply with Table 20.0.2 in the standard; items and
standards of test shall satisfy Table 20.0.1.
2 Chromatographic analysis on dissolved gas in oil shall accord with following provisions:
As to transformer not below 66 kV, chromatographic analysis shall be given once on dissolved gas
in insulation oil within transformer body after the standing of oil injection, 2 4 - h o ~ r
voltage-withstanding and partial discharge tests, and 24h operation under impact close brake and
rated voltage. Test shall be implemented according to national current standard "Guide to Analysis
and Diagnosis of Gases Dissolved in Transformer Oil" GBIT 7252. Contents of hydrogen,
acetylene, and total hydrocarbon measured at each time shall be of no remarkable differences. For
gas contents about H2 and hydrocarbons (pL/L), any item may not exceed following values:
Total hydrocarbon: 20, Hz:10, C2H2:0
3 Measurement on trace water in oil shall satisfy following provisions: content of trace
water in oil of transformer sliall not be larger than 20lnglL for voltage level as I10 kV; no larger
than 151ngILfor 220 kV; no greater than 101ngiLfor voltage level as 330-500 kV.
4 Measurement on gas content in oil shall accord with following provisions: for
transformer with voltage level as 330-500 kV, after standing according to stipulated time, gas
content in oil is measured througl~samples. The value shall not be larger than 1% (volume
5 As to SF6 gas insulated transformer, checks and leakage inspection shall be given on
water content in SF6 gas: water content (volume fraction at 20°C) in SF6 gas is no larger than
250pLiL generally. Transformer shall be of no obvious points of leakage.
7.0.3 Measurement on DC resistance of winding together with bushing shall be in compliance
with following provisions:
1 Measurement shall be made on all positions of each tap;
2 As to three-phase transformer with voltage not above 1600 kV.A , mutual difference
between measured values at each phase sliall be lower than 4% of average value; Mutual
difference about values measured between wires shall be smaller than 2% o f average value; As to
three-phase transformer with voltage above 1600 kV.A; Mutual difference between measured
values at each phase shall be lower than 2% of average value. Mutual difference about values
measured between wires shall be smaller than 1 % of average value;
3 For DC current of transformer compared with the routine actually-measured values of
products at same temperature, corresponding changes shall not be larger than 2%; Values of
resistances at different temperatures are converted according to formula (7.0.3)

Where R1,R2-Values of resistances (R) at temperatures t l and f 2 respectively;

T-Constant for calculation, 235 for copper lead wire and 225 for alu~nini~ln
lead wire.
4 When the difference exceeds Term 2 of this Clause because of reasons like structures of
transfortner, comparison can be made according to Term 3 of this clause but reasons shall be
7.0.4 Voltage ratio of all taps shall be inspected and there shall be no remarkable differences if
the ratio is compared with data of nameplates and in accordance wit11 rules of voltage ratio; For
power transformers with voltage level not below 220 kV, the allowable deviation of its voltage
un rated tap positions.
ratio shall be ~0.591
Note: "no remarkable differences" can be taken into account as follows:
1 With voltage level below 35 kV, allowable deviation on voltage ratio of transformer, the voltage ratio
of which is smaller than 3. is *I%:
2 Allowable deviation on voltage ratio under rated tapping of all other transformers is *0.5%;
3 Other tapping voltage ratio shall lie within 1110 of transformer's impedance voltage, but no more than
Zk 1Yo.
7.0.5 Inspection is given on grouping of three-phase wires and polarity of leading-out wire of
single-phase transformer, which must be consistent with design requirements, marks on
nameplates and symbols on shell.
7.0.6 Measurement on all fastening parts and components insulated from iron core and
insulation resistances of iron core (with grounding wire lead from outside) sliall meet following
1 For transformer the body of which is inspected, the insulation resistances of punched
-core bolts, yoke clamping pieces and banded steel strips to iron yoke, oil tank and winding
clamping ring, which can be contacted, shall be measured. When one end of yoke iron beam and
punch-core bolts is connected to iron core, test shall be started after connecting piece is
2 For transformer the body of which is not inspected or inspected, insulation resistances of
iron core and clamping pieces (with grounding wires lead from outside) shall be measured after
the completion of all installation;
3 Iron core must be one-spot grounded: In case of special iron-core grounding wire leading
out bushing, the insulation resistance of the wire to shell shall be measured before oil pouring;
4 Megohmmeter of 2500V is applied for measurement with the lasting time as 1 min. There
shall be neither flashover nor puncture.
7.0.7 Test on non-pure porcelain bushing shall be in accordance with provisions in Chapter 16
of the standard.
7.0.8 Inspection and test about on-load tap changers shall satisfy following provisions:
1 Before transformer is charged, test about the process of on-load tap change is
implemented with inspection on the entire action sequence of switch contact of commutation
switch and measurement on value of transition resistance and switching time. The measured value
of transition resistance, three-phase synchronous deviation, value of switching time, deviation
between positive and negative switching time shall all meet technical requirements of
manufacturer. For those which are measured in no way due to transformer structures and
connecting-wire reasons, test of this item is not implemented;
2 In case of transformer with no voltage, the manual operation shall be of no less than two
cycles, no less than five cycles for electric operation. Under electric operation, voltage of power
source is 85% of rated voltage and the above. The operation shall be of no stuck and interlock
procedure with electric and mechanical limits being normal;
3 After cycle operation, all DC resistance and voltage ratios under tapping about winding
together with bushing are measured. Test results shall comply with requirements in Clauses 7.0.3
and 7.0.4 of the standard;
4 If electric operation of on-load voltage-regulating switches is done with transformer
being charged, the action shall be normal. Under operation, voltage on each side shall lie within
the allowable range of system voltage:
5 Before insulated oil is poured into oil tank of commutating switch, its breakdown voltage
shall satisfy stipulations in Table 20.0.1 of the standard.
7.0.9 Measurement on insulation resistance, absorptance or polarization index about winding
together with bushing shall comply with following provisions:
1 Value of insulation resistance is not lower than 70% of the routine test one.
2 If the measuring temperature is not consistent with the routine test one, the value can be
converted into the one at the same temperature for comparison according to Table 7.0.9.
Table 7.0.9 Conversion coefficient of insulation resistance about oil-immersed power
Temperature K 5 1 0 1I 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Note: 1 K i n the table is the absolute value ot'actually-observed teniperature nlinus 20°C.
2 The temperature measurement is based on oil temperature at upper level.
When the observed temperature difference about insulation resistances are not the values
listed in the table, its conversion coefficient A can be determined by linear interpolation and can
also be calculated according to the following formula:

Insulation resistance calibrated at 20'C .can be calculated according to the following formula:
When the actually-observed temperature is above 20°C :

R,, = AR, (7.0.9-2)

When the actually-observed temperature is below 20":

R,, = R, / A (7.0.9-3)

Where R,, -Insulation resistance calibrated at 20'C (MR);

R, -Insulation resistance at observed temperature (MR).

3 If transformer is of the voltage not below 35 kV and capacity not below 4000kV.A,
absorptance shall be measured. Comparison between absorptance and routine test value shall be of
no remarkable differences, no less than 1.3 at normal temperature; If R60s is larger than 3000 M R ,
the absorptance may not be taken into account of examination.
4 If transformer is of the voltage not below 220 kV and capacity not below 120MV.A,
5000V megohmmeter may be applied to measure polarity index. Comparison between measured
value and routine-test one sl~allbe of no remarkable differences, no less than 1.3 at normal
temperature; If R60s is larger than 10000 MR, the polarity index may not be taken into account of
7.0.10 Measurement on loss tangent tan 6 of winding together with bushing shall meet
following provisions:
1 If transfor~neris of the voltage not below 35 kV and capacity not below 8000 kV.A, loss
tangent tan8 shall be measured;
2 The tan n' of measured winding shall not be larger than 130% of routine-test value;
3 If temperature under measurement is not consistent with the routine-test temperature, the
value can be converted into the one at the same temperature for comparison acco1dingtoTable7.0.10.
Table 7.0.10 Temperature conversion coefficient of loss tangent tan a(%)
Temperature I; 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Conversion coefficient A 1.15 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.9 3.3 3.7

Note: I K in the table is the absolute value of actually-observed temperature minus 20°C.
2 The temperature measurement is based on oil temperature at upper level.
3 If larger temperature conversion is made and test results exceed stipulations of Term 2 in this Clause,
comprehensive analysis and judgment shall be prepared
When the temperature difference under measurement are not the values listed in the table, its
conversion coefficient A can be determined by linear interpolation and can also be calculated
according to the following formula:

Loss tangent calibrated at 20°C .can be calculated according to the following formula:
When the observed temperature is above 20°C :

tan 6,, = tan 6, I A (7.0.10-2)

When the observed temperature is below 20°C:

tan 6,, = A tan 6,

Where tan 6,, -Loss tangent calibrated at 20aC;

tan 6,-Loss tangent under measuring temperature

7.0.11 Measurement on DC leakage current of winding together with bushing shall meet
following provisions:
1 If transformer is of the voltage not below 35 kV and capacity not below 8000kV.A, DC
leakage currents shall be measured;
2 The standard of test voltage shall comply with Table 7.0.1 1. When applied test voltage
lasts 1 min, leakage current is read at the end of high voltage. The value of leakage current may
not exceed stipulations in Appendix D of the standard.
Table 7.0.11 DC leakage test voltage standard of oil-immersed power transformer
I Rated voltage of winding (kV) I 6-10 20-3 5 63-330 500
DC test voltage (kV) 10 20 40 60
Note: I If the rated voltage o f winding is 13.8 kV and 15.75kV, it is based on 10 kV standard; if 18 kV, 20
kV standard.
2 Non-uniform insulated transformer shall still be based on standards ofvoltage level of winding to be tested.
7.0.12 Deformation test of transformer winding shall meet following provisions:
1 For transformer of voltage level not above 35 kV, short-circuit impedance of low voltage
may be applied;
2 For transformer of voltage level not below 66 kV, frequency-response method may be
applied to measure characteristic graph of winding.
7.0.13 AC voltage-withstanding test on winding together with bushing shall comply wit11
following provisions:
1 As to transformer with capacity below 8000kV.A and rated voltage of winding below 110
more than

kV, AC voltage-withstanding test shall be made for wire terminal test according to Table 7.0.13-1.
2 As to transformer with capacity not below 8000kV.A and rated voltage of winding not
belohi 110 kV, in case of test equipment, test voltage standard in Table 7.0.13-1 can be taken to
la~lnchAC voltage-withstanding test on wire terminals.
3 As transformer with rated voltage of winding not below 1 1 0 kV, AC voltage-withstanding
test shall be i~npleinentedon its neutral point. Standard of test withstand voltage is 80% of routine
test voltage value (seen in table 7.0.13-2)
Table 7.0.13-1 AC voltage-withstanding test standard of power transformerandrpactor@V)
AC \vithstand voltage
Highest voltage of
System nominal \;oltage Oil-immersed po~ver Dr!' power transformer
transformer ant1 reactor and reactor
<I 61.1 - 2.5
3 3.6 14 8.5
6 7.2 20 17
10 12 28 24
15 17.5 36 32
20 24 44 43
35 40.5 68 60
66 72.5 112 -
110 126 160 -


Note: 1 In the table mentioned above, test voltage of transformer is prepared based on routine-test voltage
multiplied by 0.8. which is stipulated in national current standard "Power Transformer Part 3: Insulation Level and
Insulation Test and External Insulation Air Gap" GB 1094.3.
2 Routine-test voltage of dry transformer is prepared based on routine-test voltage multiplied by 0.8,
which is stipulated in national current standard "Dry Power Transformer" GB 6450
Table 7.0.13-2 AC voltage-withstanding test voltage standard about neutral point of
power transformer with rated voltage not below 110 kV
System nominal Highest voltage Grounding means of neutral Routine AC Hand-over AC
voltage of equipment points withstand voltage \vithstand voltage
110 126 Not direct grounding 95 76
direct grounding 85 68
220 252
Not direct grou~lding 200 160
direct grounding 85 68
330 363
Not direct grounding 230 184
Direct grounding 85 68
200 550 Grounding through small
140 112
4 Methods of external construction frequency voltage test can be applied for AC
voltage-withstanding test. Method of induced voltage test can also be used.
Wave form of test voltage shall be close to sine as possible. Test voltage is the peak value of

measuring voltage divided by J 2 . Monitoring shall be at the high-voltage end

Voltage frequency of externally-applied AC voltage test shall be 45-65 Hz with the time
about withstand of full voltage as 60s.
Upon induced voltage test, in order to prevent the saturation of iron core and the overlarge
excitation current, the frequency of test voltage shall be appropriately larger than rated frequency.
Except additional provisions, when frequency of test voltage is equivalent to or smaller than twice
of rated frequency, test time under full voltage is 60s; if the frequency of test voltage is larger than
twice of rated frequency, test time under full voltage is:

Rated frequency
120 x (s), but no less than 15s
Testf requency
7.0.14 Long AC induced voltage test (ACLD) with partial discharge measurement about
winding together with bushing: for voltage level not below 220 kV, under new installation, in-situ
partial discharge test must be carried out. For transformer with voltage level as 110 kV, in case of
suspicion on insulation, partial discharge test shall be implemented.
Methods of both test and judgment about partial discharge are based on relevant provisions in
national current standard "Power Transformer Part 3: Insulation Level and Insulation Test and
External Insulation Air Gap" GB 1094.3 (please see appendix C).
7.0.15 Impact close-brake tests on transformer at rated voltage shall be implemented five times.
The interval of each time may be 5 min and there shall be no abnormal occurrences: impact on
closing brake may be done on the high-voltage side of transformer; under test about power system
with neutral points grounded, neutral points of transformer must be grounded; for transformer with
no breaker points of operation among transformer unit of generators, impact close-brake may not
be carried out. Dry transformers with no current differential protection may be impacted three
7.0.16 Inspected are the phase positions of transformer, which must be consistent with the ones
of power grid.
7.0.17 Noise of transformers with voltage level as 500 kV shall be measured at the rated
voltage and frequency. Noise value shall not be larger than 80 dB (A). Its measuring methods and
requirements shall be based on national current standard "Determination of Sound Levels about
Transformer and Reactor" GBIT 7328.
8 Reactor and Arc-Suppression Coil

8.0.1 Test items of reactor and arc-suppression coil shall include followjng contents:
1 Measurement on DC resistance of winding togethel. witli bushing;
2 Measurement on insulation resistance, absorptance or polarity index about winding
together with bushing;
3 Measurement on loss tangent tan 6 of winding together with bushing;
4 Measurelnent on DC discharge current about winding together with bushing;
5 AC voltage-withstanding test on winding together with bushing;
6 Measurement on insulation resistances of all fastening parts and components insulated
from iron core;
7 Test on insulation oil;
8 Test on non-pure porcelain bushing;
9 Impact close-brake test at rated voltage;
10 Noise measurement;
11 Measurement on vibration of box shell;
12 Measurement on temperature of surface of box shell.
Note: I Test items of dry reactor can be in accordance with Terms 1. 2. 5. and 9 of this Clause:
2 Test items of arc-suppression coil can be in compliance with Terms 1, 2. 5, and 6 of this Clause; for
oil-immersed arc-suppression coil with voltage not below 35 kV, Terms 3. 4 , 7 and 8 of this Clause shall be added;
3 Test items o f oil-immersed reactor can be according to Terms 1, 2, 5, 6. 7, and 9 of this Clause: for
reactor with voltage not below 35 kV, Terms 3; 4; 8; 10, 11 and 12 shall be added.
8.0.2 Measurement on DC resistance of winding together with bushing shall satisfy following
1 Measurement shall be made on all positions of each tap;
2 Change rules about actually-measured and routine values shall be consistent;
3 Mutual differences between DC resistances of three-phase reactor winding shall not be
larger than 2% of average among three phases;
4 For DC resistance of reactor and arc-suppression coil compared with routine value at the
same temperature, relative changes shall not be larger than2%.
8.0.3 Measurelnent on insulation resistance, absorptance or polarity index about winding
together with bushing shall colnply with Clause 7.0.9 of the standard.
8.0.4 Measurement on loss tangent tan 6 of winding together with bushing shall cornply with
Clause 7.0.10 of the standard.
8.0.5 Measurelnent on DC discharge current about winding together with bushing shall satisfy
Clause 7.0.11 of the standard.
8.0.6 AC voltage-~iitlistanding test of winding together witli bushing shall colnply with
following provisions:
1 AC voltage-withstanding test shall be launched on all arc-suppression coils, dry or
oil-immersed reactors with rated voltage below 110 kV. Test voltage shall comply with Table
7.0.13 in the standard;
2 Voltage standard of voltage-withstanding test for non-uniform insulation sliall be in
accordance with voltage levels at grounding end or the insulation of its end.
8.0.7 Measurement on insulation resistances of all fastening parts and components insulated
from iron core shall co~nplywith Clause 7.0.6 in the standard.
8.0.8 Test on insulation oil shall meet Clauses 20.0.1 and 20.0.2 in the standard.
8.0.9 Test on non-pure porcelain bushing shall satisfy stipulations in Chapter 16 of the
8.0.10 Under rated voltage, impact close-brake tests on shunt inductor of substions and lines
together with lines shall be made five times with interval of each time as 5 min. There shall be no
8.0.11 Measurement on noise shall colnply with Clause 7.0.17 in the standard.
8.0.12 For reactor with voltage level as 500 kV, the measured double peak values about
amplitude of vibration of box shell under rated running conditions shall not be larger than 100p1n.
8.0.13 For reactor with voltage level as 330-500 kV, temperature on the surface of shell box
shall be measured. Temperature rise shall not be larger than 65°C.
9 Instrument Transformer

9.0.1 Test items of instrument transformer shall include following contents:

1 Measurement on insulation resistance of winding;
2 Measurement on loss tangent tan 6 of instrument transfortners with voltage not belo&! 35
3 Partial discharge test;
4 A C voltage-withstanding test;
5 Test on properties of insulation lnediiltn:
6 Measurement on DC resistance of winding;
7 Inspection on groups and polarity of connecting wire;
8 Deviation measurement;
9 Measurement on excitation characteristic curve of current transformer;
10 Measurement on excitation cl~aracteristicsof electromagnetic voltage transformer;
11 Testing on capacitor-type voltage transformer (CVT);
12 Inspection on sealing properties;
13 Measurement on insulation resistance of iron-core clamping bolts.
Note: Tests on current transformer in SF6 close combined electric appliances and the bushing current
transformer shall be in accordance with Terms 1: 6. 7, 8 and 9 in the Clause.
9.0.2 Measurement on insulation resistance of winding shall meet following provisions:
1 Measured shall be insulation resistances of primary winding to secondary winding and
shell, between secondary windings, and of secondary winding to shell; value of insulation
resistance may not be lower than 1000 MR;
2 For lneasure~nent on insulation resistances between sections of primary windings of
current transformer, value of insulation resistance may not be lower than 1000 MR, but it may not
be done if the measurement is unable to be made because of structural reasons;
3 For ~neasure~nent on insulation resistance of end screen of current transformer and
grounding terminal (N) of voltage transformer to the shell (ground), the value of insulation
resistance may not be lower than 1000 MR. If the insulation resistance of end screen against
ground is smaller than 1000 M R , its tan 6 shall be measured;
4 Megohmmeter of 2500 V shall be used for measurement on insulation resistance.
9.0.3 Loss tangent tan 6 of instrument transfortners with voltage level not below 35 kV shall
meet following provisions:
1 Measuring voltage of tan 6 about winding of instrument transfor~nershall be measured at
10 kV, tan 6 no larger than data in Table 9.0.3. In case of suspicion about insulation properties,

iligli-voltage rnetliod can be applied for test ilnplernented within the range (0.5 - I)U,,,6 . The
change about tan 6 sllall not be larger than 0.2%, change about capacitance no larger than 0.5%;
2 Measuring voltage about tan 6 of end screen is 2 kV.
S o t ? : This clause mainly applies to oil-immersed transformer. not to structural transformers of SF6 gas and
epoxy resin insulation. It can be referred for dry transfor~nersof pouring silicon grease.
Table 9.0.3 Tan 6 limit value ('/u)

Oil-immersed current
1 2.5 1 0.8 1 0.6

Fill-silicon-grease and other dry

0.5 0.5 0.5 -
current transformers
Oil-immersed voltage
3 2.5 -
transformer winding
Cascade voltage transformer
I - 1 6 1 -

End screen of oil-immersed

- 2
current transformer
Note: Environmental conditions (particularly relative humidity) have larger influence on medium loss a b o ~
the whole body and bracket of voltage transformer, so this shall be considered upon measurement
9.0.4 Partial discharge measurement of instrument transformer shall meet following
1 Partial discharge measurement may be made at the same time on AC voltage-withstanding
2 For partial discharge measurement of transformers with voltage level as 35-110 kV
sample test can be done according to 10%. If the charge amount of partial discharge cannot reach
stipulated requirements, proportion of sample test shall be increased;
3 In case of suspicion about insulation properties of instrument transformers with voltage
level not below 220 kV, the partial discharge measurement may be carried out;
4 Under partial discharge measurement, the applied primary voltage shall be monitored at
the high-voltage side (including induced voltage of voltage transformer);
5 For partial discharge measurement, measuring voltage and apparent charges shall satisfy
Table 9.0.4.
Table 9.0.4 Allowable level of apparent charges

Measuring voltage (kV)

other dry types gas types

Current transformer
1.2um/ J5 50 20

1 1.2Um/(if necessary) 1 100 1 5o I

266 kV
1.2Um /J5 50 20

1.2U,, /(if necessary) 100 5o

1.2U1,, 100 50
Full-insulation structures
35 kV
1.2U1,,1 J5 50 20

Half-insulation structures
1. 2 q n/ 45 50 20
(direct grounding for one
end of primary winding 1.2Um/(if necessary) 100 50
9.0.5 AC voltage-withstanding test on instrument transformers shall meet following provisions:
1 It shall be in accordance with 80% of the routine-test voltage;
2 As to electromagnetic voltage transformer, if the magnetic density of iron core is higher,
induced voltage-withstanding test may be worked out according to following provisions:
1) Induced voltage-withstanding test voltage shall be 80% of the routine-test one.
2) Frequency of test power source and time of test voltage are iinplemented with reference
to Term 4 of Clause 7.0.13 in the standard.
3) Before and after induced voltage-withstanding test, unloaded current measurement at
primary rated voltage shall be done once respectively. Comparison between measured values shall
be of no remarkable differences;
4) For oil-immersed transformer with voltage not b e l o ~ 66
l kV, chromatograpliic analysis of
primary insulation oil shall be done once respectively before and after induced
voltage-withstanding test. Comparison between measured values shall be of no remarkable
5) On induced voltage-withstanding test, voltage value shall be measured at the
high-voltage end.
6) Under induced voltage-withstanding test about intermediate voltage transformer of
capacitor-type voltage transformer, differential-pressure capacitance shall be disassembled. If due
to reasons of product structures there are no conditions on site for disassembling, the induced
voltage-withstanding test may not be done.
3 ,4s to SF6 gas-insulation transformer with voltage level above 220 kV (particularly
instrument transformer with voltage level as 500 kV), the AC voltage-withstanding test may be
started after installation is completed;
4 Voltage standards of power-frequency voltage-withstanding tests between secondary
windings and of the secondary winding to shell shall be 2 kV;
5 Voltage standards of power-frequency voltage-withstanding tests on end screen of current
transformer with voltage level not below 110 kV and grounding terminal (N) of voltage
transformer to the ground shall be 3 kV.
9.0.6 For test on properties of insulation medium, in case of suspicion on insulation properties
of instrument transformers, the properties of insulation medium with satisfaction on following
1 Properties of insulation oil shall meet requirements in Tables 20.0.1 and 20.0.2 of the
2 Properties of SF6 gas shall meet following requirements: Samples are drawn after SFGgas
has been filled for 2411. Water content in SFGgas shall not be larger than 250pLJL (volume fraction
at 20°C).
3 Chro~natograpl~ic analysis shall be given on gas dissolved in oil for oil-immersed
transformer with voltage level above 66 kV. Constituent content of gas dissolved in oil (pL/L)
may not be more than any one value of the following: Total hydrocarbon: 10, H2:50 and C2H2:0.
9.0.7 Measurement on DC resistance of winding shall comply with following provisions:
1 Voltage transforlners: Measured value of DC resistance of primary winding is compared
with the routine-test value converted into the one at the same temperature, and the difference may
not be larger than 10%. Measured value of DC resistance of secondary winding is compascd u it11
the routine-test value converted into the one at the same temperature, and the difference may not
be larger than 15%.
2 Current transformers: the difference between the average value and DC resistances of
primary and secondary windings of current transformers in the same type, specification and batch
number may not be larger than 10%. In case of suspicion, applied measuring currents shall be
increased and the measuring current (DC value) may not exceed 50% of rated current (root-mean
square value).
9.0.8 Inspection is given on connecting-wire groups and polarity of instrument transformers,
which must meet design requirements and shall be consistent with nameplates and signs.
9.0.9 Measurement on deviation of instrument transformers shall meet following provisions:
1 Deviation measurement must be carried out on instrument transformers (including
current, voltage, and combined transformers) used for gateway metering. The organs (laboratories)
for deviation testing must be legal metering verification institutions authorized by state;
2 Deviation measurement may be implemented on instrument transformers with
non-gateway metering and the voltage level not below 35 kV;
3 For instrurnellt transformers with non-gateway metering and the voltage level below 35
kV, inspection shall be made on changes of instrument transformers, which shall be consistent
with the value of nameplate of manufacturer. For multi-tap transformer, inspection can only be
given on transformation ratio of used taps;
4 Transformation-ratio inspections shall be given for windings used for non-metering;
9.0.10 If the relay protection sets requirements on excitation characteristics of current
transformer, the test about excitation characteristic curve shall be implemented. When the current
transformer is multi-tapping, the taps or the largest tap can be used for measurement. After
measurement, the verification is made on whether product requirements are satisfied or not, with
verifying methods seen in Appendix E.
9.0.11 Measurement on excitation curve of electromagnetic voltage transformer shall comply
with following requirements:
1 All meters applied for measurement on excitation curve are the ones of root-mean square
values. If there is larger deviation (>30%) between measuring result and the routine-test and
type-test reports, checked shall be whether the varieties of used meters are correct or not;
2 Under general circumstances, measuring points of excitation curve are 20%, 50%, 80%,
loo%, and 120%. For voltage transformers with neutral points directly grounded (grounded at N
end), the highest measuring point of voltage transformers with voltage level not above 35 kV is
190%; the one of voltage transformers with voltage level not below 66 kV is 150%;
3 For measuring point of rated voltage (loo%), excitation current may not be larger than
30% of measured values in its routine-test and type-test reports. Excitation current at this point for
voltage transformers in the same batch, type and specifications may not be of difference about
9.0.12 Testing on capacitor-type voltage transformer (CVT) shall satisfy following provisions:
1 Measuring results about capacitance and loss tangent tan 6 of capacitor-voltage divider:
when its changes exceed -5% or 10% in case of comparison between capacitance and routine
value, attentions shall be arisen and tan 6 shall not be larger than 0.5%; if condition permits, when
the measured single-section capacitor lies within the range from 10 kV to rated voltage, it will be
judged as unqualified if the variation about capacitance is larger t11ar-i 1%.
2 If CVT electromagnetic units cannot lead out intermediate voltage wire because of
structural reasons. deviation tests i n ~ ~ be
s t implemented. In case of suspicion about insulation of
capacitor-voltage divider, electromagnetic unit shall be opened to lead out intermediate voltage
wire for ineasiireinent on capacitance and loss tangent tan 6 at rated voltage.
3 CVT deviation test shall be done on bracket (pillar).
4 If structures of electromagnetic unit permit. inspections on electromagnetic unit include
measurement on excitation curve of intermediate transformer. measurement on inductive reactance
of compensating reactor, and property inspection on damper and ainplitude limiter. AC
voltage-withstanding test is referred to electromagnetic voltage transformer with applied voltage
implemented according to 80% of routine test.
9.0.13 Inspection on sealing properties shall coinply with following provisions:
1 The appearance of oil-immersed transformer shall be of no visible oil stains:
2 There shall be no leakage points for q~ialitativeleak detection on SF6 gas insulated
transformer. In case of suspicion, qualitative leak detection will be made. The a n n ~ ~ leak
a l rate
shall be stnaller than 1 %.
9.0.14 Measurement on insulation resistances of iron core clainping bolts shall co~nplywith
following provisions:
1 Under inspection on the body, measured shall be exposed iron-core clamping bolts or the
ones which can be contacted;
2 Megohmmeter of 2500V is applied with test time as 1 min. There shall be no flashover
and puncture;
3 If one end of core-punch bots is connected to iron core, connecting pieces shall be
disconnected under measurement. For those which cannot be disconnected, measurement may not
be prepared.
10 Oil Circuit Breaker

10.0.1 Test items of oil circuit breakers shall include following contents:
1 Measurement on insulation resistance;
2 Measurement on loss tangent tan 6 of bulk-oil circuit breaker with voltage as 35 kV;
3 Measurement on DC leakage current of oil-minimum circuit breaker;
4 AC voltage-withstanding test;
5 Measurement on resistance of galvanic circles at each phase;
6 Measurement on the time of closing and breaking brake about oil circuit breaker;
7 Measurement on the speed of closing and breaking brake about oil circuit breaker;
8 Measurement on the synchroneity of closing and breaking brake of main contacts about
oil circuit breaker;
9 Measurement on operating time and resistance value of close-brake resistance about oil
circuit breaker;
10 Measurement on insulation and DC resistances of both coils of the closing and breaking
brake and the close-brake contacter;
11 Test on operating mechanism of oil circuit breaker;
12 Test on average-voltage capacitor of oil circuit breaker;
13 Test on insulation test;
14 Inspection on pressure gage and pressure-actuated valves.
10.0.2 Measurement on value of insulation resistances shall meet following provisions:
1 Value of the entire insulation resistance shall be measured with reference to stipulations
of manufacturer.
2 Value of insulation resistance about insulated poles shall be no less than the one
stipulated in Table 10.0.2.
Table 10.0.2 Standard of insulation resistance of insulated pole
Rated voltage (kV) 3-5 20-35 63-220 330-500
Value of insulation resistance (MR) 1200 3000 6000 10000
10.0.3 The loss tangent tan 6 of bulk-oil circuit breaker with voltage as 35 kV shall be
measured according to following provisions:
1 Tan 6 measured at 20C, shall not be larger than the value of the tan 6 of corresponding
bushing in Table 16.0.3 of the standard plus 2, for DW 2 and DW8 oil circuit breaker; no greater
than the value of the one plus 3, for DWl oil circuit breaker;
2 Tan 6 of each bushing shall be measured at the close-brake state. If the measured value
exceeds the standard, the decomposition test shall be started after oil tank is unloaded, at the
moment, the measured tan 6 (%) of bushing shall be consistent with Table 16.0.3.
10.0.4 Test voltage of DC leakage current about the post porcelain through insulator of
oil-minimum circuit breaker above 35 kV together with insulated pole and each fracture of arcing
chamber shall be 40 kV, with value of leakage current read on high-voltage side for 1 min. The
measured leakage current shall not be higher than 10pA; for those not below 220 kV, the leakage
current may not be larger than 5pA.
10.0.5 AC voltage-withstanding test of oil circuit breaker shall be done respectively under
breaking and close-brake states. Test voltage shall be done according to Table 10.0.5.
Table 10.0.5 Standard of AC voltage-withstanding test on circuit breaker
The highest Peak value of power-frequency withstand voltage (kV) for 1 min
Rated voltage
work voltage Fracture of Separated
(kV) To the ground Time
(kv) circuit breaker fracture
3 3.6 25 25 25 27
6 7.2 32 32 32 36
10 12 42 42 42 49
35 40.5 95 95 95 118
66 72.5 I55 I55 155 197
200 200 200 223
110 126
230 230 230 265
360 3 60 360 4 15
220 252
395 395 395 460
460 460 520 520
330 363
5 10 510 580 5 80
630 630 790 790
500 550 680 680 790 790
740 740 790 790
Note: 1 Data in the table are introduced from "Common Specifications for HV Switchgear. Enquiries and
Orders" DLIT 593.
2 In case of no special stipulations for equipment. used is the test voltage at the highest level.
10.0.6 Measurement on resistances of galvanic circuits at each phase shall meet following
1 Measured by voltage drop method of DC no less than IOOA, resistance value shall meet
stipulations on technical conditions of products;
2 For circuit breaker where main and arc-suppression contacts are in parallel connection,
values of resistances about galvanic circuits of its main and arc-suppression contacts shall be
lneasured respectively.
10.0.7 Tilne about closing and breaking brake about circuit breaker sliall be measured at the
rated operating voltage and liydraulic pressure of products. The actually-measured value shall
satisfy tlie provisions on technical conditions of products.
10.0.8 Speeds of closing and breaking brake about circuit breaker shall coinply with following
1 Measurement shall be done at the rated operating voltage and hydraulic pressure of
products. Tile actually-measured value shall satisfy tlie provisions on technical conditions of
products. In case of no requirements on products, measurement ]nay not be prepared;
2 As to circuit breaker with voltage not above 15 kV, except that speed measurement shall
be made on outgoing-line circuit breakers of generator, the ones connected to main bus bars of
generator, and outgoing-line ones of main transformers, measurement ]nay not be done for other
circuit breakers.
10.0.9 Measurement on synchroneity of closing and breaking brake about each fracture 01' tliree
phases or the same phase related to main contacts of circuit breaker shall satisfy stipulations on
technical conditions of products.
10.0.10 Measurement on operating time and resistance value about closing-brake resistance of
circuit breaker shall comply with provisions on technical conditions of products.
10.0.11 The measured values of insulation resistance about coils of closing and breaking brake
and the ones of closing-brake contacter related to circuit breaker shall not be lower than 10 MQ.
Comparison between DC resistance value and the routine-test one shall be of no remarkable
10.0.12 Test on operating mechanism of circuit breaker shall meet following provisions:
1 Closing-brake operation.
1) When operating voltage and l~ydraulicpressure lie within the range of Table 10.0.12-1,
operating mechanism shall be of reliable actions;
Table 10.0.12-1 Range of test voltage and hydraulic pressure about closing-brake
operation of operating mechanism of circuit breaker
Hydraulic pressure
The lowest and highest values according to
(85%-I 1 O%)U,, (85%-11 O%)U,
stipulations of products
Note: For electromagnetic mechanism, when peak value of current is smaller than 50 kA, DC operating
voltage range is (85%-110%) U,,, with Ullas rated voltage of power source.
2) Action requirements on closing coils of spring operating mechanism and closing-brake
contacter of electromagnetic operating mechanism shall co~nplywith provisions of the last item.
2 Tripping operation
1 ) As to tripping electromagnet of DC or AC, when pressure measured at its coil terminal is
larger than 65% of the rated value, brake shall be tripped reliably; when this voltage is smaller
than 30% of rated value, brake breaking shall not be done;
2) For those with decolnpression trip installed additionally, properties of its actions shall
comply with Table 10.0.12-2;
Table 10.0.12-2 Tripping test of decompression trip installed additionally

I Ratio between voltage of power

source and the rated one
1 Smaller than 35% 1 Larger
- than 65% 1 - than 85%
Larger 1
I Work status of decompression trip
Iron core shall be
released reliably /
Iron core shall not
be released I
Iron core shall be
attracted reliably I
- - -

Note: *When voltage is decreased slowly to the stipulated ratio, iron core shall be released reliably.
3) For those with over-current release installed additionally, its rated current is stipulated to
be no less than 2.5 A. Level range and its accuracy about its release shall comply with Table
Table 10.0.12-3 Tripping test on over-current release installed additionally

Varieties of over-current release

Action delayed
Immediate action
Level range 2.5-10 2.5-15
Accuracy of tripping current at each
Accuracy of tripping current at each
level of the same release
Note: For over-current release with actions delayed, checks shall be made according to relation curve
between tripping current provided by n~anufacturerand time extension of action. Furtherniore, inspection shall
also be given on that \vhen current of main circuit is reduced to the return value beforr the predeterminecl time
de1a)l ends, release shall bc of no actions
3 Siini~lationoperating test
1) When there is power source with adjustable voltage, in-situ or remote-control operations
can be launched on circuit breaker at different conditions of voltage and hydraulic pressure.
Operation on circuit breaker at each time shall be correct with reliable action. Its actions of
interlocking and locking devices shall meet requirements of products and design; in case of no
power source with adjustable voltage, tests are only implemented at rated voltage;
2) Operating test on DC electromagnetic or spring operating ~nechanism shall be in
accordance with Table 10.0.12-4; operating test on Ilydraulic mechanism shall accord with Table

Table 10.0.12-4 Operating test on DC electromagnetic or spring mechanism

Katlo between voltage at terminal of
Type of operation 1 operating coil and rated voltage of 1 Times of operation
power source (%)
Clos~ngand breaking 110 3
Closing 85 (80) 3
Breaking 65 3
Closing, breaking and reclosing 100 3
Note: Figures in bracket apply to circuit breakers installed with automatic reclosing devices and
circumstances of "Note" in 10.0.12-1
Table 10.0.12-5 Operating test on hydraulic mechanism

Ratio between voltage at terminal of

Type of operation operating coil and rated voltage of Operating hydraulic pressure
power source (%)
Closing and The maximum operating voltage in
110 3
breaking product stipulations
Closing and
100 Rated operating voltage 3

The minimum operating voltage in
product stipulations
The minimum operating voltage in
i 3 /
uroduct stiuulations

Closing, breaking The minimum operating voltage in

~.- n- n 3
and reclosing product stipulations
Note: 1 Figures in bracket apply to circuit breaker installed with automatic reclosing devices.
2 Simulation operating test shall be done under the condition that hydraulic automatic control circuit
can be accurate with reliable state of action.
3 Under operating, allowable value for pressure decrease about hydraulic pressure shall meet
stipulations of technical conditions of products.
3 ) For circuits nit11 i l ~ u b l c closi~lg coils, simulation operating tests shall be done
4) For operating inecl~anisinof circuit breaker which itself is of functions in inconsistent
automatic closing at positions of three phases. input or withdrawal treatment shall be implemented
according to demands.
10.0.13 Test on balance-voltage capacitor of circuit breaker shall be in accordance with
Chapter 19 of the standard.
10.0.14 Test on insulation oil shall be in compliance with Chapter 20 of the standard. For
circuit breakers like arcing chamber and post porcelain through insulator, where oil circuits are
separated from each other, oil samples shall be drew from each component for test.
10.0.15 Actiori value of voltage actuated valve shall meet the technical condit~onsof products;
deviation and its variation about indicated value of pressure gage shall all lie within the allowable
deviation range of corresponding levels of products.
11 Air and Magnetic Blow-out Circuit Breaker

11.0.1 Test items of air and magnetic blow-out circuit breaker shall include the following
1 Measurement on insulation resistance of insulated pole;
2 Measurement on resistance of galvanic circuit of each phase;
3 Measurement on DC leakage current at post porcelain tllroi~gllinsi~latorand each fracture
of arcing chatnber;
4 AC voltage-withstanding test;
5 Measurement on coordination time of closing and breaking about main and auxiliary
contacts of circuit breaker:
6 Measurement on breaking and closing time of circuit breaker;
7 Measurement on synchroneity of closing and breaking brake of main contacts of circuit
8 Measurement on insulation and DC resistances of closing and breaking coils;
9 Test on operating ~nechanis~n of circuit breaker;
10 Measurement on value of shunt resistance of circuit breaker;
11 Test on capacitor of circuit breaker;
12 Inspection on pressure gage and pressure actuated valve,
Note: I Besides test of Terms 8 and 9 in this Clause, the follo\ving inspection and test shall be
implemented for automatic excitation cut-off switches of excitation circuit of generator: often opening and closing
the switching sequence of closing and opening of contacts: action coordination between main and arc-suppression
contacts; pieces of arc chute and value of its shunt resistance; excitation cut-off test at unloaded rated voltage of
synchronous generator:
2 Test on magnetic blow-out circuit breaker shall be in accordance with Terms 2, 4> 6; 8 and 9 in the
11.0.2 Measurement on value of insulation resistance about insulated pole shall not be lower
than provisions in Table 10.0.2.
11.0.3 Measurement on resistance value of galvanic circuit at each phase and its test methods
shall meet technical conditions of products.
11.0.4 Test on DC leakage current of post porcelain through insulators and each fracture of
arcing chamber shall be in accordance with Clause 10.0.4 in the standard.
11.0.5 For air circuit breaker, AC voltage-withstanding test shall be made between fact~lresand
at the closing status; For magnetic blow-out circuit breaker, fracture AC voltage-withstanding test
shall be done at the status of breaking brake; test voltage shall meet provisions in Table 10.0.5.
11.0.6 Action process and coordination time of closing and breaking actions about main and
auxiliary contacts of circuit breaker shall meet technical conditions of products.
11.0.7 Measurement on closing and breaking time of circuit breaker shall be done at the rated
operating voltage and air pressure. The actually-measured value shall meet technical conditions of
11.0.8 Measurement non synchroneity of closing and breaking about each fraclure at Ihrce or
the same phases related to main contact of circuit breaker shall meet tecl~nical conditions of
11.0.9 The measured value of insulation resistance about closing and breaking coils shall not be
lower than 10 MSZ; Colnparison between DC resistance and routine-test value shall be of no
remarkable differences.
11.0.10 Test on operating mechanism of circuit breaker shall be in accordance wit11 Clause
10.0.12 in the standard.
Note: The one corresponding to "Hydraulic pressure" in Table 10.0.12-5 of the standard shall be "air
11.0.11 For measurement on shunt resistance of circuit breaker, comparison between its value
and routine-test one shall be of no remarkable differences.
11.0.12 Test on capacitor of circuit breaker shall be in accordance with Chapter 19 of the
11.0.13 Action value of pressure actuated valve shall meet technical conditions of products.
Deviation and its variation about indicated value of pressure gage shall lie within the allowable
deviation at corresponding levels of products.
12 Vacuum Circuit Breaker

12.0.1 Test items of vacuum circuit breaker shall include following contents:
1 Measurement on insulation resistance;
2 Measurement on resistance of galvanic circuit of each phase;
3 AC voltage-withstanding test;
4 Measurement on closing and breaking time of main contact of circuit breaker,
synchroneity of closing and breaking, and spring time about contact under closing;
5 Measurement on insulation resistance and DC resistance about closing and breaking coils
and closing coils of contacter;
6 Test on operating mechanism of circuit breaker.
12.0.2 Measurement on value of insulation resistances shall meet following provisions:
1 Value of the entire insulation resistance shall be measured with reference to stipulations
of manufacturer;
2 Value of insulation resistance of insulated pole shall be not less than provisions in Table
10.0.2 at normal temperature.
12.0.3 Resistance of galvanic circuit at each phase may be measured by DC voltage-decrease
method of the current no less than 100A. Test results shall meet technical conditions of products.
12.0.4 AC voltage-withstanding test shall be implemented at statuses of closing and breaking
of circuit breaker, In case of closing status, test voltage shall satisfy provisions in Table 10.0.5. In
case of breaking status, test voltage between fractures of vacuum arcing chamber shall be based on
technical conditions of products, with no breakdown discharge.
12.0.5 Measurement on closing and breaking time of main contacts of circuit breaker,
synchroneity of closing and breaking, and the spring time after contacts are contacted during
closing, shall meet following provisions:
1 Spring time after contacts are contacted during closing shall not be larger than 2ms, for
circuit breaker with voltage below 40.5 kV; no larger than 31ns for the one with voltage not below
40.5 kV;
2 Measurement shall be given at the rated operating voltage and hydraulic pressure of
circuit breaker;
3 The actually-measured value shall meet tecl~nicalconditions of products.
12.0.6 The ~neasuredvalue of insulation resistance about closing and breaking coils and the
closing coils of contacter sl~allnot be lower than 10 MR; Comparison between DC resistance and
routine-test value shall be of no remarkable differences.
12.0.7 Test on operating mechanism of circuit breaker sl~allbe in accordance with Clause
13 Sulfur Hexafluoride Circuit Breaker

13.0.1 Test items about sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) circuit breaker shall include following
1 Measurement on insulation resistance;
2 Measurement on resistance of galvanic circuit a t each phase;
3 AC voltage-withstanding test;
4 Test on equalizing capacitor of circuit breaker;
5 Measurement on closing and breaking time of circuit breaker;
6 Measurement on closing and breaking speed of circuit breaker;
7 Measurement on synchroneity and coordination time of closing and breaking of main and
auxiliary contacts of breaker;
8 Measurement on operating time and resistance value of closing-brake resistance of circuit
9 Measurement on insulation and DC resistances of closing and breaking coils of circuit
10 Test on operating mechanism of circuit breaker;
11 Test on bushing current transformer;
12 Measurement on water content of SF6 gas in circuit breaker;
13 Sealing test;
14 Inspection on relay of gas density, pressure gage and pressure actuated valve.
13.0.2 Measurement on insulation resistance of circuit breaker: the entire insulation resistance
shall be measured with reference to stipulations of manufacturer.
13.0.3 Resistance of galvanic circuit at each phase may be measured by DC voltage-decrease
method of current no smaller than 100A. Test results shall meet technical conditions of products.
13.0.4 AC voltage-withstanding test shall meet following provisions:
1 It shall be done when SF6 gas pressure is of the rated value. Test voltage shall be 80% of
routine-test value;
2 At voltage below 110 kV, voltage-withstanding tests about closing brake against ground
and between fractures shall be done;
3 For canister-type circuit breaker, carried out shall be voltage-withstanding tests about
closing brake against ground and between fractures;
4 For 500 kV fixed-spacing porcelain-post circuit breakers, only fracture
voltage-withstanding test is done.
13.0.5 Test on equalizing capacitor of circuit breaker shall meet stipulations of Chapter 19 in
the standard. Test on equalizing capacitor of canister-type circuit breaker can be in accordance
with stipulations of manufacturer.
13.0.6 Closing and breaking time of circuit breaker shall be measured at the rated operating
voltage, gas pressure or hydraulic pressure of circuit breaker. The actually-measured value shall
meet technical conditions of products.
13.0.7 Closing and breaking speed of circuit breaker shall be measured at the rated operating
voltage, gas pressure or hydraulic pressure of circuit breaker. The actually-measured value shall
meet technical conditions of products. For breakers with sa~nplingdevices of no installation
conditions at site, test of this item may not be carried out.
13.0.8 Measurelnent on synchroneity and coordination time of closing and breaking of each
fracture about three phases or the same phase related to main and auxiliary contacts of circuit
breaker shall meet technical conditions of products.
13.0.9 Measurement on operating time and resistance value of closing-brake resistance of
circuit breaker shall meet technical conditions of products.
13.0.10 The measured value of insulation resistance of closing and breaking coils of circuit
breaker shall not be lower than IOMR; Comparison between DC resistance and routine-test v a l ~ ~ e
shall be of no remarkable differences.
13.0.11 Test of operating mechanism of circuit breaker shall be based on Clai~se10.0.12 of the
13.0.12 Test on bushing current transformer shall be in accordance with relevant provisions of
Chapter 9 in the standard.
13.0.13 Measurement on water content (volume fraction at 20°C) in SF6 gas in circuit breaker
shall meet following provisions:
1 In gas chamber connected to arcing room, it shall be lower than 150 L~LIL;
2 In gas chamber not connected to arcing room, it shall be lower than 250 pLIL;
3 Measurement on water content in SF6 gas shall be started 48h after circuit breaker is
filled with gas.
13.0.14 Following methods can be applied for sealing tests:
1 When leak detector with sensitivity no less than 1 x 1 0-6 (volume ratio) is applied to detect
all sealing parts and taps of pipes of circuit breaker, the leak detector shall not be of any alarms;
2 If necessary, partial packing methods can be applied for gas-leakage measurement. With
the conversion of 24-hour air leakage, annual air leakage of each gas chamber shall not be greater
than 1%;
3 Measurement on leak value shall be started 24h after circuit breaker is filled with gas.
13.0.15 During the gas filling, inspection is give on action values of relay of gas density and
pressure actuated value, which shall meet technical conditions of products. Equipment transported
to the site independently shall be checked.
14 Sulfur Hexafluoride Enclosed Switchgear

14.0.1 Test items of sulfur hexafluoride enclosed switchgear shall include following contents:
1 Measurement on conductive resistance of main circuit;
2 AC voltage-withstanding test of main circuit;
3 Sealing property;
4 Measurement on water content in sulfur hexafluoride gas;
5 Test on all components in gas enclosed switchgear;
6 Operating test on enclosed switchgear;
7 Inspection on relay of gad density, pressure gage and pressure actuated valve.
14.0.2 Conductive resistance of main circuit may be measured by DC voltage-decrease method
of the current no less than 100A. Test results shall not exceed 1.2 times of stipulated value of
teclinical conditions of product.
14.0.3 Process and methods of AC voltage-withstanding test on main circuit shall be based on
technical conditions of products of products or be based on national current standard "Guide to
In-situ Voltage-Withstanding Test on Gas Insulated Metal-Enclosed Switchgear" DL/T 5 5 5 . Test
voltage is 80% of routine-test voltage.
14.0.4 Following methods can be applied for sealing tests:
1 When leak detector with sensitivity no less than 1 x (volume ratio) is applied to detect
all sealing parts and taps of pipes of circuit breaker, the leak detector shall not be of any alarms;
2 If necessary, partial packing methods can be applied for gas-leakage measurement. With
the conversion of 24-hour air leakage, annual air leakage of each gas chamber shall not be greater
than 1 O h ;
3 Measurement on leak value shall be started 24h after enclosed switchgear is filled with
14.0.5 Measurement on water content (volume fraction at 2 0 C ) in SF6 gas shall meet
following provisions:
1 In co~npartmentwith arc decomposition, it shall be lower than 150 yLIL;
2 In compartment with no arc decomposition, it shall be lower than 250 pLIL;
3 Measurement on water content in gas shall be started 48h after enclosed switchgear is
filled with gas.
14.0.6 Tests on all components in enclosed switchgear shall be in accordance with provisions
of corresponding chapters of the standard, but for equipment unable to be separated test may not
be implemented independently.
Note: "components" in the Clause refer to circuit breaker, disconnecting switch, load switch, grounding
switch, lightning arrester, instrument transformer, bushing and bus bars in enclosed switchgear.
14.0.7 Upon operating test about switchgear, actions of interlocking and locking devices shall
be accurate and reliable. Operating tests on electric-driven, gas-driven or hydraulic devices shall
be based on technical conditions of products.
14.0.8 During the gas filling, inspection is give on action values of relay of gas density and
pressure actuated value, which shall meet technical conditions of products. bquipment transported
to the site independently shall be checked.
15 Disconnecting and Load Switches and High-Voltage Fuse

15.0.1 Test items of disconnecting and load switches and high-voltage fuse shall include
following contents:
1 Measurement on insulation resistance;
2 Measurement on DC resistance of fuse wire of high-voltage current-limiting fuse tube;
3 Measurement on resistance of galvanic circuit of load switch;
4 A C voltage-withstanding test;
5 Inspection on the lowest tripping voltage of coils of operating mechanism;
6 Test on operating mechanism.
15.0.2 Insulation resistance of transmission bar of organic materials about disconnecting and
load switches shall not be lower than the one in Table 10.0.2 of the standard.
15.0.3 For measurement on DC resistance of fuse wire of high-voltage current-limiting fuse
tube, comparison between this resistance and the one of products in same type shall be of no
remarkable differences.
15.0.4 Resistance of conductive circuit of load switches lnay be measured by DC
voltage-decrease method with the current no less than 100 A. Test results shall not exceed
provisions in technical conditions of products.
15.0.5 AC voltage-withstanding test shall comply with following provisions: voltage-withstanding
test shall be made between phases and based on "phase against ground" principle, for load
switches with three phases in the same box body. All others are tested according to "phase against
ground" principle or shell. Test voltage shall meet provisions in Table 10.0.5. For load switches,
AC voltage-withstanding test shall also be done on each fracture according to provisions in
technical conditions of products.
15.0.6 Inspection is given on the lowest tripping voltage of coils of operating mechanism,
which shall satisfy stipulations of manufacturer.
15.0.7 Test on operating mechanism shall comply with following provisions:
1 For breaking and closing operations of power-drive operating mechanism, when its
voltage or gas pressure lies within the following range, reliable closing and breaking shall be
guaranteed on main or grounding switch blade of disconnecting switches.
1) Operating mechanism of motor: the voltage of terminal of motor's connecting wire lies
within the range of 80%-110% of rated voltage;
2) Operating mechanism of compressed air: air pressure lies within the range of
85%-110% of its rated air pressure;
3) Seconda~ycontrol coils and electromagnetic locking device: voltage of connecting-wire
terminals of its coils lie within the range of 80%-110% of rated voltage.
2 Mechanical or electric locking devices of disconnecting and load switches shall be
accurate and reliable.
Note. 1 Gas pressure range stipulated in Item 2 o f Term 1 in this Clause is the gas-pressure value of air
cyl~nder.of operating mechanism;
2 If these is power source with adjustable voltage, operating tests hlgher or lower tila11 i11c ldleii

voltage can be launched

16 Bushing

16.0.1 Test items of bushing shall include following contents:

1 Measurement on insulation resistance;
2 Measurement on loss tangent tan 6 of non-pure porcelain bushing with voltage not below 20kV;
3 AC voltage-withstanding test;
4 Test on insulation oil (except organic compound insulated bushings);
5 Gas rest on SF6 bushing.
Note: For bushing wholl). assembled on oil circuit breaker of voltage as 35 kV, test on tan d may not be donc
16.0.2 Measurement on insulation resistance shall comply with following provisions:
1 Measurement on insulation resistance of main insulation of bushing;
2 For capacitor-type bushing with voltage not below 66 kV, measured shall be resistance of
sinall bushing about pressure drawing to flange or "small bushing of measurement" to flange.
With 2500V megohlnmeter applied, value of insulation resistance shall not be lower than 1000
16.0.3 Measurement on capacitance value and loss tangent tan 6 of main insulated medium of
non-pure porcelain bushing with voltage not below 20kV shall meet following provisions:
1 At the room temperature no less than 1O0C, loss tangent tan 6 of bushing shall not be
larger than the one stipulated in Table 16.0.3;
2 Actually-measured capacitance value of capacitor bushing is compared with the value on
product nameplate or the routine-test value. The difference shall lie within the range of !
Table 16.0.3 Standard of loss tangent tan 6 of main insulated medium of bushing
Types of main insulation of bushing Maximum value of tan S (%) I
Oil-impregnated paper
(500 kV bushing 0.5) "
I Glue-impregnated paper I 0.7~ 1
1 .O ( bushing 1.5 with voltage not
Adhesive paper
Capacitor type above 66 kV) ("
I Cast resin I 1.5 1
Gas 1.5

Organic compound insulation

Cast resin
@ I 2.0
Non-capacitor type Negotiated by parties of supply and
Compound insulation
Negotiated by parties of supply and
Other bushings
Note: 1 The listed voltage is system nominal voltage.
2 For old products o f capacitor-type gum-filling or gummed-paper bushing with voltage not below
20 KV, its tan S can be 2 or 2.5.
3 Medium-loss test about organic compound insulated bushing may be done in dry environment.
16.0.4 AC voltage-witl~standingtest shall comply with follo\ving provisions:
1 Test voltage shall co~nply~ 4 t Appendix
h A in the standard;
2 For the wall-through, circuit-breaker, and transformer bushings, and the bushing of
reactor and arc-suppression coil, AC voltage-withstanding test can be done on all together with
bus bar or equipment.
16.0.5 Test on insulation oil shall meet following provisions:
1 There shall be routine-test report for ins~~lationoil in bushing. Test may not be
implemented at site. But in case of one of the following circumstances, oil samples shall be drew
for tests of water, breakdown voltage, and chroinatograph:
I ) Loss tangent tan 6 of main insulated l n e d i i ~ ~ofn b ~ ~ s h i nisg over the value stipulated in
Table 16.0.3;
2) Sealing of bushing is damaged, with insulation resistance of small bushing about
pumping or measurement inconsistent with requirements;
3) Bushing needs to be refilled with oil because of leakage.
2 Test imple~nentedin case of complementation or changing about insulation oil of bushing
shall meet following provisions:
1) In case of oil replacement, test shall be based on Table 20.0.1 of the standard;
2) As to insulation oil of bushing with voltage as 500 kV, chromatographic analysis may be
carried out on gas dissolved in oil; co~nponentcontent (pL/L) of gas dissolved in oil may not
exceed any one value of the following: Total hydrocarbon: 10, H2: 150, and C2H:!: 0
3) In case of complementation about insulation oil. besides provisions mentioned above,
the test shall also comply with Clause 20.0.3 of the standard;
4) If bushing filled with cable oil needs the oil test, it can be in accordance with Clause
18.0.8 of the standard.
16.0.6 Gas test on SF6 bushing shall comply with Clauses 9.0.6 and 9.0.13 of the standard.
17 Suspension and Post Insulators

17.0.1 Test items of suspension and post insulators shall include following contents:
1 Measurement on insulation resistance;
2 AC voltage-withstanding test.
17.0.2 Value of insulation resistance shall comply with following provisions:
1 Insulation resistance of suspension insulators with voltage level not above 330 kV shall
not be lower than 300 M a : no lower than 500 Ma for suspension insulators with voltage level as
2 Insulation resistance of post insulators with voltage level not above 35 kV shall not be
lower than 500 MR;
3 Megohmmeter of 2500V is applied to measure insulation resistance of insulators.
Samples can be obtained according to 10% of the amount of products in the same batch;
4 Test of this item is not implemented for stick insulators;
5 Insulation resistance of semi-conductor glaze insulators shall satisfy technical conditions
of products.
17.0.3 AC voltage-withstanding test shall comply with following provisions:
1 As to post insulators with voltage not above 35 kV, the test can be done after installation
of bus bar is completed. Test voltage shall comply with Appendix A in the standard;
2 Values of AC voltage-withstanding test about post insulators of 35 kV multicomponents
shall satisfy following provisions:
1) With two compreg components, 50kV for each component;
2) With three compreg components, 34kV for each component.
3 AC voltage-withstanding test voltages of suspension insulators are all 60kV.
18 Power Cable Lines

18.0.1 Test items of power cable lines shall include following contents:
1 Measurement on insulation resistance;
2 DC voltage-withstanding test and ~neasureinenton leakage current;
3 AC voltage-withstanding test;
4 Measure~nenton ratio between resistances of metallic screen level and conductor;
5 Inspection on phase positions of t w o ends of power cable lines;
6 Insulation-oil test on oil-filled cables;
7 Test on cross-interconnecting systems
Note: 1 Test items of rubber-and-plast~cinsulated power cables shall be based on Terms 1, 3. 4. 5 and 7 in
this Clause. If there are no conditions. for cables with raled vollage L',/L1 not abovc 18/30 1:V. DC
voltage-withstanding test and measurement on leakage current are allowed to replace AC voltage-~rithstanding
2 Test items of paper-insulated cables shall be based on Terns 1. 2 and 5 in the Clause:
3 Test items o f self-contained oil-filled cables shall be based on Terms 1; 2. 5, 6 and 7 in the Clause.
18.0.2 Test on power cable lines shall satisfy following provisions:
1 If voltage-withstanding test or measurement on insulation resistance is made on main
insulation of cables, it shall be done at each phase. In case of test or measurelnent for one phase,
conductors, conductors of other two phases, metallic screen or inetal covering are grounded
together with the armour;
2 If one end of metallic screen or inetal covering is grounded and voltage-withstanding test
is launched on main insulation of single-core cable with another end where the overvoltage
protector of armor coat is installed, the overvoltage protector of armor coat must be in short circuit
so that metallic screen or metal covering of cable at this end is te~nporarilygrounded;
3 For cable lines with rated voltage as 0.611 kV, 2500V megoh~n~neter sl~allbe applied for
measurement on insulation resistance of conductor against ground to replace voltage-withstanding
test, with the test time as 1 min.
18.0.3 Measurelnent on insulation resistances concerning about each cable conductor against
ground or metallic screen level and between each conductor, sllall ineet following provisions:
1 N o obvious changes shall take place for measurement on insulation resistance, either
before or after voltage-withstanding test;
2 Insulation resistances of jacket and inner covering of rubber and plastic cable shall not be
lower than 0.5 MQikm;
3 As to rated voltage of megohmmeter for insulation measurement, following levels ]nay
be applied:
I ) 1000V megohmlneter for 0.611kV cable;
2 ) 2500V inegohmmeter for cable with voltage above 0.6llkV; 5000V ~negohmmeterfor
can also be used for cable with voltage not below 616kV;
3) 5OOV mepohm~neteris used for measurement on jacket and inner covering of rubber and
plastic cable.
18.0.4 DC voltage-withstanding test and measurement on leakage current sl~all satisfy
following provisions:
1 DC voltage-withstanding test voltage:
I ) The following formula can be applied for calculating DC voltage-withstanding test
voltage U , of paper-insulated cable:

For packet-filled insulation (with insulation):

For screen insulation at phase section:

Test voltage is seen in Table 18.0.4-1

Table 18.0.4-1 DC voltage-withstanding test voltage of paper-insulated cable (kV)

DC test voltage 12 17 24 30 40 47 105 130

2) DC voltage-withstanding test voltage of rubber and plastic insulated cables with voltage
level not above 18130kV shall be calculated according to the following formula:

3) DC voltage-withstanding test voltage of oil-filled insulated cables shall comply with

Table 18.0.4-2.
Table 18.0.4-2 DC voltage-withstanding test voltage of oil-filled insulated cables (kV)
Rated voltage of cable &lU Withstand voltage of lightning impulse DC test voltage
325 165
350 175
450 225
550 275
850 425

Note: 1 U in tables listed above is the rated line voltage of cable; Uo is the rated voltage about cable
conductor against ground or to metallic screen levels.
2 Lightning-impulse voltage is according to national current standard "Insulation Coordination of
High-Voltage Transmission & Transformation Equipment" GB 3 1 1.1.
4) DC voltage-withstanding test on sheath insulation of AC single-core cable can be based
on Clause 18.0.9 in the standard.
2 Upon test, test ioltage can be raised at 4-6 stages n~ith1 min staging for each stage and
value of leakage current read. After test voltage is raised to the stipulated value, it keeps for 15
min, and in-between, leakage current at 1 min and 15 min are read. Under measurement, the
influence of stray current shall be eliminated.
3 Unbalance coefficients of three phases about leakage current of paper-insulated cable
(ratio between the maximu~nand minimum values) shall not be larger than 2; When leakage
current of cables with voltage level not below 611 0kV is smaller than 2 0 p A and the one of cables
with voltage level not above 6kV is smaller than 10pA, no stipulations are made on unbalance
coefficients. Value and unbalance coefficients of leakage currents can only be reference for
judgment on insulation status, not for the judging basis about whether it can be put into operation
or not. No stipulations are set on other leakage currents of cables.
4 If leakage currents of cables are of one of the following circumstances, cable ins~llation
may be of defects, so the defected part shall be found out with treatment:
1 ) Leakage current is not stable;
2) Leakage current is increased sharply with the rise of test voltage;
3) Rise about leakage current occurs with the extension of test time.
18.0.5 AC voltage-withstanding test shall comply with following provisions:
1 The 20-300Hz AC voltage-withstanding test is applied for rubber and plastic cables with
priority. The 20-300Hz AC voltage-withstanding test voltage and time are seen in Table 18.0.5.
Table 18.0.5 The 20-300Hz AC voltage-withstanding test voltage and time of rubber
and plastic cable
Rated voltage CrolV(kV) Test voltage T ~ m e(min)
Not above 18/30 2.5 C', (or 2 Uo) 5 (or 60)
2 1/35-6411 10 2 uo 60
1271220 l.7Uo (or 1.4Uo) 60
1901330 1.7Uo(or 1.3U0) 60
2901500 1.7Uo(or 1.1 Uo) 60
2 If there are no test conditions mentioned above or special provisions, the 24h applied
voltage about normal system "phase against ground" can be used to replace AC withstand voltage.
18.0.6 Measurement is given on ratio between resistances of metallic screen level and
conductor. Also DC resistances of metallic screen level and conductor are measured at the same
18.0.7 Inspection is given on phases at two ends of cable lines, which shall be consistent and in
conformation to phases of power grid.
18.0.8 Insulation-oil test of oil-filled cables shall colnply with Table 18.0.8.
Table 18.0.8 Test items and requirements on insulated oil in oil-filled cable and its
accessories and pressure tank
Item Requ~renlents Test methods
In cable and its For 6411 10-190/330 kV, no less than 50kV Based on Measuring Methods
accessories FOI 2901500 kV, no less tl~an60kV of Insulatiol~Oil Breakdown
In pressure tank No less than 50 kV Voltage GBIT 507

Factors of 111cable and its For 6411 10-1271220 kV, no larger than 0.005
Based on Preventive Test Code
medium accessories For 1901330-2901500 kV, no larger than 0.003
. .
for. Electric Power Eouipment
loss In pressure tank No larger than 0.003
18.0.9 Test, lnetllods and requiremenh about ~loss-inlcrconnccting system are seen in
Appendix F.
19 Capacitor

19.0.1 Test items of capacitor shall include following contents:

1 Measurement on insulation resistance;
2 Measurement on loss tangent tan 6 and capacitance value of coupling and circuit-breaker
3 Partial discharge test of coupling capacitor;
4 AC voltage-withstanding test on shunt capacitors;
5 Impact closing test.
19.0.2 Insulation resistances of coupling and circuit-breaker capacitors shall be measured
between tow electrodes. The ones of shunt capacitor shall be measured between electrodes and
shell, with 1000V megohinmeter for insulation resistance of small measuring bushing against ground.
19.0.3 Measurement on loss tangent tan 6 and capacitance value of coupling and
circuit-breaker capacitors shall meet following provisions:
1 The measured loss tangent tan 6 shall meet technical conditions of products;
2 Deviation about capacitance value of coupling capacitor shall lie within the range of
-5%-10% of rated capacitance value. The difference shall not be larger than 5% between the ratio
of actually-measured capacitance values about any two units in stacks of capacitor and the
reciprocal of ratio about rated voltage of these two units; Deviation about capacitance of capacitor
of circuit breaker shall lie with the range 1 5 % of rated capacitance. For capacitor units, measured
shall also be the capacitance value of each phase and each arm and the total one.
19.0.4 Partial discharge test about coupling capacitor shall comply with following provisions:
1 For 500kV coupling capacitor, in case of suspicion about its insulation properties or
sealing, partial discharge test can be employed. Test at sections can be carried out for multi-section
coupling capacitor.
2 Pre-applied voltage of partial discharge test is 0.8U,,x 1.3 Urn,the staying time larger than

10s; after the voltage reduced to the measuring voltage u & is kept for 1 rnin, partial

discharges are measured and the charge may not be larger than 10pC.
19.0.5 AC voltage-withstanding test on shun capacitor shall comply with following provisions:
1 AC voltage-withstanding test voltage about "electrode to shell" of shunt capacitor shall
comply with Table 19.0.5;
2 When the routine-test value is not consistent with Table 19.0.5, hand-over test voltage
shall be in accordance with 75% of routine-test voltage.
Table 19.0.5 Voltage standard of AC voltage-withstanding test on shunt capacitor
Rated voltage (kV) I < l I I / 3 1 6 1 1 0 1 1 5 / 2 0 1 3 5 1
Routine-test voltage (kV) 3 6 18/25 23130 30142 40155 50165 80195
Hand-over test voltage 2.25 4.5 18.76 22.5 31.5 41.25 48.75 71.25
Note: Data under the inclined line are dry withstand voltages of external insulation.
19.0.6 At the rated voltage of power grid, impact closing tests on power capacitor unit shall be
implemented three times and fuse shall not be fused; the ratio shall not exceed 1.08 between the
maximum and minimum values of capacitors at each phase in capacitor unit.
20 Insulation Oil and SF6 Gas

20.0.1 Test iteins and standards about insulation oil shall colnply with Table 20.0.1
Table 20.0.1 Test items and standards about insulation oil
ho. Items Standards Instructions

Transparent); no impurities or
1 External form Appearance visualization
suspended substances

Test is in accordance wit11 "Determination

Water-soluble of Water-Soluble Acid in Transformer and
2 >5.4
acid (pH value) Turbine Oils in Service by Color-Metric
Method" GBIT 7598

Test is in compliance with "Determination

Acid value, of Acid Number in Transformer and Turbine Oils
3 G0.03
in Service by BTB Method" GBIT 7599

DB-10 DB-25 DB-45 Test is based on "Petroleum

Flash point
4 lower Products-Determination of Flash Point-Closed
(closed) ('C) 140 140 135
than Cup Method" GB 261

Test is in accordance with "Determination

of Water Content in Transformer Oils in Service
500kV 510
by Coulometric Method" GBIT 7600 or
5 Water (mgiL) 220-30 k~ 1 15
"Determination of Water Content in Transformer
Voltage level not above I IOkV: 1 2 0
Oils in Service by Gas Chromatographic
Method" GBIT 760 1

Test accords with "Petroleum

Products--Mineral Oils--Determination of
6 tension (25°C) 335
Interfacial Tension of Oil Against Water--Ring
Method" GBIT 654 1

At 90°C, 10.5 for before poured into Test is based on "Measurement of Relative
Factor of
electric equipment Permittivity, Dielectric Dissipation Factor at
7 medium loss tan
-10.7 for after poured into electric Power Frequency and Volume Resistivity of
cr (%) Insulating Liquids" GBIT 5654
Table 20.0.1 (continued)
1 NO. 1 ltems 1 Standards 1 Instructions 1
1 Test is based on "insulating
Oils--Determination of the Breakdown Voltage"
GBIT 507 or requirements in "Power System Oil
Test Methods-Insulating Oils--Determination of
the Dielectric Strength" DLIT 429.9;
2 Oil sample shall be obtained from equipment
500 kV: 3 6 0 kV
to be tested;
330 kV: 3 5 0 kV
3 The indicator is measured value of plate
60-220 kV: 3 4 0 k V
electrodes. Tests on other electrodes can be
Voltage not above 35kV: 3 3 5 k V
based on qual lit)^ Criteria of Transformer Oils in
1 Service" GBIT 7595 and "Insulating I
Oils-Determination of the Breakdown Voltage"
GBIT 507;
4 New oil poured into equipment shall not be
/ lower than the one in the standard 1
Test is based on "Measurement of Relative

Volume resistivity
1 Permittivity, Dielectric Dissipation Factor at 1
Power Frequency and Volume Resistivity of
Insulating Liquids" GBIT 5654 or
"Determination on Volume Resistivity of
Insulating Oil" DLIT 421

Test is based on "Determination on Gas Content

Gas content in oil in Insulating Oil by Vacuum Differential
(volume fraction) Pressure" DLIT 423 or "Determination on Gas
Content in Insulating Oil by Carbon Dioxide
Elution Method" DLIT 450

Oil sludge and Test accords with "Petroleum Products and

precipitates (%) Additives--Determination of Mechanical
(mass fraction) Impurities--Gravimetric Method" GBIT 5 1 1

I I I 1 Test is based on "Determination of Componental /

1 I Chromatographic 1 1 Contents of gases dissolved in insulating oil by 1
analysis on gas chromatography method" GBIT 17623,
Seen in relevant chapters of the
12 component "Guide for Analysis and Diagnosis of Gases
content of gas Dissolved in Transformer Oil" GBIT 7252 and
dissolved in oil "Guide for analysis and diagnosis of gases
dissolved in transformer oil" DLIT 722.

20.0.2 New-oil acceptance and classification about insulation oil test of oil-filled electric
equipment shall comply with Table 20.0.2.
Table 20.0.2 Classification about Insulation Oil of Electric Equipment
/ rest type Applicable range
1 Insulation oil in electric equipment with voltage above 6 kV or insulation oil before or after

I 12
newly poured into equipment mentioned above:

I In case of one of the following circumstances, test on breakdown voltage may not be done:
1 Breakdown / ( I ) For instrument transformer with voltage below 35hV. test on its main insulatioli has
( voltage I been qualified: I
I For oil circuit breaker rvith voltage below. I-ikV. breakdown voltage o f n e w l j poured I
) (2)

I 1 oil has not been below 35 hV;

(3) Oil obtaining is not demanded according to relevant provisions in the standard
1 For nev oil, prepared Sor being poured into transformer. reactor. instrument transformer and
I Shortened I bushing, the classification shall be based on item2-Item9 of Table 20.0.1:
I analysis /2 For nelv oil, prepared for being poured into oil circuit breaker, the classification shall be based 1
on Items 2, 3. 4. 5 and 8 in Table 20.0.1
Entire In case of suspicion about oil properties. it shall be implemented according to all items in Table
analysis 20.0.1
20.0.3 If insulation oil needs mixing, before the mixing, samples of mixture shall be obtained
for analysis according to the actually-used proportion of mixing oil. Its result shall satisfy Items 8
and 11 in Table 20.0.1. After oil is mixed, test on insulation oil shall also be carried out according
to Table 20.0.2.
20.0.4 After the arrival of new SF6 gas, the acceptance shall be implemented according to
national current standard "Industrial Sulphur Hexafluoride" GB12022 before the filling into
equipment. Sample inspection rate about gas cylinder is 10% and as to others, only water content
is measured for each bottle.
20.0.5 Test can be started 24h after SF6 gas is filled into electric equipment.
21 Lightning Arrester

21.0.1 Test items of lightning arrester of metallic oxides shall include following contents:
1 Measurement on insulation resistance of metallic oxides and base seat;
2 Measurement on reference voltage for power frequency and persistent current about
arrester of metallic oxides;
3 Measurement on leakage current at DC reference voltage and 0.75 times of DC reference
voltage about arrester of metallic oxides;
4 Inspection on action circumstances of discharge counter and monitoring about indication
of ammeter;
5 Power discharge voltage test.
Note: 1 Test items of lightning arrester of metallic oxides with gaps shall include Terms 1. 2. 3 and 4 in this
Clause, among which one tern1 can be selected from Terms 2 and 3;
2 Test items of metal-oxide surge arrester without gaps shall include Terms 1 and 5.
21.0.2 Measurement on insulation resistance of arrester of metallic oxides shall meet following
1 Voltage above 35kV: with 5000V megohmmeter, insulation resistance is no less than
2500 MR;
2 Voltage not above 35kV: with 2500V megohmmeter, insulation resistance is no less than
1000 M R ;
3 Low Voltage below 1kV: with 5000V megohmmeter, insulation resistance is no less than
Insulation resistance of base is no lower than 5 MR.
21.0.3 Measurement on power-frequency reference voltage and persistent current of arrester of
metallic oxides shall meet following requirements:
1 For power-frequency reference voltage of arrester of metallic oxides corresponding to
power-frequency reference current, test values on the whole piece or at sections, shall meet
national current standard "AC Metal Oxide Arrester without Gaps" GB 11032 or provisions of
technical conditions of products;
2 For measurement on persistent current at persistently operating voltage about metal oxide
arrester, its resistance current or total current value shall meet technical conditions of products.
Note: Persistently operating value of metal oxide arrester is referred in national current standard "AC Metal
Oxide Arrester without Gaps" GB 11032
21.0.4 Measurement on Leakage current under DC reference voltage and 0.75 times of DC
reference voltage related to metal oxide arrester shall meet following provisions:
1 For DC reference voltage of arrester of metallic oxides corresponding to DC reference
current, test values on the whole piece or at sections, shall be no lower than the ones in national
current standard "AC Metal Oxide Arrester without Gaps" GB 11032 and in accordance with
provisions of technical conditions of products. If the actually-measured value is compared with
stipulated value o f manufacturer, the change shall not be larger than k 5%;
2 Leakage current at 0.75 times of DC reference voltage shall not be larger than 50pA, or
satisfy technical conditions of products;
3 Upon test, if ripple coefficient in the rectifier circuit is larger than 1.5%. filter capacitor
shall be installed in addition, which can be of 0.01-0.lpF Test voltage shall be measured at the
high-voltage side.
21.0.5 Inspection is made on action of discharge counter which shall be reliable and the
monitoring on indication of ammeter by arrester shall be sound.
21.0.6 Power-frequency discharge voltage test shall meet following provisions:
1 Power-frequency discharge voltage shall meet technical conditions of products;
2 Upon power-frequency discharge test, power source shall be cut off rapidly after
discharge. The cut-off time shall be no larger than 0.5s. Overflow-protection action current is
controlled within 0.2-0.7A.
22 Electrical Precipitator

22.0.1 Test items of electrical precipitator shall include following contents:

1 Measurement on insulation resistances of iron-core-through bolts of rectifier transformer
and DC reactor;
2 Measurement on insulation and DC resistances of rectifier transformer's liigli-voltage
winding and its DC reactor winding;
3 Measurement on insulation and DC resistances of low-voltage winding of rectifier
4 Measurement on insulation resistances of silicon-rectifying components and high-voltage
bushing against ground;
5 Measurement on value of sampled resistance and damping resistance;
6 Test on insulation oil in oil tank;
7 Measurement and voltage-withstanding test about insulators, disconnecting switches and
porcelain bushing;
8 Measurement on insulation resistance of electric field;
9 Unloaded voltage setting-up test;
10 Electric equipment test about mechanical rapping and heating devices of electrical
11 Measurement on grounding resistance.
22.0.2 Measurement on insulation resistance of iron-core-through bolts about rectifier
transformer and DC reactor shall be implemented under inspection on the equipment body
according to Clause 7.0.6 in the standard.
22.0.3 Under inspection on equipment body, as to measurement on insulation and DC
resistances of rectifier transformer's high-voltage winding and DC reactor's winding, its DC
resistance shall be compared with the routine-test value at the same temperature, with the change
no larger than 2%.
22.0.4 For measurement on insulation and DC resistances of rectifier transformer's low-voltage
winding, its DC resistance shall be compared with the routine-test value at the same temperature,
with the change no larger than 2%.
22.0.5 Measurement on insulation resistances of silicon-rectifying components and
high-voltage bushing against ground shall meet following provisions:
1 Under inspection on equipment body, two ends of silicon rectifying components shall be
in short circuit;
2 Megohmineter of 2500V is applied for measurement on insulation resistance;
3 Value of insulation resistance shall not be lower than 70% of the routine-test value.
22.0.6 For measurement on values of sampled and damping resistances, the value shall satisfy
technical conditions of products. Inspection is implemented on connection about sampled and
damping resistances which shall be sound.
22.0.7 Test about insulation oil in oil tank shall be based on stipulations in Chapter 20 of the
22.0.8 Insulation-resistance measurement and voltage-withstanding test about insulators,
disconnecting switches and porcelain bushing shall meet following provisions:
1 Megohlnmeter of 2500V is applied for measuring insulation resistance, the value of
which shall n o t be lower than 1000MR;
2 For withstand voltage used for electric field with the same electrode distance a s
300-4001nm, D C withstand voltage IOOkV or AC withstand voltage 72 k V is applied with the
t i m e being 1 min of no flashover.
3 For electric field with other electrode distances, the voltage-withstanding test standard
shall ineet technical conditions of products.
22.0.9 Megohmmeter of 2500V is applied to measure insulation resistance of electric field, the
value of which shall not be lower than 1000 MR.
22.0.10 Unloaded voltage setting-up test shall meet standards of manufacturer. In case of n o
clarified stipulations of manufacturer, the test shall comply with following provisions:
1 For electric field with electrode distance as 300m1n, voltage of electric field sliall b e
arisen to the one above 55 kV with no flashover. If the same electrode distance is increased every
20mm, progressive increase of voltage at electric field shall not be less than 2.5 kV;
2 When the height above sea level is higher than lOOOm but no more than 40001n, if t h e
height rises every loom, the voltage of electric file is allowed to be decreased by 1%.
22.0.11 Electric equipment test about mechanical rapping and heating devices of electrical
precipitator shall co~nplywith following stipulations:
1 As t o measurement on insulation resistances of rapping motor and heater, the value for
the former shall not be less than 0.5 MR, the one for the latter no less than 5 M R ;
2 Tests on AC motor, secondary circuit. distribution devices and power-feed lines, a n d
low-voltage electric appliances shall be based on Chapters 6, 23, 24, and 2 7 in the standard.
22.0.12 Measurement is given on grounding resistance of body about electrical precipitator
itself, which shall not be larger than 1R.
23 Secondary Circuit

23.0.1 Measurement on insulation resistance shall comply with following provisions:

1 W h e n small bus bar is disconnected from all other branch circuits, the resistance sliall not
be smaller t h a n 10 MR;
2 For every branch circuit of secondary circuit and power-source circuit of operating
mechanism s u c h as circuit breaker and disconnecting switch, the resistance shall not be less than 1
MR. In wet places, it may not be less than 0.5 MR.
23.0.2 A C voltage-withstanding test shall comply with following provisions:
1 Test voltage is 1000V. When value of insulation resistance about circuit is inore than 10
MR,2500V megohmmeter can be used for replacement. Test continuous time is 1 min or in
accordance with technical provisions of products;
2 A s t o circuit with voltage not above 48V, AC voltage-withstanding test may not b e
carried out;
3 If there is equipment of electronic parts and components, upon test plug-ins shall b e
pulled out o r its two ends are in short circuit.
Note: Secondary circuit refers to circuits of operation, protection, measurement and signals of electric
equipment and the coil, contactor, relay, meter, and instrument transformer's secondary winding in these circuits.
24 Distribution Equipment and Feeder Circuits with Voltage not

above 1kV

24.0.1 Measurement on insulation resistance shall meet following provisions:

1 Insulation resistances about distribution equipment and feeder circuits shall not be less
than 0.5 Ma;
2 U n d e r ~neasurement on insulation resistance of feeder circuit, disconnected shall b e
circuit breaker (or fuse), equipment with power uses, electric appliances, and meters.
24.0.2 A C voltage-withstanding test on power distribution equipment shall comply with
following provisions:
1 Test voltage is 1000V. When value of insulation resistance about circuit is more than 10
MQ. 2500V megohmmeter can be used for replacement. Test continuous time is 1 min or in
accordance with technical provisions of products.
2 A C voltage-withstanding test is of the principle "each phase against ground".
Voltage-withstanding tests are not implemented on distribution equipment with voltage not above
24.0.3 Inspection is given on phase positions between feeder circuits or o n both sides of feeder
circuits about different power sources in distribution equipment, which shall b e consistent.
25 Overhead Power Lines above 1kV

25.0.1 Test items of overhead power lines above 1kV shall include following contents:
1 Measurement on insulation resistance of insulators and lines;
2 Measurement on power-frequency parameters of lines above 35kV;
3 Inspection on phase position;
4 Impact closing test;
5 Measurement on grounding resistance of pole and tower.
25.0.2 Measurement on insulation resistance of insulators and lines shall meet following
1 Test 011 insulation resistance of insulators shall be in accordance with provisions in
Chapter 17 in the standard;
2 Value of insulation resistance is measured and recorded.
25.0.3 Measurement on power-frequency parameters of lines above 35kV can be based on
requirements of professional such as relay protection and overvoltage.
25.0.4 Inspection is made on phase positions at both sides of each phase, which shall be
25.0.5 Impact closing test on unloaded lines at rated voltage shall be launched three times. N o
damage shall occur about insulation of lines during the brake closing.
25.0.6 Measurement on grounding resistance of pole and tower shall meet provisions of design.
26 Grounding Connection

26.0.1 Test items of grounding connection about electric equipment and lightning-proof
facilities shall involve following contents:
1 Test o n electric integrality of grounding grid;
2 Grounding impedance.
26.0.2 Measurement is made on circumstances of electric conduction between grounding lines
of all adjacent equipment connected to the same grounding grid, with the indication of DC
resistance value. The value of DC resistance shall not be larger than 0.2Q.
26.0.3 Value of grounding impedance shall meet design requirements. In case of no stipulations
about design, it shall colnply with requirements in Table 26.0.3. Test methods are referred in
national current standard "Guide for Parameter Test on Power Frequency Property o r Grounding
Connection" DL475. Under test, eliminated must be influence of overhead lines and cables
connected t o grounding grid.
Table 26.0.3 Stipulated value of grounding impedance

Grounding grid type Requirements

1 I Z< 200011 or ZS 0.5R (in case of 1>4000A)

Where I-Short-circuit current flowing into ground through grounding connection
Z-The maximum grounding impedance (R) in view o f season changes.
I Effective grounding system / Note: in case of grounding impedance inconsistent with requirements mentioned above. 1
I I grounding impedance can be increased through technological and economic comparison 1
1 but no larger than 5R. Meanwhile, the comprehensive analysis shall be worked out 1
I 1 combined with measurement on electric potentials on ground Isolation measures shall be 1
I I employed to prevent the danger from transfer of electric potentials. I
tI I
1. If grounding grid and equipment with voltage not above IKV are grounded
I commonly, the grounding impedance Z S 12011;
1 Noti-effective grounding 1 2 When grounding grid is only used for equipment with voltage above IKV, the II
1 system I grounding impedance Z< 25011:
1 3 In two circumstances mentioned above. grounding impedance shall not be larger
than 105l generally
For all this type o f electrical equipment using the same grounding connection, if the total
/ Electrical equipment wit11 1 capacity b 100 kV,A, grounding impedance mag not be larger than 4R; if total capacity 1
voltage below I k l i < 100 kV.A, the grounding impedance is allowed to be larger than 45l but no larger than
1o n .
Independent microwa\~e
Grounding impedance may not be larger than 50

11 111dependenf lightnine md
Grounding impedance may not be larger than IOR
Tiole: When cu~ineclcdLO g~oundiliggrid, i! ma) 1101 '3: m c n s ~ ~ ~ indcpaide~itl!.
Table 26.0.3 (continued)
Grounding grid type Requirements

Induced draft fan near chimney of

power plant a n d concentrated Grounding impedance may not be larger than 10R
grounding connection installed at this Note: When connected to grounding grid, it may not be measured independently
~ -

Independent storage tank of fuel and Grounding impedance may not be larger than 30R (Open-air storage tank with
explosive gas and its pipe no independent protection of lightning rod may not be more than 10R)

Concentrated grounding connection

and independent lightning rod (line) of Grounding impedance may not be larger than 1 OR
open-air distribution equipment

If height of pole and tower is below 40m, in accordance with following

requirements; if the height 3 4 0 , it is 50% of the following values; but when
resistivity of soil is larger than 2000 R,m, grounding impedance is difficult to
Line pole and tower with overhead reach 15R. and then it can be extended to 20R.
ground wire Soil resistivity d 500 R.m, grounding impedance 10Q;
Soil resistiv~ty500-1000 a . m . grounding impedance 20Q;
Soil resistivity 1,000-2000 R,m, grounding impedance 25Q;
Soil resistivity >2000 D m , grounding impedance 30R

Lightning arrester on incoming line of

electric rotating machine directly Grounding impedance may not be larger than 3R
connected to overhead line

1. Reinforced-concrete and metal rods about non-effective grounding system:

grounding impedance may not be larger than 30R;
Line pole and tower with no overhead 2. Reinforced-concrete and metal rods of low-voltage power-grid lines about
ground wires neutral point not grounded: grounding impedance may not be larger than 50R;
3. Grounding impedance of iron feet about insulators of low-voltage
user-incoming line: grounding impedance may not be larger than 30R
Note: Testing shall be worked out after the expanded grounding grid is connected to the former one.
27 Low-Voltage Apparatus

27.0.1 Test items of low-voltage apparatus shall include following contents:

1 Measurement on insulation resistances of low-voltage apparatus together with its
connected cable and secondary circuit;
2 Verification on action value of voltage coils;
3 Inspection on action value of low-voltage electrical apparatus;
4 Setting on the release applied for low-voltage electrical apparatus;
5 Measurement on DC resistance of resister and rheostat;
6 AC voltage-withstanding test about low-voltage electrical apparatus together with its
connected cable and the secondary circuit.
Note: 1 Low-voltage apparatus includes knife switch, commutating switch, fuse. automatic SM~LCII,
contactor, controller, master-control electrical apparatus. starter, resister. rheostat and electromagnet with voltage
of 60-1200V;
2 For low-voltage electrical apparatus installed at load places of the first and second levels, the test
shall be implemented according to Terms 2, 3 and 4 in this Clause.
27.0.2 Measurement is given on insulation resistances of low-voltage electrical apparatus
together with its connected cable and the secondary circuit, the value of which shall not be sinaller
than 1MQ; in wet places, the value may not be smaller than 0.5 MR.
27.0.3 Verification on action value of voltage coils shall meet following provisions: attracting
voltage of coil shall not be larger than 85% rated voltage, release voltage no less than 5% of rated
voltage; the closing coils in short-time work and shunted-exciter coils shall be able to work
reliably, respectively within the ranges of 85%-110% and 75%-110%.
27.0.4 Inspection on action circumstances of low-voltage apparatus shall meet following
provisions: for electrical apparatus operated by means of inotor or hydraulic and gas-pressure
transmission, except additional provisions on products, when voltage, hydraulic or gas pressures
lie within the range 85%-110% of the rated value, the electrical apparatus shall work reliably.
27.0.5 For the setting on release applied for low-voltage apparatus, all varieties of overcurrent
releases, deco~npressionand shunt releases, and delay devices shall be set according to operation
27.0.6 As to measurement on DC resistance value of resister and rheostat, the difference of
values sliall comply with technical conditions of products respectively. Value of resistance shall
meet requirements on uses of circuits.
27.0.7 AC voltage-withstanding on low-voltage electrical apparatus together wit11 its connected
cable and the secondary circuit shall comply with following provisions: Test voltage is 1000V. I f
insulation resistance of circuits is above 10 MR, 2500V megohmmeter can be applied f o r
replacement with test continuous time as 1 min.
Appendix A Power-Frequency Voltage-Withstanding Test Voltage

Standard on High-Voltage Electric Equipment Insulation

Table A Power-Frequency Voltage-Withstanding Test Voltage Standard on High-Voltage

Electric Equipment Insulation
1 min effective value of power-frequency withstand voltage (kV)

Post insulators and

Wall-through bushing
disconnecting switches

Voltage Current
Solid organic
transformer Solid organic
voltageoperatin pure-porcelain oil-immersed Pure porcelain

i II
(kV) voltage oil-filled capacitor, dry,
insulation and SF6 types
I -
! Hand 1
/ Hand Leaving-
over over over over
(routine) (routine) (routine) (routine) (routine) (routine
25(18) 25(18) 26
30(23) 30(23)
42(28) 42(28) 50
55(40) 55(40) 59
65(50) 65(50)
95(80) 95(80) 148
1401185 140118t 240
2001230 200123( 440
3951460 3951461
5101630 510163(
6801740 6801741

Note: 1 The routine-test voltage of electric equipment in the table is referred in national current standard
"Insulation Coordination of High-Voltage Transmission & Transformation Equipment" GB 3 11.1;
2 Data in the brackets are the insulation levels between turns of voltage transformer with full
insulation structures;
3 The data above and below the inclined lines are values for different insulation levels, with the
routine (nameplate) value as the standard.
Appendix B Conversion Coefficients of Insulation Resistance

Converted into the Ones at Operating Temperature about Stator's

Winding of Generator

B.0.1 Conversion coefficient of insulation resistance converted into the ones at operating
telnperature about stator's winding of generator is seen in Table B.0.1.
Table B.O.l Conversion coefficients of insulation resistance converted into the ones at
operating temperature about stator's winding of generator
Temperature of stator's winding ("C) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5
Hot plastic insulation 1.4 2.8 5.7 11.3 22.6 45.3 90.5 128
Conversion coefficient
Thermosetting insulatio~lat level
K 4.1 6.6 10.5 16.8 26.8 43 68.7 87
The operating temperature in Table B.O.l is 75°C for hot-plastic insulation, 100°C for
ther~nosettinginsulation at level B.
B.0.2 Under measurement at different temperatures, conversion can be used according to
temperature conversion coeficients listed in Table B.O.1. For instance, insulation resistance of
some hot-plastic insulation generator is measured as 100MQ when t-1O0C, and then it is
1 OO/K= 100/90.5=1.1 MR when converted into the one of t-75 "C.
It can also be calculated according to the following formula:
For hot-plastic insulation:

For thermosetting insulation at level B:

Where R -Insulation resistance of winding at hot state;

R, -Insulation resistance of winding when temperature is t°C ;

t -Temperature upon measurement.

Appendix C Partial Discharge Test Methods of Transformer

C.O.l As t o transformer with voltage level not below 110 kV, tests on long-time induced
voltage and partial discharge measurement shall be implemented. The applied voltage, time for
voltage application, apparent charges of partial discharge shall meet following provisions:
For three-phase transformer, the means of single-phase connection is recommended to
apply voltage on terminals of lines phase by phase for tests.
The voltage application shall be worked out according to process indicated in Figure C.O.l

Figure C.O.l Voltage-applying process about tests on long-time induced voltage and partial
discharge measurement of transformer
Note: A=5 min; B=5 min; C=test time;
0260 min (for U,, 2300 kV) or 30 min(for U,,,<300 kV); E=5 min
Power source is switched on at the voltage no larger than U213;

If the voltage is raised to 1.lU, /& , it is kept for 5 min with Urnas the highest voltage of

operating line about equipment;

If the voltage is raised to U2, it is kept for 5min;
If the voltage is raised to UI, the continuous time is implemented according to Term 4 of
Clause 7.0.13;
After test, the voltage is decreased to U2 immediately without any interruption and kept for
at least 60 min (for Uln1300kV) or 30 min (for Um<300 kV) to measure partial discharges;

Voltage is decreased to1 . lUm/ & , it is kept for 5 min;

When the voltage is decreased to the one below U2/3, power source can be cut off.
Except the continuous time of U1, the continuous time of other tests has no relations to test
During the whole period of applying of test voltage, partial discharges shall be monitored.
Voltage against ground shall be:

UI = 1.7UIn1& (C.O.1)

U2 = 1.5UIn/ f i or 1 .I is determined according to test conditions.

Before a n d after the test voltage is applied, the levels of bacl<ground noise on all measuring
passages s h a l l be measured;
During t h e process that voltage is increased to U2 then decreased from U2,records shall b e
lnade on t h e starting and blackout voltages about partial discharge which possibly occur.

Apparent charges about partial discharge shall be measured at 1. lU,l,1 &;

At the first stage of voltage U2, one reading number shall be read and recorded. N o
stipulations a r e set on apparent charges in this stage;
Within t h e period of lil application. apparent charges are not required t o be given;
During the whole period of the second stage of voltage U2, the level o f partial discharge
shall be observed continuously with recording once every 5 min.
If the following requirements are satisfied, the test is qualified:
Sudden decrease does not occur on test voltage;

During the long test period of (I, = 1.5um

/ & or 1.3U,,,/ 6 . the continuous level of
partial discharge is not larger than 500pC or 300pC;
At U2,the tendency of continuous increase does not take on partial discharges. ilnpulse with
Iligher amplitude occurring accidentally may not be counted;

~t 1 . lU,, I & , c o n t i n ~ ~ olevel

i ~ s of apparent charges is not larger than 100pC.

Note: I/,, is the effective value of the highest voltage of equipment.

C.0.2 Test metl~odsand judging means in case of discharges exceeding provisions mentioned
above, are all based on stipulations in national current standard "Power Transformer Part 3:
Insulation Level and Insulation Test and External Insulation Air Gap" GB 1094.3.
Appendix D DC Leakage Current Reference Value of

Oil-Immersed Power Transformer Winding

Table D DC leakage current reference value of oil-immersed power transformer winding

1 Rated voltape Peak value of test 1 DC leakage current values of winding at following temperatures
(kV) voltage (kV)
1O'C 20°C 30°C 40°C 5O0C 60°C 70" 80°C

2-3 5 11 17 25 39 55 83 125 178

6-15 10 22 33 50 77 112 166 250 356

20-3 5 20 33 50 74 111 167 250 400 570

63-330 40 33 50 74 111 167 250 400 570

500 60 20 30 45 67 100 150 235 330

Appendix E Measuring Methods for Protection-Level Excitation

Curve about Current Transformer

E.O.l Measurement and inspection on excitation curve at level P shall meet following
Verification is made on whether the accurate limit-value coefficient of current transformer'
protective level (P) satisfies requirements, with two indirect methods: excitation curve
measurement and simulated secondary load method.
1 Excitation curve measurement:
For V-1 (excitation) curve of winding at P level, applied voltage shall be determined
according to nameplate parameters of current transformer. Secondary resistance 1.2 can b e
replaced by secondary DC resistance r2 . Leakage reactance x2 can be estimated. Voltage and
current are measured with root- mean square-value meter.
Estimated value x2 is seen in Table E.0.1
Table E.0.1 Estimated value x2
Rated voltage of current Independent structures G I s and bushing
transformer G35 kV 66-1 10 kV 220-500 kV structure
Estimated value x, (a) 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.1
For instance:
Parameter: if rated voltage of current transformer is 220 kV, changes o f tested winding as

1000/5A, secondary rated load as 50V.A, cos$ = 0.8,10P20, then:

5 OVU4
Rated secondary load impedance Z,= (- + 5A)x (0.8+ j0.6) = 1.6+ j1.20
Secondary impedance Z,= r2+ jx2 = 0.1+ j0.2

r2 is the actually measured value of DC resistance.

Then based on the known nameplate parameter "10P20", induced electro~notiveforce of
coils at rated current is:

If at the applied excitation voltage 220V on the end of secondary winding the measured

excitation current I, > 0.1x 20 x 5A = 10A , then it is judged that this accurate limit-value

coefficient of winding is not qualified.

2 Simulated secondaty load method:
Under test of iundainental devlatron, 11 simulated secondaij load is cquipmcnt, incli~cct
verification can be given on whether accurate limit-value coefficient satisfies requirelnents or n o t ,
for instance:
Nameplate parameter of current transformer is the same as the one mentioned above. On
lines of fundamental deviation about current transformer tested by normal differential techniques,

then it is available if the value of secondary load 2; will be changed as ( 2 0 - 1)Z2 + 20ZL:

When 2; is switched on, if composite error .\lf' +6'% about measurement on rated

current (here 1000A) is larger than lo%, it is judged as unqualified. Unit of 6 is crad.
Note: 1 As magnetic interference influence rising form currents of both primary and returning conductors
is not taken into measurement by indirect methods, usually the results may not be qualified if qualified
instrument transformer measured by indirect methods is verified again by direct methods; as to measurement by
direct methods on unqualified instrument transformer measured by indirect methods, the result is not qualified
basically, but the measurement by indirect methods is simple and easy;
2 In case of suspicion, composite error may be measured by direct methods. Whether the result is
qualified or not is judged based on measuring results.
E.0.2 Verification on transient characteristics about current transformer shall meet following
requirements: for the independent, GIs and bushing current transformers with rated voltage not
below 330 kV, the bushing current transformers with line capacity not below 30x lo4 kW, and
current transformers at all voltage levels of substations with capacity above 1 2 0 x 1 0 ~kW and
transient characteristics, relevant parameters of their windings with transient requirements shall
be measured by low-frequency or DC method based on parameters of nameplates to verify
whether relevant requirements are satisfied.
1 AC method.
The actual sine-wave AC voltage is applied on secondary terminals with corresponding
excitation current measured. Test can be worked out at decreased frequency to avoid winding and
secondary terminals withstanding unallowable voltage.
Excitation current shall be measured by readout instrument on peak value so that it can be
corresponding to the magnetic-flow value of peak value.
Excitation voltage shall be measured by average-value meters but with scale as root mean
square value.
Secondary linkage magnetic channel 0 can be obtained through the actually measured root

mean square value of applied voltage at frequency f ' according to following formula:

Equivalent voltage root mean square value U is:

The obtained curve of excitation characteristics is the relation curve between peak-value
excitation current i,,, and equivalent voltage root mean square value o f rated frequency

representing channel of peal< value @.

Excitation inductance is determined by average slope of curve mentioned above wlien the

saturation flux Qs lies within 20%-90%:

When the secondary side leakage reactance is neglected. secondary time constant T,

corresponding to resistance total load ( R e ,+ R,))

can be calculated according to following


When coefficient of remnant ~nagnetis~nKT is determined by AC method, excitation

voltage needs to be integrated. which is seen in Figure E.0.2-2. The integral voltage and
corresponding current indicates the circle of magnetic retardation on X-Y oscillograph. If

excitation current has been the value wl~ichsaturated flux reaches Qs,it is considered that value

of magnetic flow is remnant magnetism Dr when current crosses zero. According to definition

0,1 O s= y,./ cys : the coefficient of remnant magnetism K , can be obtained.

2 DC method.
DC saturated method is the application of certain DC voltage, which can enable magnetic
f l o ~to
j reach the same value continuously. Gradual rise of excitation current means the influence
by voltage of winding resistance. Measured value on magnetic flow is obtained through
integration after voltage at the end of excitation winding is minus the additional voltage

corresponding to R,i,,,
. Typical test circuits are seen in Figure E.0.2-3.

Upon determination about excitation characteristics, switch S shall be closed ilnrnediately

after integrator is repositioned. Records are made on step-up values of excitation current and
]magnetic flow until all reach invariable: and then switch S is cut off.
Records about typical test about functional relation between the magnetic flow @ ( t ) and

excitation current i,,, ( t )and the time ( t ) are seen in Figure E.0.2-4, where magnetic flow can be

indicated by Wb or by U (f) equivalent voltage root mean square value of sated frequency
according to formula (E.0.2-2).
--- +l-*.n..-l- 6 nninlc
' I
( 1 \
\-ill, -L.. - - -.I-+-:.--A
_- . - L
/tJ nt rnlnn ,-t.nnpl.
L A .

excitation curve divided by corresponding ill, (t), o r according to formula (E.0.2-3) when value
of magnetic flow is indicated by equivalent voltage root mean square value.
Because TPS and TPX current transformers require the determination on average slope of 0

(i,, ) characteristic, X-\d recorder s recommended.

Once switch S is disconnected, the attenuate excitation currents pass through secondary
winding and discharge resistance Rd. Then the magnetic flow value is reduced but it will not be

reduced to z e r o when current is zero. If the selected excitation current i,, makes the magnetic

flow reaclies saturation, the remnant magnetic flow will be considered as remnant magnetism

Or when current is zero.

.. -
Figure E.0.2-1 Fundamental circuit

Figure E.0.2-2 Remnant magnetic coefficient Kt determined by circle of magnetic

Demagnetization must be employed in advance for iron cores of TPS and TPX current

transformers, Remnant magnetic coefficient ( K, ) of TPY current transformer through

demagnetization is determined by ratio @, / .

For TPY current transformer iron core of which is not demagnetized in advance, its remnant

magnetic coefficient ( Kr ) can be determined by supplemental test of exchange about secondary

terminals. At the moment, calculating method about remnant magnetic coefficient ( K, ) follows

the one mentioned above, but assumed is that @, is half of the remnant magnetic value

obtained in t h e second test.

pscillograph or X-Y recorder I

Figure E.0.2-3 Fundamental circuit of DC method

Obtained from oscillograph @! Obtained from X-Y recorder

Figure E.0.2-4 Typical record curve

Appendix F Test Methods and Requirements on

Cross-interconnecting Systems of Power Cable Lines

F.0.1 DC voltage-withstanding test about insulation against ground related to

cross-interconnecting system: under test, overvoltage protector of sheath must be disconnected
under test. Three sections of cable metal covers on another side of interconnecting box are all
grounded so that insulated rings of insulation joints can also be combined together for test, and
then DC voltage 10 kV is applied at every section of cable metal screen or between metal cover
and ground, with the applying time as 1 min and no puncture.
F.0.2 Overvoltage protector about non-linear resistance sheath
1 Zinc oxide resistance piece: After DC reference current is applied on resistance pieces,
tile voltage decrease are measured, whicli is the DC reference voltage. Its value shall be within
the stipulated range of product standards;
2 Non-linear resistance pieces and the insulation resistance against ground about its lead
wire: after all lead wires of non-linear resistance piece are connected in parallel to be insulated
against grounded shell, insulation resistance between lead wire and shell is measured by lOOOV
megollmmeter with its value no less than 10 MQ.
F.0.3 Cross-interconnecting property testing: the method is the recommended one. If this
method is applied, it shall be listed into special test items.
~ 1 connecting
1 pieces of interconnecting boxes lie at normal working positions. Three-phase
balance test currents of lOOA are accessed in cable conductors at each phase. Under the
circumstance that test current is kept unchanged, measurement is employed on current of metal
cover nearest to the cross-interconnecting box and the voltage against ground. After
measurement, test current is decreased to zero with power source cut off. Then the connecting
piece nearest to the inside of cross-interconnecting box is reconnected to be of the simulated
wrong connection, and thus test current will be increased to lOOA again with re-measurement on
current of metal cove rand voltage against ground of this cross-interconnecting box. After
measurement is completed, test charge is decreased to zero with power source cut off and
connecting pieces in the cross-interconnecting box restored to the correct connecting positions.
Finally, test current is increased to lOOA again, and then measurement is implemented on
metal-cover current and voltage against ground at all other cross-interconnecting boxes on cable
If test results satisfy following requirements, properties of cross-interconnecting system will
be considered satisfactory:
1) When wrong connection is prepared for connecting pieces, test is able to indicate there
is abnormally large current of metal cover;
2) Under correct connection of connecting pieces, after any one of measured metal-current
is multiplied by a coefficient (it equals the rated current of cable divided by the test current
mentioned above), the obtained cunent value will not nlake the decrease about rated cullzi~tof
cable to exceed 3%;
3) After the measured voltage of metal cover against ground is multiplied by the coeficient
in iterr1 2) mentioned above. the value will not exceed the l n a x i ~ n ~ ~value
l n o f induced voltage
stipulated at l o a d rated current of cables.
F.0.4 Interconnecting Boxes
1 Contact resistance: this test is started after t l ~ etests mentioned above are completed on
overvoltage protector of sheath. After the knife switch (or connecting piece) is returned to the
normal working position, double-ann electrical bridge is used to measure the contact resistance
of (or connecting piece) with its value no larger than 20 pa;
2 Connecting position about knife switch (or connecting piece): this test is worked out
before the interconnecting boxes are sealed after cross-interconnecting systems pass the tests.
Connecting positions shall be correct. If re-connection is made because wrong connection is
found out, contact resistance of knife switch (connecting piece) must be re-measured.
Appendix G Table of Special Test Items

Table G Table of Special Test Items

I NO. I Clauses I Contents

I 3 .O. 14 Measurement on AC impedance and power losses

2 3.0.15 Measurement on characteristic curve of three-phase short circuit
3 3 .O. 16 Measurement on unloaded characteristic curve 1
At the unloaded rated voltage about generator, time constants about excitat~oncut-of of
4 3.0.17
generator's stator on open circuit are logged
After breaking brake of automatic excitation cut-off device at the unloaded rated voltage of
5 3.0.18
generator, residual voltage of stators is measured
6 3.0.20 Measurement on shaft voltage
/ 7 1 3.0.21 / Natural frequency test on stator's winding end and its modal analysis
8 3.0.22 Measurement on DC voltage applied for in-situ cover insulation at stator's winding ends
Logging on the unloaded characteristics of DC generator and load characteristic curves of
9 4.0.1 1
exciter with rotator's winding as load

10 5.0.5 Logging about unloaded characteristic curve

II 7.0.12 Deformation test of transformer winding
Long AC induced voltage test (ACLD) with partial discharge measurement about winding
12 7.0.14
together with bushing
13 9.0.4 Partial discharge measurement of instrument transformer
1 --

Measurement on deviation of instrument transformers shall meet following provisions:

I I / 1 Deviation measurement must be carried out on instrument transformers (including /

current, voltage, and combined transformers) used for gateway metering. The organs
14 9.0.9 (laboratories) for deviation testing must be legal metering verification institutions
authorized by state;

I I /2 Deviation measurement may be implemented on instrument transformers with I

non-gateway metering and the voltage level not below 35 kV;
Testing on capacitor-type voltage transformer (CVT)
2 If CVT electromagnetic units cannot lead out intermediate voltage wire because of
structural reasons, deviation tests must be implemented. In case of suspicion about
15 9.0.12
insulation of capacitor-voltage divider, electromagnetic unit shall be opened to lead out

I I I intermediate voltage wire for measurement on capacitance and loss tangent tan6 at rated /
I voltage
16 18.0.5 AC voltage-withstanding test (voltage not below 35kV)
17 F.0.3 Testing on cross-interconnecting properties
1 18 1 19.0.4 1 Partial discharge test about coupling capacitor 1
19 25.0.3 Measurement on power-frequency parameters of lines above 35kV

The whole AC and DC voltage-withstanding tests (or high-voltage testing) on electric equipment with
standard voltage not below 110 kV

/ Tile whole
I1 21 standard
Partial discharge tests about all \;arieties of electric equipment

The whole
Tesrs on SF6 gas and ~nsulationoil (excepr breakdown voltage test)
Word Diction of the Standard

1 T h e following instructions are made on words requiring different degrees of strictness,

for the convenience to the differentiation upon the implementation of the clauses of the standard:
1) Words indicating "very strict" and "having no choice but to do it":
"Must" for positive word;
"Must not9'for negative one.
2) Words indicating strict and "shall do it under normal circumstances"
"Shall" for positive word;
"Shall not" or "should not" for negative one.
3) Words showing that some choices are allowed slightly and that it shall be done like this
at first as conditions permit:
"May" or "can" for positive word;
"May not" for negative one.
2 The writing about that "the implementation shall be done according to other criteria and
standards9', which is showed clearly in the code, is "shall be in accordance with provisions
of . . .." or "shall be implemented according to".

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