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Section 498A of IPC deals with the offence of domestic violence. In India's last 20 years of
criminal law reform, the claim that women exploit these rules is a prevalent criticism of
legislation that addresses violence against women. Police, public society, politicians, and
even the High Courts and Supreme Court judges strongly contested such "misuse" grounds.
Misuse was charged, namely in violation of IPC Sec. 498A and Sec. 304B's dowry death
offence. The institutional framework of courts, police, and other law enforcement agencies
consistently invalidates domestic violence incidents through the subtle acts of domestic
violence and harassment by partners and family members.

After the institutionalization of legislation and policy to criminalize domestic abuse, Sec.
498A was added to the IPC in 1983. However, the government has not adequately evaluated
the alterations in their deterrence aims during the last 20 years. A research and development
strategy is urgently required to advance current knowledge regarding the effects of legal
sanctions on domestic abuse. In the present world, where men and women are both
autonomous and employed, the definition of marriage and the patriarchal position of a man
and woman has dramatically changed. Additionally, women abuse the laws intended to
protect them from cruelty and abuse, fabricate stories about their spouses to get rid of them,
or even ruin the family.

Meaning of the term domestic violence

The Indian Penal Code, 1860, was significantly expanded in 1983 to include Section 498A to
protect the rights and advance the status of women. The Indian Penal Code's Section 498A
makes it illegal to force a woman to give up any property by oppressing her. Through the
Criminal Law (Second Amendment) Act, 1983, the Indian government revised the Indian
Penal Code, 1860 (IPC), adding a new Section 498(A) to Chapter XX-A, Of Cruelty by
Husband or Relatives of Husband, on December 26, 1983.

In order to persuade a woman or her family members to comply with an unlawful demand for
any property or valuable protection, the term "cruelty" has been defined broadly to
encompass engaging in acts of harassment and causing bodily or mental harm to the woman's
body or health.

Harassment for dowry falls under the purview of the section's final limb, and one of the
components of "cruelties" is to put a woman in a situation that compels her to commit
suicide. According to the law, if a husband or a relative of a woman's husband oppresses her,
he will be sentenced to up to three years in prison and must also pay a fine. The violation of
Section 498A is punishable by law and is not subject to compounding or bail.

Ingredients of Section 498A

The following prerequisites must be met in order for an offence under Section 498-A to be

The lady must be married; she must have experienced cruelty or harassment, and her husband
or a relative must have perpetrated the cruelty or harassment.

Simply reading this clause reveals that the following Act(s) is considered to be cruelty:

any intentional behavior that could endanger a woman's life, limb, or suicide or cause
substantial harm to her health (either physically or mentally);

When a woman is harassed, it is done with the intention of forcing her or any other person
connected to her to comply with a law.

Section 498A abuse in the present period

Women who fabricate frivolously false accusations against their husbands in an effort to
extort money or just hurt the family are in violation of this clause. Because of the growing
abuse in this sector, the wives frequently find their husbands.

The lawmakers created and introduced Section 498A into the legal system with the intention
of defending women against abuse, harassment, and other violations. However, when cross-
investigations were conducted to assess the efficacy of this legislation, there were more
acquittals than convictions. Thus, the Supreme Court, who implemented 498A with the
intention of protecting women from cruelty, now views it as legal terrorism. because Section
498A's actual credibility is damaged by misuse. It is called an anti-male law for a number of
reasons, including that. Although there are numerous complaints, and even the judiciary has
acknowledged widespread abuse, there is no trustworthy information based on an empirical
research regarding the magnitude of the claimed abuse.

In the case of Anju v. Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, the petitioner's
wife objected to the lower court's decision to dismiss the respondents' charges under section
498A/34 of the Indian Penal Code.

The wife of the petitioner included every family member in the FIR in one breath without
designating any of them a particular role, the court observed after taking into account the
case's facts. As a result, no information on the purported dates of the recorded incidences or
any supporting evidence against the spouse's family was offered. The Court further found that
the accusations made against the defendants were quite vague and generic. The complainant
made no indication of the day, hour, week, month, or year that she was beaten. The High
Court of Bombay confirmed the Revisional Court's ruling and determined that the case's
relevant facts and circumstances.
They want to make sure that an innocent individual doesn't suffer as a result of unjustified,
malicious charges. It is similarly agreed that the courts must rely on circumstantial evidence
in circumstances when there is a lack of direct proof. When dealing with these issues, it is
important to keep in mind how the law has evolved in relation to circumstantial evidence.

The spouse and his family are disproportionately affected by the false accusations and
immoral application of section 498A. During this time of adversity and humiliation, some of
the guys give up and kill themselves. Here, the law must use its authority in an equitable
manner by conducting a comprehensive investigation and cross-examining all parties.

Constitutional validity of Section 498A

In a number of situations, it has come to light that the accusations were made for shady
purposes and are unfounded. In these situations, the accused's acquittal does not always erase
the humiliation experienced before and during the trial. Sometimes negative media attention
makes things worse. The misuse of the provision may result in new legal terrorism. The
clause is not meant to be an assassin's tool, but rather a shield. A legal provision is not
invalidated by the mere possibility that it would be abused.

As a result, the Supreme Court has provided the following instructions in matters involving
Section 498A:

The Hon'ble Court held in the case of Arnesh Kumar v. State of Bihar that in order to ensure
that the police officer does not unlawfully arrest the accused and that the magistrate does not
permit for casual and mechanical detention in cases under Section 498A IPC, the Court gave
specific directions (although the directions also apply to other cases where the offence is
punishable by imprisonment not exceeding seven years), including:

Police personnel should determine that an arrest is required under Section 41 of the Criminal
Procedure Code (the judgement establishes the boundaries) before making one after the filing
of a case under Section 498A of the IPC.

Police officers must complete the checklist (containing the subclauses listed under Section
41(1)(b)(ii) of the CrPC) and include the justification for the arrest as well as the supporting

Only until the police officers have indicated that they are satisfied with the report will the
magistrate grant permission for detention.
When police officers disobey orders, they may face departmental repercussions as well as
penalties for contempt of court.

The competent High Court will hold the Judicial Magistrate accountable for the departmental
action if he disobeys the directions.

Recovery in false allegations

In the event that his wife has made untrue accusations against the man and he has been found
innocent in the eyes of the law. He is able to challenge the 498A misuse claim. Women's
rights are still being protected by the Indian government and legal system, while men are also
protected by the law. Still, justice prevails over injustice. As a result, the men whose
reputations are harmed by false accusations choose to take legal action to reclaim their
reputations and seek protection under Section 498A IPC. Which are:

The husband may bring a slander claim under Indian Penal Code Section 500;

The husband may submit a claim under Section 9 of the CPC for the recovery of damages
that he and his family have suffered as a result of the false accusations of cruelty and abuse;

Section 182 of the IPC is one of the protections against fraudulent 498A cases that are
frequently employed. According to Section 182 of the IPC, the offender faces a term of six
months in prison, a fine, or both if the authority believes that the averages calculated were
invalid. The person will face charges for providing the judiciary with false and misleading

The recoveries which are provides by the certain law being in force are not justified to the
amount of mental torture which husband and his relatives has to face because of false and
frivolous complaints made under this section. Therefore we are providing certain suggestions.


The Court and legislative must reform if the norms of domestic violence are to be
discouraged. A few changes to this law should be proposed in light of recent comments and
the rise in abuse of this provision:

Trial and investigation schedules

In 498A cases, a speedy trial would not only guarantee compensation for those falsely
accused but might also hasten the resolution of the problems of the true donor victims. Legal
fees will be cut down on fraudulent cases, and the outcome of actual prosecutions will


498a are largely non-leasing behavior makes them victims of innocent maltreatment. To stop
innocent children, including pregnant women and college students, from spending weeks in
jail without being held accountable, this area has to be ransomed.

If the married woman realizes she made incorrect calculations and has to go home after filing
a FIR, the matter cannot be closed. This could be made compoundable in order to reduce the
amount of wedding-related establishment. In reality, when a couple decides to dissolve their
marriage through consensual divorce, it makes it harder for criminal investigations to

Family Therapy Centres

Numerous incidents of men being abused by their spouses or in-laws have come to light in
various parts of the world. Because there is now no organization that can significantly ease
the burden on these overworked individuals and their families to listen to their side of the
story and prioritize reading over government policy. To help the families that have been
wronged, there is a current desire to establish family substance centers across the nation.

Women's NGOs' function

Given that the majority of girls in the husband's family experience legal harassment; these
organizations should carefully examine criticism without favoring the girl. No woman should
be permitted to make a criminal charge regarding baseless.

False charges are punished

Tough action should be taken against the accused if a court determines that the allegations
made in relation to the conduct of the offence under section 498a of the IPC are false. It will
discourage persons from returning to court with soiled hands and hidden agendas. All
officials who assist in unjustly accusing girls and their parent families should be held
criminally liable.

A Civil Authority investigation

Civil authorities spread out their investigation into these crimes, and only after reaching a
conclusion about how the crime was actually carried out would they take cognizance. The
government ought to educate officers about its abuse.


Because the lady filed a false complaint in accordance with the terms of Section 498A IPC
and established her husband under the rule, misuse of Section 498A is no longer only a
rumor. There are no regulations protecting boys from being abused by women. Furthermore,
section 498A of the IPC was employed improperly in each district court case. The cases were
still open, and the rule that just because a man is a husband doesn't automatically make him
responsible for all expenses and benefits does not excuse him from paying maintenance to his
wife. Unlike men in society, women are con artists. The wives use this area as a tool to
extract money from their husbands.
It is a truth that women abuse Section 498A of the IPC against their spouses and in-laws. The
tests have already been completed and published. The focus on humans in this piece was
evident. Although Section 498A is meant to safeguard women, it actually refers to a spouse's
harassment of the husband and in-laws. This scenario has a very negative impact on society.
The Law Commission's 243 reports on IPC Section 498A included discussion of the subject
of misuse of this clause. According to the commission's recommendations, the court must
obtain approval before the offence can be rendered compoundable and safety measures must
be enacted. The commission has, however, advised against declaring the offence. We are not
eliminating the usefulness because of the abuse, of the laws that impact the wider public

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