Daftar Kode ICD X

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1. Gastroduodentitis K29.9
2. Hipertrofi Of Tonsil J35.3
3. Herpes Saraf B02.2
4. Anemia D64.8
5. Hemoroid I84.3
6. Kista Baker M71.2
7. Abdominal Pain R10.4
8. Limfadenopati R59.0
9. Ulcul Decubitus L89
10. Colitis K25.0
11. Epistaksis R04.8
12. Ulcuc Cornea H16.0
13. Katarak Mature H25.1
14. Katarak Imature H25.0
15. Pseudofakia Z69.1
16. Hordeolum H00.0
17. Chalazion H00.1
18. Conjungtivitis H10.9
19. Conjungtival Bleeding H11.3
20. Pterygium H11.0
21. Blefaritis H01.0
22. Corpus Alineum In Eye T15.0
23. Corpus Alienum In Ear T16.0
24. Vulnus Laceratum T14.1
25. Nasal Polyp J33.9
26. ISPA J06.9
27. Acute upper respiratory infections of
multiple and unspecified sites J06
28. PPOK J44.9
29. Commond Cold J00
30. Obs. Febris R50.9
31. Thypoid Fever A01.0
32. DBD A91
33. Cough R06.6
34. Epilepsy G40.9
35. LBP M54.5
36. HNP M51.2
37. Myalgia M79.1
38. Frozen Shoulder M75.0
39. Trigger Finger M65.3
40. CTS G56.0
41. PJK 121.9
42. Otitis Media H66.9
43. Angina Pectoris I20.0
44. HHD I11.9
45. Decompensasi Cordis I50.9
46. Atrial Fibrilasi I48
47. Penyakit Jantung Koroner I25.4
48. Kronik Iskemik Heart Disesae I25.9
49. Old Myocardial Infarction I25.2

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