Coursework 2 (25 - ) (Ang Kim Poh Fbs12)

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ENG1233: English for Academic Writing (Sem: July- Sept 2022)


Write three supporting sentences that help to develop the following topic sentences.
1. There are several reasons why I hate to watch television.
A. First reason is watch television will dragging down my grades because I will
indulge in watching television.
B. Second reason is I do not want to wear spectacles because I am a careless person
so I hate watch television that make me myopic.
C. Third reason I hate to watch television is television is expensive instead I like the
projector better because projector is smaller and cheaper than television.

2. My best friend has three qualities that I admire.

A. The first quality is brave because when I need help, he aways and stand-up be my
B. Second, he has compassion, he always helps homeless people and stray animals.
C. Thirdly, patience is a character I do not have, but my friend always faces
everything with patience, which makes me admire he very much.

3. College students should stay at home when they are pursuing their tertiary education.
A. If college student not stay at home pursuing their tertiary education, their grade
will downturn because they cannot focus when they are outside.
B. Next, college student should play their role, learn knowledge, cultivate ability and
comprehensively improve one’s own quality.
C. Last but not least, pandemic is serious in Malaysia, college student should pursue
their tertiary education at home to prevent infected with Covid-19.

4. Joining an aerobics class has many benefits.

A. Benefit of aerobics exercise is kept excess pound at bay because aerobic exercise
helps you lose weight and keep it off when combined with a good diet.
B. Second benefit is reduced health risks. Example of risks are obesity, heart disease,
high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, stroke and certain types
of cancer can be decrease.
C. Lastly, aerobics exercise can boost your mood because the melancholy of sadness
may be lessened, the tension brought on by anxiety may be lessened, and relaxion
may be encourage through aerobic exercise. It can raise your sense of self-worth
and mental health. It may also help you sleep better.
5. Young children should be exposed to character development at an early age.
First reason is early exposure to the idea of character education give young children a
natural basis for comprehending the fundamental character traits of resilience, happiness,
compassion and drive.
Therefore, character development aids in recognizing danger in society also the reason of
we must expose young children character development at an early age. This is because
young children in today’s culture might be exposed to harmful influences through a
variety of channels like television and online platform.
Last reason is character development aids academic goals because young child can
benefit from character education in their academic endeavors as well. A successful
character education programmer should emphasize virtues like responsibility and effort.



Write a persuasive paragraph based on this topic given below.

Using one’s own mode of transportation has more advantages than using public transportation.
Do you agree? Write a paragraph of 150 – 200 words.

No, I am not agreeing with using one’s own mode of transportation has more advantages than using
public transportation. Public transport and private transport have their own benefit and advantage, so they
are often compared. Personally, I think public transport has more advantages than private transportation.
The first advantage of public transport is improved community health. This is because urban planners
have been looking to public transit for years to help with community health and wellness improvements.
People taking public transport must walk from their front doors to the closet stop and return, increasing
physical activity and assisting in the fight against the current obesity epidemic. In actually, People taking
public transport may allow individuals to fulfill the necessary 30minutes of daily physical exercise.
Therefore, using public transport also has economic benefits to the community. This is because walking
to a transportation station is more convenient than driving since people may more easily pause for a snake
or a cup of coffee. Small business can gain from this as well. Additionally, if a homeowner wants to sell a
house, they could get a better price if it’s close to a stop for public transit. This is advantage for both the
seller and the city’s general tax base.

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