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Simple attempting Verb - adverb

Simply Because of + noun merging noun - adjective

Simplify because + sentence (S + Verb) theorying beautifully girl (wrong)
Active I don't go to school because it rains prisoning
Activate I don't go to school because of the rain

in that = because
because + sentence
because of + noun phrase
due to = because
as/since/for + sentence = because

Noun adverb
-ion sadness -ly
-ment -able university
-ty -ive influence
-ness -some
-ance -less
the fact that = adalah frase yang
selalu muncul mengikuti kata2
seperti daftar

contribute = V1 (tanpa S, jadi noun harus

dalam bentuk jamak)
S + Verb 1 (s/es)
encourage + obj + infinitive

encourage + to V1
presidents = jamak
lebih mudah diartikan
of + noun
prove = verb
proof = noun

of + noun
look for
look forward to
look up preposition combination
different from derived + from phrasal verbs
angry with
laugh at

derived from = sudah pasangan

Nestle = V1
V1 tidak pernah di awal kalimat selain
kalimat perintah

Verb ing
Verb 3
To V1
Verb - adverb
grow adverb --> -ly

wide = adjective
widely = adverb
grown = verb
adverb + verb
the stomach belongs to the ruminant
double check = reexamine
man sudah kirim uang tapi gak terima
fly by night = tak diharapkan
check = cash
pria tanya, apakah aku gak salah
dengar klo kamu akan absen besok?
kata wanita "ya kamu benar"
pria: saya pikir susan adalah moderator
yang tepat.
wanita: jika butuh orang yang bisa
menjembatani gap generasi, dia bisa
wanita: sekarang dia tidak mengijinkan
anaknya keluar larut malam
pria: itu hanya masalah waktu (good idea)
wanita: jika kamu lebih hati2 kita gak
nabrak pohon
pria: aku belok untuk ngehindarin anjing

jangan dipilih opsi yang punya kemiripan
suara (pronunciation), karena
kemungkinan itu jawaban salah

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