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Keith Wilhelm U Felipe | OLCA233M011 | OLRIZALCRS | Activity 1

ACROSTIC POETRY: Write a Free-form style acrostic poem using of the name of DR. JOSE P.

Write an explanation in every line.

To create an acrostic, follow these five easy steps:
1. Decide what to write about.
2. Write your word down vertically.
3. Brainstorm words or phrases that describe your idea.
4. Place your brainstormed words or phrases on the lines that begin with the same letters.
5. Fill in the rest of the lines to create a poem.

Days are dwindling, darkness looms

Remember, like the days of Noah, judgment comes soon

Jesus is coming, our hope and our light

Only the righteous will stand in His sight
Sinners will cry out, with sorrow and woe
Every nation will mourn as they reap what they sow

People of God, Salvation Draws Nigh

Righteous He is, in glory unmatched

Incomparable His love, with mercy unmatched
Zealous we shall be, in the work we do
Accomplishing all, with faith strong and true
Lord's guidance be with us, until the very end

“Days are dwindling, darkness looms” - As a religious person just like as the bible describe from
the Book of revelations the day will come where the center of human Lives is not Jesus but their
self being inlove with Self just like Lucifer does the days are weaker because they don’e See
God anymore they see themselves.
“Remember, like the days of Noah, judgment comes soon” - on the days of Noah there are
eating, drinking, marrying and Giving in marriage up these things are without holiness as Noah
entered the ark the Judgement f the Lord came and wipe these unholy thing and shall be in the
end times as Describe in the bible.
“Jesus is coming, our hope and our light” & “Only the righteous will stand in His sight” - Jesus is
coming soon and those sinner who didn’t repent will be judged by Jesus and only who Repent,
Accepted, and lived the life of Jesus demonstrated us shall be found Righteous which implies
that Jesus is the only way no other way He is our only Hope and Light in these Dark days.

“Sinners will cry out, with sorrow and woe” & “Every nation will mourn as they reap what they
sow” -
As describe it is literally what it says Sinner who are Also Self loving and Self Righteous shall
cry in the End times Calling out the name of the Lord but Jesus will not Know them, This also
Describe the Great Famine that shall come in the Book of Revelation.

“People of God, Salvation Draws Nigh” - Those who found Righteous is The People of God this
is Message From The New testament Bible for those People of God / Children of God that The
Lord Will Come Soon the Rapture is near.

“Righteous He is, in glory unmatched” & “Incomparable His love, with mercy unmatched” -
Our God is Righteous so God punished those who Follow His Command but His Love and
Mercy is also Incomparable and unmatched for He Gave Jesus to Demonstrate to us How to be
Righteous and Holy for We cannot do it on our own And we need Jesus to Show us the Only

“Zealous we shall be, in the work we do” & “Accomplishing all, with faith strong and true” -
Jesus Commanded His Desciple that if You Truly love Jesus the Lord our God then We Should
Feed His Sheep. this mean We Spread the Word of God with Love and Justice unto the ends of
the Earth, But not only in works because Works without fruit is Dead in the Eyes of God, We
Should be Faithful, Righteous with conviction and we should be true.

“Lord's guidance be with us, until the very end: - Praying that all the Saints have Strength at the
Very End of Time

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