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blood clotting

red blood cells

carries oxygen around the body

adaptation: no nucleus , haemoglobin pigment

next generation
young adults

desirable/ attractive group


government has to spend more money on

medication and services

to many sick persons can overwhelm the health



burning of trees can result gases being

released in the air ( carbon dioxide ).
This increases the greenhouse effect
and increases temperature (global

temperature rise

1. reduce use of fossil fuels

renewable energy
reduce burning down trees
mitosis are two identical daughter cells

asexual reproduction

equal number of
chromosomes, no
sterilization, surgery
cutting and tying oviduct
ends preventing release of
eggs into the uterus
withdrawal, many times it isnt
performed correctly. Sperm can be
present in pre-ejaculate


women can forget to take it ,

hormones affect lersons
differently forcing some to stop
taking it
pandemic is a global infectious disease.

epidemic is a regional infections disease only

affected by persons located in one region


cigarettes has decreased- healthy
vaping has increased in the pass
3 years
economic : the government has
to spend more money on
medical treatment

social: nicotine is addictive

( gate way drug)

nicotine contains harmful

substances that can result in a
tooth decay causing the teeth
to rot away

lung cancer , asthma

the process of liquid to gas
within a boiling point

gas to liquid

hail , rain, snow

any liquid or solid water that falls from
the atmosphere to the Earth

the process of separating

suspended solid matter from
a liquid,
pollution is the process of
contaminating the environment with
harmful substances

water pollution - causes floods and

obtains diseases

air pollution - pollution from plane

resulting respiratory problems

land pollution - impact breeding of


noise pollution- sounds from planes

leaving and entering the airport.
improve the collection of
sewage treatment
river dredging
b: cerebellum - balance/
posture for movement

a- hypothalamus-
control center , body
spinal- withdrawal of hand
( accidental touch) , knee jerk

cranial- blinking, pupil size


walking- eyes ( Provides

coordination) sensory to brain to
impulse motor neurone, effector
( muscles contract ) to response
( take a step)
neurotransmitter acetylcholine
which moves to the membrane of
the synapse , as they pass
across the gap causes the
depolarization in the neurone .
Enzyme breaks down
neurotransmitters leading to the
repolarization of the membrane.
Hence the impulse moves

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