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KLS : IX-5

T.A 2022/2023

Orientation :

Once upon a time, on the island of Lombok, there lived a wise king and his
beautiful daughter named Putri Mandalika.

Because Princess Mandalika was very beautiful, many princes asked her to be a wife.

Complication :

The princess did not want to disappoint the princes and her people, she
meditated in a seaside cave to ask the gods for help.

After meditating for a long time, Princess Mandalika returned to see her father.

The princess said, "If I accept the proposal of one of the princes, it will create
enmity among the princes. I don't want to marry those princes and I choose to devote
myself to the gods."

Resolution : 

The next day, Princess Mandalika threw herself into the sea. It is said that his
body turned into a colorful worm in the Lombok sea.

The worm was called nyale. People of Lombok have ancient tradition called
Bau Nyale that they gather nyale  annually.

Orientation :

Once Upon a time, lived a diligent boy named Malin Kundang. He lived in the
seashore with his mother. They were very poor, but they lived quiet and harmonious.

Complication :

One day, a big ship closed to the beach near their village. They asked peoples
to join work in their ship and went to the cross island. Malin Kundang wanted to join
with them because he wanted to improve his family’s life. But his mother didn’t
permit him. She worried to Malin. Malin still kept his argument… and finally he sailed
with the bigship.Several years later, Malin Kundang succed and he became rich
trader. Then, he came to his native village with his beatiful wife, but his wife didn’t
know Malin’s real descent. His happy mother quickly approached Malin and brought
a plate of village cake, Malin’s Favorite. But Malin didn’t admit that woman as his
poor mother, and then he kicked the village cakewhich brought by his mother until

Resolution :

His mother very broken heart because MAlin rebellious to her, who had
growth him. Then, his mother cursed Malin became stone.Suddenly, the bigship
which Malin’s had was vacillated by a big storm and all of his crewman tossed aside
out. Malin realized that was his fault that rebellious his mother. He bowed down and
became a stone.

Orientation :

PRABU Tapa Agung was on old king. He had two daughters, Purbararang and
Purbasari. Parabu Tapa Agung planned to retire as a king. He wanted Purbasari to
replace him as the leader of the kingdom.

Complication :

Hearing this, Purbararang was angry. “You cannot ask her to be the queen, Father.
I’m older than she is. It’s supposed to be me, not her!” said Purbararang. But the
king still chose Purbasari to be the next queen. Purbararang then set a bad plan
with her fiance, Indrajaya. Together they when a witch and asked her to put a spell
on Purbasari. Later, Purbasari had bad skin. There were black dots all over her
body. “ You are not as beautiful as I am. You cannot be the queen. Instead, you
Have to leave this palace and stay in a jungle. Everyday she spent her time playing
with some animals there.

There was one monkey that always tried to cheer her up. It was not just an ordinary
monkey, he had magical power. And he also could talk with humans. The monkey’s
name was Lutung Kasarung. He was actually good. His name was Sanghyang.


Purbasari was sad. She knew Purbararang fiance’s, Indrajaya, was handsome. And
she did not have a fiance yet. “Here is my fiance, Indrajaya. Where is yours?” asked
Purbararang. Lutung Kasarung came forward. Purbararang was laughing very hard.
“Youre fiance is a monkey, ha ha ha.” Suddenly, Lutung Kasarung changed into a
very handsome man. He was even more handsome than Indrajaya.
Purbasari then became the queen. She forgave Purbararang and her fiance and let
them stay in the palace.

Orientation :

Dayang Sumbi was a beautiful and kind hearted princess, but sometimes she
was very lazy. Her hobby was weaving cloth. One day her weaving tool fell. Tumang,
a male dog, came to bring her tool back to her. As she had promised, she married
him. Tuman was actually a man who had been cursed by a male to become a dog.
But sometimes I could turn back to a normal man. Dayang Sumbi and Tumang got
one son. His name was Sangkuriang. He did not know that Tumang was his father
because he was a dog whenever he was with him. Tumang always accompanied
Sangkuriang whenever he went hunting in the woods.   

Complication :

When he was twelve years old, Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to bring her
deer's heart. But after many days in the woods, he could not find a deer. He did not
want to disappoint his mother, so he killed Tumang and brought his heart home and
gave it to his mother. Because of her love to Tumang, Dayang Sumbi knew, it was his
heart not a deer's heart. She got very angry at Sangkuriang. She hit him with a piece
of wood on his forehead and told him to go away. Badly wounded, Sangkuriang left
her and the village.

One day Sangkuriang went back to his village. He was big and strong. There he
met a beautiful young woman. He fell in love with her at first sight. He did not know
that she was Dayang Sumbi. She could never get older because she was granted
eternal youth by the gods

One day he approached Dayang Sumbi to propose her. Dayang Sumbi saw the
bad scar on his forehead. She soon realized that he was her own son, Sangkuriang.
She told him the truth again and again but he would not believe her. She was
thinking hard to find a way not to marry him. Then she got an idea. She gave him a
task which she thought was impossible for him to do. She asked him to make her a
lake and a boat in one night. She did not know Sangkuriang had genies to help him
to do the task.

Resolution :

By dawn both the lake and the boat were almost done. Dayang Sumbi got very
worried. She was thinking hard again to find a way to fail him. Then she had an idea.
She asked the people in the village to burn the woods in the east, so that the light
made all the cocks in the village crow. The genies thought that the morning was
almost broken. They ran away as fast they could, leaving the boat unfinished.
Knowing Dayang Sumbi cheated him, Sangkuriang got very angry. He kicked the boat
so hard that it went upside down. It is now known as Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

Orientation :

Roro Jonggrang was the daughter of King Prabu Baka, who ruled over the
ancient Javanese kingdom of Prambanan. The king was killed in a fierce battle by the
minister of the King of Pengging, who fought with a magic weapon called ‘Bandung’.
For this reason, he was known as ‘Bandung Bandawasa’.

Complication :

Not long afterwards, Bandung Bandawasa decided to marry Princess Roro

Jonggrang., the daughter of his victim. But she had no desire to marry the murderer
of her father, so she sought the advice of the Patih.

The Patih made a wise suggestion. Bandung would have to build a thousand
temples and two deep weels. If he managed to complete all this in the course of one
night, he could marry the princess. Bandung knew two people possessing magic
powers who promised to help him. one was his father, “Damarmaya”, and the other
was mighty King of Pengging. A date was fixed and in the evening, Bandung’s
followers began their giant construction job. Five hundred temples were completed
by midnight.

Roro Jonggrang sent a man to watch the progress of Bandung’s work and by
four o’clock in the morning he saw that nine hundred and ninety five temples were
already built and to deep wells nearly finished. The whole palace was filled with
sadness, because the Princess would have to marry the man who had murdered her

Again the Patih had an idea. He woke up all the young girls and ordered them
to pond rice at once. When the workers heard the pounding of rice and smelt the
flowers, which were the signs of dawn they stopped their work. Bandung Bandawasa
was glad to see the temples before him and counted them himself. But to his
surprise, there were only 999 temples.

Resolution :

He soon learned the reason of his failure and became very angry. Roro
JOnggrang herself was changed into a statue, which stands in the great inner hall of
the largest temple and is now know as, “The Temple of Roro Jonggrang’.

Orientation :

There was a handsome man named Batara Guru Sahala, who enjoyed fishing
so much. One day, he caught a fish. He was surprised to find that the fish could talk.
The fish begged him to set it free.

Compication :

Batara Guru sahala was so surprised and set the fish free. As soon as it was
free, the fish changed into a very beautiful woman. Batara Guru sahala fell in love
with that fish-woman and wanted to marry her. Batara guru Sahala also promised to
keep the secret that she had been a fish and would never tell anybody about it.

They were happily married. They had two daughters. One day Batara Guru
Sahala got very angry with his daughters. He could not control his temper. He
shouted angrily and the word fish reached his daughters. The daughters were crying.
They found their mother and told her about it.

Resolution :

The mother was very angry. Batara Guru Sahala broke his promise. The
mother started shouting angrily, then the earth began to shake and volcanoes
started to erupt. The earth formed a very big hole. People believed that the big hole
became a lake. Today the lake is known as Lake Toba. 

Orientation :

Once upon a time, in Kalimantan. There lived a mother with her daughter. The
daughter was really a beautiful girl. But, she had a bad character. She was arrogant,
lazy girl. She never helped her mother to do some house work. She always admired
her beauty every day. The girl was also a spoiled girl, when she wanted something,
his mother had to make it. The girl’s mother was really pity. She had to work day and
night, but the girl was doing nothing.

Complication :

One day, the girl and her mother went out. They wanted to buy something in
the market. The location of the market was really far from home, so they had to walk
miles away.

The girl was walking in front of her mother. She wore a beautiful dress.
Meanwhile, her mother was walking behind the girl. The mother’s dress was dirty and
ugly. She brought an umbrella. No one expected that the two people who walked was
a mother and her daughter.

When they entered the village, the villagers saw the girl and admired her.
They’re so amazed with the girl’s beauty. But, when they saw the woman who walked
behind the girl they wondered. Who was the old woman?

One of the villagers asked to the girl.

“Hey, beautiful girl. Is that your mother who walks behind you?” asked one of
the villagers.

The girl arrogantly said, “Of course no, she is my maid,” said the girl.

They continued the journey. And then, a young man met them and asked a

“Hey sweety, is that your mother who walks behind you?” asked the young

“No… of course no, can’t you see that? She’s really different with me. How
could you say that she is my mother? She is my slave,” replied the girl.

Everytime they walked, the girl said that the woman walked behind her was
her maid/her slave. She never admitted that the woman is her mother.

The mother was really disappointed with her daughter. She couldn’t bear it.
The girl’s saying hurt her heart. The poor mother finally prayed to God.

“Oh God, I can’t stand this. My daughter always humiliates me. I am so

disappointed with her. Please give her punishment, God, please…” prayed the

Resolution :

With the Power of God, suddenly the girl’s body turned into a stone little by
little. The changes of the body started from the leg and the other parts of the body.
The girl cried and asked for a help to her mother.

“Please forgive me mother…forgive my attitude…please mother…please help

me,” cried the girl. But, it was too late. All of the girl’s body was turned into a stone.

Although all of the girl’s body was turned into a stone, the people still could
see that the stone was crying. The people called the stone “The Crying Stone”.

Orientation :

Many years ago there was a very honest sunan. He taught people about the
meaning of life and about religion, he is known as Sunan Kalijaga. He traveled to
spread his precious lesson.

One day, Sunan Kalijaga arrived at a village. Sunan went to the village chief's
house. Then Sunan Kalijaga asked for a job without telling his real name. The wife of
the chief said he could help cut the grass.

Sunan Kalijaga started working by cutting grass to feed the chief's horses.

Complication :

Soon, the chief of the village realized that his employee was Sunan Kalijaga.
The chief was extremely surprised. Then he decided to follow the lesson of Sunan

To follow the lesson of Sunan Kalijaga, the chief had to leave everything behind.
But the wife didn't agree so she brought her jewelry in bamboo.

When the three of them were taking a rest in a village, a robber approached
and took everything from the wife of the chief. Sunan said that this village would be
full of people and really busy.


Then Sunan named the place Salatiga which means three wrong people. The
three wrong people were the chief, his wife, and also the robber who loves collecting

And now, this village is known as Salatiga.

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