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Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.

Institute of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

NCM - 102: Health Education

Assignment #1: Critical Thinking Exercises on the Hallmarks of Good/Effective
Teaching in Nursing

Submitted by:
Viona Francine R. Cucio
BSN - 1

Submitted to:
Prof. Parco Avoc Feliciano Culang, RN, LPT, MAN
1. You are teaching nursing students in the classroom and in the clinical area. How
can you be effective to your students? What specific qualities do you need in
order to create an effective teaching and learning environment?
- To be an effective educator I must be able to connect with my students, I’ll
change or adjust to my student’s level of understanding, interest and maturity for
them to be able to understand what I’m teaching. In order to create an effective
teaching and learning environment I must possess these qualities: The personal
and professional qualities.

2. Differentiate between the personal and professional qualities of a good nurse

- Personal Qualities are about the traits and values of a good educator such as
respecting their students, showing up on time, coming to the class prepared.
Meanwhile the Professional Qualities are enhanced skills and traits by years of
experience. A professional educator is always prepared, has the knowledge and
masters the subject to promote effective education.

3. What are the essential teaching skills you need to possess in order to create a
climate of change in a teaching and learning environment?
- In my own insight, the essential teaching skills that you need to possess in order
to create a change in teaching and learning environments are: first, you need to
have "Skills in Presenting the Lessons." To be able to catch your students'
attention, you must stimulate their interest, use simple words so they will
understand it easily, and so on. Next is "Skills in Creating a Positive Climate in
the Classroom". We could create a positive climate inside the classroom by
maintaining a student-teacher relationship and, with that, creating open
communication within the class. Lastly, "skills in evaluating student performance"
could boost a student's self-confidence and self-esteem if an educator could
provide positive feedback on their student’s opinion or belief.
Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.
Institute of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

NCM - 102: Health Education

Assignment #1: Critical Thinking Exercises

Submitted by:
Viona Francine R. Cucio
BSN - 1

Submitted to:
Prof. Parco Avoc Feliciano Culang, RN, LPT, MAN
A. Principles of Good Teaching

1. How do teaching principles affect the teaching and learning process?

- There are three principles that affect the teaching and learning process:
hereditary endowments, the teaching process, and the result process. With those
factors, they are able to help the educator and the student have a better
relationship and understanding with each other, which results in effective
2. In what way will the teaching methods guide the teacher for effective teaching-
learning outcome?
- By guiding the teaching methods, it helps the teachers be more creative and
have a broad knowledge of teaching. In order to become an effective educator,
you must follow what you think is the best teaching method that will help you
excel in teaching. It should be suited to your objectives, especially the
capabilities of the children that you are teaching.

3. Develop or formulate your own approaches to teaching students the needed skills
in nursing and explain why such approach is necessary.
- As a teacher, I believe that "Experimental Learning" and "Simulation Learning"
are the best teaching methods because they let students put their knowledge into
practice, encourage critical thinking, which can help them improve their
comprehension skills, and most importantly, they let students learn by
B. Teaching Strategies

1. How applicable are the different teaching strategies in the context of patient/client
teaching and health education? Cite some examples.

a. Traditional Teaching Strategies

- The use of traditional teaching techniques like "lectures" enables nurses to
impart their expertise to patients and clients. For the client to be able to
comprehend the procedure properly and successfully, the patient is also allowed
to communicate, connect, and collaborate with the nurse.

b. Activity-Based Teaching Strategies

- In Activity Based Teaching Strategies, the patient/clients are able to interact with
one another and they are more involved actively in hands-on learning activities
such as simulation games that can be conducted in seminars.

c. Computer Teaching Strategies

- Webinars are frequently utilized during pandemics to inform clients about the
threat posed by Covid and to assist them in avoiding infection.

d. Distance Learning
- It is widely used in the time of pandemic where a lot of people can’t go out and
visit the hospital face to face due to the threat of getting infected by Corona
Virus, online consultation is such a great way and more convenient to the patient
because they can get consulted in their homes.
C. Classroom Management

1. How would a nurse educator utilize the different principles of classroom

management in the context of patient/client teaching?
- Nurse educators can make use of various classroom management techniques by
being prepared when they meet with patients, being familiar with the material
they will be teaching, being more upbeat and optimistic, and most importantly,
being able to interact positively with patients so they feel a sense of belonging.

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