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Disease and Health

Can disease be


What is disease?

Disease is a disorder of structure or function in a human, or generally living things some diseases can
spread like Chicken pocks. Or in other words disease communicable disease or an illness that is
transmitted form a person animal or inanimate source to another person either directly.

What are Chicken Pocks this is a highly contagious to those who haven't had the disease or been
vaccinated against it.

Symptoms to Chicken Pocks

Usually, self-diagnosable meaning you can diagnose yourself

The most characteristic symptom is an itchy, sore rash on the skin.

People may experience:

Skin: blister, scab, ulcers, or red spots

Whole body: fatigue, fever, or loss of appetite

Also common: headache, itching, sore throat, or swollen lymph nodes

Facts about Diseases

 Any Disease affecting fewer than 200,000 people in the United States is considered rare.
 Currently, over 7,000 rare diseases have been identified.
 25-30 million Americans are living with a rare disease.
 Many rare diseases may result in the premature death of infants or can be fatal in early
 All pediatric cancers are rare
 There are more than 500 types of rare cancers.
 More than 90% of rare diseases are still without an FDA-approved treatment.
 Rare diseases affect an estimated 350 million people worldwide.
 Men, women, children, the elderly are all impacted. In actuality, rare diseases are not so rare!
 Rare Disease Day is celebrated globally on the last day of February each year (the most rare day
on the calendar) to raise awareness about rare diseases and the issues p-patients face

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