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Moderator: Good morning, everyone.

Today, we will be discussing the topic of genetically

modified (GM) foods. GM foods are produced by genetically manipulating organisms,
incorporating genes from other organisms to achieve specific characteristics. Let's
introduce our panelists. In favor of GM foods, we have chef Jennifer Arlette Lopez Marin,
billionaire entrepreneur Sebastián Hernanez Huesca, and chemist Shiantick Ramón
Uscanga. On the opposing side, we have pulmonologist Ariadna Lizbeth Garcia Cruz,
general doctor Valeria Robles Antele, and farmer Ashley Odette Diaz Becerra. Let's begin
with Chef Jennifer, who will share her opinion.

Chef: Thank you. As a chef, I generally support GM food technology as it can enhance the
quality and taste of the food we prepare. Safety-wise, there are studies suggesting that
genetically modified foods are safe for human consumption. Additionally, they can help
address food scarcity issues worldwide. The negative perception around "transgenic" and
the fear associated with altering DNA might contribute to the skepticism. However, these
foods can play a role in supplying food to populations in need.

Moderator: Thank you for your perspective, Chef Jennifer. Now, let's hear from
pulmonologist Ariadna.

Pulmonologist: Transgenic crops can introduce new compounds into food, potentially
causing allergies, cancerous tumors, antibiotic resistance, and adverse effects like asthma
or skin diseases. For example, in the Philippines, an area cultivating insecticidal transgenic
crops witnessed the development of an allergic disease believed to be associated with
these crops. Based on these concerns, I am opposed to GM foods due to the various
health issues they can pose.

Moderator: Thank you, Dr. Ariadna, for sharing your concerns. Next, let's hear from
entrepreneur Sebastian.

Entrepreneur: Hello, as the owner of a transgenic food company, I support genetically

modified foods because they can benefit both businesses and farmers. They offer cost-
effectiveness, reduced reliance on insecticides and fertilizers, increased shelf life, and
faster growth with desirable characteristics. These advantages make GM foods more
marketable and help meet the demand for quality food products.

Moderator: Thank you for sharing your perspective, Sebastian. Now, let's turn to Dr.
Valeria, the general doctor.

Dr. Valeria: From a medical standpoint, genetically modified foods can impact our health
in various ways. Recent studies indicate potential health risks such as the emergence of
new allergies, antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria, the presence of new toxins in
food, and increased contamination due to greater chemical use in agriculture. The concept
of substantial equivalence, which forms the basis for approving GMOs, has faced criticism
from the scientific community. Genetic engineering can alter genes, leading to the
production of new toxins, and foreign proteins can trigger allergies or toxicity. These
concerns raise questions about food safety.

Moderator: Thank you, Dr. Valeria, for your insights. Lastly, we have chemist Shiantick to
share his perspective.

Chemist: Genetically modified foods involve modifying the DNA of plants or animals by
introducing genes from other organisms. This selective transfer of genes allows scientists
to achieve desired traits and avoid introducing unwanted ones. The benefits of GM foods
include increased nutrition, improved taste, resource-efficient and disease-resistant crops,
reduced pesticide usage, enhanced food supply, and the potential for medicinal
applications. Genetic engineering expedites the creation of new foods with desirable

Moderator: Thank you, Shiantick, for your input. Finally, we'll hear from farmer Ashley.

Farmer: Transgenic foods can have adverse health effects, including the development of
new allergies due to the introduction of new proteins. For instance, a study showed that
pigs fed genetically modified foods had a higher incidence of stomach inflammation
compared to those fed non-transgenic foods. Infertility and kidney inflammation
are also potential health concerns associated with these foods.

Moderator: Thank you, Ashley, for sharing your viewpoint. With that, we conclude
the debate. We hope this discussion has provided our audience with a better
understanding of the topic and raised awareness about the potential impacts of
genetically modified foods on health.

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